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Manufacturing COVID-19 Risk Assessment - SiemensManufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment . Likelih...

Date post: 07-Oct-2020
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siemens.co.uk Manufacturing COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Page 1: Manufacturing COVID-19 Risk Assessment - SiemensManufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment . Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Steps, parts or sections Hazard Effect


Manufacturing COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Page 2: Manufacturing COVID-19 Risk Assessment - SiemensManufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment . Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Steps, parts or sections Hazard Effect

Task/ process owner

DateDate for next review


Cons Risk Level


Cons Risk Level

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

3 3



Monitor Gov guidelines and Siemens Guidelines

3 3



Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

3 3



Follow current government guidelines if you suspect these symptoms.

3 3



Communications COVID - 19

All COVID-19

1 3 Low Monitor external communications 1 3 Low

SCC/ECC regular updates including strategic management, CV19 status and actions, CV- questions and answers. EHS Meetings to review the effectiveness of CV-19 controls. QMM regular CV19 meetings to review the Siemens and Government guidelines/compliance. Regular Siemens meetings. Compliance and strategy. Comms 20, ppt slides, notice boards, mental health, Q&A. HR and EHS on the ground - open door policy - emails etc. Noticeboards. Electrium/Siemens intranet.

All sitesLocation

Steps, parts or sections

Hazard Effect (Who/what affected AND how)

Mar-20Last reviewed 29/04/2020

Prepared By (Team)

Residual RiskInitial Risk Additional Controls/Opportunities (inc practices/ procedures)

Existing Controls (inc practices/ procedures)

Assessment Title (Task, process, equipment or facility)

COVID-19 Site

COVID-19 controls in line with government guidelines and site control measures and actions.

Paul Wilcock

1. Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (where this absolutely cannot be done from home). 2. Stay 2 meters away from other people. 3. Wash your hands as soon as you get home. Electrium (HR) have developed protocol flowcharts for employees and managers to follow with regards to actions to take. These have been communicated to all managers and employees.

GOV GUIDELINES COVID - 19 Symptoms. 1. A new continuous cough - this means coughing a lot more than an hour, or 3 more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual). 2. A high temperature - this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back. 3. Shortness of breath








4Very Likely

















4Very Likely














4Very Likely











Manufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment

Page 3: Manufacturing COVID-19 Risk Assessment - SiemensManufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment . Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Steps, parts or sections Hazard Effect


Cons Risk Level


Cons Risk Level

Steps, parts or sections

Hazard Effect (Who/what affected AND how)

Residual RiskInitial Risk Additional Controls/Opportunities (inc practices/ procedures)

Existing Controls (inc practices/ procedures)

Working from home

COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons 1 3 Lo

w Monitor Gov guidelines and Siemens Guidelines

General on work site rules COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

Thermometer testing

COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

Meeting rooms COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low Conduct a meeting room layout plan for when

more office staff RTW. 1 3 Low

Refer to tab 1. Work form home advice. All employees who are able to work from home are doing so. Only critical to business employees are required on site.

1. Stay two meters apart at all times in all areas. 2. Wash hands regularly and when coming into contact with other surfaces. Refer to tab 4 OPL on hand washing. 3. Sneeze in to a tissue and dispose of straight away. If no tissue sneeze into your elbow. Boxes of tissues have been supplied to high use areas. 4. Regulate break times to reduce numbers in canteen or kitchen areas to maintain the 2 meter rule. 5. Ensure you communicate OPLs. and that they are understood. 6. If you suspect you have the recognised symptoms you must self isolate - you will be asked to leave site or be directed to the designated isolation room until arrangements can be made for your collection by a family or household member. 5. Where possible tissues have been distributed around the site key zones - for example high use areas. 6. Social distancing Ref: tab 6.

2 medical grade, calibrated heat guns on each site to test all staff, contractors, visitors. If there is a higher than normal temperature reading then to be asked to leave site and follow government isolation guidelines. See tab 8. The staff member can self administer and relay the result to their manager who will be present at a 2m distance.

Live meetings in isolation when possible. When a meeting room is needed a requirement of four persons per meeting room or a meeting room plan to ensure correct social distancing rules are applied. This can be achieved by simply marking desk tops, removing chairs etc.


Manufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment

Page 4: Manufacturing COVID-19 Risk Assessment - SiemensManufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment . Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Steps, parts or sections Hazard Effect


Cons Risk Level


Cons Risk Level

Steps, parts or sections

Hazard Effect (Who/what affected AND how)

Residual RiskInitial Risk Additional Controls/Opportunities (inc practices/ procedures)

Existing Controls (inc practices/ procedures)

Contractors COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

Container Off loading at HG COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

2 3



Hand wash COVID - 20

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

Toilets COVID - 21

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

Canteen Areas COVID - 22

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

Loss Reporting COVID -19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons 1 3 Lo


Work stations COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

WY paint plant will only be in use every other week - when in use social distancing is applied. Review the work areas to ensure social distancing is maintained as staff RTW.

1 3 Low

Clocking in/out COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons 1 3 Lo


Contractors to provide a Covid 19 site visit specific set of RAMS. Also contractors to carry out a site induction to ensure effective up to date site rules. Only those contractors required for mandatory PPM work will be allowed on site and those pertinent to the running of the business (such as waste removal). All contractors will have to pre arrange their visit via FM who will decide if the works is required.

To ensure distancing rules are applied. Face masks/Gloves supplied. Spacing of pallets. Work Practice is in place. See tab 9.

Where possible work routines are staggered. Social distancing shall be applied at all times. Where possible work stations shall be taped of or identified as not in use. Only those staff essential to the site operation are permitted on site. This has seen a reduction in all areas.

Employees shall maintain social distancing at all times - to follow floor marking measures where in place. Clocking start times to be varied were possible to reduce foot fall.

The Loss Report form and procedure. Where none compliance issues or safety concerns can be raised, investigated, documented and recorded on the form. Employees advised to STOP if anything changes or a risk is identified.

Hand sanitisers are available across the sites and are checked on a regular basis for replenishment. Soaps & hand restorer is also available.Where possible toilet cubicles and sinks have been taped of to ensure social distancing.

Social distancing measures are in place. Addition canteen areas have been created. Alternate break times have been introduced.


Manufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment

Page 5: Manufacturing COVID-19 Risk Assessment - SiemensManufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment . Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Steps, parts or sections Hazard Effect


Cons Risk Level


Cons Risk Level

Steps, parts or sections

Hazard Effect (Who/what affected AND how)

Residual RiskInitial Risk Additional Controls/Opportunities (inc practices/ procedures)

Existing Controls (inc practices/ procedures)

First Aid Measures COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

Emergency COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons 1 3 Lo


Cannock site COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low Some FM PPM routines still require site

access. 1 3 Low

Visitors to site COVID - 19 Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

Site cleaning COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons Lo


Mental Health COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

QMM Meetings COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

Maintenance of site registers and where possible to sign in and out on the online tool which can be retrieved by site security in the event of a full site evacuation roll call. To maintain adequate first aider and fire warden in work status register

All first aid responders have been instructed with CV19 guidelines. See tab 2 One point lessons communicated. There is a staff log register in place that details which staff are present and have first aid qualification. This will ensure there is first aid presence at all times work is carried.

Additional cleaning routines have been put in place to include sanitizing kitchen surfaces door handles etc.

Guidelines have been sent to all email contacts and placed on local notice boards. MHFA available for contact via mobile phones. See tab 5.

1. QMM management team meet on a regular basis to review EHS measure and updates and other COVID - 19 matters, government updates etc.. 2. Mobile phone contact list updated an re-issued. 3. Minutes taken - actions identified and open or closed. 4. COVID - 19 safe practices are enacted - live circuit call options. 5. Communication and consultation. 6. All none essential training, meetings etc have been put on hold or cancelled.

All employees are working from home - where site attendance is required then there is a strict process to follow. 1. Nominated off site contact - key holder to call if site access is justified. 2. Limited access to floor 1 only. 3. To carry out work that has been agreed as an onsite request - on completion to leave the site.Refer to tab 3. Advice for visitors to site where there is business requirement to attend site.


Manufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment

Page 6: Manufacturing COVID-19 Risk Assessment - SiemensManufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment . Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Likelih ood Cons Risk Level Steps, parts or sections Hazard Effect


Cons Risk Level


Cons Risk Level

Steps, parts or sections

Hazard Effect (Who/what affected AND how)

Residual RiskInitial Risk Additional Controls/Opportunities (inc practices/ procedures)

Existing Controls (inc practices/ procedures)


Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

IT Support COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons

1 3 Low

Human Factors COVID - 19

Contracted COVID-19 or passing on the virus - all persons 2 3



Clocking of and some slippage needs to be challenged when social distancing fails. 1 3 Lo


IT service desk - employees working from home either have a lap top or have taken home a desk top device, additional kit has been made available - old lap tops recommissioned, old use mobile phones with option to also recommission to support home working and communications.

Face masks are available - at this stage they are not mandatory unless specifically specified on any given task. Social distancing and hygiene are the advised controls. Hand sanitiser limited supply - soaps, moisturiser and barrier creams are available and encouraged to be used.

Team brief comms 20 and thirty have taken place, OPL, emails and social distancing measures are in place. Staggered break times and seating arrangements are being followed.


Manufacturing COVID-19 | Risk Assessment
