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Mapping cross-domain metadata to the Europeana Data Model (EDM) - EDM introduction

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Presentation given at TPDL2013
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Introduction to the Europeana Data Model (EDM) 22 nd September 2013, TPDL2013, Malta Valentine Charles
Page 1: Mapping cross-domain metadata to the Europeana Data Model (EDM) - EDM introduction

Introduction to the Europeana Data Model (EDM)

22nd September 2013, TPDL2013, Malta

Valentine Charles

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A Collaborative Effort Original principle: make Europeana ready to ingest metadata that is

closer to specific community concerns

Europeana & partners can develop EDM “profiles” upon which everyone could build specific functionality

Based on best practices from sector or domain level

EDM is consolidated with partners who re-use it Europeana providers, DPLA, CARARE…

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Metadata interoperability challenges

Needs: • Accommodate different data models

• Accommodate domain specific requirements

• Avoid losing data and keep the best granularity

• Co-exist with the original data

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EDM rationale: requirements

Richer metadata - finer granularity

1. Distinguish “provided objects” (painting, book, movie, etc.) from their digital representations

2. Distinguish object from its metadata record 3. Allow multiple records for a same object, containing

potentially contradictory statements about it 4. Support for objects that are composed of other objects 5. Support for contextual resources, including concepts from

controlled vocabularies

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Provide more semantics to the data

A semantic layer on top of Cultural Heritage objects

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Provide more semantics to the data

Semantic layer provides more context to the metadata

Allow the representation of specific relationships • Aboutness

• Similarity between objects

• Part-whole relation, representation, derivation…

Promote the re-use of external resources (available as Linked Data)

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EDM rationale: principles

Compatibility with different levels of description

1. Allow different levels of granularity 2. Allow the specification of domain-specific application profiles 3. Enable the re-use of existing standards

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EDM basis OAI ORE (Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse & Exchange) for

organizing an object’s metadata and digital representation(s) Dublin Core for descriptive metadata SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) for conceptual

vocabulary representation CIDOC-CRM for event and relationships between objects

Adopt Semantic Web representation principles (RDF) • Re-use and mix different vocabularies together • Preserve original data and still allow for interoperability

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Resource Description Framework (RDF)

“Les Misérables’’ was written by Victor Hugo

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EDM main classes Groups of things that have common properties, e.g., web resources.

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EDM main properties Attributes or characteristics of resources e.g., a member of the class Agent will have a name.

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EDM basic pattern A data provider submits to Europeana a “bundle” of an object

and its digital representation(s)

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An example

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Descriptive metadata for a cultural heritage object The ProvidedCHO is the cultural heritage object which is the

subject of the package of data that has been submitted to Europeana.

Properties: dc:contributor, dc:creator, dc:date, dc:format, dc:identifier, dc:language, dc:publisher, dc:relation, dc:source, dcterms:alternative, dcterms:extent, dcterms:temporal, dcterms:medium, dcterms:created, dcterms:provenance, dcterms:issued, dcterms:conformsTo, dcterms:hasFormat, dcterms:isFormatOf, dcterms:hasVersion, dcterms:isVersionOf, dcterms:hasPart, dcterms:isPartOf, dcterms:isReferencedBy, dcterms:references, dcterms:isReplacedBy, dcterms:replaces dcterms:isRequiredBy, dcterms:requires, dcterms:tableOfContents, edm:isNextInSequence, edm:isDerivativeOf, edm:currentLocation…

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Provided CHO example

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Digital representations of the object

One or more WebResources are provided for the cultural heritage object.

Properties: dc:rights edm:rights dc:format dc:description dcterms:isPartOf edm:isNextInSequence…

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Web Resource example

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Aggregations organise data of a provider

The Aggregation represents the set of related resources about one real object contributed by one provider. It carries the metadata that is about the whole set

Mandatory: edm:aggregatedCHO


edm:isShownBy or




Optional: edm:hasView




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Aggregation example

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<edm:ProvidedCHO rdf:about="#UEDIN:214"> <dc:date>Circa 1840</dc:date> <dc:description>Technical description: Brass; ligature fitting on bell section at joint; stockings on main slides. Bell with one coil, angled to face forwards. Repair History: Main slide possibly not original (tenon of slide section of joint is tapered, bell section joint for cylindrical tenon).</dc:description> <dc:identifier>#UEDIN:214</dc:identifier> <dc:title>Buccin trombone. Nominal pitch: B?.</dc:title> <dc:type rdf:resource="http://www.mimo-db.eu/InstrumentsKeywords/4378"/> <edm:type>IMAGE</edm:type> </edm:ProvidedCHO> <edm:WebResource rdf:about="http://www.mimo-db.eu/media/UEDIN/VIDEO/0032195v.mpg"> <edm:rights rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/"/> </edm:WebResource> <ore:Aggregation rdf:about="http://www.mimo-db.eu/UEDIN/214"> <edm:aggregatedCHO rdf:resource="#UEDIN:214"/> <edm:dataProvider>University of Edinburgh</edm:dataProvider> <<edm:provider>MIMO - Musical Instrument Museums Online</edm:provider> <edm:rights rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/"/> </ore:Aggregation>

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Questions so far?

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Contextual entities Representing (real-world) entities related to a provided object as fully fledged resources, not just strings

edm:Agent foaf:name




skos:Concept skos:prefLabel





edm:TimeSpan skos:prefLabel dcterms:isPartOf edm:begin edm:end ….

edm:Place wgs84_pos:lat wgs84_pos:long skos:prefLabel skos:note dcterms:isPartOf….

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Place example

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Applications of EDM

Europeana Portal Europeana Linked Data pilot (data.europeana.eu) Europeana API Provision of EDM data: MIMO, CARARE, HOPE projects EDM re-use at the Digital Public Library of America,

Smithsonian Institute EDM extensions at projects: German Digital Library,

Europeana Fashion, Digital Manuscripts to Europeana EDM mapping to Schema.org

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Documentation Main documentation:

EDM Definition

EDM Primer

EDM Mapping guidelines for data providers


Other resources:

EDM case studies


EDM object templates & XML schema


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Cases studies

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EDM and data providers’ duties & benefits

Mapping the data to EDM has benefits

• Closer to original metadata

• Data can be contextualized, semantically linked to other data

• Allows for richer semantic query expansion & cross-collection browsing

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A mapping to EDM: the CARARE example A three-year project making digital content from the

archaeology and architecture heritage domain available to Europeana.

Domain-specific metadata schema based on existing standards from the archaeology and architecture domain ( MIDAS Heritage, LIDO & CIDOC CRM) • Heritage Assets

• Digital resources

• Collections

• Activities

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Creating EDM resources from Carare data A CARARE object becomes one or several EDM Provided

Cultural Heritage Objects with: • Related web resources

• Aggregations

• Contextual information about place

CARARE’s Heritage Assets always give raise to one EDM ProvidedCHOs with its companion Aggregation



ore:Aggregation http://store.carare.eu/uid/iid:1655549/HA:PamFond/


Heritage Asset’s identifier


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A EDM application profile: the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) example

Need to accommodate data from various domains, using various data standards.

Re-uses the EDM classes and properties in addition to the specific DPLA ones.

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An extension for EDM: The DM2E example
