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MapReduce Design Patterns CMSC 491 Hadoop-Based Distributed Computing Spring 2015 Adam Shook.

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MapReduce Design Patterns CMSC 491 Hadoop-Based Distributed Computing Spring 2015 Adam Shook

MapReduce Design Patterns

CMSC 491Hadoop-Based Distributed Computing

Spring 2015Adam Shook


• Summarization Patterns• Filtering Patterns• Data Organization Patterns• Joins Patterns• Metapatterns• I/O Patterns• Bloom Filters

SUMMARIZATION PATTERNSNumerical Summarizations, Inverted Index, Counting with Counters


• Top-down summarization of large data sets• Most straightforward patterns• Calculate aggregates over entire data set or

groups• Build indexes

Numerical Summarizations

• Group records together by a field or set of fields and calculate a numerical aggregate per group

• Build histograms or calculate statistics from numerical values

Known Uses

• Word Count• Record Count• Min/Max/Count• Average/Median/Standard Deviation



• Perform well, especially when combiner is used

• Need to be concerned about data skew with from the key


• Discover the first time a StackOverflow user posted, the last time a user posted, and the number of posts in between

• User ID, Min Date, Max Date, Count

public class MinMaxCountTuple implements Writable {private Date min = new Date();private Date max = new Date();private long count = 0; private final static SimpleDateFormat frmt =

new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS");

public Date getMin() { return min; } public void setMin(Date min) { this.min = min; } public Date getMax() { return max; } public void setMax(Date max) { this.max = max; } public long getCount() { return count; } public void setCount(long count) { this.count = count; }public void readFields(DataInput in) {

min = new Date(in.readLong()); max = new Date(in.readLong()); count = in.readLong();

}public void write(DataOutput out) {



public String toString() {return frmt.format(min) + "\t" + frmt.format(max) + "\t" +

count; }


public static class MinMaxCountMapper extends Mapper<Object, Text, Text,

MinMaxCountTuple> {

private Text outUserId = new Text();private MinMaxCountTuple outTuple =

new MinMaxCountTuple();

private final static SimpleDateFormat frmt = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-


public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context) {

Map<String, String> parsed = xmlToMap(value.toString());

String strDate = parsed.get("CreationDate"); String userId = parsed.get("UserId");

Date creationDate = frmt.parse(strDate); outTuple.setMin(creationDate); outTuple.setMax(creationDate)outTuple.setCount(1);outUserId.set(userId);context.write(outUserId, outTuple);


public static class MinMaxCountReducer extends Reducer<Text, MinMaxCountTuple, Text, MinMaxCountTuple>


private MinMaxCountTuple result = new MinMaxCountTuple();

public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<MinMaxCountTuple> values,

Context context) {

result.setMin(null); result.setMax(null); result.setCount(0);

int sum=0;for (MinMaxCountTuple val : values) {

if (result.getMin() == null ||

val.getMin().compareTo(result.getMin()) < 0) { result.setMin(val.getMin());

}if (result.getMax() == null ||

val.getMax().compareTo(result.getMax()) > 0) {result.setMax(val.getMax());

} sum += val.getCount();

}result.setCount(sum); context.write(key, result);


public static void main(String[] args) {

Configuration conf = new Configuration();String[] otherArgs = new GenericOptionsParser(conf, args)


if (otherArgs.length != 2) {System.err.println("Usage: MinMaxCountDriver <in>



Job job = new Job(conf, "Comment Date Min Max Count");job.setJarByClass(MinMaxCountDriver.class);



FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, new Path(otherArgs[0]));FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(otherArgs[1]));

System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1);}

Inverted Index

• Generate an index from a data set to enable fast searches or data enrichment

• Building an index takes time, but can greatly reduce the amount of time to search for something

• Output can be ingested into key/value store


Counting with Counters

• Use MapReduce framework’s counter utility to calculate global sum entirely on the map side, producing no output

• Small number of counters only!!

Known Uses

• Count number of records• Count a small number of unique field

instances• Sum fields of data together


FILTERING PATTERNSFiltering, Bloom Filtering, Top Ten, Distinct


• Discard records that are not of interest

• Create subsets of your big data sets that you want to further analyze

Known Uses

• Closer view of the data• Tracking a thread of events• Distributed grep• Data cleansing• Simple random sampling


Bloom Filtering

• Keep records that are a member of a large predefined set of values

• Inherent possibility of false positives

Known Uses

• Removing most of the non-watched values• Pre-filtering a data set prior to expensive

membership test


Top Ten

• Retrieve a relatively small number of top K records based on a ranking scheme

• Find the outliers or most interesting records

Known Uses

• Outlier analysis• Selecting interesting data• Catchy dashboards



• Remove duplicate entries of your data, either full records or a subset of fields

• That fourth V nobody talks about that much

Known Uses

• Deduplicate data• Get distinct values• Protect from inner join explosion



Structured to Hierarchical, Partitioning, Binning,Total Order Sorting, Shuffling

Structured to Hierarchical

• Transformed row-based data to a hierarchical format

• Reformatting RDBMS data to a more conducive structure

Known Uses

• Pre-joining data• Prepare data for HBase or MongoDB



• Partition records into smaller data sets

• Enables faster future query times due to partition pruning

Known Uses

• Partition pruning by continuous value• Partition pruning by category• Sharding



• File records into one or more categories– Similar to partitioning, but the implementation is


• Can be used to solve similar problems to Partitioning

Known Uses

• Pruning for follow-on analytics• Categorizing data


Total Order Sorting

• Sort your data set in parallel

• Difficult to apply “divide and conquer” technique of MapReduce

Known Uses

• Sorting




• Set of records that you want to completely randomize

• Instill some anonymity or create some repeatable random sampling

Known Uses

• Anonymize the order of the data set• Repeatable random sampling after shuffled



Join Refresher, Reduce-Side Join w/ and w/o Bloom Filter,Replicated Join, Composite Join, Cartesian Product

Join Refresher

• A join is an operation that combines records from two or more data sets based on a field or set of fields, known as a foreign key

• Let’s go over the different types of joins before talking about how to do it in MapReduce

A Tale of Two Tables

Inner Join

Left Outer Join

Right Outer Join

Full Outer Join


Cartesian Product

How to implement?

• Reduce-Side Join w/ and w/o Bloom Filter• Replicated Join• Composite Join

• Cartesian Product stands alone

Reduce Side Join

• Two or more data sets are joined in the reduce phase

• Covers all join types we have discussed– Exception: Mr. Cartesian

• All data is sent over the network– If applicable, filter using Bloom filter



• Need to be concerned about data skew• 2 PB joined on 2 PB means 4 PB of network


Replicated Join

• Inner and Left Outer Joins• Removes need to shuffle any data to the

reduce phase

• Very useful, but requires one large data set and the remaining data sets to be able to fit into memory of each map task



• Fastest type of join• Map-only

• Limited based on how much data you can safely store inside JVM

• Need to be concerned about growing data sets

• Could optionally use a Bloom filter

Composite Join

• Leverages built-in Hadoop utilities to join the data

• Requires the data to be already organized and prepared in a specific way

• Really only useful if you have one large data set that you are using a lot

Data Structure



• Good performance, join operation is done on the map side

• Requires the data to have the same number of partitions, partitioned in the same way, and each partition must be sorted

Cartesian Product

• Pair up and compare every single record with every other record in a data set

• Allows relationships between many different data sets to be uncovered at a fine-grain level

Known Uses

• Document or image comparisons• Math stuff or something



• Massive data explosion!• Can use many map slots for a long time

• Effectively creates a data set size O(n2)– Need to make sure your cluster can fit what you

are doing

METAPATTERNSJob Chaining, Chain Folding, Job Merging

Job Chaining

• One job is often not enough• Need a combination of patterns discussed to

do your workflow

• Sequential vs Parallel


• In the Driver• In a Bash run script• With the JobControl utility

Chain Folding

• Each record can be submitted to multiple mappers, then a reducer, then a mapper

• Reduces amount of data movement in the pipeline




• Just do it• ChainMapper/ChainReducer

Job Merging

• Merge unrelated jobs together into the same pipeline



• Tag map output records• Use MultipleOutputs


Generating Data, External Source Output,External Source Input, Partition Pruning

Customizing I/O

• Unstructured and semi-structured data often calls for a custom input format to be developed

Generating Data

• Generate lots of data in parallel from nothing

• Random or representative big data sets for you to test your analytics with

Known Uses

• Benchmarking your new cluster• Making more data to represent a sample you

were given


External Source Output

• You want to write MapReduce output to some non-native location

• Direct loading into a system instead of using HDFS as a staging area

Known Uses

• Write directly out to some non-HDFS solution– Key/Value Store– RDBMS– In-Memory Store

• Many of these are already written


External Source Input

• You want to load data in parallel from some other source

• Hook other systems into the MapReduce framework

Known Uses

• Skip the staging area and load directly into MapReduce

• Key/Value store• RDBMS• In-Memory store


Partition Pruning

• Abstract away how the data is stored to load what data is needed based on the query

Known Uses

• Discard unneeded files based on the query• Abstract data storage from query, allowing for

powerful middleware to be built



• “MapReduce Design Patterns” – O’Reilly 2012

• www.github.com/adamjshook/mapreducepatterns

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom_filter
