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March and April Insight

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Insight Kingdom March/April 2013 Volume 19 Faithfulness Thy Lamentations GREAT is The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 3 :22-23
Page 1: March and April Insight


March/April 2013 Volume 19



The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,his mercies never come to an end;they are new every morning;great is your faithfulness.3:22-23

Page 2: March and April Insight

..................Pastor’s Note 1-2

...........................Our Vision 2

.............Prayer & Fasting 3-4

...........................Our Team 4

........................Discipleship 5

..............Community News 6

................Special Events 7-8

..............Kingdom Women 9

...................Sr. High Youth 10

.............Kingdom Kids 11-14

............. Parenting Tips 11

.. March break Events 12

........... Easter Services 13

....................... Recipe 14

................... Crossword 14

..........Holy Land Tour Info 15

Table of Contents:


The  famous  Golden  Gate  Bridge  in  San  Francisco  was  built  between  1933  and  1937,  during  the  Great  Depression.  It  was  quite  an  ambitious  undertaking  for  the  times,  and  jobs  on  the  bridge’s  construction  crew  were  highly  sought  after.  They  were  also  highly  dangerous.  Rain,  fog  and  high  winds  made  the  work  treacherous.  Workers  frequently  slipped  on  the  slick  steel  or  were  simply  picked  up  by  the  strong  winds  and  carried  off  the  bridge.  Dozens  of  workers  fell  several  hundred  feet  to  their  death  in  the  early  years  of  the  bridge’s  construction.  Because  of  the  danger  and  the  uncertainty  of  the  men,  the  bridge  work  slowed  dramatically.  The  conditions  were  just  too  dangerous  for  the  workers  to  feel  comfortable.  

To  increase  safety,  the  construction  company  created  a  massive  net  that  would  be  suspended  under  the  bridge.  It  was  several  feet  wider  than  the  bridge  and  equally  as  long.  If  a  worker  fell,  he  now  had  a  really  good  chance  of  landing  in  the  net  and  surviving.

The  plan  worked!  The  net  was  successful  in  doing  its  job.  With  the  fear  of  falling  gone,  morale  and  the  speed  of  work  picked  up  dramatically  on  the  bridge.

Okay  now,  I’ve  said  all  that  to  say  this…  Following  God  and  seeking  His  will  is  like  working  on  a  high  bridge.  Sometimes  we’re  going  to  misstep  and  fall,  or  be  swept  up  by  strong  winds.  But  under  us  is  God’s  net  of  grace.  He  will  catch  us.  God  does  not  want  us  to  live  timid  lives  as  believers.  He  wants  us  to  live  with  a  sense  of  passion  and  boldness.  If  we  spend  our  days  trying  to  avoid  the  perils  of  stepping  out  of  God’s  will,  then  we’ll  be  afraid  to  take  any  risks  for  His  kingdom.  But  when  you  know  there  is  a  net  of  grace,  when  you  know  that  God  will  catch  you  and  set  you  back  on  His  path  when  you  fall,  then  you’ll  feel  the  freedom  to  pursue  the  adventure  that  kingdom  living  is  all  about.  

God’s  promise  of  grace  is  not  an  invitation  to  recklessness  but  fearlessness.

Blessings,Pastor  Bob

The Grace Net

Pastor’s Note

Page 3: March and April Insight

Vision:Life  with  Jesus  -­‐  Everyday,  Everywhere.

Purpose:Global  Kingdom  Ministries  is  a  base  that  mobilizes  believers  

and  propels  them  into  their  God  given  des@ny.

Mission:Christ  -­‐  To  learn  what  we  believe,  2  Peter  3:18

Character  -­‐  To  grow  in  Christ’s  image,  2  Corinthians  3:18

Calling  -­‐  To  discover  our  purpose,  Philippians  3:14,  1  Peter  2:21

Community  -­‐  To  live  out  our  faith  together,  Ephesians  2:10,  Romans  12:3-­‐8

Care  -­‐  To  love  our  neighbors,  Ma<hew  28:18-­‐20,  2  Corinthians  5:14-­‐15,  20






Partnering  to  See  the  Vision  Continue  (III)  is  all  about  the  advancement  of  the  kingdom  of  God.    It’s  about  choosing  a  lifestyle  of  daily,  intentional,  generous  living  -­‐  giving  of  our  time,  our  money,  our  talents,  our  lives.    There  is  no  limit  to  what  God  can  do  when  we  turn  our  gifts  and  treasures  back  over  to  Him.

Events,  dates  and  reports  will  be  coming  to  you  in  the  near  future.    Be  thinking  about  how  you  may  be  involved.    I  am  truly  grateful  to  partner  with  you  as  we  continue  to  build  His  Kingdom!

Blessings,Pastor  Bob

Our Vision

Page 4: March and April Insight


“Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel: ‘O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over Valley of Aijalon’. So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped...” Joshua 10:12, 13

Do you have something set before you that seems too big for you? A dream? A business venture? A healing? Salvation of a loved one? When you are in a place where you have no earthly idea how to make it happen, you are in a perfect position for God to glorify Himself through that situation. Do you have faith that dares to ask God for the impossible?

When you first read Joshua’s prayer, you might think it is insulting or even irreverent. Joshua’s request seems impossible to us and isn’t even scientifically correct. But according to Scripture, God gave Joshua exactly what he wanted. The sun stood still for about a full day (Joshua 10:13).

There’s nothing our world needs more desperately today than God’s saving, supernatural acts. And He’s ready to act, if we will be bold enough to ask, not just for a good day or a better life, but for the impossible. We are not called to just have faith but

also to regularly activate our faith by asking God for giant outcomes, taking giant steps. If we have the audacity to ask, God has the ability to perform. That’s how God turns His amazing promises into everyday reality in every generation, for Joshua’s and for ours.

The same power that stopped the sun and raised Christ from the grave lives in every believer. God still demonstrates His power and supplies His provision in direct proportion to the faith of His children. I believe He still desires to make the sun stand still over the life of every believer. If we’ll have the audacity to ask.

During these days of fasting and prayer, we are going to ask God for the impossible. Our main prayer focus is for 300 new believers over Easter.

Join us as we petition God for the impossible.


Prayer & Fasting

Page 5: March and April Insight


Lead  Pastor  Bob  Johnston  [email protected]:  255

Execu9ve  Administra9on  PastorKern  [email protected]  Ext:  232  

Missions  &  OutreachGodfrey  [email protected]  Ext:  235

Church  Community,  Life  Groups  &  Women’s  MinistryElly  Morin  [email protected]  Ext:  233

Children’s  Ministries  &  Junior  High  Youth  (ages  11-­‐13)Patrice  [email protected]  Ext:  244

Senior  High  Youth  (ages  14-­‐18)Adam  Hoskins  [email protected]  Ext:  237

Church  Ministries  Coordinator  &  Young  Adults  (ages  18-­‐29)Ben  Johnston  [email protected]    Ext:  234

Family  Ministry  Josh  Johnston  [email protected]    Ext:  231

Pastoral  Care  &  55+  MinistryAnthony  [email protected]    Ext:  259

Crea9ve  Arts  &  MusicMarco  Soto  [email protected]  Ext:  239

Worship  Marsha  [email protected]  Ext:  238

Technical  &  IT  Support  Windsor  [email protected]  Ext:  256

Meet  the  Pastoral  Team:

Friday March 1st , 9pm – 2am

All Night Prayer and Worship

Prayer for the impossible in our lives

• Impossible dreams

• Impossible business/work ventures

• Impossible financial situations

• Impossible healing

• Impossible family situations

Monday March 4th, 7 – 8:30pm

Prayer for Easter ministry teams

• Follow up team

• Alpha life group leaders

• Drama and Dance teams

• Children’s team

Tuesday March 5th, 7 – 8:30pm

Prayer for impossible strongholds

• Barriers that prevent believers from living godly lives will be torn down

• Barriers to sharing the gospel for our missionaries will be torn down

• Barriers to sharing the gospel in Canada will be torn down

• Barriers that prevent friends and family from hearing the gospel will be torn down

Wed. March 6th, 7 – 8:30pm

Prayer for impossible salvation

• Friends and family members

• 300 to be saved through GKM’s Easter presentation

• Salvation at other Easter presentations in the GTA


"The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer."

F.B. Meyer

PRAYEver yday

Our Team

Page 6: March and April Insight



The  thought  of  evangelizing  the  world  and  making  disciples  can  overwhelm  most  followers  of  Christ.    Some>mes  though,  God  asks  of  us  things  that,  while  challenging,  are  frui@ul  and  beneficial  for  all.    Furthermore,  He  provides  all  the  resources  we  need  to  get  the  job  done.

18“Then  Jesus  came  to  (His  disciples)  and  said,  ‘All  authority  in  heaven  and  on  earth  has  been  given  to  me.    19Therefore  go  and  make  disciples  of  all  na>ons,  bap>zing  them  in  the  name  of  the  Father  and  of  the  Son  and  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  20and  teaching  them  to  obey  everything  I  have  commanded  you.    And  surely  I  am  with  you  always,  to  the  very  end  of  the  age.’”    (MaThew  28:18-­‐20  NIV).

Who  has  commissioned  us  to  go  and  make  disciples?    There  is  no  one  more  qualified  to  make  this  request  of  us  than  our  Saviour,  Jesus  Christ!  (vs.18,  19).

Whose  job  is  it  to  make  disciples?    Ours!  (vs.  19)    He  spoke  directly  to  His  disciples  and  sent  them  to  do  the  job.    Jesus'  death  provided  clear  access  to  the  One  True  God.    He  did  His  part.    Have  we  done  ours?

What  are  we  asked  to  do?    We  are  called  to  go,  to  make  disciples  of  all  the  na>ons,  to  bap>ze  them,  and  to  teach  them  how  to  live  a  life  of  obedience  to  Him.

Why  do  we  dare  try  to  make  Christ  known?    Because  He  has  commissioned  us  to  do  so  –  and  "He  is  pa>ent  with  [us],  not  wan>ng  anyone  to  perish,  but  everyone  to  come  to  repentance"    (2  Peter  3:9b  NIV).

How  can  we  complete  our  mission?    God  gave  us  His  Holy  Spirit  to  be  with  us  always,  and  to  empower  us  to  bear  witness  of  Him  to  the  world  (vs.  20b,  Acts  1:8).

Recently,  the  movie,  Li<le  Red  Wagon  was  shown  during  our  evening  service.    In  it,  a  young  boy,  Zach,  was  watching  a  news  report  about  Hurricane  Charley.    He  and  his  family  had  escaped  its  impact,  but  others  were  not  so  fortunate.    He  saw  how  great  the  need  was  for  emergency  supplies  and  support.    Helping  

those  affected  by  the  hurricane  would  be  a  daun>ng  task  for  anyone,  but  Zach  wasn't  preoccupied  with  the  

greatness  of  the  task.    He  asked  himself,  "What  can  I  do  to  help  others?"    Then,  going  door-­‐to-­‐door  with  his  liTle  red  wagon,  Zach  collected  from  his  neighbours  as  many  emergency  supplies  as  

possible  to  help  with  the  relief  efforts.    He  was  determined  to  do  all  he  could  in  his  sphere  of  influence.

Zach  used  an  interes>ng  analogy  to  help  us  follow  his  example.    Whenever  his  bedroom  gets  overwhelmingly  messy,  he  could  easily  decide  against  cleaning  it,  or  simply  shove  things  out  of  sight  under  the  bed.    But  his  mom  suggested  it  would  be  easier  to  begin  by  cleaning  just  one  corner  of  the  room  at  a  >me.    So  it  is  with  making  disciples.    We  can  make  a  

difference  where  we  work  or  go  shopping,  where  we  play  or  study.    We  can  let  our  corner  of  the  world  see  Christ  in  our  acFons,  and  hear  Him  through  our  words  of  love.    We  can  do  our  part,  and  then  let  Jesus  do  the  rest.

"What can I do to help others?"

CLEANYour ROOM, Change the WORLD

Page 7: March and April Insight

Phone: 647-859-5784 or 416-282-1746

Phone: 647-859-5784 or 416-282-1746

Class  Dates:MARCH:  Friday  15,  7-­‐10  pm  &  Saturday  16,  8:30  -­‐  6  pm

The  Book  of  Ephesians  -­‐  Dr.  James  Ferguson

APRIL:  Friday  19,  7-­‐10  pm  &  Saturday  20,  8:30  -­‐  6  pmPaul:  The  Man  -­‐  Dr.  Ronald  CoXle

www.resministries.net      [email protected]

647-­‐859-­‐5784      416-­‐282-­‐1746




TO REGISTER: Contact Rev. Gaetane Marshall905-446-0294 or [email protected]

For more info go to: www.leadinternational.ca

SPRING Session:3 Saturdays, April 26, May 25, June 22

9 - 5 pm - Cost: $25 per session

The Elisha Mantle Continues

(Last day of WINTER Session: Mar. 23)

Helping People GrowLife Groups

“A  ChrisFan  Small  Group  is  an  intenFonal  face-­‐to-­‐face  gathering  of  three  to  twelve  people  on  a  regular  Fme  schedule  with  the  common  purpose  of  discovering  and  growing  in  the  possibiliFes  of  the  abundant  life  in  Christ.”Roberta  Hesteness  (author  of  various  books  on  Small  Group  Dynamics)

Jesus  handpicked  a  small  group  of  12  men.  He  spent  Fme  with  them.  He  ministered  to  them;  mentored  them  and  molded  them.  He  turned  them  into  world  changers.  Even  more,  Jesus  showed  us  the  power  of  a  small  group  and  the  great  things  that  can  be  accomplished  in  them.

Tes$mony:“My  brother’s  family,  who  were  strong  Hindus,  came  a  few  times  to  our  Life  Group,  and  as  a  result,  his  family  members  started  coming  to  our  church  with  their  children.  The  group  has  been  praying  a  long  Fme  for  this.  We  thank  God  for  touching  this  family.

If  you  interested  in  leading  or  hos@ng  a  small  group,  please  contact  [email protected]  or  call  416-­‐438-­‐1601  ext.  233.

Registration Begins: MARCH 18th

Classes: Mondays + Wednesdays 7:00pm

Starting MARCH 25th


For  more  informaFon,  please  contact  

[email protected]

JOIN OUR TEAMWe Need Volunteers for the Security Team

If you have a passion to serve and protect here at GKM on Sunday mornings, please contact

[email protected] or ext 226.

Save the Date JUNE 15th Adult Fellowship Day Trip to St. Jacobs.

Details Coming soon!

Community News


Page 8: March and April Insight

Friday March 29 - 10:00am Saturday March 30 - 6:00pmSunday March 31 - 6:00pm


where will you be when?

Days of Fasting and Prayer:Prayer - March 1st & 4th - 6thFasting - March 4th-6th

Good Friday Celebration & Communion:March 29th, 10amJoin us for a Powerful Service of Praise, Worship and the Word.

Easter Sunday Celebrations:March 31st, 8:30am & 11:00am

Special Services for Children (Newborns to Grade 8) will be available for all our Easter Services

Special Events

Ea!er Services


Page 9: March and April Insight

April 11-13, 2013 @ GKMwww.missionfest.org

905.839.5053 / 1.866.780.9157

Global Kingdom Ministries presents...

No God Could Ever Forgive Me

APRIL 20 & 21, 20136:00 pmFree Admission

Surrounded by violence and hopelessness, one man seeks to bring hope and forgiveness to others who are lost. But when the very fabric of his faith is tested, can he put aside his personal hurt and offer God’s forgiveness to those who cause him pain?

Sunday MARCH 10th, 2013

Saturday, March 16th, 2013Global Kingdom Ministries9am - 11am

WOWWomen on the Wall Prayer Gathering

Trip Coordinator

Bay Cassi: [email protected]

Alternate Contact

Anne Nevins: 416-419-5717

EASTERN CANADA TRIP Prince Edward Island and the Maritimes

June 29 - July 5, 2013

Special Events


Page 10: March and April Insight

Retreats  are  wonderful  opportuniFes  for  women  to  get  away  from  their  everyday  responsibiliFes  and  to  rest,  have  fun,  and  spend  some  concentrated  Fme  learning  about  God.    For  many  women,  retreats  provide  the  only  Fme  they  really  have  to  themselves  with  no  children  to  care  for,  no  meals  to  plan,  and  no  chores  or  responsibiliFes  pressing  on  them.  

Retreats  offer  women  a  chance  to  take  a  long  pause  to  reflect  on  their  lives  and  where  they  are  in  their  relaFonships  with  God.    Retreats  give  women  Fme  to  see  others  in  a  relaxed  and  fun  sedng.    Spending  a  whole  weekend  together  without  the  distracFons  of  home,  work,  and  family  gives  women  the  Fme  to  make  new  friends  and  to  deepen  the  friendships  they  already  have.  

Invite  a  friend  and  join  us  at  Guelph  Bible  Conference  Center  for  our  Ladies’  Spring  Retreat:  ‘Take  Time’.    Visit  the  ladies’  table  in  the  Atrium  or  pick  up  an  applicaFon  at  the  info  center.    

We  look  forward  to  seeing  you  there.  

Pastor  Elly  Morin

Our  Women’s  Ministry  leadership  team  will  conFnue  to  be  available  in  the  atrium  once  a  month  to  connect  with  you,  please  don’t  hesitate  to  speak  with  them.    For  further  informaFon  or  quesFons  related  to  

Women  Ministries  please,  contact  [email protected].    

Ministry  Team:

Seema  David,  Cora  Fraser,  Maria  Goodridge,  Susan  Jones,  Natalie  Kepe,  Tamara  McKinson,  Kathyrn  Wiltshire

Take time to think... it is the source of power.

Take time to play... it is the secret of perpetual youth

Take time to pray... it is the greatest power on earth.

Take time to love and be loved... it is a God-given privilege.

Take time to be friendly... it is the road to happiness.

Take time to laugh... it is the music of the soul.

Take time to work... it is the price of success.

Take time to give... it is too short a day to be selfish.

Author  Unknown

Join  us  for  a  different  kind  of Retreat ...

Kingdom Women


Page 11: March and April Insight


End of DiscussionYouth Fundraiser Dinner Theatre, Saturday March 23

Doors Open: 6pm - Dinner will be served at 6:30pm

Tickets will be sold in Atrium: $15

CollideSpecial JOINT Youth Night Saturday, March 15th7-10pm @ GKM

KINGDOM IMPACtFriday Nights @ 7:30 - Rm. 9Senior High Youth ages 13-18

Sr. High Youth


Page 12: March and April Insight

Hosted by Pastor Bob Johnston and Larry & Marina Willard

Sunday Services: 8:30am, 11am & 6pm1250 Markham Road, Scarborough, ON M1H 2Y9

Phone: 416-438-1601 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.globalkingdom.ca

Our Vision:Life with Jesus - Everyday, Everywhere.

Holy Land Spiritual & Enrichment TourOctober 22-31, 2013

Next Information Meeting: Monday, March 11th, 7:00pm
