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March Center Pieces

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March Quarterly Publication of the Jacksonville Jewish Center
Page 1: March Center Pieces
Page 2: March Center Pieces

The Familiar StrangerWhy were you so surprised that you never saw the stranger?Did you ever let your lover see the stranger in yourself?-Billy Joel

Whether or not Adolf Hitler had Jewish ancestry periodically finds its way to various TV shows with conspiracy angles. But the truly fascinating question isn’t whether or not he had a Jewish relative in his past (there’s no proof that he did), but why anyone

would want to make that claim in the first place. The idea of finding Jewish roots in our most intractable foes, however, is as ancient as the Purim story and the midrash it generated. If, as the sages suggest, Haman was a descendant of Amalek – our sworn enemy throughout the ages – then he was also a relative of our founding patriarchs and matriarchs, since Amalek was the great-grandson of Isaac and Rebecca. Haman may come from a long line of black sheep in the family, but he’s undeniably a cousin. Fast forward several thousand years to the present. Csanad Szegedi, one of the leading members of Jobbik, the ultra-nationalist Hungarian party with strong neo-Nazi, racist and anti-Semitic sensibilities gains was forced to resign when a 2012 investigation discovered that his maternal grandparents were Jewish survivors of Auschwitz. Szegedi was an anti-Semite who discovered that he was a Jew. Indeed, without his public embrace of anti-Semitism, it is quite likely that he would not have discovered his Jewish identity, or chosen to embrace it. Today he uses his personal story to combat the purveyors of hatred in Hungarian society. In the story of Purim, we have Jews pretending to be non-Jews, such as Esther who hides her identity from King Ahasuerus (Esther 2:10, 20). We also have non-Jewish sympathizers of Haman who feign being Jewish, as a means of escaping retribution when the tide turns against the enemies of our people (ibid 8:17). In the richness of its role reversals, those who masquerade as their opposites learn powerful lessons about themselves and their own identities. The former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, Lord Jonathan Sacks, writes in his recent book, Not in God’s Name; Confronting Religious Violence: “There are times when only one thing has the power to defeat the dualism and division of the world into two, namely role reversal. To be cured of potential violence toward the Other, I must be able to imagine myself as the Other. The Hutu in Rwanda has to experience what it is like to be a Tutsi. The Serb has to imagine himself a Croat or a Muslim. The anti-Semite has to discover that he is a Jew.” What if Haman had acknowledged his Jewish roots? Would it have cured him of his hatred? It’s impossible to know, but the Purim story certainly might have turned out very differently. In so many ways the Hebrew Bible forces us to confront the humanness of the Other: Ishmael and Hagar, Esau, Joseph and his brothers. We know that Isaac is the child in whom God’s covenant is carried forward, yet it is impossible not to feel empathy toward Hagar and Ishmael cast into the desert. We understand that Jacob’s progeny will become Israel, but a simple reading of the narrative cannot help underscore that Esau is a better son to Isaac than Jacob. These are incredible stories because they compel us to see that humanity and virtue and pathos are not exclusively ours. They make the Other human, and that can be disconcerting and uncomfortable when we actually glimpse ourselves in the faces of those whom we’d rather dismiss as an abstract adversary and paint in black-and-white terms. It is only a few weeks between Purim and Passover, a celebration of our ancestors liberation and the reminder that we may not “oppress a stranger, for you know what it feels like to be a stranger, for you yourselves were once strangers in the land of Egypt” (Exodus 23:9). This commandment is not intended for the victims of oppression – after all, what sense would it make to command victims not to be oppressors? Rather, it is intended

(Continued on page 5)

From Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner

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From Rabbi Howard Tilman“Face to Face” I am generally not shy about admitting all the places from which I learn Torah. Yes there are plenty of times I learn from studying Torah and our traditional texts, but there are also many occasions on which I learn beautiful Torah from watching the people and the world around me. Even from what I’m watching on TV. These days two of my favorite TV shows are not the traditional dramas or comedies, and they aren’t exactly reality show either. One of the programs isn’t even on TV itself! Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is a web-series that is exactly what it sounds like.

Jerry Seinfeld takes other prominent comedians out to drive around in unique cars, and to drink coffee. Along the way they discuss their respective careers, the world as they see it, and the comedy industry – what makes something funny, how do comedians find material and build a career. There are often very funny moments on the show as comedians reminisce about funny experiences or tell stories from their career, or on one memorable occasion as Seinfeld goes to the home of Mel Brooks so he can watch Jeopardy alongside Brooks and Carl Reiner. Guests of the show have included popular comedians Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, Larry David, Will Ferrell, and in the most recent season premiere, President Barack Obama. Running Wild with Bear Grylls is a TV show in which famed adventurer and survivalist Bear Grylls, takes celebrities on short extreme camping trips into the wild. He shows them how to navigate difficult terrain, build makeshift shelter, encourages them to confront their fears, and oftentimes demonstrates that it is possible to eat creepy-crawly, treif bugs as food. Along the way, Grylls and his guests will discuss their relationships to nature and the outdoors, their respective careers, motivations for becoming an actor or athlete or journalist, and how they look at the world. Guests of this show have included Ben Stiller, Kate Winslet, Deion Sanders, Drew Brees, and on a recent special episode, President Barack Obama. What these shows have in common, besides the Commander-in-Chief as a recent guest, is that they are essentially non-interview, interview shows. That is to say they are extended interviews that take place far from the traditional settings. Instead of sitting together in front of 3 cameras in a television studio, they talk much more casually while on a mountaintop, sitting by a campfire, driving around in a fun car, or over a cup of coffee. And in that casual conversation, so many more interesting things come up. While most “regular” interviews are just filled with sound bytes and generic PR statements, the conversations on these shows go much deeper. You hear about an actor’s childhood, whether or not they had a lot of friends, what subjects in school they were good at, how they got into acting. You hear comedians discuss that being funny was a way for other kids to like them in school. The connection you feel from watching these interviews is much more significant than in traditional ones. The reason these two shows are so much more successful is that in the casual contexts, people feel more comfortable and more willing to share. Instead of feeling tight and nervous in the formal setting, taking the con-versations out of the usual place helps everyone to be much more at ease. The same can be said for much of life in a synagogue. Oftentimes we have a particular set of feelings and expectations about what happens inside a synagogue building, classroom or office, and those expectations can restrain us. They can restrain us from feeling comfortable, from being open, from being ourselves. What if we found ways to learn from the lessons of these programs and brought people outside of the traditional setting and into a comfortable place. Instead of teaching in a classroom, why not teach in a park? Instead of meeting in an office why not meet over coffee? Instead of praying in the sanctuary why not, every once in a while, pray on a mountainside? It is in those more comfortable, settings where we can hope to be ourselves and to make a differ-ence. A few weeks ago we read in parashat Ki Tissa of Moses’ encounter with God following the incident of the Golden calf. As Moses encourages God to spare the Israelites after their great sin, the Torah tells us “The Lord

(Continued on page 5)

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From Hazzan Jesse HolzerJudaism for you and for future generations. Last month, Haaretz published an article entitled, “Shul’s Out as Jewish Millennials Customize Their Own Spiritual Experiences,” in which the author, Debra Nussbaum Cohen, asserts that young American Jews prefer pop-up events to quench their Jewish thirst rather than the lagging traditional synagogue model. “For a generation that has grown up ordering Starbucks drinks precisely to their liking,” this becomes an opportunity to generate buzz and connection with a younger demographic. So when you are connected to or are the “S” word (synagogue) itself, what can we do to access people and

sections of our community that have felt disconnected? A synagogue, before being referred to as a Beit Tefillah (House of Worship) is at its core a Beit Knesset (House of Assembly). Beyond the need to assemble for ritual purposes (and a prayer quorum), a synagogue’s core value is community. Community has to encompass the formal and informal. It must be a place for the learned and those in their Jewish educational infancy; a place for the comforts of tradition alongside the excite-ment of new and innovative. A synagogue, realizing its unique position, can be poised to be this environment in the micro and macro sense. We are a “House of Assembly”, wherever we choose to assemble. We have the re-sources. We need a strong motivational attitude to take us to new heights. One way our community is coming together is through adult learning opportunities. This is a way to connect to both text and people. Beyond our in-house adult education offerings, our clergy, ritual director, and school professionals are available to teach a myriad of topics wherever and whenever. It is this opening of accessi-bility that I hope our congregants will take advantage of. Imagine learning about topics of basic Judaism or of the melodies of our service in a very informal and loving environment. Our adult-ed community is thriving, and my hope is that this enthusiasm trickles down to the way we pray and the way we interact with one another. People often see the synagogue as home to a buffet line for Jewish expression. It is hard to see synagogue a-la-carte: no reservation needed, when in fact, to function, the synagogue needs a level of engagement in order to thrive. In order to achieve such a goal, I hope that we as a community can guide our members to find meaning in our programs, but most of all, to find meaning in each other. One is needed to make a minyan, but one must feel more than a number to realize that they are unique in enhancing our prayer community. As we come to the holiday of Purim, a holiday about finding ourselves, may we find faith in one another and may we find purpose; purpose that what we do and what we are matter- historically, spiritually, religiously, and communally. The Juda-ism we create today and tomorrow needs community buy in- making it authentic, diverse, rich, and purposeful, all at the same time. I encourage you to push your boundaries in customizing a Judaism that not only “works” for you, but drives you to make it meaningful for future generations.

Hazzan Jesse Holzer

Now blogging at hazzanholzer.wordpress.comFollow me on Twitter @TheHazzan

Have you submitted your audition yet?The Shushan Idol Grand Finale Dinner and Show

Thursday, March 24, 20165:30 PM Dinner | 6:30 PM Show

Visit the Shushan Idol website for more information.


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for the descendants of victims, we, who are empowered to choose between historical memory or amnesia. It is when we are no longer strangers, yet remember a time when our ancestors were, that we can stand in the shoes of the Other. With its role reversals Purim reminds us of Haman’s lost opportunity to cure his anti-Semitism by exploring his Israelite roots. It is also a potent and relevant lesson for all of us living in a world plagued by an epidemic of binary rigidity, increasing polarization, and partisanship of all kinds. The “Other” is a Republican . . . if you are a Democrat; a supporter of the Israeli left, if you are a staunch Likudnik; an Israeli Jew, if you are an Israeli Arab; a Syrian refugee, if you are an American Jew whose forebears came to America in search of a haven. As the great sage Hillel once said, “Do not judge your fellow until you stand in his place” (Mishnah Avot 2:4). To understand the Other as she sees herself is not an act of betrayal; it is a vital investment in our own humanity and self-awareness.

Rabbi Jonathan LublinerNow blogging at rabbilubliner.wordpress.comFollow me on Twitter @rabjlubliner

From Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner (continued)

would speak to Moses face-to-face, as one man speaks to another.” (Ex 33:11) The message here is that the real conversations, the true relationships, the meaningful discussions are had when both people are comfortable and can speak without inhibition. When both people can truly be face-to-face. As we enter into the coming months I invite us to find ways of having these conversations. Of taking the opportunities to be outside our “normal” meeting places, and instead getting together where we our most com-fortable, where we can be ourselves. That way, we can ensure that we are really speaking to each other, we are really listening to each other, and we are really learning from each other.

Rabbi Howard TillmanFollow me on Twitter @TweetsOfTorah

From Rabbi Howard Tilman (continued)

Celebrate Our Community Simhot this March at the Center

Eryn SayeMarch 4–5, 2016 /

25 Adar I 5776Daughter of

Mark & Shari Saye

Emily TeitelbaumMarch 11–12, 2016 /

2 Adar II 5776Daughter of Howard & Stephanie Teitelbaum

Noah and Orli Gutterman

March 25-26, 2016 / 16 Adar II 5776

Children of Scott & Shana Gutterman

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March Service Times

Friday, March 4Shaharit: 7:10 AMMinhah: 5:45 PMOneg Service: 7:30 PM Candle lighting: 6:09 PM

Saturday, March 5SHABBAT SHEKALIMShaharit: 9:00 AMWeekly Portion: VAYAKHEL Minhah: 5:15 PM Shabbat ends: 7:05 PM

Friday, March 11Shaharit: 7:10 AM Minhah: 5:45 PM Candle lighting: 6:14 PM

Saturday, March 12Shaharit: 9:00 AMShalOM Meditation: 9:15 AMWeekly Portion: PEKUDE Minhah: 5:15 PM Shabbat ends: 7:09 PM

Friday, March 18Shaharit: 7:10 AM Minhah: 6:15 PM Candle lighting: 7:18 PM

Saturday, March 19SHABBAT ZACHORCoffee & Torah: 8:00 AMShaharit: 9:00 AMMinhah: 6:30 PM Shabbat ends: 8:14 PM

Friday, March 25SHUSHAN PURIMShaharit: 7:10 AM Minhah: 6:15 PM Candle lighting: 7:23 PM

Saturday, March 26Shaharit: 9:00 AMWeekly Portion: TZAV Minhah: 6:30 PM Shabbat ends: 8:14 PM

Bat Mitzvah Weekend of Eryn Saye, daughter of Mark & Shari Saye

Bat Mitzvah Weekend of Emily Teitelbaum, daughter of Howard & Stephanie Teitelbaum

Sisterhood Shabbat

B’nei Mitzvah Weekend of Noah & Orli Gutterman, children of Scott & Shana Gutterman

March Sunday Minyan Times: March 6: 8:30 AM & 5:45 PM

March 13* and 20: 8:30 AM & 6:15 PM March 27: 8:30 AM & 6:30 PM

March Weekday Minyan Times (Monday - Thursday):

March 1-3 and 7-10: 7:10 AM & 5:45 PMMarch 14-17 and 21-22: 7:10 AM & 6:15 PMMarch 23: 7:10 AM & 7:30 PM (Erev Purim)

March 24: 7:00 AM, 5:15 PM & 7:30 PM(Purim Megillah Reading)

March 28-31: 7:10 AM & 6:30 PM

Services will be led by Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner, Rabbi Howard Tilman and Hazzan Jesse Holzer

Children’s Shabbat Programming

Complimentary Shabbat Morning Babysitting is available each shabbat for children ages 1 - 5 in the DuBow Preschool from 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM.

Gan Shabbat is held each week in the Levin Family Indoor Play Area in the DuBow Preschool at 11:00 AM

Family Minyan will be held on Saturday, March 4th and Saturday, March 19th at 10:30 AM in the Joe and Sophie Witten Chapel.

Camp Shabbat will be held on Saturday, March 11th and Saturday, March 26th in the Bessie Setzer Frisch Activities Center at 10:30 AM.

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Purim at the Jacksonville Jewish Center

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Purim at the Jacksonville Jewish Center

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Page 9: March Center Pieces

SisterhoodWhat happens in the harem, stays in the harem!Vashti’s Banquet, Center Sisterhood’s annual Donor event will be held at the Jacksonville Jewish Center on Sunday, March 13 from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM. The event will feature delicious middle eastern food, surprise entertainment and harem dancing “girls”! For women only, attendees will discover that….what happens in the harem, stays in the harem! Dress is “Harem Casual”. Couvert is $25 plus $18 minimum donor donation. Center Sisterhood’s commitment to the youth programs, scholarships, schools and synagogue is supported by its donor obligations. Reservations are a must by March 9. For further information, contact: Shirley Bielski at [email protected].

Men’s ClubMen’s Club Softball Opening Day: Sunday, March 6th

It’s that time of year again, when the smell of fresh cut grass and the sound of birds chirping is in the air. It’s also around that same time that pitchers and catchers report to Arizona and Florida for Spring Training, and like their professional counterparts, diamond enthusiasts here in Jacksonville are getting ready to take the field as another year of softball at the Jacksonville Jewish Center is right around the corner. The 2016

opening day is scheduled for Sunday, March 6th. Synagogue softball is put on by the Jacksonville Jewish Center’s Men’s Club and is open to the community, regardless of age and skill level and who can take a few hours out of their Sunday morning to come take their hacks. Games are usually held on a bi-weekly basis and start at 9:30 a.m., wrapping up before noon. So, dust off those gloves and hit the batting cages in preparation for opening day. Those prospective players interested, who are not already on the mailing list can reach out to Peter Hammer at [email protected] or Dan Wohl at [email protected].

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Adult EducationWhat's Coming Up from Adult Education!We have several new programs and learning opportunities coming up soon! Please see updated information on our webpage at www.jjcjax under “Adult Education”.

March 6: Planning Ahead for a Jewish funeral can be difficult and stressful, especially for grieving relatives. Did you know that many funerals are delayed simply because of a lack of personal information? Join us for brunch, and learn about some easy ways to help your family through this emotional time in their lives. Led by the professionals at Hardage-Giddens, you will be given enough information to be able to begin a conversation about your goals, beliefs and experiences, and provide a peace of mind by planning ahead.

March 7: New Hebrew classes are about to begin on March 7. Please contact Lois ASAP if you would like to join any of the following classes: Online Alef-Bet Hebrew (beginner’s level) classes are live webinar-style, which can be easily accessed from your own computer in the convenience of your home! Mondays @ 6:30-7:30 pm Alef-Bet Hebrew class will be held weekly in the afternoons at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. Mondays @ 1:45-2:30

Service Skills (intermediate Hebrew level) This is an ongoing class, designed to increase prayer fluency and help our congregants to become more comfortable in our Jacksonville Jewish Center weekday and Shabbat services. Basic reading skills are necessary, but we will work together on fluency and prayer vocabulary. All are welcome to join us! Mondays @ 11:30-12:15

Yiddish Club: By request, we are now forming a group for congregants who would like to get together on a regular basis to speak in Yiddish! This is an informal group of people with varying levels of ability. Meet other local speakers to practice the language, or to just shmooze a bisl! Meeting times and days will be announced. Please contact Lois Tompkins to reserve a spot.

Adult B’nei Mitzvah Class: Save the date! Our adult class is about to celebrate their simcha with the congregation on June 13 (Shavuot). After 2 years of study, these students will lead portions of the service, chant Torah and haftorah, and share some of their thoughts on their big day. Please make plans to join us!

April 3rd: The Bibles Walking Dead; King Saul’s Spooky and Sad End a lecture by visiting JTS Professor, Amy Kalmanofsky at 7:00 PM. King Saul may be the bibles most tragic figure. Selected to be Israel’s first king, Saul flounders and fails until he is rejected by God and Israel. In this session, we will consider how Saul’s final remarkable moments communicate the tragedy of his life, and rob him of any chance to die with dignity and be remembered with honor.

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Preschool Life Is Great At the DuBow PreschoolWhat’s that buzz? It’s all the busy preschoolers, their caring teachers, and the happy families k’velling at how their children are growing and what they are doing.

DuBow Preschool

“Doing,” this is what we strive for each day at our preschool. Birth - five years of age is an exciting, extremely important time in life where we see the biggest changes and growth in brain and body development that we will ever experience in our lifetimes. We know that our little ones learn through experiences and “doing.” So, each day is filled with opportunities to climb, sing, play, dance, paint, cook, build, read, plant, investigate, speak, listen, see and do. It’s a

magical time and one that we are thrilled to be a part of.

We are currently in our busiest enrollment season. February 29th marked our registration deadline for current families. All returning families who registered by that date have be entered into a drawing one of three pairs of club seats to a Jaguar’s game of their choice! We also are reaching out to all our prospective families and their friends. Enrollment has been opened to the Jacksonville community and tours are being set up each day.

Our Outreach Coordinator and Science/Gardening teacher Amanda Watsky has been busy bringing in some wonderful programs to enhance what the children are learning. She started with a year-long animal study. We have had visit from Critter Connection, Guana State Preserve, St. John’s Riverkeeper, a skype with Sea World’s orca trainer, and in the coming month a visit from the Jacksonville Zoo. In the spring she will also teach about the lifecycle of a butterfly and chicken. A large walk-in butterfly garden will be built and at the end of the experience, we will release the butterflies with a special ceremony led with songs and blessings by Hazzan Holzer. The children will learn about how eggs become chickens as they help with and watch the process that will begin in our incubator.

This is just a sampling of all the fabulous experiential learning going on in our preschool! Come take a tour to learn more. Call Shereen Canady at 268-4200 ext. 143.

What’s new?March 1st – Infant Program opened! The ONLY infant program offered by a Jewish preschool is opening at the DuBow Preschool the first week in March! We recognized the need for an infant class and we are opening a very special nursery for up to eight sweet babies. Our newest little ones will be called our “Gozalim,” our baby birds. We will share more in the coming months!

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Martin J. Gottlieb Day SchoolScience Fair Success!On February 8, four Seventh Graders from Martin J. Gottlieb Day School participated in the Northeast Florida Regional Science and Engineering Fair along with hundreds of other middle schoolers from both public and private schools across the area. Students Maiah J., Parker B., Emily T., and Jasmine M. were the top four finishers at the day school’s science fair earlier this year, and were invited to compete at the regional level. We are excited to report that Jasmine Mail took Fourth Place in the Behavioral Sciences category, com-peting against students from both public and private schools around the city.

Full Day Kindergarten to begin with the 2016 - 2017 School Year!The Martin J. Gottlieb Day School is pleased to announce that, beginning next school year, its Kindergarten program will be extended to full day, going from a dismissal time of 1:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. In keeping with the recommendations set out by the National Education Association, National Association of School Psychologists, among others, moving to a full-day for Kinder-garteners offers social, intellectual, and emotional benefits to students. Studies have proven that full-day Kindergarteners make far greater gains in reading and math than their half-day counterparts. Additionally, the day school plans to use the additional hours to more organically weave Hebrew language into the school day, which will better prepare the students for Hebrew immersion beginning in First Grade.

Save the Date for our 8th Grade Commencement!This year’s Eighth Grade Class at the Martin J. Gottlieb Day School cordially invites the JJC community to save the date for its commencement ceremony, which will be held on June 1 at 10 a.m. at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. As of now, the graduating class of nine students have been accepted to the advanced studies program at Creekside High in St. Johns County, the International Baccalaureate program at Stanton College Prep, the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) program at Mandarin High, Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, among others. Please make plans to join us!

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Bernard & Alice Selevan Religious SchoolExperiential Learning at its Best!Our Religious School students have been very busy over the last few months, always learning by doing! We sang with the Acapella group, Tizmoret, who worked with all of our students, and then put on an amazing concert,

including a wide variety of traditional Jewish songs and mod-ern tunes (who doesn’t love “Lean on Me”?). Our kids joined the group on stage for a beautiful rendition of ‘Let It Be” in

Hebrew and English! We also enjoyed a visit with Naomi Less, our Shabbat Shira artist-in-residence and Educator. She worked with each class on songs of gratitude, and a final mini-concert allowed each of our groups to show off their newly-learned songs. Our teachers also learned from Naomi in a special session after school about “Connecting to Prayer”.

Students were treated to a Tu B’shevat program, as we sampled Israeli fruits, and learned the proper blessings for each. We also had a “shehechiyanu” (the prayer for eating new foods) table, giving each child a chance to try something

Our middle school had a good time during the Men’s Club annual World Wide Wrap in February. Several of our students, and one teacher who had never wrapped tefillin before, got a chance to experience it first-hand! Todah Rabah to the JJC’s Men’s Club for a nice “breakfast and learn” session following the service.

Friday, May 20, 2016 Religious School Shabbat

featuring Hagigat HaSiddur/Consecration

Sunday, May 22, 2016Last Day of School

featuring 7th Grade Graduation

that they have never tasted before.

A Sofer (Torah scribe) was here in January to check and repair the Center’s Torahs and showed us how it’s done. The rabbi spent time with all of our stu-dents in grades 2-7, explaining the process and very patiently answering the children’s many questions!

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Setzer Youth EducationCamp Ki Tov, Summer 2016, is sure to be a blast!! We have a lot of new faces on the staff eager to meet their campers, plus our old favorite friends. On the first day of camp, the children arrive excited and ready for a memorable summer ahead. This summer, campers will enjoy some old favorites such as fishing, archery, sports, and more. Some weeks we will welcome visitors and other weeks we will venture out!! Our L.I.T. program, now adjusted to attract our 9th and 10th graders, is going to be a great opportunity for learning leadership and building friendships. We are excited about our brand new middle school cabin, too! With a 53% increase in our camp population last summer, we added a whole new cabin. Our middle school campers will get to experience a whole new side of Camp Ki Tov.

Each day, with varying themes such as Visitor Day, Wacky Wear Day, Field Trip Day, and more, each cabin competes with spirit and pride to win the beloved ‘spirit stick.’ We are also very fortunate to have our clergy lead our Shabbat lunches on Friday’s with lot’s of ruach (spirit) and passion! Our JJC clergy also joins each cabin for Judaic-related activities. We will have the privilege of hosting counselors from Israel at Camp Ki Tov and are excited about the love of Israel that they will bring to our camp! As usual, we also are bound to have a memorable time at our annual Camp Ki Tov undernight/overnight—an event you DO NOT want to miss!!! There will be special nighttime swimming, flashlight games, kosher s’mores and the beloved ghost tour after dark!

As always, it is our goal to build long lasting memories for the children at Camp Ki Tov and we pride ourselves on being more than successful! This is evident as we celebrate the 70th birthday of Camp Ki Tov this year!! Yom Huledet Sama’ach!!

We look forward to seeing returning and new campers for an unforgettable summer at Camp Ki Tov 2016, where friendships begin and the fun never stops!

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ContributionsBernard & Alice Selevan Religious School Fund In memory of Joni Shmunes by Karen HamiltonIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Sharon, Brad, Sydney & Andrew HerbstIn memory of Michele Levit by Samuel KersunIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Robin & Marco RandIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Arlene RubinIn honor of Sydney & Jagger Leach’s B’nei Mitzvah by the Arnold family With love and appreciation by the Leach familyIn honor of Sydney & Jagger Leach’s B’nei Mitzvah by Rose TincherIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Daphne & Frank Woodard

Bud Shorstein Kiddush FundIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Naomie & Bob BossenIn memory of Sam Trager by Naomie & Bob BossenIn memory of Joseph Dukes by Shirley DukesIn memory of Warwick Abadee by Mimi & Marty KaufmanIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Mimi & Marty KaufmanIn memory of Jack Price by Mimi & Marty KaufmanIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Mimi & Marty KaufmanJust Because by Delores & Mort KeslerIn honor of Alan Fialkow’s birthday by Linda & Kerry LandisIn memory of Jack Price by Margo & Stanley RubyIn honor of Benjamin Chafetz’s Bar Mitzvah by Beth & Mark ShorsteinIn memory of Sid Gefen by Beth & Mark ShorsteinIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Beth & Mark ShorsteinIn memory of Sid Gefen by Judy ShorsteinIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Judy ShorsteinIn memory of Warwick Abadee by Ann & Leon SilkeIn memory of Ann Karow by Doris & Fred SingerIn memory of Bernard Sinoff by Carole & Barry SinoffIn honor of Debby & Alan Fialkow’s anniversary and their birthdays by Joanie & Sonny Waitz

Building FundIn memory of Betty Davis by Glenn & Matthew BeckerIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Lisa & Sherman CohenIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Svetlana & Yakov GoldinerIn memory of Ronnie Bloom by Debra & Leonard SetzerIn memory of Ronnie Bloom by Lauren & Michael Setzer

Byron Morris FundIn memory of Bobbie & Bernie Heyman by Robyn & Stan Heyman, Dena Hey-man, Nancy & Todd Tarchis, Helen & George Henderson and grandchildrenIn memory of Sylvia Wexler by Susan & Norman CohenIn honor of Robin & Jeff Morris by Judy GreenfieldIn memory of Rose Lodinger - a wonderful mother by Jo & Herman LodingerIn memory of Byron Morris by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Jack Price by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Ronnie Bloom by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Ben Zimmerman by Sonya MorrisIn memory of Harry Heyman by Sonya MorrisIn memory of William Foor by Sonya MorrisIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Sonya MorrisIn honor of Alan Fialkow’s birthday by Sonya MorrisIn memory of Bernard Edward Heyman by Sonya MorrisIn memory of Jack Price by Sonya MorrisIn memory of David Pailet by Bess SalimanIn memory of Ida Pailet by Bess SalimanIn memory of Yetta Sherman by Robyn & Stan Heyman, Dena Heyman, Nancy & Todd Tarchis, Helen & George Henderson In memory of Hattie & Harry Heyman by Robyn & Stan Heyman, Dena Heyman, Nancy & Todd Tarchis, Helen & George Henderson

Cemetery FundIn memory of Ben Zimmerman by Susan & Chuck EckertIn memory of Bessie Molly Schemer by Linda & Nathan FranzblauIn memory of Abraham G. Shemer by Linda & Nathan FranzblauIn memory of Ber Hirsh Schemer by Linda & Nathan FranzblauIn memory of Minnie S. Morgenstern by Linda & Nathan Franzblau

In memory of Samuel Greenberg by Marilyn FreedmanIn memory of Kasil Jaben by Helen & Lawrence JabenIn memory of Ida Reva Jaben by Helen & Lawrence JabenIn memory of Ida Sinton by Ellen & Hank KoppIn memory of Rosa Kufman Usvyattseva by Svetlana & Vladimir KufmanIn memory of Rosa Kufman Usvyattseva by Tamara & Boris KufmanIn memory of Klara Mezisko by Tamara & Boris KufmanIn memory of Meyer Mazo by Hilda MazoIn memory of David E. Mazo by Hilda MazoIn memory of Benjamin Bromberg by Becky Bromberg & Penny PowellIn memory of Harry Haber by Helen & Edward SiegelIn memory of Fannie Siegel by Helen & Edward SiegelIn memory of Solomon Safer by Marlene SussmanIn memory of Grigoriy Turovskiy by Emilia & Izrail TurovskiyIn memory of Don Kriss by Elyse & Josh WhitmanIn memory of Jerry Shapiro by Elyse & Josh WhitmanIn memory of Edna Maltz by Elyse & Josh Whitman

Charles Palot Youth FundIn honor of Benjamin Chafetz’s Bar Mitzvah by Harriett & Sheldon KaplanIn memory of Sid Gefen by Harriett & Sheldon KaplanIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Harriett & Sheldon KaplanIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Harriett & Sheldon KaplanIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Heidi, Patrick, Joseph & Mary KenneyIn memory of Stella Siegle by Laurette & Mark Kessler

Choir FundIn memory of Ruth Seligman Dobrin by Dora & Leonard DobrinIn memory of Sid Gefen by Jeanine & Mathew Hoff

Debbie Katz Camp Ramah FundIn memory of Selma H. Kessler by Laurette & Mark KesslerIn memory of Edward Siegle by Laurette & Mark KesslerIn memory of Dr. William Stromberg by Gina & Richard StrombergIn memory of Martha Stromberg by Gina & Richard StrombergIn memory of Al Wolpin by Carole WolpinIn memory of Zelda Rosenberg by Carole WolpinIn honor of Sandy & Joanne Rosenberg with loving wishes for a Happy Chanukah by Carole WolpinIn honor of Jacob Abraham on his 16th birthday by Carole Wolpin

Don Kriss FundIn memory of Don Kriss by Francine & Harvey CantorIn memory of Don Kriss by Shireen & Marty ChafetzIn memory of Don Kriss by Vicki & Steve GatewoodIn memory of Don Kriss by Georgia & Roy GoldmanIn memory of Don Kriss by David RosenblattIn memory of Don Kriss by the Bell family

DuBow Preschool FundIn honor of Linda & Laurie DuBow by Doris & Larry AshkinIn memory of Bob Drashin by Naomie & Bob BossenIn honor of the birth of Jordan Max Glassman by Phyllis & Bob FischerIn honor of Michael DuBow and Laurie DuBow by Patricia GermanIn memory of Volcko Goldiner by Svetlana & Vladimir GoldinerIn memory of Annette Goldberg by Sharon & Larry KaplanIn memory of Jack Price by Shelley KulchinIn memory of Don Kriss by Rachel & Craig MorgenthalIn honor of the birth of Parisa Hemmati by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn honor of the birth of Oliver Schoettler by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Jack Price by Carole & Larry OrtIn memory of Jack Price by Shirley SchemerIn memory of Don Kriss by Barbara & Mike SchneiderIn memory of Morris Yegelwel by Barbara & Mike SchneiderIn memory of Joni Shmunes by the DuBow familyIn memory of Helen Pranevich by the DuBow family

Education FundIn memory of Warwick Abadee by Joanne & Leo DavisIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Joanne & Leo DavisIn memory of Sid Gefen by Joanne & Leo Davis

With Sincere Appreciation...

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In memory of Jack Price by Edie & Herb Fishler

Gene Kornblum FundIn memory of Zelda Mandell by Renee & Alan GordonIn memory of Zelda Mandell by Maxine & Don RomoIn memory of Zelda Mandell by Susan & Arnie Signer

General FundIn memory of Nathan Walker by Audrey BakerIn memory of Ben Zimmerman by Jean BenjaminIn memory of Lillian Bernard by Edward BernardIn memory of Jack Price by Edward BernardIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Linda & Philip BloomIn memory of Sandra Carpenter by Stewart CarpenterIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Merle & Ron CherryIn memory of Israel Max Lieberman by Nancy ConnettIn memory of Joseph Dukes by Daron DukesIn memory of Joseph I. Dwoskin by Hazel DwoskinIn memory of Carl Jay by Arlene FaracchioIn memory of Jack Abadee by Carole & Marv FeldmanIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Carole & Marv FeldmanIn memory of William Horn by Paula & Kenneth HornIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Susan & Robert KalishIn memory of Nehama Kliman by Hy KlimanIn memory of Mary Goldman by Sylvia KraemerThanks for always having the building open and the lights and air conditioning on by Carl KutlinIn memory of Fran Landau’s mother by Erica LeinoIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Marilyn & Mike MassIn memory of David E. Mazo by Ted MazoIn memory of Jack Price by Linda McCallumIn memory of Jewell Miller by Sindi & Skip MillerIn memory of Jack Price by Elizabeth OndriezekIn memory of Albert Cohen by Rebecca & Don PerlinIn memory of Rebecca Perlin by Rebecca & Don PerlinIn memory of Murray Perlin by Rebecca & Don PerlinIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Ponte Vedra Plastic SurgeryIn memory of Stewart Popiol by Sue PopiolIn memory of Lorraine Asch by Jean PozinIn memory of Abe Rashba by Neil RashbaIn memory of Florence Rosenblatt by Sandy RosenblattIn memory of Dora Nusinov by Sandy RosenblattIn memory of Rose Lieberman by Sandy RosenblattIn memory of Ben Zimmerman by Gerald & Virginia RothsteinIn memory of Ben Zimmerman by Judith RothsteinIn memory of Ben Zimmerman by Steven SafferIn memory of Edna Maltz by Gaye SagerIn memory of Mitchell M. Schemer by Audrey & Howard SchemerIn memory of Mitchell M. Schemer by Shirley SchemerIn memory of Ben Zimmerman by Ellen & Barry SetzerIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Sue & Edward ShmunesIn memory of Jack Price by Beth, Charles, Char & Will TerryIn memory of Sid Gefen by the Ben Talpalar familyIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by the Kersun familyIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Valerie Newman & David WoessnerIn honor of Howard Wolpoff by Florence & Martin WolpoffThank you to the JJC for your kindness during our recent visit to Jacksonville by Harriet & Sheldon Wolpoff

Grossman Educational Endowment FundIn memory of Beatrice Grossman by Gail & Larry Rice

Hazzan Abraham Marton Youth Music Appreciation FundIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Cindy & Moti DemriIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Estelle & Sheldon GendzierIn honor of Pearl Marton’s special birthday and her Hadassah honor by Estelle & Sheldon GendzierIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Helen & John HillIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Ellen & Hank KoppIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Sylvia LublinerIn memory of Bertha Stempelman by Pearl MartonIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Pearl MartonIn honor of Sam & Rachel Warfield’s wedding by Pearl MartonIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Pearl MartonIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Carole & Larry Ort

In memory of Martin Gelhaar by Evelyn & Ira PeckIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Penny & Tom PowellIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Stephanee RoseIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Jeanne & Rabbi Martin SandbergIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Beth & Mark ShorsteinIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Ann & Leon SilkeIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Jan & Eric Smith In memory of Martin Gelhaar by the Kitay familyIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Leonore & Jules Wagman

Hazzan Holzer’s Discretionary FundIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Karen & Stuart AppelbaumIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Polina Koropova & Yefim BrunfonIn honor of Sam & Rachel Warfield’s wedding by Ruth CohnIn appreciation of Hazzan Holzer preparing Sydney for her Bat Mitzvah by Sharon & Brad HerbstIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Mimi & Marty KaufmanIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Ellen & Hank KoppIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Evelyn & Ira PeckIn honor of Lilah Juliet Presser Weiss’ Bat Mitzvah by Diane Archer Stephen PresserIn memory of Warwick Abadee by Ellen & George RubensIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Ellen & George RubensIn memory of Florance Berman by Ellen & George RubensIn memory of Zelda Mandell by Ellen & George RubensIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Ellen & George RubensIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Ellen & George RubensIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Gaye Sager, Todd Sager and the Zunic familyIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Bess SalimanIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Wendy & Jeff SapolskyIn memory of Nathan Hochman by Frieda & Leonard SaragaIn memory of Benjamin Zimmerman by Helen & Edward SiegelWith love and appreciation by the Leach familyIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by the members of Kol TrainIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Dot VerstandigIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Daphne & Frank Woodard

Henry & Miriam Kramer Library FundIn memory of Sidney A. Hoffman by Alice & Paul DavisIn memory of Fanny Weiss by Elaine FurmanSpeedy recovery to Len Lipkin by Elaine FurmanIn memory of Jacob Sheitelman by Elaine FurmanIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Marilyn & Harold GarberIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Marilyn & Harold GarberIn memory of Bessie Setzer Frisch by Leah LevitIn memory of Hannah Setzer by Leah LevitIn memory of Jack Price by Ilene Schinasi

Humash FundIn memory of Esther Dinin by Karen & Stuart AppelbaumIn memory of Sylvia Appelbaum by Karen & Stuart Appelbaum

Hyman & Bertha Selber Beutification FundIn memory of Bertha & Hyman Selber by Ina & Alan Taffet

Ilene Selevan Endowment FundIn memory of Ilene Selevan by Annette BursteenIn memory of William Turen by Annette BursteenIn memory of Jack Price by Merle & Ron CherryIn memory of Marvin Warfield by Hilda WarfieldIn memory of Emanuel Tichauer by Hilda WarfieldIn memory of Walter M. Tichauer by Hilda Warfield

Israel Scholarship FundIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Gayle & David BailysIn memory of Bob Drashin by Gayle & David BailysIn memory of Sid Gefen by Gayle & David BailysIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Gayle & David BailysIn memory of Alvin Jack Blank by Cindy & Moti DemriIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Shirley & Richard KravitzIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Joan & Ronnie LevinIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Joanie & Sonny WaitzIn memory of Sid Gefen by Joanie & Sonny WaitzIn memory of Edna Maltz by Joanie & Sunny Waitz

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Jack, Joel & Margaret Fleet Boy Scout FundHappy Birthday to our grandmother, Claire Berkman by Rebecca, Eric, Brett & Max BerkmanIn honor of Claire, Dolly, Adele & Robin Fleet and their families by Edie& Herb FishlerIn memory of Hilda Lewit by Goldie HoffmanIn memory of Ted Schlossman by Cindy SilverbergIn memory of Isidor Silverberg by Cindy SilverbergIn memory of Lauren Rothstein by Cindy SilverbergIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Cindy Silverberg

Jakob Rogozinski FundIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Jeanine & Chaim Rogozinski

Joseph & Dorothy Jewish Music FundIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Jan & Bruce GlassmanIn appreciation of Hazzan Jesse Holzer by Gail & Paul FurmanIn memory of Elaine Vogel by Jan & Bruce GlassmanIn memory of Rae Goldin by Irene SloatIn memory of Philip Wilson by Francine Smith

Judge Sam & Sandy Goodfriend Fund In memory of Stuart Fried by Ellen & Hank Kopp

L’Dor V’DorIn honor of Emily Carpenter’s double chai birthday by Millie Richmond AndersonIn memory of Jay Snyder by Rita & Hal BaumgartenIn honor of Elianna & Jack Raffol’s 1st birthday by Nancy & Rich DavisIn honor of Lara Werwa’s 2016 Horty T. Gendzier Woman of Achievement Award from Sisterhood by Nancy & Rich DavisIn memory of Jack Price by Debby & Don KayeIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Debby & Don KayeIn memory of Jack Price by Laurie & Nathan SlaffIn memory of Roy Julius Sloat by Irene SloatIn memory of Warwick Abadee by Millie & Edward TannenIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Millie & Edward TannenIn honor of Samantha Zimmerman’s Bat Mitzvah by the Arnold family

Martin J. Gottlieb Day SchoolIn memory of Bob Drashin by Ann & Leon SilkeIn honor of Benjamin Chafetz’s Bar Mitzvah by Karen & Stuart AppelbaumIn honor of Lara Werwa’s 2016 Horty T. Gendzier Woman of Achievement Award from Sisterhood by Estelle & Stuart BeckermanIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Dr. Melissa Broadman, Dr. Jennifer Broadman Kugler and Suzanne Lee BershadIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Naomie & Bob BossenIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Naomie & Bob BossenIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Ruchel BroadmanIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Merle & Ron CherryIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Merle & Ron CherryIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Jan & Carl DawsonIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Susan & Ron ElinoffIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by Marilyn & Charles FeldsteinIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Debby & Alan FialkowIn memory of Bob Drashin by Debby & Alan FialkowIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Debby & Alan FialkowIn memory of Bob Drashin by friends of the Drashin familyIn memory of Elmer Powell by Pat & Ben FrischIn memory of Alfred “Fred” Frisch by Pat & Ben FrischIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Estelle & Sheldon GendzierIn memory of Gertrude Nathan by Carole GoldbergIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Phyllis & Larry GoldbergIn memory of Bob Drashin by Phyllis & Larry GoldbergIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Chary & Michael GreenburgIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Chary & Michael GreenburgIn memory of Sid Gefen by Chary & Michael GreenburgIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Chary & Michael GreenburgIn memory of Lawrence Edell by Francine IsertIn memory of Mirenna Naim by Eva & Ira JacklerIn memory of Sid Gefen by Eva & Ira JacklerIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Eva & Ira JacklerIn memory of Max Dinces & Irving Kagan by Rhoda & Norman Kagan

In memory of Lillian Meizlik by Rhoda & Norman KaganIn memory of Sid Gefen by Mimi & Mickey KersunIn memory of Sid Gefen by Phyllis & George LevinIn memory of Alvin Jack Blank by Sue & Mitch LevineIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by Penny & Jeff MarksIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Penny & Jeff MarksIn memory of Bob Drashin by Penny & Jeff MarksIn memory of Sid Gefen by Penny & Jeff MarksIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Penny & Jeff MarksIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by Pearl MartonIn memory of Warwick Abadee by Carol & Harvey MatorenIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by Charlotte MayoIn memory of Sid Gefen by Faye & Steve MizrahiIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Faye & Steve MizrahiIn memory of Sid Gefen by Judy & Ed MizrahiIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Judy & Ed MizrahiIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Bob Drashin by Evelyn & Charles MoskovitzIn memory of Sid Gefen by Evelyn & Charles MoskovitzIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Evelyn & Charles MoskovitzIn honor of Sam Bernard’s graduation from UCF by Evelyn & Charles MoskovitzIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by Evelyn & Ira PeckIn memory of Harvey Jarchower by Cheryl & Jay PlotkinIn honor of Samantha Zimmerman’s Bat Mitzvah by Cheryl & Jay PlotkinIn memory of Sid Gefen by Cheryl & Jay PlotkinIn honor of Dafna Yael Holzer by Cheryl & Jay PlotkinIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Carol & Stephen PuldyIn memory of Bob Drashin by Robin & Marco RandIn memory of Bob Drashin by Alicia, Jesse, Bradley & Shelby RauchwargerIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Meryl & Harris RittenbergIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Meryl & Harris RittenbergIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Meryl & Harris RittenbergIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Meryl & Harris RittenbergIn memory of Ronnie Bloom by Meryl & Harris RittenbergIn memory of Helen Rosen by Elaine RosenthalIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by Ellen & George RubensIn memory of Bob Drashin by Ellen & George RubensIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Ellen & George RubensIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Ellen & George RubensIn memory of Bob Drashin by Barbara & Eliot SaferIn memory of Richard Albert by Gaye SagerIn memory of Joshua Perras by Gaye SagerIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Gaye SagerIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Gaye SagerIn memory of Bob Drashin by Gaye SagerIn memory of Frances Zaifert by Gaye Sager and the Zunic familyIn memory of Abraham Jacob Hausman by Eleanor SapolskyIn memory of Sam Hausman by Eleanor SapolskyIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Barbara & Mike SchneiderIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Barbara & Mike SchneiderIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Ellen & Barry SetzerIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Ellen & Barry SetzerIn memory of Mariya Signaevskaya by Galina & Lev SignaevskyIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by Ann & Leon SilkeIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Judy & Steve SilvermanIn memory of Phyllis Strumlauf by Judy & Steve SilvermanIn honor of Alan Fialkow’s birthday by Judy & Steve SilvermanIn memory of Meyer “Bill” Soforenko by Renee & Alan SoforenkoIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Barbara SpiwakIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Rita & Manny StearmanIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Rita & Manny StearmanIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by the DuBow familyIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by the DuBow familyIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal - our friend and colleague by The Greater Jacksonville Society of Plastic SurgeonsIn memory of Sid Gefen by the RosenblumsIn honor of Samantha Zimmerman’s Bat Mitzvah by Rose TincherIn honor of the birth of Ethan Jacob Gabriel by Elyse & Josh WhitmanIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Daphne & Frank WoodardIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Elsie YellinIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Isabel BalotinIn memory of Florance Berman by Isabel BalotinIn memory of Bennie Margol by Isabel Balotin

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In honor of Sydney Herbst’s Bat Mitzvah by Isabel BalotinSpeedy recovery to Rabbi Jim Rogozen by Hanna & Morris BenditSpeedy recovery to Edith Horovitz by Hanna & Morris BenditIn memory of Thelma Schneider by Harry ShmunesIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Harry ShmunesIn memory of Bob Drashin by Harry ShmunesIn memory of Morris Yegelwel by Harry ShmunesIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Harry ShmunesIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Ann & Leon Silke

Martin J. Gottlieb Day School Library Fund In memory of Joni Shmunes by Gaby & Jeff BubisIn memory of Sarah Goldberg Packman by Phyllis & Larry GoldbergIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Sylvia LublinerIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Kim, Jeremy, Madelyn & Anna MillroodIn honor of Benjamin Chafetz’s Bar Mitzvah by the Arnold family In honor of Ellen Kopp by the Book Group

Martin J. Gottlieb Day School Mitzvah FundIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Ruchel BroadmanIn memory of Warwick Abadee by Ruchel BroadmanIn memory of Seymour Cristal by Sharon & Richard BrowdyIn honor of Elior Lubliner’s Bar Mitzvah by Dawn & Daniel BursteinIn honor of Itamar Lubliner’s Bar Mitzvah by Dawn & Daniel BursteinIn honor of Benjamin Chafetz’s Bar Mitzvah by Dawn & Daniel BursteinIn honor of Samantha Zimmerman’s Bat Mitzvah by Dawn & Daniel BursteinIn honor of Jagger Leach’s Bar Mitzvah by Dawn & Daniel BursteinIn honor of Sydney Leach’s Bat Mitzvah by Dawn & Daniel BursteinIn honor of Ayden Israel’s Bar Mitzvah by Dawn & Daniel BursteinIn honor of Jonah Willens’ Bar Mitzvah by Dawn & Daniel BursteinIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Rebecca & Barry Burtman and familyIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Denise Sherman, Yakov, Anna & Joshua FeigIn memory of Alvin Jack Blank by Marilyn & Charles FeldsteinIn memory of Elias Goldberg by Phyllis & Larry GoldbergIn memory of Dorothy Zernes Chamison by Phyllis & Larry GoldbergDonation to this fund by Kenneth GottliebIn honor of Ayden Israel’s Bar Mitzvah by Jeanine & Mathew HoffIn honor of Benjamin Chafetz’s Bar Mitzvah by Jeanine & Mathew HoffIn honor of Samantha Zimmerman’s Bat Mitzvah by Jeanine & Mathew HoffIn memory of Harvey Jarchower by Edith & Bruce HorovitzIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Edith & Bruce HorovitzIn memory of Ronnie Bloom by Edith & Bruce HorovitzIn memory of Sid Gefen by Edith & Bruce HorowitzIn memory of Bob Drashin by Edith & Bruce HorowitzIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Edith & Bruce HorowitzIn memory of Jack Price by Edith & Bruce HorowitzIn honor of Lisa Zavon & Joey Elkana’s wedding by Edith & Bruce HorowitzIn memory of Sid Gefen by Keith & Greg KuppermanIn memory of Muriel Beissinger, Wilma Levine, David Pullman, Scott Zimmer-man, Joni Shmunes and Sid Gefen by Sue & Mitch LevineIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Sylvia LublinerIn memory of Ben Zimmerman by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Sid Gefen by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of Bob Drashin by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn memory of David Alkoby by Robin & Jeff MorrisIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Sandy & Rob SelwitzIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Rose TincherIn memory of Warwick Abadee by Elsie Yellin

Miriam Greenbaum FundIn memory of Morris Gray by Allen GrayIn memory of Miriam S. Greenbaum by Diane Greenbaum

Mizrahi Torah FundIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Faye & Steve MizrahiIn memory of Harvey Jarchower by Faye & Steve MizrahiIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Robin & Marco RandIn memory of Jerome Sorkin by Robin & Marco Rand

Morris Yegelwel FundIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Polina Koropova & Yefim BrunfonIn memory of Morris Yegelwel by Debbie Banks & Garry KitayIn memory of Bob Drashin by Arlene & Evan YegelwelIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel

Myra Thier Lazarus Camp Ramah FundIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Sylvia Hausman & familyIn memory of Rene Roey by Howard RoeyIn honor of Lara Werwa’s 2016 Horty T. Gendzier Woman of Achievement Award from Sisterhood by Howard RoeyIn memory of Jack Price by Barbara & Michael SchneiderIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Barbara & Michael SchneiderIn memory of Edna Maltz by Barbara & Mike SchneiderIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Barbara & Mike SchneiderIn memory of Sid Gefen by Barbara & Mike Schneider

Neal F. Portnoy Youth FundIn memory of Sid Gefen by Rhonda & Ricky PassinkIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Rhonda & Ricky PassinkIn memory of Bob Drashin by Barbara & Jerry PortnoyIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Barbara & Jerry PortnoyIn memory of Sid Gefen by Barbara & Jerry PortnoyIn memory of Beverly Kruger by Lynn Sussman

Norman & Raela Moss Memorial FundIn memory of Raela & Norman Moss by Elyne & Sheldon MossIn memory of Raela & Norman Moss by Elyne & Sheldon Moss

Oren Margol Break the Fast Fund In memory of Eva Abramson Perlman by Linda & Michael AbramsonIn memory of Marilyn Walters by Adrienne & Rick CornaireIn memory of Bennie Margol by Debbie Banks & Garry KitayIn memory of Jack Price by Keith KuppermanIn honor of Phyllis & Arnold Vandroff ’s grandson’s wedding by Bobbi MargolIn memory of Harvey Jarchower by Bobbi MargolIn memory of Sid Gefen by Bobbi MargolIn memory of Jerry Shapiro by Bobbi MargolIn memory of Jack Price by Bobbi MargolIn memory of Steve Menaged by Bobbi MargolIn memory of Nicki MacIntosh by Bobbi MargolIn memory of Hazel Wolfson by Bobbi MargolIn honor of the birth of Parisa Hemmati by Michelle & Drew MargolIn honor of Eliana Jaffa’s Bat Mitzvah by Michelle & Drew MargolIn honor of Benjamin Chafetz’s Bar Mitzvah by Michelle & Drew MargolIn honor of the birth of Dafna Yael Holzer by Michelle & Drew MargolIn memory of Judy Dushoff by Michelle & Drew MargolIn memory of Jack Price by Michelle & Drew MargolIn memory of Harvey Jarchower by Michelle & Drew MargolIn honor of Susan DuBow’s birthday by Michelle & Drew MargolIn honor of Susan DuBow’s birthday by Cheryl & Jay PlotkinIn memory of Rae Price by Florence & Jerry SchemerIn memory of Bennie Margol by Lois & Harvey SchlesingerIn memory of Bennie Margol by Barbara & Mike SchneiderIn memory of Max Talpalar by Ben Talpalar

Prayerbook FundIn memory of Leslie Appelbaum Dobies by Karen & Stuart AppelbaumIn memory of Bobbie Heyman by the Weinstein children, Bob & Naomi BossenIn memory of Helene Pollan by Loretta & Arthur PollanIn memory of Betty Moskovitz Tarlyn by Elyne & Charles Zimmerman

Rabbi Lubliner’s Discretionary FundIn memory of Jack Price by Ben Talpalar & familyIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Ben Talpalar & familyIn memory of Michael Conklin by Agnes & Mitch BlochIn memory of Miles Metzger by Agnes & Mitch BlochIn memory of Matilda Metzger by Agnes & Mitchell BlochIn memory of Max Bohrman by Traude BohrmanIn memory of Samuel Brunfon by Polina Koropova & Yefim BrunfonIn memory of Lev Koropova by Polina Koropova & Yefim BrunfonIn memory of Albert Cohen by Hyman CohenIn memory of Rose Cohen by Hyman CohenIn memory of Carl Cohn by Mary & Jerry CohnIn memory of William Horn by Jennifer & Jon DeBardelebenIn memory of Bernhard Edelman by Bobbie & Don EdelmanIn memory of Melvyn Cohen by Bobbie & Don EdelmanSpeedy recovery to Dorothy Weiss by Bobbie & Don EdelmanIn memory of Sylvia R. Gottlieb by Gail & Paul FurmanIn memory of Irving S. Furman by Gail & Paul Furman

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In memory of Joseph Goldman by Helen GoldmanIn memory of Jeanette Goodfriend O’Hara by Helen GoldmanIn memory of Tessie Portnoy Borkson by Alan & Pearl HarrisonIn memory of Janet Harrison by Pearl & Alan HarrisonIn memory of Arnold Harrison by Pearl & Alan HarrisonIn memory of Barry Heller by Maxine HellerIn memory of Toby Snyder by Helen & John HillIn memory of Audrey Chenkin by Helen & John HillIn memory of Rose Chenkin by Helen & John HillIn memory of Herman Chenkin by Helen & John HillIn memory of Morse Epstein by Mimi & Mickey KersunIn memory of Michele Levin by Mimi & Mickey KersunIn memory of Warwick Abadee by Ellen & Hank KoppIn memory of Sol Leibowitz & Samuel Isaac Worman by Pearl Leibowitz-SederbaumIn honor of Rosi & Steven Lewis’ aufruf by Marla & Gary LewisIn memory of Susan Lee Lowell by Joanne LowellIn memory of Samuel Lubliner by Sylvia LublinerIn memory of Ismar Lubliner by Sylvia LublinerIn memory of Blanche Pearl Marks by Jo & Alan MarksIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by Carol & Harvey MatorenIn memory of Alvin Jack Blank by Naomi & Ruben MirenskyIn memory of Bess Ort by Carole & Larry OrtIn memory of Morton Maltz by Carole & Lawrence OrtIn memory of Harvey Jarchower by Diane & Mitchell RothsteinIn memory of Nicki MacIntosh by Ellen & George RubensIn memory of Don Kriss by Gaye Sager and the Zunic familyIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Wendy & Jeff SapolskyIn memory of Linda Savage by Leonore & Jules SavageIn memory of Robert Karow by Doris & Fred SingerIn memory of Jerome Karow by Doris & Fred SingerIn memory of Seymour Keller by Chuck Smith In memory of Sophia Wilson by Francine Smith In honor of our children and grandchildren by Marlene & Saul SussmanIn memory of Rose Talpalar Levine by Ben TalpalarIn memory of Chana Rifka Talpalar by Ben TalpalarIn memory of Joan Talpalar by Ben TalpalarIn appreciation of Rabbi Lubliner officiating at the unveiling for Richard Bell by the Bell familyIn appreciation of Rabbi Lubliner by the Blum and Touringy familiesWith love and appreciation by the Leach familyIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Dot VerstandigIn memory of Wolf Bornstein by Carmen & Terry WaggonerIn memory of Stanley Weintraub by Cass & David WeintraubIn memory of Jonathan Weintraub by Cass & David WeintraubIn memory of Rosalyn Jones by Cass & David Weintraub

Rabbi Tilman’s Discretionary FundIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Karen & Stuart AppelbaumIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Linda & Philip BloomIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Polina Koropova & Yefim BrunfonIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Elaine FurmanIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Phyllis & Larry GoldbergIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Ellen & Hank KoppIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Evelyn & Charles MoscovitzIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Evelyn & Ira PeckIn memory of Jack Price by Ellen & George RubensIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Helen & Edward SiegelIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Ann & Leon SilkeIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by the Bell familyWith love and appreciation by the Leach familyIn honor of Rabbi Howard & Naomi Tilman’s marriage by Joanie & Sonny WaitzDonation to this fund by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel

Renee Mibab Endowment FundIn memory of Renee Mibab & Deena Jaffe by Alan Mibab and familyIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by the Mibab familyRoy Baker FundIn memory of Irving Magid by Claudia, Gabrielle & Lenny Magid

Safer Shabbaton FundIn memory of Martin Gelhaar by Barbara & Eliot SaferIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Barbara & Eliot SaferIn memory of Ida Soclof by Barbara & Eliot Safer

Scharf Beautification FundIn memory of Dr. Sam Rosenthal by Janet & Michael ScharfIn memory of Jack Price by Janet & Michael ScharfIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Janet & Michael ScharfIn memory of Bernard Sinoff by Carole & Barry Sinoff

Setzer Youth Education FundIn memory of Gloria Krueger by Karen & Philip AdlerIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Dorrie & Lanny FelderIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Vicki & Steve GatewoodIn memory of Abraham Setzer by Marilyn HirschIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Greg KuppermanIn memory of Grace Mallinger Goldberg by Paula & Chet RossIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Barbara & Eliot SaferIn memory of Helen Pranevich by Debra & Leonard SetzerIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Debra & Leonard SetzerIn memory of Jack Price by Debra & Leonard SetzerIn memory of Betty Howell by Lauren & Michael SetzerIn memory of Sid Gefen by Lauren & Michael SetzerIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Lauren & Michael SetzerIn memory of Ronnie Bloom by Melanie & Ben SetzerIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Beth & Mark ShorsteinIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Robin & Michael ShorsteinIn memory of Sally Levine by the Blum familyIn honor of the birth of Reuben Shalom Kramer by the Orender familyIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Kathy & Stu TriebwasserIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Arlene & Evan Yegelwel

Shofar Fund In memory of Toby Gruber by Edward Weinberg

Simon Selber Memorial Library Fund In memory of Julius Gross by Ruth GrossIn memory of Simon Selber by Marilyn & Miriam Selber, Rachel & Avrami Tepper

Sylvia & Milton Hecht FundIn memory of Regina & Sol Niamond, Rose Hecht, Meyer Hecht and Sylvia Hecht by Rose & Larry Hecht

Sylvia H. Shorstein Scholarship FundIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Beth & Mark ShorsteinIn memory of Sid Gefen by Beth & Mark ShorsteinIn honor of Syndi Rudowitz’s Bat Mitzvah by Beth & Mark Shorstein

Weiss-Leibo Fund for Excellence in Adult EducationIn memory of Ben Edwards by Betty & Martin EdwardsIn memory of Harry Verstandig by Marilyn & Mike MassIn memory of Sylvia Weiss, Coleman & Meyer Leibovitz by Marsha & Ronald Pollock

Wilbur Margol Fund for Campus EnhancementsIn memory of Bessie Gamce by Marilyn MargolIn memory of Lillian Meizlik by Kate RobbinsIn memory of Jack Price by Kate RobbinsIn memory of Edna Maltz by Kim & David RobbinsIn honor of what would have been Marilyn & Wilbur Margol’s anniversary by Kim & David RobbinsIn memory of Bob Wolfson by Kim & David RobbinsIn memory of Zelda Cohen by Kim & David RobbinsIn memory of Ronnie Bloom by Kim & David RobbinsIn memory of Joni Shmunes by Kim & David RobbinsIn memory of Jack Price by Kim & David RobbinsIn honor of Pat Frisch’s Hadassah award by Kim & David Robbins

Witten Chapel FundIn memory of Joseph Witten by Sharon & Bruce Witten

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In Memorium…Lillian Meizlik on November 27. We extend our condolences to Mrs. Meizlik’s 14 nieces and nephews, and to the many friends in our community who were like family to her.

…Benjamin Zimmerman on December 3. We extend our condolences to his children, Dr. Paul (Rachel) Zimmerman and Carol Rabb; his grandchildren Ashley (Ryan) Dender, Angelina, Jacob and Giselle Zimmerman; great-grandchildren Reed, Cade and Bailey Dender; sister-in-law Harriett (Max) Rothstein Behr; and to the many extended family members in our community.

…Dr. Samuel Rosenthal on December 10. We extend our condolences to Elaine Rosenthal; children Caryn Rosenthal, Brad Rosenthal (Stephanie Lincoln), and Pamela (Peter) D’Amato; grandchildren Levi and Oscar; siblings Dorothy Mandelbaum, Edward Rosenthal, and John Scott.

…Robert “Bob” Drashin on December 11. We extend our condolences to his daughters, Heidi Drashin and Sandy (Craig) Shapiro; grandchildren, Hank, Andi, and Nikki Shapiro; brother, Sidney (Jacqueline) Drashin; and niece Eden (Chuck) Cook.

…Joan “Joni” Shmunes on December 19. We extend our condolences to her husband Harry, their children, Adam (Kim) Shmunes, Ilana (Doronne) Perras, and Ross Shmunes; Joni’s father, Eugene Yudowin; her sister, Erica (Paul) Leino; and their granddaughter, Talia.

…Reyo Margolin on January 1, wife of Robert Margolin. We extend our condolences to her son Jeff (Candy) Margolin; grandchildren, Aaron Bock, Marty Bock, and Amy Margolin; and sister, Helen Rafkind.

…Jack Price onJanuary 5, husband of Dr. Miriam Finegold-Price, and brother of our members Samuel (Faye) Price, Florence (Jerry) Schemer, and Eunice (Barry) Zisser. We extend our con-dolences to them and to Jack’s children, Ned (Sue) Price, Susan Price, and Michael Price; 8 grandchildren; 4 great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

…Judy Dushoff on January 8. We extend our condolences to her daughters Terri (Tim) Overman and Holly Jennings; her brother Jim (Becky) McIntosh; grandchildren Kevin, Kyle, David, Elena and Laura; and great-grandchild Elena.

…Elsbeth “Ellie” Hodz on February 6, mother of our member Marshall (Elaine) Hodz, and aunt of our members Eve Aptheker, Adrienne (Rick) Cornaire and Dr. Michael (Janet) Scharf. We ex-tend our condolences to them and to Marshall’s brother, Harvey (Carol) Hodz; four grandchildren, Lawrence, Adam, Samantha and Bailey; and four great-grandchildren, Eric, Hannah, Payton and Blake

…Dolph Ageloff on February 20, husband of Peggy Ageloff. We extend our condolences to Peggy and to their children, Amy (Ste-phen) Gately, Shari (Paul) Stoff, and Evan (Sandy) Ageloff; their grandchildren, Allie, Joshua, and Danielle; Dolph’s sister, Ruth Sensor; and his brother, Harris Ageloff.

We are Saddened by the Passing of Our Members...

We Extend Our Condolences to Our Member Families Who Have Lost Loved Ones...…Harvey Jarchower, father of our member Ruthie (Brad) Berger and brother to our member Marilyn Margol, on November 16. We extend our condolences to them and to Harvey’s wife, Joy; his additional children Rea Zaret, Jeri (Ken) Braiman, Howard Jarchower; 8 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren.

…Martin H. Gelhaar on November 23, son of our member Marcia (Norman) Kleiman and the late Lyle S. Gelhaar and brother of our member Beth (Michael) Fleet. We extend our condolences to them and to his wife Karen Gelhaar, as well as to his niece Ariella Fleet and nephew Joshua (Dorielle) Fleet.

…Albert “AJ” Osborne IV on November 24, son of our members Albert III & Allysondra Osborne. We extend our condolences to them; AJ’s mother Heather Carnes; brothers Aaron, Nick, Noah, and Alex; and grandparents Carolyn & Tom Osborne, and Aurora Carnes.

…Audrey Merath on November 23, grandmother of Lori Schoettler, our Director of Operations at the Jacksonville Jewish Center. We extend our condolences to her and to Audrey’s chil-dren, Barbara Bauman, Nancy Merath and Ron (Patricia) Merath; her other grandchildren, LuAnn Lopez, Michelle Eichmann, Kate Merath, and Michael Merath; her 5 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great-grandchild.

…Betty Howell, step-grandmother of our member Peter Ham-mer, on December 1. We extend our condolences to him and to his parents, Rich & Ann Howell, and to Rich’s siblings.

…Sid Gefen on December 12, father of our member Barbara (Larry) Jaffe, and grandfather of our members Sanford Zimmer-man and Bradley Zimmerman. We extend our condolences to the Jaffes and to Mr. Gefen’s other daughters, Ann (Ed) Grenadier and Carol (Bruce) Greenspan; 5 grandchildren in addition to Sandy and Brad; and 11 great-grandchildren.

…Helen Pranevich, mother of our member Nancy (Seeman) Zimmerman on December 21. We extend our condolences to them and to Nancy’s brother Dennis (Anne) Pranevich, as well as to Helen’s 8 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren.

…Pearl Ellen “Nicki” MacIntosh on December 27, daughter of our member Phyllis Sprecher and niece of our member Sue Ann Blumenthal. We extend our condolences to them and to Nicki’s brother Neal (Christine) Sprecher and her sister Judy (Tom) Cooley.

(Continued on the following page)

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In MemoriumWe Extend Our Condolences to Our Member Families Who Have Lost Loved Ones...…Bob E. Wolfson on December 30, brother of our member Bud (Lisa) Wolfson. We extend our condolences to his wife Vicki, his two daughters, Amy Wolfson and Mandi (Ross) Firoved; his brothers Gary, David and Richard; grandchildren Ceci, Jayden, Levi and William; many nieces and nephews, cousins and numerous friends.

…Harriet Shemer on January 16, aunt of our member Linda (Bar-ry) Schuster, and great-aunt of their children Courtney Kamlet, Amy Schuster and Simon Schuster. We extend our condolences to the Schuster family, as well as to Harriet’s niece, Sandra Clark, and her daughter Cecily Larison, and several great nieces and nephews.

…Zelda Cohen, mother of our member Norman (Susan) Cohen, on January 17. We extend our condolences to Norman & Susan; to their children, Jonathon (Pam) Cohen, Meagan (Stephen) Jones, and Janna Cohen; and to their 4 grandchildren; as well as to Zelda’s sister, Sydelle (Morty) Engel, and brother, Ralph Chernin.

…Ronald “Ronnie” Bloom, brother of our member Philip (Linda) Bloom, on January 17. We extend our condolences to them and to Ronnie’s daughter Brittany Bloom, as well as to Ronnie’s other siblings, Carolyn Bloom-Bryan (Mel Bryan) and Jackie (Nathan) Spiritas.

…Dave M. Smith, father of our member Brooke (Bradley) Zaner, on January 19. We extend our condolences to her, Brooke’s husband Bradley, and to their children, Blake, Brennan and Bethenny. May the Holy One comfort the members of the Zaner family among all the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

…Rhea Cooper Tannen on February 18, mother of our member Edward (Millie) Tannen. We extend our condolences to him and to her daughters Paula (Richard) Klein, Judy (Max) Rosenberg, and Beth (Jack) Arager; 11 grandchildren ; and 8 great-grandchildren.

…Charlotte Mayer Kopp on February 27, mother of our long-time member Henry (Ellen) Kopp. We extend our condolences to Hank and to Charlotte’s other sons, Michael (Deborah) Kopp and Jonathan (Charlotte Rest) Kopp; grandchildren, Lauren (Jason) Rubin, Jessica Kopp, AdamKopp and Deborah Kopp; and great-grandchildren, Natalie and Nathan Rubin.

Family MilestonesMazel Tov to All Who Have Celebrated Milestone Events

in Their Personal or Professional Lives!Congratulation to Ellen & Alan Rosner on the birth of their grandson, Ethan Jacob Gabriel, on August 31, 2015, in Santa Monica, CA. Parents are Rachel Rosner & Jesse Gabriel. Paternal grandparents are Judith Katzburg and Stuart Gabriel. Great-grandfather is Jack Rosner.

Congratulations to Shelby Rena Rauchwarger, daughter of Alicia & Jesse Rauchwarger, on receiving her Hebrew name and entering into the Jewish covenant on October 31, 2015. Grandparents are Annette & Jerry Goodfarb and Debby & Don Kaye.

Congratulations to Jerry & Sharon Seebol on the birth of their grandson, Benjamin Smithers, on November 11, 2015. Parents are Andrea & Ben Smithers. Paternal grandparents are Brenda & Benny Smithers.

Congratulations to Eric & Betsy Korzyniowski on the birth of their daughter, Amelia Kate Korzyniowski, on November 12, 2015.

Congratulations to M. Jordan & Alexandra (Brantman) Allerding who were married on November 14, 2015. Parents of the groom are Robin & Scott Allerding. Father of Bride is Bob Brantman and mother of the bride is Cindy Edmonds.

Congratulations to Merav & Daniel Mutzari on the birth of their son, Ori, born on November 17, 2015. Big sister is Ariel.

Congratulations to Lynn Sussman (Chuck Sussman, z”l), on the birth of her granddaughter, Mia Bryn Zweigel, on November 19, 2015. Parents are Elizabeth & Scott Zweigel of Atlanta, GA. Paternal grandparents are Renee & Steve Zweigel of Atlanta. Great-grandparents are Melvin Kruger of Macon, GA; Ruth Ack-erman of Palm Bay, FL; Ruth & Zoi Nathans of River Edge, NJ; and Lila Jerdem of Atlanta.

Congratulations to Dr. Steven & Risa Warfield and Millette Menaged on the marriage of their son, Samuel Marvin Warfield, to Rachel Diane Goldberg on November 21, 2015, in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Paternal grandmother is Hilda (Oma) Warfield. Maternal grandparents are Steve & Betty Menaged. The bride’s parents are William (Bill) & Cris Goldberg from Orlando, FL.

Congratulations to Janice & Bruce Glassman on the birth of their grandson, Jordan Max Glassman, on November 27, 2015, in Dallas, TX. Parents are Jeffrey & Karen Glassman.

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Congratulations to Dafna Yael Holzer, daughter of Hazzan Jesse & Leora Holzer and little sister to Rena Holzer, on receiving her Hebrew name and entering into the Jewish covenant on November 29, 2015. Grandparents are Margie & Aaron Holzer and Hazzan Henry Rosenblum and Susan Ticker.

Congratulations to Judy Shorstein's grandchildren, Rachel & Stephen Braver, of Athens, GA, who became B'nai Mitzvah on December 5, 2015, at Congregation Children of Israel. Parents are Jay and Monica Braver. Maternal grandparents are Warren Clayman and Brenda Stuckey of Atlanta, GA.

Congratulations to Rabbi Howard & Naomi Karp Tilman who were married on December 13, 2015. Parents of the groom are Hazzan David and Ellen Tilman. Parents of the bride are Elliot and Sharon Karp.

Congratulations to Debra & Leonard Setzer on the birth of their granddaughter, Coby Bayla Schuchman, on December 24, 2015. Parents are Faye & Ari Schuchman. Paternal grandparents are and Leslie & Sidney Schuchman of Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Congratulations to Leonard & Frieda Saraga on their 65th wedding anniversary on December 24, 2015.

Congratulations to Tyler Curl and Jessica Ligator on the birth of their son, Asher Eli, on January 8, 2016. Grandparents are John Curl & Karen Armitage and Anita Ligator. Big sister is Jennifer.

Congratulations to Joey & Lisa (Zavon) Elkana who were married on January 10, 2016. Parents of the groom are Rahamim & Heidi Elkana. Parents of the bride are David & Shelly Zavon.

Congratulations to Nan & Jim Davis on the marriage of their son, Ian, to Elizabeth Yarbrough on January, 11, 2016, in Jacksonville.

Congratulations to Lori Schoettler on the birth of her grandson, Oliver Ripken Schoettler, on January 14, 2016, in Jacksonville. Parents are Kyle Schoettler and Samantha Saucier. Paternal grandfather is Jim Schoettler. Maternal grandparents are Marie and Jo Bosko.

Congratulations to Aleksandr & Megan (Haglin) Vaysben who were married on January 17, 2016. Parents of the groom are Arkadiy & Larisa Vaysben. Parents of the bride are Karen Haglin and Preston & Wendy Haglin.

Congratulations to Risa & Lawerence Datz on the birth of their granddaughter, Bella Shapiro, on January 26, 2016. Parents are Jodi & Andrew Shapiro from Pembroke Pines, FL. Maternal grandfather is Jay Schneider. Maternal great-grandparents are Joan & Sonny Waitz.

Congratulations to Marjie & Abe Rogozinski on the birth of their twin grandsons, Alexi and Ezekiel Rogozinski, on January 29, 2016. Parents are Jodi & Josh Rogozinski of Miami. Maternal grandparents are Wendy and Perry Gould. Maternal great-grandmother is Rosalind Friedman. Paternal great-grandmother is Ella Rogozinski.

Allan & Kathy Cohen announce the engagement of their daughter Crista Fortunee to Robert Glucksman, parents Gayle & Richard Glucksman of Denver, Colorado.

Congratulations to Jeffrey Katz, a pyschology professor in Auburn University's College of Liberal Arts, whose been recogonized by students and faculty for his unique teaching methods by receiving The Gerald and Emily Leischuck Endowed Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching. Jeffrey is the son of Alan & Deborah Katz of Jacksonville.

Family Milestones (continued)

Mazel Tov to All Who Have Celebrated Milestone Events in Their Personal or Professional Lives!

Have some news to share?We are happy to print your family's milestones or announcements that we have

received a written request for. If you have a milestone you would like to announce, please contact the Jacksonville Jewish Center's Member Outreach Department

at 904-268-4200, ext. 155, or by email at [email protected].

Page 24: March Center Pieces

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Herb Crusted Chicken Breast with a Mushroom Marsala Slow Roasted Brisket with a Sweet Wine Sauce Quinoa Stuffed Portabella with a Pesto Drizzle

Traditional Herb Baked Chicken Chili Seared Salmon with a Golden Raisin Chutney

Sweet Carrot Tzimmes Lemon Zest Green Beans

Squash Soufflé with Herb Matzo Streusel Matzo Ball Soup

Chopped Beef Liver Cinnamon Apple Nut Charosets

Chocolate Torte
