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The March/April Edition of Assess and Profess
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March/ April 2013 Office of Assessment and Professional Development, Student Affairs Duke University Profess Assess & In This Edition The Results Are In…………1 Announcements……………2 What We’re Reading…...…2 Poster Fair……..……….……..3 Current Assessments……..5 Contact Us……………………..6 The Results Are In: LeaderShape Participants Discover New Passions and Learn to Lead Submitted by: UCAE The LeaderShape Institute is a six-day intensive retreat experience for rising sophomore, junior and senior students. It focuses on leading with integrity, solidifying a vision for a just, caring, thriving world and the importance of maintaining a healthy disregard for the impossible. As depicted in the figure to the right, participants of Duke LeaderShape 2012 represented a wide range of cultural backgrounds. Such diversity is crucial in facilitating dialogue surrounding major Over the course of the Institute, participants were asked to “dig deeply” within themselves in hopes of discovering their personal visions in which they are most passionate. The figure below represents the most popular visions that students shared. (Continued on page 4) Have something you would like to share in the next edition of Assess and Profess? Email Austina White at [email protected]. “Selfdevelopment should be a perpetual process. In life you are either growing or rotting. You‘re moving forward or backwards; there is no standing still.” Al Duncan Page 1 of 6 ! # $ % & '! '# '$ '% ()*+,-. (/0*+,-.1 23-,4 (5+-. 6-7,-5+-.189+:0 ;-<.-1= >73<?@-,+-3 !"#$"%&# ()*+%,)$- ./ 0&%12)3&4$,
Page 1: MarchAprilEdition

March/  April  2013  Office  of  Assessment  and  

Professional  Development,  Student  Affairs  Duke  University  Profess  

Assess  &     In This Edition

 The  Results  Are  In…………1    Announcements……………2    What  We’re  Reading…...…2    Poster  Fair……..……….……..3    Current  Assessments……..5    Contact  Us……………………..6        


The  Results  Are  In:    LeaderShape  Participants  Discover  New  Passions    

and  Learn  to  Lead  Submitted by: UCAE The LeaderShape Institute is a six-day intensive retreat experience for rising sophomore, junior and senior students. It focuses on leading with integrity, solidifying a vision for a just, caring, thriving world and the importance of maintaining a healthy disregard for the impossible.  As  depicted  in  the  figure  to  the  right,  participants  of  Duke  LeaderShape  2012  represented  a  wide  range  of  cultural  backgrounds.    Such  diversity  is  crucial  in  facilitating  dialogue  surrounding  major  

Over  the  course  of  the  Institute,  participants  were  asked  to  “dig  deeply”  within  themselves  in  hopes  of  discovering  their  personal  visions  in  which  they  are  most  passionate.    The  figure  below  represents  the  most  popular  visions  that  students  shared.  (Continued  on  page  4)    

Have  something  you  would  like  to  share  in  the  next  edition  of  Assess  and  Profess?  Email  Austina  

White  at  [email protected].  

“Self-­‐development  should  be  a  perpetual  process.  In  life  you  are  either  growing  or  

rotting.  You‘re  moving  forward  or  backwards;  there  is  no  standing  


-­‐  Al  Duncan  

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The  Office  of  Assessment  &  Professional  Development  is  pleased  to  announce  the  3rd  Annual  Assessment  and  Evaluation  Poster  Fair.  This  poster  fair  will  allow  Duke  employees,  as  well  as  staff  members  from  neighboring  institutions,  to  showcase  the  assessment  projects  they  have  used  to  evaluate  the  quality  and  effectiveness  of  their  programs,  initiatives,  and  policies.      Participating  in  the  Annual  Assessment  and  Evaluation  Poster  Fair  is  an  excellent  way  to:    

-­‐ Join  in  on  discussions  related  to  evaluation  -­‐ Learn  best  practices  for  conducting  assessments  -­‐ Share  how  you  contribute  to  the  University’s  culture  of  evidence-­‐based  practice  

-­‐ Gain  feedback  and  ideas  on  assessment  and  evaluation  initiatives  

-­‐ Network  with  other  college  professionals  from  neighboring  universities  

 To  submit  a  proposal  visit,  click  the  icon  to  the  right.      For  questions  or  additional  information  contact  Stephanie  Helms  Pickett  at  [email protected]  or  Cole  Taylor  at  [email protected]  

3rd                    Annual  Assessment    and  Evaluation  Poster  Fair  

Call for Proposals

Poster  Fair:  June  6,  2013  Proposals  Accepted:  April  3  –  May  10,  2013  

Discuss  Best  Practices  for  Conducting  Assessment  

Showcase  Your  Assessment  and  Evaluation  Initiatives  

Network  with  College  

Professionals  Throughout  the  


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What  We’re  Reading    Page 3 of 6

Bullying  at  Work  on  Campus    By:  Kristen  Domonell  Publication:  University  Business,    Date:  February  2013    http://www.universitybusiness.com/article/bullying-­‐work-­‐campus    Did  you  know  that  a  recent  survey  found  that  professionals  working  in  higher  education  report  being  bullied  at  a  much  higher  rate  than  the  general  workforce?  This  articles  reviews  some  of  the  shocking  data  produced  by  this  survey  and  shares  several  reasons  why  those  working  in  higher  education  may  experience  bullying  at  a  higher  rate.    

Dear  Colleagues,    I'm  pleased  to  announce  the  arrival  of  Emelyn  Anne  Davidson  -­‐  born  March  10,  9:30am.Both  Emelyn,  7lbs,  7oz,  19in,  and  mom  Jenni,  are  happy  and  healthy!  Jenni  will  be  on  leave  until  June,  so  if  you  need  anything,  please  contact  me.Best  wishes  to  Jenni,  daddy  Ryan,  and  new  baby  Emelyn!      Deb  LoBiondo  

Upcoming  PD  Opportunity      Today’s  Chinese  Student:  Understanding  the  US  Classroom  

Date:  April  4,  2013  Time:  3:00pm  to  4:30pm  Location:  118  Perkins  Instructors:  Jeff  Lindgren,  Center  for  Teaching  and  Learning,  University  of  Minnesota;  Scott  Stevens,  English  Language  Institute,  University  of  Delaware    Overview:    Chinese  students  encounter  many  common  problems  in  the  U.S.  classroom,  ranging  from  issues  of  academic  integrity  to  building  relationships  with  faculty  and  academic  advisers.  This  webinar  will  provide  best  practices  to  help  Chinese  students  address  these  and  other  challenges,  such  as  English  language  difficulties  and  unfamiliar  classroom  expectations.  Presenters  will  also  discuss  how  to  support  faculty  in  adjusting  to  the  changing  demographic  of  the  U.S.  classroom.  Learn  from  experts  who  are  committed  to  supporting  the  academic  integration  of  Chinese  students  on  their  campuses.  

Page 4: MarchAprilEdition

The  Results  Are  In:    LeaderShape  Participants  Discover  New  Passions    

and  Learn  to  Lead  (Cont.  from  p.1)  

Participants  were  given  as  post-­‐session  survey  of  their  experience  with  Duke  LeaderShape  2012.    Overall,  the  majority  of  students  replied  that  LeaderShape  played  a  role  in  developing  their  capacity  to  lead,  and  that  they  would  recommend  the  experience  to  others.    

 As  it  relates  to  this  specific  question,  we,  at  UCAE,  felt  that  the  results  of  this  particular  survey  did  not  accurately  reflect  the  type  of  feedback  we  were  receiving  upon  returning  to  campus.  In  order  to  more  accurately  assess  the  responses  of  each  student,  we  have  decided,  moving  forward  we  will  send  brief  follow  up  surveys  at  pre-­‐determined  intervals  post  the  LeaderShape  experience.  Essentially,  we  are  looking  to  analyze  the  comparison  between  the  initial  response  and  the  value  assigned  6  weeks  out,  and  again  6  months  out.    Please  see  below  for  the  brief  portion  of  the  LeaderShape  2012  survey  students  are  being  asked  to  complete.    

“Leadershape  Institute  developed  my  capacity  to  lead.”  

76%  of  Participants  

What  Participants  Thought  

81%  of  Participants  

“I  would  recommend  the  LeaderShape  Institute  to  others.”  

Page 5: MarchAprilEdition

Current Assessments

The  Office  of  Assessment  and  Professional  Development  is  currently  working  with  the  departments  listed  below  on  assessment  projects.  For  questions  about  any  of  the  studies  listed  below  or  if  you  have  an  assessment  project  that  you  are  interested  in  beginning,  please  contact  our  office  by  email  at  [email protected]  

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Wellness    The  Wellness  Inventory  will  be  administered  again  this  month.  It  is  designed  to  understand  more  about  students'  health  and  wellness  goals  as  a  whole  as  well  as  provide  immediate  feedback  and  promotion  of  campus  resources  to  students.  Does  you  office  provide  programs  designed  to  support  students'  wellness  goals  in  any  of  the  following  dimensions  of  wellness:    

• Relationships  and  Communication  • Movement,  Exercise  and  Rest  • Self-­‐Connection  • Nutrition  • Self-­‐Care  • Intellectual  and  Financial  

If  so,  let  us  know.  Help  us  build  a  library  of  campus  resources  for  students  as  they  seek  ways  to  redefine  and  reach  their  personal  wellness  goals.  email  [email protected]  or  contact  Maralis  Mercado  for  questions.    LDOC  Assessment  After  a  year's  hiatus,  the  LDOC  survey  will  be  administered  following  the  end  of  exams.  Tweaks  to  the  instrument  are  currently  underway.  Colleagues  with  questions  about  the  instrument  and/or  a  desire  to  contribute  items  to  the  survey  should  email  Cole  Taylor  no  later  than  April  15.      Dining  Assessment  Dining  and  A&PDP  are  working  together  to  administer  the  dining  and  Merchants  on  Points  survey  in  April.  With  all  the  recent  changes,  as  well  as  those  on  the  horizon,  in  dining,  the  instrument  will  be  used  to  measure  students'  preferences  and  needs  around  meals  on  campus,  campus  eateries,  food  trucks,  and  restaurants  who  participate  in  the  Merchants  on  Points  Programs.  Findings  will  also  be  employed  by  the  student  group,  DUSDAC,  in  decision-­‐making  for  the  coming  year.      

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Office  of  Assessment  and  Professional  Development  Of  Student  Affairs  Division  

Duke  University      

Stephanie  Helms-­‐Pickett,  Director  Email:  [email protected]  

Phone:  (919)  684  -­‐  4582    

Cole  Taylor,  Assistant  Director  Email:  [email protected]    

Phone:  (919)  684  -­‐  4286        

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