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Maria Kondrashova. 1. Automated payments 2. Group buying- this technique generally reduces the...

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Maria Kondrashova Business and Ecommerce Dominate Our World Today

Maria Kondrashova

Business and Ecommerce

Dominate Our World Today

Why Is It Important To Businesses?

1. Automated payments

2. Group buying- this technique generally reduces the payment amount when a minimum numberof people invest in it rather than just one person make the purchase.

3. Big corporations use digital web technology to exchange financial data to conduct international business which otherwise without ecommerce would be impossible

Employee Issues

1. Many of the sales associate jobs have been cut.

-These jobs are no longer necessary since all business is done online.

2. Due to economic reasons businesses have been cutting their staff.

Decrease in Job Opportunity


Employer Issues

1.In the last year, online retailers altogether lost about 100 billion dollars because of fraud related issues.

2.Liability for actions of employees.

-If employees commit unethical or even illegal deeds often times the employer I held responsible.

Consumer Issues

1. When shopping online many buyers would prefer to see the product they’re buying in person.

2. Many consumer worry about the privacy and security of buying online.

-Customers are wary of putting in their personal information online.


Why Should We Care As

Consumers?1. As consumers, we are able to receive instant service2. Buying/Selling goods is available through:

-Mobile Phone-Tablet-Computer

3. Ecommerce is the most rapidly developing way of conducting business.

An Evolutionary Change

1.Ecommerce began with online billboards and has now evolved to have personalized shopping capabilities.

2.Began with in 1994.

3.In 2012, online retail sales reach 33.8 billion dollars.


What Will We See In The Future Of Ecommerce?

1.There is a constant change in the way businesses must advertise themselves to be noticed online.

-In the beginning of last year, Facebook was the leading ad site for businesses.

-Now research shows that Pintrest is causing consumer to buy and spend more becoming the number one ad site.

2.Many researchers claim that future Ecommerce will be a mix of online and offline business to keep a stable economy.

Information Law-Access by general public to

government data

Ethics-Minimum standards for official


Copyright-A legal right to reproduce, publish,

sell, or distribute some kind of information

Importance in the Business World

1.Many business today are related to art and music.

-Copyright protects the work of the composers and song writers.

2.Ethical behavior in business attracts customers and increases business and profit.

-The business reputation stays positive.

3.Information law and ethics directly correlate with each other.

-Ethical codes within society whether it is social, professional, or individual ethics, become laws that everyone follows.

Importance to Consumers

1.When consumers get treated with respect and fairness they increase business with companies.

2.No consumer wants to be tricked to buy a fake product.


Employer Issues

1.Employers have a hard time controlling who copies their work illegally and legally.

2.Ethics in business corporations is among one of the fastest growing problems in the business world.

-The ethical code of businesses often times gets ignored.

Employee Issues

1.Many employees surf the internet during work hours.

-Waste of internet data usage.

-Waste of productive work time.

2.Employees use company equipment for personal use.



-Other office supplies

Consumer Issues

1.Many consumers illegally download music, movies, etc. from the internet.

2.Consumers must abide by the same ethical codes as the businesses to maintain order.

Changes in the Past

1.As technology develops the ethics changes as well.

2.The number of copyright issues has grown and will continue to grow.

-Accessibility of illegal downloads has become easier.

Future Changes

1.Moral rules have been changing and will continue to change throughout the years.

2.Government claims that in the future they will try to enforce more strict copyright regulations.


Business and Online Etiquette-

Guidelines of how to behave yourself in the business world

and virtually online.


Importance in the Business World

1.Having good manners and etiquette has the potential to further your career.

-Professional skills, politeness, and etiquette are noticed by others.

-If good etiquette is shown more people will want to conduct business with you.

2.Having good communication etiquette online and off is most important.

-Being able to negotiate resolves conflicts in all fields.

Importance to Consumers

1.Every consumer when conducting business with a company want to be treated politely and with respect.

-If the company fails to do so, the consumer will simply choose

another company.

2.Telephone etiquette

-When consumers call a company regarding their service or products

the expect polite communication.

Consumer Issues

1.Social site such as Twitter and Facebook have pushed the limits of proper etiquette.

-Due to this, etiquette standards are sketchy in society.

2.Music, movies, books, etc. is illegally downloaded which is unethical, yet it is done on a daily basis.

3. Is it really possible to say what is ethical and what isn’t??

Employer Issues1.Often times employers strive to better the environment of their office, yet they themselves have poor etiquette.

-Rude communication

-Racial discrimination

2. Many employers abuse their job position.

-Make employees do work that was not initially in the job description.

3.Employers fail to enforce their etiquette policy.

Common Employee Issues

1.Unprofessional dress wear

2.Being late to work/meetings

-Disrespectful to co-workers/boss

3.Personal privacy issues

-Opening others’ mail/documents


How Has Etiquette Changed?

1.With new technology such as tablets and smartphones developed in the last ten years, the public has pushed the limits of etiquette.

-Checking phone while others are speaking

-Having your headphones in around others

2.How we communicate with each other has also changed.

-Social media sites are now used by companies and employees to communicate.

Still Changing?~Etiquette changes on a daily basis~

The world changes everyday and so does everything in it.






New standards of etiquette will keep being set as long as society keeps moving forward and evolving.


Business Use of Email, Twitter, Facebook, etc.-

Allow business to communicate directly online with they

employees, consumers, and business partners.





Importance in the Business World

1.Customer interaction

-Through social media customers can share their experiences with the product.

-Help create a positive reputation for the business online.

2.Immediate Feedback

-Customers can be provided with immediate feedback making business faster.

-Customer satisfaction.

Importance to Consumers1.When a business is on social media sites,

consumers can post their thoughts about the company and their products.

-Direct facts about products.-Review of quality of products.

2.Research shows that recommendations from others is the top reason why consumers try new products.

3.Through social media the consumer can immediately receive a response from the company.




Employer Issues1.Many employers and business owners are advertising online but are not targeting the right areas.

-They do not advertise on social media pages.

2.These employers are missing the opportunity to directly communicate with their customers.

-Now one of the most efficient means of communication is chat

or simply comments on social media.


Employee Issues

1.Today when employers lire new workers many of them check the interviewees social media sites.

-Employee must always check and make sure their social media sites

are clean.

2.Many employees spend too much time on social media sites at work.

-Disrupt productivity.

Consumer Issues

1.The advertisements on social media sites may not be valid.

2.Customers post their complaints to companies; however, “the latest annual survey from A T Kearney reveals that a whopping 70% of complaints are going un-answered.”

Changes in the Past1.We have come to live in a technological era, where one of the most important means of communication is through social media.






Future of Changes

1.Technology is still rapidly changing and will continue to change.

2. New inventions may take the world to a completely digital era.


Here are five possible scenarios of what the world might look like in 2050, which on do you think is

more likely and why?

Sources1. http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/19696.html2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-commerce3. http://www.e-commercefacts.com/topics/index.xml/Marketing4. http://gigaom.com/2012/11/05/the-future-of-e-commerce-is-both-online-and-offline/5. http://www.inc.com/eliza-browning/business-etiquette-rules-that-matter-now.html6. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/importance-business-etiquette-2900.html7. http://www.gopinoy.com/advice/workplace-issues/20-tips-on-workplace-etiquette.html8. http://www.pcworld.com/article/151044/facebook_at_work.html9. http://parmarketan.tripod.com/ETIQUETTE_ISSUES.html10. http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2011/10/03/what-prospective-employers-hope


11. http://www.forbes.com/2010/10/05/office-workplace-etiquette-leadership-careers-tips.html

12. http://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/importance-copyright-2292.html13. http://www.confectionerynews.com/Markets/Be-consistent.-Be-visible.-

And-be-human-Building-consumer-trust-through-social-media14. http://blog.milestoneinternet.com/web-2/why-is-facebook-important/15. http://www.brettlewis.com/the-importance-of-facebook-in-business-marketing/16. http://

www.seminarinformation.com/qqbkmq/e-commerce-workplace-issues-for-employers17. http://


18. http://socialmediatoday.com/
