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Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"

Date post: 01-Jun-2018
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  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    Roxana Petre

    Reconfiguration of the Body in Contemporary American Advertising

    Week 7: The Beautiful Body


    Ferris Motz, Marilyn. "Seen Through Rose-Tinted Glasses." The BarbieDoll in Aeri!an So!iety. #$-%

    &'( Barbie has a essage (or us all it is to ignore theglooy outloo) o( others and !on!entrate on allthose !are(ree days o( youth. *hate+er lies in the

    store ill !oe sooner or later. '( you stay !lose toyour (riend Barbie, li(e ill alays be seen throughrose-tinted glass. #/0

    &She has the (a!e o( an angel, the body o( 1aie2ee 3urtis, the '4 o( a lettu!e lea(, but she5s a realdoll. #$0

    Fist Barbie doll, #676

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    Motz argues that8

    - children are more likely to be influenced by the hidden messagesdefining a popular artifact and less likely to have a worldview reflected by

    their culture; - children are passive recipients of messages designed and promoted byadult producers;- the beliefs and values embodied in the Barbie Doll are discussed on aserious tone which aptly indicates the importance of such messages whenour children play with (dress up) and hug these dolls.-

    these children become women who can only inhabit the very same worldof endless consumerism! fanatical desire for an impossible-to-reali"e bodyimage! and female subservience as their mothers;-all aspects of iconic Barbie # the doll$s appearance! history! audience andevolution # demonstrate how Barbie$s central meanings have bothremained the same while her wardrobe has changed with the times to

    communicate these messages to new generations .


  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    Barbie as (irst anu(a!tured by Mattelin #676-9 its longe+ity is uni:ue.- 1D fashion doll with the figure of a mature woman;- between &234 # &254 -, &&% million Barbie dolls were sold;-by &24& -, sales has increased to nearly 4 million 6 per year.-the only doll to achieve recognition as a cultural icon;

    - a booklet which described each of Barbie$s outfits;-unending supplyof variations on the basic Barbie and 7en.

    - ## ; in!hes high -9 &iniatures gi+e us a sense o( !ontrol o+er our en+ironent, a(a!tor that is

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    The Coral

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    9wners# girls from 1 to && years -, the girl be!oes the doll5s other, she tal)s dire!tlyto the doll the girl usually be!oes Barbie by s

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    roblematic even the least attractive and least popular can achieve! bybecoming Barbie! instant popularity in a fantasy world.

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    Barbie illustrates the shi(t o( a oan5s status as a se>ual and so!ial being, as o

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    he Doll provided-career-oriented role models;-*n ideal elder sister; a fashionable wardrobe; she goes to eciting places :, a glimpse ofwhat one might achieve one day.- outfits for working as an airline pilot! doctor! astronaut! reporter! business eecutive;

    ilitary uniform;- early Barbie costumes country club dance! debutante party! ballerina! nurse!airline stewardess! nightclub singer! bride;-#6@%#career girl suit;- #6$# iss *merica Barbie;- #6%# doctor$s outfit;- #6/$

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    Barbie has become a visual symbol for consumption of material goods! attention tophysical appearance! voyeuristic seuality! a lifestyle focused on personal pleasure(%&=).Barbie is regarded as an immediate recogni"ed image of contemporary *merican society.- Barbie museum;

    - Barbie doll collectors$ association;- Billy Boy # Barbie Eer life and times &' )ne hen Barbie entered y li(e it ould be along relationshi

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    *ndy /arhol$s Barbie Doll

    aren 3ar

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    ot" argues that Barbie doll is similar to the woman of &42'$s &e>!luded (ro the orld o( or),(or!ed to li+e a li(e based on leisure a!ti+ities,

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    Jontroversial Barbie dolls

    Barbie holding a diet boo)Bla!) 3anary Barbie !riti!ized (orbeing trashy

    Jreo Barbie -9 derogatoryter (or A(ri!an-Aeri!ans

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    Tattooed Barbie dolls

    regnant Midge she does not ha+e ahusband0

    Malibu Anna

  • 8/9/2019 Marilyn Ferris Motz, "Seeing through the rose tinted glass"


    Bald Barbie

    Barbie dolls ithreal
