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Marine Communications Cable

Date post: 15-Apr-2017
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Presented By : Ayat Bahaa Alaa Akram Marine Communications Cable

Presented By :Ayat BahaaAlaa AkramMarine Communications Cable


History For Submarine Cable .Different Between Submarine Cable VS Satellites.About How This Damage Marine Cable.Cases of repairing the damage in the cable.Submarine Cable Layers.How Submarine Cable Repair In The Event Of Damage To Him?How To Extension The Cable In The Sea?How we get internet serves.Building CablesList of international submarine communications cablesSubmarine cable mapSome information about submarine cablesecurity in submarine cableIn This Report :

How presentation will benefit audience: Adult learners are more interested in a subject if they know how or why it is important to them.Presenters level of expertise in the subject: Briefly state your credentials in this area, or explain why participants should listen to you.2

Cable is located in the bottom of the sea is part of a global network carries remoting between countries.This was the beginning of the cables in 1850 by a submarine cable was conducted between England and France were used for the transmission of information by telegraph only.Starting in 2003 linked the submarine cables all over the world except Antarctica.All modern cables use fiber optic technology to carry digital data is then used to transfer the movement of the phone with the Internet and information.Cable reached 69 mm in width, and weighs about 10 kg / m although the use of cables thinner and lighter in places deeperHistory For Marine Cable :

Example objectivesAt the end of this lesson, you will be able to:Save files to the team Web server.Move files to different locations on the team Web server.Share files on the team Web server.


In Fact Submarine Cable

For contact via satellite, it is available but can not be relied upon only because they simply will not bear the intense pressure, in addition to the submarine cables transmit information more quickly because the direct contact while satellite communication is not direct (land - Satellite - land), not to mention safety if he can be the subject of espionage and pick up information transmitted via satellite if it were not sufficiently encrypted.Different Between Submarine Cable VS Satellites in information transfer

Damage can occur to the cable because of fishing vessels, fish, earthquakes, volcanoes or the enemies of this cable cut off in the event of wars, God forbid.About How This Damage Marine Cable:


the erosion of the outer shell after a long time (leading to water leakage to the inside) and this rare and almost virtually non-existent

ships and navigation system good of others (where berths those ships during the stand lead to cut those cables) and this happens a lotThe causes of crashes cables and parts come from the "main reasons"

In the event of damage to a cable in the coastal areas:is lifted out of the water by the cable and fix it on the private deck cranes.

In the event of damage in Cable Average depth : is lowered technicians in special capsules are similar submarines to be fixed in position.

In the event of damage to the cable interconnection in very deep areas:are cut cable from two sides and the installation of a new link so that it is longer than the link severed and placed on the U-shapedCases of repairing the damage in the cable 1


The new cable is characterized by a private liner composed of several layers each layer has a special function to maintain the integrity of the cable and transfer information quickly and without problems.Submarine Cable Layers:

The first layer is composed of polyethylene of a chemical water-resistant. The second layer is a plastic material accurate name Mylar.The third layer is composed of steel wire monolith. The fourth layer is a barrier Aluminum Waterproof. Fifth layer consisting of the material Polycarbonate is a special shock-resistant chemical and degree of extreme heat. Sixth layer is aluminum Hijaz extra. Seventh layer consisting of Alptrulatum (such as Vaseline), a very dense and solid. eight layer class consisting of fiber optic.

The company must first locate the holidays, then start identifying the place more through communication stations surrounding the problem beaches, to start after engineers cables locate objects more precisely by sending pulses of light through those cables, and in the case of the proper cable will reach optical pulse the other side of the sea, while in the case of damaged or severed cable will not reach that pulse to the other party, and backfire again to the source By calculating the time that it takes the pulse to go back and engineers can then locate precisely holidays.How Submarine Cable Repair In The Event Of Damage To Him?

The company sends ship large cables carrying several miles of new fiber-optic cables to the process of reform by lifting the damaged portion to the ship and fix them, if the cables are under greater than 6,500 feet deep below the surface of the water the crew send a robot looks like a tank and can walk on the bottom sea is extended to those cables, and when it reaches the site of the holidays is cut damaged cables and replace them with new cables, damaged cables and took him to the ship.

These cables are extended by private ships there are a few companies have the costs are too high could reach hundreds of millions of dollars, depending on the length of the cable also Bandwidth.How To Extension The Cable In The Sea?

See how the submarine cable in the sea to get a fast Internet

It is a French company to renew these cables under the sea and bury it in the bottom of the sea in some areas is no secret that the Internet is the source of America in the whole world is linked to this extended cables to AmericaHow we get internet serves:

The extension of submarine cables requires the use of advanced technologies and teams specialized technical and ships equipped for this purpose, where the use of satellites to find out the best possible path for these cables, as is the installation of the amplified every hundred kilometers called Repeaters, which play an important role in amplifying the signal passersby in these cables.

When you send an email, a small collection of bits containing your message travels from a local server to a high-speed fiber-optic cable. These fibers, strands of glass that carry a waveform of light, move data at speeds up to 100 Gbps. One undersea cable might have hundreds of wavelengths per strand and several fibers. A submarine cable is about 0.75 to 2.5 inches in diameter, or about the thickness of three ordinary garden hoses. The longest cable, called the Southern Cross, runs under the Pacific, stretching 18,500 miles.Building Submarine Cables:

Most cables take several weeks to install. Surveyors must work with local fisherman, carriers, survey teams, and a number of private companies to determine the best route along the ocean floor, avoiding deep caverns and potential hazards. It takes a day to lay 80 to 90 miles of cable. In shallower waters near the shore, where there's more to go wrong, operators lay just 8 to 9 miles of cable a day.

FOG2 -(Fiber Optic Gulf 2) (UAE-Iraq-Saudi Arabia).FLAG FALCON - (FLAG Alcatel-Lucent Optical Network) - (Bahrain, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sir Lanka, Sudan, UAE, Yemen).Gulf Bridge International- (Linking the GCC countries (Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the UAE) to each other and onwards to Europe, Africa and Asia) - (planned for 2012).

List of international submarine communications cables:

Organization Tele Geography events online map marine cables which show 232 cable feeds the world's communications and linking it with some.The map shows the main cables sites as well as a chart detailing the names and capacities of all the cables and covers the period between 1992 and 2012.And shows lack of communication between Japan and the United Kingdom, and the United States and North Africa...Submarine cable map:

The optical fibers at the heart of the cable are made of highly purified glass that's as thin as a human hair Internal reflection is used to guide light along the path of the fiber.About 99% of all transoceanic Internet data is sent via undersea cables.At OCC, the fiber is first embedded in a jelly compound to keep water out in case the cable is damaged.Submarine cables can carry up to 80 Tbps, a capacity that's equivalent to transmitting 2,100 DVDs (4.7 GB each) in one second, according to NECSome information about Submarine cable:

A lack of security can leave cables vulnerable to attack Some telecoms and governments use radar tracking systems to monitor the area around these cables. Such technology detects when a ship is getting dangerously close to a cable and can warn the vessel of its proximity.security in Submarine cable:

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