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Mark Anderson - Ministering and Healing for Jesus - …...Jesus. He is an Apostle in India and is...

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Winter 2013 Report inside Reaching Out to Rajasthan State...................................... 2 Our Meeting with Pandit Sharma ................................. 6 Brent Cash Testimony .............. 6 Part I - Are You Living By Faith Or Fear In Troubled Times?................................... 8 Our Heart For Northern India’s Unreached And Persecuted ......................... 13 Part II - A Secure Financial Future in Troubled Times................... 14 Ministry Schedule ................... 16 reaching out to the unreached and Persecuted in northern india! Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
Page 1: Mark Anderson - Ministering and Healing for Jesus - …...Jesus. He is an Apostle in India and is greatly respected in the country. He has written many books on Jesus Christ revealed

Winter 2013 Report



Reaching Out to Rajasthan State...................................... 2

Our Meeting with Pandit Sharma ................................. 6

Brent Cash Testimony .............. 6

Part I - Are You Living By Faith Or Fear In Troubled Times? ................................... 8

Our Heart For Northern India’s Unreached And Persecuted .........................13

Part II - A Secure Financial Future in Troubled Times ...................14

Ministry Schedule ...................16

reaching out to the unreached and

Persecuted in northern india!

Ajmer, Rajasthan, India

Page 2: Mark Anderson - Ministering and Healing for Jesus - …...Jesus. He is an Apostle in India and is greatly respected in the country. He has written many books on Jesus Christ revealed


By Sharmila Anderson

reaching Out to rajasthan state

t he Lord opened the door for us to minister in Ajmer, Rajasthan, India from February

11-13th. We conducted a 3-day leadership training seminar and opened the meetings to the public in the evenings. This state is closed to Christianity, the anti-conversion law is in effect, Christians cannot publicly proclaim their faith. Thus the meetings were conducted indoors, but this did not stop the unsaved from attending in droves. The rather large church building (for Indian standards) was overflowing with people every night (500 plus). People stood outside and on the streets to hear about Jesus. What can I say...when Jesus shows up, so do the people. He is unstoppable; and that is what we witnessed every night in Ajmer.

Approximately 200 pastors and leaders attended the conference. They were

extremely hungry for the Word, many of them coming from remote areas where they do not receive any kind of Biblical teaching. The reason these conferences are so important is that the Lord is moving sovereignly in India. Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs etc. are

Vimla had surgery 11 months ago to remove a cancerous tumor. She felt it growing back. Was healed by Jesus after mass prayer, when she felt a wind blow across her body and dissolve the growth completely - Ajmer, India February 13, 2013.

Ganga - demonized 15 years. Felt hand of God touch her all over and was delivered - Ajmer, Rajasthan, India February 2013.

Leela Devi - felt electric current go through her hand into her body. Was demonized 12 years. Now full of joy - Ajmer, Rajasthan, India February 2013.

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www.markandersonministries.com 3

coming to Christ. They are called into ministry and are obedient to do so, however they have hardly any Biblical knowledge. Hence when we conduct these conferences in remote areas they benefit tremendously. In 2011 we conducted a campaign in Ghaziabad, India, where a young man came to Christ, who then immediately began to travel to the surrounding villages preaching Jesus! He was planning on attending the conference, but at the last minute had to cancel due to personal reasons.

There was a powerful time of impartation to the leaders on the final day of the conference. They were touched by the Lord and many leaders were out in the Spirit for a long time. The general consensus among the

ministers was that this conference was what they needed, it ignited them, gave them tremendous insight and fresh revelation of the Word of God. We shared on subjects like Authority of the Believer, Healing, Humility, Character, Integrity, Faith, How to Prosper, etc.

During the meetings in the evening about 165 people came into a relationship with Christ and many testified of healings by Jesus after mass prayer. Many cripples testified of healing, some testified of healing from cancers and tumors dissolving, freedom from demonic torment etc. Many testified of experiencing electric currents going through their body or extreme heat or coolness in their bodies. There is never enough room to share about all the miracles that Jesus did but I will mention some.

Vimla’s breast were surgically removed due to cancer 11 months

– continued on page 4

Vimla - Went to hospital for treatment of severe migrane. Dr. told her to go the meeting for healing because that is where people are getting healed. Came and was healed - Ajmer, Rajasthan, India February 2013.

Jenny - ciatic nerve problem for 3 years. Could not sit or lie down without severe pain - Ajmer, Rajasthan, India February 2013.

Page 4: Mark Anderson - Ministering and Healing for Jesus - …...Jesus. He is an Apostle in India and is greatly respected in the country. He has written many books on Jesus Christ revealed


Rajasthan State– continued from page 3

earlier. However she had developed another cancerous growth in the same area. During mass prayer she felt a wind blow across her body and the tumor vanished. Jenny’s sciatic nerve had been damaged and she was constantly in a lot of pain. She could not bend or sit Indian style. She received an instant healing during mass prayer and demonstrated she was healed. A gentleman who had been suffering with pancreatic cancer for 8 months felt the power of God go through him and he felt great. One of my favorite testimony was of another Vimla, who had come from the village to see a doctor at the hospital because she had been suffering with severe migraines for 6 months. At the hospital the doctor instead of prescribing her any medication told her to come to the meetings, as that was where all the healings were occurring. We have no idea who the doctor was. Vimla instead of insisting on receiving medication, simply came to the meeting and was instantly healed by Jesus. HE IS SO AWESOME! When people put their trust in HIm, He never lets them down.

Upon our return home we have received more reports of people being healed as the pastors and leaders who received impartation have been praying over people in their homes and churches. NIshi Jacob organized this

conference. Here is an email from him.

Dear Mark & Sharmila,

Thank you very much for coming and blessing us here... In my personal life I am encouraged with many testimonies. I am still hearing that how God has moved through you in 3 days. Some of the feedback I have received by Pastors and Leaders, those who attended and also from people who received healing.

Pastor Rajenders David - According to Him- he has attended so many meetings and campaigns but never heard anybody teaching on integrity. Personally he is blessed and God has showed him a new direction to his ministry.

Pastor Samuel Yadav - “God has moved so powerfully in this three days that we can feel the impact til this date.”

8 months sick with pancreatic cancer. Felt great after mass prayer for healing. Will be getting a check up - Ajmer, Rajasthan, India February 2013.

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Evangelist Deen Dayal - “After we attended meeting our ministry is seeing new transformation and growth.”

Many of church believers have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and many different gifts. Many leaders and Evangelists have rededicated their life for the ministry.

Many local Pastors have said that God is taking them into new dimension through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many received the gifts and operating in their neighborhoods. Many Miracles and Healing’s taking place through their ministries...

Nishi & Loreena

Unable to lift arm. After Mark shared about how the Lord healed his rotator cuff injury, this man was healed of his rotator cuff injury - Ajmer, Rajasthan February 2013.

church Planting in uttar Pradesh, indiaBefore traveling to Ajmer, Rajasthan we had the privilege of helping the New Life Churches of Delhi with some special outreaches in areas where they are planting churches. We saw about 150 people come into relationship with Jesus during these outreaches. We also saw many wonderful healings.

Regarding these outreaches, Pastor Victor Nazareth, head of the New Life Churches of Delhi wrote. “Our dear friend Mark Anderson worked with us once again holding meetings in the Eastern part of the city in Indrapuram and Noida (both part of the state of Uttar Pradesh on the outskirts of the National Capital Region of Delhi). The meetings were marked with clear presentations of the gospel and prayer for the people where there were healings

as signs confirming. As a result the meetings we are starting a church in Indrapuram where we have taken a flat that will serve as a house church. Also a brother, Gunjan Verma, has decided to serve the Lord full time in that region. Please pray for this new church and the people who are all from Hindu backgrounds.”

She had a lot of pain from cancer operation, neck and knee problems. After prayer all the pain left - Noida, U.P., February 2013.

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were invited to his house in Pushkar when we were in Ajmer. Unfortunately two nights before our visit he suffered a fall and was brought to the hospital in Ajmer. We had the opportunity of praying for him in the hospital. The presence of the Lord was so strong and heavy in his room. I felt overwhelmed with emotion. He laid hands on Mark and prayed over him for a long time. I knew that he was passing authority to Mark in the spirit realm. He prayed for authority, increase in miracles over Mark. He kept emphasizing the need to make disciples. It was a very powerful yet sweet encounter with Mr. Sharma and the Lord in that hospital room.

By Sharmila Anderson

Our Meeting with Pandit sharma

during this trip we had the privilege of meeting, praying for and being prayed for by Pandit Dharam

Prakash Sharma. Mr Sharma is the son of the high priest of the Temple to Brahma (believed to be the creator by Hindus) in Pushkar, Rajasthan. There are only two temples in the world to Brahma. Mr. Sharma was to succeed his father as high priest. However the true Creator had a different plan for him.

To make a long story short, Mr Sharma had an encounter with Christ and followed Jesus. He is now in his 80s. During his illustrious life before finding Christ he had been a successful actor in Bollywood, a successful businessman, written books, served in the Indian Parliament (similar to Congress in the USA) and worked closely with and witnessed to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. He has ministered extensively all over the world sharing much about Jesus. He is an Apostle in India and is greatly respected in the country. He has written many books on Jesus Christ revealed in the Hindu holy books. His wisdom and insight into Jesus and how Jesus revealed Himself to the early Hindus is amazing. We just finished reading his biography entitled ‘A Pushkar Pandit’s Tryst with God’. For many years Mark has quoted from his writings about Jesus in our campaigns, while preaching to thousands of Hindus.

For a long time we have desired to meet this godly man and his wife Asha. We

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Jesus restored sight in

Meeteetse, Wyoming at

Deputy Sheriff Joe Wager’s

house. Joe and his wife have

both experienced miraculous

healings in their lives in recent years during a

time of ministry in Meeteetse.

Joe was healed of severe back

problems and his wife was healed of fibromyalgia.

It is great to be in a house

meeting where there is faith in what Jesus said He could do. If

you want healing it is good to be around people

who believe and embrace healing like the Wagers.

Brent cash Miracle healing testimonyMeeteetse, WyomingHere is Brent in his own words:

“In 2010 I was diagnosed with glacoma, they put me on eye drops to keep the pressure down. I also had to get glasses. About 6 months ago Mark Anderson was speaking at a home church meeting in Meeteetse,Wyoming. After worshiping God and hearing Mark’s message, there was a time for prayer. After I expained to Mark my situation with my eyes he layed hands on me. I dont remember exactly everything he was praying for me but one part of the prayer I will never forget, as Mark had his hands on my temple and he said ‘there it is.’ I felt the prssure leave from behind my eyes, the best way I can explain this is to compare it to your ears popping after coming off a mountain or descending from a plane. At that moment I knew God had healed me and my eyesight was restored. Shortly after God healed me I went to the D.M.V. and told them that they needed to test my eyes so the restriction that was on my license stating that I must drive with glasses could be taken off. They asked me if I had a release from the doctor and I said no, but that I had been prayed over and God healed me. The look of unbelief from this employee was unreal but she agreed to test my eyesight. When she finished she looked at me funny and said Mr. Cash you passed with flying colors. As I said praise God, she responded ‘why not’ and took the restriction off my license. May God be glorified through my healing. I want to thank Mark Anderson and his ministry for the willingness to be God’s vessel.”

Know His peace today,

Brent Cash

Brent Cash has been a leader for Celebrate Recovery in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming.

Page 8: Mark Anderson - Ministering and Healing for Jesus - …...Jesus. He is an Apostle in India and is greatly respected in the country. He has written many books on Jesus Christ revealed


By Mark R. Anderson

Part I - Are You Living By Faith Or Fear In Troubled Times?

P salm 112:7, “He will not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.”

I remember the day in July 2002. I received a phone call that my older son Jesse was rushed to the hospital in Burlington, Vermont, diagnosed with Leukemia and other major health problems. Immediately the above verse came into my spirit, comforting me tremendously, knowing that this would pass. I knew that he would not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord (ref. Psalm 118:17). In months following that word was tested greatly.

Jesse went from lying on a hospital bed recovering well to a few months later on life support, with doctors not knowing if he would survive on January 5, 2003. By May of 2003 he was improving. God supernaturally visited him at a party, healed and delivered him from demons. On January 5, 2004, with a clean bill of health and he entered World Impact Bible School in St. Catharines, Canada. Since that time we have traveled together three times to the mission field. He is now happily married with two children. Jesse’s powerful testimony is in Chapter 8 of my latest book Overcoming Roadblocks To Healing.

We are living in a day when trouble is all around us. Jesus described the last days in Luke 21:26, “Men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” It is not a time to be living without faith or outside of God’s protection. It is a time to live by faith in Jesus Christ and His Word, which resonates with precious promises. Jesus shows us that for many their hearts would fail them because they would choose to focus on the negative.

Philippians 4:6 says, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be known to God.” Anxiety, worry, stress and fear can cause ulcers, heart problems and other maladies. Jesus told us many times concerning the last days to “Fear not.” Jesus exhorts us in Matthew 6:25-34 not to worry because worry will not change our circumstances one iota for the better. Instead of worrying anxiously about tomorrow, He encourages us in verse 33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” That can include healing, provision or whatever you may need.

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Job’s Incorrect TheologyJob believed incorrectly about God. Religious tradition passed down from St. Augustine and John Calvin tells us God made Job sick. Both these leaders also tell us that God somehow is the author of both good and evil. This theology is totally contrary to hundreds of verses in the Bible.

God corrected Job’s theology towards the end of the book of Job. In Job 40:8 (Moffatt translation) God says to Job To justify yourself, will you condemn Me? Throughout the book of Job I do not think God was really impressed with Job’s theology, unlike many Calvinists are today. Job lived before the time of Moses and he did not even know there was a Satan or demons. He makes no mention of them but thinks God is the source of His problems just like most of the world believes today because of the incorrect teachings of Calvinism and other religions. Jesus has perfect theology and way better theology than Job. I would want to put any theology up against Jesus’ theology to make sure I have proper doctrines and beliefs.

Now for Job. The Bible tells us in Job 2:7, “So Satan went out from the presence of the LORD, and struck Job with painful boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.” That lines up perfectly with Acts 10:38 which says How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil,

for God was with Him. Who did the evil and oppressing? God or Satan and his demons? Satan and demons! Job did not seem to realize there was a Satan (or Devil) and demons. He makes no mention of them and accuses God of doing what Satan had done. He honestly did not know. It is really sad when Christians buy into the lie that God makes us suffer with sickness because that is what Job thought, when all along it is either Satan, his demons or ourselves who are the culprits. What a slap in God’s face to accuse Him of causing natural disasters and afflicting people when Jesus was manifested to destroy the works and will of the Devil (see 1 John 3:8).

Where was the open door for Job? Fear opened the door for Satan and demons to attack Job. God did not do that to Job. Job 3:25 says, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me.” The Hebrew literally says, “I feared a fear and it came upon me.” Fear can activate Satan’s destructive power the same way faith activates God’s miracle working power. Even though Job’s theology was off he kept a pure heart before God. He humbled himself when corrected by God and repented. God, who is good restored twice as much to him (see Job 42:12).

A recent survey taken estimated that most Christians (unlike Job) if they found out their theology was off with the Bible they would not humble

– continued on page 10

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themselves and correct their theology but continue believing the lies they have come to believe. Why is that? PRIDE AND ARROGANCE! Pride is the armor of hell. Just like fear, it also activates satanic or demonic destructive powers.

Some people do not even realize they are living their lives in fear. Let me explain. They are letting negative experiences from the past dictate how their lives should be lived today. They do not appear to be living in fear outwardly, but by their subconscious actions and decisions they are living in fear. They do not even recognize the decisions they are making today are controlled by fear from what they have

experienced in the past. It can greatly impact the lives of those that are close to them by passing on those fears and phobias. Fear is contagious just like faith is contagious.

Faith needs to be the center of our decision making process. Do not let fears and phobias from the past

control your future destiny. Fear is faith perverted. It is putting faith in what the Devil has said about your circumstances. Put faith in God’s Word not what the Devil, demons or your physical circumstances dictate.

Jesus said, “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19). This is Jesus’ promise to you, nothing shall harm you. If He is on our side and has given us this promise we can in faith effectively wage war on fear.

Laying A Proper FoundationHebrews 6:1 says, “Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the

foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God.” Notice that “faith toward God” is a foundation that every Christian needs to have. Yet many Christians know very little about living by faith in troubled times. When building a house it is crucial to lay a solid foundation. Otherwise one can build the most beautiful house


Faith or Fear?– continued from page 9

Overcoming Roadblocks to Healing (Mark’s latest book) Learn things that hinder the miracle working power of Jesus and avoid them. Also learn about the negative influence of Greek Philosophy on Western Christianity and how it has watered down the Gospel of Christ for many centuries. Many testimonies are shared of people that overcame and beat cancer in this book. $12 plus $3 shipping per book - Total price per book $15 includes shippingwww.markandersonministries.com/store

Have you ever received prayer for healing or deliverance but nothing seemed to happen? Were you healed, only to lose your healing or deliverance a short time later? In this book we search out answers from God’s Word to reveal things that can hinder healing. Clear cut answers from God’s Word show how to overcome roadblocks to healing or deliverance.

Mark Anderson shares many things from his years of experience in the healing ministry. Many Christians do not realize just how much Greek Philosophy influ-ences their everyday Christian walk and belief system when it comes to healings and miracles. He explores major hindrances to miracles, healings and deliverance in western Christianity.

“I believe this book should be read by every believer, especially those who need healing. It is a tremendous resource for those who have not walked in the healing ministry, to be aware of roadblocks in people’s lives to healing.”

- Randy Clark

Evangelist, teacher, singer-songwriter and author, Mark Anderson has traveled to five continents of the world preaching, training leaders and ministering in contemporary rock music. Undeniable miracles and healings have been a regular occurrence in Mark’s city-wide campaigns and meetings. Churches have been planted in India, Canada, Bulgaria and the USA through Mark Anderson Ministries.

Mark and his wife Sharmila are ordained and li-censed by Randy Clark and Bill Johnson. They continue traveling much of the world. Sharmila has conducted women’s conferences and oversees Karishma Girls Home and Sewing School in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India along with her mother. Mark and Sharmila reside in Cody, Wyoming.

ISBN 978-1937467128

9 781937 467128









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Published by



F o R E W o R d B y R A n d y C l A R K

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on a poor foundation only to run into problems in the future.

Many Christians do not lay a foundation in the area of faith, but just coast along, and when all of a sudden troubles come upon them they are ill equipped to handle it. They begin to worry, get fearful, or worse still turn from God because a foundation of faith had not been laid.

Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by word of God.” Faith does not come by hearing something once in a while and living off that. It comes by continually immersing oneself in the word of God. Faith does not come by going through trials! If this were the case we would all be spiritual giants. Unfortunately trials have destroyed many individuals walk with Christ. During trials is the time to exercise the faith in God, that you have been building up. At such times faith can be strengthened, but faith needs to be built before difficulties come upon us.

Fear comes the same way as faith does. By continually dwelling on and listening to the negative. Fear is negative and enters our lives when we meditate and listen to what the enemy, others or circumstances tell us.

When talking about the troubles that will come during the end times God’s Word tells us to “fear not.” The end times will be the greatest time ever in the history of the Church. It will be the time of the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God has poured

the Holy Spirit and many are finally tapping into that outpouring. Miracles, healings, signs and wonders are picking up with greater intensity for those hungry for God. On the other hand those who refuse to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ are having trouble pick up with intensity as Jesus prophesied 2,000 years ago in Matthew 24. Regarding the last days, Jesus said in Matthew 24:8 “All these are the beginning of sorrows (Greek- birth pangs).” The closer the mother gets to delivering a child the contractions increase as also the intensity. Jesus is saying it will be the same way with trouble on the earth during the end times right before He returns, but DO NOT FEAR. WALK BY FAITH! You have a choice in the outcome.

In Matthew 24:12-13 Jesus says, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” The word saved in Greek means- protected, healed, delivered, prospered and a lot more.

How do we endure on a troubled planet? 1 John 5:4 says, “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-OUR FAITH.” Do you desire to be an overcomer in troubled times? Then learn to walk by faith in God and His word. Jesus talking about the End Times said “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” (Matthew 24:35) His

– continued on page 12

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Faith or Fear?– continued from page 11

words are something you can trust to pull you through during troubled times.

Separating Physical Truth From Spiritual TruthHebrews 11:1-3 says, “Now faith is the substance (Greek- title deed) of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Faith is what can actually bring about something (physical) out of nothing (invisible).

John 8:31-32 says, “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide (Greek- continue) in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Is the truth He is talking about spiritual or physical? It is spiritual! He said God’s Word is truth (see John 17:17), which is spiritual. It is one thing to know scriptures like many Christians do and quite another thing to continue in the Word, to know and experience the Word working in your life. Many Christians know the truth of God’s Word but are still bound. Mental assent to the Word of God will not cut it. The Bible is spiritual truth. If someone is sick or diseased the fact is they are sick or diseased. This is not

mind over matter or ignore it and it will go away. Jesus did not tell us to ignore the mountain but to face the mountain and speak to it in faith believing that it would be removed (Mark 11:22-23). Bill Johnson says, “Faith doesn’t deny a problem’s existence. It denies it a place of influence.” The mountain before you is the truth (fact) in the physical realm. You can take spiritual truth (the Word of God) which supersedes physical facts (physical realm truth) and apply with faith and watch the spiritual truth do away with the physical facts (physical realm truth) by creating something (physical) out of nothing (invisible). That is how faith in God’s Word works.

If you would like to know more about faith verses fear you can order my latest book Overcoming Roadblocks To Healing. Another very good book about Job’s theology verse’s Jesus’s theology that also refutes some of the incorrect teachings of Calvinism with a proper balance is Schizoprenic God? Finding Reality in Conflict, Confusion, and Contradiction by a good friend of mine Pastor Steve C. Shank.

Order your copy today $18 (includes shipping)


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“Please do not stop telling people about Jesus. Go all over and tell people about Him.”

This urgent plea was given to us by Ram Pyari, a 65-70 year old women who attended the campaign in Ghaziabad. She went on to say:“I have just heard about Jesus. What a lovely name! He has healed my body and I am experiencing such peace and joy. I wonder what my life and the life of my children would have been like if I had heard about Him earlier.”

In one sense these are chilling words to hear. Are we doing enough to reach out to the unreached? Will we reach them before it’s eternally too late?

On May 24th we leave for northern India again. This time we are targeting three towns

that are extremely unreached and where pastors and leaders who spread the Gospel are being persecuted. In Himachal Pradesh only 1/10th of 1% of the population is Christian. In Uttrakhand about 2% are considered Christian but most of them are in the bigger cities not in the remote areas. Our heart is to go in and present Jesus to the unreached. Many of the people in these towns know nothing about Jesus. Most of the pastors in these towns have had little or no training for ministry. They are very poor, yet very willing to endure persecution to spread the Gospel. We cover all the expenses to conduct training conferences and provide them books free of charge

to help equip them for the work of the ministry. In the evenings we will open our meetings to the public to present Jesus to the unreached and pray for healings. We are expecting to see many come to Christ and many instantly healed by Jesus to leave a lasting impression of Christ’s love and power in their hearts and minds. Your ongoing prayers and support is what enables us to carry out this mission and spread Jesus to these towns.

Our heart For northern india’s unreached And Persecuted

Here is the schedule:

May 28-30 Open-air-campaign and conference Khatima, Uttarakhand, India

June 3-5 Mini-campaign and conference Kachri, Himachal Pradesh, India

June 6-7 Mini-campaign and conference Sundarnagar, Himachal Pradesh, India

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By Mark R. Anderson

Part ii - A secure Financial Future in troubled times

One area of great concern and fear in these last days for many is lack the of money or provision.

Contrary to popular religious belief God does not delight in you living in poverty. Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law which included poverty, sickness and so much more (see Galatians 3:13-14 & Deuteronomy 28:15-68). Psalms 35:27 says “...Let the Lord be magnified, Who has pleasure in the prosperity of His servant.”

“Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life” (1 Timothy 6:17-19). These are verses Sharmila and I have lived by for many years. They work when put into practice!

1Timothy 6:17-19 speaks to us regarding troubled times ahead. It also instructs us on laying the foundation for a secure financial future by adhering to God’s instruction. When Paul speaks to the rich, I believe He is speaking to those in Christ. If in Christ, we are rich! He tells us to trust in HIM (not our wealth) as He will give us richly all things to enjoy (Verse 17). Notice also Paul tells us not to flaunt our wealth or let our wealth lift us up in arrogance. In my book Humility The Hidden Key To Walking In Signs And Wonders I devote

an entire chapter talking mostly about how humility attracts wealth or is tied to prosperity, not poverty. The main verse I use is Proverbs 22:4 which says By humility and the fear of the Lord (Hebrew- reverence & awe) are riches and honor and life.

A guaranteed way of receiving His financial blessings is by living Verse 18. Notice: “Ready to give.” How many of us are prepared, ready and willing to give, even prior to being blessed financially? This is what the Lord is referring too in these scriptures; having a heart prepared and ready to give. “Willing to share or distribute!” Are we willing to share or distribute the blessings of the Lord with those who have lost everything because of a disaster, to help the fatherless, the poor, unreached, etc? What about supporting your local church if it is living and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ? These are all places we should be distributing to. Hoarding is rooted in fear and selfishness. It leads to poverty.

Another way God shows us to lay a good financial foundation for troubled times, is to be rich in good works. Now is the time for followers of Jesus who want to live the Bible, to rise up and help those going through hard times, not by trying to just preach to them but to serve them. Meet their present needs even if it is a sacrifice for you. This will reveal Christ’s love to them. Serve them into the Kingdom.

Page 15: Mark Anderson - Ministering and Healing for Jesus - …...Jesus. He is an Apostle in India and is greatly respected in the country. He has written many books on Jesus Christ revealed

www.markandersonministries.com 15

is published by Mark Anderson MinistriesP.O. Box 66 • Cody, WY 82414-0066 USA • Phone: 307-587-0408Website: www.markandersonministries.comE-mail: [email protected]

Magazine design by GEA-designsPhone: 720-394-1301Website: www.gea-designs.comE-mail: [email protected]

If we are willing to do these things, read Verse 19, “storing up for themselves a GOOD FOUNDATION FOR THE TIME TO COME.” The KJV says against the time to come. If our heart is comfortable with giving and serving we are laying a foundation against troubled times that may come upon us. This is not talking about heaven, but right here and now! Nothing will be against us in heaven! When we give and serve according to God’s leading then we sow into God’s kingdom and souls. We are hence not governed by the economy of the world, but by God’s economy and His economy never “crashes” and is never unstable.

Many times when financial difficulties have come our way, Sharmila and I have increased giving of our financial seed rather than holding back. It is our way of telling Jesus our eyes are on you. You are our source. He always comes through. In the long run God opens the windows of abundance and meets every need. He will do the same for anyone who lives His word in dealing with finances. Expect it! You have His Word (covenant) on it (see Deuteronomy 8:18, Psalms 89:34, 2 Cor. 9:8-11). His desire is to bless you so that you in turn can be a blessing.

A Better Return on Your InvestmentListen to what Jesus said about having a good return on your investments,

especially in troubled times. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21). There are many thieves in this world. Where is your treasure? If your treasure is in heaven then know this, thieves can not access it. There are no economic problems in heaven. If our treasure is sown into heaven look what Jesus said. He would meet your needs according to His riches in heaven (see Philippians 4:15-19).

The greatest investment we could ever make is in furthering the Kingdom of God on this earth. There is no greater investment than this. With God’s laws of sowing and reaping you lay a secure financial foundation for your future. Notice also Jesus said that your heart is where your treasure is. Where is your heart? I want my heart to be in heaven so that nothing that happens in this lifetime can affect my walk with Christ. He paid a debt He never owed. Now I owe a debt to Him I will never be able to pay back. Think about it! Jesus, God in the flesh came to earth as a man to serve and to lay down His life. Let ‘s follow in His steps and be a blessing to others during troubled times. If that is your heart you will not lack.

Page 16: Mark Anderson - Ministering and Healing for Jesus - …...Jesus. He is an Apostle in India and is greatly respected in the country. He has written many books on Jesus Christ revealed




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