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market intelligence tires

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Market Basics| HMC Market Consulting | 15/09/2016 „Market Intelligence Tires”

Market Basics| HMC Market Consulting | 15/09/2016

„Market Intelligence Tires”

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 2

| Market Intelligence| Agenda

1. Initial situation and approach

2. Project

Module I: Replacement Tire Market Data Basics

Module II: Tire Replacement Size By Size

Module III: Tire Market Trends

Module IV: Reporting and Market Database

3. Additional Services

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 3

| HMCStatus Quo | Initial Situation

For the fundamental development of the business in Europe requires basic data about the

importance of market data; both among the car manufacturers and in the replacement


With regard to the scope and the varying time expenditure for obtaining the required

information, we recommend a modular procedure which is organized in two sub-projects.

• Replacement

• Inquiry of total sell in/sell out – volume and by segments for the 15 important countries

in Europe (Module I).

• Inquiry of the size by size market importance by segments in the 15 important countries

(Module II).

• Analysis of tire market trends (segments and size by size. (Module III)

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 4

| HMCMarket Intelligence

Reporting and Market




1. General Overview

-General overview of the OE tire market potential

2. Replacement Market Data Basics

-Identification of the most important sizes and

types by each segment.

3. Replacement Size By Size

- Compiling reports that are oriented on the needs

of the client

4... Market Trends

-Identification of trends by segments, sizes and


5. Reporting and Market Database

-Replacement Tire Database with approval.

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 5

| Market Intelligence| Agenda

1. Initial situation and approach

2. Project

Module I: Replacement Tire Market Data Basics

Module II: Tire Replacement Size By Size

Module III: Tire Market Trends

Module IV: Reporting and Market Database

3. Additional Services

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 6

| Market Intelligence| Agenda

1. Initial situation and approach

2. Project

Module I: Replacement Tire Market Data Basics

Module II: Tire Replacement Size By Size

Module III: Tire Market Trends

Module IV: Reporting and Market Database

3. Next Steps

4. Additional Services

5. Network

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 7

| HMCReplacement | Module II – Market Basics

Basis for the calculation of the market by segment and size by size is the estimated sell-in

volume (industry/first supply to the trade = ERMC + Non Members)) in the prioritized


Plausibility check results from the analysis of the car park and the consumer demand with tire

replacement factors.

An inquiry of the major trade groups or traders is essential for getting the required results. At

the same time first potential data can be presented.

Provision of a systematic planning basis for the replacement business.

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 8

| Market DataMarket Shares: Car Total (SI)

Summer 52%


The total car tyre market was divided into summer by 52% and winter by 48% in 2013.

AWT Mix by segments in %

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Replacement | Module II: Replacement Market Data Basics


Fact Findings


•Project steering

•Sighting of all relevant project information and Desk-Research

•Analysis of sell-in/sell-out volume by countries

•Execution of consumer survey in priority countries

•Execution of dealer survey in priority countries

•Statistical evaluation of the survey

•Calculation of market volume by segments

•Reporting (xls-tables)

•Delivery of results

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 10

| HMCReplacement | Module IV – Focus on Important Countries

•In a first step we

suggest the strategic

focus on the 6 most

important countries of

car tires.

Country Share %

Austria 2%

Belgium/Lux 3% Wholesale

Denmark 1%

Eire 1%

Finland 1%

France 14%

Germany 25%

Great Britain 10%

Greece 1%

Italy 11%

Netherlands 4% Wholesale

Norway 1%

Portugal 1%

Spain 8%

Sweden 2%

Switzerland 2%

WEST 87%

Country Share %

Albania 0%

Baltic countries 1%

Bulgaria 1%

Croatia 1%

Czech Republic 2%

Hungary 1%

Macedonia 0%

Poland 4%

Serbia 1%

Romania 0%

Slovakia 1%

Slovenia 1%

EAST 13%


15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 11

| HMCReplacement I Module II: Reporting Example

•Tire demand by product group and speed segment (Volume)


Wave No. var. +/- % Mix % YTD var. +/- %

TR 90.000 +3,0 78,3 900.000 +3,0

HR 15.000 + 1,0 13,0 150.000 + 1,0

V/W/Y/Z 10.000 +5,0 8,7 100.000 +5,0

SUMMER Total 115.000 +2,0 100,0 1.150.000 +2,0

TR 16.500 -10,0 91,7 165.000 -10,0

H/V 1.500 -5,0 8,3 15.000 -5,0

WINTER Total 18.000 -9,0 100,0 180.000 -9,0

CAR TOTAL 133.000 +1,0 1.330.000 +1,0

SUV/4x4 4.500 +12,0 45.000 +12,0

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 12

| Market Intelligence| Agenda

1. Initial situation and approach

2. Project

Module I: Replacement Tire Market Data Basics

Module II: Tire Replacement Size By Size

Module III: Tire Market Trends

Module IV: Reporting and Market Database

3. Additional Services

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 13

| HMCReplacement | Module II – Market Size By Size

Basis for the calculation of the market by size by size is the analysis of the market data basics

in the prioritized countries.

Plausibility check results from the analysis of the car park and the consumer demand with tire

replacement factors.

An inquiry of the major trade groups or traders is essential for getting the required results. At

the same time first potential data can be presented.

Provision of a systematic planning basis for the replacement business.

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 14



Replacement | Module II: Market Size By Size


Fact Findings


•Project steering

•Sighting of all relevant project information and Desk-Research

•Analysis of statistical items of market basics

•Analysis of local dealer size by size statistic

•Statistical evaluation

•Reporting (xls-tables)

•Delivery of results

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 15

| HMCReplacement | Module III: Market Size By Size

Germany Car Summer: Size Range T

Rim Width Ratio SI LI Rf_AWT Year Market Mix % Rank Sales Mix %

13 155 80 T 82 2012 268.500 4 9

13 155 80 T 79 A 16.000

13 155 80 T 83 XL 8.500

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 16

| Market Intelligence| Agenda

1. Initial situation and approach

2. Project

Module I: Replacement Tire Market Data Basics

Module II: Tire Replacement Size By Size

Module III: Tire Market Trends

Module IV:: Reporting and Market Database

3. Additional Services

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 17

| HMCReplacement | Module III – Market Trends

Basis for the calculation is the analysis of the market data basics, the OE demand and the

current market size by size statistic in the prioritized countries.

Plausibility check results from the analysis of the car park and the consumer demand with tire

replacement factors.

An inquiry of the major trade groups or traders is essential for getting the required results. At

the same time first potential data can be presented.

Provision of a systematic planning basis for the replacement business.

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 18

| Market DataMarket Potential: CAR Summer by segments (SI)

in ‘000 units


Increasing importance of car winter has lead to a drop of car summer tyre demand.

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 19



Replacement | Module III: Market Trends


Fact Findings


•Project steering

•Sighting of all relevant project information and Desk-Research

•Time series of tire market by segments

•Time series of size by size and line-ups

•Statistical evaluation of the time series

•Reporting (xls-tables)

•Delivery of results

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 20

| Market Intelligence| Agenda

1. Initial situation and approach

2. Project

Module I: Replacement Tire Market Data Basics

Module II: Tire Replacement Size By Size

Module III: Tire Market Trends

Module IV: Reporting and Market Database

3. Additional Services

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 21



Replacement | Module V: Market Database


Fact Findings


•Project steering

•Programming database

•Delivery of results from OE Tire Market

•Delivery of results from Replacement Market

•Statistical evaluation

•Reporting (xls-tables)

Delivery of results

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 22

| Market Intelligence| Agenda

1. Initial situation and approach

2. Project

Module I: Replacement Tire Market Data Basics

Module II: Tire Replacement Size By Size

Module III: Tire Market Trends

Module IV: Reporting and Market Database

3. Additional Services

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 23

| Market Intelligence| Additional Services

1. Marketing

• Market Strategies

• Product/- Service-Management

• Price Management

• Customer Relationship Management

• Sales Strategies

• Distribution Analysis

• Marketing/- Sales Controlling

2. Communication

• Public Relation• Social Media Services

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 24

Project Approach and Methodology

Key Contents

• Market



Market Analysis

• Basic information about:

Demand for umbrellas

and parasols in Germany

Distribution Channels

(wholesale, advertiser,


Market and product

segments (size, use,

design, …)

Price segments

Purchase criteria and

purchase conditions

Key players

•Market Volume


Consumer Behavior

Market volume in value and

units (product segment,

distribution channel etc.)

Price segment analysis and

price sensitivity

Consumer purchase behaviour

(purchase triggers, sources of

information and purchase

process, most frequented

distribution channel, purchase

reasons, …)

Brand awareness




Definition of distribution flow

Market entry requirements

and importance of purchase


Sources of information

Purchase and Sales Price


Strength and weakness of

current suppliers

Identification of key




Analysis and profiling of

both key as well as

potential competitors.

| Market Intelligence

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 25

Distribution Analysis

Sources of Supply by Distribution Channel










Promotional Products Company





















Big Retail Chains







•Source: Etimates based 2hm Distributor Analysis and Expert Talks 2011;

| Market Intelligence

15/09/2016 | Market Data © HMC Market Consulting | 26

| Market Datahmc | Contact

HMC Market Consulting

Strategie- & Managementberatung

Dr.-W.-Albach-Strasse 28

D-64720 Michelstadt

Telephone: +49 (0) 6131-37.16.60

Fax: +49 (0) 6131-37.16.60

Mobile: +49 (0) 171-450.74.93

E-Mail: [email protected]

Internet: www.market-consulting.eu

Contact for this presentation :

Hans Herrmann
