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  • 7/28/2019 Market Research Term Paper


    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana





    GMBA 705: Marketing Research (September December 2012)Group marketing research project (30%)

    Perception of politics and political parties: an exploratory study in Ghana

    Instructor: Charles Blankson, Ph.D.

    Presented by: 2010 MBA MARKETING GROUP II

    Group membersEDEM AFI GUNU MBAE10040127





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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana




    This paper presents the results of a study conducted to determine perception of Ghanaians on

    political parties and their campaigns and finds congruence between perceptions and the

    results of content analysis of various newspapers. Respondents largely agreed with

    perception that politics was largely for personal gain, lacked integrity and had ethnic


    Though it is a qualitative research, questionnaires were developed and administered but

    analysis was done using excel template. The goal was to add further credence to results of

    the qualitative study without going into full quantitative analysis.

    Respondents agreed largely that political parties campaigns was full of propaganda and did

    not influence electoral fortunes. Rather perceptible achievements were much more important

    than campaigns. In all 130 articles were content analyzed and results showed congruence

    between the media and respondents on perception of politics being largely for personal gain,

    lacking integrity, full of propaganda, education and health being key in campaigns and

    tangible achievements being very important to electoral fortunes.


    The name of modern day Ghana was culled from the ancient kingdom of Ghana, which was

    one of the most powerful three West African states of Mali and Songhai. Its gloried period

    was between the 12th to the 16th centuries. In the aftermath of its defeat by the Songhai

    Empire, most of its citizens, it is believed, migrated to present day Ghana (www.css.co.za)

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    ushered in the Provisional National Defence Council (PNDC). This regime under pressure

    from both internal and external sources organised democratic elections in 1992 that brought

    in the Fourth Republic. The National Democratic Congress led by Rawlings won the 1996

    elections. In 2000 it lost to the major opposition party, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) led by

    J.A. Kufuor who won another term in 2004.

    Political system

    With successful elections held in 2008 and an impending one in 2012 one can say that

    democratic governance is gaining roots as the preferred form of governance in Ghana. Not

    surprisingly, the 2008 Afrobarometer report states that 79% of adult Ghanaians prefer

    democracy to alternative forms of government, making party turnover increasingly likely

    outcome each election year.

    There however seem to be an inequity in electoral fortunes .According to the STAR-Ghana

    report, Ghana Today , Ghana is settling into a de facto two-party system with only NPP and

    NDC being the only parties with a reasonable chance of electing a President and forming a

    government. With Fluid electoral majorities, there is no dominant single party: NPP and

    NDC are more or less equally matched in national electoral strength

    According to the 2011 USAID REPORT on Ghana (USAID, Ghana, Ghana Democracy and

    Governance Assessment, Final Report. Fox et al, 2011) Ghana politics is embodied winner-

    take-all system which undermines administrative accountability for the effective use of public

    resources to address socio-economic problems. Also there is a growing concentration of

    wealth among exclusive group of politicians and their supporters excluding the vast majority

    of Ghanaians who largely continue to wallow in poverty.

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    Further STAR-Ghana report (GHANA TODAY) identifies that competition and electoral

    outcomes exhibits growing polarization along ethnic lines with NPP strongly identified with

    Akan, especially with Twi-speaking subgroups (Asante,Akim,Kwahu) and NDC enjoying

    support from Ewes and ethnic groups of the three Northern regions.

    Literature Review

    Perception of Politics

    Public opinion consists of the views held by the population of a state that influence those in

    power. In a democratic state, politicians must listen to public opinion if they wish to keep

    their jobs(www.sparknotes.com).In America, public opinion is a dominant force in American

    politics and especially so during the long electoral process. If a presidential candidate fails to

    hit it off with the media at the first primary, then that presidential candidate is likely to have a

    political mountain to climb up to the election (www.historylearningsite.co.uk)

    According to the authors influences on public opinion includes:

    1. Politicians who actively campaign to generate support among the public. They give

    speeches and interviews, stage rallies, and listen to constituents.

    2. The news media which covers all major political events extensively. Because the vast

    majority of people get their political information from the media, it has a huge impact.

    Thus by deductive reasoning we can state that the perception of the public towards a

    particular party or candidate or politics based on public opinion can have an effect on

    electoral fortunes.

    Perception of Ghanaians about politicians has largely being unfavorable. The CDD

    afrobarometer report on Ghana states that perception of corruption among elected officials

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    and governments has witnessed persistent rise since 2002, with 95 per cent of the citizens

    perceiving that some tax officials and police officers are corrupt. The report further revealed

    that perception of corruption among public officials was as high as 58 per cent for officials at

    the presidency and some members of parliament while 56 per cent observed that governments

    were corrupt.

    Politics Parties Campaign

    In campaigning for political positions, whether or not one is capable of being a leader is not

    the key to success, but what seems to be the important thing is how one can use an effective

    campaign strategy to drum home ones message (Kajo W & Svenja. H. (2011)

    According to Lindberg, 2006, presidential campaigns are very hotly contested because they

    determine who is selected as the head of state and to whom majority of the people would

    entrust guardianship of their sovereignty. Since few citizens are able to attend campaign

    rallies, majority of voters get messages about candidates mostly from alternative media.

    (Ridout & Mellen, 2007)

    According to Kajo W & Svenja. H. (2011) various campaign strategies can be adopted by

    political parties to maximize their effect. The strategies include Street campaign ,The classic

    distribution campaign ,Street tango ,The ground newspaper, Desires wall or wailing wall

    ,Media work (radio, print, TV) ,Organize advocates and supporters, Telephone campaigns

    and Online campaign. In Ghana the most popular campaign methods include Media work,

    organization of advocates and supporters and street campaigns. Phone campaigns are also

    gradually becoming popular and some Presidential Candidates send wholesale campaign

    messages via SMS outlining salient points in their manifesto.

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    According to Ninsin (2006), Politcal parties through their campaigns employ various tactics

    to mobilize voters for their course. The tactics include appeal to political tradition, ethnic

    identity and religion, appeal to other identities such as settlers versus indigenes, as well as use

    of money and other material incentives. The influence of these factors in determining the

    outcome of elections depends on the constituency and whether its parlia mentary or

    presidential. In Presidential elections, these local factors are weighed, often heavily, by

    national issues like the economy.

    Of all information voters obtain through the mass media during a presidential campaign,

    knowledge about where the candidates stand is vital and can influence voters perception and

    choice of candidates (Amponsah, 2012).According to the author, policy issue statements

    contribute to better voter knowledge and voting decisions. These policy issue statements can

    be obtained from newspaper articles and communicated extensively during campaigns. Also

    since positive tone of campaign coverage could be favorable to democracy, candidates adjust

    the tone of their comments in order to appeal to the electorate.

    From the foregoing it could be inferred that campaigns generally influence voting behavior

    and that candidates try to project a positive image in the mind of electorates in order to

    influence electoral fortunes.

    Literature on perceptions of Ghanaians about politicians as well as political parties and their

    campaigns has not been cited by the authors. Apart from Peter N.Amponsah work in 2012

    which discusses the Daily Graphic Coverage of Presidential campaigns in Ghana, not much

    work has been done on Political partys campaign. Though the paper addresses the influence

    of campaigns on voter choice it fails to discuss the congruence between what the newspapers

    address in campaign messages and the perception of voters on political campaigns and thus

    provides the impetus for this research.

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    Research Aims and Objectives

    The aim of this research is access public perceptions of political parties and their campaigns

    during elections. More specifically the objectives of this paper are to:

    1. Determine public perception about politics in general

    2. Determine public perception of political parties campaign and

    3. By means of content analysis of various newspaper commentaries and communications

    from political parties determine the congruence between the strategies and tactics adopted by

    political parties and the aforementioned.

    Research Methodology

    Due to the exploratory nature of this research it was decided that a qualitative research was

    most appropriate. (see Blankson &Omar,2002).In order to achieve the research goal, a multi-

    step process demanding that thorough attention be paid to every step of the process has been

    adapted in the questionnaire design process. This method was adapted by Blankson &

    Kalafitis(2004) and Blankson &Strutton (2011).In their research they adapted a modified

    version of Parasuraman et al.framework with the following steps (see fig.1):Initial generation

    of statements, Deletion of duplicate statements, Initial collection of perception, scale

    development and purification, identification of main factors/dimensions, final collection of

    perceptions, evaluation of the reliability and validity of the positioning typology and

    positioning typology. This framework was used with some modifications to fit our purpose.

    Our modified framework is as follows:

    Step 1: Initial generation of statements from in-depth interviews

    Step2: Deletion of duplicate statements

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    Step 3: Design of questionnaires

    Step 4: Pilot test of questionnaire

    Each of the steps is now debated in detail:

    Initial generation of statements from in-depth interviews (Step 1)

    Each member of the team (5) conducted an in-depth interview to elicit views on politics and

    political parties and their campaigns. Questions were open-ended and were phrased as


    1. What is your perception of Politics in Ghana?

    2. What is your perception of political parties and their campaigns?

    The interview lasted typically for about 30 minutes per session and took place in natural non-

    contrived settings. Our choice of sample size was informed from Parmentier, Fisher et al.

    (2012) who adapted McCrackens precept of adding additional interviews to dataset until no

    incremental insights are generated with each new informant. After interviewing 12 people we

    felt we had reached a saturation point since successive new respondents after the 10 th

    interview gave no new perceptions. In all we collected a total of 56 statements. Selection of

    the interviewees was purely judgmental and the only requirement was one had to be 18 years

    of age.

    Deletion of duplicate statements (Step 2)

    This stage was done by adaptation of Blankson and Kalafitis,2004.In their research, they

    followed suggestions of Kirk and Miller (1986),Bliss et al.(1987) ,Gordon and Langmaid

    (1988) and Loos(1995).We thus examined the list of 56 generated statements and identified

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    and deleted duplicate/overlapping statements by means of inductive reasoning. The process

    resulted in the retention of only those statements/items, which were viewed as potential

    discriminators across respondents perception. The exercise resulted in 16 statements which

    were used as the variables for the questionnaire.

    Design of questionnaire (Step 3)

    The questionnaire was designed based on Dilman,Tortora,Bowker(99).Though this article

    was on principles for conducting web surveys we surmise that a number of the principles

    could be adapted for our purposes .As per the Dilman approach we introduced the

    questionnaire with a motivational consent statement that emphasizes the ease of responding .

    Questionnaires began with very simple introductory questions that could easily be answered

    by respondents. Questions were designed to reduce measurement and non-response errors.

    For each statement the respondents were requested to indicate the degree to which they

    agreed with perception of politics and political parties campaigns. The statements were

    measured on a 7 point likert scale where 1 stood for I do not agree at all with the statement

    and 7 I very much agree with the statement. The questionnaire was completed with

    questions on the demographic profile of respondents. (See Appendix 1)

    Pilot test of questionnaire (step 4)

    The questionnaire was pre-tested to remove ambiguous statements, correct any typographical

    errors and improve on response rate. A total convenience sample of ten people was chosen

    for the pilot study. The y had a minimum of a first degree and were working in our

    respective companies .After the exercise the questionnaires were modified a.Some of the

    suggestions include: correction of word Politcal to political, Ghanaian to Ghanaian, addition

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    of likert scale instructions on page 3 of questionnaire and further explanation of the word


    Data Collection method

    The population of interest was the population of Ghanaians of voting age i.e. 18years and

    above. For our purposes, the sampling unit was made up of male and Female Ghanaians of

    voting age, of sound mind and who had a at least a post-secondary education .We believe

    these sampling unit would reduce the incidence of measurement errors. Measurement errors

    are from inaccurate answers to questions that stems from poor question wording, poor

    interviewing, survey mode effects and/or the ability of the respondent to answer the

    questionnaire (Dilman et al., 99). A convenience sample of 80 people made up of 19 males

    and 61 females was used for the survey. Snowball techniques were used in certain cases to

    identify respondents. In all a total of 80 questionnaires were administered with a response

    rate of 75%.The questionnaires were handed to respondents, their names were written down

    and the questionnaires were collected after 24 hours.

    Content analysis

    Content analysis is a multipurpose methodology developed specifically for investigating any

    problem in which information content serves as the basis for inference. (Blankson &

    Strutton,2011). Its a quasi-quantitative and qualitative method and involves analyzing

    information contents by considering key trends, themes characters, items and

    words.(Blankson & Strutton,2011)

    Content analysis was used in this study because it involves investigating the congruence

    between individual perceptions and themes obtained from newspaper articles and

    advertisement.Blankson,Strutton (2011),identified content analysis as a multipurpose

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    methodology which is used for exploring any problem in which information content serves as

    the foundation for inference. Since identification of themes from newspapers involves

    exploring information content, content analysis would be suitable.

    In all 60 newspapers were content analyzed. A total of 130 articles from the newspapers

    were content analyzed for the presence of final themes identified and included in the

    questionnaire. A template was developed by the team for collation of results obtained from

    content analysis(see Table 2)

    Coding Procedures

    The team adapted the coding procedure used in Blankson,Strutton (2011).In this article the

    authors in an attempt to identify typology of positioning strategies used the frequency system.

    Consistent with Nelson and Pack (2007),they trained coders to detect and classify

    advertisement content into mutually exclusive ,exhaustive and reliable categories based on

    identified typology of positioning strategies. Using an emic approach and inductive

    reasoning, they identified various position strategies by means of ad character, nature of the

    ad in the photo background, character of the language, written jargon and headlines and

    social situations and behaviors displayed in the ad.We adapted parts of this framework and

    tailored it to our needs .Themes introduced in the initial stages of the research and

    incorporated in questionnaire were identified using inductive reasoning, ad character, written

    jargon and headlines in articles, photos accompanying articles and social situations and

    behaviors displayed in the ad.The frequency of occurrence was recorded in the content

    analysis table.

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    Table 2:Template and themes used content analysis.


    Ideally questionnaires had to be coded and analysed using SPSS software but this was not

    done due time constraints. Instead responses were analysed using excel. In likert scale,

    responses between 1-3 was considered as disagreement with a particular theme and 5-7

    scale considered as agreement with a particular theme.4 was considered a neutral response.

    Percentage of respondent s who agreed or disagreed with particular themes was then

    determined. The results of content analysis was also analysed similarly. Here congruence was

    determined by the level of agreement between newspaper articles and general perceptions. If

    perception for a particular theme was above 60% it was considered high. Congruence was

    determined if content analysis results gave almost similar results with respect to articles

    covering such themes.

    With respect to perception on politics ,a large number of respondents (84%) agreed that

    politics had ethnic undertones. However only 15.9% of articles covered that theme.

    78% of respondents agreed that politicains engaged in politics largely for personal gain and

    over 36% of articles content analysed agreed largely with this assertion.


    THEME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    1.Perception of politicsa.Personal gainb.Unfulfilled promisedc.Lacks integrity(corruption)d.Ethnic undertonese.No advantagesf.Manipulation of illiterate population

    2.Perception of political campaignsa.Education and heal th central themesb.Propagandac.Does not influence voting behaviord.Negative tonee.Supporters under influencef.Improper planningg.Tangible achievments


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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    han of newspapers content analysed expressed similar sentiments.

    With the perception that politicians largely did not fulfill their promises to electorates there

    was only a marginal difference between those who agreed and disagreed. Whilst 56% of

    respondents agreed ,44% disagreed with the statement.28% of articles content analysed

    expressed similar sentiments.

    On the issue of perception of political parties and their campaigns, most respondents (87%)

    greed that health and education were central themes. This was in congruence with content

    analysis where 35% of articles talked about education and health.

    Over 70% of respondents also agreed that Politcal parties campaigns was full of propaganda,

    did not really influence voting behavior and the large crowds seen at campaign rallies were

    usually under influence and created a false impression of popularity. Over 30% of articles

    also content analysed expressed similar sentiments.

    65% of respondents were of the opinion that campaigns were not necessary and that tangible

    achievements was a better influencer of positive voter behavior. These sentiments were

    identified in relatively large percentage of newspaper content analysed and was a dominant

    theme in most of the newspaper articles.

    However most people disagreed with the perception that campaigns were not properly

    planned. This was the only perception where respondents disagreed with. Largely

    respondents agreed with most of the perception themes elicited from the in-depth interviews.

    Considering the issue of congruence ,there was congruence between the media (content

    analysis) and respondents on the perception that politicians were in politics largely for

    personal gain. There was also congruence on the issue of corruption and lack of integrity in

    politics. However there was incongruence on the issue of politics having ethnic undertones.

    The highest percentage of respondents agreed with the fact that ethnicity played a central role

    in politics but most newspaper articles did not cover that theme.

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    Also there was incongruence on issue of politics based largely on manipulation of illiterate

    population. Over 70% of respondents agreed with that assertion but this only 23 of 160

    articles content analysed identified such a theme.

    There was congruence on issue of education and health being central themes of campaigns,

    Campaigns full of propaganda and on issue of tangible achievements being more important to

    positive electoral fortunes than campaigns.


    There was a high level of agreement among respondents that politicains engaged in politics

    largely for personal gain. It seems a lot of electorates do not believe politicians whose main

    mantra is we want to serve you . I believe politicians in Ghana have a lot of work to do to

    convince voters that the welfare of the ordinary Ghanaian is their credo. This perception is

    largely supported by the media where a large number of articles discuss this theme. These

    responses are not surprising because most respondents also think that politicains are largely

    corrupt and lack integrity

    Majority of respondents also think that politics in Ghana has ethnic undertones. This supports

    the research by STAR-Ghana which identified that electoral outcomes exhibit growing

    polarization along ethnic lines. Unfortunately this issue is not discussed broadly in the media.

    I believe the media has a cardinal role to play in the development of multi-party democracy .

    Ethnic based politics on the other hand has the tendency to destroy the gains obtained from

    democracy and/or prevent us from full benefit of democratic governance. I believe the media

    has to do more to address this issue. We need to identify it as antagonistic to democracy and

    put in place measures to mitigate its effect.

    58% of respondents were of the opinion that multi-party democracy did not offer any

    advantage compared to military rule. This is in sharp contrast to the 2008 Afrobarometer

    report which states that 79% of Ghanaians preferred democracy. The reason for this might be

    that people prefer democracy just because of peace and stability it offers but when it comes to

    economic and other issues they do not think democracy is any better.

    With regards to political partys campaigns, most respondents were of the opinion that

    campaigns did not influence voting behavior. This might be because of the issue of ethnicity

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    discussed earlier. Its known that some ethnic regions would still not vote for a particular

    party irrespective of the degree of campaign done by the party they do not support.

    Finally the was a high agreement among respondents that tangible achievements were moreeffective at winning votes as compared to campaigns which they perceive to be full of



    There was a high agreement among respondents that politicians were in politics largely for

    personal gain and that there was corruption in politics. Also politics in Ghana was influenced

    by ethnicity and politicains took advantage of the large illiteracy rate and manipulatedelectorates for personal benefit.

    Respondents also agreed largely that education and health were the central themes in most

    campaigns and campaigns were mostly full of propaganda. They believed that campaigns did

    not have much influence on voting behavior, rather what were more important were tangible

    achievements. They however were of the opinion that campaigns were generally well


    There was congruence between respondent opinions and content analysis on politics being

    largely for personal gain, lacking integrity, full of propaganda, education and health being

    key in campaigns and tangible achievements being very important to electoral fortunes


    According to Blankson,Strutton(2011) , a reliability analysis should be done when

    conducting content analysis. The tests should assess stability, accuracy and reproducibility

    respectively. However due to time constraint this was not done.

    A detailed quantitative analysis of the results was not done due to time constraints. We

    developed and administered questionnaires but could not analyze in SPSS.We however

    analyzed data in excel to get insights into the perceptions. This was done to add a little morecredibility to the qualitative study.

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    Further research

    This exploratory research gives insights into further topics of interest. First knowledge of the

    degree of ethnic influence on Ghanaian body politics will be reasonable area of study worthconsidering. Also the influence of the media/campaigns on voting behavior in Ghana will

    make for interesting reading


    1. Amponsah, P. N. (2012). The daily graphic coverage of presidential campaigns in

    Ghana. Journal of political science, government and politics, 1(1), 1-3.

    2. Blankson, C., & Kalafitis, S. P. (2004). The development and validation of a scale

    measuring consumer/customer-derived generic typology of positioning strategies.

    Journal of marketing management, 1(2),11-15

    3. Blankson, C., & Omar, O. E. (2002). Marketing practices of African and caribbean

    small businesses in london,uk. Qualitative market research:an international journal,

    5(2), 123-134. doi: DOI 10.1108/13522750210423823

    4. Blankson, C., & Strutton, D. (2011). A longitudinal examination of positioning

    strategies in a liberalized developing African economy: The case of Ghana. Wiley

    periodicals, 53(1), 52-65.

    5. Dilman, D., Tortora, R. D., & Bowker, D. (1999). Principles for constructing web

    surveys. Retrieved from http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=principles for

    constructing web surveys.

    6. Kajo W & Svenja. H.(2011).Effective political communication in Ghana, Friedrich-

    Ebert-Stiftung Ghana

    7. Lindberg .S.I (2006),Democracy and elections in Africa, The John Hopkins university


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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    8. Ninsin .K.(2006),Study of political parties and political participation in Ghana,Konrad

    adenauer stiftung,3-19

    9. Odotei I.K.(2008),History of Ghana, Institute of African studies university of Ghana,

    Retrieved from http://irenekodotei.org/content/history-ghana

    10. Parmentier, M., Fisher, E., & Reuber, A. R. (2012). Positioning brands in established

    orgnizational fields. Journal of the academy of marketing science.

    11. Ridout T.N & Mellen .B.(2007),Does the media agenda reflect the candidates

    agenda?, Press/politics,12,44-62

    12. Star-Ghana, Ghana Today: A political economy analysis

    13. USAID, Leslie. F.,Hoffman .B.,Anyimadu .A.,Keshishian .M. (2011),Ghana

    democracy and governance assessment,3-62

    14. Vibeghana.com,political history of Ghana. Retrieved from


    15. www.css.co.za

    16. www.history learningsite.co.uk

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    Appendix 1-Questionniare


    Dear Participant,

    This research deals with the public perception of Ghanaian Political Parties and their campaigns. This

    study seeks to find the congruence between public perception of political parties, their campaigns and

    the communication strategies and tactics they employ. We value your opinion as a respondent, and

    request that you kindly participate in the study by responding to the questions. If you are under 18

    years of age, pl ease dont complete the questionnaire.

    It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey questionnaire. You are assured of

    complete confidentiality. The data will be kept confidential, and your anonymity will be maintained in

    all report results from this research study. There are no foreseeable risks involved in this study. Its

    purely an academic exercise being carried out by a group of MBA students as part of their study


    Again we value your input. Thank you for taking the time to fill out the questionnaire. If you have any

    questions concerning this study, please contact the principal investigators whose details are given


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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana




    Please complete all section s of th e questionnai r e

    Section A: General Questions

    (1) For the following statements indicate your opinion by ticking the appropriate choice

    from the list .Tick only one answer per question.

    (2) Which of the following do you believe is the most effective communication tool for

    political campaigns?

    a.Radio adverts

    b.Television adverts

    c.Outdoor billboards

    d.Door-door campaign

    (3) Have you ever voted? (a)Yes (b) No

    (4) If you were eligible to vote this year what will likely influence your voting pattern?

    a.The campaign message

    b.The party

    c.The presidential candidate

    d.The vice presidential candidate

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    Section B : Issues related to your perceptions about politics in Ghana

    (5)Please consider the following descriptors (statements) located below these instructions:

    (6) Indicate to what extent you believe each statement corresponds (fits) with your

    perceptions of politics in Ghana.

    (7) Use a scale of 1 to 7 where:1=I do not agree at all with the statement2= I disagree with the statement 3= I somewhat disagree with the statement 4= Neutral 5= I somewhat agree with the statement 6= I agree with the statement 7= I very much agree with the statement

    8. Please check below the statements that fit your perceptions about politics in Ghana

    I do not agree at all withthe statement

    I very much agreewith the statement

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7Largely for personal gain

    Manifesto pledges(promises) are largely


    Lack integrity

    Politicians are not knowledgeable about issuesaffecting Ghana

    Has ethnic undertones(support for a particular party influenced by ethnic background )Does not offer any advantages as form of governance

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    Based on manipulation of largely illiterate population

    Section C : Issues related to your perceptions about political parties and

    their campaigns in Ghana

    (9)Please consider the following descriptors (statements) located below these


    (10) Indicate to what extent you believe each statement corresponds (fits) with your

    perceptions of political parties and their campaigns in Ghana.

    (11) Use a scale of 1 to 7 where:1=I do not agree at all with the statement2= I disagree with the statement 3= I somewhat disagree with the statement

    4= Neutral 5= I somewhat agree with the statement 6= I agree with the statement 7= I very much agree with the statement

    (12) Please check below the statements that fit your perceptions about political partiesand their campaigns in Ghana

    I do not agree at all withthe statement

    I very much agreewith the statement

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7Education and economy are central themes

    Full of propaganda (one sided arguments for political gain)

    Does not influence voting behavior

    Speeches full of personality and party attacksand lacks substance

    Regular use of intemperate language

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    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana



    Funded mostly with tax payers money

    Supporters at rallies are usually influenced withmoney and gifts

    Lacks proper planning

    Ghanaians are influenced by tangibleachievements rather than campaign promises

    Section D : Information about yourself, please check the appropriate


    1. Are you? Female Male ................

    2. What is your age? 20 or under .................. 21 to 30..........

    31 to 40....................... 41 to 50...........

    51 to 60....................... 61 and over.......

    3. What is your level of formal education?

    a. Secondary School Certificate or equivalent................

    b. Training College or Post-Secondary Training College ..............

    c. Commercial or Vocational School Certificate..............

    d. Polytechnic/University Diploma or Degree...............

    e. Masters Degree /Post- Graduate Diploma................

    f. Professional or Doctoral Degree (ACCA, CIMA, MD., Ph.D. etc. ..............

    g. Other, Please state..............................................

    4. What is your main Ghanaian cultural/tribal group?




  • 7/28/2019 Market Research Term Paper


    Perception of political parties and their campaigns: An exploratory study inGhana






    Other, please kindly state below.

    Please state.....................................................................................

    Thank you very much for your help in completing this questionnaire.
