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.Marketing 3.0

Date post: 10-Oct-2015
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  • Marketing3.0

  • 1. The age of participation and collaborative marketing2/44

  • Comparison of marketing 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0Marketing 1.0Product-centricMarketingMarketing 2.0Consumer-orientedMarketingMarketing 3.0Values-drivenMarketingObjectiveSell products Satisfy and retain the consumersMake the world a better placeEnabling forcesIndustrial RevolutionInformation technologyNew wave technologyHow companies see the marketMass buyers with physical needsSmarter consumer with mind and heartWhole human with mind. heart, and spiritKey marketing concept Product development DifferentiationValues Company marketing guidelines Product specification Corporate and product positioning Corporate mission, vision, and values Value propositions Functional Functional and emotional Functional, emotional, and spiritual Interaction with consumers One-to-many transaction Functional and emotional Many-to-many collaboration 3/44

  • 2. Expressive Social Media3. Collaborative Social Media4. The age of globalization paradox and cultural marketing5. The age of creative society and human spirit marketing4/44

  • The Age of Participationand collaborative MarketingThe Age of Globalization Paradox and cultural Marketing The Age of Creative Society and Human Spirit MarketingTechnologyMarketPolitical legalSocio cultureEconomyMarketing 3.0: Collaborative, Cultural, and spiritual5/44

  • Building Blocks Why? What to OfferContentCollaborative Marketing ContentCultural Marketing How to offerSpiritual Marketing The Age of Participation (the Stimulus) The Age of Globalization Paradox (the Problem)The Age of Creativity (the Solution) Building Blocks of Marketing 3.06/44

  • PostwarSoaringTurbulentUncertainOne-to-OneFinancially-Driven1950s1960s1970s1980s1990s2000sThe Evolution of marketing Concepts7/44

  • Postwar1950sThe Marketing Mix Product Life Cycle Brand Image Market Segmentation The Marketing Concept The Marketing AuditSoaring1960s The Four Ps Marketing Myopia Lifestyle Marketing The Broadened Concept of MarketingTurbulent1970s Targeting Positioning Strategic Marketing Service Marketing Social Marketing Societal Marketing Macro-MarketingUncertain1980s Marketing Warfare Global Marketing Local Marketing Mega-Marketing Direct Marketing Customer Relationship Marketing Internal Marketing8/44

  • Uncertain1980s Marketing Warfare Global Marketing Local Marketing Mega-Marketing Direct Marketing Customer Relationship Marketing Internal MarketingOne-to-One1990s Emotional Marketing Experiential Marketing Internet and E-Business Marketing Sponsorship Marketing Marketing EthicsFinancially-Driven2000s ROI Marketing Brand Equity Marketing Customer Equity Marketing Social Responsibility Marketing Consumer Empowerment Social Media Marketing Tribalism Authenticity Marketing Cocreation Marketing9/44

  • The Disciplines of MarketingProduct ManagementCustomer ManagementBrand ManagementTodays Marketing ConceptThe Four Ps (product,price ,place,promotion)STP (segmentation, targeting,and positioning)Brand buildingFuture Marketing ConceptCocreationCommunitizationCharacter buildingThe future of marketing : Horizontal not vertical10/44

  • Cocreation : The new ways of creating product and experience through collaboration by companies consumer, suppliers, and channel partners interconnected in a network of innovation.2. Communitization : The concept of communitization is closely relates to the concept of tribalism in marketing.Companies that want to embrace this new trend should accommodate this need and help consumers connect to one another in communities.3. Character Building :11/44

  • In Marketing 3.0 companies need to address consumers as whole human beings.A physical body, a mind capable of independent thought and analysis, a heart that can feel emotion, and a spirit-your soul of philosophical center.SHIFT TO HUMAN SPIRIT : THE 3i MODEL12/44

  • Brand integrityBrand identityBrand imageBrandDifferentiationPositioning3iThe 3i Model13/44

  • Marketers need to identify the anxieties and desires of the consumers to be able to target their minds, hearts, and spirits.The generic anxiety and desire of the consumers is to make their society-and the world at large-a better, perhaps even an ideal place to live.SHIFT TO VALUES-DRIVEN MARKETING :14/44


    Values-Based Matrix (VBM) Model15/44

  • 1. By close examining the 3i model you will see the new meaning of marketing in 3.0. Marketing in its culmination will be a consonance of three concepts: identity, and image. Marketing is about clearly defining your unique identity and strengthening it with authentic integrity to build a strong image.MARKETING 3.0 :THE MEANING OF MARKETING AND THE MARKETING OF MEANING16/44

  • 2. Marketing 3.0 is also about the marketing of meaning embedded in the corporate mission, vision, and values. By defining marketing in this manner, we wish to elevate the designing of the companys strategic future. Marketing should no longer be considered as only selling and using tools to generate demand. Marketing should now be considered as the major hope of a company to restore consumer trust.17/44

  • Consumers are the new brand owners!Good mission definedMarketing the Mission to the Consumers18/44

  • Business as UnusualStory that Moves PeopleConsumer EmpowermentCreatingSpreadingRealizingThree Characteristics of a Good Mission19/44

  • 3. Summary : Promise of transformation, compelling stories, and consumer involvement20/44

  • Permission-to-play values are the basic standards of conduct that employees should have when they join the company.Aspirational values are values that a company lacks but the management hopes to achieve.Accidental values are acquired as a result of common personality traits of employees.Core values are the real corporate culture that guides employees actions.Marketing the Values to the Employees21/44

  • CreativityCulturalCollaborationSharedValuesCommonBehaviorShared Values and Common Behavior in Marketing 3.0 Context22/44

  • Attracting and Retaining TalentBack-Office Productivity and Front-Office QualityIntegrating and Empowering Differences


  • The low obligation and easy income segment is a group of employees who look for quick wins.The flexible support segment is a group that goes with the flow because they do not see a job as a priority yet.The risk and reward segment includes employees who see jobs as opportunities to challenge and excite themselves.

    CHANGE THE LIVES OF EMPLOYEES :Six segment of employees :24/44

  • 4. The individual expertise and team success segment seeks jobs that offer teamwork and collaboration.5. The secure progress segment looks for a promising career path.6. The expressive legacy segment looks for opportunities to create a lasting impact on the company.25/44


  • 1. Channel as Collaborator : Selecting the FitPurposeIdentityPurposeIdentityChannel PartnersCompanyValuesValuesMirroring27/44

  • 2. Channel partners as cultural change agent : Distributing the story3. Channel as creative ally : Managing the relationship28/44


  • Short-Termism hurts the economyLong-Term shareholder value = vision of sustainabilityMarketing visionary strategy30/44

  • Need for future growth : Disney on childrens nutritionCall for strong differentiation : Wegmans on healthy livingFrom Philanthropy to transformationDELIVERING SOCIO-CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION31/44

  • PhilanthopyCause MarketingSocio-CultureTransformationHigher Business Model AlignmentLower Cost,Higher ImpactCultural SpectrumCreativity SpectrumSelf-ActualizationBasic NeedsVertical Company EmpoweredHorizontalConsumer EmpoweredThree stages of addressing social issues in marketing32/44

  • Identify Socio-Cultural ChallengesSelect TargetConstituentsOffer TransformationalSolution- Identify current and predict future challenges- Challenges may include wellness (nutrition and health care),education, or social injustice For immediate impact : select constituents such as the middle class, woman, or the elderly For future impact : select children and youth Provide behavior-changing solutions moving up the Maslow Pyramid Aim toward more collaborative, cultural, and creative transformationTHREE STEPS TO TRANSFORMATION33/44

  • Market Education : SBEs must educate the underserved market continuously. not only on product benefits but also on how to increase their quality of lifeLinkage with Local Communities and the Informal Leaders : SBEs must also build linkages with local communities and the informal leaders such as doctors, teachers, heads of villages, and religious leaders.The Meaning of Social Business Enterprise34/44

  • 3. Partnership with the Government and NGOs : SBEs must partner with the government and NGOs. Linking the corporate objectives with the governments mission will help reduce the cost of market education and the overall campaign.35/44

  • MARKETING FOR POVERTY ALLEVIATIONThe Marketing Model of an SBENo1Segmentation Bottom of the Pyramid2TargetingHigh volume communities3PositioningSocial business enterprise4DifferentiationSocial entrepreneurship5Marketing Mix ProductProducts not Currently Accessible for low-income Customer PriceAffordable PromotionWord-of-Mouth PlaceCommunity Distribution6SellingSales Force of Social Entrepreneurs7BrandIconic8ServiceNo-Frills9ProcessLow-CostElements of MarketingSocial Business Enterprise Business Model36/44

  • Striving for Environmental Sustainability1.1 The Innovator: DuPont Case1.2 The Investor: Wal-Mart Case1.3 The Propagator: Timberland Case

    The three actors in sustaining the environment37/44

  • Natural resources dependenceCurrent exposure to regulationIncreasing potential for regulationCompetitive market for talentLow market power in a highly competitive marketGood environmental track recordsHigh brand exposureBig environmental impactThe collaboration of the innovator, The investor, and the propagator38/44

  • Motivations of Different ActorsInnovatorPropagatorInvestorEnablePromoterAmplifier Natural resources dependence Current exposure to regulation Increasing potential for regulation Competitive market for talent Low market power in highly competitive market Good environmental track records High brand exposure Big environmental impact39/44

  • 2. Targeting Communities for Green MarketingCollaboration of Different ActorsNicheMassPromotionProducingInnovatorPropagatorInvestorInitiate the buzz of green products by targeting a niche market of trendsettersCreate critical mass by marketing green products the new standard in the mainstream marketCreate specialty product for a niche marketCreate fully commercialized product for mass market40/44

  • 3. Summary: Green innovation for sustainability41/44

  • Credo 1: Love your Customers. Respect your CompetitorsCredo 2: Be sensitive to change, be ready to transformCredo 3: Guard your name, be clear about who you areCredo 4: Customers are diverse; go first to those who can benefit most from youCredo 5: Always offer a good package at a fair price 10 Credos of Marketing 3.042/44

  • Credo 6: Always make yourself available, spread the good newsCredo 7: Get your customers, keep and grow themCredo 8: Whatever your business it is a service businessCredo 9: Always refine our business process in terms of quality, cost, and deliveryCredo 10: Gather relevant information, but use wisdom in making your final decision43/44

  • The End.
