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MARKETING AT THE SPEED OF INNOVATIONcommunications.on24.com/rs/848-AHN-047/images/on24... ·...

Date post: 04-Jan-2020
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Disruption happens overnight.

Does your marketing keep up?Mark Zuckerberg’s oft-repeated motto, of “move fast and break things,” is no longer just the anthem of Silicon Valley, it’s become the rallying cry of new and old companies alike as they scramble to stay on top, challenge tech incumbents or be the first to bring an entirely new idea to market. In an age where disruption is the status quo, technology marketers need to be just as agile.

Yet, a majority of fast tech marketers have gone into autopilot, relying on traditional marketing tactics, such as email blasts, programmatic advertising, content syndication, etc., to drive demand. The thing is, these automated transactions were built for a predictable world where time is not a factor, providing a set of touchpoints plotted against a presumed linear buyer’s journey.

But, what about the technology industry is predictable? Only constant, unrelenting change. So, how does marketing move as fast as innovation happens?

It’s time for marketers to leapfrog past antiquated funnel methodology and create impactful online experiences that are engaging enough to move a buyer toward a decision and surface insights to take action.

Through the ON24 Engagement Platform, you can quickly create webinars and multimedia content programs that provide a forum to share expertise, go deep into product capabilities and conduct real-time prospect conversations. Our broad set of capabilities gives you the power to rapidly deploy marketing campaigns, create more pipeline, and keep deals moving, accelerating your business growth.


Our daily demos are generating 50% of the opportunities in our pipeline right now. I’ve brought ON24 into my last three companies— it is one of the companies that I take with me wherever I go.”



Marketing at the Speedof innovation

Bring your brand to life

Let’s take a step back. How does a tech buyer make a purchasing decision? If it was as easy as comparing speeds-and-feeds across vendors, we could all go home. Today, technology purchases are complex, multi-stakeholder processes that go way beyond ensuring requirements are met. It’s a choice to start a long-term partnership and, especially with emerging technologies, a total transformation in the way business gets done.

Convincing organizations to embark on this kind of change takes more than a thorough detailing of a product. It takes vision, a clear articulation of the why behind the what and experiences that build trust. Unless your CEO has plans to meet every customer face-to-face, your brand better do the talking for you.

That’s why the ON24 platform enables you to brand every aspect of a customer’s experience, using every element of a webinar or content experience to showcase what your company stands for and the tranformative value your technology will bring. A unified, unique experience furthers the credibility and professionalism of your brand, and helps differentiate your business from the generic approach your competitors may take.

ON24 is a step above the others when it comes to the professionalism of interface and its ability to manage on-demand events.”

Chuck Payne Senior Training SpecialistAVAST software


Marketing at the Speedof innovation

Flawless CX from the start

A marketing failure is more than a lost opportunity for engagement, it’s a risk to your overall reputation. Your marketing should back up the reliable, personalized approach and general ease of doing business that your company promises. At the same time, you have a business to run, and no time to make every single email, landing page or white paper perfect.

So, how do you find the right balance between doing it right and getting it done? ON24 makes it foolproof with a digital experience the audience controls through multichannel live webinars and on demand content hubs that serve up a variety of relevant content and embed it natively in an interactive experience.

Stop guessing what content your audience may be interested in, and use their interactions in a webinar or content consumption to curate a set of assets. Or, if you are engaging an entirely new prospect, organize content by industry, role and company size let your audience tell you who they are. Based on the topics they choose to consume, you can start to zero in on more specific interests to improve future outreach.

And, at the very basic level, just make sure the technology you choose works. When you do get a prospect’s attention, ensure it isn’t wasted with an unreliable webinar platform or difficult to navigate website. Show your future customers you care by investing in marketing technology as innovative as your own.

Take advantage of all the capabilities that ON24 has to offer, such as console widgets, to provide the best experience for the audience and give your lead development team the visibility into the most engaged prospects.”

Alyssa Sarmiento Sr. Manager, Digital MarketingGENESYS


Personalize content with real-time conversations

It’s funny—the more “personalized” marketing becomes, the greater your chance of getting it wrong. There’s no shortage of frustrations that arise from faking one-to-one communications with a one-size-fits-all approach. You know what I’m talking about... that time you visited a vendor’s website and your company’s logo showed up, but the automated service recognizing the IP address had an outdated description that incorrectly guessed your industry. That’s what happens when you put automation ahead of your audience.

At ON24, we believe that personalization should start with the person you’re trying to reach. That means worrying less about adding a logo to a generic white paper and instead, focusing on making interactions within a content experience dynamic and flexible enough to be adapted for every individual. Think about it—rather than filling a static piece of content with answers to every potential question, an impossible feat, create an opportunity for every prospect to ask a


question in real-time through an interactive webinar, video or landing page.

Personalizing interactions within content experiences is a winning situation for everyone—you gain time and sanity by not having to aimlessly iterate the same generic pieces of content with new logos, and your audience benefits from getting the information they want, when and how they want it. But, there’s more to it than just answering some questions. By offering a forum for your prospects to opt-in and willingly volunteer new details about their interests, pain points and level of urgency, you surface insights that help qualify leads and jumpstart sales conversations.



Decipher Digital Body Language

ON24 analyzes every attendee’s interactions across all events to help you understand an individual’s engagement for a lifetime. This qualitative data allows you to go beyond the superficial clicks or views provided by other traditional marketing tactics and understand your audience’s digital body language, surfacing powerful signals for immediate action.

As soon as your webinar is over, ON24 provides you with detailed analytics on each audience member and every action they took. Every engagement metric is recorded and scored — from the resources an attendee downloaded, to the content they watched, to poll participation — to help you efficiently prioritize your best leads. You can even track leads across multiple content experiences, live, on demand and personalized, to monitor prospect engagement throughout the buying cycle.

Now, you can hand your sales team well-qualified leads and the data they need to convert prospects into customers. Discovery calls become a continuation of their journey with your company rather than a clinical Q&A that sticks to a rehearsed script. This shift will result in more effective sales calls, better prospect relationships and, ultimately, a healthier pipeline.

ON24 Webinars are Twilio’s #1 source of MQLs and SQLs quarter after quarter. With ON24, we fill the pipeline with high-quality leads and can effectively accelerate deals.”

Jesse DANGSr. Marketing ManagerTwilio



Inform Action and Trigger Workflows

Prospect intelligence for more targeted sales follow-up is just the start. With the largest ecosystem of technology partners, ON24 helps you put this powerful engagement data to work across your entire marketing operation.

Once integrations are in place, you have the power to add the ON24 engagement score, a strong predictor of intent, in your lead scoring model. At ON24, we drink our own champagne and our own marketing team has found that after adding engagement to our scoring model, the rate of completed meetings by sales rose by 90%. That makes marketing a significant source of highly qualified leads, improving overall markeing program ROI.

Then, for prospects who may not show as much urgency, use interactions within a webinar to determine the right long-term nurture track. For a prospect who downloads a piece of content, but only stays for 30 minutes, set automated workflows to follow up with more content related to that topic. That way, as soon as the prospect is ready for a sales conversation, you have a strong history of engagement to inform the next step.

We have a multi dimensional lead score model to include fit and intent. The engagement data from ON24 is a perfect addition - worth its weight in gold.”

Kristina KollerDemand Generation ManagerSparkcentral


With Webex, it took forever to convert a live webinar to an on demand asset, in terms of the technical process and internal workflows. With ON24, our webinars are available instantly. We implemented ON24 Demand Gen Hub on our site, and so can drive more leads from content that’s already been created.”

Brandy RowdenSr, Marketing ManagerServicenow

Generate leads far beyond your live webinar

Live webinars are just the beginning. Your great content can generate masses of leads as a powerful on-demand asset. In fact, our recent Webinar Benchmarks Report shows that 35 percent of all people viewing a webinar watched on demand.

To help you generate a bigger audience for your webinars, the ON24 Engagement Platform offers customizable content gateways where you can promote on-demand webinars, videos, and written content in an intuitive, branded portal.

With your custom gateway, you have multiple gating options and can offer recommended content to drive additional marketing touchpoints. And ON24 provides full reporting on all on-demand content consumption so you can continue to track your leads as they experience your content.

MArketing at the Speed of innovation


Marketing at the speed of innovation

Continue to refine

Faster growth requires efficiency. Marketers must effectively target the right prospects with the right content. The ON24 Engagement Platform gives you the power to quickly and easily create custom landing pages with targeted content to better engage your ideal prospects.

Now, you can create an integrated marketing campaign, anchored by targeted, content-rich, landing pages without using complicated software or professional design teams. And you can track all the analytics on everyone who engages with your campaign pages to convert these highly qualified leads into pipeline.

Webinars are huge to ABM. Typically, webinars are seen as a lead generation tactic, but when you take an account based approach to it, it really just dials up the effectiveness of your webinars.”

RORY TOKUNAGAMarketing Program managerStrategy OfficerDemandbase


ON24 webinars contributed to a 131% increase in revenue last year. They are our primary source of revenue. The ON24 platform enables us to deliver a robust brand experience and helps us engage prospects from a variety of backgrounds.”

Julia sommer Demand generation manager Cloudera

Keep deals moving as fast as your business

Don’t just take it from us—according to the Martech analyst firm, SiriusDecisions, webinar marketing campaigns are the best way to start deals and keep them moving. And our customers, from start-up tech companies to enterprise giants, tell us that they drive more pipeline and revenue from ON24 webinars than any other marketing channel.

We’ve designed the ON24 Engagement Platform to capitalize on that impact and enable you to build and accelerate pipeline so that your deals can move as fast as your business.

It’s time to start marketing at the speed of innovation, and it’s time to start your journey with ON24.

