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Marketing Management

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2. CONTENT:THE MACRO ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS (PESTANALYSIS) HOW TO DO MACRO ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS? TYPES OF MACRO ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS POLITICAL FACTORSTABLE 1: Major Issues of Factors of the MacroEnvironmental Analysis ECONOMIC FACTORS SOCIAL CULTUREL FACTORSTABLE 2 : Quarterly Population Growth Rate inTurkeyTABLE 3 : Population by Urban -Rural Distribution in Turkey TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS EXAMPLE OF PEST ANALYSISPest Analysis of Pepsi 3. THE MACRO ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS( PEST ANALYSIS ) The macro environmental analysis is the first step in creating the Environmental Analysis. The macro environment examines the general business climate as it relates to the organization. The macro environment is primarily concerned with major issues and upcoming changes in the environment. The acronym for the macro analysis is PEST. The four areas of interest are Political; Economic; Social-cultural and Technological. 4. HOW TO DO MACRO ENVIRONMENTANALYSIS? In terms of assessing and analyzing the industry, it important to considerthe following : What industry does your business fall under? For example; miningindustry, motor vehicle industry, textile industry, agricultural industry, pulpand paper industry and many more. Do you have an understanding of where the industry has come from (past),where the industry is today (present), and where the industry is going(future)? What is the size of your industry? Is the industry growing or declining? What are the key trends in the industry? Who are the key players in the industry? What are the risks associated with the industry? What are the key success factors? What are the barriers to entry? Do you have an understanding of the value chain? Consider the entirevalue chain from the Manufacturer to the final consumer. 5. TYPES OF MACRO ENVIRONMENT ANALYSISPolitical Economic Taxation policy The general economicsituation in the world Trade regulations International economic organizationsGovernment stability Business cycles Unemployment policy Inflation and exchanges ratesGoverrnment legislation Economic growth and changes in GNP andGDP Government policies Interest ratesGovernment stance on competition Tax rates Relevant laws Resources of money and credit, insecuritystatus International relations The existence of labor force Energy existence and cost Unemployment levelsSocial- Culturel Age distribution Technological Education level Technological changes Income level Innovations Population growth Speed of technonogical changes Life expectancies Research and development expenditures Religion Improved communication and knowledgetransfer 6. POLITIC FACTORS : The macro environment analysis will identify changes inthe position politicians take on issues. A current exampleis a shift towards greener policies in the developed world.Some of political factors are as follows : Taxation policy Trade regulations Government stability Unemployment policy Goverrnment legislation Government policies Government stance on competition Relevant laws International relations 7. ECONOMIC FACTORS : The macro economic environment analysis will identify trendssuch as changes in personal disposable income, interest rates,inflation and unemployment rates. Typically we encounter theeconomic factors are as follows : The general economic situation in the world International economic organizations Business cycles Inflation and exchanges rates Economic growth and changes in GNP and GDP Interest rates Tax rates Resources of money and credit, insecurity status The existence of labor force Energy existence and cost Unemployment levels 8. SOCIAL - CULTURAL FACTORS : The macro social-cultural environment analysis willidentify trends in societies beliefs, behaviors, valuesand norms. Such as the number of workers, attitudestowards global warming, make up of the familystructure. Some of the social cultural factors are asfollows : Age distribution Education level Income level Population growth Life expectancies Religion 9. QUARTERLY POPULATION GROWTH RATE INTURKEYPeriodsPopulation Growth Rates 1955-196028,53 1960-196524,62 1965-197025,19 1970-197525,01 1975-198020,65 1980-198524,88 1985-199021,71 1990-200018,3 10. POPULATION BY URBAN-RURAL DISTRIBUTIONIN TURKEY Population of Urban Population of RuralNumber (million)% Number (million) %Years1955 6,927 28,817,13771,219608,86 31,918,69568,11965 10,80634,420,58565,61970 13,69138,521,91461,51975 16,86941,823,47958,21980 19,64543,925,09256,11985 26,866 53 23,799471990 33,326 59 23,147411997 40,882 65 21,98335 11. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS : The macro technological environment analysiswill identify changes in the application oftechnology. A current example is a shift towardsonline transactions and in some areas a shiftaway from online transactions. There are sometechnological factors that affect macroenvironment analysis are as follows : Technological changes Innovations New or improved channels Speed of technonogical changes Research and development expenditures Improved communication and knowledge 12. EXAMPLE OF PEST ANALYSISPEST ANALYSIS OF PEPSI : The PEST analysis method has been successfully applied by Pepsi, whichhas obtained economic advantage in its industry. The PEST analysismethod and examples specific to Pepsi are seen in the following factors: Political: The manufacture, delivery, and use of numerous Pepsi productsare subject to many federal regulations, like the Food, Drug and CosmeticAct. The business is also governed by government and foreign rules. Theinternational business is subjected to the political stability. Economic: The products of Pepsi are influenced by the raw material yieldbeing used in the soft drinks, juices, etc. All distribution is affected by thecost of fuel. Operations in international markets involve the study ofunpredictable changes in foreign exchange rate. The economic impacts ofsuch movements are serious because these affect the growth. Pepsi isalso subjected to availability of energy, supply of money, business cycles,etc. Social - Culturel: Lifestyle has great influence on the use of Pepsiproducts, and their advertisements are designed accordingly. Introductionof Pepsi products in the international market requires an in depth study ofthe local social structure. Technology: Pepsi is influenced by the modern manufacturing techniquesapplicable to their business divisions of soft drinks, juices, and snackfood. Pepsi has to focus on the latest distribution techniques, and other 13. by ASLIBOZKURTE 79 000114
