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Marketing Online Booklet

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An easy guide to marketing your website/product online
Marketing Online 2011 1 Marketing Online 2011 MADWIRE MEDIA’S Guide to Internet Marketing
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Marketing Online 2011

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MADWIRE MEDIA’S Guide to Internet Marketing

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Table of Contents:

• Introduction 4-5

• Six Areas to Successful Internet Marketing 6-7

• Internet Marketing Projected to Grow to $36.7


• Explore Search Engine Marketing

• SEO And Dangers Of The Internet

• Your Website is Just the Beginning

• Understanding Search

•Directory Listings Are No Longer Effective 8-9

• Measuring Website Results

• LL Bean Sees shifts From Catalog to Internet Sales

• Targeted Internet Marketing – Find Keywords that

Produce Conversions

• The Power of Inbound marketing

• Internet Marketing Prospective 10-11

• Place Your Chips in the Right Corner

• Google Search is Changing

• The Value of Search Engine Optimization

• SEO Dollars Spent Return Tenfold

• Knowing Your Online Competition

• Offer Value at Reduced Price 12-13

• SEO Rate of Return

• SEO Web Design

• How much Internet Marketing is Enough?

• Internet Marketing Can Make the Difference

• It’s Easy to Save Money on Search Engine


• Marketing Demographically 14-15

• Percentage of Conversions

• Get Out of Your Own Way

• Displaying Trust

• Customer Reviews Count

• Video Explodes 16-17

• Product Video

• Social Media Marketing

• Everyday is a Fight for Market Share

• Five Easy Ways to Increase Conversions

• Measuring the Effectiveness of Web Design

• The Three Pillars of Internet Success 18-19

• Web Marketing Cost Per Sale

• The Price of Sponsored Search

• Don’t Manage Your own Ad and PPC Campaigns

• PPC Management – Optimizing Your Ads

• Eliminating Waste in your Campaigns!

• Marketing Strategy 20-21

• Invest in your Business

• Turning to the Experts

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If you’re like most business people, the first of the year is a time of reflection for past successes and

failures and a time for planning a path for the next year. To be successful, we need to stop doing the

things that aren’t working and do more of the things that are! For many, this means having to change

old habits or break long-term relationships. Sayings like “This is the way we’ve always done it” don’t

work anymore. Today the internet is becoming a very large part of a successful business marketing

plan. Your clients are using Smart phones and iPhones for their everyday searches. It’s time to update

your website and begin an internet marketing program—something that can really help grow your


One of our clients once told us, “You get my phone to ring and I’ll do the rest.” That’s what it’s about,

getting the phone to ring, seeing new clients walk in the door. The marketing ways of the past aren’t

getting the job done anymore. The game has changed. For some, the new ways are foreign and con-

fusing, but they don’t need to be. That’s what we do at Madwire Media.

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According to a recent study, the average office worker will open different windows or view their email

or texts 37 times an hour. The internet and all things associated with it continue to play a larger role in

our daily lives. It has forever changed the way we gather and search for information it has changed

how we, as business owners, must view our advertising dollars.

To reach the largest number of your prospective clients today, 80% of your ad dollars should be di-

rected toward an online, inbound marketing program. Increasing your inbound targeted traffic will

not only increase your conversions, but your sales and profits too.

Inbound marketing is about marketing to

people interested in your product or service

at the very moment that they’re search-

ing for it. If your business is furnace repair

and sales, wouldn’t you want your website

to come up in the top five Google listings.

That’s inbound marketing. It offers greater

opportunities for results. Leads generated

using this method are more receptive to your

sales messages and offerings. This means

no cold calling! With inbound leads every

sales call is a hot prospect.

Once your inbound marketing program

begins to generate leads, sales will quickly

follow. Inbound marketing programs shorten

the sales cycle, lower cost per sale and

increase profits. Make 2011 your year to start

your inbound marketing strategy.

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Six Areas to Successful Internet MarketingIt’s a New Year and time to reevaluate your marketing programs. Today, 85% of business-to-business

search is taking place online. The top six Internet marketing campaigns are: search engine

optimization, social media, paid search, affiliate marketing, email and mobile marketing.

Internet Marketing Projected to Grow to $36.7 BillionAccording to Business Week, fewer than half of all US small businesses with a website or are using

Internet marketing to promote their businesses online. Research suggests that the largest

percentages of local searches are now taking place online. The online advertising market is expect-

ed to grow from $17.5 billion today, to $36.7 billion by 2014.

Explore Search Engine MarketingRecently, we spoke at a trade show where we asked the audience, “How many of you have a business

website?” Only about half the hands went up. It seems hard to believe that so many educated busi-

ness people would be trying to compete without a website and they’re finding it increasingly more

difficult. The old business saying, “The three most important rules of business are: location, location,

location,” has never been more true than today. Today, location means how well you rank on Google.

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SEO and Dangers of The InternetIn the paper recently there was a story about the dangers of the Internet. The story wasn’t about

cyber crime, it was about how the Internet is destroying the media world, as we know it. The

Internet is now the vehicle of choice; it’s where we get our news and entertainment, and it’s where

we search when we’re looking to buy something or researching. The old media model was built on

ad dollars and those dollars have shifted to the Internet. Print, radio and magazine advertisements are

no longer effective models of promoting products; the ROI is no longer enough. Today, the marketing

programs offering the highest return on investment are on the Internet. Search Engine Optimiza-

tion, Pay-Per-Click and Search Engine Marketing are all forms of inbound marketing and developing

marketing programs.

Your Website is Just the BeginningThere are a lot of website templates out there offering quick, easy ways to get your business on the

World Wide Web. Unfortunately, many small business owners believe that’s all they’ll need to be com-

petitive. It’s not! In fact, having a website will offer little benefit to your business if you’re not going

to be promoting it. To be competitive in your market segment, you’ll need to spend a little money on

marketing. Search engine optimization is key to your web success. You need to attract the right kind of

internet traffic, people interested in buying your product today! That’s inbound marketing.

Understanding SearchMany business owners believe their website is doing well at search merely because when they Google

search their business name their site comes up first. Googling yourself isn’t going to win you much

business. When most people use internet search, they’re searching for a product or type of service.

To achieve your marketing success your website will need to search well for your primary keywords,

that is words that best represent your products and services.

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Directory Listings Are No Longer EffectiveOnline phone directories like Yellow book, Dex, Comcast, Local.com, Qwest and AT&T all offer

premium listings within their online directories. However, It’s important to be able to track every visi-

tor to your website, and we do so for our clients. We have yet to see enough traffic from any directory

sites that would warrant paying the smallest premium listing. When most people search for products or

services online, they do so using Google, Bing and Yahoo.

To be successful in marketing today your site needs to be seen by people that are searching for your

products or services. This means your site needs to be well ranked on Google, Yahoo and Bing. The

money that was once spent on yellow page listings now needs to be directed to SEO and SEM.

Search engine marketing offers the highest ROI for your advertising dollar today.

Request a free SEO analysis.

Measuring Website ResultsMarketing in the old days always had a degree of guesswork to it. Whether it was a direct mailer or

a print ad, you simply had no guarantee as to the results you were going to get. You would have to

spend large sums of money, sometimes months in advance, before seeing any results. Test marketing

was a lot more expensive too, and it would take months before you had any measurable results.

Internet marketing changed all that. Search engine marketing is very measurable, and testing results

can be learned in days, sometimes hours. Internet marketing campaigns can be changed rapidly to

capture developing trends or news.

LL Bean Sees Shifts From Catalog to Internet salesIn 2010, for the first time, internet sales topped catalog orders at LL Bean, a $1.5 billion retailer, stated

Business Weekly. This isn’t news to us, we know that major retail giants are all witnessing this same

shift. Consumers are increasingly using the internet as their preferred shopping application. This is

yet another reminder that the days of direct mail success are gone. Today retailers are learning that

internet marketing is far more effective than direct mailing campaigns, with lower costs and higher ROI.

Retailers now drive sales to well targeted, inbound search engine marketing programs.

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Targeted Internet Marketing – Find Keywords that Produce ConversionsIdentifying your core set of keywords is required for achieve a successful online marketing

campaign. These keywords and the content surrounding them are critical for search.

Capturing these keywords within your analytical data is a great starting point. In addition, there are

additional useful tools to help with your keyword research. An example of these are Keyword Tools

from Google, Yahoo and SEO Moz. We check your competitors rankings and their keywords, your core

products/services, marketing footprint, and any vendors or products that you are selling. Discovering

highly convertible keywords determines how well you rank in the (SERP) Search Engine Results Page.

Continual analysis of the key performance indicators (KPI) helps move your organization forward.

Request a complete analysis of your top keywords.

The Power of Inbound MarketingRecently, a prospective client remarked that he had a miniscule budget for any kind of online

marketing program because he had already committed to a new direct mailing campaign. This cam-

paign was going to be costing him $1.20 per mailing piece and the entire 2500 piece mailer was going

to cost him $3,000.00. We asked him what percentage of response he was hoping for. “Five percent,”

he said. He had already said his average sale was $130.00. From that, we could determine that if he,

in fact, received a 5% response, that would give him 125 prospects. If he was able to convert 20% of

those prospects to sales, his mailing program would generate about $3250 in sales. For all that ex-

pense and effort, he might make $250! The sad truth is, it’s doubtful he’ll see a 5% response rate. The

days of expecting a high return on Direct Mail Marketing are dead. His response comes closer to 2%.

The expense of $3,000 for an inbound marketing program would likely drive 1500 very interested

visitors to his website. If one of every 15 of those visitors purchased his product, his sales would equal

$13,000.00. The bottom line: It’s difficult to beat the ROI and success of inbound marketing.

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Internet Marketing ProspectiveFive years ago, the average business would have their promotional information redesigned yearly with

the cost of the graphic artist, printing and postage for the year equal to $4,600. Today, with as much

as 85% of the business-to-business search coming by way of the Internet, businesses are no longer

spending those large sums on printing and postage. The savings, however, are not being redirected to

improving the business’s website or increasing their web marketing. Why? Sadly, many of these busi-

nesses are under a false belief that simply having

a website will magically bring in clients. This is a

good start, but not enough. To remain competitive,

the money that was once spent on printing and

postage must now be spent on Internet marketing.

Today, when considering the rate of return on

advertisement campaigns, no other media

compares with search internet marketing.

Place Your Chips in the Right CornerHow much are you budgeting for marketing every month, and where are you spending it? Are you

placing your chips in the right corner? Do you know where that corner is? It’s the one with the highest

ROI (return on investment) and it’s where you need to be placing most of your advertising dollars.

Google Search Is ChangingGoogle is constantly altering its search code. It’s estimated that Google tweaked their search code

800 times in 2009 and even more in 2010. To those sites vying for the top spot on search, it means a

constant adjustment. The cost to obtain and maintain a high search ranking is becoming more expen-

sive and that is opening the doors to pay-per-click advertising. Using paid search for keywords where

your site is not showing a high enough ranking can prove very effective. Since 80% of all organic

traffic is generally taken to the top five ranked sites, paid search helps level the playing field. But,

to be successful with paid search, you must have an understanding of your most convertible keywords,

your landing pages must be well thought out, your call to actions must be clear and your ad text must

optimized. Done right, paid search will lower your lead cost and increase your sales and profits.

Request a free consultation.

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The Value of Search Engine OptimizationA potential client recently asked about a new website for the business he had just started. After

discussing his options, we asked “Have you thought about how you’ll market your business?” He

answered, “I’ve got a yellow book ad running, I guess that’s about it.” We told him that most new busi-

ness would likely come from internet marketing and that he would be wise to invest some advertising

dollars toward SEO. Our conversation took a turn for the worse from there.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that simply having a website will be enough to bring in business. We’ve all

heard that 80% of new businesses fail within the first five years. Usually, it’s because of a lack of funds,

caused mostly due to little or misdirected advertising.

Without search engine optimization and marketing, your site will not likely reach page two of

search, let alone page one, where 80% of all searches end. If you’re considering starting a business,

Google your market category and study the sites on page one. Those businesses will be your

competition and, if you plan on succeeding, your site needs to be among them.

SEO Dollars Spent Return TenfoldWe often ask clients “would you spend $1,000 to get $5,000?” The answer is always yes. Yet, when

it comes to advertising products and services, many business people shy away from marketing. Many

think it’s too expensive, which is just another way of saying that they don’t understand it. Search

Engine Optimization and inbound marketing have become the most important outlets of business


Knowing Your Online CompetitionHow well do you know your competition? Do you know what their best keywords are, or how many

new web visits they’re receiving per day? Do you know what their title and description tags are, and

how they compare to your own website? If your competition is doing paid search, do you know what

their best keywords are and how much money they’re spending per click? With today’s internet

marketing, that’s the kind of information you’ll need to have to compete.

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Offer Value at Reduced PriceGetting the traffic to your website is not enough. You need a method to convert those clicks to

clients. The site must look professional. It must convey trust and it must provoke action. Convert-

ing clicks to customers isn’t easy, but there is a method to success. It’s about looking at the data and

understanding trends.

According to Business Week, the growth rate of $9 to $12 bottles of wine increased 6%, while bottles

above $20 fell 1.6%. Beer and other spirits saw similar trends, and it’s not just in the liquor businesses.

Consumers are looking for increased value for their money. As online marketers, we need to

consider this information when designing our next internet marketing campaign. Simply offering value

is not enough. We need to offer value at a discount, and lead with headers promoting savings: “We’re

20% lower than the Competition!” Today, value at reduced price is what’s hot. Your home page

needs to have three different and effective Calls-To-Action. Request a free mockup design.

SEO Rate of ReturnInbound marketing, such as search engine optimization, PPC and SEM are offering the highest

return on investment today. I’ve seen the ROI on inbound marketing as high as 26/1 this year. That

means, for every dollar spent on internet marketing, $26 returned in revenue. To calculate your ROI,

you will first need to know the following: The average revenue likely to be generated from a new

client over a 12-month period, your lead to client ratio and finally, the cost per lead. Example, it took

12 new visitors to your website to generate one lead, and the cost of each new visitor was $1.00. That

would give you a cost per lead of $12.00. Now, if it took 15 leads to generate a new client, then the

cost per account would be $180. If the average client generated $3,000 per year, your ROI would be

($3000/$180) $16/1. For every one dollar spent in marketing, it returned $16.

SEO Web DesignThere are major differences between design and SEO firms. If you’re going to make the right decision

as to which firm will truly offer the best results for your business, you’ll need to do your research. One

thing you’ll need to understand right from the start: the most expensive firms are not always the best

choice. Design bids alone, without any element of internet marketing behind them, might look good to

the budget, but will offer little to your success.

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How Much Internet Marketing is Enough?If you’re marketing locally, a reasonable budget might be $300 per month. If your marketing area is

more regional, $1,000 would work better. For a national internet marketer, a budget of $3,000 per

month would likely be needed. Those numbers are very general, of course. The real budget for an

internet marketing campaign will be based on the keyword competition and the size of the marketing

area. But, the point is, the bigger your market footprint, the larger the ad budget should be. You can’t

expect to have a national market share on a local advertising budget.

Internet Marketing Can Make the DifferenceWe’ve said it many times, “More times than not, the difference between successful businesses and

those that have failed is marketing.” Marketing drives sales and sales drive revenue. It’s simple

enough yet misunderstood by too many small businesses. Most University MBA programs teach that

businesses, large or small, should budget between 5% and 7% of their gross revenue for marketing.

That can be tough on new businesses, but without adequate marketing, your business will struggle to

survive and grow.

It’s Easy to Save Money on Search Engine MarketingWe’ve talked with many business owners who have tried search engine marketing and failed to make

it work. In most cases, the business owner managed the marketing programs themselves or simply

delegated the responsibility to one of their employees. I know most of these business people think

they’re saving money keeping the marketing in-house, but in reality they end up spending more and

getting less. A professionally managed search engine marketing program will increase conversions,

and lower marketing expenses. It’s that easy.

Smart businesses pay for search engine optimization and marketing.

A cheesy site with great marketing will be more profitable to your business than a great looking site

without marketing, and a nicely designed website with a smart marketing program will easily outper-

form both. We offer affordable web marketing, and our team stands behind every site we build.

Request a free quote.

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Marketing DemographicallyIf you’re using paid search as part of your internet marketing program and you’re thinking of ways

to lower your ad cost, think demographically. Before you can begin, you must first understand who

your demographic is? Where they live, work, their age, hobbies…basically, learn everything you can,

because you will use that information to focus your internet marketing around that consumer segment.

By targeting demographically, you can lower your advertising costs while increasing your conversions

and marketing ROI.

Percentage of ConversionsDo you know what percentage of conversions your website is achieving? A high conversion of 30%,

means that for every 10 new visitors to your site, 3 are converting to leads or sales. The higher con-

version percentage you achieve, the lower your cost per conversion is, and the lower your cost per

sale is. A high conversion percentage means your have an efficient marketing program. The contrib-

uting factors are keywords, ad text, landing page, calls to action and products or services.

Increasing your conversion percentage will make the difference between a successful marketing

campaign and one that does not work.

Get out of your own wayIn order to reach success, you have to get

out of your own way. By hiring Madwire

Media to develop your site and SEO mar-

keting campaigns you can let your people

do what they do best while we get the job

done right.

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Displaying TrustThe number one reason prospects choose to do business with you isn’t price. It’s trust. Without trust,

it doesn’t matter how competitive your prices are, or how great your product works; your sales will

under perform.

Today people are making instant decisions about you and your business in less than 5 seconds. When

they pull up your website, how that home page looks will make all the difference. Maybe you are the

best attorney in town, but if your website is old and outdated, lacks trust badges, then the prospect’s

first impression of you isn’t going to be good, and they’ll ‘bounce’ away.

If you look at a website that is outdated, you think, “This guy doesn’t know what he’s doing. He

doesn’t know the latest techniques.” If the site looks bad, then they assume that you are bad, too. If

the site looks disorganized, or has too much tech on the home page—fuggetaboutit! A proper design


You want to win trust? It starts with an excellent home page design. Your website must be your

front door, your sales brochure and 24/7 sales team. It can’t just be an information portal. Your

website drives sales!

Once you have your website designed right, you’ll need some trust badges too. If you are members

with Better Business Bureau or other consumer protection associations then you will want to display

their logo image prominently on your home page. If you offer guarantees or have won community

awards, display those too. One way to show that your website is secure and safe against fraud is by

purchasing an SSL certificate. These are available by Verisign, GeoTrust and others. This is a cost

effective way of building trust.

Customer Reviews CountWith over 80% of the reviews online perceived to be false, it is important that validated and verified

reviews are integrated with the framework of your business. This data shows cost aware consumers go

with the products with the highest review. Two sites can be selling the same product similar priced and

the consumer is going to purchase from the store with the best representation of the selected product

and positive reviews.

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Video ExplodesVideo is king in the demographic group of people between 18 to 40 years old. This group would rather

watch a video about a product or service than read about it. Video increases conversions as much as

400%. A few months ago, we added a service video to our site. Instantly, our conversions jumped.

This proves again that people would just rather watch a good video than read. The average drop-off

time a person will watch a video is 40 seconds. Keep to the message and make sure that the meat

lives in first 30 seconds.

Product VideoFor e-commerce sites, 30 second videos are now very popular. Streaming product videos increases

conversions and builds brands. The average cost of a professional product video is $300, they have

long shelf lives and an outstanding ROI. You have merely one chance to make a good first

impression—don’t blow it!

Social Media Marketing83% of online shoppers say that they are interested in other people’s opinions of products and

services. These conversations are taking place every day over the social media networks Twitter and

Facebook. You can use these same conversations to help promote your products and services.

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Every day is a Fight for Market ShareRemember that Pat Benatar eighties song “Love is a battlefield?” Business is a battlefield too. Every

day is a fight for market share, whether that’s local, regional or national, and most of it is taking place

on the internet. Online marketing, search engine optimization, search engine marketing; your busi-

ness needs to be waging at least one of those campaigns. The best of the marketers grow their

businesses, while the least of the marketers perish.

Research shows that the average web surfer clicks on five sites when searching for a products and

services. From those five sites, they’ll further investigate two of them—either by drilling into the site or

calling a listed number. They’re deciding which two by how the websites look. If your site looks more

professional than your competition, you’ll win the battle. Design counts.

Five Easy Ways to Increase ConversionsIt’s not the traffic a site attracts but the number of conversions that makes it successful. Below are five

easy ways to help increase website conversions:

1. List a phone number at the top of your home page, in big easy print. If you’re marketing on a

national level, that phone number should be toll-free.

2. Offer a guarantee. Most consumers will never take you up on it, but they like to see it.

3. Offer live support, with real people answering your phone; no voice mail or answering machines.

4. Offer free shipping or a free trial period.

5. Have three, well defined, calls to action on your home page.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Web DesignTo measure the effectiveness of any marketing program you must be able to measure results.

The true cost of design is best measured by the bounce rate, traffic to conversion ratios, average

page views and sales directly related to the website.

If you’re spending money on Search engine optimization, search engine marketing, paid search, cou-

pons, trade show leads, print advertising and phone book ads, and you’ve seen an increase in web

traffic, but not in conversions, this is due to your web design. If your bounce rate is higher than 50%,

that is people leave your site is less than five seconds, it’s time for a re-design.

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The Three Pillars of Internet SuccessTo reach internet marketing success, you must have a good product, effective internet marketing

campaigns and a targeted professional website design. Without all three working together, your ability

to succeed will be limited.

The three pillars of Internet success are: Marketing, Process Structure.

Web Marketing cost per saleIt’s an important number to know…really, your cost per sale. Every marketing campaign that you’ve

ever done had a cost of sale. The basic math is simple: total cost of ad campaign divided by total num-

ber of sales. For example, if you’re online banner campaign costs $2,500 per month and generates 57

sales, at an average sale of $128.00; your cost per sale would be $43.85.

Once you have figured the cost of sale for each program we’re running from mailers, email campaigns,

yellow page directory listings, industry directories, banner and paid search, you’ll be better able to

determine which campaigns to continue in 2011 and which to discontinue. Before you can do that,

though, you’ll need to analyze all of the assets involved and the cost of each.

Web Marketing cost per saleEvery marketing campaign that you’ve ever done had a cost of sale. This is the total cost of the ad

campaign divided by the total number of sales. If your online banner campaign costs $2,500 per

month and generates 57 sales, at an average sale of $128, your cost per sale would be $44.

Once you have figured the cost of sale for each program you’ll need to analyze all of the assets

involved and the cost of each.

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Don’t Manage Your own Ad and PPC campaignsDon’t manage your own Adwords and other PPC

accounts. Likely you’ll end up spending twice

what your competition is spending for the same

amount of quality clicks. When running optimized

ad campaigns with multiple ads have Madwire

monitor your results. Properly analyzing your ad

performance data is key to making necessary

improvements. We’ll review your CTR, Conver-

sions and ROI in conjunction with how your site is

performing. The higher the click-through rate and

better the quality score, the less you will pay for

your ads. To Reach a high score requires three

things: Keyword Relevance, Landing Page Quality

and Site Load Time. A well written ad yields a high

click-through-rate and conversion rate and is highly

cost effective.

Eliminating Waste in your campaigns!Eliminate waste in your campaigns: Analyze the data to determine the value of performing/under

performing campaigns. Focus on the campaigns that are performing strongly and eliminate the rest.

This strategy will afford you the resources to expand your campaign footprint and grow.

Analytics allows you to make well educated decisions that can be backed by data.

Having a data-driven decision making process as part of your marketing strategy that ensures your

campaigns continue to succeed and stay on track.

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Marketing StrategyAfter talking with a client the other day, his comment to us was, “I’m already on page one of Organic

search and I don’t need marketing.” After further discussion, he admitted that his traffic was not con-

verting and his sales were flat. We looked at his site and did targeted keyword analysis and this is what

I discovered:

He had one keyword that was showing up on page one and that keyword was not for the right target-

ed market. I went on to explain to him that if you want your business to grow, you will need a marketing

strategy. Your results should be measurable and specific to that market. If you want to ensure that

your site is focused on the right market, you need to ensure you are working all of your keywords with

a marketing strategy that is converting traffic.

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Invest in your BusinessOnce you have made the decision to move forward, you will need to ensure you have allocated

resources to make your investment grow. You will need to have a reasonable budget and plan to apply

at least 5 to 7% of your annual revenue towards the marketing strategy that is deployed. If you want

to grow your business, you’re going to have to spend money. After all, you’re looking for a strong

return on investment. The difference between businesses that fail and those that succeed is often

found within their ad budgets. One of your most important expenses is marketing. Marketing strate-

gies are key in developing new clientele, maintaining clients and ensuring you meet your sales goals

for the year.

Would you go and buy a car and not put gas in it? Of course not! Your vehicle would be un-drivable.

This concept is the same for marketing your business.

A car with no gas is useless, just a like a website with no marketing budget.

Turning to the ExpertsThe days of running an ad and hoping for the best are over. Today, it’s about targeting a market

specific to your business and designing a successful marketing road map to produce results. Market-

ing with Madwire Media will not only drive you better results, but will likely lower your cost per sale.

Do one thing and do it very well—that’s how we became a success. You know your business, and

we know ours. Hiring Madwire Media to help analyze your customers and develop a marketing strat-

egy that produces real results, increase traffic, lower costs and adds to your bottom line. We excel in

customer service, provide premium designs and optimize sites to ensure that our clients rank well on

Google. Our marketing team focuses directly on your niche market, with your sales goals in mind. We

develop a partnership with the goal to drive sales. We care about your business and helping you devel-

op strong customer ties within your market. If you are ready to get your business rolling, give us a call

or request your free SEO report today!

888-872-3734 Local: 970-663-7635 madwirewebdesign.com

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