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MARRCCHH 2001122 NEWSLETTER - c.ymcdn.comc.ymcdn.com/sites/€¦ · OFFICERS Teresa Nienhaus...

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OFFICERS Teresa Nienhaus William Prosser Ana Londono Patrick Umphenour Bill Kipp 2011-2012 Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Past Chairperson ASSOCIATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING GEOLOGISTS Connecting Professionals, Practice and the Public Saint Louis Section ============================================================================= MARCH 2012 NEWSLETTER 1. March 2012 AEG St. Louis Section meeting 2. March 2012 RCGA meeting 3. February 2012 AEG St. Louis Section meeting 4. Earthquake Awareness Day at the St. Louis Science Center 5. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering Geology at AEG Saint Louis Section 6. AEG-ASCE joint meeting April 7. 2012 AEG 55th Annual Meeting 8. Social Networking 9. AEG St. Louis Future Meetings March 2012 AEG St. Louis Section meeting Please join us for our Section meeting on Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at Syberg’s on Dorsett Rd. in Maryland Heights, MO. AEG President, Jennifer Bauer, P.G. is traveling to St. Louis to give her presentation entitled: You Can Really See That? - Remote Sensing and Landslide Mapping. Please plan to attend and help show Jenn some St. Louis hospitality. Our sponsor will be Teklab, Inc. One (1) PDH hour will be available. The meeting announcement is attached. March 2012 RCGA meeting The Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists and the St. Louis Regional Growth and Commerce Association invite you and your guests to the presentation by Jenn Bauer, AEG president, entitled: “Between a Rock and a Geologic Disaster: How Geologists Work Toward Making You Safer. This meeting is free and will be held on March 14, 2012 at 9:00 am at Geotechnology (please see attached flyer for more information). February 2012 AEG St. Louis Section meeting Our February Section meeting at the Hampton Inn at Forest Park on February 23 was attended by 20 geoprofessionals and 6 students. Jeff Hill’s presentation Advances in Geotechnical Construction for Contaminated Siteswas very interesting. We thank our meeting sponsor Hayward Baker, Inc. Earthquake Awareness Day at the St. Louis Science Center This year’s annual Earthquake Awareness Day held on February 4, 2012 was a great success. We thank Anna Saindon, Stefanie Voss, Bill Kipp, Teresa Nienhaus, Greg Hempen, Phyllis Steckel, and all of the other volunteers for their participation.

OFFICERS Teresa Nienhaus William Prosser Ana Londono Patrick Umphenour Bill Kipp 2011-2012 Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Past Chairperson


Connecting Professionals, Practice and the Public

Saint Louis Section


MMAARRCCHH 22001122 NEWSLETTER 1. March 2012 AEG St. Louis Section meeting 2. March 2012 RCGA meeting 3. February 2012 AEG St. Louis Section meeting 4. Earthquake Awareness Day at the St. Louis Science Center 5. Jahn’s Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering Geology at AEG Saint Louis Section 6. AEG-ASCE joint meeting April 7. 2012 AEG 55th Annual Meeting 8. Social Networking 9. AEG St. Louis Future Meetings

March 2012 AEG St. Louis Section meeting – Please join us for our Section meeting on Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at Syberg’s on Dorsett Rd. in Maryland Heights, MO. AEG President, Jennifer Bauer, P.G. is traveling to St. Louis to give her presentation entitled: “You Can Really See That? - Remote Sensing and Landslide Mapping”. Please plan to attend and help show Jenn some St. Louis hospitality. Our sponsor will be Teklab, Inc. One (1) PDH hour will be available. The meeting announcement is attached. March 2012 RCGA meeting – The Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists and the St. Louis Regional Growth and Commerce Association invite you and your guests to the presentation by Jenn Bauer, AEG president, entitled: “Between a Rock and a Geologic Disaster: How Geologists Work Toward Making You Safer”. This meeting is free and will be held on March 14, 2012 at 9:00 am at Geotechnology (please see attached flyer for more information). February 2012 AEG St. Louis Section meeting – Our February Section meeting at the Hampton Inn at Forest Park on February 23 was attended by 20 geoprofessionals and 6 students. Jeff Hill’s presentation “Advances in Geotechnical Construction for Contaminated Sites” was very interesting. We thank our meeting sponsor Hayward Baker, Inc. Earthquake Awareness Day at the St. Louis Science Center – This year’s annual Earthquake Awareness Day held on February 4, 2012 was a great success. We thank Anna Saindon, Stefanie Voss, Bill Kipp, Teresa Nienhaus, Greg Hempen, Phyllis Steckel, and all of the other volunteers for their participation.

AEG St. Louis Section MARCH 2012 NEWSLETTER Page 2 of 2

OFFICERS Teresa Nienhaus William Prosser Ana Londono Patrick Umphenour Bill Kipp 2011-2012 Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Past Chairperson

Jahn’s Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering Geology at AEG Saint Louis Section – Mark your calendars for our meeting on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at Square One Brewery. Dr. Scott F. Burns, Professor of Geology at Portland State University, and 2011-2012 Richard Jahns Distinguished Lecturer in Engineering Geology will present: “Cataclysms on the Columbia, the Great Missoula Floods”. One (1) PDH hour will be available. A meeting announcement will be sent to you in the near future. AEG-ASCE joint meeting – On April 12 at 5:00 pm, the St. Louis Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the St. Louis Section of AEG will host a joint meeting at the Engineers Club. This will be their annual Case Histories presentation, which is always very interesting. A meeting announcement will be sent to you in the near future. 2012 Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists Annual Meeting – The 55th AEG annual meeting will take place in Salt Lake City on September 15-23. A meeting brochure is attached, and additional information can be found on the AEG website. Members, professionals, and students are encouraged to submit abstracts by April 1. You may register online at . Student members, volunteer during the meeting and you will receive complimentary registration; also, students may apply for the Lemke Scholarship for assistance with travel expenses. Members, please consider sponsoring at the 2012 Annual Meeting. This will help support AEG and gain recognition for your Section. Sponsorship information is attached. For more information please refer to: http://www.aegweb.org/files/public/2012_Annual_Meeting_Sponsorship_Form.pdf Social Networking – AEG is now on Linked-In and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/69681817791/. Please join in on the lively discussions and keep up to date on the latest news. AEG St. Louis Future Meetings – Suggestions are still being accepted for 2012 meeting topics, presenters, and sponsors for our regular meetings. This is your opportunity to get presentations of interest to you or present your own topics. Please submit your suggestions to Teresa Nienhaus ([email protected]), or William Prosser ([email protected]).

To find out more information on AEG and our Section, please go to www.aegweb.org .

OFFICERS Teresa Nienhaus William Prosser Ana Londono Patrick Umphenour Bill Kipp 2011-2012 Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Past Chairperson









WHEN: Wednesday,March14,2012 SocialNetworking 5:30pmMeal 6:00pm

Program 6:30pmWHERE: Syberg’sDorsett(seeattachedMap)


COST: AEGMembers: $20.00 Non‐members: $25.00 Students: Free

OFFICERS Teresa Nienhaus William Prosser Ana Londono Patrick Umphenour Bill Kipp 2011-2012 Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Past Chairperson



**Ifyoumakeareservation,wecommittotherestauranttopayforyourmeal.Ifyoumakeareservationanddonotcancelitbythesignupdate,PLEASEhonoryourcommitmentandsenduspaymentforyourmeal.**Callore‐mailthisformtoPatrickUmphenor:Phone:314‐315‐0455email:[email protected] Pleasespecifyifyouareamember(M),non‐member(N),orstudent(S)***************************************************************************************************


NAME M/N/S_______________________________________________ ___________________

_______________________________________________ ___________________

_______________________________________________ __________________




 Dan Thompson 

Senior Account Executive 5445 Horseshoe Lake Road 

Collinsville, IL  62234 (618)344‐1004 Office (314)591‐3661 Cell (618)344‐1005 Fax 

E‐mail:  [email protected] 

OFFICERS Teresa Nienhaus William Prosser Ana Londono Patrick Umphenour Bill Kipp 2011-2012 Chairperson Vice Chairperson Secretary Treasurer Past Chairperson









You can really see that? - Remote Sensing and Landslide mapping

Ms. Jennifer Bauer, President of AEG, will be discussing how remote sensing, through the use of aerial

photography and Light Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR) data, has proven to be an invaluable tool when

identifying and delineating landslide features.

The North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS) used

several vintages of aerial photographs dating back to

1940 to identify the locations of over 3000 landslides in

the mountains of North Carolina. By locating historic

landslides on the 1940 aerial photographs and then

visiting the sites in the field, the geologists were able to

calibrate themselves to the modern-day morphology of

landslide initiation zones that are over 70 years old.

In addition to the aerial photographs, NCGS used digital

elevation models, slope maps, and contour lines derived

from the statewide 6-meter resolution LiDAR Digital

Elevation Model data to identify ancient landslide

deposits. The NCGS developed criteria for delineating

these landslide deposits remotely in order to standardize

the method used among the team. Through this process, geologists made field time more efficient by

targeting features that needed field confirmation to meet the standard for inclusion on the map.

Come see examples and learn how you can

use remote sensing in your projects as well.

Jennifer Bauer, Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists  

2011‐2012 President 

 Jennifer Bauer, P.G.,  is  a Principal Geologist  for 

Appalachian Landslide Consultants, PLLC and has 

been  involved  in  landslide  mapping  since 

November of 2005. Prior  to  June 30, 2011,  she 

was a member of the Landslide Hazard Mapping 

Team  for  the  North  Carolina  Geological  Survey 

(NCGS).    In  this  position  she  utilized  the  GIS 

environment for remote sensing, data collection 

and  interpretation  for  county‐wide  map 

production.   Ms.  Bauer  divided  her  work  time 

between hiking the mountains of North Carolina 

to  locate  and  map  landslides  in  the  field, 

analyzing the data and finalizing the maps in the 

office,  responding  to  landslide  emergency 

events,  and  doing  public  outreach.    Before 

joining the NCGS in 2005, Ms. Bauer worked with 

MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. first as 

a  field  geologist,  and  then  as  construction 

materials  testing  laboratory manager.    In  these 

positions,  she gained a  strong background  in  subsurface  investigations and engineering properties of 

soil, aggregate and concrete, and was exposed  to many engineering, environmental, and construction 

materials testing projects. 

 Ms. Bauer earned her B.S. with Highest Honors in Geology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel 

Hill in 2001. She is a licensed geologist in North Carolina. 

 Ms. Bauer’s experience with the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists began in 2002 

as Secretary of the Carolinas Section. Since then, she has held the office of Vice Chair and Chair of the 

Carolinas  Section,  was  a  member  of  the  Section/Chapter  Support  Committee,  co‐chaired  the 

Governance  Committee,  and  served  on  the  Executive  Council  as  Secretary,  Treasurer,  Vice 

President/President‐Elect, and now as President.    In her  time away  from starting a geology consulting 

business and her AEG duties, Ms. Bauer enjoys mountain biking, hiking,  trail  running, and adventure 

racing.  She currently resides in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina with her husband Brian, dog 

Maddie, and cat Kitty. 



MARCH 14, 2012 AT 9:00 AM


Between a Rock and a Geologic Disaster: How Geologists Work Toward Making You Safer

Ms. Jennifer Bauer, President of the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists, will be discussing how geology touches our lives every day and why the work of engineering geologists, environmental geologists, and hydrogeologists is important to us. So many of the things we need and use – the water we drink, the roads and bridges we drive on, the buildings we live and work in – have had a professional geologist involved in the project from the beginning, to make sure it’s safe for us to drink, to drive on, or to live and work in. We’ll discuss real world examples, such as the earthquake hazards associated with the New Madrid Seismic Zone, the cleanup and remediation at the Weldon Spring Site Remedial Action Project and other examples where geologists have been involved. Come learn how geology touches our lives, from groundwater to roads, and how geologists help make our lives safer, cleaner, and easier.


COST: FREE RSVP: DUANE KREUGER [email protected]; 314-997-7440




BIO:Jennifer Bauer, AEG President 20122-2012

Jennifer Bauer, P.G., is a Principal Geologist for Appalachian Landslide Consultants, PLLC and has been involved in landslide mapping since November of 2005. Prior to June 30, 2011, she was a member of the Landslide Hazard Mapping Team for the North Carolina Geological Survey (NCGS). In this position she utilized the GIS environment for remote sensing, data collection and interpretation for county-wide map production. Ms. Bauer divided her work time between hiking the mountains of North Carolina to locate and map landslides in the field, analyzing the data and finalizing the maps in the office, responding to landslide emergency events, and doing public outreach. Before joining the NCGS in 2005, Ms. Bauer worked

with MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. first as a field geologist, and then as construction materials testing laboratory manager. In these positions, she gained a strong background in subsurface investigations and engineering properties of soil, aggregate and concrete, and was exposed to many engineering, environmental, and construction materials testing projects.

Ms. Bauer earned her B.S. with Highest Honors in Geology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill in 2001. She is a licensed geologist in North Carolina. Ms. Bauer’s experience with the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists began in 2002 as Secretary of the Carolinas Section. Since then, she has held the office of Vice Chair and Chair of the Carolinas Section, was a member of the Section/Chapter Support Committee, co-chaired the Governance Committee, and served on the Executive Council as Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President/President-Elect, and now as President. In her time away from starting a geology consulting business and her AEG duties, Ms. Bauer enjoys mountain biking, hiking, trail running, and adventure racing. She currently resides in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina with her husband Brian, dog Maddie, and cat Kitty.



Salt Lake City, Utah The Hilton Salt Lake City Center September 17-22, 2012 The AEG Intermountain Section warmly invites you to join us in Salt Lake City, the heart of the Intermountain West, for the 55th annual meeting of the Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologist. Salt Lake City, located in a remarkably diverse and active geologic setting, is in the eastern-most Basin and Range physiographic province at the margin with the Rocky Mountain province; the deep canyons of the Colorado Plateau are just a stone throw to the south. The Wasatch Fault, one of the world’s longest Holocene-age normal faults, is situated at the base of the spectacular Wasatch Mountains, along the east side of Salt Lake City. The Salt Lake Valley is ringed by shorelines of Pleistocene Lake Bonneville (initially identified, studied, and named by G.K. Gilbert in the 1890s). The glaciated peaks, moraines, and valleys of the Wasatch Range are only 20 minutes from downtown Salt Lake City. The AEG Intermountain Section is excited to host the 55th annual AEG meeting and seeing one-and-all, please join us. About Salt Lake City … Salt Lake City is a vibrant urban center with unparalleled access to alpine and desert outdoor recreation. Downtown Salt Lake City is home to dozens of great restaurants and bars, numerous world-class brew pubs, and two major shopping malls (including the beautiful City Creek Center, newly opened in March 2012). All of this is in a pedestrian-friendly setting that is served by a "Free Zone" light rail line. The magnificent alpine recreation centers of Park City, Alta, and Snowbird are easily accessed by a 30-minute drive from downtown. Southern Utah’s breathtaking national parks, including Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, and Zion, are about 4½ hours away by car. About The Hilton Salt Lake City Center … The Hilton Salt Lake City Center is in the nexus of downtown, within a few minutes’ walk of the free-zone light rail line, restaurants, bars, shopping, and other attractions. The hotel is beautifully decorated, with luxurious rooms, two restaurants, a pool, fitness room, and a full-service spa. Technical Sessions … Possible Technical Sessions Environmental and engineering geology of

mining Water resources Landslide investigation and remediation Debris-flow hazards Remote sensing GIS technologies Engineering geology and dams Unconsolidated aquifers and earth fissures Rock mechanics Earthquake hazards Paleoseismology and fault investigations Applications of geophysics Geologic-hazards mapping Status of the profession (licensure, standards of

practice, report review, ASBOG)

Proposed Symposia Earthquake Hazards in Utah/Basin and Range Great Basin faulting/fault-rupture hazard

mitigation Central and Eastern U.S. Earthquake Hazards in

the Year of the New Madrid Earthquakes’ Bicentennial

Capturing Uncertainty and Variability in Geology: Site Conditions and Natural Processes

How Climate Change will Affect our Profession Dam Scour LiDAR Applications to Engineering Geology Ground Water Monitoring around Solid Waste

Facilities Innovative Geotechnical Design Consideration

for Solid Waste Facilities Slope Stability in Mining

Field Trips …

Engineering Geology of the Kennecott (Rio Tinto) Open-Pit Mine: This field trip will investigate a variety of the engineering, environmental, and geologic aspects of the largest open-pit copper mine in the world. The Kennecott open-pit mine, in operation since the 1890’s, produces about 3 million tons of copper, 5 million ounces of gold, 4 million ounces of silver, 30 million pounds of molybdenite, and 1 million tons of sulfuric acid each year. The mine is more than 2.75 miles wide and 0.75 miles deep. We will visit the historical museum at the rim of the open-pit, meet with mine engineers and geologists, enter the pit (lunch will take place in the bottom of the pit) , learn about the geology of the ore deposit, history of mining activities, rock removal, ore control, slope stability, ground- and surface-water control, mine reclamation, mine sustainability, and blasting techniques (hopefully we will be present during detonation of a pit-blast). Engineering Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Wasatch Front: The Wasatch Front in the Salt Lake City area is characterized by the Holocene-age Wasatch and West Valley fault zones , canyons with high debris flow potential, active urban landslides, and textbook examples of Quaternary geologic, geomorphic, and alpine glacial features. On this trip we will visit fault scarps of the Wasatch fault zone developed in late Quaternary glacial moraines, lake sediments, and alluvial fans. We will also visit an active, creeping landslide that is slowly tearing apart a neighborhood, and the sites of other historic landslides (including the Thistle slide, which caused about $400 million in damage in 1983). Alpine Hydrogeology of the Park City area: Owing to the spectacular mountain setting and access to alpine recreation, the Park City area (Synderville basin) has undergone explosive residential and commercial growth over the past few decades. Due to a relative lack of surface water resources in the area, finding adequate groundwater to support the area is a continuing challenge for engineering geologists. Since there are limited alluvial aquifers in the area, most of the recently-developed groundwater has come from bedrock aquifers. This field trip will explore the regional bedrock aquifer system and investigate means of assessing aquifer potential in alpine settings. Antelope Island: evidence of coastal processes of Great Salt Lake and Lake Bonneville: This field trip will review the history of climate change of the past 35,000 years, as documented by shoreline evidence of Lake Bonneville and Great Salt Lake. Specifically, we will examine landforms, materials, and processes that are (a) active along the shoreline of 2012; (b) associated with the highstand flooding of the 1980s; and (c) along the Gilbert level of Lake Bonneville/Great Salt Lake of about 12,000 b.p. Antelope Island has beautiful exposures of contrasting wave environments because, as an island, its shores are exposed to winds from diverse directions, and because, as a State Park, the evidence is well-preserved. Wear sensible shoes. Weather permitting, this field trip will include a couple-hour, not-challenging hike. Guest Tours … Heber Valley Railroad - Ride and picnic on this historic railroad, along the beautiful eastern side of the spectacular Wasatch Range. Utah Olympic Park and Park City – Visit the site of 2002 Olympic bobsled and Nordic ski jumping, and current training center for U.S. Olympic teams, then continue to the historic mining town of Park City for shopping. Red Butte Botanical Garden and Utah Museum of Natural History – The garden is a botanical wonder, and the new museum is an architectural and educational masterpiece. Great Salt Lake and Antelope Island – Visit beautiful Antelope Island in the middle of Utah’s inland sea to dip your feet is the famously salty water and to view wild bison and spectacular vistas of the Wasatch Range. Special Event …Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort Ride by bus from downtown Salt Lake City to Snowbird resort in spectacular U-shaped glacial Little Cottonwood Canyon. En route we will stop at the G.K. Gilbert Memorial Geologic Viewing Park to look at textbook examples of igneous intrusions, fault scarps, glacial moraines, and glacial geomorphology. At Snowbird we will ride the aerial tram 2,900 feet up to the top of 11,000 foot Hidden Peak. After the tram ride we will return to the Snowbird base for socializing, drinks, and dinner.

Call for Technical Papers Abstract Deadline

April 1, 2012 Online submittal @ www.aegweb.org.

Call Heather Clark @303-757-2926

AEG ANNUAL MEETING2012 Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists


YES! My company wants to be a part of AEG’s 55th Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. The 2012 Annual Meeting can count on us as a Sponsor for the following (see "Choose an Event to Sponsor" page for details on the following areas of sponsorship):

TECHNICAL SESSION SPONSORSHIPS Technical Sessions Breaks - ($500 exclusive, $250

shared) Wednesday, 9/19, Mid-Morning Break Wednesday, 9/19, Mid-Afternoon Break Thursday, 9/20, Mid-Morning Break Thursday, 9/20, Mid-Afternoon Break Friday, 9/21, Mid-Morning Break Friday, 9/21, Mid-Afternoon Break

Opening Session on Wednesday, 9/19, ($1000) SOLD Technical Sessions – ($500 each)

Wednesday, 9/19 Thursday, 9/20 SOLD Friday, 9/21

Short Courses, 9/18 & 9/22 ($250 each) Field Trips ($250 each)

AEG Foundation Silent Auction To make a monetary donation or donate items contact Donna Schmitz, [email protected]

TOTAL AMOUNT PLEDGED: $ _______________

Invoice immediately Check Enclosed

NETWORKING SPONSORSHIPS Ice Breaker Reception, Tuesday, 9/18, ($1,000

exclusive, $500 shared) Speakers’ and Moderators’ Breakfasts, 9/19-9/21 ($500

exclusive, $250 shared) Women In AEG•AWG Breakfast, 9/21 ($500 exclusive,

$250 shared) SOLD Awards Luncheon & Corporate Business Meeting, 9/20,

($1,000 exclusive, $500 shared) Exhibitors Luncheon, 9/19, ($1,000 exclusive, $500

shared) Past Presidents’ Luncheon, 9/21, ($500 exclusive)

SOLD Annual Banquet, 9/20, ($1,000 exclusive, $500 shared)

SOLD Special Event, 9/19: Snowbird Resort ($1,000 exclusive,

$500 shared) Student/Professional Reception, 9/18, ($1,000 exclusive,

$500 shared) SOLD OTHER Hospitality Area ($500) Employment Interview Service ($500) Registration Giveaway ($1,500 each) Guest Tours ($250 each) Student Mini Grant Program ($1,000 exclusive, $500


Sponsoring Company **: _________________________________________________________________________ (EXACTLY as you would like it to appear in acknowledgements) Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________ Title: ___________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ City:State/ ________________________________________ Country: _____________ Zip/Postal Code: _________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Fax: _________________________________________ Contact's E-Mail Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Company's Web Page Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Brief Company Description: ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ **Please email your logo to [email protected] to include on event signage. If you are interested in including your brochures in the registration packets at the meeting, please contact Heather Clark, Meetings Manager for details.

Mail, email or fax to: AEG2012 Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists P.O. Box 460518, Denver, CO 80246 Phone: 303-757-2926 Fax: 720-230-4846

[email protected]

CHOOSE AN EVENT TO SPONSOR AT AEG2012 Event sponsorship is effective advertising that builds lasting recognition and good will for your company. All sponsors receive these baseline printed acknowledgements: listing in Program With Abstracts mailed to our membership worldwide, listing on the AEG website and listing in the updated meeting supplement given to all attendees. Additional special recognition and optional door prize opportunities are noted under specific events. Sponsor at the $500 level or higher, and you will also receive a complimentary skyscraper ad on the AEG website for three months with a link to your company's Web Page address. We anticipate over 400 professional registrants at AEG2012. For information on the availability of exclusive sponsorships, contact Heather Clark, Meetings Manager, [email protected], 303-757-2926. Technical Sessions and Symposia Sponsor $500 for a one-day Technical Session or Symposia and your company will be acknowledged with logo recognition slide on the session PowerPoint during breaks and before the session. A sign announcing your support will be posted at the entrance to the session. Technical Session Breaks Donate $500 ($250 shared) for either a mid-morning or mid-afternoon Technical Session beverage break. A sign announcing your support will be posted at the entrance to the session. Speakers' and Moderators' Breakfast This is where the technical session moderators and speakers get together to set performance goals for the day’s sessions. Your $500 ($250 shared) sponsorship here makes it all come together for a smoothly-run session. A sign announcing your support will be posted at the entrance to the breakfast. Short Courses Sponsor one of the 4 Short Courses offered at AEG 2011 for $250 each. A sign announcing your support will be posted at the entrance to the course.. Field Trips Provide $250 towards one of the field trips for AEG 2011, and be acknowledged as the field trip sponsor! For many of our members, field trips are the most memorable part of the meeting, and your sponsorship becomes part of that memory. Field trip materials include a printed and bound field trip guidebook and will contain prominent acknowledgment of your company on the back cover. A sign announcing your support will be posted in the lobby. Student Mini-Grant Program Your sponsorship of $1,000 ($500 Shared) for this program will help us provide low-cost meeting registration to students. We expect student attendance to approach 50. All sponsorships will be acknowledged on a poster-sized sign at Registration. Student/Professional Reception We have scheduled a special reception just for students. Sponsorship of $1,000 ($500 shared) for this reception will help defray the cost of this great event where students join with professionals for networking and discussions. A sign announcing your support will be posted at the entrance to the event.

Guest Tour Donate $250 for one of the four scheduled courtesy programs that provide excursions for spouses and guests of our registrants. This will help them remember you! All sponsorships will be acknowledged on a sign in the lobby. Employment Interview Service Your $500 sponsorship of this valuable service ensures that interviewees will see your company name while they are interviewing for future employment in their chosen profession. Your flyers will be placed on the tables where job seekers meet potential employers. A sign announcing your support will be posted at the entrance to the interview room. Ice Breaker Reception - $1,000 ($500 Shared) Icebreaker sponsorship is used to defray catering expenses. The Hilton Salt Lake city Center’s chefs are renowned for their creation of exceptional aperitifs and the event attracts most of the registrants. This function provides the maximum networking and gives your company the greatest exposure. You may supply an optional door prize that will be given to one lucky winner attending the reception. A sign announcing your support will be posted at the entrance to the event. Women in AEG•AWG Breakfast - $500 A $500 sponsorship builds recognition of your company among the fastest growing segment of the geoscience community: Women are increasingly drawn to the profession and your contribution will help offset costs incurred for audio/visual and catering. A sign announcing your support will be posted at the entrance to the event. Registration Giveaway – $1,500 (each) Have your logo printed on our registration Giveaway for maximum exposure that will last for years to come.

Awards Luncheon and Corporate Business Meeting - $1,000 ($500 shared) This high-profile event is attended by our most influential members. Sponsor acknowledgement includes: a poster-sized sign at the entrance to the luncheon, spoken thanks from the President and listing in the Luncheon program. You may supply an optional door prize that will be given to one lucky winner attending the luncheon.

Exhibitors Luncheon - $1,000 ($500 shared) Your $1,000 sponsorship of the Exhibit Hall Lunch ensures exhibitors will have a steady walk-through audience and hold the participants at the exhibits. This is the most well attended event and will provide maximum exposure for your company. A sign announcing your support will be posted at the entrance to the event. Past Presidents’ Luncheon A $500 sponsorship builds recognition for your company. Your contribution will help offset costs incurred for audio/visual and catering. Your contribution will be acknowledged at the entrance of the luncheon. Annual Banquet - $1,000 ($500 shared) Sponsor this well-attended, high-profile event at which the Associations' major awards are given. Your company will be recognized on an easel display at the banquet, as

well as being listed in the Annual Banquet Program and with spoken acknowledgement by our President. Special Event - $1000 ($500 shared) Located 30 minutes from downtown Salt Lake City in beautiful Little Cottonwood Canyon, Snowbird Ski & Summer Resort offers a 125-passenger Aerial Tram that zooms (8 minutes) from an elevation of 8,100 feet to Hidden Peak at 11,000 feet. Enjoy spectacular alpine mountain scenery, glacial geomorphology, fall colors, and world class dining on this memorable Special Event. A sign announcing your support will be posted at the entrance to the event.

We are flexible! Questions about the details? Want to try something a little different? Can’t decide on the sponsorship you want? Want your brochure stuffed in the registration packets? Contact AEG Meetings Manager, Heather Clark at 303-757-2926 or email [email protected] .

CREDIT CARD PAYMENT FOR SPONSORSHIP If paying with credit card, please fax the Sponsorship form to 720-230-4846 COMPANY NAME ____________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________

City:State/ ____________________________________ Country: ______________ Zip/Postal Code: ___________

Phone: _______________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________

Contact Person ________________________________________________________________________________

E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________________________________


Discover American Express

Total Amount __________________________________________________________________________________

Account Number (include all digits) ___________________________________ Expir. Date ___________________

Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________

Name on Card (Please Print): _____________________________________________________________________
