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Martinsburg Squadron - Jun 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 Martinsburg Squadron - Jun 2012




    The Martinsburg Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol Vol. 7 No. 2


    Capt Stephen Petty, Commander Maj Russell Voelker, Publisher & Editor Mar- June 2012

    2012 Joint Services Open House2012 Joint Services Open House

    On May 18, three senior

    members and a record 16 cadets

    from the Martinsburg Compo-

    site Squadron drove two hours

    to Joint Base Andrews in Mary-

    land to attend the 2012 Joint

    Services Open House and Air

    Show, along with members

    from Mercer Squadron. The

    members from Mercer Squad-

    ron camped out in the squadron

    hanger, both the night before

    and the night after the air showsince they had more than a five

    -hour drive home.

    The Martinsburg cadets did an

    outstanding job doing a variety

    of different tasks at the air

    show, including VIP escort,

    food service, aircraft security,

    Drug Demand Reduction, re-

    cruiting and much more. The

    cadets received several compli-

    ments for their hard work and a

    job well done.

    "Despite waking up very early

    and having to drive from Mar-

    tinsburg to Joint Base Andrews,

    the cadets did an outstanding

    job and could not have made

    West Virginia Wing more

    proud," said C/2d Lt. John Dye.

    "The cadets returned home with

    smiles on their faces, stories totell and more likely than not,

    sleep on their minds. Given all

    the things they had to work

    around at the air show, they did

    an amazing job."

    Cadets attending the event

    included: Zachary Arehart,

    Austin Bradford, Denver

    Ground Support Coordinator, Lt Col Wes LaPreGround Support Coordinator, Lt Col Wes LaPre(2(2ndnd from the right) briefs the cadets, on thefrom the right) briefs the cadets, on the

    importance of being hydrated, prior to the start ofimportance of being hydrated, prior to the start of

    the joint services open house.the joint services open house.

    Martinsburg members assist inMartinsburg members assist in

    assembling a shelterassembling a shelter

    Brenizer, John Dye, Tim Dye,John Garlitz, Clarke Gordon,

    Quinn Kahsay, Chase Kelving-ton, Nathanael Main, KennethMay, Toni May, Duncan Smith,Dustin Smith, Angel Webb and

    Nathan Worley. Senior mem-bers Dennis Webb, FrancesWebb and Russell Voelkeraccompanied the cadets.

    Key performers for this year's

    air show included the United

    States Navy Blue Angels, Unit-

    ed States Army Golden

    Knights, Geico Skytpers, an F-

    22 Raptor, the USAF Heritage

    Flight, F4U Corsair, P-51 Mus-

    tang and a B-2 bomber. Among

    the static displays were the

    NASA Super Guppy, B-52, B-

    25, EA-6B Prowler, C-47, plus

    several vintage war birds and

    Article by C/1st Lt Tim Dye, with contributions from Staff Sgt. Sherree Grebenstein,

    Public Affairs Specialist, West Virginia Air National Guard, 167th Airlift Wing

    See JSOH page 2 and more JSOH photos on page 5

  • 7/31/2019 Martinsburg Squadron - Jun 2012



    JSOH From Page 1

    other modern military equip-

    ment.The Joint Services Open

    House and Air Show is de-

    signed to showcase the use ofair and ground power in defenseof our country's freedom. The

    air show highlights aircraft

    from multiple services, as wellas classic and high performanceaircraft. All branches of theservice also had a multitude of

    ground displays, allowing peo-ple to go inside planes, seeequipment used by ground andsea forces through the ages and

    talk to service members abouttheir duties.

    Unit Commanders CourseUnit Commanders Course

    Corporate Learning CourseCorporate Learning Course

    Training Leaders of Cadets CourseTraining Leaders of Cadets Course

    Cadet Leadership Training CourseCadet Leadership Training Course

    3rd Annual Comprehensive Training Weekend

    A total of 21 cadets and 52enior members completed the

    3rd annual West Wing Compre-hensive Training Weekendheld, April 20 - 22, at Camp

    Dawson, near Kingwood, WV.ncluded in those numbers were

    4 cadets and 5 seniors from the

    Martinsburg Squadron.

    The 2012 curriculum included:

    Cadet Leadership Training


    Corporate Learning


    Training Leaders of

    Cadets Course

    Unit Commanders Course

    I especially want to mention

    he cadets who attended theCLTC. The cadets who attend-ed this years CLTC were re-quired to prepare a 3 to 5 mi-nute speech on some DDR

    elated topic. Since publicpeaking is a major topic of the

    CLTC, we used the new nation-al DDR Speech Contest as a

    basis for the cadets presenta-ions this year. The cadets did

    an excellent job of researching,preparing, and practicing their

    peeches, remarked West Vir-ginia Wing Commander andraining weekend coordinator,

    Col Dennis D. Barron.

    Martinsburgs C/SSgt Dustin E.Smith placed 3rd in this eventand will be submitting his vide-

    otaped speech to NationalHeadquarters for the DDRSpeech Contest.

    Martinsburg graduates:

    CLTC- C/MSgt Kenneth May,C/SSgt Duncan Smith and

    C/SSgt Dustin Smithnstructor: Capt Mark Guiney

    TLC- 2d Lt Frank Panek,2d Lt Dennis Webb and SM

    Frances Webb

    CLC- Capt Gary Gourley

    UCC- Maj Russ Voelker

    Clear on the left, clear on the right..

    On March 31st, 13 cadets and 3 seniors participated in firearms training at the167th Airlift Wings facility. Special thanks to 167th AW Firearms Instructor,

    TSgt John Phillips for his continued support of our squadron.

    Getting the Getting the sight picturesight picture

    SM Robert Orr assists Cadet O

    SM Dennis Webb watches over the cSM Dennis Webb watches over the c

    167th AW TSgt John Phillips167th AW TSgt John Phillipscritiques Cadet Smiths targetcritiques Cadet Smiths target

    Back Row - Cadets: Kain, Smith, Cunningham, Densmore, Bradford, Barrett and Orr

    Front Row - Cadets: Landis, Morales, Webb, Arehart, Heredia and King

    Lt Col Shaun J.Perkowski, Vice

    Commander of the167th Airlift Wing,

    paid a visit to ourApril 10th meeting.

    Col Perkowski talkedabout the 167ths

    continuing missionand the status of the

    C-5 versus the C-17.

    Right: Squadron Com-mander, Capt Steve

    Petty (on left) presentsLt Col Perkowski witha certificate of appre-


    Special Guest

  • 7/31/2019 Martinsburg Squadron - Jun 2012



    Weekly Uniform Schedule*



    Character Development

    Dress Blues

    Aerospace Education


    Physical Fitness

    Civilian PT Clothes

    *Schedule is subject to change.

    Upcoming Events

    July 7-14

    Summer EncampmentCamp Dawson, WV

    August 4-12

    Cadet Solo Encampment

    Glider Flying, Glass Cockpit Flight TrainingGrant County Airport

    August 22-25

    CAP Summer Board Meeting/National Conference

    Baltimore, MD

    August 24-26 (TBD)

    Model Rocket Weekend

    September 15 & 16

    Thunder Over The Blue Ridge Air Show

    167th Airlift Wing

    Sept 29WV Wing Cadet Competition

    National Guard Armory-Morgantown

    October 27

    Wing ConferenceCharleston, WV

    FYI: Always check the squadron activities calendar, on

    the home page our website, for updates.

    Milestone Promotions

    & AwardsWelcome New Members:

    Cadets: James Kemman, Tyler Mason,

    Jacob Perry and James Toombs

    Seniors: Michael Guill, BrytonJohnson,Frederick Kemman

    Transfer from MD: Maj Sandra Feliciano

    MER Member: Lt Col Raymond Feliciano

    ES Training Calendar

    26-29 July

    Ground Pounders ChallengeKanawha State Forest, Charleston, WV

    (location may change)

    17-19 AugustStatewide SAREX

    with bases to be located at Lewisburg andMorgantown, WV

    7-9 September

    Ground Pounders 2nd session

    Parkersburg, WV

    National Cadet Special Activity

    C/2Lt Nathanael Main

    National flight AcademyJune 30 - July 8Blackstone, VA

    Aircraft Manufacturing &

    Maintenance AcademyJune 17 - 23

    Independence, KS

    C/Capt Brandon Might

    National Blue Beret

    July 17 - 30

    Oshkosh, WI

    C/1st Lt Tim Dye

    Honor Guard Academy (3rd Year)

    July 8 - 21

    Westminster, MD

    Amelia Earhart


    C/Capt Brandon Might

    From left: C/SSgts:Benjamin Baker, Denver Brenizer, Dunca

    and Dustin Smith

    From left: WV Wing Commander, Col Dennis Bapresents Cadet 2d Lt John Dye with the Gen. Bi

    Mitchell Award.

    From left: WV Wing Commander, Col Dennis Barpresents Maj Gary Gourley with

    the Grover Loening Award.

    Billy Mitchell Award

    Wright Bros. Award

    Grover Loening Award

  • 7/31/2019 Martinsburg Squadron - Jun 2012



    Operation Apocalypse

    A flight crew consisting of: Capt Lar-ry Dean, Capt Merv Bourque and Maj

    Russ Voelker participated in the WestVirginia Dept. of Homeland Securityand Emergency Management JointSAREX, held at the Buckskin Boy

    Scout Camp, Dilleys Mill, WV onMay 12th. Air Operations, for thisexercise, were based out of Elkins-Randolph County Airport. The Mar-

    tinsburg aircraft flew several photo-graphic missions during the weekendexercise.

    USAF Guided Training


    Eight members of the Martinsburg

    Squadron participated in the USAFGuided Training Exercise, held at theClarksburg Squadron Headquarters,June 1-3.

    Flight crew: Capt Mervin Bourque,Capt Larry Dean and Lt Col RaymondFeliciano. ES Training Officer 1st Lt

    Gary May, GTM 3 Trainees: C/A1CKendall Barrett, C/2d Lt John Dye, C/TSgt Duncan Smith and C/TSgtDustin Smith.

    Zombie Attack

    The Berkeley County Health Depart-ment (BCHD) held an Open Point of

    Distribution Exercise (POD) at SouthMiddle School on Friday, June 8thfrom 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Thiswas a training exercise to help the

    Berkeley County Health Department,volunteer first responders and thecommunity prepare in the event of areal bioterrorism incident. The name

    of the exercise was Zombie Attack

    Adopt A-Highway Detail

    Cadets and 3 Senior members

    llected 18 bags of trash during

    e Adopt-A-Highway Detail, held

    n Saturday, April 28th. This is the

    th year of the Squadron's partici-

    tion in the DOH program.

    Recent Senior Staff


    Asst. Professional Development

    Officer -Maj Sandra Feliciano

    Personnel Officer

    2d Lt Frances Webb

    Administrative OfficerSM Robert Orr

    Communications Officer

    2d Lt Dennis Webb

    Transportation Officer

    2d Lt Dennis Webb

    10 Martinsburg members joinedother members of the West Virginia

    Wing for a trip to the ChallengerLearning Center at Wheel-ingJesuitUniversity http://www.challenger.orgin Wheeling,

    WV. Participants were transformed

    into astronauts, scientists, engineers,and researchers working together inorder to Return to the Moon. The

    mission control crew directed theactivities of the astronauts onboard thespacecraft - navigating, maintainingcritical life support systems, com-

    municating, and solving emergencies.Martinsburg members participating:

    Cadets: Kendall Barrett, Austin Brad-ford, Clarke Gordon III, Nicolas Here-

    dia, Patrick Heredia, Dallas King,Tyriq King, Nathanael Main and Ja-cob Perry. Senior: Gary Gourley

    MAAM WW II Weekend

    Above: Maj Bart Rogers talks to showattendees (standing next to his restored

    1940 Stinson 10 CAP aircraft) duringthe Mid-Atlantic Air Museums WorldWar II Weekend, held in Reading, PA.June 1 - 3.

    Major Rogers joined with other CivilAir Patrol WW II Living HistorySquadron Members from PA, NJ, NY,

    and the District of Columbia, to in-form the show attendees of the im-

    portant role CAP played during WorldWar II.

    2d LtFrancesWebb

    1st Lt Frank Panek

    Milestone Promotions

    & Awards Cont.

    2d LtDennis


    Optimists Picnic

    n Tuesday, May 15th members ofur squadron were treated to a

    cnic sponsored by the Martins-

    urg Optimist Club. The event wasld at War Memorial Park, inartinsburg.

    From left Cadets: Tyriq King, Nicole Orr

    Webb, Dallas King and Clark Gordo

    Not shown Seniors Frances and DennisPhotos by 2d Lt Frances Webb

    Mission ControlPhotos by Maj Lynn Hoffmann

    Photo by John Swain

    Challenger LearningChallenger Learning

    Center TripCenter TripJune 11th

    Winning Rocket Te

    May 9th CBP Training

    Capt Larry Dean, Capt Adam Sanders and MajRuss Voelker assisted the US Customs & Border

    Patrol with a training session that was held at thesquadron hangar.

  • 7/31/2019 Martinsburg Squadron - Jun 2012



    Bell Boeing MVBell Boeing MV--

    2222 OspreyOsprey

    NASASuper Guppy

    Boeing BBoeing B--5252StratofortressStratofortress


    Lockheed MCLockheed MC--130P130P TalonTalon IIII

    US ArmyUS Army



    Air National Guard Jet TruckAir National Guard Jet Truck

    BoeingBoeingAHAH--64D64DApache LongbowApache Longbow

    U.S. Customs and Border ProtectionU.S. Customs and Border Protection Interceptor Class 39 Vessel (Interceptor Class 39 Vessel (MidnightMidnight))

    U.S. NavyU.S. NavyBlue AngelsBlue Angels

    CAP DisplayCAP DisplayCAPCAPDDRDDR JetJet

    Nakajima B5NKate Torpedo Bomber

    U.S. NavyU.S. NavyBlue AngelsBlue Angels Lockheed FLockheed F--2222RaptorRaptor

    Warrior Flight TeamWarrior Flight TeamBoth of the above photos courtesy of Maj. Jeffrey Koubek, MD WingPhoto courtesy of Maj. Jeffrey Koubek, MD Wing

    Yakovlev YakYakovlev Yak--9 Aero L9 Aero L--3939AlbAlb

