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MARYLA~ - Greenbelt News Reviewgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19780907.pdfcratld tloket of. M&iN...

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I 41, Xwnber ti GREENBELT, ____ Thunday, September 7, 1978 Greenllell ea Tuesday's Ballet I I . lt:r James O'Sullivan Dll4erate IKt In 11'r4; . .701111 Pitkin Ia a l'Uidont of Bowie ud has been A llotly contested school board race, competin& slates for ihe active In clYie, eduoatloaal, and WarrlaDd Senate and House seats on the Democratic side, aJid wltural orpnl.at.IOIUI in that town. Vie IU'eRnce of ten Greenbelt residents on the ballot, are expea&ed · The presence of a Greenbelt can- to ce-rate a laree voter turnl!lut in next Tuellday's primary elec- dldate on each •late hal cenerated tioa. rreat local lnterut tn tbl1 race. Tile polla will be open on Tues- 41&7, September l2, between the boaN of T a.m. and a p.m. This )'HI' Clilreenbelt residents will be votiDIJ in four polllnr places: Cen- ter acbool <third precinct>: North End School . (aixth preclact) : ipl'llllrblll Lake School (eiKhth .Jre- clnct); and Rooeevelt Hlrh School <thirteenth preclact>. The newly orraDiaed thirteenth precinct Is made llP of the eommunltles of Greenbriar, Windsor Green; Chel- sea Woods; Brae Brook Vlllqe, ·Goddard" Space VIllage, and }Junt- lnr 1\ida'e. Democratic party reslltratlon In thue four precincts totals . 8,294. ;Jtepubllcan part:v member• Jtumber 1,1118. Some 1,2411 reptere41· voter• w:bo declined party aftlllatlon wm be vottnr only for School Board candidates b!. that non-partlaan prlmar;v. Democratl and RejJiib- · Ucan., on the other hand, will ae- lect party candidates for United Statea Qlnaresa, Governor, Attor- nel' Oelleral, State Senator, State Delepte, Count:v Executive, County Coline"- Sheriff, and State Central Comalttee, as well as the School Board. 'lbe race 'tVhlch has renerated the moat Intense Interest In Greenbelt II Ullll non-partisan contest for the lileconcl District seat on the Prince Oeorpe Count:v School . Board be- tween Incumbent Lealey Kreimer, and cballeneera Muriel Weldenfeld and Jolin Brunner. · · Kftllmer, a resident of · Green-. belt'a newest · resldlmtlal deveiop- ment, 1VIndaor Green, was llrst el- to the School Bollrd In 1973 with the help of 1trona support frgm Oreenbelt. A former teacher and OOWI118lor In the county school •ntem. ehe Ia eurrently . aldent o( the Metropolitan Area of B:ducatlon.. . · · Wt!Wenfeld has lived In Grren- belt lor 18 years !llld lias. actively Pllltlolpated In civic and educat)on-- al organizations, and llnanclal lno- etltutlons, . She has conducted a strons door-to-door campalp. Brunner Ia a resident of ne18111- borlng Westchester Park and Ia a municipal administrator for the city of New Carrollton. Clear dllrerencea of opinion on the llauea have not emersed In the con test and the race will prob- ably be decided on the basis of . personal loyaltlea, the oandldate's !mare, and overall effect- Iveness. .Voters may cut their bj!.)lota for two of three candldlLtes. The two top . vote-setter• In this prl- . macy will then face-off In the No- vember reneral election lor the slnrle. Second District aeat on the Board. 24th Lesllllaalve Dlatrlct Another toush · contest Ia the . Democratic primacy battle between two rival -slates of candidates for the one Senate, and three House of Delerate seats from the 24th glslatlve District of the Maryland. General Assembly. Senator Edward T. Conroy, of Bowie, hi rurtnlna .for re-electlo·n to the Senate. Jolnlnr Conroy on the "Democrats '78" slate ·and running for the three seats. In the House of -Delecates are F. Anthony McCar thy, of Greenbelt, .Gerard Devlin ot Bowie, Charles Ryan of Bowie. Devlin, currently a member of the House, was llrat elected In 1974. Ryan was appointed In June to till the v.acant seat left by tho reslsna- tlon of David Ross, and Is running tor electjot) to the House for the flrat tiJile, McCarthy Is a former Assistant States Attorney. The oppoalnr alate of caodldatcs Ia made up of Leo Green for State Senate and Richard Pllakl and Joan Pitkin for the Kouae of O..lerates. Green, a Bowie resident, Ia cur- rently a member of the Houae of . Deleratea and ·II rlvlns up his seat· _there to challenre Conroy, Pllakl, . the Mayor of Greenbelt, ran for the ot11er v.DG!datea Thomaa. X. and IJoyd E. Jamea, Jr. are. amonr four candl- dataa aeeklng 'the two alots on the County Democratic Central Com- mittee from the lMth District. White Ia currently a ltlember of tho Greenbelt City CounciL White has been a member of the Board of Dl-. rectors of Greenbelt Home&, Inc., and he Is the Vlce-Prelldent .Jf the Eleanor and FrankUn Roose1•Pit Democratic Club. Jamet1, a rP.sl-- dent of Greenbelt, Ia a anal;vat. · I John A. Lally, aenlor uslatant to the Co11nt:v J!lx.ecutlve, Ia running tor ·an at-larre aeat ·on the Coun- ty Council In the Demoeratlc pri- macy. John Lee Ball, Jr. Ia run- nine . as a Democrat for County Executive qalnat the Incumbent Winfield. Kelly, Jr. Francia A, Por- ter Ia aeeklnr the Lt. Govemor'a slot' In the Republican prlltlacy. Alan Vlrta Ia runnlllr unaPJ)Oied Itt the Republfcan primacy for the House of Deleratea. All three are .from "Qreenbelt. Statewide At . the State level, the De!Do- cratld tloket of. M&iN . Oov.eraor · Blair Lee III arid Steny Hoyer has three opponents: Ted Venetoulls, Harry Hurhes, and Walter Orlln- aky. Venetoulla haa been the moat visible aubernatorlal candidate In Greenbelt. In the Republican pri- mary, J. Glenn Beall Ia the front runner. Louise Gore; Roll Z. Pier- pont, and Carlton 0. Beall are also. runnlnr for Go:ver9or •. In the race for the· United States Houae of Representatives, Incum- bent Reprea.. ntatlve Gladys Spell- man faces only token oppoaltlon from Davia J. Tomaaln. ln theRe- . publican Conrresalonal primary the cancilcia:tes ·are William A. Albaurh, Saul J. Harris, and Frederick C. Taylor. Lawrr.nce J. Hogan, Martin A. Arasona, and Qale D. Everett are candldatea for County Executive In the pri!Dary. James Cassels Named Outstanding. Citizen by Linde Shevlta · ·"His devotion to the cauae of other people alone would merit our l'elpect and re1ard . . • It is lntereatinl that he has done 10 much for the elderly of Greenbelt, for the ;roun1 people of Green- belt, and for thOH of 111 who are aomewhere In the middle." With th- wordl Culell Walt honored u Greenbelt'• Outltandlng ens.. tor 1178. public lervlce campo, where h• wu a In health and nutrition reaearch PI'Ojecl.l. In the 111110'• worked tor the ll'rltnda CommltterOn. Rllt'e Rela- tion• In Koualnr and for tho J..ellpt' on Cooperative Ho1111nc. · In conReotlon with hlit work u a Cllllllllunlb' came to Qreenbelt. Seelnc tiM J18e41 for a cooperative Mvlnp lllld lOanl &IIOCiatlon, be .helped to Ntalllilb Twin Wblle aervlng u man ... r of TWin PIMI, CUNII ao- qualnted With. a fUIIIIY ln'ftllft- ment Willi troubl .. 11e1nr tap-.nted 1,.eo 1VIklw In .Anne Arvlldel CountJ-. Wltla ua. lllpport of GltJ' IUII&I't' GI-, G!uM11 ud Walder let Up a allat 1ooa1 prujlat - QNeWt , CARil8. -•1'-t ·to· houllnr f• t11a tlderll' IMiaa ilrltla ·bta laterwt Ia 0111'• OOmalttae.Cift HOUIIIar and -w.u.r Jed to the .......... llnallar fell' tlat ,..._ aant lUcia- Roell fiiOIUtJ'. ..,ao,.d bJ' tba trbioe a.oipi Ollllat; a-tnr ca.ellllallft powa .... Shown abov' Is the. receDtly .completed Greenbelt Building as it looked durq-lta coilatrUC!tlon. The wlfiC WM ...__. cated to the memory of the Honorable Edgar L. Smith at a SeP- tember 3 ceremony. · Gladys Spellman-Re•l•bers Ed ·S•itll At Dedication of Milaicipal Bld_l· li11 . hy Viqfnla Beaaehamp clear sky and a golden sun, many public officials, • well as friends, neighbors, and of a former lone-time mayor of Greenbelt gathered for the formal dedication of the Edgar L. Smith memorial wing of the Greenbelt Munlclpal Jkdld., ing. The program, held on Sunday, Sept. 3 in the parklDI lot directly behind the new addition, was a testimony to the inftuenee of the late Mayor Smith . Principal _apeal(era at the dedlca- t•on ceremony were Gonll'ellwom- an Gladys Noon Spellman and Ward Miller, Director of Local Public Works of the Economle De- velopment Administration. Miller aPQke as a representative-for Juan- Ita Kreps, Secretaey of Commerce, ·under whose administration the btilldlns was In ·larce part funde<l. In havtna had ..:.metblna to do with the leri•Iatlori that broua'ht 'about the fundlq for the new wine. es- pecially In the ·Jobl created by the · proJect, Mll,ler'a apeech point. He neted that tha lllllfGilla1 prosram, lntroduoed fn UTI, uD- de' wblcb the. bllllcltq. wu . .a.aa- ced, had had three_. revene the then !lownwalll trend In natlonlll emploJII'&ent ......... ·to provide lobe In the ccllutruetioQ in- duatcy, and to provide nftded ,._ uc faemuea. He . ._., on the "civic pride" .wbleb wu ..,_ _!dent In Green'lelt. . , · .' Rep. Spellman apoke of !Mr memor.le• of· Ma:vor Smith, partic- ularly of. his help In throul"h state legislation r.equlrlnr tralnlna for municipal pollee "He helped me do my homework," Sjlell-- man said, recallins "his quiet voice 'that changed thlnss. He plaJ&d a great role," ahe continued. ''There. were so many thllll'• Edsar wry qulortfT broucttt about. It@ mlllte no wavea, no headlines . . . but •he helped hammer home thP poln,h · · Ma:yor Rlchard .Pilakl, t. a abort apeeell prior to the unveiling of UM plaque of dedication, of P»- tar Slaltb'a .. ._,., ..... _ .... _ .... , ----- .. judp, 111&)'01', member of cltt coun- cil, city aollcltor, and state Judp . and he said It, It had that special ring of truth." Spellman expressed her pleMJUrc T ranlportation to _PoDs For Elderly on Taesday On prlmat:v day, ·Tuesday, Sep-- trmbrr 12, the American Lesion Auxiliary Unit will provld<' transportation for senior clti7.eni to and from the polls: . Cars will be available from .10 a.m. until noon. Please call Shir-- ley Seader at· 7114-8148 on Monday, Sept. 11 to reque1t tNonaportatlon. If necewaacy, carpool8 will be ar-- ranred by addreu and an Auxiliary member will notify each rider of hi• time. Mon., Sept; II, t-1 R•-lls- tratlon for fall actlvltlee, · Sprlnchlll Lake Recreation Center.· .. · TOea., 11epe. 11. 7 a.m. - a !J.m. Election Day 7-t · Rerlltratlon for fall aotlvltlea, T011th Otntar Wed., 8ept. II, 1-1 p.M. tratlnn for fall aatlvltte., · Youth Otnter OP P 1·c1 A L aclvocatP for the American Lepon. "Ofte credit Ia m1111nr." Pllakl liald: "And th:1t Ia great human bellll'." ·l"ollowinr bla statement, ll[n, ·Jlcl.:. gar L Smith and her daupter, · RRndra Smith, drt'w ulde the cur- tains to dlaplay plaque. . A ---.nd plaque. a mock-up of thP rlellgn to bto.· Installed In the wall of th" bulldlns: and currently b<olh!l' In bronze .. - 11/aa un,·ell- rd bv Louloe Touslirnant; Mloa of 1m. · Other par tiel r• n tt In the , Ct'l'l> . mony, In addition to the mPmbero of the rltr council and city aian:.. Ja.mea K. Ole""· who acted u maoter of cel'@monlea, wen. the Mr. Dallaa Pulliam Md tbe Rev. Mr. Kl'nneth Buker: State 8enator F.d who read a meaap of ll'""'tlnc frOID Actina · Governor Blair Lee: and Charlea McDonald, formrr city manapr, who IJii>lre Informally of hi• loa•-•&ancllag !rlendahlp wltb J:dtar Smith and of hl1 earJ7 to Smith to run for publiC' oiilce. · Mualc Wore and alter the -. · mon1 W8li pi'IJv!ded bJ the o-. belt Concert Band of o.- 0..... .OiilmtJ', with Jobn Del HIIIUM, ··diNotor aad JIN. .... White, _,.,.a, 1101a1at. A IIOIP'- tlon 8IMI GPiD bouM Ia the cipal llulldlq the ....... PI'OIN& NOTICI. n.. trouiAI em ••• OP wid; 11th haa been POS'IPONIO TO MoNDAY, _ .... .. I 11, 1971; liT ,ACTION C1l' 'I'HBI CITY COUNCIL 'l'MCIIN A'l' 1'1'11 IPiicJIM, , ' ' . ,, I lilmmNo or- AUOtJIIT 11th. Tma II;IIII'1'JMQ Wit.L ... ...n· AT 1:•' P.M.·* .. .. . . , ..... CJTT OOUifClL IWOM. :-_,: ·. ' ' ·I eajop ........ .. 1 ............. .• ; . ... ............. . .. · .. ... •i· ....


~ 41, Xwnber ti GREENBELT, MARYLA~ ____ Thunday, September 7, 1978

Greenllell Caa~idatu ea Tuesday's Ballet I I .

lt:r James O'Sullivan Dll4erate IKt In 11'r4; . .701111 Pitkin • Ia a l'Uidont of Bowie ud has been

A llotly contested school board race, competin& slates for ihe active In clYie, eduoatloaal, and WarrlaDd Senate and House seats on the Democratic side, aJid wltural orpnl.at.IOIUI in that town. Vie IU'eRnce of ten Greenbelt residents on the ballot, are expea&ed · The presence of a Greenbelt can­to ce-rate a laree voter turnl!lut in next Tuellday's primary elec- dldate on each •late hal cenerated tioa. rreat local lnterut tn tbl1 race.

Tile polla will be open on Tues-41&7, September l2, between the boaN of T a.m. and a p.m. This )'HI' Clilreenbelt residents will be votiDIJ in four polllnr places: Cen­ter acbool <third precinct>: North End School . (aixth preclact) : ipl'llllrblll Lake School (eiKhth .Jre­clnct); and Rooeevelt Hlrh School <thirteenth preclact>. The newly orraDiaed thirteenth precinct Is made llP of the eommunltles of Greenbriar, Windsor Green; Chel­sea Woods; Brae Brook Vlllqe,

·Goddard" Space VIllage, and }Junt­lnr 1\ida'e.

Democratic party reslltratlon In thue four precincts totals . 8,294. ;Jtepubllcan part:v member• Jtumber 1,1118. Some 1,2411 reptere41· voter• w:bo declined party aftlllatlon wm be vottnr only for School Board candidates b!. that non-partlaan prlmar;v. Democratl and RejJiib- · Ucan., on the other hand, will ae­lect party candidates for United Statea Qlnaresa, Governor, Attor­nel' Oelleral, State Senator, State Delepte, Count:v Executive, County Coline"- Sheriff, and State Central Comalttee, as well as the School Board.

'lbe race 'tVhlch has renerated the moat Intense Interest In Greenbelt II Ullll non-partisan contest for the lileconcl District seat on the Prince Oeorpe Count:v School . Board be­tween Incumbent Lealey Kreimer, and cballeneera Muriel Weldenfeld and Jolin Brunner. · ·

Kftllmer, a resident of · Green-. belt'a newest · resldlmtlal deveiop­ment, 1VIndaor Green, was llrst el­~ted to the School Bollrd In 1973 with the help of 1trona support frgm Oreenbelt. A former teacher and OOWI118lor In the county school •ntem. ehe Ia eurrently vlce-pr~ . aldent o( the Metropolitan Area ·a~ of B:ducatlon.. . ·

· Wt!Wenfeld has lived In Grren­belt lor 18 years !llld lias. actively Pllltlolpated In civic and educat)on--

al organizations, and llnanclal lno­etltutlons, . She has conducted a strons door-to-door campalp.

Brunner Ia a resident of ne18111-borlng Westchester Park and Ia a municipal administrator for the city of New Carrollton.

Clear dllrerencea of opinion on the llauea have not emersed In the con test and the race will prob­ably be decided on the basis of

. personal loyaltlea, the oandldate's !mare, and overall campal~n effect­Iveness.

. Voters may cut their bj!.)lota for two of t~ three candldlLtes. The two top . vote-setter• In this prl-

. macy will then face-off In the No­vember reneral election lor the slnrle. Second District aeat on the Board.

24th Lesllllaalve Dlatrlct

Another toush · contest Ia the . Democratic primacy battle between

two rival -slates of candidates for the one Senate, and three House of Delerate seats from the 24th Le~ glslatlve District of the Maryland. General Assembly.

Senator Edward T. Conroy, of Bowie, hi rurtnlna .for re-electlo·n to the Senate. Jolnlnr Conroy on the "Democrats '78" slate ·and running for the three seats. In the House of -Delecates are F. Anthony McCar thy, of Greenbelt, .Gerard Devlin ot Bowie, Charles Ryan of Bowie. Devlin, currently a member of the House, was llrat elected In 1974. Ryan was appointed In June to till the v.acant seat left by tho reslsna­tlon of David Ross, and Is running tor electjot) to the House for the flrat tiJile, McCarthy Is a former Assistant States Attorney.

The oppoalnr alate of caodldatcs Ia made up of Leo Green for State Senate and Richard Pllakl and Joan Pitkin for the Kouae of O..lerates. Green, a Bowie resident, Ia cur­rently a member of the Houae of . Deleratea and ·II rlvlns up his seat·

_there to challenre Conroy, Pllakl, . the Mayor of Greenbelt, ran for the

ot11er ~-belt v.DG!datea

Thomaa. X. ~lte and IJoyd E. Jamea, Jr. are. amonr four candl­dataa aeeklng 'the two a lots on the County Democratic Central Com­mittee from the lMth District. White Ia currently a ltlember of tho Greenbelt City CounciL White has been a member of the Board of Dl-. rectors of Greenbelt Home&, Inc., and he Is the Vlce-Prelldent .Jf the Eleanor and FrankUn Roose1•Pit Democratic Club. Jamet1, a rP.sl-­dent of Greenbelt, Ia a ayst~ms anal;vat. · I John A. Lally, aenlor uslatant to the Co11nt:v J!lx.ecutlve, Ia running tor ·an at-larre aeat ·on the Coun­ty Council In the Demoeratlc pri­macy. John Lee Ball, Jr. Ia run­nine . as a Democrat for County Executive qalnat the Incumbent Winfield. Kelly, Jr. Francia A, Por­ter Ia aeeklnr the Lt. Govemor'a slot' In the Republican prlltlacy. Alan Vlrta Ia runnlllr unaPJ)Oied Itt the Republfcan primacy for the House of Deleratea. All three are .from "Qreenbelt.


At . the State level, the De!Do­cratld tloket of. M&iN . Oov.eraor · Blair Lee III arid Steny Hoyer has three opponents: Ted Venetoulls, Harry Hurhes, and Walter Orlln­aky. Venetoulla haa been the moat visible aubernatorlal candidate In Greenbelt. In the Republican pri­mary, J. Glenn Beall Ia the front runner. Louise Gore; Roll Z. Pier­pont, and Carlton 0. Beall are also. runnlnr for Go:ver9or •.

In the race for the· United States Houae of Representatives, Incum­bent Reprea .. ntatlve Gladys Spell­man faces only token oppoaltlon from Davia J. Tomaaln. ln theRe-

. publican Conrresalonal primary the cancilcia:tes ·are William A. Albaurh, Saul J. Harris, and Frederick C. Taylor.

Lawrr.nce J. Hogan, Martin A. Arasona, and Qale D. Everett are candldatea for County Executive In the Rep~bllcan pri!Dary .

James Cassels Named Outstanding. Citizen by Linde Shevlta

• · ·"His devotion to the cauae of other people alone would merit

our l'elpect and re1ard . . • It is lntereatinl that he has done 10

much for the elderly of Greenbelt, for the ;roun1 people of Green­belt, and for thOH of 111 who are aomewhere In the middle." With th- wordl J&me~ Culell Walt honored u Greenbelt'• Outltandlng ens.. tor 1178.

public lervlce campo, where h• wu a voluntet~r In ~rnmen~ health and nutrition reaearch PI'Ojecl.l. In the 111110'• h~ worked tor the ll'rltnda CommltterOn. Rllt'e Rela­tion• In Koualnr and for tho J..ellpt' on Cooperative Ho1111nc. ·

In conReotlon with hlit work u a Cllllllllunlb' d~m~loper ~~~ came to Qreenbelt. Seelnc tiM J18e41 for a cooperative Mvlnp lllld lOanl &IIOCiatlon, be . helped to Ntalllilb Twin Pl~~t~:

Wblle aervlng u man ... r of TWin PIMI, CUNII -~ ao­qualnted With. a fUIIIIY ln'ftllft­ment ~ Willi troubl .. ~ 11e1nr tap-.nted ~ 1,.eo 1VIklw In .Anne Arvlldel CountJ-. Wltla ua. lllpport of GltJ' IUII&I't' ~­GI-, G!uM11 ud Walder let Up a allat 1ooa1 prujlat - QNeWt , CARil8. cue.~a• -•1'-t ·to· houllnr f• t11a tlderll' IMiaa ilrltla ·bta laterwt Ia 0111'• OOmalttae.Cift ~ HOUIIIar and -w.u.r Jed to the .......... llnallar fell' tlat ,..._ aant lUcia- Roell fiiOIUtJ'. ~ ..,ao,.d bJ' tba trbioe

a.oipi Ollllat; a-tnr ·~ ca.ellllallft powa ~~~ ....

Shown abov' Is the. receDtly .completed Greenbelt ~ Building as it looked durq-lta coilatrUC!tlon. The wlfiC WM ...__. cated to the memory of the Honorable Edgar L. Smith at a SeP-tember 3 ceremony. ·

Gladys Spellman-Re•l•bers Ed ·S•itll At Dedication of Milaicipal Bld_l· li11

. hy Viqfnla Beaaehamp Unde~ clear sky and a golden sun, many public officials, •

well as friends, neighbors, and colleag~es of a former lone-time mayor of Greenbelt gathered for the formal dedication of the Edgar L. Smith memorial wing of the Greenbelt Munlclpal Jkdld., ing. The program, held on Sunday, Sept. 3 in the parklDI lot directly behind the new addition, was a testimony to the inftuenee of the late Mayor Smith .

Principal _apeal(era at the dedlca­t•on ceremony were Gonll'ellwom­an Gladys Noon Spellman and Ward Miller, Director of Local Public Works of the Economle De­velopment Administration. Miller aPQke as a representative-for Juan­Ita Kreps, Secretaey of Commerce,

·under whose administration the btilldlns was In ·larce part funde<l.

In havtna had ..:.metblna to do with the leri•Iatlori that broua'ht 'about the fundlq for the new wine. es­pecially In the · Jobl created by the · proJect,

Mll,ler'a apeech ~~- -~ point. He neted that tha lllllfGilla1 prosram, lntroduoed fn UTI, uD­de' wblcb the. bllllcltq. wu . .a.aa­ced, had had three_. ,....At~ revene the then !lownwalll trend In natlonlll emploJII'&ent ......... ·to provide lobe In the ccllutruetioQ in­duatcy, and to provide nftded ,._ uc faemuea. He . ._., ~­on the "civic pride" .wbleb wu ..,_ _!dent In Green'lelt. . , · . '

Rep. Spellman apoke of !Mr memor.le• of· Ma:vor Smith, partic­ularly of. his help In l'!'!ttln~t throul"h state legislation r.equlrlnr tralnlna for municipal pollee olll~era. "He helped me do my homework," Sjlell-­man said, recallins "his quiet voice

'that changed thlnss. He plaJ&d a great role," a he continued. ''There. were so many thllll'• Edsar wry qulortfT broucttt about. It@ mlllte no wavea, no headlines . . . but •he helped hammer home thP poln,h

· · Ma:yor Rlchard .Pilakl, t. a abort apeeell prior to the unveiling of UM plaque of dedication, aPo~ce of P»-tar Slaltb'a .. ._,.,....._...._...., ----- .. --.-~ judp, 111&)'01', member of cltt coun-cil, city aollcltor, and state Judp

. and wh~n he said It, It had that special ring of truth."

Spellman expressed her pleMJUrc

T ranlportation to _PoDs For Elderly on Taesday

On prlmat:v day, ·Tuesday, Sep-­trmbrr 12, the American Lesion Auxiliary Unit ·#1~6. will provld<' transportation for senior clti7.eni to and from the polls: .

Cars will be available from .10 a.m. until noon. Please call Shir-­ley Seader at· 7114-8148 on Monday, Sept. 11 to reque1t tNonaportatlon. If necewaacy, carpool8 will be ar-­ranred by addreu and an Auxiliary member will notify each rider of hi• depa~ture time.

WHAT~ESON Mon., Sept; II, t-1 p.m~ R•-lls­

tratlon for fall actlvltlee, · Sprlnchlll Lake Recreation Center.· .. ·

TOea., 11epe. 11. 7 a.m. - a !J.m. Election Day 7-t ·p.~~:~. · Rerlltratlon for fall aotlvltlea, T011th Otntar

Wed., 8ept. II, 1-1 p.M. i\erl~t­tratlnn for fall aatlvltte.,

· Youth Otnter

OP P 1·c1 A L

aclvocatP for the American Lepon. "Ofte credit Ia m1111nr." Pllakl liald: "And th:1t Ia great human bellll'."

·l"ollowinr bla statement, ll[n, ·Jlcl.:. gar L Smith and her daupter, · RRndra Smith, drt'w ulde the cur­tains to dlaplay th~ plaque. .

A ---.nd plaque. -· a mock-up of thP rlellgn to bto.· Installed In the wall of th" bulldlns: and currently b<olh!l' ~Bit In bronze .. - 11/aa un,·ell­rd bv Louloe Touslirnant; Mloa Grrl!'nb~lt of 1m. ·

Other par tiel r• n tt In the , Ct'l'l> .

mony, In addition to the mPmbero of the rltr council and city aian:.. ~gPr Ja.mea K. Ole""· who acted u maoter of cel'@monlea, wen. the ~. Mr. Dallaa Pulliam Md tbe Rev. Mr. Kl'nneth Buker: State 8enator F.d (~nnroJ, who read a meaap of ll'""'tlnc frOID Actina · Governor Blair Lee: and Charlea McDonald, formrr city manapr, who IJii>lre Informally of hi• loa•-•&ancllag !rlendahlp wltb J:dtar Smith and of hl1 earJ7 enoou~nt to Smith to run for publiC' oiilce. ·

Mualc Wore and alter the -. · mon1 W8li pi'IJv!ded bJ the o-. belt Concert Band of ~ o.-0..... .OiilmtJ', with Jobn Del HIIIUM, ··diNotor aad JIN. .... White, _,.,.a, 1101a1at. A IIOIP'­tlon 8IMI GPiD bouM Ia the ~ cipal llulldlq ~olknnd the ....... PI'OIN&


n.. trouiAI em ~NCIL ••• OP wid; ll~. 11th haa been POS'IPONIO TO MoNDAY, _.... .. I 11, 1971;

liT ,ACTION C1l' 'I'HBI CITY COUNCIL 'l'MCIIN A'l' 1'1'11 IPiicJIM, , ' ' . ,, • I •

lilmmNo or- AUOtJIIT 11th.

Tma ~ II;IIII'1'JMQ Wit.L ... ...n· AT 1:•' P.M.·* .. .. . . ,..... CJTT OOUifClL IWOM. :-_,: ·.

' '


eajop ........ IM.~.-.. 1 ............. ~ .• ; . ... ~ ............. . ..

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'' ;.; ~: ,,




Volume 41, Nwfttler ta Thu,..y, September 7, lll78

The P.erfect· ·Choice Everyone recognized that he ~as t,he perfect choice- partic­

ularly this year - when at last the wal)s are going up on the eld­erly housing project. Without his single-minded devotion for more than a dozen years, that achievement could never have come · to reality. It will stand always as a tangible monument to his years of devoted service to this community.

We speak, of course, <if Jim Cassels, Greenbelt Citizen of the Veat· for 197R.

Actually, when we look around, Greenbelt is full of monu­ments - tangible and intangible - to tl!.e creativity of this man, WoodWii.V' Homes, the cooperative of quality red brick homes on Northway and Woodland Way, was his brain-child. Twin Pines

. Savings and Loan, formed to finance the second trusts necessary to make GHI ·homes saleable, was his concept. It has become a Greenbelt institution. And. then there is Greenbelt CARES, an­other kind of institution, whose dedicated concern with the need~ of youn~ people and families has earned· it a permanent place in . out· community' as ·well as official recognition, with space in the budget and in the municipal building. Jim was a founding member.

He h.as been .concerned with all of us - the old, the young. He has improved the quality of life in Greenbelt.

We are proud to salute this year:s First Citizen.

The Primary Does it only ~eem that way, or are people in Greenbelt more

excited this year, more involved, in the· primary election?· Politi­cal !d!U'\51 lieem to ,;prout on every lawn. Candidates and campaign workers beat paths to our doorbells; ring our pho~a and march in our parade. Devotees buttonhoie us to support 'their candidate.

Well, why sh~uldn't we be in.terested this year? Never since we can remember have so many Greenbelters jumped into 'the politic.X waters.

In the non-partisan school board· election, fellow residents Muriel ·Weidenfeld and Lesley Kreimer are runniJ:tg.

The .race for state delegate has attracted three Greenbelters; two on the Democratic. ticket -'Tony McCarthy and Mayor Richard Pllaki- and one on· the Republican 'tiCket, Alan Virta.

Thursday, September 7, 1978

!aecial Thanks To the Editor: . The frantk, eMrt'frcf, clattering,

punaent alghts and sounds and ~mells of the Greenbelt Labor Day Festival are ov<'l' for tlils year. Wr can now savor the good times and try to forgt't about the mon<'Y spt'nt.

The Festival Steering Committee Is very grateful for the work of so many people who contributed ao much time, hard work, money and good will to the Festival.

We want to express our special thanks to each member of the Greenbelt Pollee Department and Publlc Works Department and to the members of the City Council and clty'atalf, who provided the ne-· eeeoary. aupport In making each Pvent nr6 amuothly. The coordlna­tlng efforts of the Recreation De-­partmltllt arc especially apprecia­ted.

Tht! Woman's Club of Greenbelt wu t!lrtremely lielpful In stalflng our htformatlon booth. And what would we. do without thost! good people from the Golden Age Club, man..,ed· &o aklllfully by Katie Bu~ ln&er, who worked in the ticket booths all week-end.

Tu all of th'e Ol'ganlzations who had booths we know how hard you worked and we hope that. you have beeq rewarded In profits anJ &ood wm earned.

Aa prealdent of the ~·estlval this year, I was prlvUe&eLI to wori< with a number of peopie whlHie dcdica tlon to the community Is evidezu•l!d by their commitment to produclrti the beat parade, the best talent on the st..,e, the best contests and ex hlblta and 'ct•remonics. Their goul Is to provide enjuyablt• actlvltlt•s and l think this was achieved.

My thanks to e11ch member of the committee, to those who work be~ hind the scenes In publicity, sound, and tacUilles and,' in plll'ticular, to thoae whose life and thoughts are competely bound up In the Festival

·for' the entire four .. day period. This Ia particularly true of the trew!Urcr, Bob Sonneveldt; the parade chair -man, Wayne Williams; the carnival chairman, Hamer Campbell; and the special ••vents chatrman, Bcv erly Colvin.

Tht• Festival' Is so uniquely · 'Orc•nbelt that those of UH who lovc

th<• communfty find a great dtoal o! Hattsfaction tn working on tht~ evt•nt whlc·h brings so many diverse parts of the community together. Alr~ady, with barely the iaat note

'(mm th<· .final drummer· llngt•ring

CA55EtS from page 1 by his settlni a preeedeqt and be­~omlng the llrat Outatandiril Citi-­zen Award winner to walk, rathet• than ride, In the Labor Day Pa­rade. He Is also lnt~rested In en­vironmental protection and Is ac­tlve In the Sierra Club.

Reflectlni on living In Green­belt, Cassels asserts, "Thla Is the .&reateat place .to• bring up a fam--

MOWAn MEMORIAL United Mlttbodlll& CbiiNII 40 RldKe Rd. 474-9410

Church School 9 :30-10.30 a.m. Morning Wonhlp 11 a.m.

(Crtbbery and· Nursery provided I SertnL'n:· "The Faith of· a Godly ~'alher"

Rev. Clltcion D. Cunningham 1

Paetor 41._,881 ·


;;-.: t(lu,~ a dlvrraity o~ cluaea. ,.; ... , •• and reHglons, and It 1 been a

-gr•·nt t•:<pt•rlence for k.lda to .gro':: up in nn environment like thll. H•· adds that Greenbelt olfen a -.•ns•· of "community, cooperation, ;,n<l friendship." He hopes that the Outstanding Citizen Award JDIY serve as an Incentive for younger individual• to become actively tn­'voiwd. in Grc•nbelt's development

ST. JOHN'S CHURCH ·. Episcopal

Baltimore dlvd. at •-• 1111 Rd., Beltmn.

8 a.111. Holy Communloa, 1o:30 a.m. Momlnl Pz.re&'

!Holy Coinmun_lon at 8~) 1o:30 a.m. Sunday Scboal Rev. John G. Ball. Rector


You are invited to:


~.·foflk speaker: A~IIRT JAMES, Maryland Educator

Greenbelt Youth Center

Saturday, September 9 at 1 p.m.

No admission charge or fee.

"Jesus loves me, tit is I lcnow, For the Bible tells me so"

RPdiocover thi~ truth thl• week whether you are a child or &A llflult.


414-4212 CJ'el('ent & OreeaJdll Ro ...

Bible Study for all 81(el uiun) 11:45 am

. Worahlp aervloee 11:00 am It 7:00 pm

Mid-week prayer service <Wed.) 8:00pm !<'or bus transportation, call Church omce 8:30-12:30 weekdqo.

G~eenbelt Community Church (United Church of Christ)

Hillside and Crescent Roads - Phone 474-6171 (mornings)

Sunday Church School for all - 9:45 . Worship Sllrvice • 11 a.m.

Nursery provided at 2B Hillside

Rev. Sherry Taylor and Rev. Barry Taylor, co-paton

in the breeze, we are thinkln&' of zwxt year's Featival the 2Dth Greenbelt Labor Day Festival. We would llk,e 'to aee many more Greenbelt orlanlutions participate ·

· Two Greenbelters --!. Democrat John Lally and Republic~n Tom Reynolds ~ are candidates for t~ county council. · .~

with food and tame booths, 'with · ~tll&e events and paradp Pntries, to mak~ the 25th anniversary truly

•. Greenbelter tloy.d James and city council member, Thomas White, are runril·ng. for a place on the county's .Democratic Central Commltt~. · · H ..

·Democrat John Lee Ball Jr. of Greenbelt is a candidate for die C0811ty executive and Francis Porter, a Republican, is running for .Lt. Governor.

While the News Review does not e..;dorse individual caridi­..... 'in any election, we ar,e proud ,that so many of our fellow cit­.... are maklnl their mark In thill year's election. And with all .. Gther eandrda~ 1h0Wlh1 up to be seen l.n Greenbelt and to ....,. ~ voters, It looka ~ If Greenbelt's interest• may receive a~ ·deal ·of' attention thla year, whoever wina.

. We urtl Greenbelters to vote for toe·candidates wh0, In theit· · ,....._nt, will beet repreaent.Greenbelt as .well ·as the wider 'areas Jllw~' . . . . ' . '

•pectacular. We urge the urganl zstlons to think now about what they might do aa · tli•lr l'Ontrlbu tlon. ·

· Mandra BamM Pl'e&lllent Greenbelt Labor lla)· t· ... uval

Methodists ~old Fall Yard Sale

Mowatt Memorial United Mcth odlet. Church, 40 Ridge Rd., wm be having a yard •Ia on Saturday, September 1t, rain· or ahln•, ·rroll! 10 a.m. til 2 p.m.

All proceeds from . thr · eale WilL go to tbe Cbllftlll Building Fund.

Holy Cross Latheru Cbureh .6905 G,....Hit Roacl · ·

Wol'llalp ...... I lilt u4 IIIli ...... ......, ...... , ... ... w.-.., ".....,. ,....., .. u ... ...

,&.IWIIId H. .. ~...... . ........ ..

~,ensci~srsona/ness Raising ( CR) -- C!!!b.!'~!!!lllll rrom r1e ·. LO n0l/•L1•,.aJ" ln1 up Ita 1ummer chorea wttb a

t'· r1 . t'. "'' varlet;)' of odd joa-: OOJI8truoUna "F lily '- -._ o.mey and IIUitaiiiJII' a hand rail alon,

rom the perMII&l to. ~ PGlWea1 the etepe leadlna to th8 new_ o1q Suche df G ·-~. ~ " is the . slogan Dorothy buildlna', patchtng toada, cleanlna et th r r~·- -:--:~~ CODiclo\isness Raising Coordinator 1tono 18-1'1 .._ and .of couraa, tile b N:ou~ Oiwiuillltion foco W.omen (NOW), uses to describe they helped make preparat1o1111 for

pa ··•h PI .... (C&) lUis on women. Hundreds the LabOr Day ~val by bulldlna of wo~en hlwe OOMPI.a.i tiae 10-week CR sel8i'ons, which help booth& 1hem to rea&e ~ iDdividual potentijll " according to Such The ·bulldlnl crew prepared the

Sucher, also a fonoer editor of been ~rled for twency-alx ~ municipal bulldllll' for the dedlca--the Greenbelt Newa Review, w111 t1 A be o1 th •-'-be at the OR demona'-'·tlon at the and, abe adda joklnlly, have had on. .mem r e crew a._

•ra 1 aided In the wlrllll' of 'the futlval Onehbelt library on Monday, Sep- a ot of time to work out their ro1... booths. tanber 11 at 8 p.m., alqpg with l _____________ .:;;::::_ _________ j · Onenbelter Marge Oweni at the at task force of the norihem Prince Georpe chapter of NOW. Allyone lntereeti!d Ill welcome. Greenbelt

ia Cordially lnvited.to: "Women are often on the de­

flmBive," says· Sucher, but the CR 1'11188 of confidentiality and an al>­HII.ce of confrontation help them to open up to other woiaeh, who, be­O&'Wie of the roles s.oclety Inflicts lJIIOn all of theiD, have been "taught to pleaae everyone else and put their needs last." . Sucher feels that the media's

handling of women's ,rlghta lsauee •• "terrible." "l!lRA news Ia either lcnored or trlvlallzed," she points out. Citing the ERA · march In Washington on July 9, whlr.h was the largest feminist march ·.In hiS--­tory, with participants estlmateol at 100,000, Including a number of Oreenbelters, Sucher explained the event was "lumped together In the news media with several other ·mar­ellea of only twenty parttctpanta. ''The media Is male dominated,'' she ..:plalna, .. "and does not give fair cover~ to news of Interest to active, Involved women."

A Hoppeningl Come and·meet ·

A_cting Governor BLAIR LEE,

His nmning mate STENY HOYER

Sueher'a hUIIband, Joe, a theor~ etlcal phyatctat . at the University of Maryland alao has a strong ln-

. t-t In women'a rights. An active lllember of NOW, he likes to point out that It Is the National Organ­J..Uon for Women, not of women,

' -~ you don't have to be a woman to belong. He Is currently Involved hi proposing that hUI proff'sslonal orjranlzatlon of. phya!clats support tile .ERA boycott. 'Several hundr\)d ocwanlzatlons have BllfiPOrted thf'

· boycott by refuolng to hold con­ventions in •tates which havr not ratified ERA. Thr boycott •o far has resulted In the loss of mihions oL dollars to the unratitil!d states. Jo Eluohrr's resolution wlll be put to a rrferendum aoon.

Both. the Suohers,. tog!'thrr with. Lorraine Wodlska, will be leading Prince Georges County's tlr•t Men's CR' group. The alin Is to enable the partl!!lpants to become aware nf thetr conditioning In a sexist socl .. ety, and to lead· to tnalghh that wtn help men and women to relate bettA!r In more fully and truly

" and the Democrats '78 team


Elea.nor Roosevelt Hl~h Schoo' Library

Saturday, Sept. 9, noon to 1:30 p.m.

Buses will travel throughout Greenbelt to take you to the high school! Just be along one of the routes · iisted below at about 11 :4:5 a.m. and give us a wa~.

I -

II. -

01d Greenbelt - Greenbelt Rd. to Southwily, ~ight on Ridge to Lastner Lane, to Crescent. Past the center & around. to Ridge & West~ay to Lak!!slde & Lakecrest to Greenbelt Rd.

Beltway Plaza, Sprlnrhill Lake, West~heater Park • Greenbelt Rd. to Klelns to the A&P, to Cherry­wood Lane, to Springhill Drive .to Edmonston Rd. to Kenilworth Ave. to Westchester Park Drive.

JII. - Hq,ntlng IUqe, Wlndlor Greea, Chelsea W..U, Brae Brook Vlllqe, Mapella Woeda -

huaan w..,.. Instead of stereotyped rol-. Sueher and her huaba:hd have . authority Robt. B. William•. trouurar




. B-\l...Lltf. PR.ai(:HOOL



FROM 10:00 A.M. UNTIL 3:00 P .M~ · ShCI@I and IAotaNa on Bale During fteglltratlon










. DISCo· S~EciAL 5 Lea.Ona $25.00 · · 1\'0R INJI'OIUIATION Tll:LIDPIIONJC m..aao 1Ji' .NO ~WJI:R .N1-&'1711


. , (

•' ;--·~·,-·Y,;)o•'''t ..... ~,.,... -~:;,.~.,,...._, O.!>'f ... - ..... II"JJI!II __ .. ,.,..," ··'"··lF_,,~,.,.,...,.,.. .... __ _



TO AU. DBIOC&ATS we. all. received ~ ~. 11--ure Ill the mall tbla week.

~ o(f their plattono .. Uae loJiowlna etatement: "We pledp to work towardl a (tax) .,..teDl tru17 bued on o~~e'i abUit)l to Jl87 llftd to reduce on ALL levebl _,.lt.HREssiVlll uature of. that .,... tem .••. , ..

Now! Let' a Check .Their Record e The maehlne pve u a ttlepboae tu - RIIOIUIIIIIIVJ: • · The 111ao111ne pve .. a .....,... tax - 1U11QU811911 • ·The mublae pw U. ......._. Sal" Ta--q • The -hlne bu had 8 ,_.. to keep their pledp for tu

retono lllld have I'AII.D ... ~ ... \ . .

You have an~ tbia year Tci 88leot a tn.h -· ~ for ~ Ia tile o..o.atte

Prlmuy Jaleotlon.

I ur1e :vou to vote tor the foUowtoa loyal Democrat., wbo are my friends and who I know will np1'818nt'I'OO& la\en.t.l aa4 not ' the bouea' · ' · .




and please don't forget LEVER 32D Elect THOMAS X •. WHITE

Democratic Centrel ·


24th District Auth: C&Ddl.._

The One You Can l)epend On









When You HelpS. MHh ••• You'll .. Helph• ....,_.,


. A~thorlt~ m.irt~ Lin4;~-. 1t,' .• ··

F-~---·-- .. -·~·. f • •

I'. I" ,

Delegate 'Buzz' Ryan says he doesn't vote party line

<'-~Of .C~urse I'm My Own Man" When cam~ door-to-door, Del.

Charles "au,.,.~ R711n tells people there are two aood re8.10ll8 · why they should vote for .him - he's the only delegate who's never c&~~t a wrona vote. and since he's been In ofllce their property .taxes have been cut.

Ryan's toque-In-cheek self cndor&e• ment Ia, an admtaaion of the unusbal po­sition In which he ftnda himself. He is an Incumbent who was not dected and a member of the Houae of Delegates who's never served In the General Assembly.

Ryan, 42, WM appoJDted by Actlnlf Gov. Blair Lee m In ~ to flU the District 2& House seat vacated when .David Gr&J Roaa of Bowie was appointed to the circuit court,

Despite belna an !natant delegate, Ry­an's Ia hardly a Cinderella story. A BOwie resident for 18 years, Ryan has labored In the vineyards of Democratic politics for . clo.e to two decad-. '

Before hie appointment, Ryan waa an Pxecutlve a.latant to· the governor, worklna u a llalaon to county and local· goverilmenta and vice chairman of the Pdnce GeOrpt County Democratic Com· mlttee. ,

Ryan reoopl- tbat aome people may be tutned off by hla cloee party ties, but reasons ''There are only two parties and It's within a party ilyatem that govern­ment. operatee. You pt things done thtouah partlea."

AaJuid If, with bla party ties, he can atlll be hill QWD man, Ryan anawers with a ·hint of exuperatlon, "Of coune I'm my own 111&11. I don't vote a party line."

Hla Introduction to the two party sys­tem came. In 19118( when J:tyan worked In John Kennedy's senate race atuftlna en· velopea and knxklna. on doon. In 1960, he apln worked In a Kennedy race, this time tile prealdentlal· campaign, organlz­lnl aupporten In We.t Vlralnla.

After the election, Ryan who has a B.A. de1ree In International relations from Georgetown Unllveralty and a M.A. 'in urban aftlaln from the Unlveralty of Marylalld, workl'd with the federal gt>v· ernmrnt as a Apeclallat on the trade unions of Cen'tr.11 and South Aml!rlca.

After his federal atlnt, lie served ~ years aa an admlnlllltratlve olllcer for thr National J.awycrs Committee for Civil Rights.

Ryan's llnterest In civil rlahta contln· ues. He recently served u county CO· chairman of the Haryland Alllrmatl,•e Action Provam.

Although ~e hu never held public of· flee, and most of his political expertise has been behind the 110enea In support of another candlda'e or a cause, Ryan says the transition to crunpalgnlr)g for hlmsdf has not been dlfftcult. He points to his election to the Democratic Central Com­mittee In 1970 and 1974 and his post 88

vlcP chairman of the Prince Georges County Democratic Comtr,~lttee.

Still, Ryan concedes that there fa a dif­ference between campalplng for 110me· one else ·and for one's · eelt. "It's euler to sell another candidate. You can be more effualve with your praise," Ryan saya with a smile.

Ryan says he enjoys the door-tl>-door · campalplng tllat belni an elected ofllclal entails.

"You aet a better understanding of your constituency than alttlna In Bowie and taauln1 press releasee," Ryan aaya.

Despite his active h:volvement In poll· tlca, Ryan 110metlmea comes across In conversation as an Idealistic political science profesaor. In fnct, Ryan has been a part-time Instructor of political sci· · ence at Prtnce Geor~r•s· Community Col· lege for four years. If elected, Ryan nld he. plana to cont,nue to teach at the IIChOOJ.

Ryan takes obvious plea.surc In dls­cusslna ·political theory, supplementing It with hla .own varied. cxperlen~.

Ryan's optlmlatlc ·flpproach to public affairs ·comes across strongly In any discussion,

"Man Ia a pot.ltlcal animal. Politics ls the way In which we resolve Issues of public concern. Some people vlrw poli· tics with alarm, otherA point wtth pride. I· pOint with pride.' 1 think the •Ystcm now t. more open than It's ever b,.,n," 'Ryan aaya.

Ryan won't even concedr that m0<1t of

tht• populace dO.•"n't share his enthusiiUim for politics and politicians.

"If thr people dislike politicians so much, why Is the recidivism rate among politicians so high?" Ryan asks.

Ryan concedes that the system Is un· wieldy and that people are 1reatiy con­cerned nbout the way It lumbers along.','

Of himself, he s:tys, "Politicians arc like a dassroom, you have all kinds of stud­ents. I hop• that I'm an A politician but there's no 1uarantec of it. The system doesn't give guarantees." Ryan says he hopes to be an offtclal "much In the vein of Dave Ross," who Ryan describes aa a "very, very effective legislator."

Despite his extensive national expert· ~nee, Ryan says that dc&llng on the dis­trict level will not be a letdown. At the Jo!'al level Ryan said you can get "more Involved personally ·and the problems are more direct."

With the systematic approach which has made him a vital asset to lnnumcr· · able civic groups and 'organizations In Bowie and the county, Ryan has mapped routes for his c!Ltnpalgn workers to cov­er, working door-to-door.

So far, Ryan snys he feels It has been a good campaign. He Is more confident of winning one of the three House seats from District 24 than he was 'when he began,. he says. .

Sounding again like an Instructor, Ryan. rxplalns, "A camnalgn never stands still, there's always movement. 1 think we 61'e In an upbeat' movement, The (cam· palgn l workers are optimistic." He adds realistically, "If things weren't going well there wouldn't .be many volunteers &1ld we had 18 people working last night."

Ryan Is cnthlusl~tic about hi~ appplnt· ment to the Appropriations Committee and Its education committee, as educa­tion Is· one of his main interests. ·Ryan-wants to see that all the compon·

ents of the State's education system are u•rd etllclcntly, rather than putting up

. buildings at Qnc 't<lcatlon, and dosing others down no.arby. .

A special Interest of Ryan Is the future of Bowie State College. Ryan Is. suppor­tive. of plans to phase-In a law school and nursing school there. .

Another speclrtl Interest of Ryan's Is services for the handicapped. Ryan con· cedes that both education and aid to the handleap!M'd arc areas most vulnerable to Proposition 13:type budget cutting,

However, Ryan believes that people arc


still sincere about helping the plight 1111.

the handicapped, If they can see wllat their money Is accomplishing.

As all candidates. thiS election year 11ft

discovering, the one topic on every YG­

ter's Ups Is taxes. Ryan believes there are no easY sol•Jtlons for tax reform.

"To give you n simple reaponse \on hllr tax reform position l would be to lie to you. I think we should head toward a more progressive tax system. and aWIIf' from property trutcs. But saying that ud doing It are two very dll'!erent thlnp," Ryan says. ·

Ryan says he Is cnhualuUc about working with the District 24 delegation when the General Assembly convenee In January. "The Prince Georaes delept!Qn, has a dynamite reputatiou. for aettina things done for Prince George& becauae they work together and put county above party and above the lndl~ldual. A lot of people who get to Ann-apolis and posture on Individual Issues are Ineffective.· Be­Ing effective 18 not whether you act your name In the paper or stAnd ·up and shout,'' Ryan said.


State 'Senate: Edward T. Conroy

House of Delegates: Gerard Devlin Charles Ryan ·Anthony McCarthy

Auth. J. Sheehan, Treas.

A RIGI Greenbelt Team Working For .You


A ·personal .mtiasage. to the. voters of the 24th Legislative District. Like y~ we want the .state 1overnlnent to be .more reSponsive· and accountable ~o the people, more ef&Cient and effective in the ~agem•t

df·iti .r.:a:;: of P,Jitical ~w~ brokers ~d-. monied -inlereltl. .

. ··We're dia;ulted with corruptiOn and con·· flict of intend. . .

·. · lt'•'tlme to•• a chOice'- a change. We .... ,... .... ~ .... 1MB. G.._ ., ..... ,....

;)'J -:· .r

:'. . ~.

• ..

An Independent Democratic T eani to Work fo·r YOU

State Senate


H~ua~ of Delegates .


Ho\ue of Deleaate. . JOAN PITKIN. 9-A

-.l '·

. . . . ,. . . '

We Greenbelt parents, teachers and citizens urge you to vote for Muriel Weldenfeld for·Schoolloarcl.

Remember, you can vote for Muriel Weldenfeld In the prlmary election on hptember 12 w~~- you. are a registered Democrat, Republican or lndepend•~t voter. ·· r" •· ... ..L • J

Donna Fluke Ron Fluke Stephanie Cornett Joy Grete Robert Grelc :Marp Feeney Andy Feeney Joan Freeman Tom Freeman. Reaa Jascourt Huah Jucourt Nancy Neupert Wemer Ne11pert Charles Tompkins Pat Tompkins Ethel Rosenzweig Ben Rosenzweig Arthur Gropp

........; Jule B. Churchill Margaret Harman Vlralnla Lasworth Pat Greer · · Tom Greer Marie Castaldi Edward Ca.staldl Nancy · Bagster-Colllns Richard Ba1ater-Colllns' Mary Ann Baker Bob Baker Eleanor Knlaht Cecelia Brlnsko

·_George Brlnsko Dave Lange .Joan Miller

:Don :Miller Jo Scheibel Cindy Strock Terry l'ltrock Shalom Fisher

' ReUle Harrison Floyd Harrison Betty Sonneveldt Bob Sonneveldt Nancy Spong Rosemarie :Manglalardl Joe :Manglalardl Roberta Smith Ann Kl!lley David Kelley Wanda Hurley Ed Hurley Lydia Fomlnaya Toni Fomlnaya Theresa· CroWieJ Sheila Galla~rher Ruth Porter Ethelyn Bishop Bill Bishop Jeff Gallagher :Mr. 1r :Mrs. Walter Penney Rev. &: MrA. Kenneth Bukl'r Mr. lr Mrs. Darwin BrookA Bernarfl Keasler Beth Keuler :Marcia Kruhlck RaJ Krurtlck Bob Longood paroljn Bonlatal!l John Bonlatalll · Sherry Hart Beatrice Younr . Barbara ClaWIKIII Harriet Gllckm&ll Charles GlloiODan Mary Lou Honwood Rclberl H111'11W9Qd Jane WllcOK

Myrna Burchlck Mike Burchlck Gall Gardea Pat Gardea Jim Cassels :Marpret Baldovln Frances Herllnlf Barbara Barber Eric B61'ber Steve Poluchlk Betty Polaschik Mark! .Toualpant Ron· Toualpant Florence Shlnderman Nat Shlnderman Martha Slnden Peter Durantlne Robert Barshay Patricia Barahay Allee White Thomu :m. White Jeanne .Jonea · George Jones Jean Cook

. .Ed Cook · Eileen Atkins .Rol\ald Ernst . Evelyn Golembe John Golembe Bob 'Knight Carol Donovan RandJ Seay Josle &!lly Toni Watters Pete Watters Sharon Alfaro Bob Alfaro Judy Ott ·Ron Ott Allee Clark Bill Clark Eileen Petl'rRon Bill Peterson Elalnr, Nussbaum Marvin. Nu••baum Mary Ann Cousin AI Cousin Ru•sell :Maffay Peg Johnson Yolande Greezl' Mike. Greev.r Paula :Mayhew BIII.Mayhew Tina Pristoop Sy .Prlstoop IRabel Field Unnlla Dwtvedl Rabhey Dwlvedl Fran .Broolcs John Crisman Fran Crisman Joan Dunn

'Kevin Dunn Shirley Ward ChArles Ward Mark Maa'erer Linda llhevlts Steve Shevlta JOJoe. Chestnut Leonard .Grouman :Mari17D GI'Oiaman Amold Bodle Rena Bodle Bo" Younc France• 'Bates .J~~nathon Matr&J

Jarvis Cain Mary Apes Smith Jim Smith Albert Herllillr Pearl Q. Ellerln Mary Qelpr AI Gelaer Glaele f3plqelthal Ed Spleplthal Doreen Flood Dorothy Sucher Joan L. Dies Elle~n Labukaa Linda White Regina· Br&r!l Fran Jones Sue Simko Selma Hammond Allee Murray Joe Ml!rray ROlle Henneuy BUI Hellne88y Brenda Cooley Bruno Zanin Eunice Barbour Julie MaffaJ.

. Adele Klein :Mel Compronl

. Joe Comproni Bob Dove Margaret Smith Lawaoh Smith Rolallde Bller Kathie_ ·F~m Pat ·ung~r John Ungrr Wanda 0Jl"Mni<'k Steve Op•uniM< Adele Mund Rudy Mund Susan Lf'Vf.'RQU*~ Kathlr G.- Rrrd Sandrl\ Jlrliclu•tl Prtcr Bra<"krn Alll\n Pru.tt>rnal< H£~1rn Fo."h•r Jack Fo.•trr Pat Brown rharlr• Brown 8t~ve Frankenb<•rg Pc~rgy King Strvr King Dr. Robrrt Rudrrmu F;lalnr RudPrman Debblr Smith Felix l!mlth Elll>n Scarry L11u Bron•trin B<>atrlcr Bron•tr•tn Allee S<"hult7.

· Don Schult7. · Evelyn Zahm · WaltPr · Zahm

GfoneviPVI' Brg•y William Bfogry Roae EpAtPin Moe 'l!lpateln Gatolyn Karrh Ja7 Karch Joe Kault lAna Brekei-man Sam 'Brelterman Edna WhltP Gre1 Qolfaux Belva We..,.l Leo Walder

Hent7 l'laller

Walah Bareua Janet Jamee Ann Me~rlla

. Charlea F. Schwan Betty Timer Joe Timer. Sonia Garin Robert Garin Mary Clarke Bill Clarke Mary -L, Linstrom Jean Turklewlcz

· Jan Turklewi.S Josephine Rosa .. Betty Matray Jack Matray Bernie :McGee Doria Costanza Toni Bram Ralph Bnm Aida Blatany Albert Blatany Mrs. RObert Janus Paula Smith Fred Klein Mary Mahoney DeaRne Peltin John Lally Heney Fisher Ruth nee Jean Moael -Patricia. Fltzeilrelter Marcy Helfrich Bob Helfrich Harriet Glnaberg David Glnaberc Joe,nne Volk Marae Reed Dick Simko P<'g Liebe Heinz Lleb~ Pat Hatld Bill ;Hand Toni FostPr ~~Vf\ Chopcr Jordan Choprr Bcv<'rly Colvin Roy Colvin A lice Strasa€'r Arnold Strasser Krn Aycock Oribs Ay'cock

·' Lrw Cassidy i<RI ir BeRIDgPr Dorbthy· Ooldber~r Bill Clold!M!I'Ir Ron Searcy' Hy Grrsori E~thrr .Gerson Gayll\ Perklna Sylvia Mqerer Anna Rae Gerstel Lillian Kt .. tnberl Lronard Kl€'lnberl .JoJce Northcutt Jim Northcutt LaiTy carbone Nancy Carbone .John Mondejar Jackll' Derdeyn Steve Derdeyn Maraaret Needham Warren Wilcox

• Ida Nathanaon Stan Druben Laurel Druben Francine Nlaenoft

Pat Cain· :Martin Nlaenotr Dorothy Peck Vlrelnla ~!ford Woodrow WIIUtord Harriet Polack Max Polack Mary . Bloel'ID&n

Lawrence J. Bmlth Jallet Helndlah lbrllyn- Haber Harry Herllch Charlotte Herllch · Fra~~k Pearlm&D Allee Pearlman Stephanie Zlrldn Ltutan KrOnenbera :Marvin KrcmeDbei'a Charlene BlacDtone Tarry L. Peck

· Rita Stein ·Ronald Stein Doul Grauman Florence Waldman Sue Harrl1an Klke Beck Dorothea Zltta Saundra Martin Franz phlllln Barbara Neuwirth Re~ Hlracb CatriQtach Allen K. Lenchek Xona Schloeabera Evel:rn Waper ·Valene Flaher Pat stca Arley Sica ·--- · Jerry Rlchardaoa Nicholas SIYuucli Mary Ann Slvulicll Mildred Collldfe Grrmalne Brouliiii,I'Cl Charlea F. Wrlaht Franklin Leilh Pam Lelah . Jerry· Garfinkel Lawrence Eaboa J oae :Morale. J oacph Dalla Faye Dalla . Martha Lev Pegay Markflt>ld Anita Schwab· Bernard SchWu Patriek Needh­LA!e Felaen JaClclt Kahn J.arry Kahn Leonard Geratel Pauta·.Upman Sandra l'fewmaa Pat Hlncken

· Yv~~nne Zltta Dellnla Relll:r Jud7 Johnaon , Rotl.lloha' Beth S.Cba BooDr tlqbee Dora l'rledman R&111lond Haber RoM Raber Xlr,lam Pa:rne BefttiJ. Stone HarryWeifter Jud7 Welaer Tqaw.n-

"As the only candic:lat. with chil~ren in Nte l?ublic School IYJ~m, I know your concerns. .. ' ' . ~ . '

. ' '

"'· ... ' '.

II ~~··!'·


. -474-1178

Monday; S••- 11, 7-9 pm, ~1 Lake Recr.tion Cen*' ~. 14· ... 12, 7-9 pm, GN811belt Youth Center Wedl!l lip, ·~ber 13, 3-5 pin, Greerrbelt Yoath Oeater

~ re .... it• on a space available basi~ only, Tbmwday, Septembei 14, 10 am- 3:30 pm at the Yollllt ~ BUlin• Oftl•. lhlle aU C1becb PIIS'llble to tbe CITY OF GREEN­BELT.

A 10% dilloouDt wW be given to all senior citizens, 62 years old and over, registering for cl~ . . . .

CliiiHI are held for the number of seuions or hours delitnat.ed. All Classes held during the week Will he8bl September 25. Saturday classa will betin September 23. NO. CLASSES will be held on SMuiday, October 28 or Thursday, November U. ·

l..toiRioll CCIIII: Wl!c - Braden Field Tennis Courts; CS - Center Elementar:v School; SHLRC - Sp& .. M LMe Recreatioh Center; YC -Youth Center.

Babysitting: Services provided for classes indicated by asterisks (**). Fee is 75c per child per class hour. Participants must register for entire class.

In-pel'IIOD registration, ftr&t come-first served basis. ALL REGISTRANTS MAY SIGN UP AT EITHER CENTER FOR ALL CLASSES.



.Ballet;.. Adult



YC Children - 'PJoe...8aboot I YC

Pl"tt-&Jhooo II '!C Bellnner I YC

~ucka 'n' Lualea lllil.ftc!YC

Tue 4:00- I!:OOp Thu 4:00- 5:00p Mon 4:00-I!:OOp Wed 4:~:00p Thu 6o:O(F7:00p . Sat 9:30,-10:30&

Sat io:ao-u:acia Sat 11 :30-l2:30p Sat 11:00-10:30&

10·18 yrs. 1()-13 yra.

ut-ard lrl'ade 4th-«~\ grade

18 & over 4-,.i~:rra

~ )'1'8

II 8. over w )'rl.

ll'ltmlls ·program for 'baJ'II · 6 airla SRI.ftC!YC Sa~12:~n II-1J yrs.

0q KodeU111 YC Sat 10:30-41:80& 1 :rn .. &: over CPR - Cardlopulmonaty CS 2nd T/W of Month 7-llp ' Resuacltatlon PRE· SHL l!lLE 3rd T/W ol Month '1'-llp REGIS'I'ER CALL 111-F, Ei!lR811U:HUSL_ii.t.JthLJT:J.IW:W...anf.l .JM4Joltln>t•Jih...!TI-1lti.IP1-----H, 47...._6818 QwU.,e Oarrou881 Cr.attve Dramatics


Sat 9:00-lO:OOa Sat 9:00 tO:OOa

Crocheting • plus materlala YC ''Thu 10:00-lJ :30&

Dlaco Dance - Bea1Mer 1 Adv. &,&inner II Intermediate m

·ll'loor Acrobatic•

SHLRC _Wed 7:00-9:'30p · YC Thu 7:00-8:00p ·

YC Thu 8:00·9.:00p YC Thu 9:00-lO:OOp '!C 'TilU 12:00· 1:00p YC Mon I!:00-8:00p

Funtlme · Golf

8HLRC-YC Thu 4:00-II:OOp SHLRC Tue 8:Qo- 7:00p

· sHLRC Thu 8:00- 7!00p Hat!1a Yoca - Bectnnlq YC Tue II:~:OOp

,.....,...... '!'C . Tut 1:00-e:aop X.Crame - plu llll1lterla18 YC Mon 'f:BO-II:BOp Mother's Komlq Out SHLRC Wed 11:30-U:ao. . <children'• PliiF. Schooll YC F'rl. 11:80-11 :30&

PbotocraphJ With 01' Jack YC Bun T:00-8:30p Putte17 - B1 Hand and Wbe4!1-plu• material

Unlimited Practloe Tim,. ·

BtiVIat YC :Mon 8:00-10:00p Bec/IJit YC , Tue 8:0010:00p ~ YC . 0 "Thu 10:~12:00n -.,.tat YC Thu 8:~10:00p

oa ·Wed 4:.00-li:iOp

Jl'rl 4:00-II:IOp SHLRC . 0011/W 10:00-ll:GOa

'IC Wid 1:80- 8:80p TO Wed 8:»- II:IOp TO •"rhu t :liO-to.aoa

ltltdlery - plua ~ ...... llllretUe ,......v.. .-.pn.-

YC •'Tue 10:~12:00n '!'C Mon I: 30-T :lOp

Yc Mon 4:00-a:eop , !J'ennl1 .. Beainner

. Il)temiedlat. ......-. ' Inteniaedlate a.tlaMr lnte~

'l'ftalpollne • llc/lnt S../Jftt ... /lilt


VOIIe7lt!aJ1~n LliiRft

WltltU~III - plu. aat;erlaiR

BJI'TC Kon i:OO-a:OOp Bl'l'C Tue 1:00-a:OOp Bl'l'O" Wed 8i~ BI'I'C • · Tllu 8:00-8 :OOp Bft'O . ~t t:00-1t:OO. 8ll"ft:: lat 11 :'lf)-1 :OOp ~· Wid 8:00-a:OOp BHLRC

'IC 8Ht..RC

. '!'C .


Wed T:OO- I:Oep l'rl l:oo- e:OOp . wac~ 4 :oo-a :OOp Jl'rl 4 :QO:..&:OOp ~ 8:10-tO:'aop w~ a:ao-10:10p

. wee~· T:IO-t:IOp

...._15 yrs. ~12 yr~.

Adult 18 & over 18" over 18 & over 18 8. over·


8 8.: over u :rra

18 8. over 18 8. over 18 8. over 111 8. over 18 & over

3-3 'yu.

~-6 yn. 14 8. over

.ti"' over 18 8. llftr Adult ·

18 .. ""' l-i Grades • 4-.t Grlldee.

Adult 18 4 over 18 A over Adult Adult 18 & over e A Clftr

18 A.over 18 A over if a-over 18 8. ov~r 18 loi over 18"' over 86 over

18 A pver 8 A over

8-12 yrtl. 8-12 yra.

18 A over.

. 11 "' 011er . 1t A ovwr

FEE· Non-R~•ident add J6~

. $8/8 seaatons $8/8 se11lont1

FREE - 8 weela FREE - 8 'WHile

$15/8 sei!s!ons · $12/8 •~lana $12/8 sealans $12/8 se.sslons

J'REE • 8 wt>eks

FREE - 8 weeks $8!8 sNtsloftM


SA/8 seilaion~

$818 81l8&1ort•

Ull/8 ICNiolls $1iltl! seeiiona $10/8 Ression• $10/8 •e~sion• $10/8 sessions

$12.110/10 sessions $10/8 ~teNion•

FREI!l- 8 weeks $111/8 aeoal~n• $111/8 aealone $111/S a.-torrs $11/8 •-lone $1J/D ICIBiona 118/8 1e11ion8 $1818 aeiBion• $12/8 ae••ion 1

112!10 al!ltlllon, •no _.OIUI .. (10 -·-· .. /10-.IOM

2Sc w/own skates· IIOo 81tate 'rental

UI.I0/10. -•on• $11.110!10 lteNIOIII aii.I0/10 -IOilA

$1J.II)/10 -•a.• .1.11 ·-Jon•

.11/10 ....... •10!8 -•lona $111/II....Sou $1./11 ... 0111

•llltrl ... .. $11/11 .... .. $111/ll ... ona $111/11 ..... _

110/8 ... o ••

$10/1 1181\10D• $10/8 II!UIGIIA 18/11 IM!Ialoas 1811-.iima . 2!le nllht

collected at door

. tao/11 ·~uton.i I

~-in~ llddi~Jinf~.~~ ll(ckecl u~ at the ~r.atlon Centers; Ctt1 Ollloe, Llbi'II"J' ..... ·---·~111111. .. .• ~- . . ' ( • .. .

110 oarON,s

Satunlay, 9, 2 • 6 p.m.

Giw:NBEJ..T LAKE ' .


for Delegate All are welcome

Meet your friends Pd. Ad



Serving the Greenbelt

• w.a.,.._. e Dutch. Boy Paint. .t. !!up..


• Panelltlll & Moulcllnp e Bath Ail<-esaoriM

e El.,ctrir & l'lumblnt; !!up-pllM

e Key & l.o<'k !lnppllea e tlo- & S(l...W.. Cut to Size

e PIP" Tlareaded e Mini Levelor & Ctlatom

8Jiadflll • Storm WlndoWit & !!tll'4'('ns · iJ:

~palrNt a e DraJM"ry Hardw.,. e Jland & Powl'r Toole · · • Armlitronr FIDOft • tTnftabhed Furniture e Flow"r PotA

e Jlou~ewareoi , e La•m Boy .Lawnmow.-rR. e Lawn. & Clard,.n !'lupplleA


'10502 Baltimore Avenue (RT. "i)

In f!heMttJut Hill Center

Open. 7 Day11 Ma;or Credit Cards Accepted

· From Greenbelt: Take Bl'ltway ono Milt to 27/Jforth and take ROute 1 one mile to the Chealnut Hill Center on 7011r lrtt. ,


. ---------.. --·-111!11·---------· W ALLPA~ER SALE

30ft Off aUF ASHION and BIRGE

Wallcoverinp· · Thouaand• of pattern• to ch001e 'from; All on Rale. at Wlll'a

·- · throuah Sept. 18, 1978. Chooae fro~. fabrle-bac~ed · ;nd pr ...

paAted wallcqvrrlnr• b)' two ~attonaUy known waiiPaJif'r man ufacturf!N

FREE WALI.PAPER IIANGINt; CLASS On S.pt. 21; 1978 at 7 p.m .

~ll'li otrl!n Greenbl.'lt a,:.,a_ ret1lchnta . a ~nlqu'e opportunity to leam to hanf 41ffl!l'l!nt t>'2" of WaiiP,.per, Thll demonatra• tlcm le enhanoect.by a prea.entatlon of a ittm and a mobile wall

. .•• aet-up to ahow how eu, hanalnr waiiP~Per can be. &aitn1

Ia limited. To re1erve y~r 1eat Will'.• at 11~-3188. '

-~ < 1:11




I '

PGCC Offers Test Mishlcan Tor•h News for Career Aptitude Mark 81lver•tetn of Gl'llllbalt will

.... , A Life ln. Your Hanel• .

"' lAo Chrtllll Jl'or a penon wao. IMut atQII8

bead"-: Ads IDUit be. to: e TloP Newa In the ~t of 111 Parkway betw- 1 BD4

The Prince Oeorae• Community dlsc\118 "The POI'trA1al_ o( ~ Jnr­Coilece Career Plannlslr and Place- Ish People In_ Comic BooiP at .till ment Center will offer a General Mlsh~an Torah aynacocue on Sun., Aptitude Teat Battery <GATBI on Sept. 10 at T p.m. 811vel'lteln, a Tuesday, Sept. 12 from 6:80 p.m. to student of the blatory of COIII1C1, 8:30 p.m." In room 2080 of Marlboro will also ~ewer que•tlol)ll on the Hall. The teat wur help meuure hobby of comic book collectlq. In­an Individual's aptitude In several tereated peraorra are Invited to at­of the various career related ftelda. tend the lecture, the lint_ In •

UD1eu C.P.R. <Cardl~ rNUACltstloD) II 1nlti&W wlthla low mlnuu, lrrevenlble brila damale will occur. II 1011 WilDt tO: )'OU can be the one who ca ..,. a life.

It ,.m. on the Tueeday prMedlq·pubJicatlon. • 'l'llr Twin Plnea oftlce (N- B11t1ew drop boll). Deadllne 1a 6:10 p.m.

Tuesday <Put payment In ~nvelepe wltb ad. Do not pay Twin PIJieel. e P .•. 8011: 61, Greenbelt. ~. 1107'1'0. lluet be received by Tuelda7. KABB: $1.110 mlnlmu~ tor the Ar1t ten words. tOe each additional word. N• ellarce for lleUq Item~ tbat are faund. BO-.D ADIII- $8.00 mln!.IIPI for 1 lifo lnch one column box. n.oo each add.i .. enal halt Inch. 1\olallimum ad for thla aectlon Ia three.lncheL

i>re-reclstratlon will be held In contlnulnc aerie• of adult ed~catlon thP Career Plannlnc and ;Placement prorramo.

Open reptratkm fo.- tnlnlq wtn be held, eJUaet Ill ~ or liT pbone, dur!JW ~ .-e. bolln ot 'the '· Raoreatlon · DeputmtDt, Jlonday - J'rl4ay, II - I p.m~ 6'16-81'18. CALeWELL'S WASHER SERV­

ICE. All make1 expertly repaired. Aul.berlzed Whirlpool dealer. Ql\ 4-11111.

PlANO TUNING AND REP .AIR -ICxpec-t .and Reliable Plano Service to Greenbelt since 1880. Benjamin Serkafaky 474-8884.

<lMRIE'B POODLm GROOMINOI a~i.ke your appointment• today, Cal 474c38lll.

1'YPJIWRIT1IlR RIIPA..IR- Electric, •tandatd, and portallle. Call 474·

./ • 0084.

----------~-------ANTENNA 'ROILIMS ...... Sanlee

m.c.ert antenna maa wtU Install new /repair antenna

for· ·

Attic or Outdoors lllvt!lllnp


, PIANO LESSONS: Peabody Con-•ervatory Graduate. Beclnners-Advllftced. 474-9222.

PAiNTING • Interior, exte'rlor, 20 years exp. Do my own work. Call Bob Neal, 716·1!461.

. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR· G. Daniel, 2112-2448.

LIQHT HAUUNG, wt pick-up Truck. Call Mike after 4 :SO, 474-






CAU.. 474 .. 522

VACUUM CLEANER REP.AIR All brands lind types. Call evenlnr• •. 474-o1!31.

TTP!lWIUTIIlR Oft . ADDING MACHINE $80 A up. Howard'1 Typewriter. Co.. 11108 Baltllaore Ave., H11ttaviUe, Md. 2'1'7-8888

PAINTINO •• Interior, exterior wallpapertnr and IIcht carpentey al10. Good Green belt refarencea, ex­cellent workmanohlp. Fl'llnk Oo­m-. 474-8814, HANSEN PLUMBING .t. HIDAT­lNQ • l.C Hlllllde Rd., Gnan· belt, 34&-6837. Bonded, lloenHd, -all home jobl.

HOUSI DOCT~ -.,a _....... will ....... ---.......,claM. ........... .......... 'wall (llltoltlq, -­.......... "-llle .... ... _,... ....... 0111--.

_J.'OR SALE Soya ,allow 24" 10 •peed. 2 yr.. old, cood cond., $60. ~T:tao after 8, 12-41 weekend•.


Electrical Se~ice1 and ( ln1tallatlon•

Heavy-upi Our !lpeclalt)' • ~ lllltlmatea


Need Home. lmproYementa7

Call John speelatblae ... c:'Anmlo 'Die ...

Kitchen Fioon, atdewallat, Pat-

loa, Drlvewaya, ete. Oall 8II)1IIDe.


PARENT Your precious child de­Herves the beat care. Exellent ·ref­erences, 341H1311.

COMPANION for elCLirly woman, Collece Park area, G day• a week. Call 1164-2637 alter 8 p.m. STOVE .. Kenmore, 30 ln. elec. range. Very rood cond., best offer. 47! 14~6.

FOR -sA~'llOtpolnt elec. stove., Perfect condition, $7~.00. 93" oft' white sofa, like new. 3 cuah-­lonli Clear plastic custom made covers, $200,00. 34G-1!837.

College Park ·Electric Service

EIBclen t, economical

Service by Muter El,ectrlclan

' Small lobe Welcome

Mr. Brown

Center In Marlboro Hall, room 2108 from 8:80 a.m. to '9 p.m. For cen. R t' R • .,ral Information call 336-8000, ext. tf!rf.& 188 e~ a-a wUI be held u fo1JaW8:

2nd Tu and Wed of lliOJltll at c.­* tr.lemantarJ, lrd Tu _. Wed ot 1 IDOIIth at IIIL . -...,, 111141

4th Wed Uld 'l'bu ol IIUIDth at &


RON BORGWARDT 10212 Baltimore Blvd.

College Park, Md. 2074~

(on U.S. 1 ot tho Beltway)


"Set me for car, home, life, health and business

insurance~ \1&11 UIM . A State ,llllllnturah,f C01uptnoe1

1 .. \VIUHf• tlomr Olh(ts: 8Juonllnglon,llhnoos

-NEEDED: ROOMMATES for 4 bedroum house 3 miles from- UM campu~ .. Call 7~441.

FOR SALE '74 Pinto, rood condi­tion-. New brakes, new tires, I speed, $l000. 47~79~1.

AIR coNDITIONERS ln•talled & repaired. Call 47~11806.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY· Com panlon (pr. elderly woman. Light housework Mon-Frl 9 am 5 pm. Own transportatl!>n, salary rierotla ble. Lakeside Drive, 3411-3046 after 6 pm. '

FOR SALE - Child's blue winter coat, like new.· Size 6, brand name. Phone 345-8328. ·

TYPIIl81!:TTtNG of booka, brochur -""· periodicals, newsletters, etc.

· Profeslaonal quality at modest prl­ct!ll.' 346-2tl!4.

FaD <'- RetrWra&lon · Rerlatrat1on for the Fall lA!loure Tim~ Acttiltles will be held on a ftrot come, lint served 'ttula on Mon.. Sept. ll, 7-9 p.m. at the Spr~nrhlll Lake Recreation Center; Tueo., Sept. l2, 7-9 p.m. and Wed., 13, ~ p.m. at the GJ:Mnbelt Youth Center. See the ad In thla wl!ek'• New. aevtew for further Informa­tion, or call 47~. VoDeybaU - CompetWve aad lter.nt&Mooal .

Co--rPCreational volleyball; b..,th competitive and recreational, Ia played at the Greenbelt Cerlt~r J:J-. ••mentary Sebool Gymna~lum. Com­petitive pares are played on Jll.on­day evenlnro and recreetloRal Wednesday. evenlnp. Botb · are from 8:8G-10:80 p.m. lor tbc»a 18

· years of ace and over. A nominal fee Is charred at the door. Every­one is :,.elcome. · Labor Day a-p&ou

Mayor'• lnvltstloJUtl !!luw-Piwh -Over 300 people attended the cham­pionship came between 8~roh'• and Greenbelt American Leeton. Unde­feated In the tournament, Stroh'• won by a ocore of 17-12. Concrat· ulationo to the- Stro~a te;tm. ·

01w,n Tennla Toumameir.t - Con-. 1ratulatlons to the winners In all the event• of the 19'78 Greenbelt Labor Day Tennis Toum_ament:

~·t HIP- ·.· All m- muat be p~

ed e.nd will blain at 7 p.a, ~~~~~ eDII at 11 p.m. .

Tbe coune Ia ·free aad Ute ~ee-· .0... lnvalllable. ·

Greeahek'• UIJran Great · Movie :Melllorlea •brtna­

feature 1111111 with aeleotacl llhort subject~ to the MaeUIIf ·a-, Tueda7a. 7~ p.m. 'J'be ...,t. 11 p-tatlona will be '"l'be ~ V~" and ''Olalwa. Olald4a'a capitaL" .

When you

ton't work wecanhelp

pay t~e ...... . A•k your Nationwide qent ·

for the preacrlptloa: A

"dlaabllity '- plan."

MARTY MAD~ 937-3683 474-8181

---- .a..-1--~'-. ~c#iii~oiz. YOUNG MAN - Prefer family m8n

Men's 'A' Slncles - Maytubb)' de­feated Tompkins ~. 1-0; Ken'l 'B' Slncies . Mandel detea,ted Hua ~a. ~0;. Women's 'B' .lftnllee -VanSlyke defeated Labuku . &-4-, ~2; Mixed ·Doubles 'B' - Nud<r Mudo <defeate6 ftec01dr¥eOinn-+-- ---Wtller &uBdJq -1, ~6. &.,3; Mel\'• 'A' Double•- Har­bauch--Whltehead defeated Kat­tubby-Maytubby ~4.~8.~1; Men'• '8' Double• · Lee-He•• defeated

to l~arn drywall anil ~arpentry .(Dfzotoa•wl•hc.~ trade. 3411-21:.:.1:::2·~----.....,..- : .. r .I r -~DRAPES" for balcony win · :\IODI:L PORTFOLIO."! dow, Chnrlestowne VIllage. Gold with orang~ WPave. 80" I. x U2" I'ORTRA.IT!'I

W $~0 322-3681 Allvt:RT1KJNO


Blood Donors

Red Cr011s Bloodmobil~. Sat., Sept. -23, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Hurh's Catholic <;:tiurch, 138 Crescent Rd. (next to the lire house l. Donate to the rroup­~overa.ce . plan of .your chOice. Sponaored by Greenbelt Llonl Club. ·

UniYWtlty BOutique

ln.-nlltlonal, Inc. IHauUtul, natural· cl~ ud l'xqullltt 10111 and lllver ,....rr, ·tor,._ A men

For. Information Call

441-9231 SQUARE DANCERS: lnterelited In belo"-1"- \o elub ot· taklnr claues? Ce}l 414~81.

AIR CONDJTIONii!R for sale. Clal')'lller aJrtemp, 7ftOO BTU. $50.00. Call ~14-11806.

PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS. mx­pe_rlenced Instructor with de1ree In mualc. 474-8370.

FOUND on Creocent follow!, pa­rade - retainer for upper · eeth. _3411~7178.

YARD SALIS YARD SA.LE - sunday, • o'olock. 4-D Southway. Some old, •0011 new thlnp. txRb sxtlt sat., sept. 1. to a.m ... 4 p.m., 1011 Julian Ct. "!Jome-thl"- ~or eVI!I'J'body." • Y"AitDIIEif711il,Sept. e:-to'"iiri

Burge .. Taylor 7-~;H. Skat..board Rail)· Competition

was held In Dowillilll and Slalom. The winners are_: Slalom Junior -Jeff Colvin;. Slalom Intermediate -Jerry kraanlck; Downhill Junior -Toinmy Cox;· Downhill Intermedi-ate Jerry Krunlck. ·

Hom" Run Derby- Women, Lynn Labukas 2 10; Men, ){Ike . Bladen ~-10.

Tel. 577..()200

OOLLIIlGII P.w& 7410...._.A,_.. ., ... _ ' pm, behind CrHiiP. Ratndote ,


Flea· Market Beltway Plaza .-.·r~;;-~

L..- nSemce. ... o-JIIltfclalleaallwelll. . v AIW!Ifl .......... wMia .• .,. yAiwap.U.Itllfore...._

v Worb -• Dill* A .... .. yTop ..._.. wl. couU...

. ..-.. "..._"' .... - 11,..... ......

--·· ...... 1 v MIIH Npllba ._ Ill J'OU ...... Ma&M Cliarp, VIM ......... ClALL -..uee Df N~

----~·· .......


Jl'rameo, for artl•to, ot)\~r .. framea, jewrlry. houaehold

ltema. Many thln11 . . 11-Q Rtdie

10 il.ln. _: I p.m. ~ 11-lt


Beds, rue, lamps, kitchen lteJU,

clothlnr. toys,. blkea, ra-, boolu. SaturdRJ', t-11, 11~ Lake­

side J:li:rft:-.



~·0111' INII.AfiON "'!"'.SHOP '"A

........ -"" .. ,_ .. J

1 .. '_,

11·.1 .4.


.. ·,

Greenbelters Agree: Of lU lelialatol& only a w-ere singled O!Jt • u'fiRI pemct CDmm011 Cauae YOtiRg 11ecerds. They ace 011r CMrD Sen. Edwart ~· Conroy, Delep-. Gerard Devlin and. lien. :Lapidus Q.f Bal­hmC¥'1! . . . The fact lhat two of these me_D pret~edfty repr&­aent ~e 24th District and Greenbelt indicatea the 1ood judg­ment of Greenbelt voters in the past. I ainc:wely hoPe that Greenbelt Democrats will continue their · outstanding record and re-elect Sen. Conroy and Del. Devlin to the Demoeratlc ticket for 1978.


-;When our Senator introduces a bill for Greenbelt, and he hu Introduced every piece of Greenbelt legislation .in tlfe past four

· years, he has the whole 11ystem working for him. Senator Con­roy gets things !lone because he enjoys the respect of his col­leagues, is a hard worker, and is one of the- five or six mast lJ<>werful Senators. He has one of the finest records in the General Assembly, not just for the introdut:tt.. of bills but their passage. He should be re-elected because he has al~dy done much for Greenbelt . . . and because he h• the ability and clout to get things done in the future.


As long time residents of Greenbelt who are concerned with the future of our City, we have known Sen. Ed Conroy as a Community leader, an enlightened public official and friend. We believe that he has been good for Greenbelt and has sup­ported our City in every fight in Annapolis. We therefore urge all Greeribelters to join us in endorsing Ed Conroy for re-election. ·


As a Senior Citizen, I support Ed· Conroy. He has always led the fight for legislation for Senior Citizens and is always will­ing to help· seniors solve their proplem8.


Senator ~ Ed

.Conroy A& .a paren~ and a member of the Maryland Coalition for the Halldieapped, I strongly endorse the candidacy of Sen. Edward T. Com-07. · He has been very helpful in the passage of ·legis- · latfon to benefit handicapped .. 1"10111 in Greenbelt and in the entire atate.


-Seaatar Ed Coaroy is a publlc •rvant who ~eryer the People. Be~ for thc!n Who ~ time8 ~ot ftg~t for thelllHlves. I IUpJIOrt Ed Conroy for ft-!ileet!on. to the State ~nate and \11'18 all other Green bel ten to follow- my lead!


Ed ComO, Jl ~ IOOd ~ wllo be1Jefta in good IOvern­meDt 111M! wbo be1leva ~ Uta& paltUe~ and IOV81'1U1ltot an two ~ that bled a· Jol ot IUDihine to aurvtve 'J.'Wf• wbJo J -.. my t.U. !Maocnu to iuppcm Sen. con~ rw w rM1IatlaD in u. ·~·~ · . .

. _____, CiAiiis G. SOKOL

Aa a Pu& Commander·· ot ai.abel& American · Lqlon P01t 11M .I ~ .., tbat we ... -'NMraDI owe a lnat dee1 ol thank.. to State leD. .-.s Conro, wiiO bal ,W. 11,1 ouutandlnl npre-~tll&laft ID our~ •• , ... ~ .. iD 10 ~ otber--, ba II ..., .,.,. wiWDa to lleip ; .......... .,. U..lr PI'Obleml.



Results:. • ~red aad eh&~~q>iaa.ed the Police Aid Funding •

returllllll much needed reve11ue to Greenbelt and •• ...._ Gi'eeabelt_. · ~ tau.

e ·Led 'the ftght for State Tr~nsportatioo funds for Mek"e . Tl"BII.Sit for eur dtizens ..• •c> avoid pa,...ent of additioD&J. ~- ~-· .

e Pri~ sponsor of lePsJatlon on behalf of Greenbelters wile shop m ConsumE!l" Cooperatives guaranteeing them grea* consumer c;~ptione.

e S~onsored legislation which has given a greater share ot H1ghway Users Revenues· to Greenbelt thereby sal'illC Greenbelters additional taxes.

e Prime sponsor of legislation which mandates notice • Greenbelt if the- State Highway Administration tries t. acquire land in the City. (Golden Triangle)

e Prime I!POnsor of legislation guaranteeing Greenbelt tee.,; in lieu of dedication of land fwr recreational facilities _, serve Greenbelt's. open space and recreational needs.

orks For-

Greenbelt -·

• ]fighting again for Greenbelt's seniors and the establish­ment of a nutrition program in: Greenbelt.

• • • • • ' ..

Sp(ms~red and pushed 'through Iealalation- giving ~itlzens · _and municipalities mo_re control in aonina m•tters.

Sponsored the legislation for funding the Greenbelt .area Library. ·

Secured' the fundinl for pavina the parking area of the Greenbek Armory for carpool41ra and commuters.

Recently secured the overhead ll1ht1n1 for Hanover Part-. way and Route 193. . - · .

Ha. COillilte~tly supported ·the Greenbelt J)Oiition to ccam-plete the Metrorall "E" route to Greenbelt.. , · ·

Co-1JIQDIO~ lellalation wbleh p&llld In 1117'1 ctvba. •a fairer dlltrlbution of revenue to tupayan living ln 11~ clpaliU• who .were PIYinl twice· tor HI"VVCII. ·

' . . Hu eontlnuad 1he fllht to HCI.ire road network IIDJil'Vftoo mnu ln the Oree11be1~ area. . . ·

e · Su~y- IPDIIIOred the Twbi PbM ~ mam'- .... vote" bill .ao It could function u' a cooperative. _ '

-. ·- ,-_ ... ·-:Y



... ,. -··'' itT Gill Board Grapple• With Emerging o. .. .,.., =~·

o~:,~~~~;:~::i~: ~~~·~ iM1J~~rthilfa~~.,~., .. a·~~~Prlllae::_ :.:rm~ ~-·11_}1_-_ g_• .:;


meeting, the GHI boacd grappled with emerging details of the serve .. a plde' te lll:and•rdlze Co t .,_,. __ 11

... ....._, _..._._ a ~

~c~~l r~!':~U::rtfe~= m':~~t. h~~l~:!;ci~i!:~e!~~~~ :r f~~re :,~t~:::bo!:'~o~':d do~~::+!::..-_-tloll.,·a.. ~:*':::J'!I'-~~~~--.. _.~'-· eer;ng aspects 0~- the p .... -am came under scrutiny,· with quite J' t til · Procedures ... _ •• ,.. ..... Iii ~--

• • •v•• cu~ml pneomwenbelft• .. d-loped by ..... t~-e . 0tlro~e:, ~~-~"~a!.te!.~ .. =-!'!: _....__,._. ---~ __ .,-;_··ifit_.l! .. dilferent views- being expressed on the same points by individual ~ ... ns •• ·- '-""'-'-~~ ... ----- - - ""''- -

board members.~, · . · ~a:is !:oc~!~a!rredRo:;r t~ Jew• <NfXJ) -hOnored <aoi-.. ~ . :_.. .;.,· .-;o~ A latellt aet- f elltlm_atea for this •rgument Jed to a motlont be- two othen·lit a dbmtl'odlnce,..;.... """ ...._ _ _... .. _ALa·_._·-.

st.tr, wu mildly criticised by dlrec- at,Prlnce n-.,;.._• eomm~- -... - .,.._ - -the re~lltatiQIIj wQl"k, presen~ed lq offered by director Wayne bel ''v " d ~·•~ .....,.,. · · - ' ·•-..... - - · --- · by Ch•rles Sch~an on behalt of Williams which would have t•- ~~~ ~=:'~n':gh;n~ore-:e~ ::d ~:~~~~~~~vl:hlch• ~~· :.=m-::: ;.- . · . ., ' .. ; . the staff, envlaales IRStalllna on~ ~en the masonry siding Item out this consultant shOuld be directed tiona to h•e•l-p.,_ "eu-•na· te _ _._,. ·-"". Biux 8obaol ot Jlltla -'i. . . fuel-saVIng lte_ma In 18711 such as of the "package" ~altogether; but W> .. ..., .... - ..

I II S h d to produce llCtu!U designs for sheds, religious prejudice," acoordl .... » .. C. IIi New York 11114 lMi ... - · w!UI Insulation, - weatherstripping the mot on fa ed after mit an laddlttons, etc. Director Stephen ~pok•·wo·m·•. Tb._ bono·=._. . ..An-·• ·..tllf.t 111J · -.a:·· and window replacement. Lim_ It- Sohw•n ar .. ned that It was nece1- • dlff - -· ·- ·-- .,_u " · , ~..-.io ,..

•- Polaschlk b!Uked .or a erent •el~ted by the N,...,9 exeliutlft ower.. Itt- ;·. · · · · lng the 1979 work to these Items sary to keep this P~artlcular Item 1

~~ "'-"' -- ..._., d I reason- he opposed payng a sum committe-e a.fbir -··-·"'ft• com- ·-iameofthifeatliiWoiUie-~· was necenltated, according to In u an Important an nexpen- · 1 _ .. dltl _,.,_.._ · -.....

- tor con~~ultant expeues n DU on munlty Je-.. e- for n-'-·"--. -- ---"-·118ter JD·-•""" 1lt ..-:-: Schwan, by a more re!Ulstlc estl- slve energy-saving measure. - h 111

b "" •• u ..... __ - ---

Th I f f th to the $10,000 amount t at w e The dinner-dance p-- _._ -Into-the~ la.b ~a~~oot· mate of amortization (repayment) e man eatures o e 1 1 ·-·- -- -

• I provided by Commun ty Deve op- scrlbea Gho. •··n •• "a dedlcatecl· ··~d p.........,. ue the hi,ch Mleetlftllllil. costs, and would keep the 1Q';'O Schw•n committee 1 proposa h d ft dl - - .... ·-·-- ..-r,· fncrease In members' chargeg to were then formally accepted for ment Funds. In t e en 'a er - highly respected ·educator who•ha. of et!ldeAY, tbe ..--..a .. about 8.7%. If sldlnl' w11re also presentation to the meinbi!rahlp rector Williams supported the pro- been • pioneer In lntersroup f81a- em&tla-orleDted ~ . .._,

h I tl . ed b th b rd posal and deputy Gener•l Manager tiona In Prln•e Geor- .-............ .;~ __ _. IDtemahlp ·•-·•tiel &1111, Included for the frame ome•, n a mo on pus y e oa , · -1

~ •- ....,._,., _,q ..... _. -""t . I I t Kenneth Kopiteln prov ded some . GhoiBOn attended ~e·al -colle·.... . .tbe __ ,__, mode ot ......__ • ._ .· members' charges would be In-- Inc ud ng an amendmen to cover ft h -· • • __ ...,..._. --

creued by -abOut 9.8%, stlll below Installation of siding on frame cle.rlftcatlol)l on Its nanclng, the cs •nd universities, amona tbem Rooieftlt Is dl'fllMdiDte two 11Pr the 10% limit under which the homes. Smith h•d noted earlier hiring of the consultant was aut - AmeriCI\n Unlveralty and Georp &rate balvel: tbii: ........ ~ board normally operates; howcv- In the discussion that pu.age of orlzed by motion. Washington University, bedause, he h..We ~ hllb '-!!f}J!!t er, Schwan noted that If the re- such a motion d<iea not of Itself Aleo discussed briefly, In the first · explained, he "kn@'iv ot pi'Of-rs II'Uili aiM1 1M teelullllal -==-· h•blllt•tlon program Is c•rrled commit the memberahlp to . the he.lf of the meeting, wu the cor- doing cxcltl~ and lntenstbla lli:nad · ~ preparit etudatl .. · out as a two-.year project <1970- project, but constitutes a step on poratlon'a oper•tlng statement for things." He flrat taught at a rural· tu,. oaNtn lD- .Prot.lsloaill . _ 1980), desirable from the point of the way. the first alx monthe'of 1978 u pre- school, then epent three lOld 6 •half ' IMIIIIt'"Pl'ol...timal '.' .... n --· view of, minimizing flnanci!U ex· Manager Roy Breuhears repor- sente4 by comptroller Donald. Me- years at 'the H•mpton In"lltltute ·ln .. 1leldll. · pense, then the Increase In cost to ted, )ust after thla action, that Ginn. Only a short mention of VIrginia u a critic teac~·follow- GllolloD' thbiJia til-*.~== -members would be over 10% In 1980 the owners. of the dental oftlce this lengthy document can be given ed by another three and a h\lf _,.. ~ 8olliM'!I w· a ....... 11 lf frame home siding Ia Included ln bUilding on G•~enw&)' have a- here, but recelp• ·. were. slightly ._. prlnciP~al there. Then, ~ 1110, baaa.. ot -.tile ....... . the pf01r1"1UJl. He added a comment greed to the Installation of ''Dr)'~ ($2200) leas than projected and ex- he came to Prince Qeorp~~ Oolmty ~ ..,.... aoJloOI ••·~· that the presnt price estimate• for 'f'lt" siding (plua lnauletlon), penaea - ("dls)!ursements"> · were u principal of Falrmont aelallts 1111J _,._ ~ window replacement aeem· high whiQh ,will give members a ohanoe some _.11,700 more than projecitecl: H!gll School, a post he held for ·ODII!dr Ja11b (about $878 In a fl"llllle home, $1730 to - ·what It look.l like on a the cash outftow would have been 111 yean. . .. ~. ;E_ In a muoney home>. aamll!e home. · • From this position lie beoalile a

Sever!U policy reeolutlo1111 - not stlll greater were It not for a ••v- -central 'adinlnlstr&tlve aulstllat, having the force of mot1on1, but lng of about $40,000 In, real estate working '"th pro'lliem ..-...,. expreaalng the Intent of the board taxe1 for the he.lf-ye&r, mf!-lnlf due achoolll, •chooJ bujlle~ an4 evsl~ - . were !Uio form•IIY !adopted· by to lowering of the- county tax as- tlve manuabl. IJI bls )4et Jtu ... ihe board, to cliarlry· corporation •dm_lnlstratlve ~ he 4fnUI:l and member reaponslbllltiH -for aeasment_ 'by 10% this year. much of hll time.~.~ d~

The "bailie .package" thus JlrP­•ented by Schwan and the 1taff Includes bOth lnaulaUon and lld­lng ' on twent)'-four jlllasenrr <block) hOIDft. Chairman Jame• BIDlth BUI'JI'8Ited that masonry home. owner• might be .given a cholee on whether to Install the J)cllq. .. IIIIi. Ulk .. I)Oln( ... of , -.il.W brciliJbt strong d~t fi"OIII Dlnctora · M&rfaret Hotrensen and Vll'&'lnla Kor)'adu, who ftlt · that Bn7 "bulc pacup" ellould be blndl~ on· lUI members. In fact

· vuiQIJ!!)Isuea Which m&)' come up Alllona other actlona taken . by tlon of county ~~~. 'wtilCh ... during the rehabiUtatlon project; the board were acceptance of a fuel curred In eaib' 1871. . -a,. .t~Jlp fll _ e.g. electrlcel_ heavy-up coat •h•r- that :r-'• he~·wu appolat.84 ~ 1iil

h ln · l thl oll'llld tn' TakOIII& ~I comMriY; .

~~d~c=~~~ &IIPfCIW*l llfP~Jre-.. ......... ~~~~~ ~ as ~, • ..,~ ' 1~~~~s~s;ll ~ of bllp-nts alrelady. whlcles at a cOst cit 811out'US,Goo; u~ - ·. :·.~ · ,_,~ ~ !Dade .117 members, .etc. and & aup'portlng contribution of t Calftl!iaftilifPIIIIIIW ~- •·

The· followl~ were winner. In the n"rloua events featured at the 24th ~nu!U Greenbelt Labor D•y Festiftl:

Labor Day. Parade

Deeliuook · Earlier In the meeting, the bO•rd

One of Gholson'• m&jor IIAlOOmp­•110 to the Labor Day ll'eatlval com- llahments 1illce tllen hai -- U.. mlttse. -rlannlng and 4eYlt16,.._· ot tile

Festival Winners Section 2

Special Contests Miss G,..nbelt iMape. Derby (1st prize - "'Pillow by (lorlnne ~ Pel) .

The '7 entrlea range<! In age• from· A capacity crowd gathered lQ 4 months to 1 year. Firat place went wltne~~ the_ :Nth f!nuel crown in~

were; tdolly Ahearn, Alan Am!H!rg, Tonja Bender, Richard Bray, Ed· die ·arunatl, ·Melanlo Keane. E•·in Ha~. Barbie Hut1~1. Alma~ Iiel, ler, Sonja Johnson, John C11111eron, Brl•n Choper, Jamie Dobbin, loey Dobbin, Rachel Foater, Ellen Go­

Animal - Park Pollee Mounted lelllbe, Klm Ootlhorn, . \VIII Iuoll, Color Guard, Slllo SeYenth-Dq- Todd Kilman, Ryan Mach, Cher)'l Adventlat Teena; IndiVIdual - l'ea- Killer, Pa1,1l Killer, Kjeratle Norrel, ture Twirler, Mt. Rainier- Kajes- · Terry· Oelka, IDmlly Sonne ·ld., tlce, Pat Lally on 'Bqplpea; Floats Steffan Sonnevldt, Matthew Webb - Noab'e Ark, Mill Greenbelt, 01.. The ll'rlendi:V Blueblrde. · · ! &bled American Veteran•; Mull~

of IIClss Oftenbelt. Connie Becrd , to Joilhua Morehead, 8 month•: 1a, WJW oilmen out of 11 candld•tes. second place to Mlchul Sanoff, .Dai.a Brl.ttoll wu lint · runner~np

· 10"" mcintlla; and third place to . and Cbrla ZcieUner wu 11Clon4 run­Klncb' Myers, 10 month1. ner-up. Lain& Craollett ..... award-1-p Rope . Ult place prl1e - 2 ed the Uije IIIII IIIII Pbotopnlc and AXC I theatl't! paaaeal Chris ZoellnFI' wu •~e«ll1 u Mlu

untt - nnt u.a. Ana,- Ban4, K . Pet Show Winners Cclllpany ~te. and .DruiD

lilt place to Kim . Byers, . 2nd eon.en.lallty. . . · place to Alexanifra Ooehl, and a~ place to Bart 'Byera. · . • A tadlaat ' OINan.le Becraft waa

Oorpi; Q'ft~ - Oneallelt Volunteer .nre~tu4a-U.Iquad,

_1J'ul t .... :.-...~;c-tc - KaJpts ol · the KlowD Table;

' . are.~~e~t·· .......... .._ laud; .Drlllll Un.lt - lit. Raln.IFI' ....,__ a, IC CcaPMY .... te and Drl!a Oorpt; Jr. Color a.rct -lit. IWn.IFI'; 'K. Oaapany Jlajc •, -ette ... Dr.- Ollpe; .,....101; •. Ollar OU... - U& ltrq c..­~ a.a... .......... .t:Mioll ,._ fSII; Dill or-- U& Jf&YJ"

·o,, _.,. == *• ••- ·-'It~-__.;..- ... »ra. -0.,... . ................ Dr-·--= ........ - lhP&tt'• 'lN ...... ,. ........... .

OINpe, Joe o.....t• ~­J~ A~ .- OW ~ ..... oi.O-·

-- a...wa, Uolill a., Colle! Pull .,_ JDcMa IDIIb. 0111arw c.. .... ,. .... ; .... " ....... -lv..~_anaullll~llull­:._.~:llna JMIIItla. . . ....

'Wtlltest oq - Melanie KI'Rnf'; orowne~t' .,_ IIIII, ONnbelt 1177, OldeR Dog , - Traoy Hortslwap; · ...... 0.. 8lowtna (1st place Lou'" 'l'o•IJII nt. Wea,llll a 'I'Oiilllllllt, Dag - .... J'reneb; prile - I A,MC I Theatre pUsu) IJIUilllllg OI'OWII, a-. llaol'-laltb Blaa"-t DOc - BI7Ul JO¥etL; lilt~ Jolin Murray; 11141 plaae, lrwn _.., 11114 ~-a llouquet 8lukert oat _ lAura Lynn JC;ur-- Jllrlo Ooebl; lrd plaoe t~ Alellaildr" ol 1~ s&eaiMI ,.._. Ule. IM'W

' aMinld, · Bl'laa and. ·AID)' Abbott; CJoelll. Ml11 Ondllelt tool! IIFI' lrM ollc-1...,._ QaWii - Jenn.lfer and AI- ~ Walli <t"' to a feet) Uet lal wallc doWft U. r&IDp to '"·" 1'-~. lilllela and Jltwte'r 0o- pa.. pNe - I Beltwll PJa:la 'J.'he.. appaau. ol.. tile ......... -be, lllrlo Hup; IIIII DnMd- .,..~ ,- . • ... rpoiiU ... - Onenb<!lt Dawa K•rhtlld,·'fta& BI'OWII, Tva 'ta ,-. Jaollle Mc~Clnaey; 11141 ~ ...,. ,_nte.t on BI'CIWII; ~ ;. Amb- J-., pi&MtoUs&Qobelly. IAU.._.\W -..... _. .... In .. --- r Get ...... ..,.; IICIIt Colors - feet tall ..., . &Ill lilt place ~ ~-~~--... .... I...,. IIMie .. lisle, .b- ..._ wu IUIIIIIIIJ' .......... ; tiler ...... .._ ....... ft!t: IWia-........ ..., .._..,,...,_ ... ,..., MOoeb. · . '* ._.... ..... -= ::.:.. -.:::r ~ ,.; ..... ,;.; ,.;,. - -.,.. - .... .... ......_.,._... ..... ..,., ........ .....,.~ .... ~ -~ ...... ,..,.._,. lilt ..... ·-· Ll.a a....,; after'. 114lalltF ..... a.· IIIII-- - ~ .... ~ ltWJ ; ......... .., .,... • ..., ....... ....., ... : ..... ~---~---..... .... ~ lllllFI'; 4th plaoe, llltllul ...... _... . .... hltla ....... ~eft~- CJIIilliuw. los; .,..,... a. .:. ..... ; IIDit TaDiatlft - lola ----~ TWit.-

. olllllt ... - ....... ....,

1-.--~-­............. ......, .. ...., ................ ~i'+ .... ' ' ,.

eduatlon &lid or tsMhlq. Ilia -.... at --~ ...... ,lilt; ftllllty. ' ' -' - ·"-~

Thursday, ~r _,, Wit


C.ninll•fn..rtii -~ .... Alan Alllllelw

I thought tbat the Labor Det -Featlvel Coaulllttee nalb' did a ~ job thla ,_.. In puttlq our ffltlt:ll toptber; ·

VIewing tile wMII... fiiiJII .• t.....,.. Wle for tilt-. *!!l;-e:iM, m..,- tblnp were lri'*' a aw M well u lllt-.tln; .otllrr ._ - - pun fua. 11"'7 .... then .... ._...-~-~hoWL ...... Oallala4K . ..., _..... n_..._....,...,.,_.._.

.ot' ......... --~·....-..: ·U..-IJ 1' ....... ....

ot.tlle ............... ... ,~ ... ....,., .... -... .... , ........ ~ ......... ..... net-lliii~Moe~~wu._. .... tllla' ,..,,.. ' '

-,.._,~....­~,....._ .......... ... , .. ~ .. -,., t

;;til~ ..... ...... ,, .::;.:.• "~ ... -~ ---: ....... ·- ...... till. ........................ ...... ~ ........ - , .. -.



i , ~-I


I 1 -i


j I



I I· I


H t: ' I

. ··



· .. ' .... , '

·, .

Gla·d It's Spellman


She. Stifl


The Difference

In Congress



Sept. 12; 1978

l:lu~·m• for Spellman Comm.itt.tot>; 8000 Greenb<>lt Rd.. Greenllf'lt, Md. 207'70. A copy of our t<'­

)lor: •• fil .. d w1th th.. F"d"r .LI EH•(•tion CnmmiBsion and iti B\'ailllblt· for )IUr<·ha•t· from th<' F..-dt>ral . EleC'tloll Commission. WuHRll\i'ton. b.C. 2048.~. By Au-

, thurrty of JOIN'ph F: McBrid<·.


·PISS8081 'lATE

CO.pounftcl Daily from clay of deposit


Hecti.we Annuol Yield • 6.2.7•o


Saturday t-12

8 Mon.-Thur. 1-1.

. F!'U)' 1.-1·


. Monday. Sept 4

Twil ,._ S.n. a· 1.- Alii. 1osc ... ....., .

·--o.-........ 10770 41 ......

........ e. ..... ~ Mlill••-. .•• ,~1[? ... , ..

.-a .. - .......... -... ..,_ .......... ,. ......... u ..... ,..,__,_,,_.:

...... "!. __ ... ,_.

tA !I!Wen•!e! ......_......, 11......,... ~ ..... for early ~wal)

......... sMh .. -=- Inn WIU c...r...n . . a.~" ..... .,_,.,...- -.. ·'-........... ..,... .... .......... -- ....... , - ........... _ .. ~0011*~ '. . .... ~·~=---·-- ...... ......, ·-.' ....... .

. I



FOr lnaurluit:e CaD:

Don W. Taulelle ._Edm11.,.....U Gnoenbelt. M4. .,.

. 474-5007 Llk~ • rood .. ....,_, llkat~ farm Ia ~

8tUe Farm In•urance Cam_.. a- O:llices: Blllllllllqtcm, '01.

Capable • •

Former school

teacher, attorney

and life-long

· Gre~nbelt


. . 0



Wondering Where to Get

Enough CA$H to All thot long Christmas list?

Stretch your· dollor$ an·d

give your gifts that per-

sonal touch at

'P4t-£, (3e"alllk4 J5:J C'ENTERWAY. GREE!'<BELT, MD.

Classes Now Forming:· ; 345-5443 f'.eramif•M: Tuf'tlda~· - 7 :li> p.m. MIMlnun.-: Wednl!lldlly - 1 :lio p.m. • Tbunocla)' • 1:1Ap.m.

Special C"rlttmas Decorations Workshops

Concerned • Committed •

Tony McCarthy





.F. Anthony. McCarthy For Del~gate - Greenbelters Say of Him -

/\; a pros~cutt>T, Ton_,. pn•n·cl 1<• i.>t· " fun·<·lul advoc~(~ for tl)t· p<•oplt- of our

t·ommun111: Wt net•d nwr: of ht, abtltty m Allflappl15.

John A dt•Kowzan

Pnnctpal A>ststant

Stiitt>,_Att<>rtle~· for Prince Geor~:e's County.·

As a teache1 111 H•elt h>tnt. Tun,· Mc·Carth' ,howed .c'Qn~istent concern for the.

>l'udenb and lilt· ttui!l•t.' of tht·tt t·dtll·alll•n Ht-'11 >h(Jw the same concern for

· K~thnnt• Gc•u~:t•

Kathennc Kt-t·n~

F.hzabeth Man·,,,.

WhilE"- on ,ht· GHI Aud1t Comrmtt<·t· ;md ''"·Greenbelt's Advi~<)ry Planning

BOard. Ton)· M.cCarthy ha~ >hown a. t·contm•tnwnt tv maintaininl! the e-x<'E'lle-nce .

of 01.11 <·ommumt.'. · Ht•'Jl ha\'(• that '"""'· romnutmenl as our <'lf'lt'lil~l1' ...

Donald Volk

- Tony Says - ·

I am runmn~: bfocause I want lu ser,.,. our ,.,,mmunity. 1 endo111e Jerry Devlin •

Charlet R~·an and Ed Conroy becauM• I ht'lu•v,. tlw~· will bl." able to best aer\re

~r~belt ,and tf1!'. f'nhrf' 24th .lf'lldatl\'t' d"tri 1·t

Vote For McCarthy Next Tu•day, Septembcw 12

- "A Great fMm for 8reen ... lt''

' .

~ -· ---· ·-) . '


GREENBELT Cottncilrnttn Charla S.Mn Says

"Everyone knows .that t\410 WO. .,nJ11 ed by Del. Gerard F. Devlitl•ahted the City Council to lower ita tu fate all,__, the highway users .. aAf h police aid bill . . . . This. alone has earned him re-election.

"But. he did md"e, much more, than tWa in the area of tat ftJilullion. Aa a key member of the Ways arid Means Committee he led the ·fitht lot:

• An Increase In the lnflatten _...w,_. f .. r property owners Benefitting 8551000 ...... ~MI--ners . · ,

• lxten~lng the circuit bireak•r to peraons under 60 and broadenlq eltlf-blllty for seniors · . ·

· · Benefitting 227,000 new famlll• . .

• Continuing th• 15o/o aa .. slment limit . Benefitting 90,000 homeowners

• Permitting Income tax deduction for child care . Benefitting 50,000 (mostly working mothera)

• lncreaslnl pension and disabled allowance exclusion . frem avera.- Social Security IJeneftt to m~xlm~m . · · · ·

Benefitting 112,000 taxpayers, mostly seniors

• lllmlnatlng county contribution to ~edlcalcl, saved P.G. toxpayet.t $3.1 ·. million . ·

. .

Benefitting all P.G. taxpayers and 855,000 totcif:across the •tat• • Increased schoo.l aid by $26.7 million to the counties.

Benefitting 855,000 property tax payws

·oN DIS RE~ORD.RE·ELE~T . . ' . '



CONROY • Senator . .


. ·--.P,......u'78·:-. . .. : '•. .. \ t ·.

' I

. )·

' '

-•. ~-~· --,.-.. ·-··


SUNDAY 10a.m.-4p.m. MONDAY 10a.m.-9p.m.


Whole Be1eless IDTTOM. af)IID

qJT TO ORDER TUES.-SAT. 10a.m.-7p.m.

. I

U.S • .NO. 1 -· . WHITE .I· fb.1.28

-- 1

.~ '



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6'h.oz CAN . ".

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Peanut Butter · 11'0L. dac .

Jar . ..,..,-.


.. 1.57 I '


!!~~~~% F~~· -1.47 . RmnpRoaat lb. 1.76

lb. 2.18 Eye ROqnd Roast ..


·Macaroni •·c·h·eese · ~o;.s .. ·a· c

. Pkg, ,


Orange· Plus · ' .41t · 6-0z.·

' Can •. !"



8-0z •. · •.. ·._ c . . Ctn.


Thursday, September '1, 19'18


BEEF 75% LEAN, 25% FAT






.. lb.1.28 Boilel•••

·shoulcler Ro•t

•. 1.57 .. · ·1; ·. Ch=Mk 1481 rm ~ • ;.. ...... B~ I WIRE SPEQAi OF .THE WFB

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12 Pack · WAIM ' 3.38 12~. Cant. . . . .ONLY

nursday, September '1, 1178

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1Jrhttt ltnrgt' s Cltnuttt!J

10.,· . . . ,.,., ....._ OF

• U.S. CAPITOL ""llloaf

a 24th :r.esisiat~ve ~strict ...... .. . · .. ·.

L • .,.. t 1st Counci~anic District .:·. . ' .,

Here roughly are the voting areaa of which Greenbelt ia a part. Greenbelt belong• to 'tne 24th

Legiala~ve. ·District for purpose of electing a State Senator and three membera of the Houle ot Dele ... ' .

174ter to. the .Ma!'11land Gentral ANembltl, Greenbelt 'allo t.'Otel far eleuen count11 eotmdl~. liz ol whom are runntnQ at tarQe, the othara tram dtltricta '" which thev relide. Greenb~lt u pian of the

. . lit Councilmonli! Diltrict for thtl purpoae. Greenbelt u al.o part of the 5th U.S. ConQf'l!lltoncd Dil· ·

· trict which occuptea the no+them hcllf of Prlnce Georgea COiil'iti/. · ' .. .

Not 1hooin on the map u the ncond ~ehocil board diltnct. The diatnct tncluder Greenbelt, Riv~ ' -- . .

erdale, · Umvertity Pcirk; and part• of· Hvatt.tVIIIe. f.ollege Park and Lanham.

. . .

. .. '•




' '



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Would · like to serve your · . I

needs in .the. Printing Line • f

Call' Us for Free Estinlates on . . .

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. . . .... 1

! .


! i. I

I' I


We're Pro·ud To Live In Gr&enbelt-­We Want to Be Proud To Liv~ In Maryland Too

Linda Braun Ann Brown Charles and Pat Brown Ray and La.el Carriere Helen C. Colley Roy and Beverly Colvin Mike Cooper Stephanie Cornett· J. Davis Judy Dovel Marge Feeney · Fred and Mary Ford Jeffrey Gallagher

· Frank and Jeanette Gordy Joseph Hanyok Wanda and Ed Hurley Bob and Peggy Johnson Lee and Lynette Johnson Karen JuqllaJia Pat and J08Dile Kane

Jerrlann Kin« David Kremnitzer John.A. Lann Bill and Rosanne McCloskey Bernie McGee . John M. Moneelli Francine Nisenoff Kathy Palmerton Deanne Peltin Eileen Peterson Bob Phillips Selene' Robinson Howard· T. Savage Bruce Seligrnann Sherrie Specht Jan and Jean Turldewicz Joanne and Don Volk Edgar Weber Marla Weisenberg rom White

Vote TED .VEJ"4ETOULIS, Governor ANN STOCKETT, Lt•. Governor

The D~tk Primary, Tuesday, September 12 · b7 au~ of Uui V...,toulla for Oow"* CoiJiun1Uee

.. · -~...;..:..-'-~· . · ~ .. . · Willard B. AIDOII, TI'NI.


K ..

'Y ...... renner pulll~ver 38-B ·

We •Pf01'l the reoeleetion of Le.ley Kreimer becauee •

I. ,._ vole for Letley it a vote for an educational eyetem that eervee ..U atudent.t-at:ademlc and non-. .......,.., haadleap~ ad gifted, 88' wen 88 etudente with •peclal le~rning problem• ·.

2. · J..i., .... · p~poeed· eoutru.etive· alternadne tQ tw.o lm)tortant IMuet for Gree-.bel~ . school· ................ . -.,-dletauee.bueinl fo~ racial· Hlance throop the developmeDI of mapet . .....,. ...,... tehoola, aad -....w ua.e of aee~~ aehOol•paee. . . .

I .......... .f.% ,.,..-d...·Leeley· h. .....t·.• dae Sda~l ~.the ·hu;bro\llht a~' rea~ ............ , ..... paapoeedte to .U of ... Board' ..............

4.. · ~ td .... oar 111,oft ~ the tra1y _..abOut· the e.t.Jau~ eavtro,;nnent.o~ our · .. -' .. ,. ·. .. . ·.·. . . . . h. . . . .

·, r.

1Ca111r1ae Qoup. 0.. Volk ·. · · . ......_...... IM·.JCibUcm ............. .. ..... . '· ~ ...,. llclwud Hooper .--.._......., .,. ....... ........... ~ ...... . --.. ........ ... llenon ~~· ~ . :m;.ZC:, . . . = ........... ·~· --- ..... . ~ .......... . . Ollila Oaltla ... a.. Dwla .................. . . 1:-...~.

., .......... :' fL. . . . . . .. \ ., ..


: ...

~-,;:,._r::.o,__, __ ... _.iiiT.o;T--._riiJIWilll"""'L~.,;-... =._:::;:_:!!"" .. !:Ci!;',;;;-'C_;,t.';..:· ';;.'c:.;-,.· .::;'·.:..· .:..·.;.,"",(r~~ ·q---, .• , .. ,.~,. !"'''c-._,,-.--'-'·'-·'- --:a» ·--- .~ • .. _"?'.. * ". ~ .... ~·.· I' -~i

. ! ··'

' .

I· .,I. . ~ .. :.>.,;,·' •· ·- ., • ' ·~·1>

Q)ncnbrlt ABP I~ COtl~ . - . About .. Refiiin. g. 'P•tition· .ms ....• ~. ·. ' - f-'l.;>-1" • ''I (

. . ' . . ·.-·:~- ' ...... ~ .. · .. ::·· . - - .· · · · · -. SboA:p·~rr:.. · -.~~-~... .--·; .. ,, ··. .· .. ,-...... · .. otzm'~ .... ~~(~ AN· !NDJP!NDINI' NMIP~ . APB declded totnva. tima~ ~-;... ,

Vo,lume 41, Number 43 GR!Elf!liLT, MARYV.ND . T!p4p; !ft"!r!=; lf, 18'71 ::=:r a: ~tb ~lad dilclul tbefr......... ~

Mariel Weidenfeld,· Leslev- Kreimen,.o!:ct~~.=·~ · · J ' betiveen tile future OrMiabel& -IL-l G b ·1 w· . P . - .... ~ ........ uu.y reea et 1nners m ·.nmary r;~w~J:

1»1 Elaine Skolalk areawide, will be fllllln&' Weld1111• Tile f1D181011men.....W.. l1atl 20,000 feet. ~-ter pJa8 ala AlthoUJh our hometown eaa- feld at the poll• In the pneralelec· wen~~ Bftaall ~·lara Ada llwUtutlonal uae of the p~ ..

didatea led the field in several .tlon. Greenbelt cave Jobn Bruaatr Jaioaoe, ~ Rq1luJd Jlar. ahown; tt .. dlllllbaticlu u ._ Democratic racu in Greenbelt, 498 votes, hie Second Dlltrlot total ~~ I!IUe ~.vn:~ J'r~ for a oburvla. : The owaen of · tbe

ide. •"-·cUd. ot. -- · ... wu 1,898. ~ ·-,.. propel't7 illwl~th, have delle-· ~reaw ..... ¥ n .. oua we.u In thla conte.t, the Greenbelt CMu1a 'cart'lecl. the .eat In the lint nated ~ ~ of GNabelt m tile September 12 primary, vote (8,027> wu 44.2'11. of the en- Oounollmalllo Dlltl'lot. '1'lle Re- Jllut u contract P~buen of t1Ht Except tor -the non-partlnn tire Second ot.trlot. (8,8d). pubUoanaln then-.,..,. unop. P&l'Cel. Tblt ownen feel Hmover Board .of . Bducation eonteat. G-.Jie!,t Ow.Ud..._ '· poaed. Parkwq dlould be . the dlYldlna' where llunel Weiden1eld an.d Althouch a hl&'h vote ptter In In the Democratic race for IOV- line between 00111meri:tal pi'OpeftJ 'Lesley Kreinter wlll be squaring Greenbelt, councilman Thomu emor, Greenbeit did'. not follow the on the welt and realdentlal proper.. off in November, no Greenbelt- Wlilte l01t. hll bid for a seat on pattern of .the county which, In ty on the .eallt. The 'land on tbe ers of the Democratic faith will the Demooratlc Central ~ttee tum, wu out of 1tep wl~ the eaat of Hanover l"&rlcwq ~ be on the ballot. for ·the 24th Letrfl!.a.Uve ~t. · State.·· GreeJibeltel'll favored Ted. It and the W1ndl0t G'"" develop-

In a heartbreaker, Anthony Me- Lloyd Jamee, .ahlo wu 11ft IIIIIUC· VenetouUa/A.Im Stockett; - Prince ment II zoned R-10 (hllh-rlle 1811-Carthy, a native eon, loet hie ftnt cesaful candidate tor Central Oom· Georree count¥ cave the nQd. to dentlall. bid for political olllce by only 120 mlttee. Blocked In hll quett for· Blair t- and $ten)' Ha1er but, In votes ID the · House of Delecates a eouDcll.man at lar1e eeat was the State, Harry H~ea and Sam race. Wlnnel'll of the three seabl Democrat John Lally. John Lee 'Bailey reaped the h&rWat. The were Bowie residents Gei'IU'd Dev- Ball Jr. met a similar fate eeeklnc H~ea/Bolrley team Will face the lin with 11~811 votee, Joan Pitkin, the .county executive alot. In tbe RepubUoan atandard. bearers J. · 4,638 and Charles Ryan •.1182. Kc~ Republican primary Fran.cll Porter, Glenn Beall and Arlc Allen. · Carthy'e total w.- •.472 and Mayor runnlnl mate of ·pbe~rlal u­Rich&rd Pllekl pulled 3.838. vo~. plrant Carleton Beall, aaw hie hopes

Ho-ver, In Greenbelt Plleld pr- ' .duhed. nered hllh vote • 1,1"7, ~y- Other eon.-.. 1,281, Devlln·i,1'72, Pnldn-l,oirr and In the hotly conteeted State RYall 8118. <&ie separate boJ on Somate Nee, Edward T. Conroy w.­PI· 8). · · the victor. Hla tai1y for the enUr&

Green better· Alan Vlrta, unoppoa- · 24th Lelfalatlve ot.tl'lot .wu li,OG2, ed In the Republican primary for while challen1er Leo Green ·am· the Houae of Deleptea .will be on . ered '-1138 vot811. In Greenbelt,. the ballot In NovjJIIlber · .. · however, Green edled Pallt Conroy '

Bovd o1 llldu.tloft by liB vote~~. Muriel Weldenfeld captu.fed the . Ooncreaawoman Glad:ya Spellm~

i top 1""'1' ·In botJI· the Gnen'llelt and trounced. her oppo~~ent Davt• J. · the entire Secorid Ollltrlot . of Tomutn In the Democr~c contest ' which Gree1,1beJt Ia a put) Wwa fOt" th• ·a.... oC. Iii ··ftiMtlil,.._ 1,.0. 111111 2.M7 votM ~"' Her ohallencer will be RepubU~ In the aoa•partlll&l). Board of Jlldu- Saul J,' Harrl1. 'The race between cation CODte.llt, LMtey Kreimer, 'County Executive Wlnfteld Kelly who col1eoted 1,136 vote. In Green- and Republican Larry Hop.n Ia belt and a total of 2,1103 votes expected to be bitterly conteated.

·Voter TurnGut

About :I1U Greenbeltere vot.cl In the prtmar:y ~ ·31144 n-..-. 122 R,epul!llca~~~ and 68 . U11&111Uatad. Thla repl't!Hnt.· Mout a · 40% turD· out for tile Democrats alld a 27% turnout for the RepubUO&IUI . Rea'· Ia~ 110teN In· the ejty'1 four preolncbi totaled . 9,.a2. However Greenbelt's n.wellt pnolnct, 21·18, where Onenltriar and Wlndaor G- r11ldeat. YOM, alllo la'Oiudes apartment developmenta outside the lilt)' 1IIIIML.. ...

The .North End precinct had .the hlch.-t turnout - Demoorata IIU%, Repubi!Q&na IHA'Jl,,' Sprlnchlll Lake had the pooreet ahowtn1 - Demo· crata 28.4% and Republicans 19.8%.

C()uncilandAdvisory COmmittee TOur Elderly Housing Construction Site ·

The ownen note that the Green­belt EUt developen woul\f Improve Hanover Parkwq to a 11& lane dual road te the end of the proper-

WHAT GOIS'ON 'l'luin., SepL lt, a ..-. am

BOard Keet1n1, Huilllton J'l, Maa.,lept.U,I.t~ ·

'ell ~. mt Coluloll Cbamtlera •

T-. ..... ·u, 7110 p.na. Eleuor ~It PTM Back to Sehool Nlpt .

~Edith Beaaebamp' new· coat II needed. He added that purpo~e INICIIIII. I&Ulldl;r, craf~, At their first o!Bcial site in• tlw>-top ooat could be patched at dlnlnl -. wltll a IIBIItiD&' capacity I.

spectfc. ot the eldcirly boUa!nl any time, for lqltance to cover of . 711, a .... -, ~. QJUWozA'I'IOK 1. Call to Order · project, Tuesday, Au1• 29, the pU!Ittl, and It ~ould blend rl1ht &ad -.& odaer 1ounp -

, city . CDaDCi1 and the . i:lcJer1y lnTbOIMI p-nt at the ln1JMictton . wl=.::..... ""'::. ·~ tbOrouP . Housinl ,Advisory Committee -ed pleued that the betp col- ftre.Atet;r .,........ ... Tllere ... ua · ·

... Roll·C&Jl . ·'·' a. KWJtaUOn . Pledp of.._.- to the ,._ :' ••

4. Kinutea of MMttnp · . I exprelled enthualum at. the or .of the "'nnoroeeal" ana. the pn.:. e&ttllllve IIPIIDIIler qltem U-proll"'' in COilltruction. era! d•tcn. of the bulldlq would IMQ ........ . .....bout * .

The "t~r IUide" and Ienior lOok ver:y almllar to the nellhbor- buJ141rw: ill .-, ._ of -~~ ...., I. Add.ltlona ~ Apnda by CounaiJa• ... :V...,.

architect for the project, Ste- t.rw GHI hca•. Coun.l:11~8J! Char-· artiHiat lllllt. ~t the hall- 11• pheD L. Parker ot La.WJ'Qee IUld . •• Sohwan and ~homu Whtte _,. _,. 111111 ..., puldle ~ &ad Grimm Arcllitecta, expects the &lao ple&led to note that the roof- throqla * · atdo. . In d!e hall­work Oil 1Jae Olltaid• ot the ijne of the tou.r-~tor;r lltnoture· II. wa,., the &110111 .s-a Will be held buflcSIDI to be completed lOme• falrl;r le~el with the adJ-nt .GHI ope~~ IIJ' Ul elllltawlo _b..._,

OOJoiKt1NICATION8 e. Petltlorul and Reqy.ta 7. Adaalnlltratlve 1\eporta I. Com ...........

tim · th. · end . t .......,_be houaq becauae of the oontour ~ but tben .,. --. 41etaaton wltll-' near. e . o V\:W r the land • In tbe d-. wtdola WID automatlo-

or beiJnn~ of November, aad · Tile ._... a17 obe.U..If -.oJre Ia p~ · the ·81ltire · III'O.Iect abeu1d be The lnWrlar nqa!Ncl a little Tile ...._. wlUIIn tiM! waDI II ~pleted llqiD8tlme In l'ebru- _. lmllablatlCICl to Ylluallll . atwata-, JUt1a1b> 1Mia&11111 wood. ary, ' • mua - • year after ......... to COllie. Tile lltudcllq fcli ~ .. too ~~ but &lao to the IDltlalJNUDd-breald:q. the waDI II In ~~~-. wtdola..,. ,...,.... 8ft..,, . -... ...... lilt ....... - ............ of * loor..... '1'111 -~ "''W~Dd9wt - ..

1be ..... fill ~ ...,_. • the · "i'here an two bulo ·delllu tot 1.-ue a ..... flll-ttaa ap, 111111

~ Oil..:houon - alao...... tile 10o lndlvldua! ~·-- till - .. - - ~ ted wt11111 All old ..,... 11M IIi& Oae aodel, fof ·~ ..-. ... Uae llllt . ...aaiJie of t!lelr -.,....., • &117 1111arta · a1 tb. ....., faturet a cll'ftRa ......., te MIIOI'dlaf to a. 1111111teot. ~ ~ ... ._._,INcllaclr..to 11 'adate a wbtfl ·o11a1r and 1- ,..._elf .. Wbldow oa 'be~' "l'M-.tnot~onoww -..ae~~er modlftcatl- to.malle It 111 _....411ft ...... ~ rv.~...._

-~ .... 'A ·.:~.I

. ; .. ~ · .. :

... .. · w. IIIIGtW 111rpr11e WMII ~ ....,lair a IIIDIIk1.,•4 penon te 117 a IUIIIdll eo ..... ct...._. . UD~ old .... cloat a- oaft t. hfiD/IIIIIIIf. 'l"bttt llll.ltl Tile· 'WU ..... II JII'III&IMilUr Cali · ·tile,.._ are Ill l.ated • a. . ..._.. ...., -~--• 4lillllfi1e pent lor ~ _... tile .CIIIIMII . .._ w,, Tile oew ..... !lave a tU tld4ed lllnr If a a. ·

~A...._. 110 Aualaorlle tilt ~ ........ fill ...... . ~-,.. ........ tbe ...._,... illllt., ...... • - and 1t'or.,. ....._ lllldel' · . ~ -1 1 ••u IPI'lae .. ....._ _. lit....._ • .ink In the lliltbi'OOIII, ~t' Ia Tile four -.11 ._lief• ,,._ :..:="' .... - a. ........ :-t!:.:-.::.::u- to = ..... ~~an4'=

· ' fte 0...... . 8oth IIIOdela have a·IIIIJie W. . u ~ all .._.. · ..... 'l'he -.r obader lllook 1trac1tuft 100m 1arp 8IIOUih fer a· clouiiJI .,_... .,. tile. IDIIItrllotton «

of the ~ II ........ tile '*' or two twin lledl. Tbq have a -tiM p;OJeea 10 fat~ .. Oli!ltakU alalaMd . . II'CIOf Iii-..-,.... -.. .,. fill ldtaiiM. • "•l&t a.tq· ._ · 1w ,.. ......, -··~·r w1t1a •e. .. .,...... ............................. ~ ...................... "'l.thbllr all al ........_ tile 1ledlai!ID and Mltl, aild a U.... Ul J1-* - wtt!l ._.

A ........,.., - n'llltilftle 'lrl~Mnt. oi -e o1o11t ell the llallwar. 'l'lli ·ll'l not ....._ •. .,.., . Iii" .. ...... ...... • ~ .... IIIOIIIIId •traM~ of nat .................. ... ....... *.....,.-- ~ L-L .tt..,. .. , .... , ...... ---.:a·· .,. ........ ....-~=,.....- ..... .... li .............. , .... !'...,, --·.

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~~. .......... _. ' Telmll Ollaft ....... BltU1illnoUI l'lrflill . . .

1t. OoaulaiiDI~ DnelopiDent Blo* Glut. -llthY_......_ . , -· tUI YMr Oolltrut :.. 1111 Year ca.u..t . . .

11. Appaltttnzat 110 llarJiiiM Xul ... Lllpe •ntntq 11 o..at-tetl . . • ., .

1f. ~ 11oa 1W11 aad I ... lJ4.............. . t7,...,.flll...,..........._,.v....-••"='•....., U.lludpt ~fill~ . .-.... ......

aiD&' Oreal II ·. . . . .. u.a-..... ~­.. ....... ~.·

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