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Masa-aki Yamanashi ed. Cognitive Lingusitics. Vol. 15

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﹃語用論研究﹄ 第 19 号(2017 年) pp. 106-117 © 2017 年 日本語用論学会 106 [書評論文] Masa-aki Yamanashi ed. Cognitive Lingusitics. Vol. 1 5 London: Sage Publications, 2016. xlix247 Vol. 1)+253 Vol. 2)+296 Vol. 3)+331 Vol. 4)+295 Vol. 5p. ISBN: 9781446298732 尾 谷 昌 則 法政大学 1. 本書の概要と認知言語学 本書は、日本認知言語学会と本学会の会長を歴任した山梨正明氏が編者となり、イギリ スの SAGE 出版から刊行した認知言語学(Cognitive Linguistics、以下 CL)のアンソロ ジーとも言える 5 巻組の論文集である。1970 年代にその萌芽が見られる CL は、生成文 法に代表される形式主義的な言語観へのアンチテーゼとして主に意味論を中心に発展した が、人間の認知能力という観点から言語能力および言語知識を問い直す試みは、広く音韻 論、形態論、統語論といった領域にまで及び、現在に至るまでその発展の歩みは衰えると ころを知らない。 CL の影響は、もちろん語用論の分野にも及ぶ。これは、すでに古典的名著と呼んでも 過言ではない編者の一連の著作(山梨 1986198819921995)を見ただけでも一目瞭 然であろう。語用論で扱われる主なトピックは、ダイナミックに繰り広げられる言語の使 用と解釈を扱ったものであり、その主体である我々人間の認知活動とは不可分の関係にあ る。そのため、山梨(2001: 179)はいち早く 認知語用論認知能力の観点から、言 葉の使用と解釈の諸相をダイナミックに研究していく新しい語用論の研究と定義した。 さらに、本学会会長の就任講演に基づいた山梨(2009b)では、一見すると静的で自律的 な言語知識として解釈されがちな文法に対しても、具体的な伝達文脈において時間軸に 沿って展開してゆくダイナミックな認知プロセスを重視し、多分に認知語用論の観点を取 り入れたオンライン文法の文法観を提示するまでに至った。近年では、認知言語学の シリーズ書籍の中にも 認知語用論と銘打った巻が設けられており(崎田・岡本 2010小山・甲田・山本 2016)、CL のパラダイムが語用論へ与える影響は、今後ますます大き くなるものと思われる。 さて、本書は 1970 年代に発表された記念碑的な論文からごく最近の論文まで、計 53 編を以下の 5 つの巻にまとめている。少々紙幅を義性にするが、どれも重要な論考であ
19 2017 pp. 106-117 © 2017

Masa-aki Yamanashi ed. Cognitive Lingusitics. Vol. 15
London: Sage Publications, 2016. xlix247Vol. 1253Vol. 2296
Vol. 3331Vol. 4295Vol. 5p. ISBN: 9781446298732


Vol. 1 Theory and Method
1. Newman, J.The Quiet Revolution Ron Langacker’s Fall Quarter 1977 Lectures.
2. Evans, V., B. K. Bergen and J. ZinkenThe Cognitive Linguistics Enterprise An
3. Lakoff, G. : Cognitive versus Generative Linguistics How Commitments Inu-
ence Results.
5. Langacker, R. W. : An Introduction to Cognitive Grammar.
6. Gibbs, R. W. : Why Cognitive Linguists Should Care More About Empirical Meth-
7. Johnson, M. and G. Lakoff : Why Cognitive Linguistics Requires Embodied Real-
8. Rohrer, T. : Embodiment and Experientialism.
9. Fillmore, C. : Some Thoughts on the Boundaries and Components of Linguistics.
10. Talmy, L. : The Relation of Grammar to Cognition.
Vol. 2 Cognitive Phonology and Morphology
11. Lakoff, G. : Cognitive Phonology.
12. Välimaa-Blum, R. : Phonotactic Constraints in Cognitive Phonology.
13. Kristiansen, G. : Towards a Usage-Based Cognitive Phonology.
14. Bybee, J. L. : Word Frequency and Context of Use in the Lexical Diffusion of Pho-
netically Conditioned Sound Change.
15. Sosa, A.V. and J. L. Bybee : A Cognitive Approach to Clinical Phonology.
16. Hopper, P. J. : Phonogenesis.
17. Wheeler, D., and D. S. Touretzky : A Connectionist Implementation of Cognitive
18. Bertinetto, P. M. : Phonological Representation of Morphological Complexity - Al-
ternative Models Neuro- and Psycholinguistic Evidence. 19. Besedina, N. : Evaluation through Morphology A Cognitive Perspective.
20. Rhodes, R. A. : What is a Morpheme? A View from Construction Grammar.
21. Janda, L. A. : Metonymy in Word-Formation.
Vol. 3 Cognitive Grammar and Syntax
22. Fillmore, C. J. : The Mechanisms of Construction Grammar.
23. Langacker, R. W. : Constructions in Cognitive Grammar.
24. Goldberg, A. E. : Constructionist Approaches to Language.
25. Croft, W. : Logical and Typological Arguments for Radical Construction Grammar.
26. Lakoff, G. : Linguistic Gestalts.
27. Lakoff, G. : Syntactic Amalgams.
28. Hopper, P. J. : Emergent Grammar.
29. Langacker, R. W. : Metonymic Grammar.
19 108
30. Gries, S. Th. : Towards a Corpus-based Identication of Prototypical Instances of
31. Stefanowitsch, A. and S. Th. Gries. : Collostructions: Investigating the Interaction
between Words and Constructions.
Vol. 4 Cognitive Semantics
32. Fillmore, C. J. : An Alternative to Checklist Theories of Meaning.
33. Langacker, R. W. : Context, Cognition, and Semantics: A Unied Dynamic Ap-
34. Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson : Conceptual Metaphor in Everyday Language.
35. Goossens, L. : Metaphtonymy The Interaction of Metaphor and Metonymy in Ex-
pressions for Linguistic Action.
36. Talmy, Leonard. : Force Dynamics in Language and Thought.
37. Fauconnier, G. and M. Turner : Conceptual Integration Networks.
38. Coulson, S. and T. Oakley : Blending and Coded Meaning - Literal and Figurative
Meaning in Cognitive Semantics.
39. Clausner, T. C. and W. Croft, W. : Domains and Image Schemas.
40. Dodge, E. and G. Lakoff : Image schemas From linguistic Analysis to Neural
41. Gallese, V. and G. Lakoff : The Brain’s Concepts The Role of the Sensory-Motor
System in Conceptual Knowledge.
Vol. 5 Cognitive Linguistics and Related Fields
42. Tomasello, M. : First Steps toward a Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisi-
43. Dabrowska, E.The LAD Goes to School A Cautionary Tale for Nativists.
44. De Rycker, A. and S. De Knop : Integrating Cognitive Linguistics and Foreign
Language Teaching Historical Background and New Developments.
45. Croft, W.Linguistic Selection An Utterance-Based Evolutionary Theory of Lan-
46. Freeman, M. H. : Cognitive Linguistic Approaches to Literary Studies State of
the Art in Cognitive Poetics.
47. Lakoff, G. : The Neuroscience of Form in Art.
48. Sweetser, E. : What Does It Mean to Compare Language and Gesture? - Modali-
ties and Constrasts.
49. Nñez, R. E. : Conceptual Metaphor and the Cognitive Foundations of Mathemat-
50. Deane, P.Neurological Evidence for a Cognitive Theory of Syntax Agrammatic
Aphasia and the Spatialization of Form Hypothesis.
51. Feldman, J. and S. Narayanan : Embodied Meaning in a Neural Theory of Lan-
52. Kravchenko, A. : Cognitive Linguistics, Biology of Cognition and Biosemiot-
ics Bridging the Gaps.
Masa-aki Yamanashi ed. Cognitive Lingusitics. Vol. 1 5 109
53. Zlatev, J. : Cognitive Semiotics An Emerging Field for the Transdisciplinary
Study of Meaning.
2007, Vol. 1: 19 CL1 3 CL Langacker 2003, Vol. 4 3 CL
1991 CL Gibbs 2007 Johnson & Lakoff 2002Rohrer 2007 Talmy
1988Fauconnier 2003CL Langacker 1986 Evans, Bergen and Zinken 2007 Newman 2004Langacker 1977 UCSD elaborationp. 6-7 p. 8-9 p. 9-12
19 110
p. 13 12 p. 13 13 Langacker i ii iii ivKats & Fodor 1963semantic primi-
tives “I sent a walrus to Antarctica.” “I sent Antarctica
a walrus.” to p. 91 Gibbs 2007, Vol. 1: 127Langacker 1986, Vo. 1: 79Langacker Evans, Bergen and Zinken 2007, Vol. 1: 29 CL
2.2. 2 CL Lakoff Chomsky and Halle 1968 M PW
Masa-aki Yamanashi ed. Cognitive Lingusitics. Vol. 1 5 111
construction Wheeler and Touretzky
model Bybee 2002 Janda 2011 phonogenesis Hopper 1994HopperGivón 1971: 413 “today’s morphology is yesterday’s syntax.” “today’s phonol-
ogy is yesterday’s morphology.” p. 119
2.3. Fillmore 1988inheritance Langacker 2003 Radical Construction Grammar Croft 2005Goldberg 2013 Oxford
“” Lakoff 1974,
1977 Lakoff 1974 chunks of lexical materials syntactic amalgams p. 169“John invited you’ll never guess how many people to his party.” “John invited a lot of people to his party.” “John invited few people to his party.” “You couldn’t open the door, could you?” 74
19 112
“You couldn’t open the door.” “Could you open the door?”
Lakoffp. 185 Lambrecht 1988Ohara 1996Ross-
Hagebaum 2004 emergent grammar Hopper Clifford 1986: 19 Haiman 1991, 1994 routinization Bolinger 1961, 1976Langacker 1987, 1988 Usage-based Model Croft 1996, Vol. 5
2.4. Fillmore 1975 Talmy 1985 CL Johnson and Lakoff 1980Metaphors We Live By
Goossens 1990met-
aphtonymyFauconnier and Turner 1998 Clausner and Croft 1999Langacker 1987
Masa-aki Yamanashi ed. Cognitive Lingusitics. Vol. 1 5 113
Dodge and Lakoff 2005 Langacker 2003 iii iii “The cat is on the mat.” assertion interactive frame “And George Bush is wise,
intelligent, and intellectually honest.” Langacker 2003, Vol. 4: 312
A B augmentation Langacker 2003, Vol. 4: 45
2 request frame
declarative clause
declarative clause
assertion frame
declarative clause
assertion frame
irony frame
declarative clause
assertion frame
request frame
1982 Langacker
2.5. CL Tomasello De
Rycker and De Knop Freeman Sweetser Zlatev LakoffDeaneFeldman Croft 1996 2.3 Hopper
1988, Vol. 3
Basic Unit
Recurrent Usage
Augmented Unit
19 116

Bolinger, D. 1961. “Syntactic Blends and Other Matters.” Language, 373, 366-381.
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