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Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

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Page 1: Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs
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Name: Abraham Harold MaslowBirth date: April 1, 1908Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York Parents: Samuel and Rose Maslow

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Maslow believed that human behavior can be

explained by the individual’s tendency to seek

personal goal states.

Motivational processes are the heart of his

personality theory.

In Maslow's system, as one desire is satisfied ,

another surfaces to take its place.

Motives are innate and they are arranged in an

ascending order of hierarchy of priority.

Low orders must be at least somewhat satisfied

before an individual can be motivated by another

higher-order needs.

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However, there are certain exceptions to this


For eg, there are people who are willing to suffer

hunger or even die rather than renounce them.

This was proposed in his paper – A Theory of

Human Motivation, in 1943.

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Mostly, literal requirements for human survival

If not met, the human body cannot function

Metabolic needs – air, water, food, rest

Could be classified as basic animal needs

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Once physical needs are met, safety needs take


Health and well-being

Financial, job security

Safety of property against natural disasters,

calamities, wars, etc

Law & order

Certain types of neurotic adults are motivated by

the search for safety.

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Need to love and be loved

Need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance

Small groups – clubs, office teams, school/college


Large groups – political parties, Sports teams,


Not being loved generates feelings of futility ,

emptiness and hostility.

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Maslow divided these into 2 types: self-respect and

esteem from others.

Self respect includes things like competence,

confidence, adequacy, achievement, independence

& freedom.

Esteem from others include prestige , recognition,

acceptance, attention, reputation etc.

An individual needs to know that he or she is


Satisfaction of this need leads to feelings of self

confidence, self-worth, strength and capability.

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If all the lower needs are satisfied , the need for self-

actualization comes to the fore.

Self-actualization is the person’s desire for self-


To reach the peak of one’s potential.

What a man can be, he must be

Intrinsic growth of what is already in a person

Growth-motivated rather than deficiency-motivated

.Rarely happens - < 1%

Acceptance of facts, spontaneous, focused on

problems outside self, without prejudice.

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Maslow (1970) speculated that the average person

has his/her needs met to these levels:

• 85% - Physiological

• 70% - Safety & Security

• 50% - Love & Belongingness

• 40% - Self-Esteem

• 10% - Self-Actualization

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Many people are simply blind to their potential.

They neither know that it exists nor understand the

rewards of self-enhancement.

Actualization, on a mass basis is possible only

under “good conditions”.

The growth process demands a certain willingness

to take risks, to make mistakes, to break old habits.

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1. Perception of reality:

The most universal characteristic of these

superior people is their unusual ability to perceive

other people correctly and efficiently, to see reality

as it is, rather than as they wish it to be. They

have a better perception of reality and more

comfortable relations with it. They do not allow

their desires and hopes to distort their


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2. Acceptance of self, others, and nature:

Self-actualizers accept themselves as they are,

and are not ashamed or guilty about their human

nature, with its shortcoming, imperfections, and

weaknesses. They are also able to accept others in

the same without trying to control them or perfect

them in any way.

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3. Spontaneity, Simplicity, Naturalness:

Self actualized people are spontaneous, simple,

and natural. In other words, this kind of person is

not concerned with being as others think they

should be. They are individuals who are able to do

what feels good and natural, simply because that is

how they feel. • Imperfections Self-actualizing

people are individuals who are aware of the fact

that they are not perfect, that they are as human as

the next person, and that there are constantly new

things to learn and new ways to grow.

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4. Problem Centering:

They are committed to some task,duty,vocation,or

beloved job.

They are not ego-centered but oriented towards

problems beyond their immediate needs.

5. Detachment:

They prefer solitude and privacy.

They are viewed by “normal” people as aloof,

reserved, snobbish and cold.

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6. Autonomous:

The self-actualizing person is autonomous

meaning they are capable of doing things for

themselves and making decisions on their own.

They are strong enough to be independent of the

good opinion of others.

7.Continued freshness of appreciation:

Self-actualizing people have the capacity to

appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the

basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and

even ecstasy.

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8.Peak or mystic experiences:

They have moments of intense excitement and high tensions as well as to those of relaxation, peacefulness, blissfulness and stillness.

9.Social interest:

They have a genuine desire to help improve the mankind.

There is a special kind of brotherhood.

10. Interpersonal relationship:

Self-actualizing people have deep interpersonal relationship with others.

These relationships are more likely to be with others who are also self-actualized.

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11. Democratic Character structure:

Self-actualized people are said to be democratic. They are able to be friendly with anyone no matter what their background ,class or beliefs are.

They believe it is possible to learn something from everyone.

12.Discrimination b/w means & ends:

Self-actualizing people have a clear sense of distinction between right and wrong conduct and have little conflict about basic values. They often see as end in itself all what others usually see as means (e.g. eating or exercising).

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13.Sense of philosophical humor:

Self-actualizing people laugh but their laugh is

never at expense of others feelings.


Creativity was more prominent in self-actualizers

than others.

It maybe humble in nature and can touch virtually

all the person’s activities.

15.Resistance to enculturation:

These people are in harmony with their culture yet

maintain a certain detachment from it.

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Deficit motives are also known as D-Motives.


a. Their absence produces illness.

b. Their presence prevents illness.

c. Their restoration cures illness.

d. Under certain complex free-choice conditions, they

are preferred by the deprived person over other


e. They are found to be inactive in a healthy person.

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Growth motives are also known as B motives or


They are distinct goals associated with the inborn

urge to actualize one’s potential.

They do not involve the repairing of deficit states.

Unsatisfied metaneeds make an individual

psychologically “sick”.

The resulting illness is known as “metapathologies.”

Apathy,alienation,depression & cynicism are some

of the so-called metapathologies.

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