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Mass displacement and health care crisis

Date post: 18-Mar-2018
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Mass displacement in Oromia and the crisis : An insight into current situation in Ethiopia 1

Mass displacement in Oromia and the crisis :

An insight into current situation in Ethiopia



• Overview of current Ethiopia

• The TPLF (Tigriyan people s Libration Front) -the dominant wing of the ruling party

• ethnic conflict and mass displacement. Why targeting one group?

• current political and humanitarian crisis

• Who will be accountable?

• The role of international community and the Ethiopian people

• Health care concerns for displaced people and call for actions



• Ethiopia is a home for over 90 million people.

• The Oromo people account ~ 50% of the population (over 40 million)

and the largest ethnic group followed by the Amhara.


Peoples’ uestio a d egi e feed a k

• Extreme oppression by the TPLF regime. disrespecting the peoples basic questions and human


• Over the quarter of century specially the past 4-5 years

• Evictions of farmers from their land and property in the name of development

• Violent protests throughout the country

• Students protest throughout Oromia (primary schools to universities). Qeerroo

• Beatings, harassment, arrests, torture, and murders. e.g irreechaa massacre, mass murder in calanqo

• Command post was as a cover

• Political unrest throughout the country. Pressure on the regime

• The TPLF remained deaf to

• the question of people, reformists within the regime and the international community

• continue committing crime, corruption , refused independent investigators

• denial of the reality, ignorance and arrogance



• Political unrest shaken up the regime

• The regime aggressively counteracted to silence the voice of people

• Targeted two major ethnic groups as a threat (Oromo and Amhara)

• Rapidly increasing number of demonstrations throughout Oromia and in Amhara region.

• Divert attentions by inciting conflict in various part of the country

• mass detention, torture, massacre

• over 700,000 people displaced from Ethiopia-somali region and became refugee in their own home land

• Over 100,000 in bale zone

• Created tension, conflict within the regime, forced the ruling party reform itself 5

A disaster never seen in such a scale- planned and systematic




Resistance and anger



• External pressure (people) and tension within the party led to reform within and

between sister parties

• The reform was real for some parties but seems pseudo for others

• Many political prisoners released mainly in Oromia region. A good move by the OPDO but

• Federal state prisoners (under the power of TPLF). The OPDO seems unwilling or not able to interfere in this

• Some are in a very serious medical condition (e.g. Bekele gerba, Ahmedin Jabal) denied proper medical care

• Tension within and between parties still unresolved

• Blame shifting to reformists , using all the means to divert people s attention and

create instability

• High level of unity which has never been seen for the past 100 years or so

• The people, Qeerroo seems waiting in patience If no response, the consequence may cost the TPLF and its servant parties


What has been done so far?

• Neither attention nor support has been offered by the federal state

• All NGOs in the country remained silent about this serious issue

• The Oromo people have been offering their endless support for

displaced people

• The move of Lammin lammiif

• Great unity never seen in history

• There are ongoing work regarding permanent resettlement . May take time,

massive finance , beyond the capacity of Oromia 11

Public health concern

• Such a large-scale population displacement, unplanned mass gatherings cause

disruption to critical infrastructure

• Economy, health care of the country

• Those displaced are still facing immense challenges in meeting their basic


• No Food, water, shelter, health care

• Some are already starving to death- unbelievable and unacceptable in 21st century

• Vulnerable groups (children, elderly, pregnant and nursing mothers, critical ill and those with chronic

conditions) have no access for basic medical care and medicines

• High risk for communicable diseases and complications of existing conditions 12

Actions- short term solution

• Communicable disease surveillance systems should be in place

• Surveillance and vigilance about outbreaks

• medical services and personnel

• Access to medical care and medicines (human and financial resource)

• Health care workers within the country, volunteers

• Ethiopian diaspora trained in health discipline

• Health care/doctors without boarders etc

• Other (money, medicines, medical device, clothing and other donation etc)


Long term • Relocation to permanent settlement

• Ongoing project in various parts of Oromia. When?

• Job opportunities in new settlement areas

• Rehabilitation services for those experiencing trauma because of displacement, family and property

loss, and torture by the regime

• Ensuring security and safety of all inclusive- regardless of their ethnic background, religious beliefs

and political views. Should start with releasing all political prisoners

• Resisting the single ethnic group dominance in economy and military

• Respecting freedom of speech, media, political views and religious beliefs

• Working towards the common interest of the Ethiopian people 14

Mohammed AM

[email protected]

