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Masterclass: Advanced Strategies on LinkedIn [New York]

Date post: 22-Jan-2018
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Advanced Strategies On LinkedIn

Advanced StrategiesOn LinkedIn

Sally Johnson Megan Eskenasi

Your Presenters

Phil Han

Ice Breaker

Turn to your neighbor and share your favorite thing about Fall.

You’ve Launched Campaigns, A/B Tested, and Know LinkedIn Best Practices….

Now What?

Time to Take Your LinkedIn Campaigns to the Next Level


The Next Step in Targeting: Matched Audiences

↓The Next Step in Strategy:

Marrying Sales + Marketing

↓The Next Step in Reach:

Pairing Products for Impact

↓The Next Step in Conversions:

Lead Gen & Measurement

↓The Next Step for LinkedIn:

Product Roadmap

The Next Step in Targeting:Matched Audiences

Matched Audiences OverviewWhat Targeting Functionality Exists with the Release of

Matched Audiences within Campaign Manager

Matched Audiences OverviewWhat Targeting Functionality Exists with the Release of

Matched Audiences within Campaign Manager

Adding a LinkedIn Insight Tag

IMPORTANT: Skip this step if you already have

an insight tag on your page

Add a lightweight javascript code to your site

Instructions / FAQVideo: Generating a LinkedIn Insight Tag


Only add one tag per website domainMake sure all your domains are listed on the Insight Tag menu or the retargeting segment may not work correctly.


Give the tag some time to buildWhile the tag may take up to 48 hours to build your audience, you can set up your website targeting segments right away.




Copy + paste the Insight Tag code into your site’s global footer, or email the instructions to your web team.

if you already have a LinkedIn tag on your site

If adding the tag to your global website footer is not possible, tag the page(s)

you want to use for website retargeting

While website retargeting may work with an image pixel, javascript tag is recommended





Creating website retargeting

audience segments

Once your account is set up, navigate through the campaign creation flow until you reach the targeting page

Click on Create an audience to retarget

Define the web URLs that will make up your website retargeting segments




Complete setup steps and activate your campaign


Your campaign can begin delivering once your audience segment reaches 300 members



Once you arrive on the targeting page, click on Create an audience to retarget.

User must have “Account manager” or “Campaign manager” access to access website retargeting



Name your audience segment and add the specific web page URLs you’d like to use in your retargeting audience.

Only you and admins managing your campaign will see the audience name

The URLs must belong to a domain you entered in your Insight Tag

You can always come back and add additional URLs to your audience segment




Multiple URLs in one segment are “OR” example: “acme.com/products” OR “acme.com/services”



You have three different website URL options when setting up your website retargeting audience segment.

“Starts with” – Select this option to include any page whose URL starts with these characters.

“Exact” – Select this option to target pages whose URL matches these characters in their entirety.

“Contains” – Use this only on pages whose URL contains these characters.


Let your audience build


Once you’ve finished setting up your audience, click “Done” to proceed.

You can proceed with setting your campaign live or save your campaign as a draft until the audience builds up.

If you set your campaign live, it can begin deliveringas soon as your segment reaches 300 people.

We need sometime to build your audience…


Once you’ve finished setting up your campaign, you can access your retargeting audiences under Tools/Account Assets in the top navigation menu.


Clicking Edit will allow you to edit details on any retargeting audiences you’ve created.You can add any additional URLs if needed here (please note that it will take up to 48 hours to add any additional audiences).


Helpful tips to keep in mind

Audiences will not be matched unless the Insight Tag is correctly installed. Please make sure that the Insight Tag appears as Verified before building your audiences.

Depending on traffic across your website segments, your audience may take time to build. At least 300 members must be matched before campaign can begin serving impressions.

Once at least 300 members are matched, the campaign will launch automatically if you activated your campaign by clicking “Launch.”

Keep in mind broader may be better depending on your site traffic. Test broader website segments before going super niche.



Matched Audiences OverviewWhat Targeting Functionality Exists with the Release of

Matched Audiences within Campaign Manager


Account Targeting


Start by accessing Matched Audiences from the Account Assets menu Once you’re in the Uploaded list audiences menu, click on Upload a list.

Remember, Matched Audiences lists are stored at Account Level. This means that multiple campaigns within the same account can use the same list.

Choose the type of list you are uploading (accounts OR contacts) and follow the correct formatting. Remember to limit to one list per file. We recommend 300 companies or more (maximum 30,000).

Label the header row “companyname”

Select here if you want to upload either a CSV of accounts or contacts

Finish setting up your targeting and launch your campaign.Once you launch your campaign and LinkedIn matches at least 300 members, your campaign can begin delivering. (Please note that it may take up to 48 hours to process)

Don’t forget to launch your campaign! Impressions will begin delivering only after

LinkedIn matches enough members.

You may include or

exclude an account list.

Account lists you’ve created will appear under the Uploaded list audiences tab. In this tab, you can view or add additional account and contact lists.

Targeting using uploaded lists: A few things to remember

Use a CSV file following the correct format using the approved templates

• Check spelling • Avoid using special characters, URLs.• Remove all formatting for optimal match rates.

Avoid hyper-targeting; it could limit scale and delivery of your campaign. This includes:

• Uploading lists that are too small (we recommend at least 1,000 companies or 10,000 emails), or

• Layering too many targeting criteria in addition to the account list.

Target influencers or decision makers for optimal response rates.

Larger lists will likely have better match rates.

Matched Audiences OverviewWhat Targeting Functionality Exists with the Release of

Matched Audiences within Campaign Manager

Contact Targeting Using Data IntegrationsHow to Set Up Within Campaign Manager

Noteworthy Items:

For larger lists, it may take up to 48hrs for the lists to appear

The lists will automatically sync to your marketing automation platform (within 24hrs)

List must hit 300 people before it can be used as a targetable segment, though we recommend lists of around 10,000 contacts for scale


Contact Targeting Using Data IntegrationsUse Cases & How to Measure Success

Use Cases Content How to Measure

Unresponsive or Suspect Contacts

(hasn’t opened email in 6-9mos)

Promote light ungated content; repurpose top performing blog articles and run on Sponsored


Engagement or Movement within Pipeline

(Marketo Interesting Moments or Eloqua Digital Body


Use Cases Content How to Measure

Unresponsive or Suspect Contacts

(hasn’t opened email in 6-9mos)

Promote light ungated content; repurpose top performing blog articles and run on Sponsored


Engagement or Movement within Pipeline

(Marketo Interesting Moments or Eloqua Digital Body


Marketing or Sales Qualified Leads

Overview of the product or platform, product examples,

testimonials and case studiesOpportunity Creation

Use Cases Content How to Measure

Unresponsive or Suspect Contacts

(hasn’t opened email in 6-9mos)

Promote light ungated content; repurpose top performing blog articles and run on Sponsored


Engagement or Movement within Pipeline

(Marketo Interesting Moments or Eloqua Digital Body


Marketing or Sales Qualified Leads

Overview of the product or platform, product examples,

testimonials and case studiesOpportunity Creation

Contacts in PipelinePromote a guide on specific

features; deep product insights & how to guides

Movement in Pipeline (i.e. Exploration Opp to

Proposal or Closed Won)

Use Cases Content How to Measure

Unresponsive or Suspect Contacts

(hasn’t opened email in 6-9mos)

Promote light ungated content; repurpose top performing blog articles and run on Sponsored


Engagement or Movement within Pipeline

(Marketo Interesting Moments or Eloqua Digital Body


Marketing or Sales Qualified Leads

Overview of the product or platform, product examples,

testimonials and case studiesOpportunity Creation

Contacts in PipelinePromote a guide on specific

features; deep product insights & how to guides

Movement in Pipeline (i.e. Exploration Opp to

Proposal or Closed Won)

New Customers / High Value Customers/ Upsell


Product How-To’s, Case Studies, Product Releases or

Industry News that relates back to value prop

Reduced Churn / Upsell & Renewal Rate (Retention


Use Cases Content

Unresponsive or Suspect Contacts

(hasn’t opened email in 6-9mos)

Promote light ungated content; we repurpose our top

performing blog articles and run on Sponsored Content.

Marketing or Sales Qualified Leads

Promote Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide - overview of the platform, product examples, testimonials and case studies

Contacts in PipelinePromote a guide on specific

LinkedIn features - highlighting the power of LinkedIn targeting

New Customers / High Value Customers/ Upsell


Product How-To’s, Case Studies, Product Releases or

Industry News that relates back to value prop

Use Cases Content

Unresponsive or Suspect Contacts

(hasn’t opened email in 6-9mos)

Promote light ungated content; we repurpose our top

performing blog articles and run on Sponsored Content.

Marketing or Sales Qualified Leads

Promote Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide - overview of the platform, product examples, testimonials and case studies

Contacts in PipelinePromote a guide on specific

LinkedIn features - highlighting the power of LinkedIn targeting

New Customers / High Value Customers/ Upsell


Product How-To’s, Case Studies, Product Releases or

Industry News that relates back to value prop

Use Cases Content

Unresponsive or Suspect Contacts

(hasn’t opened email in 6-9mos)

Promote light ungated content; we repurpose our top

performing blog articles and run on Sponsored Content.

Marketing or Sales Qualified Leads

Promote Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide - overview of the platform, product examples, testimonials and case studies

Contacts in PipelinePromote a guide on specific

LinkedIn features - highlighting the power of LinkedIn targeting

New Customers / High Value Customers/ Upsell


Product How-To’s, Case Studies, Product Releases or

Industry News that relates back to value prop

Use Cases Content

Unresponsive or Suspect Contacts

(hasn’t opened email in 6-9mos)

Promote light ungated content; we repurpose our top

performing blog articles and run on Sponsored Content.

Marketing or Sales Qualified Leads

Promote Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide - overview of the platform, product examples, testimonials and case studies

Contacts in PipelinePromote a guide on specific

LinkedIn features - highlighting the power of LinkedIn targeting

New Customers / High Value Customers/ Upsell


Product How-To’s, Case Studies, Product Releases or

Industry News that relates back to value prop

Noteworthy Items:

Need to have content that is tailored to the customer base you are bringing over

Need to be prepared to measure traction and movement within your Contact Management Platform (cpc, cpl, or mql measurement doesn’t truly measure success here)


Leveraging Lists for ExclusionsUsing Existing Data to Tailor Who You’re Messaging

Contact Management

Platforms(Known Prospects

or Customers)

Email Lists(Known

Prospects or Customers)

Retargeting Pools

(Engaged Audience)

We Have the Data...

Website Converters

(Engaged Audience)

Account Lists(Prospect

Accounts OR Competitors OR Clients)

Use Cases Content

Demographic Targeting [EXCLUDING] Known or Engaged Prospects

High Level Content, Introductory Assets, Value Prop/Industry News

Retargeting [EXCLUDING] Current Clients

Educational pieces, Product Options/Demos, Case Studies

Retargeting or Demographic Targeting [EXCLUDING] Competitor List

Same As Above (ensures you are not wasting impressions or sharing your

content strategy)

...Now Lets Use It!

Balancing Accuracy with ScaleAppropriately Integrate Matched Audiences with Your Strategy

DON’T [go too niche]

DON’T [Mix Remarketing with outside Lists]These Two Features will ‘AND’ not ‘OR’

DO [Have a Balanced Strategy]Robust and Accurate Targeting...that’s Balanced

It’s an Art not a ScienceTest What Works Best to Achieve Your Marketing Goals

EXAMPLELet’s Say You Want to Target IT Decision Makers....

EXAMPLEIt Works...But is it the Best?


EXAMPLELet’s Get Robust

FA=IT, Director+ in North America

IT Decision Makers

EXAMPLELet’s Get Robust

FA=IT, Director+ in North America

Site Retargeting

IT Decision Makers

EXAMPLELet’s Get Robust

FA=IT, Director+ in North America

Site Retargeting

ABM List from Field


IT Decision Makers

EXAMPLELet’s Get Robust

FA=IT, Director+ in North America

IT Groups with


Site Retargeting

ABM List from Field


IT Decision Makers

EXAMPLELet’s Get Robust

FA=IT, Director+ in North America

IT Groups with


Marketo Contacts in

Pipeline Site


ABM List from Field


IT Decision Makers

EXAMPLELet’s Get Robust

FA=IT, Director+ in North America

IT Groups with


Marketo Contacts in

Pipeline Site


ABM List from Field


IT Skills with

Manager+ Layer

IT Decision Makers



The Next Step in Strategy:Sales + Marketing:

Better Together

Marrying Sales + Marketing On LinkedInHow To Guide

Sales and Marketing are converging





Marketing is...

❏ Engaging prospects deeper in the funnel

❏ Measuring impact on close rates and sales cycle

Sales is...

❏ Driving brand awareness via social

❏ Playing a bigger role in educating customers


Missing the Mark Lack of Visibility Mixed Messaging

Marketers fail to consistently target and reach the people who Sales deem high-value

Sales lacks visibility into how buyers have engaged with

marketing campaigns and content

Marketing and Sales use different stories and content to communicate with customers

Companies face three challenges while aligning Sales & Marketing


Aligned Sales and Marketing effortsSales and Marketing teams today

What Sales and Marketing alignment could look like

Sales Marketing

✓ Focus on the same buyers

✓ Shared insight and common messaging

✓ Drive revenue together

✓ Targeting different audiences

✓ Lack of collaboration

✓ Misaligned objectives3

Sales Marketing

The Challenge

LinkedIn Campaigns are bringing in leads to your inbound sales teams, but not converting to Sales

Accepted leads (i.e. High Volume but Low Quality)

Marrying Sales + Marketing On LinkedIn

The Challenge

You are having trouble with scaling campaigns that are

targeting your decision maker

Marrying Sales + Marketing On LinkedIn

The Solution

Identify Gaps between your Saved Leads and Target

Audiences. Then adjust your marketing efforts to align

with sales to increase traction and/or expand scale

Marrying Sales + Marketing On LinkedIn

How?Sales Navigator Audience Audit

Engage buyers with personalized


Understandwhat buyers value

Target the right buyers

and companies

Sales Navigator helps sales teams create value in three ways

Sales Navigator companies have seen the following success

*Averages of influenced opportunities based on a June ‘17 analysis of 600+ CRM-synced companies with at least 6 months on contract

Larger Dealswhen using Sales Navigator to connect with decision makers

Higher Win Rateswhen using Sales

Navigator to close deals

Opportunities Sourcedwhen using Sales Navigator to

find customers*


Your Sales Team is heavily focused on the below Industries

Your Marketing Aligns Well With the Top Three Industries

But There is Room for Improvement Among Other Industries


Professional Services


Connect Campaign Manager to Sales Navigator

Unlock an audience you couldn’t target before

Target saved accounts & leads using Matched Audiences

 A solution to nurture your sales team’s high-value accounts and contacts

Coming Soon: Sales Navigator Account and Contact Targeting


You reach these saved accounts and leads with LinkedIn’s suite of

ad products

How does Sales Navigator Account and Contact Targeting work?

Step 1: Sales Activity

Sales saves an Account...

Step 2: Integration Step 3: Ads Delivery

Karen, join FixDex forum to be part of a community for business.

Sales reps identify leads and accounts in Sales Navigator as high-value and

save them

These accounts and leads are brought into Campaign Manager and become



The Next Step in Reach:Pairing Products for Impact

Product Pairing for Event Based ContentSponsored Content + InMail

Sponsored Content + InMail

Sponsored InMail open

rates are 128% higher if users are exposed to Sponsored Content first

Product Pairing for Evergreen ContentSponsored Content + Text Ads

Metric Sponsored Content Alone Text Ads

Conversions 581 405

Conversion Rate 0.35% 40%

Cost Per Conversion $467.73 $25.64

Investment $300k/qtr $10k/qtr

Product Pairing for Evergreen ContentTech Company (Security) | 500 Employees | Privately Held

Product Pairing for Evergreen ContentTech Company (Security) | 500 Employees | Privately Held

SnapCap is an online lending platform that specializes in offering loans to small business owners who are

under-served by banks or who may not have access to capital.

The Next Step in Conversions:Lead Gen & Measurement

Lead Gen Forms

Lead Gen Forms

What You’re Trying to Improve

KPI Will Lead Gen Forms Help?

Conversion Rate CPL Yes, by removing the friction of conversions on mobile devices

Lead Gen Forms

What You’re Trying to Improve

KPI Will Lead Gen Forms Help?

Conversion Rate CPL Yes, by removing the friction of conversions on mobile devices

Marketing Qualified Leads MQL Yes, IF what is hindering the movement to MQL or SQL is the need

for prospects to download more assets or certain assets (demos, free

trial etc.)Sales Qualified Leads SQL

Lead Gen Forms

What You’re Trying to Improve

KPI Will Lead Gen Forms Help?

Conversion Rate CPL Yes, by removing the friction of conversions on mobile devices

Marketing Qualified Leads MQL Yes, IF what is hindering the movement to MQL or SQL is the need

for prospects to download more assets or certain assets (demos, free

trial etc.)Sales Qualified Leads SQL

Opportunity Creation # Of Opps Touched by LI, or end ROI of LI

Not Directly. May be useful to include within your strategy, but pay close

attention to lead quality, and ensuring your targeting is locked in

Noteworthy Items:

Lead Gen forms are only on mobile at this time

Help to reduce the friction of a conversion on mobile

Will help if your main issues are at the point of conversion, but will not be an immediate fix for quality issues that are surrounding MQL/SQL, or overall ROI


Conversion Tracking

Conversion Demographics

Website Demographics

Measure lead quality and advertising ROI

Laptop screen area


Use conversion tracking Measure leads collected on your website with LinkedIn’s free native conversion tracking tool

Use demographic analytics

Ensure you’re converting the right people: Use LinkedIn’s campaign

reporting to measure the types of segments you’re


Measure lead quality and advertising ROI

Laptop screen area



The Next Step for LinkedIn:Product Roadmap


Be the most effective platform for marketers to engage with professionals

Evolving our platform to increase advertiser ROI

Exceedmarketer objectives

Provevalue through

analytics & insights

Simplifyusability of products & capabilities

Targetthe audiences that


Recently Released

Campaign Demographics

Recently Released

Launched in June

Understand who your ads resonate with best

New Targeting Facets

Recently released

Launched in July

Follower targetingTarget members following your

LinkedIn Company Page

Company connection targeting Reach first-degree connections

of company employees

Website Demographics

Recently released

Better understand the audiences coming to your website

Launched in July

Campaign Recommendations

Recently released

In-product recommendations to optimize your campaigns

Launched in July

Campaign Manager Visual Refresh

Recently released

A new look for campaign manager – guidance when you need it, a more

familiar design, easier access to your account assets

Announced in July

LinkedIn Audience NetworkRecently released

Scale your reach by running ads through our partner app network

Launched to all advertisers in September

Exceed Marketer Objectives

LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program Expansion

Media Buying Leverage experts to scale your

LinkedIn campaigns

Marketing Analytics Gain paid and organic campaign

performance insights

Audience Management Target and manage your contacts

more effectively on LinkedIn

For more information, visit go/lmspartners

17 new partners across three new categories


Recently released

Upcoming Releases

Integrate trusted 3rd party tracking to better track results

3rd party impression tracking

Recently Released & Upcoming release

Launching: Dynamic Ads & Text Ads (Q3)Upcoming Release: Sponsored Content (Q4)

Prove Value ThroughAnalytics &


Refreshed Reporting View

Upcoming release

New reporting view to understand performance quickly and easily

Target The AudiencesThat Matter

Prove Value ThroughAnalytics &


Asset ManagementUpcoming release

Share website audiences and uploaded lists across your Campaign Manager accounts

Launch in Q4

Exceed Marketer Objectives

Target The AudiencesThat Matter

Sponsored VideoUpcoming release

Engage your audience with video content across mobile and desktop

Pilot in Q4, Launch in Q1 2018

Drive content downloads with your target audience

Whitepaper Download Ad Unit

Upcoming release

Pilot in Q3 | Q4 Launch

Lead Gen Forms for Sponsored InMail

Collect even more quality leads from your Sponsored InMail with

seamless pre-filled forms

Launch in Q3

Upcoming release Exceed Marketer


Exceed Marketer Objectives

[email protected]

Carousel Sponsored Content

Upcoming release

Better engage your audience with a content carousel

Pilot in Q4, Launch in Q1 2018

Exceed Marketer Objectives

Conversion auto-optimization

Upcoming release

Let LinkedIn auto-adjust your Sponsored Content campaign bid to get more website conversions at a better price

Launch in Q3

Nurture your sales organization’s high-value accounts and leads

Sales Navigator Account & Contact Targeting

Upcoming release

Pilot in Q3, Launch in Q4

Connect to data integration

Target The AudiencesThat Matter

2018upcoming solutions

• Objective-based campaign creation and optimization – Create campaigns based on your marketing objectives

• Pre-launch campaign predictions – Understand how your campaign is likely to perform

• Intent and interest based targeting – Reach audiences based on signals of their intent and interests

• Trending content insights – Understand topics that most resonate with your target audiences

Thank you!

marketer objectivesExceed

• Whitepaper Download Ad Unit (Dynamic Ads) | Q3 2017Drive content downloads with your target audience

• Lead Gen Forms For Sponsored InMail | Q3 2017 Easily collect quality leads through InMail messaging using pre-filled forms

• Conversion Auto-Optimization | Q3 2017Let LinkedIn automatically adjust your Sponsored Content campaign bid to get more website conversions at a better price

• Carousel Sponsored Content | Q4 2017Better engage your audience with a content carousel

• Sponsored Video | Q4 2017Engage your audiences with video content across the web

value through analytics & insights


• 3rd Party Impression Tracking | Q3 & Q4 2017Trusted 3rd party tracking of results

• Refreshed Reporting View | Q4 2017New reporting view to understand performance quickly and easily

usability of products & capabilities


• Improved Ad Creation | Q3 2017Enhanced ad preview, better sharing of account assets, and ability to edit Sponsored Content after launch

• Campaign Groups | Q4 2017Organize, manage, budget, and report across campaigns (and IOs) within one "permanent" account

• Manager Accounts | Q4 2017Allow agencies & clients to easily share access to LI business (or enterprise) accounts easily and securely

the audiences that matter


• Sales Navigator Account & Contact Targeting | Q4 2017 Nurture leads saved by your sales teams

• Location Targeting Options | Q4 2017Deliver ads based on members’ profile location or profile location and IP address

• Asset Management | Q4 2017Share website audiences and uploaded lists across your Campaign Manager accounts


Matched AudiencesBest Practice One-Sheeters

Matched Audiences - Retargeting ListsA few things to remember

Remember to run general brand/Direct response content in addition to Retargeting to make sure you’re filling the funnel with the relevant audience

Start broad -- begin by retargeting your full website traffic, and add additional filters as the audience grows

Retargeting audiences must be at least 300 members in order to start serving impressions

Matched Audiences - Account ListsA few things to remember

Target influencers or decision makers for optimal response rates.

Ensure lists follow the correct formatting by using one of the templates available. Remove all special characters and check spelling

Avoid hyper-targeting; it could limit scale and delivery of your campaign. This includes:

• Uploading too small a list of companies or • Layering too many targeting criteria in

addition to the account list.

Matched Audiences - Email ListsA few things to remember

Ensure lists follow correct formatting and are using the approved templates. Check spelling and avoid special characters

Avoid hyper-targeting; it could limit scale and delivery of your campaign. This includes: • Uploading too small a list of

contacts, or • Layering too many targeting criteria

in addition to the account list.

Target influencers or decision makers for optimal response rates.
