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Masterpiece Mindset Call Summary RealCoach Month Eight VIP Teleseminar Audio © 2007 Welcome to RealCoach and our VIP Teleseminar Summary Page. You are now beginning your Eighth Month with us here at RealCoach, Congratulations! Let me first begin by sharing with you my outcome for this Month’s Masterpiece Mindset Call and as always I have several outcomes for you during our time together on this call; Number One…to review what we covered during last month's Masterpiece Mindset Month Seven audio. Last month we reviewed the first 6 Months of your TurningFearIntoPower.com Real Estate Investing Training Program We set up the context for how to use the Expanded Awareness and Feelingization Process with Every Neural Re-Patterning Process that you do and we used these foundational processes with 3 Neural Re-Patterning Techniques that I introduced you to for Re-Patterning Your Brain on a Moment to Moment Basis; The Redirect, The Release Technique and The Embrace Technique. We also used the Expanded Awareness and Feelingization Process which are vital and foundational components of your Neural Re-Patterning Process to assist you gaining greater clarity about Your Vision and what you want to focus on creating as part of your next 180 days broken down into your 2-90 Day Challenges. This process was helpful in assisting you in bypassing the critical faculty or conscious mind and moving you from the Beta Brain Wave Pattern, which Is the Brain Wave Pattern that you are in as you operate throughout your day, to the Alpha Brain Wave Pattern, which is when you access the subconscious mind and experience the meditative state and where Expanded Awareness and Accelerated Learning occur. And it allowed you to more clearly focus on what it is that you most desire to achieve over the next hundred and 80 days as Part of Your 2-90 Day Challenges that I am guiding you through. I also took you through an overview of what I have called your 90 Day Challenge Success Guide. This 90 Day Challenge Success Guide consists of all the neural

Masterpiece Mindset Call Summary RealCoach Month Eight

VIP Teleseminar Audio

© 2007

Welcome to RealCoach and our VIP Teleseminar Summary Page.

You are now beginning your Eighth Month with us here at RealCoach, Congratulations! Let me first begin by sharing with you my outcome for this Month’s Masterpiece Mindset Call and as always I have several outcomes for you during our time together on this call; Number One…to review what we covered during last month's Masterpiece Mindset Month Seven audio. Last month we reviewed the first 6 Months of your TurningFearIntoPower.com Real Estate Investing Training Program

• We set up the context for how to use the Expanded Awareness and Feelingization Process with Every Neural Re-Patterning Process that you do and we used these foundational processes with 3 Neural Re-Patterning Techniques that I introduced you to for Re-Patterning Your Brain on a Moment to Moment Basis; The Redirect, The Release Technique and The Embrace Technique.

We also used the Expanded Awareness and Feelingization Process which are vital and foundational components of your Neural Re-Patterning Process to assist you gaining greater clarity about Your Vision and what you want to focus on creating as part of your next 180 days broken down into your 2-90 Day Challenges. This process was helpful in assisting you in bypassing the critical faculty or conscious mind and moving you from the Beta Brain Wave Pattern, which Is the Brain Wave Pattern that you are in as you operate throughout your day, to the Alpha Brain Wave Pattern, which is when you access the subconscious mind and experience the meditative state and where Expanded Awareness and Accelerated Learning occur. And it allowed you to more clearly focus on what it is that you most desire to achieve over the next hundred and 80 days as Part of Your 2-90 Day Challenges that I am guiding you through. I also took you through an overview of what I have called your 90 Day Challenge Success Guide. This 90 Day Challenge Success Guide consists of all the neural

repatterning processes and techniques and masterpiece mindset principles that we've spoken about over the last seven months. Number Two... This month I intend to take you through your 90 Day Challenge Success Guide a step at a time, we will go through this step-by-step as we continue to create your cookbook for real estate entrepreneurial success. And we will continue to get clarity about what it is that you want to achieve over the next 180 days is part of your 2-90 day challenges. We'll begin to put together a step-by-step daily plan that you can began to implement immediately and remember that we want to look for ways to implement all of these neural repatterning processes and masterpiece mindset principles with your daily real estate activities. Your 90 Day Challenge Success Guide includes developing your vision, vision statement, purpose statement, along with using all of these To Create a Game Plan, and the strategies and tactics To Implement the Game Plan And the Neural Repatterning and Neural Precision Repatterning Processes to assist you in achieving all of these things. I've chosen to distinguish between neural repatterning processes and masterpiece mindset principles from the task required to create a vision, goals, strategies, tactics and a game plan to implement that on a day-to-day basis. They Are All Part of Your 90 Day Challenge Success Guide and I am simply distinguishing the difference between creating your inner resources and your outer resources needed to achieve holistic wealth, wealth in every area of your life and certainly as a real estate investor/entrepreneur. Because as we continue to work on creating your vision, what you will discover are the gaps between where you are now and where you want to be. And these gaps will consist of Your Inner Resources that you may need to work on including repatterning. Your subconscious mind. And Your Outer Resources needed to discover what that vision is and work on setting your goals and reverse engineering them a back so that you can prioritize and schedule them in to your calendar in a step-by-step process in order actually achieve your goals and vision. Number Three... I will continue to work with assisting you in becoming more effective with the neural repatterning processes that you're already doing and gain greater mastery in using them in conjunction with your 90 day success guide and on a moment to moment basis throughout your day to support your step-by-step daily plan. And we will continue to layer in new neural repatterning processes and this month. And the new Neural Repatterning Processes that we will talk about this month are The Universal Law of the Power of Faith and Acting As If, Faith And Gratitude. And we'll also continue to work through the process of understanding, discovering and creating your Vision and Vision Statement.

We Will Use These Neural Repatterning Processes or NRP’s to assist you in creating new and more empowering beliefs, emotions, actions, behaviors and habit patterns that will allow you to create holistic wealth, wealth in every area of your life including achieving what ever your own particular Real Estate Investing/Entrepreneurial goals and dreams may be. It's vital that you continue to learn how to Use the NRP’s that you have already been taught and continue to layer in the new ones that that I will continue to share with you on your Masterpiece Mindset Audio over the remaining six months Of Your Turning Fear into Power.com program. The more that you practice these Neural Re-Patterning Processes on a daily basis, spending at least 10 to 20 minutes a day on them, and then applying them as you follow the 90 Day Challenge Success Guide, the greater success that you will achieve and faster that you will achieve it. Remember that it takes 27.9 days or roughly 30 days to develop a new habit and thus a new belief and repetition is the mother of skill, the more you do something the better you become at doing it, so be consistent with them and continue to use them every day! My intention is to give you a tool chest of neural repatterning processes that you can use on a moment to moment basis and, you will be able to use the ones that you find to be the most effective for you depending on your specific circumstances. One of the exciting thing about these neural repatterning processes is the more that you do them, the more powerful they become. You are dissolving past Limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and emotions and repatterning your subconscious mind and creating more empowering beliefs, thoughts, actions and behaviors. Because of all the latest in neuroscience, we now understand something called brain plasticity. This is the brain's ability to continue to grow throughout your entire life and that's good news and bad news it depending on what it is that you are focusing on in creating. You have a powerful opportunity to continue this extraordinary process of literally changing your brain and thus changing your life by going through and using all of the latest in neural science, and neural repatterning processes, quantum physics and ancient wisdom, New Age thought that make up your Real Coach Turning Fear into Power.com Program. We will continue to work throughout Your 2-90 Day Challenges to develop a daily, step-by-step cookbook program that you can follow. And by taking this step-by-step approach each month, by the end of your hundred and 80 day, 2-90 day challenges, you will have created your own personalized Real Estate Investing/Entrepreneurial Cookbook for Success.

I imagine that you now realize that when you are consistently focused on creating your vision and the strategies, tactics, and game plan to implement that vision than you can create extraordinary results as a real estate entrepreneur. And by using your neural repatterning processes to repattern your brain. You can begin to eliminate any limiting beliefs, negative emotions, actions, behaviors and habit patterns that are disempowering and that don't serve the vision that you are creating for your life. During the next six months of your Turning Fear into Power.com Program we will continue to layer in step-by-step. The Neural Re-Patterning Processes and Masterpiece Mindset Principles that make up the major components of your 90 Day Challenge Success Guide so that you can learn them more easily and actually be able to use them in every area of your life including no real estate business. You'll then be able to actually use what is that you're learning while elegantly combining them with the Skill Set, Business Building Strategies and Systems that you're also learning as part of your TFIP membership program and which will allow you. to achieve the level of wealth as a Real Estate Investor/Entrepreneur that you desire and deserve. So get ready to play full out, listen carefully and proactively, take great notes, listen to These Masterpiece Mindset Audios Again and Again and most importantly, have faith in yourself and in the Universe. Know that you are part of a larger picture that we are all connected to. Realize that you create your life by where you choose to place the flashlight of your focus, what you take action on and what you believe is true about the possibility for you to be able to create extraordinary wealth, health, success and fulfillment in your life as a Real Estate Investor/Entrepreneur and in every area of your life, creating Holistic Wealth… Life is a wonderful game, especially when you play to win and have fun every step of the way, realizing of course that the greatest joy in life is in experiencing the journey, the moment to moment unfolding of it in this epic adventure called your life! Are you ready to play, brilliant, you are…so here we go! We begin with an Outline for your 90 Day Challenge Success Guide and then we'll go into greater depth regarding creating your Vision using the Expanded Awareness and Feelingization Process along with your vision board that you began to learn and use in last month's Month Seven of your Masterpiece Mindset Audio. We'll also get into how to create your Purpose And Vision Statement, How to Create Your Personal Leverage Points also known as your Why, and how to use all of these to create a vision for your life. As we continue in the months ahead, you'll also learn how to more artfully use specific neural repatterning processes to repattern your subconscious mind and help you achieve

whatever it is that you choose to accomplish as a real estate investor/entrepreneur. These are very exciting times that we live in and what we are teaching you hear in your real coach turning fear into power.com Real Estate Training Program is how to create the inner vision, which will then reflect the outer results of whatever you choose to focus on. You're being given the opportunity to learn how to co-create your life in ways that very few people know how to do, much less actually practice creating. Before we get into your 90 day challenge success guide let me remind you that although we'll speak about how to use your Vision Board, Storyboard and Performance Dashboard to some degree this month, next month, in Month Nine of Your Masterpiece Mindset Audio some of the things that you can look forward to are continuing to implement all the things you've learned up to that point, going into much greater depth regarding these Neural Precision Repatterning Processes consisting of your Vision Board, Storyboard and Performance Dashboard and learning how to use them as a way to stay accountable and focused on what you have determined are the most important task necessary to achieve your goals. We’ll also speak about creating Your Purpose and Purpose Statement and creating your own Personal Leverage Points Also Known As Your Why. . And you will continue to learn how to layer in and elegantly utilize all of these Masterpiece Mindset Principles and Neural Repatterning Neural Precision Repatterning Processes that you have been learning these past seven months in the most powerful and synergistic way imaginable. So let's get started with your 90 Day Challenge Success Guide and we’ll Begin with Your Vision... VISION: Understanding your Vision, getting clear on your Intentions and Outcomes and understanding the Why... Vision: Have a clear Vision of what you're desiring to create and if you don’t know or aren’t quite sure…what if you did know, what if you were sure, what would you be doing what kinds of things would you be saying to yourself, what Actions would you be taking. And then once you’re clear about what that is, then, do that... Storyboard the next 90 days by segmenting what areas you want to work on in real estate, list what areas of real estate you’re going to work on and I would pick one specific area for the next 90 days and then focus on the most important tasks needed to create Results in your life…Remember to get clarity about what you want to create over the next 90 Days which when accomplished will mean that you’ve achieved your Goals/Intentions and created a System and Game Plan that you can Bullet Proof and create great financial results over the next 90 Days.... Storyboard the next 90 Days: Here is an example of what that may include…

Storyboard the next 90 Days: What area will you focus on such as Wholesaling and what are the main headings, the Big Rocks that make up that area of focus such as Marketing, Finding Deals, Funding, Systems and Mindset… Finding Deals: through Networking, Loop Net, Brokers, Ads, Referrals and etc and… Funding: through Private Money, Credit, Seller Carry Back etc. Systems; such as Contract Management, Accounting, Marketing and Performance Dashboard Strategy: then you can have Situational Awareness and Behavioral Flexibility to see what feedback from the Universe/Marketplace that you’re getting and make the necessary adjustments. That's Strategy… Tactics: Reverse Engineering; the Tactics come into play when you start with the End in Mind as Stephen Covey spoke about in his book,” The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". Look at creating a Timeline as you work from the end. Reverse Engineer the process to get clarity on a timeline and tasks to Focus on. Pick an area that you will be committed to working on exclusively for the most part for the next 90 Days, adjusting as you need to along the way and remember, you want to work backwards from the end of the 90 Day Challenge to today. Mindset: Masterpiece Mindset Principles and Neural Re-Patterning Processes from Garrett, Dave and Lance. You will then continue to do; 1. Your 90 Day Challenge Home Play 2. Neural Re-Patterning Exercises; RealCoach Quick Start Call 3. Marketing Calls; Make the Marketing calls to Brokers & Loop Net… 4. Getting Clarity; Understand the tasks needed and prioritize them 5. Marketing Calls is the Most Important Task that you can work on at this moment. 6. Scheduling Your Time; Pick 1-2 hour blocks of time to work on a particular area of focus and Marketing Calls is the Most Important area at this moment. them during the day and use an egg timer or the reminder chimes from Outlook to just focus on the most important activity for that next 1-2 Hours and Just do That. 7. Maintaining Situational Awareness; use Your Redirect Process and Your Release Technique and Embrace Technique if you become aware of any limiting beliefs, self talk, negative emotions, behaviors and actions throughout your day. Maintaining Situational Awareness is simply becoming aware that when you may be experiencing some disempowering behavior as you go through your day and then use these neural repatterning processes when needed to refocus your mind on what is the you want to achieve while working on eliminating any negative thoughts, actions, and behaviors.

Refocus on your Vision, what it is that you want to Create in that moment, asking yourself what would be the perfect outcome for this then moment? 8. Neural Re-Patterning Process… In my opinion, The Neural Repatterning Processes are the most extraordinarily powerful tools for transformational change work that exist on the planet today. Now that we've finished the overview of your 90 Day Challenge Success Guide, my intention is to begin this month to guide you in understanding how to develop a step-by-step process so that you can learn to Re-Pattern your brain and develop the daily habits necessary to create the life of your dreams as a real estate investor. As real estate entrepreneurs, with the greatest challenges we face is an avalanche of seemingly great ideas. And we can sometimes be so overwhelmed that we don't know where to begin.

What most Real Estate entrepreneurs fail to understand is that anything that you and I create begins with a vision. Otherwise, you're spending all your time reacting to what ever comes into your day-to-day experience and not focusing on the most important things that will assist you in creating their real estate business that you desire to create. Let's begin with working on the First Step listed on your 90 Day Challenge Success Guide, your Vision… and as we speak about your vision, you will also be hearing terms such as Vision Statement, Vision Board, Performance Dashboard, Storyboard, Your Purpose, Your Mission along with words that you have most certainly been using in conversation throughout your life such as business and career and finances. There are distinctions that we will be making about each of these words and, I want to be certain that we are all on the same page when I am using these words so that you understand the subtleties and distinctions that we are speaking about. I believe that when you expand the ways that you use words in your vocabulary, you may be able to learn some new ways of looking at these words that expands your awareness, understanding and use of them. It was stated by some great Greek or Roman philosopher thousands of years ago and again restated most recently by Robert Kiyosaki when he said, in effect that if you don't have the meaning of a word in your vocabulary. Then it's very difficult if not flat-out impossible to be able to bring that word and its meaning into your reality because you have no frame of reference for that word or what it's referencing. For example, I remember seeing a film. Not too long ago. It was in part a documentary regarding be the settling of what was at the time called the New World and which we now know of course is the United States of America. And there have been many conversations, studies and historical references, referring to the Native Americans when they first saw the sailing ships of the Vikings and the more famous and documented explorer Christopher Columbus as he came to the New World. It was said that these Native Americans in numerous cases never even saw the sailing ships in spite of the fact

that they were looking right at them. In many instances, and when we speak to quantum physicist and neural scientists of today. They state that the reason that backs was so, was that these Native Americans had no reference point to what to what sailing ships even were, they had never seen one and therefore had no context or reference point to them and therefore their brain created a scotoma, which is Greek for blind spot. And that example is as true today as it was hundreds of years ago. That principle speaks to the point that when you don't have a word in your vocabulary or a reference point to what something means, that your reticular activating system part of your brain won't even to sort for it and in fact, doesn't even see it, even though it may very well be right in front of the, does that make sense? That's why As Real Estate Investors/Entrepreneurs that if you don't have a reference point for success in some areas of real estate, if you have no experience in that area, or any doubts that you can actually accomplish something. Then your brain, Your Subconscious Mind won't even look for it, so therefore in your world it doesn't even exist. And this is extraordinarily powerful information to know, because once you know this you can simply repattern your subconscious mind to look for what it is that you want to create and that's why it's critical to create a vision for your life. Because as we have talked about before throughout the last Eight Months of Your Turning Fear into Power.com Program, the universe abhors a vacuum and will look to fill that vacuum up with something that may or may not serve you, so it's critical to repattern your subconscious mind and focus on what it is the you want to create for your life, using what I refer to as deliberate creation. So, if for example you don't have a word for multiple streams of income or passive income, buy-and-hold, seller carry back and ect etc. then the reticular activating system. Part of your brain, that we spoken about on numerous occasions over the last eight months will not be able to sort for it, it won't even know that it exists. As I'm sure you recall, we have over 11 million bits of information that come into your five senses every second and the job of your reticular activating system is to delete, distort and generalize that information and chunk it down to a manageable 2000 or so bits of information. That's about all your conscious mind can hold it at one time without having a meltdown. And remember that your brain, your subconscious mind will only sort what you have told it to sort for, and that for the most part. Your subconscious mind is being run by your past programming. So let's began to build a foundation for repatterning your brain and explore creating your vision for your life by asking, what is it that I'm referring to when I say let's work on creating your vision, what does vision mean, that's a great question. So is peace your to define that?

Your Vision When I am talking about your vision, I'm referring to the answer to the question of What do you want to Do, Be and Have in every area of your life, what is your life about and how do you want to live your life and what do you want to leave as your legacy?. And once again it is your Purpose that states the essence of your Vision which we will speak about in greater detail next month in Month Nine’s Masterpiece Mndset Audio. Vision is critically important because your subconscious thinks in pictures. You may have a purpose to create more for your family but you need to support that with an image of what success looks like. The more precise you are in establishing your desired state, the better your subconscious is able to manifest it in your external world thru our actions and behaviors. If you don’t have a vision, then you are purely victim of external stimuli – literally Pavlov’s dogs to the world around you. The job of each us as real estate entrepreneurs is to design our own lives and paint the picture we want our life to be. Or to put it even more colorfully, you become the jerk to your knee, a knee jerk reaction to everything that comes into your field of awareness And what are the actions that you can take to establish a clear and precise vision for your life and real estate business? It goes back to asking yourself these questions …What do you want to Do, Be and have in your life? And how can bring the answers to those questions into the real world as a real estate entrepreneur? Write down what you want to do, be and have as a real estate entrepreneur, one year from today. Look at the house that you want to be living in, what kind of car will you be driving, what schools will your children be attending, how much money we you be earning, how many houses and or apartment buildings do you want to own and or flip, how much money do you want to earn as cash flow and passive income, do you want to work on Wholesaling, Rehabbing, Foreclosures, Tax Liens or work with Notes?

It's the clarity of your vision that ignites your passion and is the fuel that drives and inspires you to do the things that other people won't do. Les Brown once said that when you get a big enough why in your life, the how is easy. It's understanding the critical leverage points for yourself that will help you breakthrough to the next level of success for yourself as a real estate entrepreneur. There is an old adage that the pain pushes until the vision pulls. Tony Robbins has said many times something that I completely agree with and that’s that people are driven by the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain and will do much more to avoid pain than to pursue pleasure. And I’ll share with you on next month’s Masterpiece Mindset Audio for Month Nine, how to create your personal leverage points, your why that will assist you in creating the

pain for yourself, the why in your life while we’re also working with you on creating your Vision. This is the process of understanding what you want to be, do and have in your life and as a real estate investor/entrepreneur and with what Stephen Covey speaks about In the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People when he speaks about beginning with the end in mind. It's one of the most important processes in goal setting and goal achieving, that is to have a very clear picture of what your outcome is. Then you can use that image to imprint onto your subconscious mind using the various neural repatterning and neural precision repatterning processes that you have been learning and will continue to learn with your Turning Fear into Power.com Real Estate Training Program And for the sake of our time together over the next six months after you've gotten clarity about what you want to create over the next year, we'll began to reverse engineer it back. We'll look at where you want to be in the next six months from today and then where you need to be in the next three months, in the next 30 days, in the next week, in the next 24 hours and in the next moment to achieve these goals that you’ve c hosen for yourself. That's why I've chosen for the remainder of our Turning Fear into Power Program, that we focus on 2-90 Day Challenges and create the structure, systems, skills set and mindset necessary to live into that vision that you created. And, it all begins with understanding what your vision is that you wish to create as a real estate entrepreneur and every area of your life. This is clearly one of the biggest challenges that you face, how to decide what to focus on on a moment to moment basis, planning, prioritizing the tasks that need to be done and then scheduling them calendar. And it doesn't matter whether it's a Day Planner for one of the online calendars such as Google, Yahoo or the one I use and happen to really like, Outlook. The most important thing is to have something you can use and follow on a consistent basis, to help you get the most out of your day in the most productive, efficient and effective way possible. This rule help you become much more able to get the most out of every moment of your day. There have been many studies both using empirical data and anecdotal evidence that shows that most employees spend about 75% of their day trying to figure out what they should be doing for the day. When I worked as a corporate trainer with Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy and Jim Rohn, one of the biggest challenges that we found in the workplace was that employees as well as middle and upper management did not do very well in planning their day based on what it is if they wanted to create. I even encountered on numerous occasions, CEOs of companies that had the same challenge, which rather shocked me. As it turned out, if they achieved an hour of really great productivity. It was considered a good day. And the list and say these organizations were nowhere near as effective as they could have been and I was amazed that many of them were still in business. And as it turned out many of the competitors have the same issues and so when they improved their efficiency and effectiveness. They began to dominate the marketplace, and this is

exactly What You Can Do as a Real Estate Investor/Entrepreneur and then you begin to plan your day based on what your priorities are that you have discovered during the process of creating your vision and reverse engineering it back. That's why it's so critical to do this process, and then to use your neural repatterning processes to work through any past programming. That is disempowering in any way. It's all of this work of putting your vision together with your purpose. Reverse engineering it back, prioritizing your task, creating a game plan based on strategies and tactics to best implement your game plan. That is what we've been working on over the last seven months, and what we are going to continue to work on over the remaining five months that we have together as part of your 12 Month Turning Fear into Power.com Membership Program and is what I taught in my time as a corporate trainer to employees, their management team as well as the CEOs and owners of fortune 500 and 100 companies and individual businesses. And after we do this work today really got how important it is to do all this planning to actually take the time to just spend about 10 minutes a day to plan your next day. And I encourage people to do this before having the night before their next work day. And what they discovered by doing this was to take again. Over four months of extra productivity per year, that was extraordinarily powerful, that realization. It seems like a very simple thing to do, just simply just plan your day. The night before, by spending about 10 minutes a day to do that. It is however somewhat deceiving, because what's not clearly evident to many people is the work that needs to be done wire to that. That 10 minute planning session. Because if you don't know what it is that you want to create how you plan your next day in the most effective and efficient way possible to achieve your investing/entrepreneurial goals? It's like trying to hit a target in the fog. I used to have an ole boy that I knew from Memphis, Tennessee. Please tell me this all the time. He would say Garrett, if you don't know where you’re going, you’re there Son, you have arrived! If you don't know where you're going, how you gonna know when you get there, It's like trying to hit a target in the fog! And this is a man who had a third-grade education, was a truck driver for many years and earned millions and millions of dollars. And it was his ability to create a vision, a dream that he wanted to create for his life in per his family. That drove him, he was a combination of knowing where he was going and having the pain push and the vision pull simultaneously. That helped him earn millions and millions of dollars, and this comes directly from his experience. And so when I say these things to you, I say them from experience of other people who are extraordinary successful, as well as having implemented them in my life and in all of my coaching that I've done over the years. And I have coached literally thousands and thousands of real estate investors/entrepreneurs around the country. You have before you, a master template for your real estate investing/entrepreneurial success and all you have to do is to follow the plan and you achieve things beyond anything you ever dreamed of, that I can put on the shoe based on my experience and

experience of and experience have literally hundreds of thousands of people around the country that have been associated with training and working with. And it is the systems, strategies, tactics, accountability procedures and masterpiece mindset principles combined with neural repatterning processes that have created the most powerful real estate training program on the planet. And it is a program that Dave, Lance and myself have created by my working with some of the greatest Masters of success and wealth creation of our time. New paragraph. So when we go over these processes together, you will be going through some of these things and it will be your faith in these teachings that I'm sharing with you and faith in yourself and in your abilities that will take you through any challenging times that you may face and you will face some, I guarantee that. MS has and I can also guarantee you that as I said earlier when you practice these things that we are sharing with you in your turning fear into power.com program. You will achieve the success that you desire. And it will take in many situations, your thing, and that is one of the masterpiece mindset principles and neural repatterning processes that we are going to speak about in just a few minutes, that is the universal law of the power of faith and acting as if. And so just to recap; what employees CEOs and business owners discovered by spending about 10 minutes a day to plan their next day they could gain over the course of one year, four months of extra productivity and that was an extraordinarily powerful and simple realization. And as simple as it was, the impact that it made on the bottom line of a company was truly extraordinary, as well as the impact it had on the overall performance of success of the individual employees. Not only as it pertains to their personal goals within their company, also to their own personal goals in every area of their life. That one simple thing of planning your day and night before really taught people that in order to do that seemingly simple thing. They had to get clear about what it was that they were going to focus on, what is the most effective use of their time during the day, as questions of looking at the questions of what is the highest income producing activity in the most important thing I can be doing a moment to moment basis during the day demands asset demands that the individual has clarity about the revision. Their purpose, and all the things that we've been talking about during this month's audio, as well as the previous audios and our masterpiece mindset series. To use the analogy of the quote unquote overnight success of an athlete or an entertainer seems rather appropriate at this moment because when you look at the end results of spending 10 minutes a day. The night before to plan your next day and then gaining four months extra productivity, it all seems rather simple. And as I just stated earlier, is all of the work beforehand that made all of the results seem effortless. And that's exactly what occurs when you do the work. It's like all the practice time you have as an athlete, practicing and actually working on the concept of perfect practicing in all the time you work as an actor preparing, working on the script, understanding the characters come, doing all these years and years of the theater, great the movies Centra and then all of a sudden you're, and all of a sudden you may get a break and get a small part in a

blockbuster of a movie and become an overnight success, says speak. And people do not see all the work that you put into getting where you are. And this is exactly why I'm spending the time to describe all these things to you, to explain these things to you so you can gain leverage on yourself by understanding that when you do this so called work, and understand what you will achieve by doing it, in other words, understanding the, the rewards, the success, the how come that you achieve, this is what will cause you get leverage on yourself to put into practice all the things that we talked about up to now. And they were going to continue to talk about in our remaining months together. So, enough said about this at the moment. Just remember that when you do the work, have faith and act as if then you putting yourself in a good position to create success in your life as a real estate investor/entrepreneur in every area, passionate and in every area of your life. So let's continue to work on creating your step-by-step, cookbook for real estate investing and entrepreneurial success by beginning this month with the Neural Repatterning Processes and Masterpiece Mindset and Principles known as

The Universal Law Of The Power of Faith and Acting As If

These are Two of the most powerful Techniques that you can begin now To learn and use immediately to create an extraordinarily successful real estate investing/entrepreneurial business career Just Simply using these two techniques, The Universal Law of The Power of Faith and The Masterpiece Mind Set Principle of Acting As If alone, can, in and of themselves, begin to Re-Pattern your brain and help you accomplish more than you ever believed possible, that is, until now. And as I take you through them look for ways that you can implement them on a day-to-day basis as a real estate in transit as a real estate entrepreneur/investor. Imagine how you can begin to use all of these processes that we're going to speak about on this month's audio and apply them directly to your business.

You can began to go through them as you listen to the audio and you may want to go through it one time entirely and they come back and go through a segment at a time.

So let's begin with speaking about The Universal Law of The Power of Faith. It's one of the most extraordinary Masterpiece Mindset Principles in existence. It is the great power of the faith that allows you to believe in and to see what has yet to be created except in your own mind. It was Einstein and said imagination is more powerful than knowledge. It is your ability to imagine, to create something in your mind the began his or with your imagination and a dream and by in acting the power of faith and acting as if can assist you in bringing into reality what may have just been stressed that what may have only recently been just a dream.

It was Henry Ford that said, if you think you can are you think you can't, either way, you're right! I heard and interesting statistic fairly recently. Just imagine this for a moment, that by the time a kid is 18 years old. They've heard yes, you can about 6000 times and no you can't over 150,000 times! Is it any wonder that we have limiting beliefs

about what's possible to achieve in our lives? And that's why it's critical to use these two powerful techniques, no matter where you are in your real estate investing/entrepreneurial business.

As I just said, when you use these two techniques, you will begin to impact your real estate success immediately and have the power to create a quantum shift in your role estate investing/entrepreneurial success. It others before you have accomplished great success, why not you and why in not in now? My belief is that the success that you create in your life comes down to the power of your beliefs, what is it that you will allow yourself to receive and accomplish.

In this Great Quantum Soup/Universe that we all live, this Universal Field of Infinite Potentiality, it is possible to create an extraordinary life. When you understand that what you create a moment to moment basis is determined in large part by where you shone a flashlight of your focus. Then you can clearly understand the importance of determining what the vision is that you want to create for your life.

And as a real estate investor/entrepreneur, understand that it is that part of your brain is located at the base of your skull called the Reticular Activating System that deletes, distorts, and generalizes the more than 11 million bits of information that comes into your brain every second, and chunks it down into a much more manageable 2000 bits of information so that you don't have a meltdown from all the stimulus coming into your brain and bombarding your senses every second. And these 2000 bits of information that you have sordid and sharks down into or determined for the most part by your subconscious mind’s past programming.

Remember that 96 to 98% of all of your actions, thoughts, behaviors and habit patterns are determined and driven by your subconscious mind which means that most of you are walking around completely unconscious. And that's why it's critical to be aware of what you're thinking, feeling and taking action on and focusing on on a moment to moment basis. It is that awareness, which is the first step in the universal law of change and which has the power to begin to change the flashlight of your focus and ultimately your life experience. It is in the moments of choice that your destiny is determined and so my real coach friends, as they say, choose wisely!

And when you determine where you want to shine a flashlight of your focus, when you determine what the vision is that you want to create as a real estate investors/entrepreneur and use the universal law of the power of faith and acting as if, and then combine them with creating and implementing the correct strategies, tactics and game plan you will began to bringing your vision into reality.

The Power of Acting As If is extraordinarily powerful and if you've ever tried it, you know that it will literally change your life because when you act as if, you are programming your subconscious mind, that that is what you want to experience.

And it doesn’t the difference between what is real and what you've actually just vividly imagined. And so your subconscious mind will work with your reticular activating system and began to sort for, through the more than 11 million bits of information that come into your senses every second for ways and means to support what it is that you have programmed it to look for. When you act as if you already accomplish something. It will began to look on the outside world, how it can match up to your inner world. So that it is acting congruently.

Whenever you may feel depressed or feel like you may never succeed is because you are out of rapport with your subconscious mind. It's because when you say you want something and you act as if and you brood scratched at and your subconscious mind begins to look for things on the outer world to match up to your inner world ending you don't follow through with the conscious efforts needed to succeed in after a while. Your unconscious mind, or subconscious mind begins to question and have doubts about whether you actually want, what it is that you are saying you want, because you're not taking the actions, and steps necessary to accomplish it. And therefore it's that feeling of once again, 1 foot on the accelerator and 1 foot on the brake.

And we understand that this feeling of depression or not feeling very good about ourselves can be changed by this simple shift of the flashlight of our focus on to what we want to create and every day on a moment to moment basis. Use our conscious mind to take the necessary actions that are congruent with what it is that we are programming our subconscious to create. When you act as if and use the universal law of the power of faith. You will be easier for you to use the power of your will and discipline, because it is not in conflict with your subconscious programming. Because your subconscious mind is looking for ways to support you in creating in allowing this quantum soup, this infinite the old up your potentiality match up to your new inner beliefs.

What is critical for you to clearly understand is that you do not have to believe in the power of of the universal law of faith and acting as if because if you're acting as if the you're acting as if you do believe it. So in those moment, you will believe it and by simply acting as if you believe it. You go to bring into your experience the results on the outside world that match up to your new inner belief and thereby repattern your past limiting beliefs. It's a beautiful thing, this power of the universal law of faith and acting as if. They are very simple techniques and ask for ordinarily powerful in their ability to create change in your life. And as simple as they are most of you including Dave's, Lance and myself in the past, and simply not understood the power of them.

You simply may have never had anybody before explain how you can learn and use in the real world masterpiece mindset principles, these universal laws. And these neural repatterning and neural precision repatterning processes. That's why a real coach and turning fear into power.com is the most powerful an extraordinary real estate training program on the planet. And I say that with absolute knowingness and complete humility. Because we have been fortunate enough to learn the use principles and processes, and it is our gifts our responsibility and our great pleasure to share them with you!

Simply taking one step at a time and being consistent with our actions. As you repattern your subconscious mind, then that's when everything will change for you. It is in those moments when you're conscious mind; your reasoning, will, perception, imagination and intuition combine with the power of the universal law of faith and acting as if Most people are taught using the old adage. I'll believe it when I see it. And in point of fact, was spot on when he so eloquently disagreed by saying, well I stress at what I believe to be true.

It isn't that you'll believe it when you see it, it is quite the opposite, you'll see it when you believe it. It is, The Universal Law if the Power of Faith, the power of the faith that says. It is possible, I can create greatness in my life, I can become holistically wealthy, wealthy in every area of my life. I can become an extraordinarily wealthy and successful real estate entrepreneur/investor. And it began this by using the power and began this and he begins by using the universal law of the power of faith, acting as if he were already true.

Because remember, your subconscious mind is not know the difference between something you actually experienced and something you just made up Said, that you'll see it when you believe it.; faith that these techniques that have worked for others including Dave and Lance and myself, will work for you, in your situation and in your market. As Nike says, Just Do it.

I have been teaching and using these Masterpiece Mindset Principles and techniques for 25 years to literally thousands of clients and they do work. And our understanding of the latest in neuro science, quantum physics and these Masterpiece Mindset Principles and neural repatterning processes have been profound. And there have been countless extraordinarily successful people that have utilized time proven techniques. Over the centuries, and they did so based on faith – they didn’t understand the Neural-Science and quantum physics that we understand today. And that's why I've chosen to began our discussion on our Masterpiece Mindset Monthly Audio with an understanding of The Universal Law of the Power of Faith and the Masterpiece Mindset Principle of Acting As If. With real estate, you have to have the faith that the deal will work out – even when you can’t yet see all of the steps leading to success. You have to have faith that the resources will present themselves when you need them. Too often, beginning real estate entrepreneurs stop themselves from starting because they feel they have to have every detail figured out up-front. They have to know where the cash will come from before they make an offer or even start marketing. Rarely can you see over the horizon of your real estate deal. It is the Faith in your Vision that ignites the passion of your desires and pulls and propels you towards the accomplishment of it. And we’ll speak about Vision in greater detail later on in this call. You have to take 1 step at a time – envision the result over the horizon and act on faith. And by doing that you allow The Law of Attraction to work on your behalf and then what Wayne Dyer said makes much more sense to you. It was Wayne Dyer who reminded us

that the old adage, you’ll believe it when you see it, was not true, the truth is that, You’ll see it when you Believe it…that’s when it shows up…when you act AS IF…if it’s not happening for you…simply begin to act AS IF it were true…how would you be standing, walking, breathing, talking, what would others be saying to you and what would you be saying to yourself about yourself…remember your brain doesn’t know the difference between some thing that is real and something that you just made up…so act AS IF and your brain will begin to look for ways to support your new belief…and when that happens, your dreams really do start coming true… And you have to have faith in yourself and in the Universe…faith that you have what it takes to be an extraordinarily successful Real Estate Investor who is now becoming a Real Estate Entrepreneur. –Faith is the foundation of all success, which we help build with the exercises I will teach you on this audio.

One of the great conundrums that we face as real estate investors/entrepreneurs and as human beings is that we wish positive and so many times think negatively because of our past programming. You may truly want greatness in your life and for some reason may seem to always sabotage ourselves in some way consciously or unconsciously, does that sound familiar?

How do you as a Real Estate Entrepreneur and a member of RealCoach continue to hold yourself accountable to being the best that you can be, to Breakthrough past limiting beliefs and to Re-Pattern your Inner financial and success Blueprint so that you can achieve higher levels of achievement and possibility?

This of course is one of the main reasons that my partners David, Lance and I began Real Coach and Turning Fear into Power.com. We are committed to assisting you to going from being good, competent, mediocre, to being great!

Gratitude is an area that I coach a lot of clients on. Not that gratitude is hard to understand but that we get so wrapped up in our so-called problems that we forget to be grateful for what we have and are already. Too many people tend to look at the glass as half-empty instead of half-full. And when we have thoughts about the world as “half-empty” then we attract things into our life that are “half-empty.” We want to flip that around using gratitude. And taking to time to be grateful for all that we have is a key mindset exercise for shrinking our challenges down to size and placing them in perspective. Feelings of gratitude make us realize what are all of the great things that we have accomplished, what are the abundant resources at our fingertips, how rich we already are. One of my partners and cofounders Lance Edwards told me to this is been true of him as well. For him he is mornings are toughest. He awakes each morning to a little voice that is telling me all of the things that he needs to do today; how he can’t possibly get them all done; and as a bonus – the consequences of not getting them done. And he uses this exercise of gratitude to silence that little voice and get him going.

Here are a couple of daily exercises that I recommend for everyone to do... Every morning before you even get out of bed, as soon as you open your eyes, before your feet even hit the floor begin to simply take inventory of all that you are grateful for in your life and all that you have. Think about those people, things and resources for which you are grateful and better yet, say them out loud. Do these gratitudes in the morning before you get up, in the evening right before you go to sleep and throughout your day. Being grateful for what you already have in your life is a critical component for creating greater wealth. That's the cause if you're not already grateful for what you already have, you may have a tendency to come from a sense of lack or want or need, as opposed to a vibration, a place of abundance and prosperity consciousness. And remember, you will attract to you that which you already are and what you focus on will continue to expand. . When you look at the teachings of all of the great wisdom teachers, the great masters throughout the ages, they all talk about the importance of being grateful, of developing a prosperity consciousness or mental equivalent. And we know from all of the latest in quantum physics and neuroscience that everything that you think, say and do creates a certain vibratory tone, a vibration that is sent out into the quantum soup of the universe if you will, and it attracted back to you, to its own mental equivalent or vibration. It is the universal law of cause and effect in the law of attraction in action and that's why it's critical to be a place of gratitude in your life from a practical standpoint and also because it makes you feel better about yourself and what you've already accomplished and so it serves many purposes; it serves the purpose of enjoying your success is on a moment to moment basis, is celebrating them Critical for you to be be able a will to attract more abundance in your life Start by spending at least 3 minutes doing this daily – preferably in the morning but it can be at any time. When the deepest examples that you can use... for example you can say things such as… Thank you God for my life, this da,y for the place I'm living, the car that I'm driving, for the great holistic wealth. I have an in my life, that is wealth in every area of my life... the money that I'm earning as a Real Estate Investor/Entrepreneur, for my parents, my brother and sister and my friends and family all over the country and all over the world. I'm grateful for my great health, wealth, wisdom, Love, joy, passion, sensitivity, compassion, intellect, insight, personal power, commitment to excellence, relationships, spiritual connection to God, compassion, humor and love that I get to share with others. I am grateful for the opportunity to assist people become the greatest they can possibly be into helping him to allow the greatness of who they already are to express itself in its most beautiful and fullest expression Consider the abundance of opportunity and knowledge available to you: “I am grateful for living in America. I am grateful for my security. I am grateful for the abundant opportunities that are before me. I am grateful for my real estate training and knowledge. I am grateful for my network. I am grateful

for the accomplishments of my life. I am grateful for my experiences. I am grateful for my mentors. I am grateful for my mindset.” You just keep expanding your realm of gratefulness. It will release the stress and anxiety you may be feeling. And it will free your mind to feelings of creativity and control. Because if you think gratefulness, you will attract more reasons for gratefulness into your life. As we come to the end of our Masterpiece Mindset Audio Month Eight Audio, I want to share with you once again why we're doing these neural repatterning and neural precision repatterning processes and that is to repattern your subconscious mind to deliberately create the life that you choose. So that you all are all in the cause side of the equation and not the effects side of the equation of your life. Over the last eight months together. I have consistently been referring to the importance of spending 15 to 20 minutes a day to do your neural repatterning exercises so that you can repattern your subconscious mind. And, I encourage you to continue to work on implementing and using these neural repatterning and neural precision repatterning processes that we've gone over to day and in the last seven months of your Turning Fear into Power.com Program. Remember that by continuing to you do your Personal Neural Re-Patterning Processes that make up your 20 minute Real Estate Masterpiece Mindset exercises also known as your 3M’s, Your Masterpiece Mindset Minutes, you will deliberately be creating the real estate and live success that you desire and deserve. 20 minutes per day will change your real estate success. Now, I suspect that this got your attention when I first said it during the QuickStart audio which is available on Month One of Turning Fear into Power. And I imagine that probably even raised some eyebrows – thinking “show me.” And I know that some people may be thinking that real estate can’t possibly be done in 20 minutes per day. If you want to know what your financial blueprint is set for now, look at the results you have now. Unless you rewrite that blueprint in your subconscious, you will not have different results in the future – no matter how hard you try. Because real estate success is not about trying harder. It’s about using your Real estate mindset Minutes each day to rewrite your blueprint for easy and effortless success. There are specific real estate mindset exercises that I will continue to teach you that you will doing during your 20 mindset minutes each day. This is not taught in school. I would venture to bet it was not taught in your real estate skillset seminar. Yet, the 20 minutes per day you spend here are more important than anything else you will do on your real estate business each and every day. Now, it is OK to spend more than 20 minutes per day on your real estate mindset exercises. In fact, once you start these simple exercises and experience the change, I

guarantee you will grow beyond the 20 minutes per day. Real estate mindset exercises are the most positive addiction there is. You will feel powerful immediately after each session and you will feel as if something is missing and not quite right, a little out of harmony if you skip a session. And for now, simply start with 20 minutes per day. The universe - along with Lance, Dave and I here at RealCoach - will take it from there. Remember to have FUN and be consistent with these the Neural Re-Patterning and Neural Precision Re-Patterning Techniques and Processes s and your Real Estate Entrepreneurial/Investing business and life will produce extraordinary results beyond your wildest imaginings. It’s important to keep in mind that this is about continuing to become aware of and dissolve limiting beliefs, habits, behaviors and negative emotions with real estate wealth creating habits. It is about awareness and action. It is a process and, as a process, it demands continual reinforcement.

That’s it for this month, thank you for being with me for your RealCoach Masterpiece Mindset Month Eight Audio.

I trust that you will continue to practice all of the neural repatterning processes that you've learned up to and including this month's audio.

Make all of these NRP’s a habit and watch how your life and real estate business soars to heights of success and wealth creation that you may have previously only dreamed of. Continue to imagine and Vision what you want and then take the actions necessary to bring that into reality.

It’s been said that faith without Action is delusion. Stay clear on what you want to achieve and remember to use all of the things that you've learned up to now, to assist you in that process of achieving your goals including using the most powerful goal achieving process in existence, The Neural Precision Repatterning NPRP Process of Strategic Visioning Goal Achieving every day and every evening to place your next day’s goals into your Time Stream.

This technique for putting a goal into your future is one of the most powerful techniques in existence for producing results in your life so that they occur almost effortlessly and you find yourself fulfilling them unconsciously.

Remember; take action based on your Vision and Goals and then hold yourself accountable to do what must be done to achieve those goals and your vision.

And, be certain to join us next month for Your Masterpiece Mindset Month Nine Audio where we will continue to implement all the things you've learned up to then and we'll go into much greater depth regarding the Neural Precision Repatterning Processes of your Vision Board, Storyboard and Performance Dashboard.

You'll learn how to create and use them as a way to stay accountable and focused on a moment to moment basis on what you have determined are the most important task necessary to achieve your goals. We’ll also speak about creating Your Purpose and Purpose Statement and creating your own Personal Leverage Points Also Known As Your Why. . I look forward to being with you throughout the month within our RealCoach Nation and next month on your Masterpiece Mindset Month 9 Audio and until we’re together again, go out and Create Your Life as a Masterpiece and Live It as a Work of Art, Make It an Epic Adventure, have a spectacular month! Much Love and All the Best to You and Your Family, Garrett, Dave and Lance
