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MASTERY SUMMARY (full version) - Online Book To...

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MASTERY SUMMARY (full version) INTRODUCTION We are not equally creative and concentrated at all times. We often recall of our extraordinary performances in some certain past critical situations, that we find hard to repeat again. These rich experiences of past we had, we want them to have again. But we get uncertain about the factors and elements that triggered out the best in us. Such triggers are some time the deadlines or our working on a specific project for a long time. Although we want such experiences but we usually don’t really have them much, because of our systematic way of living. We are exposed to such altered enhanced ability and creativity of ours in situations we didn't expect. We can always have such feeling of creativity and mastery, in which our intuition has better understanding of reality.

MASTERY SUMMARY (full version)


We are not equally creative and concentrated at all times. We often recall of our extraordinary performances in some certain past critical situations, that we find hard to repeat again. These rich experiences of past we had, we want them to have again. But we get uncertain about the factors and elements that triggered out the best in us.

Such triggers are some time the deadlines or our working on a specific project for a long time. Although we want such experiences but we usually don’t really have them much, because of our systematic way of living. We are exposed to such altered enhanced ability and creativity of ours in situations we didn't expect.

We can always have such feeling of creativity and mastery, in which our intuition has better understanding of reality.

Suppose you are learning something new, it can be a language, a skill such as programming. First you will find it really irrational the entire process when you will be initially exposed to it. Later with time you learn the rules, do and don’ts of the game. By practicing it for long period of time your get so much better in it that you are the one who can break rules and can rewrite them. This is the pinnacle of expertise called mastery.

There are three basic phases that leads ones towards mastery.

1- Apprenticeship: in apprenticeship phase you are an outsider of the discipline you want to become master of. This is the initial stage.

2- Creative action: Now you start understanding that how things work together, as a whole and get aware about the rules of the thing you are learning at its best.

3- Mastery: At this level you can see the whole big picture and know things to their minor details so well, that you can now break the rules or can make some.

To be a master of anything you have to spend a great amount of time doing it. To do so you have to be greatly in love with the thing you want to do. Therefore if you found something that seems interesting to you, it’s better to do that one thing. Because no matter how brilliant you are or how average intelligence you have, mastery lies in doing the one thing more often than others do. If you follow this principle you will succeed despite the fact what is your I.Q.

Each one of us has a unique genetic makeup that no other human will have in future and not anyone had the same previously. Nature has made us novel, and no wonder our urges and finding satisfaction into fields vary from one another. In old times every person used to adopt the profession which his or her father used to do. Because the professions occupied by elite, the secret of mastery for such professions were also guarded by the elite club. And no common men had any access to these professions. In today’s world it is far easier for every man to access knowledge about a profession, he or she wants to choose.

As every person has unique DNA, in the similar fashion the talent of doing some tasks exceptionally also vary from person to person. But the question arises how to find that course that leads to success, mastery and greatness. As mastery is nothing but going through different phases of life to achieve your purpose. The answer is, by don’t losing your contact with the inner voice. Your inner voice is the best guide to make the great choices in life and achieving your purpose of life.

We will learn about how to find our purpose and how to master the thing we are designed for. We will go through the 6 different chapters of this book (Mastery), each will get you a step further, to get the best out of life.

For Short Summary Click here

Chapter 1


In our childhood we used be very clear about our urges and things of our interest. As most of it was directly connected to our inner calling. But with time some of us used to suppress this calling from inside due to social pressure or for some other reason. It means the work society expect us to do, we make it an obligation for our-selves. This ultimately results into frustration and dissatisfaction. The people, who are masters,

don’t suppress that inner calling but have connected to it at a much higher level. Even more then they used to be in their childhood.

To be yourself, you have to think about, who you are. This phenomenon can be seen in the case of Leonardo da Vinci, who became a great master of his areas of work.

From very early age da Vinci was very inclined towards nature and because of being fascinated by the nature, he had deep interest for both arts and science. As both are inspired by nature, one way or another. But Leonard wasn’t allowed to attend any school for formal education, because he was born out of a wed lock. He used to take papers from his father’s office and went to the forest, where he drew all natural things around him, he find incredible. Leonardo da Vinci learned everything about drawing by just his observation and didn’t have a teacher at that time. He used to do it every single day, even when the weather wasn’t fine. He usually sat in a shelter to do his work of drawing the marvels of nature.

Leonardo later got chance to learn other skills such as mechanics, botany, sculpture making, architecture, mathematics etc. He always haunted by the question that, is there a hidden force inside us which makes us do things? In the search of this question he used to change places and the way do his work. He although was in great love with his work but always in search of this question.

His projects he used to do either of art, science or military mechanics used to be a milestone for Leonardo to discover his purpose. His unquenchable thirst for knowing more and doing better every time, took him to greatest levels of mastery.

May be his lack of formal education and schooling was the reason he was so deeply in touch with his inner calling. As the education of that time used to be emphasize on learning via same uniform curriculum for everyone.

This inner voice has a name, Vocation. Vocation tells you what you came to do in the world and guide you in life. Most of the time we suppress this inner voice, due to the social pressure. But it is very critical to know that every human being is unique and by reaching your true self, you are contributing in the diversity of society.

We shouldn’t see our work and life as two different things. Because both have tremendous effect on each other and the true source of happiness and satisfaction is relating yourself with career you feel passionate about. Sooner or later you will hit by a niche that will match your interest and give you the sense of purpose. Remember by listening to your call you are not being selfish but contributing in the thousand flowers to bloom.

Strategies to find your life task

1. Return to your origins (primal inclination strategy)

When we were children, we had some strange feel of power and interest towards some specific tasks. But as we grew up we got so loaded with a great wide range of subjects, that we forgot, what our real interest was. The subjects we don’t feel tired practicing it and doing so give us a feel of power. Such subjects are the one rooted inside you and you have inbuilt extraordinary abilities related to these subjects. It is still inside you just need to dig deep enough to find it, once you know it everything will fall into its place automatically.

2. Occupy the perfect niche (The Darwinian strategy)

It is better to choose a niche that matches your interest rather than going for a general field. Most of the time the niches we chose are occupied already by many and actually this is the reason that we select a path because many have already chosen it.

If you don’t know which niche interest you, than it’s better to go for a general field and then picking up a more specific subject you like. In this way you will ultimately land on a highly specific niche. A niche that is far less crowded, a niche you are really good at, a niche of your interest and a perfect niche for you.

But if you are already interested in more than one niche, then you should have preference. For if you have to leave one for the other. After that you will work on the one niche of your interest and try to be one of the top-notch. Later your strategy would be to go for the second and can discover new links between them or even create a new niche. This kind of strategy works best in the environment where knowledge can be easily accessed by anyone.

3. Avoid the false path (The rebellion strategy)

Sometimes the career path we choose is just for the sake of money, fame or public approval. After you know what you’re real interested in and the niche that suits you, it is better to choose it, or at least get the closest you can get. People may act as obstacle but you must continue your journey by removing such restrictions out of your way. You don’t have to go for a job in which you don’t believe. It is better to rebel against those who force you follow the path that doesn’t suit you.

4. Let go off the past (the adaptation strategy)

Sometimes we choose a path with a plan, but even after giving it everything things doesn’t work well. Or you find out that the work you were doing, you were good in it, but not great. At this point of time you shouldn’t regret but try to get adopt with the

changes that are taking place. Don’t think the experience you had or the effort you did was just a waste of time. Try to use this past experience of yours in some new way.

In this era of change nothing is constant therefore it is very crucial to know that what changes are occurring around you. And how you can update yourself and keep with the changes by adapting yourself.

5. Find your way back (life or death strategy)

Sometimes we have calling that “I should do” or “this is the very thing I was looking for” but because due to the circumstances or having the temptation of being like others, we stop. We unheard such inner callings, But actually it is something extraordinary people more concentrate on and hear the voices from inside more clearly than other people do. Get back in time and try to think of such voices you had in your past, which you ignored, maybe it is something you must try and has a pathway for you in the better life.

We concentrate more on our weaknesses and the things that make us different from others. If you work on yourself you will know that you also have some novel qualities, which very few people possess. Also while listening to these voices try to focus on near future or present, try to concentrate on 1 or 2 things, and don’t think of the reward first. It will follow you ultimately. You just need to focus more on the mastery of the work.

Chapter 2


After the formal education we enter into the practical phase of our lives, in which we learn the practical skills. This phase also called apprenticeship. And whenever we learn a new skill we get through this phase of apprenticeship. But it is necessary to follow the path of masters while going through the learning phase of any skill, towards mastery.


Apprenticeship to become a master is different from the ordinary apprenticeship. As they may not look different from

the outside but masterly apprenticeship develops mind and character on a much faster pace. Their minds have all the seeds that will make them grow larger than life in the future.

When we enter the apprenticeship we are unprepared and naive for the political games of the practical life. All of us have been dependent on our parents since the day we born and now as an adult we are not trained for the world.The purpose of apprenticeship should’t be reward or money but the development of mind and character. You start being an outsider and try to make your way towards mastery. You shouldn’t choose the easy Apprenticeship but the one with more challenges as this will make you extraordinary from the ordinary.

The Apprenticeship phase (the three steps or modes)

1. Deep observation (The Passive mode)

This is the first step of Apprenticeship in which you have to observe the environment. You struggle to know the realities and the unwritten rules. You can learn it from the one who has the golden touch. While the do’s and the don’ts, from the one who has been fired from work place. Just keep observing for

the truth and see things as they are. Once you know the rules well enough you can analyze them, and you can also change them once you become the master. But now you just have to observe them and later analyze them.

2. Skills acquisition (the practice mode)

After the observation comes the step which demands you 10,000 hours, it is about doing the 10,000 hours of practice. In the early days man used to learn things through observation and even now many of the skill we practice involves high level of observation, such as learning a new language or learning to drive a car. It can about mirroring other, the one who is master in the skill. You listen other talking and try to speak what they are saying, like in the case of learning a new language.

Whatever you want to become or the career path you want to choose, involves gaining command over the small tasks necessary for completing the work. These smaller tasks include dealing with people, adaptation or problem solving skill.

When you start learning a new skill the Frontal cortex of your brain increases in size. Later it gets back into the previous size when the new skill gets hardwired in your subconscious. Now you don’t have to think while performing the skill. But this only happens when you do it with great concentration and without any distraction. Doing multi-tasking is the death of the process. For this you need to practice the skill for 4 hours with great

concentration and focus. This time include doing those different things that involve practicing the skill.

When you reach a specific time limit of practicing the skill, it becomes easier to practice now. You find it easier and amazing to practice, therefore you practice it for longer time and as this cycle goes on, you start yielding results.

3. Experimentation (the Active mode)

This is the shortest of all three steps in Apprenticeship. You start doing the experiment in your work and try different styles. You open yourself to the critics to know that, do you have enough skills and knowledge to carry out your job own your own? It is a great way of gauging your progress.

It is the time to start moving further as a professional and not to stop advancing just because of fear. You have learned all the rules, now you must move further to know about opportunities and learn from your new experiences.

In today’s world, we are living in a global village and therefore the competition has increased tremendously. Now a business has to compete with the global competitors rather than the locals, like once it used to. Several different fields of knowledge are overlapping each other And making new one, such as Biotechnology. In Biotechnology fields involve, Biology and technology. In today’s world one should be equipped with

different skills and knowledge related to diverse domains to be the top notch in his or her field.

8 classic Strategies for complete apprenticeship

1. Value learning over money

Try to focus more on the learning then on how much money you are making. If you are leaning enough to competent in future then sooner or later success and money will come.

Most of us can’t afford to work full time on our discoveries, experimentation and learning without earning any money to survive.

Therefore if you have to do a job that has more aspects of learning value it, then the one that has more money but doesn’t have anything, that relate the work you love to do. In jobs with low salaries, you will be left with more time required to practice the craft of your interest. While the jobs with large pay checks but with no work of your interest, will stop your learning process. Because you are now more conscious about proving yourself worthy of the job rather than putting your concentration in learning process. Such jobs will make you addicted to the big paying checks, which will in-turn direct

your life and you have to live in a very reserved way. Because making mistakes at such point can cost too much.

2. Keep expending your horizons

No one will provide you with the Apprenticeship that you desire, but you have to look for yourself the ways, you can have it at its best. Don’t stay at one place for too long, keep moving to different places and face different challenges. Do socialize as much as you can, every person is a book in itself and the greater number people you will meet the more you will develop yourself.

3. Revert to a feeling of inferiority

Have that feeling of inferiority that kids have, who think other know more than them. This makes kids learn more from others around them, whom they depend for their survival. Be dependent and participate in the work with those, you want to learn from. Obviously who will get independent one day but before that you need to learn enough.

If we think that we know enough, our mind close to other things. Adapt to the environment and observe what you want to learn. This is the very thing that makes kids wonderful learners.

4. Trust the process

When we learn something new and don’t get the returns what we expected, we start losing our faith and get frustrated. It is very important to have faith in the process. The process is that, initially you get hardwired some of the skills relevant to the task and gradually you start seeing the big picture. Therefore in mastery time is the magic element. While, frustration means you are concentrating in the learning process and like time, frustration is the part of the mastery process.

5. Move towards resistance & pain

Exposing yourself towards resistance and difficulty during practice, will train you better for real life situations. In real life things don’t go with the plan and most of the time it’s better to train yourself for some extra resistance. Be the biggest critic of yourself and avoid the temptation of being nice to yourself.

The mastery of any skill lies in mastering the small weakness of your. While training double the resistance in practice, it is the necessary part of practice because the psychological pressure is also half than it is in real life experience. Give yourself difficult deadlines. By having such practice habit you will expand your horizons.

6. Apprentice yourself in failure

They are two kinds of failures.The first one occurs when you don't yield reasonable results, while other is cause due to never trying (because of fear) . The first one will ultimately make you succeed but the second one will get you nowhere in life.

The mindset that you are never ready is just an illusion because without getting fail and exposing yourself to uncertainty you can’t succeed. As failure is a milestone towards success.

7. Combine the how and the what

“What” is about the appearances, while the “how” is about, how things are made and work. By combining both you will get the best out of you. Your Apprenticeship is the best time to have deep understanding of your field of knowledge, because later you will lose the curiosity and feel uncomfortable in doing so.

“What” of the things will be the artistic part of any product, system or procedure and deals with how they look like. It can be a model of a building. And “how” involves the scientific aspect about working of the things, like the blueprint and map of the building. Combine the understanding of both will ultimately lead you toward mastery.

8. Advance through trial & Error

This strategy for Apprenticeship is about how to spend your 20’s.

Now a day’s self-Apprenticeship is the best form of Apprenticeship. As most of the time it is not clear what precisely you want to become or do. Although you have an inner calling about making decision yet, how your future will be is still cloudy. This usually happen because the thing you want to do has no straight or defined pathway. In such situation you may feel restless for not having the opportunity and resources, but you don’t have to make 10 years plan. Because that’s not the way to reach you intuitive goals.

You just need to follow the path or do the job or work your intuition tells you to do, regardless of the results. Gain as many skills and knowledge you can that will lead you towards you future goal. You are not wandering because you are not committed, but preparing yourself for the opportunity that will one day present itself. At that time you will combine all your skills and knowledge which you have mastered after hundreds of hours beating on your craft. Don’t follow rigid paths in your 20’s.

Don’t look for short cuts. Although it seems that the people who are genius had no Apprenticeship. But it's not the fact. They gain mastery at so young age, because they had started their Apprenticeship very early. It takes 9 to 10 years of Apprenticeship to become able, to change the rules of the game and being called master.

Chapter 3


The mentor should be someone who fits best your need and know how to challenge you. Before choosing a mentor you should keep in mind the following parameters.


You should not feel that you already know everything and there is no need to learn from a mentor. No matter how talented you are in the Apprenticeship phase of your life, you need someone who can polish your skills. If you think master will have a

superior authority over you and due to which you deny the necessity of the master then you are insecure.

Books can serve the purpose of mentor but to a specific limit. And should be think of as a temporary mentor if you can't find anyone who can be your mentor. Otherwise the knowledge of books is abstract and experiences can lead you better in life. Mentor steam lines the process of Apprenticeship.

Strategies for deepening the mentor dynamic

Choose mentor according to your needs & inclination

A mentor should be someone who is not master of a specific discipline but have wide range of knowledge. A mentor should have the ability to connect emotionally with the apprentice. It’s better if you have something offer to a mentor, it can be doing work for your mentor without any remuneration.

Although more than one mentor is better than a single one. Each can serve the purpose of teaching you the field, they are master of.

Obviously the time you will spend with your mentor, depends upon the time you will take to learn all the desired skills and knowledge. Being with the single mentor for too long, after you

learn everything will do no good to you. But it is necessary to remember that a mentor is good for self-development either good or bad parent type.

Gaze deep into the mentor’s mirror

Now a days suffering and facing criticism is not encouraged. But a real master is the one who has reached to his mastery by bearing through all these sufferings. There are books present that flatters you but don’t challenges or points out the weakness to enhance you.

Although the criticism done by a mentor seems abusive but if not the weaknesses of apprentice highlighted, it may get much more abusive in the long run. Have mentor that can hold mirror for you and can provide you with constant challenges because confidence is just smugness if not base on reality. If you think of yourself well learned and stops challenging yourself you can’t get to that level of excellence and mastery.

Transfigure their ideas

When we get an apprenticeship of a mentor its necessary to fell under his spell. But as we constantly gain knowledge and skill of the task we can discover or create our own unique style. After some time it is necessary to adopt some of your mentor’s ideas into your own style. But don’t entirely copy them otherwise you will end up as their shadow. Your mentor may have some ideas

that have flaws, which you may improve or at least convey it in your own style. As Leonardo da Vinci said “poor is the apprentice who doesn’t surpass his master.”

Create back and forth dynamic

The relation of mentorship does not remain uniformed as the time passes. The attention you receive from your mentor is more at first, which you lose by time. Sometimes the reason can be, apprentice doesn’t like that much of learning from the mentor, once they gain reasonable skills, as they think they know enough. The other reason can be, mentor is not open minded to your suggestions, feedback and ideas. The reason can be many such as a generation gap. To develop better communication and team work with the mentor you should open to mentors every instruction and perform the command directed by mentor with utter most respect. In this way mentor see you as a keen learner and open him towards your ideas.

In some situations there is hardly anyone round you who can act as your mentor. It means you find no one, to be your mentor. In such cases you can get the best mentorship from the books like the successful historic figure Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison hardly had anyone in his surrounding, whom he can choose as his mentor. Therefore he started reading books and start thinking of Michael faraday as his role model. Although it took much more struggle but bestowed Addison with success at last.

Chapter 4


The social environment around us plays a vital role in our way to mastery. If we are not careful enough we can get stuck into the political games, without knowing it and waste our precious time for learning. It’s a naive perspective to project our emotional needs to others and misread the signs they may show us. If we see people careful enough and try to read what drives them and motivate them. We can enhance our chances for success in lesser time. As the mastery achieved without learning this skill is not true and would not last longer. Therefore it is necessary to be a social genius.


We often exaggerate people’s positive or negative traits in our youth. This is due to the fact that we human beings stay dependent on our parents for far much longer time than any other animal. As we are dependent on our parents so we start seem them as we like to. We used to see our parents with much extended abilities as they really have or amplify their selflessness. This later on develops into our habit, for which we start seeing our friends and teachers from our emotional perspective, the naïve perspective. We never assume that our friends may be envy of us or our teachers can be unethical or unjust in any of their life’s aspect.

We have to separate people from the images we bear in our mind. It is necessary to don’t lose track of reality while observing people. It is very essential to not idealize or demonize anyone but see the way they really are. We should not have to change people or get irritated about the one who are unreasonably rigid. Such peoples exist in the world since the very dawn of civilizations.

We should take the emotional approach for getting under people’s skin, to know what drives them or their motives. Although it seems like very mechanical and inhuman idea, to see people after drawing out the emotions out of the picture. But actually its really very emotional thing to do so. But instead the flow of emotions are in opposite direction, instead of thinking about your desires you feel what others are feeling and what they need. In this way it gets more about them rather

than yourself. As there are two things that help people communicate and connect in a better way. Those things are rationality and empathy.

Using these two elements we get the best of the understanding about oneself.


Specific knowledge is about reading people and their certain specific traits.

We often feel a telepathic connection with some people; mostly include our close friends and family members. In such connections we hardly feel the need of doing the most conversation into words. As we already know what they are thinking or about to say by just seeing them. This is due to our openness to other people. In this way we observer the small glimpse people expose of their inner most desires, motivations and intention.

Whenever we meet someone new we hardly get able make the proper judgment about their personality and character. But whenever you see someone new, avoid making the judgment about them. Because people are trained to project their

particular impression on others and even we get defensive and less open in our first encounter to someone strange to us. After meeting with them several times, you will have a better picture about their insides, which is not only based on reality but also adds up to your knowledge and experience in knowing others.

One should not pay attention to the words but more on the actions and decisions they make. People often disguised themselves in the opposite of direction rather than who they really are. (for example) if they are aggressive and ambitious, they will put a friendly front. To get inside others mind one must concentrate to the tone of other person’s voice, their look in the eye and the body language they are carrying. Because man can lie but his body can't.

There is an exercise you must practice, after a while you know someone try to get into her/his shoe. The trauma they had in life similar to any one of yours or the situation they are currently in and the responsibilities, duties they are having. Try to think inside their mind by placing yourself into their position. You will get best idea about how they are feeling and it will enhance your sense of telepathy.


General knowledge is about the unavoidable negative trades which humans nature possess but greatly vary in magnitude. There are seven such trades which are also known as seven deadly realities. Although every one of us bear it in small proportion but there are some in a group, that have these qualities to a much larger extent. Such people can prove destructive for the group. It is necessary to detect these seven deadly realities and avoid triggering them in the first place.

The seven deadly realities

1. Envy

Envy is an ugly emotion which any man may bear but some people take it too far. It is necessary to know about such people, recognizing them, because it is an emotion really difficult to detect. Even the envious person wouldn’t accept he is envy. Always beware of people who too much admire you or try to be too much friendly at the first stages of knowing you. Such people try to get close to you, to make the greater harm.

It is always too much standing out that usually sparks this emotion. Therefore it is better not to appear too perfect in the presence of insecure.

2. Conformism

People belong to a group share opinion, that mostly resembles to the head of the group. This is actually about the culture of the group itself. While the people show their acceptance towards individual thoughts. On the other hand there are some who are the over seers of such untold rules of the dominating culture. Such people may do indirect harm to those who are differ in their opinion. It is better to not show your originality, for you will have an ample amount of time when you reach a state where such people can’t do any harm to you.

3. Rigidity

Human feels comfortable in seeing familiar faces, procedures and way of doing things. Because in this highly uncertain world gives us a sense of control.

There are people who born to stick with the old ways even if they have consistently proven wrong. By providing prove and logic to your argument you will make them more resistance towards you. It is necessary to understand that there are people who are rigid for no reason and you cannot do anything to change them but to accept them the way they are. Because by constantly trying to change them you will make yourself rigid in the process.

4. Self-obsessiveness

When asking someone for a favor we must tell people what there is in it for them. People may show selflessness behavior while doing something, but even it is just the wish to be liked by others. There is always something in it for them. But the people who are extremely self-obsessed cover their actions with justification of higher level of concern for others. No matter what the level of self-obsession of other people is, you must consider what you can do for them in return. It can even be a contact or returning favor they need.

5. Laziness

There are people out there who are lazy enough to do nothing own their own. Such people are constantly looking for short cuts. It can be in the form of steeling others ideas or getting in the mid of one’s project and have the half credit for themselves.

The best way to defend yourself is by keeping your best ideas to yourself. Or at least don’t reveal enough details, so they can’t imitate.

If working with the superior you can let him take the full credit of the work, as it is the part of everyone’s apprenticeship but while working with colleagues you must secure your credit first. Most of the people searching for collaboration they are actually finding someone to do the heavy-lifting for them.

6. Flightiness

Humans are emotional beings and most of their decisions are based on their emotions, rather than the rationality. Therefore if you see someone who was in love with your idea yesterday and today he seems lukewarm, it may be just because the change of their mood or emotional state. It is better to not worry so much about such people’s opinion or you will get confuse about your idea.

7. Passive aggression

People do indirect attack on you such as by procrastinating, showing late or anything like that to upset you or make you self-guilty. Such people can be passive aggression warriors and can literally ruin your life. We all have passive aggression to some extent but the one who is passive aggression warrior is the most dangerous.

It is better to get yourself out of their surrounding or attack them with similar indirectness. You may find difficulty in identifying such people because usually they will have an extremely friendly exterior. But you can recognize such types. If their associates work with extreme care or people get cautious in their presence, then there are chances the person has highly level of passive aggression.

Strategies for acquiring social intelligence

Speak through your work

People may feel any of the above mentioned ugly realities when they see someone doing something great. May be due to the rigidity, envy or any other reason. The new discoveries you make in your field or original ideas you propose people will not accept it at once, no matter how true they are.

In doing so you must back your ideas with strong proves and experiments. It is always better to not get personal with people even if they are rejecting your idea. It may be only due to sheer envy, especially if they are someone having influence in the domain. Be respectful to others but be firm on your discovery of idea. It is best to propose your idea when you can see that the conventionalist of the field can do no or very less harm to you.

Craft the appropriate persona

Appearance plays a significant role in the social dynamics. Thinking that being your self is the best way of doing things is not right. In this world people judge you on the basis of your appearance and looks. If you don’t craft your persona appropriately according to the need of time, people will relate the traits having nothing to do with you.

Changing your appearance after reasonable passage of time and the need of the situation can be really helpful to you. People will have very less to predict you and the less they can do to harm you, if this is the case.

See yourself as other see you

We all make social mistakes, from the small harmless to the highly destructive. We mostly learn about them from the hard way as people afraid to make the criticism on others. Because even the positive criticism can heart egos and people may take it serious. It is better to tell people you believe and close to you that they let you know about what mistakes you have made at certain occasion.

Suffer fools gladly

There are people around us that not motivated by the thoughts of doing the work with great effectiveness and immense creativity. But they are interested in the gratification of their short term urges. Such people are fools and there are so many to deal with them all.

There is especial philosophy of dealing with such people. This is to see fools as any other reality of the world such as there are rocks and chair. You should accept them as reality. You just should not engage yourself with the useless battles with such fools. You cannot compel such fools with the logic of the prove

because they are not interested in the truth but in the foolish game of theirs.

Chapter 5


With time we lose our creative sense and curiosity for the small things. It is necessary to learn and see about fields and dimensions of knowledge other than your own. Because after becoming the master you start bending the very rules of your discipline due to the fact that you get exceptionally good understanding them.


Masters unlike common people don’t lose their child like spirit even with accommodating themselves with knowledge so immense. This lead them towards the creative work of their field and achieve things that are extra ordinary and highly original. We often lose our child hood spirit and get our self lock into the conventional perspective. Where we think more about how to make a living rather than doing something that can satisfy our very basic impulse of creativity.

As we ages or proceed further in our carrier we start relying more on our previous ways of doing things. We stop pushing our self from our very boundaries we had created in our mind which does not actually exist in reality. Thinking that experimenting with our work and is a great risk to our reputation we have created. But as we do so we become someone who is repetitive and does replaceable.

Becoming a master requires backing of yourself with high level of knowledge and openness towards new ideas.

There are few steps that will lead you towards to the pinnacle of your creative ability. You must try to make struggle and work on to small creative tasks to get yourself to the level until you make the ultimate difference.

Steps towards creative break through

The creative task

The thing you are up to should be specific. Actually, it is not just the field you have adopted but the specialty of task you want in your field. The task you chose should be highly appealing to you and it can ignite the spark of passion. But whatever you do it should be based on reality.

There are two aspects you must consider while choosing the creative task for you. The first thing is the task should be having enough level of challenge that it can be seen as ambitious for your level of ability. The second thing you must look after is that you don’t get worry about the difficulty and the uncertainty you will face during the process. If you are doing something merely for money, your work will be soul less. Even if you don’t see it your audience can feel it.

The creative strategy

We are creatures of habit and want to have consistency and familiarity in our life. Familiarity of things no matter how out dated makes us feel certain about the situation around us and it seems like we are in control. But one should always have some random patterns and routine to follow in their work. This activates the creative part of the brain.

1. Cultivate negative ability: Avoid making judgments and presumed explanations before observing something entirely. It would close you from imagining new perspective of seeing things

2. Allow for serendipity: go random with your routine and make your search as widen as possible with an open spirit. Try to learn the related solutions even if they belong to different fields of knowledge.

3. Alternate the mind through current: current is about the constant dialog between ones thoughts and observations. This consistent cycle of speculation and observation lead man to the knowledge beyond his limit of senses. Like one can see the passing of someone from a path in the past by looking its foot prints.

4. Alter your perspective: The way of creative people of seeing things is highly dynamic and have more than one dimension. They see how in the things instead of what, the miner details that make the big picture and the anomalies. Try to see things what other miss, such as a need in the market which have not yet met.

Although language has reduced the friction of communication to the minimum. Yet there are some it restrict us to think about the phenomena’s we does not have words. Thus visualization is an important trait to have while getting to the way of creativity. Its makes you think into a bigger picture and in several dimensions at a time.


After working the long time on an idea creative people get stuck at a point. The idea which seems to make countless collections is now more narrowed and it seems about impossible to proceed. It is in such moments when solutions come to them. The pressure can also gear up the creative process by making you feel on a desperate ground where you have caught up in a do or die situation. Your mind will do its best to get out of this critical situation by working much harder, like it would not do in situations where you have backups.


At the time our works starts get the public exposure we may get stuck in some of the emotional pitfalls. Some of the such emotional pitfalls we should avoid are as follows:

6 common pitfalls

1. Complacency

As we grow older we lose our curiosity and trait of active wandering. It is very essential to always keep your self-reminding that how lesser you know or you will get into this downhill emotional trap. Because at times we start thinking our self someone with enough knowledge to stop questioning, we actually create a hurdle in our further proceeding towards advancement.

2. Conservatism

Creativity is in itself a rebellion behavior against the conservatism. But you can get into this pitfall after you achieve some success. You get in love with the ideas that have worked for you in the past and now you do not want to change your ways of doing things. Because changing in the mid-stream can risk the results and after a success now you have a reputation to protect. But doing so you are going against the very law of creativity which lies in constant change.

3. Dependency

You should raise a master and a pupil inside you. Because as long as you depends on others for the guidance, criticism or suggestions to improve your work, you will be blew here and there and hardly get a clear perspective. You must develop internal standards of judgment.

4. Impatience

No matter how discipline you are impatient can always get you of the track. With the years passing you are now more reliant on your past successful strategies and want to reuse them. It is crucial for the masters to see every project as a different one because only doing so you can avoid the temptation of reaching the end via past shortcuts.

5. Grandiosity

Praise is often more dangerous than the criticism. It can shift your urges for creativity to the emphasis on admiration. We with success starts thinking that everything we have is due to the brilliance we own. One should always keep in mind the influence of luck on your success. It is always that when you are in love with an idea it is hard to see it with a distance and doubt. But it is the quality of masters to see their project both with optimism and doubt. You with practice and experience will develop this trait.

6. Inflexibility

To learn to avoid inflexibility, first it is necessary to know about flexibility. Flexibility is about being optimistic and criticizing your work at the same time. Although you may find it hard to see your work as a critic after falling in love with it, but you will learn it after practicing it several times. You may have moments of doubts when you shift your perspective from a creator to a critic.

Strategies for the creative active phase

The authentic voice

Loving the learning process itself instead of making hurry towards getting something new and original will work for you. It should be understood that being an individual requires long hours of apprenticeship and practice. Therefore never hurry to get on the end even you do believe it. Doing something merely for results will only yield short turn benefits which would not last longer. It’s better to keep looking for what you think perfectly suits you in your domain. It can be a style or a specialty you want to work in.

The fact of great yield

There are two kinds of animals in the world one are specialist while the second type is opportunists. All animals except humans are specialist, like eagle which go under the mode of relaxation if not hunting. While on the other hand humans are opportunists, who constantly look for ways to get benefit from.

It is advisable to not strictly stick to your domain. Search for the ways in which others fields can provide the solution. Look for new facts that not much people really pay attention to, because there are surely some useful applications of them you can utilize for your own use. Read generals of other fields that can relate to your work. Try not to have a goal at first while getting into a field. Try to look for such anomalies, it will really provide you the advantage you need.

Mechanical intelligence

Mechanical intelligence is not what it’s thought to be, and degraded form of intelligence. But it is for superior form. If you are creating something try to use it yourself. And avoid being too specific with your work because mechanical intelligence is about how different parts integrate with each other and seeing the working of something as a whole. If you become specific in a particular task and don’t concern about the overall working

you would not get the results you want. Using the product yourself will get you a better and far more effective feedback. Because it’s not about the some inspirational bursts of creativity that’s require for an Innovation. But the step by step improvement in the working of product you are creating.

Natural powers

Initially in your project you must have the joy of loose dreaming and imagining all possible ways of doing it. You must put in the passion because starting up a project with a pressure of public opinion and finance would get the project that in your mind and you would not feel it.

The second thing you must consider is to have knowledge about diverse disciplines that will ultimately add up to your creative process and make you exceptional in the field.

The third most important thing you must keep in mind is not jumping at the end by being impatient. We all need deadlines but all highly creative ideas need time. Enjoy the long cooking of idea in your mind, as time is your ally.

The Open field

In art, business or science we make some techniques and procedure of doing things which with time change. But we meaninglessly follow the same pattern of doing things without

thinking why did we start them at the first place. The thing you want to create shouldn’t be imitation of some trend. It should be something like a need you feel to create something new that would come from the inside of you. Because as a creative master you want to break the stream of conventionalism.

The high end

Mostly in the fields that are more complex and detail orients people get into the technical lock. Which is by continuously doing the work with same techniques and patterns that make loose sense of purpose. They forget why they are doing it. Such obstacles can be avoided by continuously asking yourself about the purpose of the work you are doing. It will not only help you see every project in the different way but also with the procedure and the stages it has to be done. Because having sight of the bigger picture will not let you get lost in the connections and loose into complexities.

The evolutionary hijack

Innovative ideas do not came to existence in a linear way but in more complicated and complex system. You working on an idea define it full of flows but with time further solutions or accidents may push you to the right direction. Actually it’s the accidents that are the cause of many useful creations and discoveries. Do not get rigid with your initial idea. Let different

approaches and other useful ideas related to the first one, come to you with an open mind. Maybe you did not succeed in your first idea of building something highly creative yet it will get you to the point of success where you will do something different yet highly innovative and as creative as your first idea. Because it’s the process that leads you towards the mastery in producing original work.

Dynamic mind

Studying and thinking from a single perspective hardly leads to exposure to truth. Such as studying a human organ separated from the system and dissecting it would lead to some specific knowledge. In this way you lock yourself into a specific angle from which you see things but despite that truth may be lie somewhere else. It can be possible the imaginary theory which explains the practical result may seem highly genuine but there are chances that it may be not.

To get yourself at the next level you should avow a dynamic mind, which doesn’t hesitate in recreating a new theory to explain the process. By being opened to the as many aspect as possible you are enhancing your chances of success.

Al-chemical creativity and the unconscious

We feel chaos if see something as a blend of two i.e. well & bad, gentle & harsh, practical & creative. But in reality life is

full of such blends and overlapping of two contradictory ideas can be seen around you. By welcoming this contradiction of ideas and observing their collaboration by digging deep you will unlock the ultimate burst of creative ideas.

There is a miss conception that disorder and drugs helps in emerging of creative mind set.

No master can deny the need of discipline and order in your work.

Chapter 6



Practicing a craft even after becoming an expert leads one to the higher level intelligence. Higher level intelligence is the trait of master, which is about seeing through the wage and avowing the ultimate intuition. The only parameter we measure intelligence is by rationality. But masters can see things which doesn’t rational but are highly precise. This is because due to the intuition they possess. Their rational expertise had been long change into the unconscious level of intuition that do the mind processing with great pace and is not sequential for them.

We think intuition is just a wage estimate. But for these masters their long hours of practicing have changed rational thinking process into précised intuition. Intuition gives the far better depiction of reality and sense of the bigger picture.

Mastery isn’t about practicing a skill for specific number of hours but about how intense focus you gives it.


When studying a subject one develops hundreds of connections in the brain and that happens with everyone investing a vast amount of time in practical. These connections in brain increases whenever we go through a learning process.

When a critical problem masters encounter, their mind unconsciously go to hundreds of different dimensions. But they hold on to only those practical solution that has practical validation. As doing a project of your field may overwhelm you but masters’ higher level intelligence process unconsciously the even minor of information within far lesser time. This is due to the intuition they have developed over the long period of time.

To not be overwhelm by the large range of different skills to learn in order to be a master. The solution is, to concentrate one single skill only and don’t think of several steps ahead.


The inter connectivity of life is the ultimate reality. Our mind moves into two different dimensions. One towards the narrowest of specialization while other focuses on the connectivity between different areas of knowledge. When we close an idea with the walls of differentiation. It is unnatural as mastery lies in viewing the big picture. In which one sees integration of several different components working together.

The only ultimate distinction you make is between you and the world. As the change in your external environments tend to

change your brain physically. It means one thing can’t be seen as individual, isolated component.

Strategies for attaining mastery

In this complex modern world no route can be proclaim as the ultimate path to mastery in any specific domain. The people we consider as masters have an X factor. This X factor is having an inner guidance system of your own which can help to forge the route suits you best. Therefore there is no fixed pathway but everyone can have his or her own way.

Connect to your environment (primal powers)

Environment can play a crucial role in giving us information and data we need. We use this information to analyze situation or to predict the surrounding circumstances. The media should be seen as a one source of information but not the only one. The only thing you can rely on is your own brain. Never under estimate the vitality of observing your environment. It will help you create meaningful connections that will ultimately make you see the unseen. Therefore connecting to your environment is the most powerful form of mastery that your brain can bring to you.

Play to your strengths (supreme focus)

Often the way to mastery depends upon the first steps you take, because it defines your path. Every one of us is different and our differences are ridicule by others. Therefore we often try to disguise them because we see them as some kind of weakness or an inbuilt fault. But actually what we see as our weaknesses are the most powerful strengths of ours.

The traits we bear that seem alien to others have some applications in the discipline of our interest. And by playing them as strengths we can be the unbeatable and the master of our field.

Transform yourself through practice (the fingertip feel)

While learning a skill we see our mind and body as two different parts. We use to be conscious about our body movements and have to focus to make the proper movements needed. But gradually it gets hard wire in your nervous system.

In any field don’t have a feel of inferiority by those who seem naturally talented. You can also get that level of proficiency and have the savvy expertise of your interest. Just continue practicing and the time shall come that you will see as a person with the golden touch.

Internalize the details (the life force)

Never think that details are the waste of time and doing so wouldn’t bear reward. The work with edit details will show a life in it and even if the public don’t know the technicalities they will have a feel for it.

Avoiding details in your work to get it complete as soon as possible will never be something a mark of master. Even if by coincidence it gathers attention it will be for a temporary amount of time.

Widen your vision (the global perspective)

Always think beyond the movement and avoid thinking of short term benefits.

It’s better to play with the weaknesses of your competitors rather than just observing them. Uncover the weaknesses and work to provide a better substitute without that flow. Looking wider and thinking further ahead should be your motto.

Submit to the other ( the inside out perspective)

When it comes to understanding others, observing them as an outsider wouldn’t give you a complete perception. Whatever you will learn is just a personal perspective. To get better inside

of reality one should see other cultures and people by being a part of them.

First of all it is required to let go your previous pre assumed theories, you think are universal. Gradually you will get inside which is far better and truly based on reality.

Synthesize all forms of knowledge (the universal man/women)

Often we suppress our tendency to go for that one zone of different discipline. We do so because we become the reality of other’s opinions.

Many of us think that mastery is for those who are naturally gifted. Why waste so much time in mastering something when you can just enjoy your short life. These voices don’t tell you the truth. As these doesn’t indicate towards the path of true joy.

If you have a feeling for two different field of knowledge than don’t think it’s not an inner calling. As we have mentioned above limiting our self to only one field is something against the natural makeup of our mind. Our mind is designed to build connections in-between inside neurons and between external concepts and ideas. The concept of universal men is something that can have knowledge of all disciplines to that extent that he can make meaningful connections and see the truth about nature secrets, no other can.

The end of summary
