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Math 2C03 - Differential Equationsms.mcmaster.ca/wolkowic/Courses/M2C03/M2C03_notes_spring.pdf ·...

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Math 2C03 - Differential Equations Slides shown in class - Winter 2015 Feb. 24-26, 2015 Spring/Mass Systems

Math 2C03 - Differential EquationsSlides shown in class - Winter 2015

Feb. 24-26, 2015

Spring/Mass Systems

Spring / Mass SystemsUndamped Systems

` denotes the length of the unstretched springm denotes the mass at the end of the springs denotes the amount the spring is stretched when themass is in the equilibrium position.x(t) denotes the displacement of the mass from theequilibrium position at time t , assuming thedownward direction is positive displacement(opposite to Trench.)

g denotes acceleration due to gravity at the Earth’ssurface:

g = 9.81 meters/sec2 = 32 feet/sec2.W denotes weight: W = mg

Hooke’s Law: Force due to the stiffness of the spring actsupward and is proportional to the amount of elongation.

F = −k(x + s),is the restoring force where k is the spring constant

At equilibrium, x = 0, forces balance: mg = ks.

Newton’s Second Law: ma = Fwhere a = x ′′(t) denotes acceleration.

Free Undamped Motion

ma = Fmx ′′(t) = mg︸︷︷︸

force due to gravity

− k(x + s)︸ ︷︷ ︸restoring force due to the spring constant

= (mg − ks)︸ ︷︷ ︸0


= −kxTherefore,

x ′′(t) = − km

x .

Letting ω =√

km , this becomes the IVP:

x ′′(t) + ω2x = 0, x(0) = x0︸ ︷︷ ︸initial position

, x ′(0) = x1︸ ︷︷ ︸initial velocity


Free Undamped Motion, cont’d

x ′′(t) + ω2x = 0, x(0) = x0︸ ︷︷ ︸initial position

, x ′(0) = x1︸ ︷︷ ︸initial velocity


Auxiliary equation: r2 + ω2 = 0Roots: ±iωGeneral solution:x(t) = c1 cos(ωt) + c2 sin(ωt).Solution of IVP:x(t) = x0 cos(ωt) + x1

ω sin(ωt)Therefore, the undamped spring oscillates indefinitely with:

period: T = 2πω

frequency: f = 1T = ω

2π .

Free Undamped Motion, cont’d

Recall: sin(a + b) = sin(b) cos(a) + cos(b) sin(a)

Alternate Form of the General Solution:x(t) = c1︸︷︷︸

A sin(ϕ)

cos(ωt) + c2︸︷︷︸A cos(ϕ)


= A sin(ωt + ϕ)


A =√

c21 + c2

2denotes amplitudeϕ denotes phase shiftc1 = A sin(ϕ),c2 = A cos(ϕ)⇒ ϕ = arctan(c1


272 Chapter 6 Applications of Linear Second Order Equations




Figure 6.1.5 R =√

c21 + c2

2; c1 = R cosφ; c2 = R sin φ

angle φ in (6.1.10) is the phase angle. It’s measured in radians. Equation (6.1.10) is the amplitude–phase

form of the displacement. If t is in seconds then ω0 is in radians per second (rad/s); it’s the frequency of

the motion. It is also called the natural frequency of the spring–mass system without damping.

Example 6.1.2 We found the displacement of the object in Example 6.1.1 to be

y =3

2cos 8t− 3


Find the frequency, period, amplitude, and phase angle of the motion.

Solution The frequency is ω0 = 8 rad/s, and the period is T = 2π/ω0 = π/4 s. Since c1 = 3/2 and

c2 = −3/8, the amplitude is

R =√

c21 + c2

2 =











The phase angle is determined by

cosφ =32






sin φ =−3



= − 1√17

. (6.1.12)

Using a calculator, we see from (6.1.11) that

φ ≈ ±.245 rad.

Free Undamped Motion, cont’dSpring Question 1:

At equilibrium a 10 kg mass is stretched 70 cm. Suppose a 2kg mass is attached to the spring, is initially displaced 25 cmbelow equilibrium, and is given an upward velocity of 2 m/s.Find:

(i) the displacement x(t) for t > 0;(ii) period, T ;(iii) frequency, f = 1

T ;(iv) amplitude, A; and(v) phase angle of the motion, ϕ.

BEWARE: In class, in WeBWork, and on any tests, we areassuming that the downward direction is the positive direction,opposite to what is assumed in Trench.

Therefore, x(0) > 0 & x ′(0) < 0, in this question.

Damped Systems: Effects of air resistance, friction

The damping force is proportional to the velocity.

Damping Force = −βdxdt, (β > 0)

The minus sign indicates that the force acts in thedirection opposite to the motion.

By Newton’s Second Law:

md2xdt2 = −k x − β dx


d2xdt2 +





x = 0

Damped Systems, cont’d

d2xdt2 + 2λ


+ ω2 x = 0.

where λ = β2m & ω =


Auxiliary equation: r2 + 2λ r + ω2 = 0

Roots: r± = −λ±√λ2 − ω2.

Case 1 (Overdamped): λ2 − ω2 > 0Case 2 (Critically damped): λ2 − ω2 = 0Case 3 (Underdamped): λ2 − ω2 < 0

Undamped if λ = 0. (Simple harmonic motion)

Note: If damped, then λ 6= 0 and the roots are either real andnegative or the real part of the roots is always negative.

Case 1: Overdamped λ2 − ω2 > 0

Two distinct negative real roots:

r+ = −λ+√λ2 − ω2 & r− = −λ−

√λ2 − ω2.

General Solution: x(t) = c1 er+t + c2 er−t

Exponential decay: x(t)→ 0 as t →∞.

At most one time t̄ such that x (̄t) = 0.

Case 2: Critically damped λ2 − ω2 = 0

Two equal negative real roots:

r± = −λ

General Solution: x(t) = c1 e−λt + c2 t e−λt

x(t)→ 0 as t →∞.

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At most a finite number of times t̄ such that x (̄t) = 0.

Case 3: Underdamped, λ2 − ω2 < 0, λ 6= 0

A pair of complex conjugate roots with negative real part

r+ = −λ+ i√ω2 − λ2 & r− = −λ− i

√ω2 − λ2.

General Solution:x(t) = c1 e−λt cos(

√ω2 − λ2 t) + c2 e−λt sin(

√ω2 − λ2 t)

x(t)→ 0 as t →∞.

Damped oscillatory motion.Infinitely many times t̄ such that x (̄t) = 0.

Driven Motion, i.e., external forcing

Assume an external force, f (t), also acts on the mass m of aspring/mass system.

md2xdt2 = −k x − β dx

dt+ f (t)︸︷︷︸

external force


Can re-write:d2xdt2 +




x =f (t)m


General soluton of the form:

ygen(t) = yc(t)︸ ︷︷ ︸transient

+ yp(t)︸ ︷︷ ︸steady state

if β 6= 0, transient part dies off, i.e., yc(t)→ 0 as t →∞whether yp(t) oscillates or not depends on the form of theexternal forcing

Undamped External Forcing

Assume an external force, f (t), also acts on the mass m of aspring/mass system with no friction.

md2xdt2 = −k x + f (t)︸︷︷︸

external force


Example (Undamped with external sinusoidal forcing)

d2xdt2 + ω2 x = P sin(αt)︸ ︷︷ ︸

f (t)/m


where ω =√

km , β = 0

Undamped with external sinusoidal forcing

d2xdt2 + ω2 x = P sin(αt).

Auxiliary equation: r2 + ω2 = 0, r = ±i ω.

Complementary solution: xc(t) = c1 cos(ωt) + c2 sin(ωt).

Solve using the Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Case 1: α 6= ω. xp(t) = A cos(α t) + B sin(α t).xp(t) = P

ω2−α2 sin(α t)Case 2: α = ω. xp(t) = t (A cos(ω t) + B sin(ω t)).

xp(t) = P2ω t cos(ω t)

Solution becomes unbounded.
