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Math Classroom Procedures

Date post: 04-Dec-2014
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Class Procedures are very essential and useful to be told to students at very begining of the year.
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  • 1. 2010-2011

2. A procedure is a particular course of action intended to achieve a result; a particular way of accomplishing an objective. Procedures are the way that we do things in math. We have procedures so that everyone has the opportunity to learn in a safe environment. 3. Why we have a start of class procedure. To be able to start quickly. We have more time to work on our assignments. More class time to do work means less work that has to go home! 4. Enter the room through the door Enter quietly and sit in your assigned seat Have a sharpened pencil and your other class materials ready. Copy the Warm-up from the board into your notebook. Copy any homework assignments into your school agenda. Remain seated and quiet until I direct otherwise. 5. Why we have end of class procedures . To make sure that all equipment, materials and supplies are safely and neatly put away so that we can use them again To keep our classroom clean and safe To get everyone to their next class on time 6. Begin to clean up and put away materials only AFTER you have been given instructions to do so. Put all materials and supplies in the appropriate place. Pick up any trash from around your area and dispose of it properly. Make sure that tables are properly aligned. Remain seated and quiet until I dismiss the class. Exit through the door. 7. Why We Have Procedures for Getting Materials. To make sure that everyone has the materials they need to learn To make sure that materials remain in good condition 8. I have general supplies for student use at my desk such as paper clips ,stapler etc. Do not remove the general supplies from my desk. Pick up and/or use supplies only after you have been instructed. All supplies must be accounted for at the end of class. 9. Why we have asking questions procedures. To make sure everyone has the opportunity to express themselves. To be able to hear and learn from others. To make sure everyone fully understands what we are doing. 10. Raise your hand timely to speak; wait to be called on. Do not approach me with your questions; I will come to you. Whenever another person is speaking, you should be listening. Never interrupt while someone is speaking, that is rude. 11. Why it is important to have this procedure . So that everyone can hear information they need to know So I do not have to yell ,or lose my voice. When I raise my hand, all students have to : be quiet stop what they are doing give me their full attention. 12. Why we have transitioning procedures. To maximize instructional time To make sure everyone knows what they are to do in the next activity Listen for all instructions and permission to move before transitioning. Move quickly and quietly to the next activity. This is not time to socialize. 13. Why we have procedures to leave class during instruction. To prevent the disruption of class To prevent losing instruction. You are allowed 2 hall passes per 4 weeks in Math class. This includes the bathroom, nurse, locker, etc. You have 2 minutes to use the bathroom. Use your passes wisely. At most 2 students can take a hall pass during one class unless it is an emergency. 14. Why we have individual work procedures . To allow students to learn and work without distractions To maximize working independently 15. There is NO TALKING during independent work. You may only ask me for help with individual daily assignments by applying the asking questions procedure. I may help you only 10 seconds for each question. 16. Why we have group work procedures. So that we are able to do group activities. To make sure all directions are heard and followed. To keep students safe during activities. 17. All group members must participate in group assignments. QUIET talk is allowed during group work (quiet talk means no vibrations, no weird noises , it is a whisper) You are not allowed to associate with other groups . Only one person from each group is allowed out of their seat at a time . Do not touch group materials until directed to do so. 18. Why we have this procedure. To make sure everyone has a good learning environment. To make sure learning is not interrupted by sharpening pencils. 19. Be prepared with all of your supplies before class begins. I dont have a pencil is not an excuse!!!! Sharpen your pencil at the beginning of class, before beginning the Warm-up. Otherwise, timely raise your hand for permission. Never sharpen your pencil or ask to borrow something while someone is talking. This is not polite. 20. Why we have food procedures. To keep the classroom clean and safe. To prevent disruption. There is NO eating or drinking in my classroom except for class parties or treats received from Mr. Kanmaz. Treats from other teachers must be eaten before entering my class. If you are caught with an open food product, I will take it and throw it away and consequences will be processed. 21. Why we have late work procedures. To make sure late work is assessed properly Work is accepted late at my discretion. All late work must have a parents signature. You will receive a reduction in points. 22. Why we have extra credit procedures. To give everyone the opportunity to raise their grade every quarter. Extra credit will be assigned at my discretion but students should ask for an extra credit. Extra credit work will not be accepted late. 23. Why we have make up work procedures. So that students may complete work they missed while they were absent It is your responsibility to make up work that you missed while out; you are not excused from it! Extra handouts will be located in the copy center. You have one day for each day you were absent to make up work 24. Why we have this procedure. To understand the math concept and review it at home. To go to next activity smoothly. Students should try to finish writing notes in assigned time. If someone finishes early, he/she must be quiet and should deal with the extra problems. If someone does not finish on time , he/she should complete by looking from classmates notes. 25. Why we have this procedure. To be able to take notes neatly To review the concept at home w/o any confusion. Students must put their name ,date and title of assignment(or lesson) in the top right hand corner of their work papers. John Doe 2/12/10 Place Value 26. Why we have this procedure. Not to disturb other classes. Not to tripped over by a chair We will silently line up. We must not in the hallway. We walk on the right side of the hallway single file. 27. Why we have this procedure. To keep our school environment clean and neat. Students will pick any paper around their desks and throw it in recycle bin during the last minute of each class. Students will pick any other trash around their desks as well. 28. Why we have this procedure. To respect everyones learning level. To reply What do we do when we are done? If you are done early in any activity, you have some options : 1. Get a card from the copy center and work on it. 2. Put your head on the desk and rest. 3. Read a book. 29. Why we have this procedure. To learn from your mistakes. To improve integrity. I will show the answers on the star board and you will check your answers with your red pens in an assigned time. After you are done I will go around and do quick grading. 30. Why we have this procedure. To have a quiet testing atmosphere. Your desk should be clear of all materials except for what is required for the test. Be prepared in advance for the test we will be doing chapter/unit review at the day before the test. There will be a time limit for each test/quiz if you dont have enough time to finish you can come to my office hours to complete it. If you are done, you should fold your paper so that your name will not be seen then turn your paper in. 31. Under no circumstance should your eyes wander towards your neighbors test, do not even appear to be looking at anyones test. No talking allowed during the test, this means while you are taking the test and when you are finished with the test. If you have a question, please raise your hand and I will call on you to come to my desk. Always bring extra work, a book or magazine with you on test day in case you get done early. 32. Why we have this procedure. To improve the integrity. To learn from our mistakes. Once the teacher passes out the folded test papers , students must get ready with their red pens. The teacher will show the answers on the starboard and will give you a time. You must finish checking on the assigned time limit. 33. Why we have this procedure. To able to discuss everyones opinion To ask students how the math class is going. The Meeting will be held once a quarter. Students should express their opinions in a respectful way. During class meeting all students are expected to be courteous and listen to the other students. Only talk when you have the glue. 34. Why we have this procedure. To keep the computer lab neat. Students will go to the assigned computer as teacher directs. Students will leave the computer s with chairs pushed in and computer area neat and tidy 35. Why we have this procedure. To make us well-organized. Binder checks will be done almost every 4 weeks. During the binder check there may be a fun activity (watching video ,party etc) It is up to the class behavior and performance in that period. Each student must clean their homework and class work section after the binder check. 36. Why we have these procedures? To prevent class disruption To show that we are responsible and respectful people When a visitor enters the room or if I have to leave the room, you are to continue working quietly. Do not acknowledge any visitors by yelling out 37. These are a few things that I do not tolerate in my classroom. They are considered class disruption and will result in disciplinary action. Beating on desk with pens or hands. Shooting paper into the trash can. Teasing, Bullying. Touching the starboard w/o permission. Singing/Rapping in class. Saying to another student Shut up. 38. All procedures are expected to be followed everyday as rules; failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. Please refer to this handout for questions regarding all procedures. A copy may be posted to the school website.
