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Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

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Journal of Humanistic Mathematics Journal of Humanistic Mathematics Volume 8 | Issue 1 January 2018 Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons, and the Mathematics Commons Recommended Citation Recommended Citation "Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku," Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Volume 8 Issue 1 (January 2018), pages 441-472. DOI: 10.5642/jhummath.201801.22. Available at: https://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm/vol8/iss1/22 ©2018 by the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. JHM is an open access bi-annual journal sponsored by the Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences and published by the Claremont Colleges Library | ISSN 2159-8118 | http://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm/ The editorial staff of JHM works hard to make sure the scholarship disseminated in JHM is accurate and upholds professional ethical guidelines. However the views and opinions expressed in each published manuscript belong exclusively to the individual contributor(s). The publisher and the editors do not endorse or accept responsibility for them. See https://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm/policies.html for more information.
Page 1: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Journal of Humanistic Mathematics Journal of Humanistic Mathematics

Volume 8 | Issue 1 January 2018

Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm

Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons, and the Mathematics Commons

Recommended Citation Recommended Citation "Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku," Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Volume 8 Issue 1 (January 2018), pages 441-472. DOI: 10.5642/jhummath.201801.22. Available at: https://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm/vol8/iss1/22

©2018 by the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. JHM is an open access bi-annual journal sponsored by the Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences and published by the Claremont Colleges Library | ISSN 2159-8118 | http://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm/

The editorial staff of JHM works hard to make sure the scholarship disseminated in JHM is accurate and upholds professional ethical guidelines. However the views and opinions expressed in each published manuscript belong exclusively to the individual contributor(s). The publisher and the editors do not endorse or accept responsibility for them. See https://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm/policies.html for more information.

Page 2: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Math in Seventeen Syllables

♦A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

In our July 2017 issue, we issued an open call for mathematical haiku, whichwe defined to be a three-line poem in the “5-7-5” syllabic form that expresseda mathematical idea or experience, and hopefully connected it to the humancondition.1 In deference to traditional Japanese haiku, we encouraged poets toconsider using allusions to nature or the seasons in their work, and / or whatis known as a caesura or kire represented by punctuations, space, line-break, orother grammatical break that is intended to compare two images implicitly.

At the time we wrote:

hopefully poemswill arrive like a river—math made tangible

And indeed they did! We received haiku on an amazing variety of themes andsubjects, from many different authors.

This poetry folder contains an eclectic selection of mathematical haiku, represent-ing the diversity of mathematical ideas and experiences. We are able to publishonly a fraction of the poems we received; we were surprised and (slightly butvery much delightedly) overwhelmed by the interest our call sparked. We expectthat there will be other similarly inspired poetry folders in the future issues ofthe Journal of Humanistic Mathematics; stay tuned!

We decided to print the contributions of each individual on a different pageto let each author’s individual style shine through, with the exception being afew pages which contain poems created by multiple authors. The authors arepresented alphabetically by last name.

We hope you will enjoy this poetry folder of mathematical haiku.

Editors of the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics

1See Huber, M. and Karaali, G. “Math in Seventeen Syllables: An Open Call for Mathemat-ical Haiku,” Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, Volume 7 Issue 2 (July 2017), pages 435–436(available at: http://scholarship.claremont.edu/jhm/vol7/iss2/31).

Journal of Humanistic Mathematics Vol 8, No 1, January 2018

Page 3: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Dor [email protected]

Base Eight in the Spring

I wrote a poem withSeventeen syllablesDid I count right?


Page 4: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Francesca [email protected]

Index theory

a Dirac operatorrecovers the manifold’s topologyvia its fredholm index

Monstrous Moonshine

unexpected connections.symmetries and monstrous representationsare one under the moonshine

Heisenberg’s relations

position and momentumpossess a non trivial commutator.uncertainty relations


Page 5: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Anna [email protected]

Meteor shower,Vectors flying through the sky,Soft axis landing.

Oak tree, solid trunk —Base times height, the mass stretched out,Vibrant life inside.

Fool-proof but messy,The quadratic formula,Pick zeroes like fruit.


Page 6: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Debra [email protected]

Why Fractions are Hard

Two variables —not one. A relationship —hence difficulty.


Page 7: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Ryan [email protected]

To Teach, To Learn, Mathematics

Students enduring—Brightening, discovering.I see the joy, too.


Page 8: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Jason [email protected]

Axiom of Choice,Well-Ordering Principle,and. . . what’s Zorn’s Lemma?


Page 9: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Christina [email protected]

Without any doubtevery mighty redwood treewas once just my height.

There’s not enough roomin seventeen syllablesto contain infin—

Branching forevermy favorite tree grows down,lone root to the sun.


Page 10: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Samuel N. [email protected]

The Dynamic Programming principle

Searching forwards forcontrol is peering through fog —do it in reverse


Page 11: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Radu V. [email protected]

The Universe isChaos distilled to challengeTill patterns emerge.

Primeval silenceBroken, then pieced togetherBy a new language.


Page 12: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Kevin [email protected]

Surface seeming flat,at moon’s eclipse its shadowargues otherwise.

Cosecant, you say,by the dawn’s earliest light,is one over sine.

Suppose humankindknew neither of pi’s valuenor of winter’s end.


Page 13: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Benjamin [email protected]


Fractal ImagesReduced and ReplicatedForever the Same

The River

Flowing DownriverWater Traces GradientsCalculus Revealed


All Throughout NatureThe Fibonacci SequenceSpiraling Outward


Page 14: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Whitney George and William [email protected]

X, Y, and now ZNow I know my A, B, C’sJK it’s 3D


Page 15: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Paul [email protected]

On the pond surfacereflected dragonflies clash.Mirror symmetry.

Algebra’s nightmare:a new finite simple group.Black ink on fresh snow.

Wind-swirled mist rises.A glimpse of distant mountains.A theorem is born.


Page 16: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Laura [email protected]

Topsy turvy tricksLike negative exponents —Duck heads under lakes

Sudden rain shower,The debris rushing downhill,Tangential rivers

Peaceful living andNicely balanced equationsHow we long for both


Page 17: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Larry [email protected]


In America,Pi Day of the Centurywas transcendental!


Wallpaper patterns;9-by-9 Sudoku clues;what teenage Gauss made.


Think of earthquake strength,Musical notes and loudness,And brightness of stars.


Page 18: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Rachel [email protected]


Viscous fluid filmTiny layer changing depthShoved by surfactant


Scholarship. Teaching.Tugs on time and brain and heart.Delicious when one.


Math continuumModeling in work and lifeFrom cradle to grave


Page 19: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Hannah [email protected]

But, Why?

x equals y, but—why? dig deeper and all youranswers will unearth.


formulas help tocreate a world of magiccalled mathematics.

Oceanic Arithmetic

math is water forsome. allows us to exploredepths not seen before.


Page 20: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Dan [email protected]

Topological Graph Theory applied to Molecular Biology

Count the edge crossings.They must stay on the surface.Blocked by a membrane.

The Median versus the Mean on the Putnam Mathematical Compe-tition

Most scores are zero.A few get almost perfect.Average score?—Ok.

The Value of an Education

Exponential growthStarting from almost nothingWe can save the world.


Page 21: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Eric [email protected]

More things than placesThe pigeonhole principleOne must share its spot

Halfway there each stepYou’ll get to the goal somedayBut you will die first

She’d divorce for himA stable marriage existsHe prefers his wife


Page 22: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Lora [email protected]

No vacancy atHilbert’s hotel—There are roomsLeft for all of us!

It is shorter toWalk straight there—The TriangleInequality

A bird cannot diveInto the sea without firstTouching its surface.


Page 23: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Mason A. [email protected]

Mixed Dynamics

Am I chaotic?Or perhaps periodic?I am divided.


A complex systemBut does it mean anything?It’s complicated.


Page 24: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Valentina Ranaldi-Adamsmountain [email protected]

filling one bushel—forty pounds of ripe applesfor us to carry

square the radiusand then multiply by pi—full moon in autumn

angles and straight lines—the Bermuda Triangle’smysteries abound


Page 25: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Blaine Schmidtmath [email protected]

Nature creates mathIn each snowflake, river, tree. . .Fractalization

Nature’s tapestryWarp, weft, plus form, and function. . .Woven within math

A squared plus B squaredResults in C squared each time. . .Pythagorean


Page 26: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Jennifer [email protected]

Are snowflakes alike?Probability theorySays they are unique

Patterns in nature:Ratio, symmetry, fractal—Where is the chaos?


Page 27: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Victoria [email protected]

numbers swimming inadd, subtract, solve the problemmath grasps the answer

as my pencil fades—the answer is on my sheetclearer with my math

fragments and pieces—searching through forests of mathfinished my homework!


Page 28: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Manya [email protected]

A line meets a curveAsymptotic, she thought first—No, osculating.

The idea revealsherself like a lover doesnaked in the light.

I started to countBut I found you were beyondThe continuum.


Page 29: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Alexander van Duin

Exponentially,The numbers grow or decay,Falling or rising.


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Benjamin van Duin


Infinite digitsPi is never repeating—And inedible


Page 31: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Greg [email protected]

Forty-two studentscompare i.i.d. birthdays.Surprise! No two share.

The Fruit Ninja eyesbread and ham arcing above —Lunch, bifurcated.

Fibonacci’s lawfeeds sequential offspring fromtwo horny rabbits.


Page 32: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Maggie [email protected]

math passes through mindsprism-like, casting color,splitting rationed rays

translate, rotate, scale;shapes dance in shifting grids asaxes pirouette

thoughts tense and trembleher breath catches, theoremsstrain under pressure


Page 33: Math in Seventeen Syllables: A Folder of Mathematical Haiku

Jay [email protected]

No? Then adding oneto the product of all primesgets you a new one!

