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The International Scientific Journal of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania (Romania), publishes original papers in English in several areas of sciences.
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Acta Universitatis SapientiaeThe scientific journal of the Sapientia University publishes original papers and deep

surveys in several areas of sciences written in English.Information about the appropriate series can be found at the Internet address


Editor-in-ChiefLaszlo DAVID

Main Editorial Board

Zoltan A. BIRO Zoltan KASA Andras KELEMENAgnes PETHO Emod VERESS

Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, MathematicaExecutive Editor

Robert SZASZ (Sapientia University, Romania)[email protected]

Editorial BoardSebastien FERENCZI (Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy, France)

Kalman GYORY (University of Debrecen, Hungary)Zoltan MAKO (Sapientia University, Romania)

Ladislav MISIK (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)Janos TOTH (Selye University, Slovakia)

Adrian PETRUSEL (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania)Alexandru HORVATH (Petru Maior University of Tg. Mures, Romania)

Arpad BARICZ (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania)Csaba SZANTO (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania)

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Sapientia University Scientia Publishing House

ISSN 1844-6094http://www.acta.sapientia.ro

Page 3: Mathematica Vol. 4, No. 2, 2012

Acta Universitatis Sapientiae

MathematicaVolume 4, Number 2, 2012

Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania

Scientia Publishing House

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J. GondaMetric on the hyper-octahedral group: the minimaldeviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

K. Raj, S. K. Sharma, A. GuptaSome multiplier lacunary sequence spaces defined by asequence of modulus functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

T. K. Samanta, S. MohintaCommon fixed point theorems for single and set-valuedmaps in non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

J. Sandor, R. Olah-GalOn Cusa-Huygens type trigonometric and hyperbolicinequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145

G. S. Srivastava, A. SharmaSpaces of entire functions represented by vector valuedDirichlet series of slow growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154

A. B. Singh, V. N. DixitUnification of extensions of zip rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

M. Atc. eken, S. DırıkOn contact CR-submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds . . . . . . . . . .182

R. SzaszImprovement of some results concerning starlikenessand convexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199


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Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica, 4, 2 (2012) 109–116

Metric on the hyper-octahedral group: the

minimal deviation

Janos GondaEotvos Lorand University

Department of Computer AlgebraBudapest, Hungary

email: [email protected]

Abstract. The n-dimensional hyper-octahedral group is the group ofthe distance-preserving transformations of the n-dimensional cube. Thisgroup, denoted by Tn, is the semi-direct product of Sn2 and Sn, where forany positive integer k, Sk is the symmetric group of degree k. On thisgroup a metric can be defined in the following way. Let us consider theset of the distances between the images under the two transformationsof every vertex of the hypercube. Then the distance between the twotransformations is the maximum of this set. If we consider the verticesof the cube as the points of the n-dimensional Boolean space, that is,if we represent the vertices of the n-dimensional cube by the elementsof the set of {0, 1}

n, then a particular element of Tn can be given in the

form of (π, α), where α ∈ {0, 1}n, and π is a permutation of the set of

{k ∈ N |k < n } (N denotes the set of the non-negative integers, and theelements of {0, 1}

nare indexed from 0). By this representation the metric

defined on Tn can be determined by an inner manner, that is, the distanceof two transformations is determined by α and the decomposition of πinto disjoint cycles (see for instance in [2]).

This metric involves a norm on the group, the norm of a transfor-mation being its distance from the identity of the group. This norm is amaximum, being the maximum of the set of distances between a vertexand its transformed image, for every vertex of the hypercube. However,sometimes the minimum of these distances can be interesting. In thispaper we deal with this value.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11A25, 06E30, 94C10, 15A18Key words and phrases: hyperoctahedral group, metric, norm, deviance, Boolean space


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110 J. Gonda

1 Introduction

Let Bn denote the set of the n-dimensional Boolean vectors. Bn is a metricspace with the Hamming-distance, that is, with d

(x, y)

=∑n−1i=0 (xi ⊕ yi)

[1] where x ∈ Bn, y ∈ Bn, xi and yi are the i-th coordinates of x and y,respectively, and ⊕ denotes the modulo 2 sum. Bn is a representation of theabstract notion of the n-dimensional cube. The cardinality of Bn is equalto 2n, this being the number of the vertices of an n-dimensional cube. Twovertices of the n-dimensional cube are neighbouring if and only if they areconnected by an edge of the cube. We can define a similar relation, the relationof neighbourhood, between the elements of the n-dimensional Boolean vectorsas follows. Let two Boolean vectors be neighbouring if and only if they differfrom each other in exactly one component, that is, if and only if the Hamming-distance of the two Boolean vectors is 1. A vertex of an n-dimensional cube hasn neighbouring vertices, and this is the number of the Boolean vectors havinga Hamming-distance of 1 from a fixed Boolean vector. If we define the distanceof two vertices of an n-dimensional cube as the minimum number of edges wehave to pass from one to the other, then it is easy to see that this rule definesa distance function. There are 2nn! distance-preserving bijections between thethe vertices of the n-dimensional cube and the vectors of the n-dimensionalBoolean space. Indeed, let us fix an arbitrary vertex of the n-dimensionalcube, denoted by v0. We have 2n different choices for a corresponding Booleanvector. Every Boolean vector has n neighbouring vectors in the same way asevery vertex of the cube has n neighbouring vertices. There are altogether n!one to one mappings between these two sets of n elements, so we have a totalof 2nn! different bijections between n+ 1 elements of the corresponding sets.Till now we have given the image of an arbitrarily chosen vertex, together withits neighbours. Let us denote this mapping by φ and let A be the set of thesen+ 1 vertices. Then it can be proved that there is exactly one extension ψ ofφ such that d (ψ (v′) , φ (v)) = d (v′, v) for all pairs of vertices v′ of the cubeand v ∈ A (see for instance [1]).From the previously mentioned facts follows that we can study the effects

of the n-dimensional hyper-octahedral group on Bn. Let Tn denote the groupof the congruences of the n-dimensional cube acting on Bn. In this case Tn ={(π, α) |π ∈ Sn and α ∈ {0, 1}n }, where Sn is the symmetric group of degree nacting on the set of the non-negative integers less than n. If x = (x0, . . . xn−1) ∈Bn, u = (π, α) ∈ Tn and α = (α0, . . . , αn−1), then x

u =(xα0

π(0), . . . , xαn−1



that xα = α ⊕ x. Among all transformations on Bn, only the elements of Tn

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preserve the distances between the elements of Bn, so this group is the isometricgroup of Bn. Tn is the wreath product of S2 and Sn, that is, Tn = S2 ≀Sn, whereSn is the symmetric group of degree n [5], [6], [7], [8].In [2] we have dealt with an inner characterization of the metric and the

norm of the hyper-octahedral group. In the following we shortly summarizethe results of that article, and then, in the next section, we deal with theminimal value of the effect of a transformation of the hyper-octahedral group.

Definition 1 Let n ∈ N, u ∈ Tn, v ∈ Tn. Then d (u, v) = maxx∈Bn

{d (xu, xv)}.

d defines a metric on Tn (see for instance in [9]).d is left and right invariant on Tn, that is, for any u ∈ Tn, v ∈ Tn and

w ∈ Tn,d (uw, vw) = d (u, v) (1)

andd (wu,wv) = d (u, v) . (2)

d can be determined in an inner manner. Let w = (π, α) ∈ Tn be an arbitraryelement, let

π =


ct (3)

be the disjoint cycle decomposition of the permutation π. Further, let ck =(ck0 , . . . , ckmk−1

)be the k-th member of the product in (3), where 0 ≤ k < s,

mk is the length of the k-th cycle of the previous product for 0 ≤ k < s, and

α = (α0, . . . , αn−1) ∈ {0, 1}n, furthermore let tk =(mk +

∑mk−1i=0 αcki

)mod 2

and τ (w) =∑s−1k=0 tk.

Theorem 1 Let u and v be two arbitrary elements from Tn. Then d (u, v) =n− τ



Using the metric studied above, one can define the norm of the elements ofTn [2].

Definition 2 Let Tn be the isometric group of the n-dimensional Booleanspace. Then ∥u∥ = d (e, u) is the norm of u ∈ Tn.

From this definition immediately follows that

1. ∥u∥ = 0 if and only if u = e;

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112 J. Gonda

2. ∥u∥ =∥∥u−1∥∥ for every u ∈ Tn;

3. d (u, v) =∥∥uv−1∥∥ for every (u, v) ∈ T 2n.

Theorem 2 Let φ : u 7→ ∥u∥. Then Im (φ) = Nn = {k ∈ N |k < n }.

In Theorem 2 N denotes the set of the non-negative integers.

2 New results

In the previous section we characterized an element of the hyper-octahedralgroup by its maximal effect regarded as the distance between a vector of theBoolean space and its transformed image. But sometimes the expectation isthe opposite, that is, we wish that the effect of the transformation be as littleas possible. This expectation leads to the following notion.

Definition 3 Let Tn be the isometric group of the n-dimensional Booleanspace and let u ∈ Tn. Then ⟨⟨u⟩⟩ = min

x∈Bn{d (x, xu)}.

⟨⟨u⟩⟩ shows the minimal effect of u ∈ Tn. By the definition it seems, that⟨⟨u⟩⟩ depends not only on u, but on the elements of the Boolean space. How-ever, the next statement proves that ⟨⟨u⟩⟩ can be given in a form dependingonly on u.

Theorem 3 Let u = (π, α) ∈ Tn, where π ∈ Sn and α ∈ {0, 1}n. If π =∏s−1t=0 ct is the disjoint cycle decomposition of the permutation π, for 0 ≤ k < s

ck =(ck0 , . . . , ckmk−1

)is the k-th member of the previous product, then

⟨⟨u⟩⟩ =s−1∑k=0

t′k, (4)

where t′k denotes the remainder of

∑mk−1i=0 αcki

by modulo 2.

Before the precise verification of the theorem we would like to highlight theidea of the proof.For the sake of the simplicity let us suppose that π in u = (π, α) ∈ Tn is

a cycle, for instance the cycle of the first k elements of the indices, that is,π = (0, 1, . . . , k − 1), where n > k ∈ N, and for n > i ≥ k, i ∈ N, αi = 0. Inthis case for an arbitrary element x of Bn,(




(x0 x1 . . . xk−2 xk−1 xk . . . xn−1xα0

1 xα1

2 xαk−2

k−1 xαk−1

0 xk . . . xn−1


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Now the number of the positions where the original and the transformedvectors differ from each other can be calculated as follows. If n > i ≥ k, i ∈ N,then xi = x


π(i) = (xu)i, so in that part of the vector there is no position wherethe two vectors differ, the number of the different positions of that domain isequal to 0. Now let us consider the first part of the vectors, that is, the first kpositions. We try to get as few different positions as possible. The best resultis, if xi = x


π(i) = xαi

(i+1) mod kfor every k > i ∈ N. Then

x0 = xα0


x0 = xα0

1 =(xα1


)α0 = xα1⊕α0





x0 = xαk−3⊕···⊕α0

k−2 =(xαk−2


)αk−3⊕···⊕α0 = xαk−2⊕αk−3⊕···⊕α0


and finally

x0 = xαk−2⊕αk−3⊕···⊕α0

k−1 =(xαk−1


)αk−2⊕···⊕α0 = xαk−1⊕αk−2⊕···⊕α0


(⊕ denotes the modulo 2 sum).All but the last conditions can be easily satisfied. As ab = a⊕ b, so

x0 = xαk−1⊕αk−2⊕···⊕α0


= x0 ⊕ αk−1 ⊕ αk−2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ α0.

This last equality is true if and only if αk−1 ⊕ αk−2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ α0 = 0, that is,if and only if αk−1 + αk−2 + · · · + α0 is an even number. In this case the twovectors are identical, there is no differences, the distance of the two vectors isequal to 0. In the other case, that is, if the sum of the exponents is an oddnumber, then there is exactly one position where the two vectors differ, so, thedistance of the two vectors, and then ⟨⟨u⟩⟩ is equal to 1. That means that theminimal number of the differences, in another words, the minimal deviationcaused by this transform is either 0 or 1, depending on the parity of the sumof the exponents.Now we prove exactly the statement.

Proof. Let xck1 = xαck0ck0

= xck0 ⊕ αck0 . Then

(xu)ck0= x


π(ck0)= x

π(ck0)⊕ αck0 = xck1 ⊕ αck0


⊕ αck0)⊕ αck0 = xck0 . (5)

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114 J. Gonda

For every 1 ≤ i < mk we have that

xcki= x


= xcki−1⊕ αcki−1

= xck0 ⊕(i−1⊕j=0αckj

). (6)

Then we get that

xckmk−1= xck0 ⊕



). (7)

The equality (xu)ckmk−1= xckmk−1

holds if and only if xαckmk−1


) = xckmk−1,

or, in another way, if and only if

xck0⊕ αckmk−1

= xckmk−1= xck0 ⊕



). (8)

From the equation above we get that


αckj= 0. (9)

If this condition is fulfilled then all of the components of x and xu belongingto the k-th cycle of the decomposition of π are the same. In the opposite casethey differ exactly in one position, and then


αckj= 1. (10)

These results mean that if we construct a vector x0 taking into considerationthe above-mentioned conditions, then the number of the different coordinates

of the vectors x0 and xu0 is exactly


(⊕mk−1j=0 αckj

), and this is the minimal

value of the Hamming-distances between the elements of the Boolean spaceand their transformed images under u, according to the statement of thetheorem. �The range of the values of the function u 7→ ⟨⟨u⟩⟩, where u ∈ Tn, is as


Theorem 4 The set of the values of the function u 7→ ⟨⟨u⟩⟩, defined on Tn,is equal to A = {k ∈ N |k ≤ n }.

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Proof. It is obvious that the set of the values of the function is a subset of theset of A = {k ∈ N |k ≤ n }. We have to show that for every element of that setthere is at least one element in Tn so, that ⟨⟨u⟩⟩ is equal to the given integer.Let us consider the following transformation:

u =

ε,1, . . . , 1︸ ︷︷ ︸


, 0, . . . , 0︸ ︷︷ ︸n−k

, (11)

where ε is the identity of Sn. Then for any x = (x0, . . . , xn−1) ∈ Bn we havethat

xu = (x0, . . . , xn−1)u

= (x0, . . . , xk−1, xk, . . . , xn−1) . (12)

As d ((x0, . . . , xk−1, xk, . . . , xn−1) , (x0, . . . , xk−1, xk, . . . , xn−1)) = k, that is,d (x, xu) = k for every x ∈ Bn, so ⟨⟨u⟩⟩ = min

x∈Bn{d (x, xu)} = k. �

3 Conclusion

Considering two Boolean functions of the same variables, they are not essen-tially different if they differ only in the ordering of the variables and in assign-ing the 0 and 1 to the variables that is in the case when f2 (x0, . . . , xn−1) =



π(0), . . . , xαn−1


), where π is a permutation of the indices of the variables,

αi ∈ {0, 1} and xα = α⊕ x ={x , if α = 0x , if α = 1

. For instance, let us suppose

that we want to describe the statement“Now it is either raining or the sky is blue, and yesterday MU won again”

by the help of mathematical formalism. Then we can denote the first part ofthe sentence by A (A = “it is raining”), the second part of the sentence byB (B = “the sky is blue”) and the third part of it by C (C = “YesterdayMU won again”). By these notations our statement is F = (A ∨ B) ∧ C, if∨ denotes the disjunction and ∧ denotes the conjunction. But the meaningof B ∧ (¬A ∨ C) is the same as the meaning of the previous form, if now B

denotes the sentence “yesterday MU won again”, C denotes “the sky is blue”and A stands for “Now it is not raining”. As this simple example shows, thetwo forms of (A∨B)∧B and B∧ (¬A∨C) do not differ essentially, they differonly in the assignment of the variables to the original statements.

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116 J. Gonda

This fact explains, why the hyper-octahedral group is so important whenwe investigate the Boolean functions. And if it is so, then it is understandablethat it is important to know, what is the maximal and the minimal impactof an element of the group on the Boolean functions. In another article [2] weexamined the maximal effect, and now the minimal effect of the transforma-tions, and stated, that this effect depends only on the transformation given,and that every possible value can be achieved by a transformation chosen inan appropriate way.


[1] P. J. Cameron, J. H. van Lint, Designs, Graphs, Codes and their Links,London Mathematical Society Student Texts 22, Cambridge UniversityPress, Cambridge, 1991.

[2] J. Gonda, Metrics on the hyper-octahedral group, In: Informatika afelsooktatasban 2008,(http://www.agr.unideb.hu/if2008/kiadvany/papers/F11.pdf, in Hungar-ian).

[3] M. Hall jr., The theory of groups, MacMillan Co., New York, 1959.

[4] B. Huppert, Endliche Gruppen 1. Springer, Berlin, 1967.

[5] L. A. Kaluzhnin, P. M. Beleckij, V. Z. Feinberg, Kranzprodukte, Teubner-Texte Vol. 101, B. G. Tebner, Leipzig, 1987.

[6] L. A. Kaluzhnin, M. Kh. Klin, V. I. Sushchanskii, Exponentiation of per-mutation groups I. Izv. Vyssch. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat. 8 (1979) 26–33 (inRussian).

[7] M. Krasner M. L. Kaloujnine, Produit complet des groupes de permuta-tions et probleme d’extension de groupes I. Acta Sci. Math. Szeged 13(1950) 208–230.

[8] M. Krasner M. L. Kaloujnine, Produit complet des groupes de permuta-tions et probleme d’extension de groupes II. Acta Sci. Math. Szeged 14(1951) 39–66, 69–82.

[9] L. S. Pontrjagin, Nepreryvnye gruppy, Nauka, Moscow, 1984.

Received: July 14, 2011

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Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica, 4, 2 (2012) 117–131

Some multiplier lacunary sequence spaces

defined by a sequence of modulus functions

Kuldip RajShri Mata Vaishno Devi University

School of MathematicsKatra - 182320, J&K, India

email: [email protected]

Sunil K. SharmaShri Mata Vaishno Devi University

School of MathematicsKatra - 182320, J&K, India

email: [email protected]

Amit GuptaShri Mata Vaishno Devi University

School of MathematicsKatra - 182320, J&K, India

email: [email protected]

Abstract. In the present paper we introduce some multiplier sequencespaces defined by a sequence of modulus functions F = (fk). We also makean effort to study some topological properties and inclusion relationsbetween these spaces.

1 Introduction and preliminaries

A modulus function is a function f : [0,∞) → [0,∞) such that

1. f(x) = 0 if and only if x = 0,

2. f(x+ y) ≤ f(x) + f(y) for all x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0,3. f is increasing,

4. f is continuous from right at 0.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 40A05, 40C05, 46A45Key words and phrases: modulus function, lacunary sequence, paranorm space


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118 K. Raj, S. K. Sharma, A. Gupta

It follows that f must be continuous everywhere on [0,∞). The modulusfunction may be bounded or unbounded. For example, if we take f(x) = x

x+1 ,then f(x) is bounded. If f(x) = xp, 0 < p < 1, then the modulus f(x) isunbounded. Subsequently, modulus function has been discussed in [1], [2], [3],[4], [5], [20], [22], [23], [24], [26] and references therein.Let X be a linear metric space. A function p : X→ R is called paranorm, if

1. p(x) ≥ 0, for all x ∈ X,

2. p(−x) = p(x), for all x ∈ X,

3. p(x+ y) ≤ p(x) + p(y), for all x, y ∈ X,

4. if (λn) is a sequence of scalars with λn → λ as n → ∞ and (xn) is asequence of vectors with p(xn−x) → 0 as n→ ∞, then p(λnxn−λx) →0 as n→ ∞.

A paranorm p for which p(x) = 0 implies x = 0 is called total paranorm andthe pair (X, p) is called a total paranormed space. It is well known that themetric of any linear metric space is given by some total paranorm (see [29],Theorem 10.4.2, P.183).Let w denote the set of all real sequences x = (xn). By ℓ∞ and c, we denote

respectively the Banach space of bounded and the Banach space of convergentsequences x = (xn), both normed by ∥x∥ = supn |xn|. A linear functional L onℓ∞ is said to be a Banach limit (see [6]) if it has the properties :

1. L(x) ≥ 0 if x ≥ 0 (i.e. xn ≥ 0 for all n),

2. L(e) = 1, where e = (1, 1, · · · ),

3. L(Dx) = L(x),

where the shift operator D is defined by (Dxn) = (xn+1).Let B be the set of all Banach limits on ℓ∞. A sequence x is said to be almostconvergent to a number L if L(x) = L for all L ∈ B. Lorentz [17] has shownthat x is almost convergent to L if and only if

tkm = tkm(x) =xm + xm+1 + · · ·+ xm+k

k+ 1→ L as k→ ∞, uniformly in m.

Let c denote the set of all almost convergent sequences. Maddox [18] and(independently) Freedman et al. [13] have defined x to be strongly almost

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Some multiplier lacunary sequence spaces 119

convergent to a number L if


k+ 1


|xi+m − L| → 0 as k→ ∞, uniformly in m.

Let [c] denote the set of all strongly almost convergent sequences. It is easyto see that [c] ⊂ c ⊂ ℓ∞. Das and Sahoo [11] defined the sequence space

[w(p)] ={x ∈ w :


n+ 1


|tkm(x− L)|pk → 0 as n→ ∞, uniformly in m.

}and investigated some of its properties.The space of lacunary strong convergence have been introduced by Freedmanet al. [13]. A sequence of positive integers θ = (kr) is called ”lacunary” ifk0 = 0, 0 < kr < kr+1 and hr = kr − kr−1 → ∞, as r → ∞. The intervalsdetermined by θ are denoted by Ir = (kr−1, kr] and the ratio kr

kr−1will be

denoted by qr. The space of lacunary strongly convergent sequences Nθ isdefined by Freedman et al. [13] as follows:

Nθ ={x = (xi) : lim

r→∞ 1



|xi − s| = 0, for some s}.

Lacunary sequence spaces were studied by many authors (see [7], [8], [9]) andreferences therein.Let F = (fk) be a sequence of modulus functions, p = (pk) be a boundedsequence of positive real numbers, u = (uk) be any sequence of strictly posi-tive real numbers and X be a seminormed space over the field C of complexnumbers with the seminorm q. By w(X) we denote the space of all sequencesx = (xk) for all k. In the present paper we define the following classes of se-quences:

(w, θ, F, u, p, q) ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : lim

r→∞ 1





]pk= 0,

uniformly in m, for some L},

(w, θ, F, u, p, q)0 ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : lim

r→∞ 1





]pk= 0,

uniformly in m}

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120 K. Raj, S. K. Sharma, A. Gupta


(w, θ, F, u, p, q)∞ ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : sup









If we take f(x) = x, we have

(w, θ, u, p, q) ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : lim

r→∞ 1




[(q(tkm(x− L)))

]pk= 0,

uniformly in m, for some L},

(w, θ, u, p, q)0 ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : lim

r→∞ 1





]pk= 0,

uniformly in m}


(w, θ, u, p, q)∞ ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : sup









If we take p = (pk) = 1 for all k ∈ N, we have

(w, θ, F, u, q) ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : lim

r→∞ 1




[fk(q(tkm(x− L)))

]= 0,

uniformly in m, for some L},

(w, θ, F, u, q)0 ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : lim

r→∞ 1





]= 0,

uniformly in m}


(w, θ, F, u, q)∞ ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : sup









If we take f(x) = x and u = (uk) = 1 for all k ∈ N, we have

(w, θ, p, q) ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : lim

r→∞ 1



[(q(tkm(x− L)))

]pk= 0,

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Some multiplier lacunary sequence spaces 121

uniformly in m, for some L},

(w, θ, p, q)0 ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : lim

r→∞ 1




]pk= 0,

uniformly in m}


(w, θ, p, q)∞ ={x = (xk) ∈ w(X) : sup








If we take θ = (2r), then the spaces (w, θ, F, u, p, q), (w, θ, F, u, p, q)0 and(w, θ, F, u, p, q)∞ reduces to (w, F, u, p, q), (w, F, u, p, q)0 and (w, F, u, p, q)∞.Throughout the paper Z will denote the 0, 1 or ∞. The following inequalitywill be used throughout the paper. If 0 < h = inf pk ≤ pk ≤ suppk = H,D = max(1, 2H−1) then

|ak + bk|pk ≤ D{|ak|

pk + |bk|pk} (1)

for all k and ak, bk ∈ C. Also |a|pk ≤ max(1, |a|H) for all a ∈ C.

In this paper we study some topological properties and prove some inclusionrelations between above defined classes of sequences.

2 Main results

Theorem 1 Let F = (fk) be a sequence of modulus functions, u = (uk) be anysequence of strictly positive real numbers and p = (pk) be a bounded sequenceof positive real numbers. Then (w, θ, F, u, p, q)Z are linear spaces over the fieldof complex numbers C.

Proof. We shall prove the result for Z = 0. Let x = (xk), y = (yk) ∈(w, θ, F, u, p, q)0 and α,β ∈ C. Then there exist integers Mα and Nβ suchthat |α| ≤ Mα and |β| ≤ Nβ. By using inequality (1.1) and the properties ofmodulus function, we have




uk[fk(q(tkm(αxk + βyk)))]pk ≤ 1



uk[fk(q(αtkmxk + βtkmyk))]pk

≤ D1




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122 K. Raj, S. K. Sharma, A. Gupta

+ D1




≤ DMHα





+ DNHβ1




→ 0, uniformly in m.

This proves that (w, θ, F, u, p, q)0 is a linear space. Similarly, we can provethat (w, θ, F, u, p, q) and (w, θ, F, u, p, q)∞ are linear spaces. �

Theorem 2 Let F = (fk) be a sequence of modulus functions. Then we have

(w, θ, F, u, p, q)0 ⊂ (w, θ, F, u, p, q) ⊂ (w, θ, F, u, p, q)∞.Proof. The inclusion (w, θ, F, u, p, q)0 ⊂ (w, θ, F, u, p, q) is obvious. Now, letx = (xk) ∈ (w, θ, F, u, p, q) then




uk[fk(q(tkm(xk)))]pk → 0, uniformly in m.

Now by using (1.1) and the properties of modulus function, we have





uk[fk(q(tkm(xk)))]pk = sup





uk[fk(q(tkm(xk − L+ L)))]pk

≤ D supr,m




uk[fk(q(tkm(xk − L)))]pk

+ D supr,m





≤ D supr,m




[fk(q(tkm(xk − L)))]pk

+ Dmax{fk(q(L))h, fk(q(L))


< ∞.Hence x = (xk) ∈ (w, θ, F, u, p, q)∞. This proves that

(w, θ, F, u, p, q) ⊂ (w, θ, F, u, p, q)∞.�

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Some multiplier lacunary sequence spaces 123

Theorem 3 Let p = (pk) be a bounded sequence of positive real numbers.Then the space (w, θ, F, u, p, q)0 is a paranormed space with the paranormdefined by

g(x) = supr,m

( 1hr


uk[fk(q(tkm(xk)))]pk) 1


where M = max(1, supk pk).

Proof. Clearly g(−x) = g(x). It is trivial that tkmxk = 0 for x = 0. Hence weget g(0) = 0. Since pk

M≤ 1 and M ≥ 1, using the Minkowski’s inequality and

definition of modulus function, for each x, we have(1hr


uk[fk(q(tkm(xk + yk)))]pk) 1


≤( 1hr


uk[fk(q(tkm(xk))) + fk(q(tkm(yk)))]pk) 1


≤( 1hr


uk[fk(q(tkm(xk)))]pk) 1

M+( 1hr


uk[fk(q(tkm(yk)))]pk) 1


Now it follows that g is subadditive. Finally, to check the continuity of scalarmultiplication, let us take any complex number λ. By definition of modulusfunction F, we have

g(λx) = supr,m

( 1hr


uk[fk(q(tkm(λxk)))]pk) 1


≤ KHMg(x),

where K = 1+ [|λ|] ([|λ|] denotes the integer part of λ). Since F is a sequenceof modulus functions, we have x → 0 implies g(λx) → 0. Similarly x → 0

and λ → 0 implies g(λx) → 0. Finally, we have for fixed x and λ → 0 impliesg(λx) → 0. �

Theorem 4 Let F ′ and F ′′ be any two sequences of modulus functions. Forany bounded sequences p = (pk) and t = (tk) of strictly positive real numbersand for any two sequences of seminorms q1 and q2, we have(i) (w, θ, F ′, u, p, q)Z ⊂ (w, θ, F ′oF ′′, u, p, q)Z;(ii) (w, θ, F ′, u, p, q)Z ∩ (w, θ, F ′′, u, p, q)Z ⊂ (w, θ, F ′ + F ′′, u, p, q)Z;

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124 K. Raj, S. K. Sharma, A. Gupta

(iii) (w, θ, F, u, p, q1)Z ∩ (w, θ, F, u, p, q2)Z ⊂ (w, θ, F, u, p, q1 + q2)Z;(iv) If q1 is stronger than q2 then (w, θ, F, u, p, q1)Z ⊂ (w, θ, F, u, p, q2)Z;(v) If q1 equivalent to q2 then (w, θ, F, u, p, q1)Z = (w, θ, F, u, p, q2)Z;(vi) (w, θ, F, u, p, q)Z ∩ (w, θ, F, u, t, q)Z = ϕ.

Proof. It is easy to prove so we omit the details. �Corollary 2.5. Let F = (fk) be a sequence of modulus functions. Then

(w, θ, u, q)Z ⊂ (w, θ, F, u, q)Z.Proof. Let x = (xk) ∈ (w, θ, u, q)Z and ϵ > 0. We can choose 0 < δ < 1 suchthat fk(t) < ϵ for every t ∈ [0,∞) with 0 ≤ t ≤ δ. Then, we can write



uk[fk(q(tkm(xk − L)))]




uk[fk(q(tkm(xk − L)))]




uk[fk(q(tkm(xk − L)))]

≤ max{fk(ϵ), fk(ϵ)

}+ max

{1, (2fk(1)δ

−1)} 1hr


uk[fk(q(tkm(xk − L)))].

Therefore x = (xk) ∈ (w, θ, F, u, q)Z. This completes the proof of the theorem.Similarly, we can prove the other cases. �

Theorem 5 Let F = (fk) be a sequence of modulus functions, if limt→∞ f(t)t

=β > 0, then (w, θ, u, q)Z = (w, θ, F, u, q)Z.

Proof. By Corollary 2.5, we need only to show that (w, θ, F, u, q)Z ⊂ (w, θ, u, q)Z.Let β > 0 and x ∈ (w, θ, F, u, q)Z. Since β > 0, we have f(t) ≥ βt for all t ≥ 0.Hence




uk[fk(q(tkm(xk − L)))] ≥β



uk(q(tkm(xk − L))).

Therefore, x ∈ (w, θ, u, q)Z. �

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Theorem 6 Let 0 < pk ≤ tk and(tkpk

)be bounded. Then

(w, θ, F, u, t, q)Z ⊂ (w, θ, F, u, p, q)Z.

Proof. Let x = (xk) ∈ (w, θ, F, u, t, q)Z. Let rk = uk[fk(q(tkmxk − L))]tk and

λk = (pktk) for all k ∈ N so that 0 < λ ≤ λk ≤ 1. Define the sequences (uk) and

(vk) as follows:For rk ≥ 1, let uk = rk and vk = 0 and for rk < 1, let uk = 0 and vk = rk.

Then clearly for all k ∈ N, we have rk = uk+vk, rλkk = uλkk +vλkk , uλkk ≤ uk ≤ rk

and vλkk = vλk. Therefore




rλkk ≤ 1



rk + [1




Hence x = (xk) ∈ (w, θ, F, u, p, q)Z. Thus (w, θ, F, u, t, q)Z ⊂ (w, θ, F, u, p, q)Z.�

Theorem 7 Let θ = (kr) be a lacunary sequence. If 1 < lim infr qr ≤ limsupr qr < ∞ then for any modulus function F, we have (w, F, u, p, q)0 =(w, θ, F, u, p, q)0.

Proof. Suppose lim infr qr > 1 then there exist δ > 0 such that qr = ( krkr−1

) ≥1+ δ for all r ≥ 1. Then for x = (xk) ∈ (w, F, u, p, q)0, we write







uk[fk(q(tkm(x)))]pk −














Since hr = kr − kr−1, we have krhr

≤ 1+δδ

and kr−1

hr≤ 1

δ. The terms




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and kr−1




uk[fk(q(tkm(x)))]pk)both converge to zero, uniformly in m

and it follows that




uk[fk(q(tkm(x)))]pk → 0,

as r→ ∞ uniformly in m, that is, x ∈ (w, θ, F, u, p, q)0.If lim supr qr < ∞, there exists B > 0 such that ηr < B for all r ≥ 1. Letx ∈ (w, θ, F, u, p, q)0 and ϵ > 0 be given. Then there exists R > 0 such thatfor every j ≥ R and all m.

Aj =1



uk[fk(q(tkm(x)))]pk < ϵ.

We can also find K > 0 such that Aj < K for all j = 1, 2, · · · . Now let t be anyinteger with kr−1 < t ≤ kr, where r > R. Then

t−1∑tk=1 uk[fk(q(tkm(x)))]


≤ k−1r−1



= k−1r−1


uk[fk(q(tkm(x)))]pk + k−1r−1



+ · · ·+ k−1r−1∑k∈Ir





uk[fk(q(tkm(x)))]pk +

k2 − k1kr−1

(k2 − k1)−1



+ · · ·+ kR − kR−1kr−1

(kR − kR−1)−1



+ · · ·+ kr − kr−1kr−1

(kr − kr−1)−1




kr−1A1 +

k2 − k1kr−1

A2 + · · ·+ kR − kR−1kr−1


+kR+1 − kRkr−1

AR+1 + · · ·+ kr − kr−1kr−1


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Some multiplier lacunary sequence spaces 127

≤ (supj≥1


kr−1+ (sup


kr − kRkr−1

≤ KkR

kr−1+ ϵB.

Since Kr−1 → ∞ as t → ∞, it follows that t−1∑tk=1 uk[fk(q(tkm(x)))]

pk → 0

uniformly in m and consequently x ∈ (w, F, u, p, q)0. �

3 Statistical convergence

The notion of statistical convergence was introduced by Fast [12] and Schoen-berg [28] independently. Over the years and under different names, statisticalconvergence has been discussed in the theory of Fourier analysis, ergodic the-ory and number theory. Later on, it was further investigated from the sequencespace point of view and linked with summability theory by Fridy [14], Connor[10], Salat [25], Murasaleen [21], Isik [15], Savas [27], Malkosky and Savas [20],Kolk [16], Maddox [18, 19] and many others. In recent years, generalizations ofstatistical convergence have appeared in the study of strong integral summa-bility and the structure of ideals of bounded continuous functions on locallycompact spaces. Statistical convergence and its generalizations are also con-nected with subsets of the Stone-Cech compactification of natural numbers.Moreover, statistical convergence is closely related to the concept of conver-gence in probability. The notion depends on the density of subsets of the setN of natural numbers.A subset E of N is said to have the natural density δ(E) if the following limit

exists: δ(E) = limn→∞ 1n

∑nk=1 χE(k), where χE is the characteristic function of

E. It is clear that any finite subset of N has zero natural density and δ(Ec) =1− δ(E).Let θ be a lacunary sequence, then the sequence x = (xk) is said to be

q-lacunary almost statistically convergent to the number L provided that forevery ϵ > 0,

limr→∞ 1

hr|{k ∈ Ir : q(tkm(x− L)) ≥ ϵ}| = 0, uniformly in m.

In this case we write [Sθ]q − lim x = L or xk → L([Sθ]q) and we define

[Sθ]q ={x ∈ w(X) : [Sθ]q − lim x = L, for some L


In the case θ = (2r), we shall write [S]q instead of [Sθ]q.

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Theorem 8 Let F = (fk) be a sequence of modulus functions and 0 < h =infk pk ≤ pk ≤ supk pk = H <∞. Then (w, θ, F, u, p, q) ⊂ [Sθ]q.

Proof. Let x ∈ (w, θ, F, u, p, q) and ϵ > 0 be given. Then




uk[fk(q(tkm(x− L)))]pk

≥ 1



uk[fk(q(tkm(x− L)))]pk

≥ 1




≥ 1



min(uk[fk(ϵ)]h, uk[fk(ϵ)]


≥ 1

hr|{k ∈ Ir : q(tkm(x− L)) ≥ ϵ}|min(uk[fk(ϵ)]

h, uk[fk(ϵ)]H).

Hence x ∈ [Sθ]q. �

Theorem 9 Let F = (fk) be a bounded sequence of modulus functions and0 < h = infk pk ≤ pk ≤ supk pk = H <∞. Then [Sθ]q ⊂ (w, θ, F, u, p, q).

Proof. Suppose that F = fk is bounded. Then there exists an integer K suchthat fk(t) < K, for all t ≥ 0. Then




uk[fk(q(tkm(x− L)))]pk =




uk[fk(q(tkm(x− L)))]pk




uk[fk(q(tkm(x− L)))]pk

≤ 1



max(Kh, KH)





≤ max(Kh, KH)1

hr|{k ∈ Ir : q(tkm(x− L)) ≥ ϵ}|

+ max(uk[fk(ϵ)]h, uk[fk(ϵ)]


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Some multiplier lacunary sequence spaces 129

Hence x ∈ (w, θ, F, u, p, q). �

Theorem 10 [Sθ]q = (w, θ, F, u, p, q) if and only if F = (fk) is bounded.

Proof. Let F = (fk) be bounded. By the Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2, wehave

[Sθ]q = (w, θ, F, u, p, q).

Conversely, suppose that F is unbounded. Then there exists a positive sequence(tn) with f(tn) = n

2, n = 1, 2, · · · .If we choose

xk =

{tn, k = n2, n = 1, 2, · · · ,0, otherwise


Then we have1

n|{k ≤ n : |xk| ≥ ϵ}| ≤


n→ 0, n→ ∞.

Hence xk → 0([Sθ]q) for t0m(x) = xm, θ = (2r) and q(x) = |x|, but x /∈(w, θ, F, u, p, q). This contradicts to [Sθ]q = (w, θ, F, u, p, q). �


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Received: October 6, 2011

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Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica, 4, 2 (2012) 132–144

Common fixed point theorems for single

and set-valued maps in non-Archimedean

fuzzy metric spaces

T. K. SamantaUluberia College

Department of MathematicsUluberia, Howrah, West Bengal, Indiaemail: mumpu−[email protected]

Sumit MohintaUluberia College

Department of MathematicsUluberia, Howrah, West Bengal, Indiaemail: [email protected]

Abstract. The intent of this paper is to establish a common fixedpoint theorem for two pairs of occasionally weakly compatible singleand set-valued maps satisfying a strict contractive condition in a non-Archimedean fuzzy metric space.

1 Introduction

The concept of fuzzy sets was first coined by Zadeh [9] in 1965 to describethe situation in which data are imprecise or vague or uncertain. Consequently,the last three decades remained productive for various authors [1, 11, 13]etc. and they have extensively developed the theory of fuzzy sets due to awide range of application in the field of population dynamics, chaos control,computer programming, medicine, etc. Kramosil and Michalek [10] introducedthe concept of fuzzy metric spaces (briefly, FM-spaces) in 1975, which openeda new avenue for further development of analysis in such spaces. Later on theconcept of FM-space is modified and a few concepts of mathematical analysishave been developed in fuzzy metric space by George and Veeramani [1, 2]. Infact, the concept of fixed point theorem have been developed in fuzzy metricspace in the paper [12].

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 03E72, 47H10, 54H25Key words and phrases: occasionally weakly compatible maps, implicit relation, commonfixed point theorems, strict contractive condition, fuzzy metric space


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Common fixed point theorems 133

In recent years several fixed point theorems for single and set valued mapswere proved and have numerous applications and by now there exists a con-siderable rich literature in this domain [4, 7].Various authors [3, 7, 8] have discussed and studied extensively various

results on coincidence, existence and uniqueness of fixed and common fixedpoints by using the concept of weak commutativity, compatibility, non-compatibility and weak compatibility for single and set valued maps satis-fying certain contractive conditions in different spaces and they have beenapplied to diverse problems.The intent of this paper is to establish a common fixed point theorem for two

pairs of occasionally weakly compatible single and set-valued maps satisfyinga strict contractive condition in a non-Archimedean fuzzy metric space.

2 Preliminaries

We quote some definitions and a few theorems which will be needed in thesequel.

Definition 1 [5] A binary operation ∗ : [0, 1] × [0, 1] −→ [0, 1] is continuoust-norm if it satisfies the following conditions:

(i) ∗ is commutative and associative,

(ii) ∗ is continuous,

(iii) a ∗ 1 = a ∀a ∈ [0, 1],

(iv) a ∗ b ≤ c ∗ d whenever a ≤ c, b ≤ d and a, b, c, d ∈ [0, 1].

Result 1 [6] (a) For any r1, r2 ∈ (0, 1) with r1 > r2, there exist r3 ∈ (0, 1)such that r1 ∗ r3 > r2,(b) For any r5 ∈ (0, 1), there exist r6 ∈ (0, 1) such that r6 ∗ r6 ≥ r5.

Definition 2 [1] The 3-tuple (X, µ, ∗) is called a fuzzy metric space if X isan arbitrary non-empty set, ∗ is a continuous t-norm and µ is a fuzzy set inX2 × (0,∞) satisfying the following conditions:

(i) µ(x, y, t) > 0;

(ii) µ(x, y, t) = 1 if and only if x = y

(iii) µ(x, y, t) = µ(y, x, t);

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134 T. K. Samanta, S. Mohinta

(iv) µ(x, y, s) ∗ µ(y, z, t) ≤ µ(x, z, s+ t);

(v) µ(x, y, ·) : (0,∞) → (0, 1] is continuous;for all x,y,z ∈ X and t, s > 0.

Note that µ(x, y, t) can be thought as the degree of nearness between x and ywith respect to t.

Example 1 Let X = [0,∞), a ∗ b = ab for every a, b ∈ [0, 1] and d be the

usual metric defined on X. Define µ(x, y, t) = e−d(x,y)

t for all x, y, t ∈ X. Thenclearly (X, µ, ∗) is a fuzzy metric space.

Example 2 Let (X, d) be a metric space, and let a∗b = ab or a∗b = min{a, b}for all a, b ∈ [0, 1]. Let µ(x, y, t) = t

t+d(x,y) for all x, y ∈ X and t > 0. Then

(X, µ, ∗) is a fuzzy metric space and this fuzzy metric µ induced by d is calledthe standard fuzzy metric [1].

Note 1 George and Veeramani [1] proved that every fuzzy metric space is ametrizable topological space. In this paper, they also have proved, if (X, d) isa metric space, then the topology generated by d coincides with the topologygenerated by the fuzzy metric µ of Example 2. As a result, we can say that anordinary metric space is a special case of a fuzzy metric space.

Note 2 Consider the following condition:(iv′) µ(x, y, s) ∗ µ(y, z, t) ≤ µ(x, z,max{s, t}).If the condition (iv) in Definition 2 is replaced by the condition (iv′), the

fuzzy metric space (X, µ, ∗) is said to be a non-Archimedean fuzzy metric space.

Remark 1 In fuzzy metric space X, for all x, y ∈ X, µ(x, y, ·) is non-decreasingwith respect to the variable t. In fact, in a non-Archimedean fuzzy metric space,µ(x, y, t) ≥ µ(x, z, t) ∗ µ(z, y, t) for x, y, z ∈ X, t > 0.Every non-Archimedean fuzzy metric space is also a fuzzy metric space.

Throughout the paper X will represent the non-Archimedean fuzzy metricspace (X, µ, ∗) and CB(X), the set of all non-empty closed and bounded sub-set of X. We recall these usual notations: for x ∈ X, A ⊆ X and for everyt > 0,

µ(x,A, t) = max{µ(x, y, t) : y ∈ A}and let H be the associated Hausdorff fuzzy metric on CB(X): for every A,Bin CB(X),

H(A,B, t) = min


µ(x, B, t),miny∈B

µ(A,y, t)


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Definition 3 [4] A sequence {An} of subsets of X is said to be convergent toa subset A of X if

(i) given a ∈ A, there is a sequence {an} in X such that an ∈ An forn = 1, 2, · · · , and {an} converges to a.

(ii) given ϵ > 0, there exists a positive integer N such that An ⊆ Aϵ forn > N, where Aϵ is the union of all open spheres with centers in A andradius ϵ.

Definition 4 A point x ∈ X is called a coincidence point (resp. fixed point)of A : X −→ X, B : X −→ CB(X) if Ax ∈ Bx (resp. x = Ax ∈ Bx).

Definition 5 Maps A : X −→ X and B : X −→ CB(X) are said to be compati-ble if ABx ∈ CB(X) for all x ∈ X and

limn→∞H(ABxn, BAxn, t) = 1

whenever {xn} is a sequence in X such that Bxn −→M ∈ CB(X) and Axn −→x ∈M.

Definition 6 Maps A : X −→ Xand B : X −→ CB(X) are said to be weaklycompatible if they commute at coincidence points ie., if ABx = BAx wheneverAx ∈ Bx.

Definition 7 Maps A : X −→ X and B : X −→ CB(X) are said to be occa-sionally weakly compatible (owc) if there exists some point x ∈ X such thatAx ∈ Bx and ABx ⊆ BAx.

Example 3 Let X = [1,∞[ with the usual metric. Define f : X −→ X andF : X −→ CB(X), for all x ∈ X by

fx = x+ 1, Fx = [1, x+ 1],

fx = x+ 1 ∈ Fx and fFx = [2, x+ 2] ⊂ Ffx = [1, x+ 2].

Hence, f and F are occasionally weakly compatible but not weakly compatible.

Definition 8 Let F : X −→ 2X be a set-valued map on X. x ∈ X is a fixedpoint of F if x ∈ Fx and is a strict fixed point of F if Fx = {x}.

Property 1 Let A and B ∈ CB(X), then for any a ∈ A, we have

µ(a, B, t) ≥ qH(A,B, t).

Proof. Obvious. �

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3 A strict fixed point theorem

Theorem 1 Let f, g : X −→ X be mappings and F,G : X −→ CB(X) be set-valued mappings such that the pairs {f, F} and {g,G} are owc. Let φ : R6 −→ R

be a real valued map satisfying the following conditions

(φ1) : φ is increasing invariables t2, t5 and t6;

(φ2) : φ(u(t), u(t), 1, 1, u(t), u(t)) > 1 ∀u(t) ∈ [0, 1).

If for all x and y ∈ X for which

(⋆) φ(H(Fx,Gy, t), µ(fx, gy, t), µ(fx, Fx, t), µ(gy,Gy, t),

µ(fx,Gy, t), µ(gy, Fx, t)) < 1

then f, g, F and G have a unique fixed point which is a strict fixed point for Fand G.

Proof. (i) We begin to show the existence of a common fixed point. Sincethe pairs {f, F} and {g,G} are owc, there exist u, v in X such that fu ∈ Fu,gv ∈ Gv, fFu ⊆ Ffu and gGv ⊆ Ggv. Also, using the triangle inequality andProperty 1, we obtain

µ(fu, gv, t) ≥ H(Fu,Gv, t) (1)

andµ(f2u, gv, t) ≥ H(Ffu,Gv, t). (2)

First we show that gv = fu. The condition (⋆) implies that

φ(H(Fu,Gv, t), µ(fu, gv, t), µ(fu, Fu, t), µ(gv,Gv, t),

µ(fu,Gv, t), µ(gv, Fu, t)) < 1

=⇒ φ(H(Fu,Gv, t), µ(fu, gv, t), 1, 1, µ(fu,Gv, t), µ(gv, Fu, t)) < 1.

By (φ1) we have

φ(H(Fu,Gv, t), H(Fu,Gv, t), 1, 1,H(Fu,Gv, t), H(Fu,Gv, t)) < 1

which from (φ2) gives H(Fu,Gv, t) = 1.So Fu = Gv and by (1), fu = gv. Again by (2), we have

µ(f2u, fu, t) ≥ H(Ffu,Gv, t).

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Next, we claim that f2u = fu. The condition (⋆) implies that

φ(H(Ffu,Gv, t), µ(f2u, gv, t), µ(f2u, Ffu, t), µ(gv,Gv, t),

µ(f2u,Gv, t), µ(gv, Ffu, t)) < 1

=⇒ φ(H(Ffu,Gv, t), µ(f2u, fu, t), 1, 1, µ(f2u,Gv, t), µ(fu, Ffu, t)) < 1.

By (φ1) we have

=⇒ φ(H(Ffu,Gv, t), H(Ffu,Gv, t), 1, 1,H(Ffu,Gv, t), H(Ffu,Gv, t)) < 1

which, from (φ2), gives H(Ffu,Gv, t) = 1.By (2), we obtain f2u = fu. Since (f, F) and (g,G) have the same role, we

have gv = g2v. Therefore,

ffu = fu = gv = ggv = gfu

andfu = f2u ∈ fFu ⊂ Ffu

So fu ∈ Ffu and fu = gfu ∈ Gfu. Then fu is common fixed point of f, g, Fand G.(ii) Now, we show uniqueness of the common fixed point.Put fu = w and let w

′be another common fixed point of the four maps,

then we have

µ(w,w ′, t) = µ(fw, gw ′, t) ≥ H(Fw,Gw ′, t) (3)

by (⋆) , we get

φ(H(Fw,Gw ′, t), µ(fw, gw ′, t), µ(fw, Fw, t), µ(gw ′, Gw ′, t),

µ(fw,Gw ′, t), µ(gw ′, Fw, t)) < 1

=⇒ φ(H(Fw,Gw ′, t), µ(fw, gw ′, t), 1, 1, µ(fw,Gw ′, t),

µ(gw ′, Fw, t)) < 1

By (φ1) we get

φ(H(Fw,Gw ′, t), H(Fw,Gw ′, t), 1, 1,H(Fw,Gw ′, t), H(Fw,Gw ′, t)) < 1

So, by (φ2), H(Fw,Gw′, t) = 1 and from (3), we have

µ(fw, gw′, t) = µ(w,w ′, t) = 1 =⇒ w = w ′.

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(iii) Let w ∈ Ffu. Using the triangle inequality and Property (1), we have

µ(fu,w, t) ≥ µ(fu, Ffu, t) ∗H(Ffu,Gv, t) ∗ µ(w,Gv, t).

Since fu ∈ Ffu and H(Ffu,Gv, t) = 1,

µ(w, fu, t) ≥ µ(w,Gv, t) ≥ H(Ffu,Gv, t) = 1.

So w = fu and Ffu = {fu} = {gv} = Ggv.This completes the proof. �

4 A Gregus type fixed point theorem

Theorem 2 Let f, g : X −→ X be mappings and F,G : X −→ CB(X) beset-valued mappings such that that the pairs {f, F} and {g,G} are owc. Letψ : R −→ R be a non-decreasing map such that, for every 0 ≤ l < 1, ψ(l) > land satisfies the following condition:

(⋆) Hp(Fx,Gy, t) ≥ ψ[aµp(fx, gy, t) + (1− a)µ

p2 (gy, Fx, t)µ

p2 (fx,Gy, t)

]for all x and y ∈ X, where 0 < a ≤ 1 and p ≥ 1.Then f, g, F and G have a unique fixed point which is a strict fixed point for

F and G.

Proof. Since {f, F} and {g,G} are owc, as in proof of Theorem 1, there existu, v ∈ X such that fu ∈ Fu, gv ∈ Gv, fFu ⊆ Ffu, gGv ⊆ Ggv and (1), (2)holds.(i) As in proof of Theorem 1, we begin to show the existence of a commonfixed point. We have,

Hp(Fu,Gv, t) ≥ ψ[aµp(fu, gv, t) + (1− a)µ

p2 (gv, Fu, t)µ

p2 (fu,Gv, t)

]and by (1) and Property 1,

Hp(Fu,Gv, t) ≥ ψ [aHp(Fu,Gv, t) + (1− a)Hp(Gv, Fu, t)]

= ψ (Hp(Fu,Gv, t))

So, if 0 ≤ H(Fu,Gv, t) < 1, ψ(l) > l for 0 ≤ l < 1, we obtain

Hp(Fu,Gv, t) ≥ ψ[Hp(Fu,Gv, t)] > Hp(Fu,Gv, t)

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which is a contradiction, thus we have H(Fu,Gv, t) = 1 and hence fu = gv.Again, if 0 ≤ H(Ffu,Gv, t) < 1 then by (2) and (⋆), we have

Hp(Ffu,Gv, t) ≥ ψ[aµp(f2u, gv, t) + (1− a)µp2 (gv, Ffu, t)µ

p2 (f2u,Gv, t)]

≥ ψ[aHp(Ffu,Gv, t) + (1− a)Hp(Ffu,Gv, t)]

= ψ(Hp(Ffu,Gv, t))

If 0 ≤ H(Ffu,Gv, t) < 1, we obtain

Hp(Ffu,Gv, t) ≥ ψ[Hp(Ffu,Gv, t)] > Hp(Ffu,Gv, t)

which is a contradiction, thus we have H(Ffu,Gv, t) = 1,

=⇒ Ffu = Gv =⇒ f2u = fu

Similarly, we can prove that g2v = gv.Let fu = w then fw = w = gw, w ∈ Fw and w ∈ Gw, this completes theproof of the existence.(ii) For the uniqueness, let w

′be a second common fixed point of f, g, F and

G. Then

µ(w,w ′, t) = µ(fw, gw ′, t) ≥ H(Fw,Gw ′, t)

and by assumption (⋆), we obtain

Hp(Fw,Gw ′, t) ≥ ψ[aµp(fw, gw ′, t) + (1− a)µ

p2 (fw,Gw ′, t)µ

p2 (gw ′, Fw, t)

]≥ ψ(Hp(Fw,Gw ′, t)) > Hp(Fw,Gw ′, t)if0

≤ H(Fw,Gw ′, t) < 1

which is a contradiction. So, Fw = Gw′. Since w and w

′are common fixed

point of f, g, F and G, we have

µ(fw, gw ′, t) ≥ µ(fw, Fw, t) ∗H(Fw,Gw ′, t) ∗µ(gw ′, Gw ′, t) ≥ H(Fw,Gw ′, t)

So, w = fw = gw ′ = w′and there exists a unique common fixed point of

f, g, F, and G.(iii) The proof that the fixed point of F and G is a strict fixed point is identicalof that of theorem (1). �

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Theorem 3 Let f, g : X −→ X and F,G : X −→ CB(X) be single and set-valuedmaps respectively such that the pairs {f, F} and {g,G} are owc and satisfyinequality

(⋆) Hp(Fx,Gy, t) ≥ a(µ(fx, gy, t))[min{µ(fx, gy, t)µp−1(fx, Fx, t),

µ(fx, gy, t)µp−1(gy,Gy, t), µ(fx, Fx, t)µp−1

(gy,Gy, t), µp−1(fx,Gy, t)µ(gy, Fx, t)}]

for all x, y ∈ X, where p ≥ 2 and a : [0, 1] −→ [0,∞) is decreasing and satisfiesthe condition

a(t) > 1 ∀ 0 ≤ t < 1 and a(t) = 1 if f · t = 1

Then f, g, F and G have a unique fixed point which is a strict fixed point for Fand G.

Proof. Since the pairs {f, F} and {g,G} are owc, then there exist two elementsu and v in X such that fu ∈ Fu, fFu ⊆ Ffu and gv ∈ Gv, gGv ⊆ Ggv.First we prove that fu = gv. By property (1) and the triangle inequality wehave µ(fu, gv, t) ≥ H(Fu,Gv, t), µ(fu,Gv, t) ≥ H(Fu,Gv, t) and µ(Fu, gv, t) ≥H(Fu,Gv, t).Suppose that H(Fu,Gv, t) < 1. Then by inequality (⋆) we get

(⋆) Hp(Fu,Gv, t) ≥ a(µ(fu, gv, t))[min{µ(fu, gv, t)µp−1(fu, Fu, t),

µ(fu, gv, t)µp−1(gv,Gv, t), µ(fu, Fu, t)µp−1(gv,Gv, t),

µp−1(fu,Gv, t)µ(gv, Fu, t)}]

= a(µ(fu, gv, t))[min{µ(fu, gv, t), µ(fu, gv, t), 1,

µp−1(fu,Gv, t)µ(gv, Fu, t)}]

≥ a(H(Fu,Gv, t))[min{H(Fu,Gv, t), 1,Hp(Fu,Gv, t)}]

> Hp(Fu,Gv, t)

which is a contradiction. Hence H(Fu,Gv, t) = 1 which implies that fu = gv.Again by property (1) and the triangle inequality we have

µ(f2u, fu, t) = µ(f2u, gv, t) ≥ H(Ffu,Gv, t)

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We prove that f2u = fu. Suppose H(Ffu,Gv, t) < 1 and by (⋆), property (1)we obtain

Hp(Ffu,Gv, t) ≥ qa(µ(f2u, gv, t))[min{µ(f2u, gv, t)µp−1(f2u, Ffu, t),

µ(f2u, gv, t)µp−1(gv,Gv, t), µ(f2u, Ffu, t)µp−1(gv,Gv, t),

µp−1(f2u,Gv, t)µ(gv, Ffu, t)}]

= a(µ(f2u, gv, t))[min{µ(f2u, gv, t), µ(f2u, gv, t), 1,

µp−1(f2u,Gv, t)µ(gv, Ffu, t)}]

≥ qa(H(Ffu,Gv, t))[min{H(Ffu,Gv, t), Hp(Ffu,Gv, t)}]

> Hp(Ffu,Gv, t)

which is a contradiction. Hence H(Ffu,Gv, t) = 1 which implies that f2u =gv = fu.Similarly, we can prove that g2v = gv. Putting fu = gv = z, then fz = gz = z,z ∈ Fz and z ∈ Gz. Therefore z is a common fixed point of maps f, g, F and G.Now, suppose that f, g, F and G have another common fixed point z ′ = qz.

Then, by property (1) and the triangle inequality we have

µ(z, z ′, t) = µ(fz, gz ′, t) ≥ H(Fz,Gz ′, t)

Assume that H(Fz,Gz ′, t) < 1. Then the use of inequality (⋆) gives

Hp(Fz,Gz ′, t) ≥ qa(µ(fz, gz ′, t))[min{µ(fz, gz ′, t)µp−1(fz, Fz, t), µ(fz, gz ′, t)

µp−1(gz ′, Gz ′, t), µ(fz, Fz, t)µp−1(gz ′, Gz ′, t),

µp−1(fz,Gz ′, t)µ(gz ′, Fz, t)}]

= a(µ(fz, gz ′, t))[min{µ(fz, gz ′, t), µ(f2z, gz ′, t), 1,

µp−1(f2z,Gz ′, t)µ(gz ′, Ffz, t)}]

≥ qa(H(Fz,Gz ′, t))[min{H(Fz,Gz ′, t), Hp(Fz,Gz ′, t)}]

> Hp(Fz,Gz ′, t)

which is a contradiction. Hence H(Fz,Gz ′, t) = 1 which implies that z ′ = z.

(iii) The proof that the fixed point of F and G is a strict fixed point is identicalof that of theorem (1) �

5 Another type fixed point theorem

Theorem 4 Let f, g : X −→ X be mappings and F,G : X −→ CB(X) be set-valued maps and ϕ be non-decreasing function of [0, 1] into itself such that

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ϕ(t) = 1 iff t = 1 and for all t ∈ [0, 1), ϕ satisfies the following inequality

(⋆) ϕ(H(Fx,Gy, t)) ≥ a(µ(fx, gy, t))ϕ(µ(fx, gy, t))

+ b(µ(fx, gy, t))min{ϕ(µ(fx,Gy, t)), ϕ(µ(gy, Fx, t))}

for all x and y in X, where a, b : [0, 1] −→ [0, 1] are satisfying the conditions

a(t) + b(t) > 1 ∀t > 0

anda(t) + b(t) = 1 iff.t = 1

If the pairs {f, F} and {g,G} are owc, then f, g, F and G have a unique commonfixed point in X which is a strict fixed point for F and G.

Proof. Since {f, F} and {g,G} are owc, as in proof of theorem(1), there existu, v in X such that fu ∈ Fu, gv ∈ Gv, fFu ⊆ Ffu, gGv ⊆ Ggv,

µ(fu, gv, t) ≥ H(Fu,Gv, t) (1)


µ(f2u, gv, t) ≥ H(Ffu,Gv, t) (2)

(i) First we prove that fu = gv. Suppose H(Fu,Gv, t) < 1. By (⋆), Property(1), we have

ϕ(H(Fu,Gv, t)) ≥ a(µ(fu, gv, t))ϕ(µ(fu, gv, t))

+ b(µ(fu, gv, t))min{ϕ(µ(fu,Gv, t)), ϕ(µ(gv, Fu, t))}

≥ [a(µ(fu, gv, t)) + b(µ(fu, gv, t)]ϕ(H(Fu,Gv, t))

> ϕ(H(Fu,Gv, t))

which is a contradiction. Hence H(Fu,Gv, t) = 1 and thus fu = gv. Now weprove that f2u = fu. Suppose H(Ffu,Gv, t) < 1. By (⋆) and Property 1, wehave

ϕ(H(Ffu,Gv, t)) ≥ qa(µ(f2u, gv, t))ϕ(µ(f2u, gv, t))

+b(µ(f2u, gv, t))min{ϕ(µ(f2u,Gv, t)), ϕ(µ(gv, Ffu, t))}

≥ [a(µ(f2u, fu, t)) + b(µ(f2u, fu, t)]ϕ(H(Ffu,Gv, t))

> ϕ(H(Ffu,Gv, t))

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Common fixed point theorems 143

which is a contradiction. Hence H(Ffu,Gv, t) = 1 and this implies that f2u =fu. Similarly, we can prove that g2v = gv. So, if w = fu = gv then fw = w =gw, w ∈ Fw and w ∈ Gw. Existence of a common fixed point is proved.

(ii) Assume that there exists a second common fixed point w ′ of f, g, F andG. We see that

µ(w,w ′, t) = µ(fw, gw ′, t) ≥ H(Fw,Gw ′, t)

If H(Fw,Gw ′, t) < 1, by inequality (⋆) we obtain

ϕ(H(Fw,Gw ′, t)) ≥ a(µ(fw, gw ′, t))ϕ(µ(fw, gw ′, t))

+ b(µ(fw, gw ′, t))min{ϕ(µ(fw,Gw ′, t)), ϕ(µ(gw ′, Fw, t))}

≥ [a(µ(w,w ′, t)) + b(µ(w,w ′, t)]ϕ(H(Fw,Gw ′, t))

> ϕ(H(Fw,Gw ′, t))

this contradiction implies that H(Fw,Gw ′, t) = 1, hence w ′ = w

(iii) This part of the proof is analogous of that of Theorem 1. �


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Received: February 22, 2012

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Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica, 4, 2 (2012) 145–153

On Cusa-Huygens type trigonometric and

hyperbolic inequalities

Jozsef SandorBabes-Bolyai University

Department of MathematicsCluj-Napoca, Romania

email: [email protected]

Robert Olah-GalSapientia – Hungarian University of

TransylvaniaDepartment of EconomicsMiercurea Ciuc, Romania

email:[email protected]

Abstract. Recently a trigonometric inequality by N. Cusa and C. Huy-gens (see e.g. [1], [6]) has been discussed extensively in mathematicalliterature (see e.g. [4], [6, 7] ). By using a unified method based on mono-tonicity or convexity of certain functions, we shall obtain new Cusa-Huygens type inequalities. Hyperbolic versions will be pointed out, too.

1 Introduction

In recent years the trigonometric inequality

sin x


cos x+ 2

3, 0 < x <



among with other inequalities, has attracted attention of several researchers.This inequality is due to N. Cusa and C. Huygens (see [6] for more detailsregarding this result).Recently, E. Neuman and J. Sandor [4] have shown that inequality (1) im-

plies a result due to S. Wu and H. Srivastava [10], namely( x

sin x



tan x> 2, 0 < x <



2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26D05, 26D07Key words and phrases: inequalities, trigonometric functions, hyperbolic functions


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146 J. Sandor, R. Olah-Gal

called as “the second Wilker inequality”. Relation (2) implies in turn theclassical and famous Wilker inequality (see [9]):(

sin x



tan x

x> 2. (3)

For many papers, and refinements of (2) and (3), see [4] and the referencestherein.A hyperbolic counterpart of (1) has been obtained in [4]:

sinh x


cosh x+ 2

3, x > 0. (4)

We will call (4) as the hyperbolic Cusa-Huygens inequality, and remark thatif (4) is true, then holds clearly also for x < 0.In what follows, we will obtain new proofs of (1) and (4), as well as new

inequalities or counterparts of these relations.

2 Main results

Theorem 1 Let f(x) =x(2+ cos x)

sin x, 0 < x <


2. Then f is a strictly increas-

ing function. Particularly, one has

2+ cos x


sin x

x<2+ cos x

3, 0 < x <


2. (5)

Theorem 2 Let g(x) =



π+ cos x

)sin x

, 0 < x <π

2. Then g is a strictly

decreasing function. Particularly, one has

1+ cos x



π+ cos x


π+ 1

<sin x



π+ cos x

2. (6)

Proof. We shall give a common proofs of Theorems 1 and 2. Let us define theapplication

fa(x) =x(a+ cos x)

sin x, 0 < x <



Then, easy computations yield that

sin2 x · f ′a(x) = a sin x+ sin x cos x− ax cos x− x = h(x). (7)

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On Cusa-Huygens type trigonometric and hyperbolic inequalities 147

The function h is defined on[0,π


]. We get

h ′(x) = (sin x)(ax− 2 sin x).

Therefore, one obtains that(i) If

sin x



then h ′(x) > 0. Thus by (7) one has h(x) > h(0) = 0, implying f ′a(x) > 0, i.e.fa is strictly increasing.(ii) If

sin x



then h ′(x) < 0, implying as above that fa is strictly decreasing.Select now a = 2 in (i). Then fa(x) = f(x), and the function f in Theorem

1 will be strictly increasing. Selecting a =4

πin (ii), by the famous Jordan

inequality (see e.g. [3], [7], [8], [2])

sin x


π, (8)

so fa(x) = g(x) of Theorem 2 will be strictly decreasing.

Now remarking that f(0) < f(x) < f(π2

)and g(0) > g(x) > g


), after

some elementary transformations, we obtain relations (5) and (6). �

Remarks. 1. The right side of (5) is the Cusa-Huygens inequality (1), whilethe left side seems to be new.2. The first inequality of (6) follows by an easy computation, based on

0 < cos x < 1. The inequality

1+ cos x


sin x


appeared in paper [5], and rediscovered by other authors (see e.g. [2]).3. It is easy to see that inequalities (5) and (6) are not comparable, i.e. none

of these inequalities implies the other one for all 0 < x < π/2.Before turning to the hyperbolic case, the following auxiliary result will be


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Lemma 1 For all x ≥ 0 one has the inequalities

cos x cosh x ≤ 1 (10)

andsin x sinh x ≤ x2. (11)

Proof. Let m(x) = cos x cosh x− 1, x ≥ 0. Then

m ′(x) = − sin x cosh x+ cosh x sinh x,

m ′′(x) = −2 sin x sinh x < 0.

Thus m ′(x) < m ′(0) = 0 and m(x) < m(0) = 0 for x > 0, implying (10), withequality only for x = 0.For the proof of (11), let

n(x) = x2 − sin x sinh x.

Thenn ′(x) = 2x− cos x sinh x− sin x cosh x,

n ′′(x) = 2(1− cos x cosh x) < 0

by (10), for x > 0. This easily implies (11). �

Theorem 3 Let

F(x) =x(2+ cosh x)

sinh x, x > 0.

Then F is a strictly increasing function. Particularly, one has inequality (4).On the other hand,

2+ cosh x


sinh x

x<2+ cosh x

3, 0 < x <



where k∗ =π

2(2+ coshπ/2)/ sinh(π/2).

Theorem 4 Let

G(x) =x(π+ cosh x)

sinh x, x > 0.

Then G is a strictly decreasing function for 0 < x < π/2. Particularly, onehas

π+ cosh x

π+ 1<

sinh x

x<π+ cosh x

k, 0 < x <



where k =π

2(π+ coshπ/2)/ sinh(π/2).

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Proof. We shall deduce common proofs to Theorem 3 and 4. Put

Fa(x) =x(a+ cosh x)

sinh x, x > 0.

An easy computation gives

(sinh x)2F ′a(x) = ga(x) = a sinh x+ cosh x sinh x− ax cosh x− x.

The function ga is defined for x ≥ 0. As

g ′a(x) = (sinh x)(2 sinh x− ax),

we get that:(i) If

sinh x



then g ′a(x) > 0. This in turn will imply F ′a(x) > 0 for x > 0.

(ii) Ifsinh x



then F ′a(x) < 0 for x > 0.By letting a = 2, by the known inequality sinh x > x, we obtain the mono-

tonicity if F2(x) = F(x) of Theorem 3. Since F(0) = limx→0+ F(x) = 3, inequality

(4), and the right side of (12) follows. Now, the left side of (12) follows byF(x) < F(π/2) for x < π/2.By letting a = π in (ii) we can deduce the results of Theorem 4. Indeed, by

relation (11) of the Lemma 1 one can writesinh x



sin xand by Jordan’s

inequality (8), we getsinh x


2thus a = π may be selected. Remarking that

g(0) > g(x) > g(π2

), inequalities (13) will follow. �

Remark. By combining (12) and (13), we can deduce that:

3 < k∗ < k < π+ 1. (14)

Now, the following convexity result will be used:

Lemma 2 Let k(x) =1

tanh x−1

x, x > 0. Then k is a strictly increasing,

concave function.

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Proof. Simple computations give

k ′(x) =1



(sinh x)2> 0


k ′′(x) =2[x3 cosh x− (sinh x)3]

x3(sinh x)3< 0,

since by a result of I. Lazarevic (see e.g. [3], [4]) one has

sinh x

x> (cosh x)1/3. (15)

This proves Lemma 2. �

Theorem 5 Let the function k(x) be defined as in Lemma 2. Then one has

1+ x2 · k(r)r

cosh x≤ x

sinh xfor any 0 < x ≤ r (16)


sinh x≤ 1+ k(r)x+ k ′(r)x(x− r)

cosh xfor any 0 < x, r. (17)

In both inequalities (16) and (17) there is equality only for x = r.

Proof. Remark that k(0+) = limx→0+k(x) = 0, and that by the concavity of k,

the graph of function k is above the line segment joining the points A(0, 0)

and B(r, k(r)). Thus k(x) ≥ k(r)

r· x for any x ∈ (0, r]. By multiplying with x

this inequality, after some transformations, we obtain (16).For the proof of (17), write the tangent line to the graph of function k at the

point B(r, k(r)). Since the equation of this line is y = k(r) + k ′(r)(x − r) andwriting that y ≤ k(x) for any x > 0, r > 0, after elementary transformations,we get relation (17).

�For example, when r = 1 we get:[



e2 − 1

)+ 1

]/ cosh x ≤ x

sinh xfor all 0 < x ≤ 1 (18)

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On Cusa-Huygens type trigonometric and hyperbolic inequalities 151



sinh x≤[1+


e2 − 1


(e4 − 6e2 + 1

e4 − 2e2 + 1

)x(x− 1)

]/ cosh x (19)

for any x > 0.In both inequalities (18) and (19) there is equality only for x = 1.In what follows a convexity result will be proved:

Lemma 3 Let j(x) = 3x − 2 sinh x − sinh x cos x, 0 < x <π

2. Then j is a

strictly convex function.

Proof. Since j ′′(x) = 2(cosh x sin x− sinh x) > 0 is equivalent to

sin x > tanh x, 0 < x <π


we will show that inequality (20) holds true for any x ∈(0,π


). We note that

in [2] it is shown that (20) holds for x ∈ (0, 1), but here we shall prove withanother method the stronger result (20).Inequality (20) may be written also as

p(x) = (ex + e−x) sin x− (ex − e−x) > 0.

Since p ′′(x) = (ex − e−x)(2 cos x − 1) and ex − e−x > 0, the sign of p ′′(x)

depends on the sign of 2 cos x− 1. Let x0 ∈(0,π


)be the unique number such

that 2 cos x0 − 1 = 0. Here x0 = arccos



)≈ 1.0471. Thus, cos x being a

decreasing function, for all x < x0 one has cos x >1

2, i.e. p ′′(x) > 0 in (0, x0).

This implies p ′(x) > p ′(0) = 0, where

p ′(x) = (ex − e−x) sin x+ (ex + e−x) cos x− (ex + e−x).

This in turn gives p(x) > p(0) = 0.

Let now x0 < x < π/2. Then, as p′(x0) > 0 and p ′


)< 0 and p ′ being

continuous and decreasing, there exists a single x0 < x1 < π/2 such that

p ′(x1) = 0. Then p′ will be positive on (x0, x1) and negative on



). Thus

p will be strictly decreasing on(x1,π


), i.e. p(x) > p


)> 0. This means

that, for any x ∈(0,π


)one has p(x) > 0, completing the proof of (20).

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�Now, via inequality (1), the following improvement of relation (11) will be


Theorem 6 For any x ∈(0,π


)one has

sin x


cos x+ 2



sinh x. (21)

Proof. The first inequality of (21) is the Cusa-Huygens inequality (1). Thesecond inequality of (21) may be written as j(x) > 0, where j is the functiondefined in Lemma 3. As j ′(0) = 0 and j ′(x) is strictly increasing, j ′(x) > 0,implying j(x) > j(0) = 0. This finishes the proof of (21).

�Finally, we will prove a counterpart of inequality (20):

Theorem 7 For any x ∈(0,π


)one has

sin x cos x <(sin x) (1+ cos x)


(x+ sin x cos x)

2< tanh x < sin x. (22)

Proof. The first two inequalities are consequences of 0 < cos x < 1 and 0 <sin x < x, respectively. The last relation is inequality (20), so we have to provethe third inequality. For this purpose, consider the application

u(x) = tanh x−(x+ sin x cos x)


where x ∈[0,π


]. An easy computation implies (cosh x)2 . (u ′(x)) = 1 −

(cos x cosh x)2 ≤ 0 by relation (10) of Lemma 1. Therefore, since u(0) = 0,and u(x) ≤ u(0), the inequality follows.

�Remark. As a corollary, we get the following nontrivial relations: For all

x ∈(0,π


), we have:

x+ sin x cos x < 2 sin x (23)


sin x cos x < tanh x < sin x. (24)

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On Cusa-Huygens type trigonometric and hyperbolic inequalities 153


[1] C. Huygens, Oeuvres completes 1888–1940, Societe Hollondaise des Sci-ences, Haga.

[2] R. Klen, M. Visuri, M. Vuorinen, On Jordan type inequalities for hyper-bolic functions, J. Ineq. Appl. vol. 2010, art. ID 362548, 14 pages.

[3] D. S. Mitrinovic, Analytic inequalities, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1970.

[4] E. Neuman, J. Sandor, Inequalities involving trigonometric and hyperbolicfunctions, Math. Ineq. Appl., 13, 4 (2010), 715–723.

[5] J. Sandor, Certain trigonometric inequalities, Octogon Math. Mag., 9, 1(2001), 331–336.

[6] J. Sandor, M. Bencze, On Huygens’ trigonometric inequality, RGMIA Res.Rep. Collection, 8, 3 (2005), art. 14.

[7] J. Sandor, A note on certain Jordan type inequalities, RGMIA Res. Rep.Collection, 10, 1 (2007), art. 1.

[8] J. Sandor, Selected chapters of geometry, Analysis and number theory:Classical topics in new perspectives, Lambert Acad. Publ., 2008.

[9] J. B. Wilker, Problem E3306, Amer. Math. Monthly, 96 (1989), 55.

[10] S. -H. Wu, H. M. Srivastava, A weighted and exponential generalizationof Wilker’s inequality and its applications, Integral Trans. Spec. Funct.,18, 8 (2007), 525–535.

Received: February 19, 2012

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Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica, 4, 2 (2012) 154–167

Spaces of entire functions represented by

vector valued Dirichlet series of slow


G. S. SrivastavaIndian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Department of MathematicsRoorkee, India

email: [email protected]

Archna SharmaIndian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Department of MathematicsRoorkee, India

email: [email protected]

Abstract. Spaces of all entire functions f represented by vector val-ued Dirichlet series and having slow growth have been considered. Theseare endowed with a certain topology under which they become a Frechetspace. On this space the form of linear continuous transformations is char-acterized. Proper bases have also been characterized in terms of growthparameters.

1 Introduction


f(s) =


anesλn , s = σ+ it (σ, t are real variables), (1)

where {an} is a sequence of complex numbers and the sequence {λn} satisfiesthe conditions 0 < λ1 < λ2 < λ3 . . . < λn . . . , λn → ∞ as n→ ∞ and

limn→∞ sup


λn= D <∞, (2)

limn→∞ sup(λn+1 − λn) = h > 0, (3)

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30D15, 46A35Key words and phrases: vector valued Dirichlet series, entire functions, spaces, bases


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Spaces of entire functions of slow growth 155


limn→∞ sup

log |an|

λn= −∞. (4)

By giving different topologies on the set of entire functions represented by theDirichlet series, Kamthan and Hussain [2] have studied various properties ofthis space.Now let an ∈ E, n = 1, 2, . . . , where (E, ∥ · ∥) is a complex Banach space

and (4) is replaced by the condition

limn→∞ sup

log ||an||

λn= −∞. (5)

Then the series in (1) is called a vector valued Dirichlet series and representsan entire function f (s). In what follows, the series in (1) will represent a Vectorvalued entire Dirichlet series.Let for entire functions defined as above by (1) and satisfying (2), (3) and

(5),M (σ, f) = M (σ) = sup

−∞<t<∞ ||f (σ+ it) ||.

Then M (σ) is called the maximum modulus of f (s) . The order ρ of f (s) isdefined as [1]

ρ = limσ→∞ sup

log logM(σ)

σ, 0 ≤ ρ ≤ ∞ (6)

Also, for 0 < ρ <∞ the type T of f (s) is defined by [1]

T = limσ→∞ sup


eσρ, 0 ≤ T ≤ ∞.

It was proved by Srivastava [1] that if f (s) is of order ρ (0 < ρ <∞) and (2)holds then f (s) is of type T if and only if

T = limn→∞ sup



ρ/λn .

This implies

limn→∞ sup λ

1/ρn ||an||

1/λn = (Tρe)1/ρ . (7)

We now denote by X the set of all vector valued entire functions f (s) given by(1) and satisfying (2), (3) and (5) for which

limσ→∞ sup

logM (σ)

eσρ≤ T <∞, 0 < ρ <∞.

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156 G. S. Srivastava, A. Sharma

Then from (7), we have

limn→∞ sup λ

1/ρn ||an||

1/λn ≤ (Tρe)1/ρ . (8)

From (8), for arbitrary ε > 0 and all n > n0 (ε),



(T + ε) eρ

]λn/ρ< 1.

Hence, if we put

||f||q =∑n≥1



(T + q−1) eρ

]λn/ρq ≥ 1,

then ||f||q is well defined and for q1 ≤ q2, ||f||q1 ≤ ||f||q2 . This norm induces ametric topology on X. We define

λ (f, g) =∑q≥1


2q· ||f− g||q1+ ||f− g||q

We denote the space X with the above metric λ by Xλ. Various properties ofbases of the space Xλ using the growth properties of the entire vector valuedDirichlet series have been obtained in [3]. These results obviously do not hold ifthe order ρ of the entire function f (s) is zero. In this paper we have introduceda metric on the space of entire function of zero order represented by vectorvalued Dirichlet series thereby obtaining various properties of this space.

2 Main results

The vector valued entire function f (s) represented by (1), for which order ρdefined by (6) is equal to zero, we define the logarithmic order ρ∗ by

ρ∗ = limσ→∞ sup

log logM(σ)

logσ, 1 ≤ ρ∗ ≤ ∞.

For 1 < ρ∗ <∞ the logarithmic type T∗ is defined by

T∗ = limσ→∞ sup


σρ∗ , 0 ≤ T∗ ≤ ∞.

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In [4] the authors have established that f(s) is of logarithmic order ρ∗, 1 <ρ∗ <∞, and logarithmic type T∗, 0 < T∗ <∞, if and only if

limn→∞ sup


log ||an||−1=


(ρ∗ − 1)(ρ∗T∗)1/(ρ

∗−1), (9)

where ϕ(t)is the unique solution of the equation t = σρ∗−1. The above formula

can be proved on the same lines as for ordinary Dirichlet series in [5]. Let Ydenote the set of all entire functions f (s) given by (1) and satisfying (2), (3)and (5), for which

limσ→∞ sup


σρ≤ T∗ <∞, 0 < ρ∗ <∞.

Then from (9) we have

limn→∞ sup


log ||an||−1≤ ρ∗

(ρ∗ − 1)(ρ∗T∗)1/(ρ

∗−1) , (10)

where ϕ(λn) = λ1/ρ∗−1n . From (10), for arbitrary ε > 0 and all n > n0 (ε),

||an|| ≤ exp



{K · ρ∗(T∗ + ε)}1/(ρ∗−1)

], (11)

where K = {ρ∗/(ρ∗ − 1)}(ρ∗−1) be a constant. For each f ∈ Y, we define the


||f||α =∑n≥1

||an|| exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + α−1)}1/(ρ∗−1)

], α ≥ 1

then ||f||α is well defined and for α1 ≤ α2, ||f||α1≤ ||f||α2

. This norm induces ametric topology on Y defined by

d (f, g) =



2α· ||f− g||α1+ ||f− g||α


We denote the space Y with the above metric d by Yd. Now we prove

Theorem 1 The space Yd is a Frechet space.

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Proof. Here, Yd is a normed linear metric space. For showing that Yd is aFrechet space, we need to show that Yd is complete. Hence, let {fp} be aCauchy sequence in Yd. Therefore, for any given ε > 0 there exists an integern0 = n0 (ε) such that

d(fp, fq) < ε ∀ p, q > n0.

Hence ||fp − fq||α < ε ∀ p, q > n0, α ≥ 1.Denoting by fp (s) =

∑∞n=1 a

(p)n e

s·λn , fq (s) =∑∞n=1 a

(q)n e

s·λn , we have therefore


||a(p)n − a

(q)n || · exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + α−1)}1/(ρ∗−1)

]< ε (12)

for all p, q > n0, α ≥ 1. Since λn → ∞ as n → ∞, therefore we have

||a(p)n − a

(q)n || < ε ∀p, q ≥ n0, and n = 1, 2, . . . , i.e. for each fixed n = 1, 2, . . . ,{


}is a Cauchy sequence in the Banach space E.

Hence there exists a sequence {an} ⊆ E such that

limp→∞a(p)n = an, n ≥ 1.

Now letting q→ ∞ in (12), we have for p ≥ n0,∞∑n=1

||a(p)n − an|| · exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + α−1)}1/(ρ∗−1)

]< ε (13)

Taking p = n0, we get for a fixed α in (12)

||an|| exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + α−1)}1/(ρ∗−1)


||a(n0)n || exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + α−1)}1/(ρ∗−1)

]+ ε

Now f(n0) =∑∞n=1 a

(n0)n es.λn ∈ Yd, hence the condition (11) is satisfied. For

arbitrary α < β, we have, ||a(n0)n || < exp



]for arbitrarily

large n. Hence we have,

||an|| exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + α−1)}1/(ρ∗−1)




(K · ρ∗)1/(ρ∗−1)


(T∗ + α−1)1/(ρ∗−1)−


(T∗ + β−1)1/(ρ∗−1)

}]+ ε

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Spaces of entire functions of slow growth 159

Since ε > 0 is arbitrary and the first term on the right hand side → 0 asn → ∞, we find that the sequence {an} satisfies (11) and therefore f(s)=

∑∞n=1 ane

s·λn belongs to Yd. Using (13) again, we have for α=1, 2. . . ,

||fp − f||α < ε.


d (fp, f) =



2α||fp − f||α

1+ ||fp − f||α≤ ε

1+ ε



2α< ε.

Since the above inequality holds for allp > n0, we finally get fp → f as p→ ∞with respect to the metric d, where f ∈ Yd. Hence Yd is complete. This provesTheorem 1. �Next we prove

Theorem 2 A continuous linear transformation ψ : Yd → E is of the form

ψ (f) =



if and only if

|Cn| ≤ A · exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + α−1)}1/(ρ∗−1)

]for all n ≥ 1, α ≥ 1, (14)

where A is a finite, positive number, f = f (s) =∑∞n=1 ane

s·λn and λ1 issufficiently large.

Proof. Let ψ : Yd → E be a continuous linear transformation then for anysequence {fm} ⊆ Yd such that fm → f, we have ψ (fm) → ψ (f) as m → ∞.Now, let f (s) =

∑∞n=1 ane

s.λn where a ′ns ∈ E satisfy (11). Then f ∈ Yd. Also,

let fk (s) =∑kn=1 an e

sλn . Then fk ∈ Yd for k = 1, 2 . . . . Let α be any fixedpositive integer and let 0 < ε < α−1. From (11) we can find an integer m suchthat

||an|| < exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + ε)}1/(ρ∗−1)

], ∀n > m.

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160 G. S. Srivastava, A. Sharma











||an|| exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + α−1)}1/(ρ∗−1)






(K · ρ∗)1/(ρ∗−1){(T∗ + α−1)−1/(ρ

∗−1) − (T∗ + ε)−1/(ρ∗−1)

}]< ε,

for sufficiently large values of m.Hence

d (f, fm) =



2α||f− fm||α

1+ ||f− fm||α≤ ε

1+ ε< ε,

i.e. fm → f as m→ ∞ in Yd. Since ψ is continuous, we have

limm→∞ψ (fm) = ψ (f) .

Let us denote by Cn = ψ(es·λn

). Then

ψ (fm) =






Also |Cn| = |ψ(esλn

)|. Since ψ is continuous on Yd it is continuous on Y||·||α

for each α = 1, 2, 3 . . . . Hence there exists a positive constant A independentof α such that


)| = |Cn| ≤ A||p||α, α ≥ 1

where p (s) = es·λn . Now using the definition of the norm for p (s) , we get

|Cn| ≤ A exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + α−1)}1/(ρ∗−1)

], n ≥ 1, α ≥ 1.

Hence we get ψ (f) =∑∞n=1 anCn, where the sequence {Cn} satisfies (14).

Conversely, suppose that ψ (f) =∑∞n=1 anCn and C

′ns satisfy (14). Then for

α ≥ 1,

||ψ (f) || ≤ A


||an|| exp


{K · ρ∗(T∗ + α−1)}1/(ρ∗−1)


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Spaces of entire functions of slow growth 161

i.e. |ψ(f)| ≤ A||f||α α ≥ 1.Now, since d (f, g) =



· ||f−g||α1+||f−g||α

, therefore ψ is continuous. Thiscompletes the proof of Theorem 2. �

3 Linear continuous transformations and properbases

Following Kamthan and Hussain [2] we give some more definitions. A subspaceX0 of X is said to be spanned by a sequence {αn} ⊆ X if X0 consists of all linearcombinations

∑∞n=1 cnαn such that

∑∞n=1 cnαn converges in X. A sequence

{αn} ⊆ X which is linearly independent and spans a subspace X0 of X is saidto be a base in X0. In particular, if en ∈ X, en (s) = esλn , n ≥ 1, then {en} isa base in X. A sequence {αn} ⊆ X will be called a ‘proper base’ if it is a baseand it satisfies the condition:“for all sequences {an} ⊆ E, convergence of

∑∞n=1 ||an|| αn in X implies the

convergence of∑∞n=1 anen in X”. As defined above, for f ∈ Y, we put ||f, T∗ +

δ|| =∑n≥1 ||an|| exp



]. We now prove

Theorem 3 A necessary and sufficient condition that there exists a contin-uous linear transformation F : Y → Y with F (en) = αn, n = 1, 2, . . . , whereαn ∈ Y, is that for each δ > 0

limn→∞ sup

log ||αn : T∗ + δ||1/λn

φ(λn)≤(ρ∗ − 1



∗−1. (15)

Proof. Let F be a continuous linear transformation from Y into Y with F (en) =αn, n = 1, 2, . . . Then for any given δ > 0, there exists a δ1 > 0 and a constantK

′= K

′(δ) depending on δ only, such that

||F (en) ; T∗ + δ|| ≤ K ′

||en; T∗ + δ1|| ⇒ ||αn; T

∗ + δ||

≤ K ′exp

{(ρ∗ − 1)λnφ(λn)

(T∗ + δ1)1/ρ∗−1 ((ρ∗)ρ∗/ρ∗−1)

}⇒ log ||αn; T

∗ + δ|| 1/λn

≤ o (1) + φ(λn)(ρ∗ − 1)

(T∗ + δ1)1/ρ∗−1 ((ρ∗)ρ∗/ρ∗−1) ,

⇒ limn→∞ sup

log ||αn; T∗ + δ||1/λn

φ(λn)≤ (ρ∗ − 1)


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Conversely, let the sequence {αn} satisfy (15) and let α =∑∞n=1 anen. Then

we have

limn→∞ sup

λn ϕ(λn)

log ||an||−1≤ ρ∗(ρ∗T)1/ρ


(ρ∗ − 1).

Hence, given η > 0, there exists N0 = N0 (η), such that


log ||an||−1/λn≤ ρ∗

(ρ∗ − 1){ρ∗(T∗ + η)} 1/ρ

∗−1 ∀n ≥ N0.

Further, for a given η1 > η, from (15), we can find N1 = N1 (η1) such that forn ≥ N1

log ||αn; T∗ + δ||1/λn

φ(λn)≤(ρ∗ − 1


){ρ∗(T∗ + η1)}


Choose n ≥ max(N0,N1). Then

log ||αn; T∗ + δ||1/λn

log ||an||−1/λn≤(T∗ + η

T∗ + η1

)1/(ρ∗−1)⇒ ||an|| ||αn; T

∗ + δ|| ≤ ||an||1−(T∗+η/T∗+η 1)


= ||an||β (say)

where β = 1− (T∗ + η/T∗ + η1)1/(ρ∗−1)

> 0. Now from (5) we can easily showthat for any arbitrary large number K > 0, ||an|| < e−kλn .Hence we have for all large values of n, ||an|| ||αn; T

∗ + δ|| ≤ e−Kβλn .Consequently the series

∑∞n=1 ||an|| ||αn; T

∗ + δ|| converges for each δ > 0.


n=1 ||an||αn converges to an element of Y. For each α ∈ Y, Wedefine F(α) =

∑∞n=1 an αn .Then F(en) = αn. Now, given δ > 0, ∃ δ1 > 0 such

thatlog ||αn; T

∗ + δ||1/λn

φ(λn)≤(ρ∗ − 1


){ρ∗(T∗ + η1)}


for all n ≥ N = N(δ, δ1). Hence

⇒ ||αn; T∗ + δ|| ≤ K


{(ρ∗ − 1) λnφ(λn)

ρ∗ {ρ∗ (T∗ + δ1)}1/ρ∗−1

}where K

′= K

′(δ) and the inequality is true for all n > 0. Now

||F(α); T∗ + δ|| ≤∞∑n=1

||an|| ||αn; T∗ + δ||

≤ K ′∞∑n=1

||an|| exp

{(ρ∗ − 1)λnφ(λn)

ρ∗ {ρ∗ (T∗ + δ1)}1/ρ∗−1

}= K

′||an; T

∗ + δ||.

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Spaces of entire functions of slow growth 163

Hence F is continuous. This proves Theorem 3. �We now give some results characterizing the proper bases.

Lemma 1 In the space Yd, the following three conditions are equivalent:

(i) For each δ > 0, limn→∞ sup log ||αn;T∗+δ||1/λn


)(ρ∗T∗) −1/(ρ

∗−1) .

(ii) For any sequence {an} in E, the convergence of∑∞n=1 anen in Y implies

that limn→∞ ||an||αn = 0 in Y.

(iii) For any sequence {an} in E, the convergence of∑∞n=1 anen in Y implies

the convergence of∑∞n=1 ||an||αn in Y.

Proof. First suppose that (ii) holds. Then for any sequence {an}∑∞n=1 anen

converges in Y implies that∑∞n=1 ||an||αn converges in Y which in turn implies

that ||an||αn → 0 as n→ ∞. Hence (ii) ⇒ (iii).Now we assume that (iii) is true but (i) is false. Hence for some δ > 0, there

exists a sequence {nk} of positive integers such that ∀nk , k = 1, 2, . . . ,

log ||αnk; T∗ + δ||1/λnk



(ρ∗ − 1


) {ρ∗(T∗ +




Define a sequence {an} as follows:

||an|| =

{∥αn; T∗ + δ∥−1, n = nk

0; n = nk(16)

Then, we have for all large values of k,


log ||ank||−1/λnk



log ||αnk; T∗ + δ||1/λnk



ρ∗ − 1

) {ρ∗(T∗ +





limk→∞ sup


log ||ank||−1/λnk



ρ∗ − 1

)(ρ∗T∗) 1/(ρ


Thus {an} defined by (16) satisfies the condition

limn→∞ sup


log ||an||−1/λn≤(


ρ∗ − 1

)(ρ∗T∗) 1/(ρ


which in view of Theorem 1 above is equivalent to the condition that∑anen

converges in Y. Hence by (iii), limn→∞ ||an||αn = 0. However

∥ ||ank||αnk

; T∗ + δ∥ = ||ank|| · ||αnk

; T∗ + δ|| = 1.

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164 G. S. Srivastava, A. Sharma

Hence limn→∞ ||an||αn = 0 in Y(ρ∗, T∗, δ). This is a contradiction. Hence (iii)⇒(i).

In the course of proof of Theorem 3 above, we have already proved that(i)⇒(ii). Thus the proof of Lemma 1 is complete. �Next we prove

Lemma 2 The following three properties are equivalent:(a) For all sequences {an} in E, lim

n→∞ anαn = 0 in Y implies that∑∞n=1 anen

converges in Y.(b) For all sequences {an} in E, the convergence of

∑∞n=1 ||an||αn in Y implies

the convergence of∑∞n=1 anen.

(c) limδ→0

{limn→∞ inf log ||αn;T∗+δ||1/λn



)(ρ∗T∗) −1/(ρ


Proof. Obviously (a)⇒ (b). We now prove that (b)⇒ (c). To prove this, wesuppose that (b) holds but (c) does not hold. Hence


{limn→∞ inf

log ||αn; T∗ + δ||1/λn



(ρ∗ − 1




Since log ∥αn; T + δ∥ increases as δ decreases, this implies that for each δ > 0,{limn→∞ inf

log ||αn; T∗ + δ||1/λn



(ρ∗ − 1




Hence, if η > 0 be a fixed small positive number, then for each r > 0, we canfind a positive number nr such that ∀r, we have nr+1 > nr and

limn→∞ inf

log ||αnr ; T∗ + r−1|| 1/λnr


(ρ∗ − 1


){ρ∗(T∗ + η) }−1/(ρ

∗−1) (17)

Now we choose a positive number η1 < η, and define a sequence {an} as

||an|| =





{ρ∗(T∗+η) }1/(ρ∗−1)

}, n = nr

0, n = nr.

Then, for any δ > 0


||an|| · ||αn; T∗ + δ|| =∞∑r=1

||anr || · ||αnr ; T∗ + δ||. (18)

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Spaces of entire functions of slow growth 165

For any given δ > 0, we omit from the above series those finite number ofterms, which correspond to those number nr for which 1/r is greater than δ.The remainder of the series in (18) is dominated by

∑∞r=1 ||anr ||· ||αnr ; T

∗+r−1||.Now by (17) and (18), we find that


||anr || · ||αnr ; T∗ + r−1||




(ρ∗ − 1



{ρ∗(T∗ + η) }1/(ρ∗−1)

}(T∗ + η1T∗ + η



× exp

{(ρ∗ − 1



{ρ∗(T∗ + η) }1/(ρ∗−1)



(T∗ + η1T∗ + η



Since η1 < η, therefore the above series on the right hand side is convergent.For this sequence {an} ,

∑∞n=1 ||an||αn converges in Y (ρ∗, T∗, δ) for each δ > 0

and hence converges in Y.But we have,

limn→∞ sup


log ||an||−1/λn=


ρ∗ − 1

){ρ∗(T∗ + η)}1/(ρ


which contradicts (10). This proves (b) ⇒(c).Now we prove that (c)⇒(a). We assume (c) is true but (a) is not true. Then

there exists a sequences {an} of complex numbers for which ||an||αn → 0 in Y,but

∑∞n=1 anen does not converge in Y. This implies that

limn→∞ sup


log ||an||−1/λn>


ρ∗ − 1



Hence there exists a positive number ε and a sequence {nk} of positive integerssuch that


log ||an||−1/λn=


ρ∗ − 1

){ρ∗(T∗ + ε)}1/(ρ

∗−1), ∀n = nk

We choose another positive number η < ε/2 . By assumption we can find apositive number δ i.e. δ = δ (η) such that

limn→∞ inf

log ||αn, T∗ + δ||1/λn


(ρ∗ − 1


){ρ∗(T∗ + η)}−1/(ρ


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166 G. S. Srivastava, A. Sharma

Hence there exists N = N (η), such that

log ||αn, T∗ + δ||1/λn

φ(λn)≥(ρ∗ − 1


){ρ∗(T∗ + 2η)}−1/(ρ

∗−1), ∀n ≥ N.


max ∥ ||an||αn; T∗ + δ∥ = max {||an|| · ||αn; T∗ + δ|| }≥ max {||ank

|| · ||αnk; T∗ + δ||}

≥ exp


φ(λnk)(ρ∗ − 1)

ρ∗ {ρ∗(T∗ + ε) }1/(ρ∗−1)


× exp


)(ρ∗ − 1)

ρ∗ {ρ∗(T∗ + 2η) }1/(ρ∗−1)

}> 1

for nk > N as ε > 2η.Thus {||an|| αn} does not tend to zero in Y (ρ∗, T∗, δ) for the δ chosen above.Hence {||an|| αn} does not tend to 0 in Y and this is a contradiction. Thus(c)⇒(a) is proved. This proves Lemma 2. �Lastly we prove:

Theorem 4 A base {αn} in a closed subspace Y0 of Y is proper if and only ifthe conditions (i) and (c) stated above are satisfied.

Proof. Let {αn} be a proper base in a closed subspace Y0 of Y. Hence forany sequence of complex number {an} the convergence of

∑∞n=1 ||an||αn in

Y0 implies the convergence of∑∞n=1 anen in Y0. Therefore (b) and hence (c)

is satisfied. Further the convergence of∑∞n=1 anen in Y0 is equivalent to the


limn→∞ sup


log ||an||−1/λn=


ρ∗ − 1



Now let α =∑∞n=1 anen. Then proceeding as in second part of the proof of

Theorem 1, we can prove that∑∞n=1 ||an||αn converges to an element of Y0

and thus (ii) is satisfied. But (ii) is equivalent to (i). Hence necessary part ofthe theorem is proved.Conversely, suppose that conditions (i) and (c) are satisfied, with {αn} beinga base in a closed subspace Y0 of Y. Then by Lemma 2, we find that for anysequence {an} in E, convergence of

∑∞n=1 ||an||αn in Y0 implies the convergence

of∑∞n=1 anen in Y0. Therefore {αn} is a proper base of Y0. This concludes the

proof. �

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The authors are grateful to the referee for his valuable comments and sugges-tions.


[1] B. L. Srivastava, A study of spaces of certain classes of vector valuedDirichlet series, Thesis, I. I. T Kanpur, 1983.

[2] P. K. Kamthan and T. Hussain, Spaces of entire functions represented byDirichlet series, Collec. Math., 19, 3 (1968), 203–216.

[3] G. S. Srivastava, A. Sharma, Spaces of entire functions represented byvector valued Dirichlet series, J. Math. Appl., 34, (2011), 97–107.

[4] G. S. Srivastava, A. Sharma, On generalized order and generalized typeof vector valued Dirichlet series of slow growth, Int. J. Math. Archive, 2,12 (2011), 2652–2659.

[5] G. S. Srivastava, A note on the proximate order of entire function repre-sented by Dirichlet series, Bull. De L’Academie Polonaise des Sciences,19, 3 (1971), 199–202.

Received: February 4, 2012

Page 66: Mathematica Vol. 4, No. 2, 2012

Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica, 4, 2 (2012) 168–181

Unification of extensions of zip rings

Amit Bhooshan SinghJamia Millia Islamia(Central University)

Department of MathematicsDelhi 1110025, India

email: [email protected]

V. N. DixitJamia Millia Islamia(Central University)

Department of MathematicsDelhi 1110025, India

email: vn [email protected]

Abstract. In this note, we investigate that a ring R is a right zip ring ifand only if skew monoid ring R∗G (induced by a monoid homomorphismλ : G→ Aut(R)) is a right zip ring when R is a right (G, λ)-McCoy ring,where G be a u.p.-monoid. Moreover, we study the relationship betweenright zip property of a ring R and skew generalized power series ringR[[G,ω]] (induced by a monoid homomorphism ω : G → End(R)) overR when R is (G,ω)-Armendariz and G-compatible, where G is a strictlyordered monoid, which provides a unified solution to the questions raisedby Faith [9].

1 Introduction

Throughout this article, R and G denote an associative ring with identityand monoid, respectively. For any subset X of a ring R, rR(X) denotes theright annihilator of X in R. Faith [8] called a ring R right zip provided thatif the right annihilator rR(X) of a subset X of R is zero, then there exists afinite subset Y ⊆ X such that rR(Y) = 0; equivalently, for left ideal L of Rwith rR(L) = 0, there exists a finitely generated left ideal L1 ⊆ L such thatrR(L1) = 0. R is zip if it is both right and left zip. The concept of zip rings wasinitiated by Zelmanowitz [31] and appeared in various papers [3, 4, 7, 8, 9] and

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16P60, 16S86, 16S99Key words and phrases: zip ring, (G, λ)-Armendariz ring, right (G, λ)-McCoy ring, S-compatible ring, (G,ω)-Armendariz ring, skew monoid ring, skew generalized power seriesring


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Unification of extensions of zip rings 169

references therein. Zelmanowitz stated that any ring satisfying the descendingchain conditions on right annihilators is a right zip ring, but the converse doesnot hold. Beachy and Blair [3] studied rings that satisfy the condition thatevery faithful right ideal I of a ring R (a right ideal I of a ring R is faithful ifrR(I) = 0) is cofaithful (a right ideal I of a ring R is cofaithful if there exists afinite subset I1 ⊆ I such that rR(I1) = 0). Right zip rings have this propertyand conversely for commutative ring R.Extensions of zip rings were studied by several authors. Beachy and Blair

[3] showed that if R is a commutative zip ring, then polynomial ring R[x] overR is a zip ring. Afterwards, Cedo [4] proved that if R is a commutative zipring, then the n × n full matrix ring Matn(R) over R is zip; moreover, hesettled negatively the following questions which were posed by Faith [8]: DoesR being a right zip ring imply R[x] being right zip?; Does R being a right zipimply Matn(R) being right zip?; Does R being a right zip ring imply R[G] beingright zip when G is a finite group? Based on the preceding results, Faith [9]again raised the following questions: When does R being a right zip ring implyR[x] being right zip?; Characterize a ring R such that Matn(R) is right zip;When does R being a right zip ring imply R[G] being right zip when G is afinite group? Also he proved that if R is a commutative ring and G is a finiteAbelian group, then the group ring R[G] of G over R is zip.In [14], Hong et al. studied above questions and proved that R is a right zip

ring if and only if R[x] is a right zip ring when R is an Armendariz ring. Theyalso showed that if R is a commutative ring and G a u.p.-monoid that containsan infinite cyclic submonoid, then R is a zip ring if and only if R[G] is a zip ring.Further, Cortes [7] studied the relationship between right (left) zip property ofR and skew polynomial extensions over R by using skew versions of Armendarizrings and generalized the results of Hong et al. [14]. Later, Hashemi [10] showedthat R is a right zip ring if and only if R[G] is a right zip ring when R be areversible ring and G a strictly totally ordered monoid. In this paper, weprove the above mentioned results to skew monoid ring R ∗ G (induced by amonoid homomorphism λ : G → Aut(R)) and skew generalized power seriesring R[[G,ω]] (induced by a monoid homomorphism ω : G→ End(R)).This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the concept

of right (G, λ)-McCoy ring and extend the above mentioned results provedby Hong et al. [14], Cortes [7] and Hashemi [10] to skew monoid ring R ∗ G(induced by a monoid homomorphism λ : G → Aut(R)). In Section 3, wediscuss a unification of the above extensions and prove that if R is (G,ω)-Armendariz ring and G-compatible, then skew generalized power series ringR[[G,ω]] (induced by a monoid homomorphism ω : G→ End(R)) is right zip

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if and only if R is right zip. This provides a unified generalization of the resultsdue to Hong et al. [14] and Cortes [7].

2 Right zip skew monoid rings

In this section, we study the fundamental concept of a skew monoid ringand give the definition of right (G, λ)-McCoy ring which is a generalization ofright G-McCoy ring. Moreover, we investigate a relationship between right zipproperty of a ring R and skew monoid ring R ∗ G over R, and we also extendsome results of [7, 10, 14].

Definition 2.1 A monoid G is called a unique product monoid (or a u.p.-monoid) if for any two nonempty finite subsets A,B ⊆ G there exist a ∈ Aand b ∈ B such that ab = a ′b ′ for every (a ′, b ′) ∈ A×B\{(a, b)}; the elementab is called a u.p.-element of AB = {cd : c ∈ A,d ∈ B}.

The class of u.p.-monoids includes the right and left totally ordered monoids,submonoids of a free group, and torsion-free nilpotent groups (for details see[23, 24] ).

From [15, 22], let R be a ring and G a u.p.-monoid. Assume that there existsa monoid homomorphism λ : G → Aut(R). We denote by λg(r) the image ofr ∈ R under g ∈ G. Then we can form a skew monoid ring R ∗ G (inducedby the monoid homomorphism λ : G → Aut(R)) by taking its elements to

be finite formal combinationsn∑i=1

aigi, where ai ∈ R, gi,∈ G for all i, with

multiplication rule defined by gr = λg(r)g.It is well known that if R is a commutative ring and f(x) is a zero divisor

in R[x], there is a nonzero element r ∈ R with f(x)r = 0, as proved by McCoy[26, Theorem 2]. Based on this result, Nielsen [28] called a ring R right McCoyif for each pair of nonzero polynomials f(x), g(x) ∈ R[x] with f(x)g(x) = 0

there exists a nonzero element r ∈ R with f(x)r = 0. Left McCoy ring canbe defined similarly. A ring R is McCoy if it is both right and left McCoy.Thus every commutative ring is McCoy. Further, Hashemi [10] generalized theconcept of McCoy ring to monoid ring and called a ring R right G-McCoy ring(right McCoy ring relative to monoid) if whenever 0 = α = a1g1+a2g2+ · · ·+angn, 0 = β = b1h1 + b2h2 + · · · + bmhm ∈ R[G], with ai, bj ∈ R, gi, hj ∈ Gsatisfy αβ = 0 implies αr = 0 for some nonzero r ∈ R. The left G-McCoyring can be defined similarly. If R is both right and left G-McCoy, then R is

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G-McCoy. Here, we extend the concept of McCoy ring to skew monoid ringR ∗G (induced by a monoid homomorphism λ : G→ Aut(R)) with the help ofa construction of skew monoid rings R ∗G.

Definition 2.2 Let R be a ring, G a u.p.-monoid and λ : G → Aut(R) amonoid homomorphism. A ring R is called right (G, λ)-McCoy if whenever

α =n∑i=1

aigi, β =m∑j=1

bjhj ∈ R ∗ G, with ai, bj ∈ R, gi, hj ∈ G satisfy αβ = 0,

then αr = 0 or λ−gi(ai)r = 0 for some nonzero r ∈ R. The left (G, λ)-McCoyring is defined similarly. If R is both right and left (G, λ)-McCoy, then R is(G, λ)-McCoy.

Example 2.3 We give some special cases of right (G, λ)-McCoy rings.

(1) Suppose G be trivial order monoid and λ = 1 : G → Aut(R) a monoidhomomorphism. Then R is right (G, λ)-McCoy if and only if R is right G-McCoy. Thus right G-McCoy [10] is special case of right (G, λ)-McCoy.

(2) Suppose G = (N∪ {0},+) and λ = 1 : G→ Aut(R). Then R is right (G, λ)-McCoy if and only if R is right McCoy. Thus right McCoy [28] is specialcase of right (G, λ)-McCoy.

In the following theorem, we extend the results of Hong et al. [14, Theo-rem 11, Corollary 13, Proposition 14, Theorem 16 and Corollary 17 ], Cortes [7,Theorem 2.8(i)] and Hashemi [10, Theorem 1.25 and Corollary 1.26] to skewmonoid ring R ∗ G (induced by a monoid homomorphism λ : G → Aut(R))using right (G, λ)-McCoy ring, and also provides a generalized solution to thequestions posed by Faith [9] for noncommutative zip rings.

Theorem 2.4 Let G be a u.p.-monoid and λ : G → Aut(R) a monoid homo-morphism. If R is a right (G, λ)-McCoy ring, then R is right zip if and only ifR ∗G is right zip.

Proof. Suppose R is right zip and Y a nonempty subset of R ∗ G such thatrR∗G(Y) = 0. Let V be the set of all coefficients of elements of Y and de-fined by V = CY =


Cα such that Cα = {λ−gi(ai) : 1 ≤ i ≤ n}, where

α =n∑i=1

aigi ∈ R ∗ G. Take any a ∈ rR(V) then a ∈ rR(∪α∈Y

Cα) which im-

plies a ∈ rR(Cα) for all α ∈ Y. Thus a ∈ rR∗G(α) = 0 for all α ∈ Y.Therefore rR(V) = 0. Since R is right zip, there exists a nonempty subset

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V1 = {λ−gi1 (ai1), λ−gi2 (ai2), . . . , λ

−gin (ain)} such that rR(V1) = 0. For each

λ−gij (aij) ∈ V1, there exists αij ∈ Y such that some of the coefficients ofαij are aij for each 1 ≤ j ≤ n. So we have Y0 = {αi1 , αi2 , . . . , αin} be anonempty subset of Y whose some of the coefficients are aij for each 1 ≤ j ≤ n.Suppose V0 be a set of all the coefficients of Y0. Then V1 ⊆ V0 which im-plies rR(V0) ⊆ rR(V1) = 0. Now we will show that rR∗G(Y0) = 0. ConsiderrR∗G(Y0) = 0, so 0 = β ∈ rR∗G(Y0) which gives αijβ = 0 for all αij ∈ Y0.Since R is right (G, λ)-McCoy, there exists a nonzero element r1 ∈ R withαijr1 = 0 for all αij ∈ Y0. Thus λ

−gij (aij)r1 = 0 for each 1 ≤ j ≤ n, it fol-lows that r1 ∈ rR(V1) = 0. Therefore r1 = 0, which is a contradiction and sorR∗G(Y0) = 0. Hence R ∗G is a right zip ring.Conversely, suppose R∗G is right zip and V a nonempty subset of R such that

rR(V) = 0. Then rR∗G(V) = 0. Since R ∗G is right zip, there exists a nonemptysubset V1 of V such that rR∗G(V1) = 0. Thus rR(V1) = rR∗G(V1)∩R = 0. HenceR is right zip. �In 1974, Armendariz [2] proved that aibj = 0 for every i and j whenever

polynomials f(x) =n∑i=0

aixi, g(x) =


bjxj ∈ R[x] over a reduced ring R (a

ring R with no nonzero nilpotent elements) satisfy f(x)g(x) = 0, where x isan indeterminate over R, following which, Rege and Chhawchharia [29] calledsuch a ring (not necessarily reduced) an Armendariz ring.Recall for a ring R and a ring automorphism σ : R→ R, the skew polynomial

ring R[x;σ] (skew Laurent polynomial ring R[x, x−1;σ]) consists of polynomials

in the form f(x) =n∑i=0

aixi (f(x) =


bjxj), where the addition is defined as

usual and multiplication defined by the rule xa = σ(a)x (x−1a = σ−1(a)x)for any a ∈ R. In [13], Hong et al. extended Armendariz property to skewpolynomial ring R[x;σ] and defined that a ring R with an endomorphism σ is

σ-skew Armendariz if whenever polynomials f(x) =n∑i=0

aixi, g(x) =


bjxj ∈

R[x;σ] satisfy f(x)g(x) = 0 which implies aiσi(bj) = 0 for every i and j.

Further, Liu [21] introduced the concept of Armendariz ring relative to monoidas is a generalization of Armendariz ring and called a ring R G-Armendarizring (Armendariz ring relative to monoid), if whenever elements α = a1g1 +a2g2+ . . .+angn, β = b1h1+b2h2+ . . .+bmhm ∈ R[G] satisfy αβ = 0 impliesaibj = 0 for each i and j, where ai, bj ∈ R, gi, hj ∈ G and G is a monoid. Nowwe define Armendariz ring to skew monoid ring R ∗G.

Definition 2.5 Let R be a ring, G a u.p.-monoid and λ : G → Aut(R) a

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monoid homomorphism. A ring R is called (G, λ)-Armendariz if whenever α =n∑i=1

aigi, β =m∑j=1

bjhj ∈ R ∗ G, with ai, bj ∈ R, gi, hj ∈ G satisfy αβ = 0, then

aiλgi(bj) = 0 for all i, j.

Notice that all the above mentioned classes of Armendariz rings are specialcases of (G, λ)-Armendariz, whereas (G, λ)-Armendariz ring is a special case of(G,ω)-Armendariz ring which was investigated by Marks et al. [24] (for detailssee section 3). It is also clear from the definition 2.1 and definition 2.4 thatevery (G, λ)-Armendariz ring is a right (G, λ)-McCoy ring. In the followingexample, we show that converse need not be true.Given a ring R and a bimodule RMR, the trivial extension of R by M

is the ring T(R,M) = R⊕

M with usual addition and the multiplication(r1,m1)(r2,m2) = (r1r2, r1m2 +m1r2), where r1r2 ∈ R and m1m2 ∈M.

Example 2.6 There exists a right (G, λ)-McCoy ring which is not (G, λ)-Armendariz.

Proof. Let Z8 be a ring of integers of modulo 8 then its trivial extension isT(Z8,Z8). Suppose λ : G→ Aut(T) defined by λg(a, b) = (b, a), for any g ∈ Gand (a, b) ∈ T(Z8,Z8), where G be a u.p.-monoid. It is easy to check that λ is amonoid homomorphism. Assume e, g ∈ G with e = g and α = (4, 0)e+(4, 1)g,β = (0, 4)e + (1, 4)g ∈ R ∗ G. Then αβ = 0, while (4, 0)λg(1, 4) = 0. ThusT is not (G, λ)-Armendariz. Consider a nonzero element t = (4, 0) ∈ T , soαt = ((4, 0)e+ (4, 1)g)(4, 0) = 0. Therefore R is a right (G, λ)-McCoy ring. �Now, we get the following corollary.

Corollary 2.7 Let G be a u.p.-monoid and λ : G→ Aut(R) a monoid homo-morphism. If R is (G, λ)-Armendariz then R is right zip if and only if R ∗G isright zip.

Proof. Since R is a (G, λ)-Armendariz ring so R is a right (G, λ)-McCoy ring.Thus by Theorem 2.4, R is right zip if and only if R ∗G is right zip. �We also deduce some important results as corollaries of above theorem.Recall that a ring R is called reversible if ab = 0 implies ba = 0 for all

a, b ∈ R. Let (G,≤) be an ordered monoid. If for any g, g ′, h ∈ G, g < g ′

implies that gh < g ′h and hg < hg ′, then (G,≤) is called strictly orderedmonoid.

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Corollary 2.8 (Hashemi [10, Theorem 1.25]) Let R be a reversible ringand G a strictly totally ordered monoid. Then R is right zip if and only if R[G]is right zip.

Proof. Since R is reversible ring and G a strictly totally ordered monoid, by[10, Corollary 1.5], R is a G-McCoy ring. Suppose λ = 1 : G → Aut(R) amonoid homomorphism then R is right (G, λ)-McCoy ring if and only if R is aright G-McCoy ring. Thus by Theorem 2.4, R is right zip if and only if R[G] isright zip. �

Definition 2.9 A ring R is called right duo if all right ideals are two sidedideals. Left duo rings are defined similarly, and a ring is called duo if it is bothright and left duo.

Corollary 2.10 Let R be a right duo ring and G a strictly totally orderedmonoid. Then R is right zip if and only if R[G] is right zip.

Proof. Since R be a right duo ring and G a strictly totally ordered monoid,by [10, Theorem 1.8], R is a right G-McCoy ring. Suppose λ = 1 : G→ Aut(R)a monoid homomorphism then R is a right (G, λ)-McCoy ring if and only if Ris a right G-McCoy ring. Thus by Theorem 2.4, R is right zip if and only ifR[G] is right zip. �The following definition is taken from [7].

Definition 2.11 (1) A ring R satisfies SA1 ′ if for f(x) =n∑i=0

aixi and g(x) =


bjxj in R[x;σ], f(x)g(x) = 0 implies that aiσ

i(bj) = 0 for all i and j,

where σ be an endomorphism of R.

(2) A ring R satisfies SA3 ′ if for f(x) =n∑i=p

aixi and g(x) =


bjxj in

R[x, x−1;σ], f(x)g(x) = 0 implies that aiσi(bj) = 0 for all i and j, where σ

be an automorphism of R.

Corollary 2.12 (Cortes [7, Theorem 2.8(i)]) Let σ be an automorphismof R and satisfies SA1 ′. The following conditions are equivalent:

(1) R is right zip;

(2) R[x;σ] is right zip;

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(3) R[x, x−1;σ] is right zip.

Proof. (1) ⇔ (2) Given σ be an automorphism of R and satisfies SA1 ′(R is aσ-skew Armendariz ring). Suppose G = (N ∪ {0},+) and λ(1) = σ. Then R isa σ-skew Armendariz ring if and only if R is a (G, λ)-Armendariz ring. Thusby Corollary 2.7, R is right zip if and only if R[x, σ] is right zip.(1) ⇔ (3) Given σ be an automorphism of R and satisfies SA3 ′ then by [7,Lemma 2.3] R satisfies SA1 ′(R is a σ-skew Armendariz ring). Suppose G =(Z∪ {0},+) and λ(1) = σ. Then R is a σ-skew Armendariz ring if and only if Ris a (G, λ)-Armendariz ring. Thus by Corollary 2.7, R is right zip if and onlyif R[x, x−1;σ] is right zip. �

Corollary 2.13 (Hong et al. [14, Theorem 11]) Let R be an Armendarizring. Then R is a right zip ring if and only if R[x] is a right zip ring.

Proof. Since Armendariz ring is a special case of (G, λ)-Armendariz whenG = (N ∪ {0},+) and λ = 1 : G→ Aut(R). Thus by Corollary 2.7, R is a rightzip ring if and only if R[x] is a right zip ring. �

Corollary 2.14 (Hong et al. [14, Propsition 2]) Let R be a reduced ringand G a u.p.-monoid. Then R is right zip if and only if R[G] is right zip.

Proof. Since R be a reduced ring and G a u.p.-monoid, by [21, Proposition 1.1]R is G-Armendariz. Suppose λ = 1 : G → Aut(R) a monoid homomorphismthen R is a (G, λ)-Armendariz ring if and only if R is a G-Armendariz ring.Thus by Corollary 2.7, R is right zip if and only if R[G] is right zip. �

Corollary 2.15 (Hong et al. [14, Theorem 16]) Suppose that R is a com-mutative ring and G a u.p.-monoid that contains an infinite cyclic submonoid.Then R is a zip ring if and only if R[G] is a zip ring.

3 Skew generalized power series rings

In this section, we study the concept of skew generalized power series rings,(G,ω)-Armendariz rings and G-compatible rings which were introduced byMazurek et al. [25]. Moreover, we investigate a relationship between right zipproperty of a ring R and skew generalized power series ring R[[G,ω]] over R.This relationship generalizes some of the results of [7, 14].

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Recall from [24, 25] that for a construction of skew generalized power se-ries ring, we need some definitions. Let (G,≤) be a partially ordered set.Then (G,≤) is called artinian if every strictly decreasing sequence of elementsof G is finite, and (G,≤) is called narrow if every subset of pairwise order-incomparable elements of G is finite. Thus, (G,≤) is artinian and narrow ifand only if every nonempty subset of G has at least one but only a finitenumber of minimal elements.An ordered monoid is a pair (G,≤) consisting of a monoid G and an order

≤ on G such that for all a, b, c ∈ G, a ≤ b implies ca ≤ cb and ac ≤ bc.An ordered monoid (G,≤) is said to be strictly ordered if for all a, b, c ∈ G,a < b implies ca < cb and ac < bc.Let R be a ring, (G,≤) a strictly ordered monoid and ω : G → End(R) a

monoid homomorphism. For s ∈ G, let ωs denote the image of s under ω,that is, ωs = ω(s). Let A be the set of all functions α : G→ R such that thesupp(α) = {s ∈ G : α(s) = 0} is artinian and narrow. Then for any s ∈ G andα,β ∈ A the set

Xs(α,β) = {(x, y) ∈ supp(α)× supp(β) : s = xy}

is finite. Thus one can define the product αβ : G→ R of α,β ∈ A as follows:

(αβ)(s) =∑


α(x) ·ωx(β(y)) .

With pointwise addition and multiplication as defined above, A becomes aring, called the ring of skew generalized power series with coefficients in R andexponents in G (see [25]), denoted by R[[G,ω,≤]] (or by [[G,ω]]). The skewgeneralized power series ring R[[G,ω]] is a compact generalization of (skew)polynomial rings, (skew) Laurent polynomial rings, (skew) power series rings,(skew) group rings, (skew) monoid rings, Mal’cev Neumann Laurent seriesrings and generalized power series rings.The symbol 1 denote the identity elements of the multiplicative monoid G,

the ring R, and the ring R[[S,ω]], as well as the trivial monoid homomor-phism ω = 1 : G → End(R) that sends every element of G to the identityendomorphism.To each r ∈ R and s ∈ G, we associate elements cr, es ∈ R[[G,ω]] defined by

cr(x) =

{r if x = 1

0 if x ∈ G \ {1}, es(x) =

{1 if x = s

0 if x ∈ G \ {s}.

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It is clear that r 7→ cr is a ring embedding of R into R[[G,ω]] and s 7→ es isa monoid embedding of G into a multiplicative monoid of ring R[[S,ω]], andescr = cωs(r)es. Moreover, for each nonempty subset X of R we put X[[G,ω]] ={α ∈ R[[G,ω]] : α(s) ∈ X ∪ {0} for every s ∈ G} denotes a subset of R[[G,ω]],and for each nonempty subset Y of R[[G,ω]] we put CY = {β(t) : β ∈ Y, t ∈ G}denotes a subset of R.

In [18], Kim et al. studied a stronger condition than Armendariz and defineda ring R is called powerserieswise Armendariz if whenever power series f(x) =∞∑i=0

aixi and g(x) =

∑∞j=0 bjx

j in R[[x]] satisfy f(x)g(x) = 0 then aibj = 0 for

all i and j. Further, Liu [20] generalized the definition of the powerserieswiseArmendariz to (untwisted) generalized power series ring [[RG≤]] (particularcase of Skew generalized power series ring R[[G,ω]]) and defined as follows: if Ris a ring and (G,≤) is a commutative strictly ordered monoid, then R is calledG-Armendariz if whenever generalized power series α,β ∈ R[[G, 1]] satisfyαβ = 0 then α(s)(β(t)) = 0 for all s, t ∈ S. With the help of a construction ofskew generalized power series ring R[[G,ω]], Marks et al. [24] introduced theconcept of Armendariz property to skew generalized power series ring R[[G,ω]]and gave a unified approach to all classes of Armendariz property.

Definition 3.1 Let R be a ring, (G,≤) a strictly ordered monoid and ω :G→ End(R) a monoid homomorphism. A ring R is called (G,ω)-Armendarizif whenever αβ = 0 for α,β ∈ R[[G,ω]], then α(s).ωs(β(t)) = 0 for alls, t ∈ G. If G = {1} then every ring is (G,ω)-Armendariz

We recall the definition of compatible endomorphism from [24, Definition 2.3].

Definition 3.2 An endomorphism σ of a ring R is compatible if for all a, b ∈R, ab = 0 ⇔ aσ(b) = 0.

Definition 3.3 Let R be a ring, (G,≤) a strictly ordered monoid and ω : G→End(R) a monoid homomorphism. Then R is G-compatible if ωs is compatiblefor every s ∈ G.

To prove the main result of this section, we need Lemma 3.4 and Lemma 3.5which were proved by Marks et al. [24]. Here we quote only the statements.

Lemma 3.4 Let R be a ring, (G,≤) a strictly ordered monoid and ω : G →End(R) a monoid homomorphism. The following conditions are equivalent:

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(1) R is G-compatible;

(2) for any a ∈ R and any nonempty subset Y ⊆ R[[G,ω]],

a ∈ annRr (CY) ⇔ ca ∈ annR[[G,ω]]r (Y).

Proof. See [24, Lemma 3.1]. �

Lemma 3.5 Let R be a ring, (G,≤) a strictly ordered monoid and ω : G →End(R) a monoid homomorphism. If R is G-compatible, then for any nonempty

subset X ⊆ R, annRr (X)[[G,ω]] = annR[[G,ω]]r (X[[G,ω]]).

Proof. See [24, Lemma 3.2]. �Now, we are able to prove the main theorem of this section. The following

theorem generalizes Corollary 2.7 (Section 2), Hong et al. [14, Theorem 11,Corollary 13 and Proposition 14 ], Cortes [7, Theorem 2.8] and propose aunified solution to the questions raised by Faith [9].

Theorem 3.6 Let R be a ring, (G,≤) a strictly ordered monoid and ω : G→End(R) a monoid homomorphism. If R is (G,ω)-Armendariz and G-compatiblethen R[[G,ω]] is right zip if and only if R is right zip.

Proof. Suppose that R[[G,ω]] is a right zip ring. We show that R is a rightzip ring. For this consider Y ⊆ R with rR(Y) = 0. Since Y ⊆ R, so we putY[[G,ω]] = {α : α(s) ∈ R and s ∈ G} ⊆ R[[G,ω]]. Let any β ∈ rR[[G,ω]]

(Y[[G,ω]]). Then αβ = 0 which implies α(s)β(t) = 0 for all s, t ∈ G since R isG-compatible and (G,ω)-Armendariz. Thus β(t) ∈ rR(α(s)) = 0 for all α(s) ∈R which implies β = 0 for all β ∈ R[[G,ω]]. It follows that rR[[G,ω]](Y[[G,ω]])= 0. Since R[[G,ω]] is a right zip ring, there exists a subset V ⊆ Y[[G,ω]]such that rR[[G,ω]](V) = 0. Then we put CV = {γ(u) : u ∈ S and γ ∈ V} is asubset of Y. By Lemma 3.4, for any a ∈ rR(CV) ⇔ ca ∈ rR[[G,ω]](V) since R isG-compatible. Thus we have rR(CV) = 0. Hence R is a right zip ring.Conversely, suppose R is a right zip ring and a subset U ⊆ R[[G,ω]] with

rR[[G,ω]](U) = 0. We put CU = {β(t) : β ∈ U and t ∈ G} which is nonemptysubset of R. By Lemma 3.4, for any p ∈ rR(CU) ⇔ cp ∈ rR[[G,ω]](U) since Ris G-compatible. Thus rR(CU) = 0. Since R is a right zip ring, there exists anonempty subset X ⊆ CU such that rR(X) = 0. So we put X[[G,ω]] = {α ∈R[[G,ω]] : α(s) ∈ X∪ {0} and s ∈ G}. Thus by Lemma 3.5, rR[[G,ω]](X[[G,ω]]) =rR(X)[[G,ω]] = 0 since R is G-compatible. Therefore R[[G,ω]] is right zip. �Now, we get following result as corollary which was proved by Cortes [7].

To get Corollary 3.8, we need the following definition.

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Definition 3.7 ([7, Definition 2.2(ii)]) A ring R satisfies SA2 ′ if for f(x) =∞∑i=0

aixi and g(x) =

∑∞j=0 bjx

j in R[[x, σ]], f(x)g(x) = 0 implies that aiσi(bj) =

0 for all i and j, where σ be an endomorphism of R.

Corollary 3.8 (Cortes [7, Theorem 2.8(ii)]) Let σ be an automorphismof R and R satisfies SA2 ′. The following conditions are equivalent:

(1) R is right zip;

(2) R[[x, σ]] is right zip.

Proof. Suppose G = (N ∪ {0},+) and ω(1) = σ. Then R satisfies SA2 ′ if andonly if R is (G,ω)-Armendariz. Thus by Theorem 3.6, R is right zip if andonly if R[x, σ] is right zip. �


The authors are deeply indebted to the referee for various valuable commentsand suggestions which led to improvements of this article.


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Received: May 3, 2011

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Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica, 4, 2 (2012) 182–198

On contact CR-submanifolds of Kenmotsu


Mehmet Atc.ekenGaziosmanpasa UniversityFaculty of Arts and Sciences

Department of Math.60250 Tokat, Turkey

email: [email protected]

Suleyman DırıkGaziosmanpasa UniversityFaculty of Arts and Sciences

Department of Math.60250 Tokat, Turkey

email: [email protected]

Abstract. In this paper, we study the differential geometry of con-tact CR-submanifolds of a Kenmotsu manifold. Necessary and sufficientconditions are given for a submanifold to be a contact CR-submanifoldin Kenmotsu manifolds. Finally, the induced structures on submanifoldsare investigated, these structures are categorized and we discuss theseresults.

1 Introduction

In [4], K. Kenmotsu defined and studied a new class of almost contactmanifolds called Kenmotsu manifolds. The study of the differential geome-try of a contact CR-submanifolds, as a generalization of invariant and anti-invariant submanifolds, of an almost contact metric manifold was initiated byA. Bejancu [3] and was followed by several geometers. Several authors studiedcontact CR-submanifolds of different classes of almost contact metric mani-folds given in the references of this paper.The contact CR-submanifolds are rich and interesting subject. Therefore we

continue to work in this subject matter.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53C42, 53C15Key words and phrases: Kenmotsu manifold, CR-submanifold and contact CR-submanifold


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The purpose of this paper is to study the differential geometric theory ofsubmanifolds immersed in Kenmotsu manifold. We obtain the new integrabil-ity conditions of the distributions of contact CR-submanifolds and prove somecharacterizations for the induced structure to be parallel.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we give some notations used throughout this paper. We recallsome necessary facts and formulas from the Kenmotsu manifolds. A (2m+1)-dimensional Riemannian manifold (M, g) is said to be a Kenmotsu manifoldif there exist on M a (1, 1) tensor field φ, a vector field ξ(called the structurevector field) and 1-form η such that

φ2 = −I+ η⊗ ξ, η(ξ) = 1, φξ = 0, η◦φ = 0, (1)

g(φX,φY) = g(X, Y) − η(X)η(Y), η(X) = g(X, ξ)

and(∇Xφ)Y = g(φX, Y)ξ− η(Y)φX, ∇Xξ = X− η(X)ξ, (2)

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM), where ∇ is a Levi-Civita connection on M and Γ(TM)denotes the set of all differentiable vectors on M [5].A plane section π in TxM is called a φ-section if it is spanned by X and φX,

where X is a unit tangent vector orthogonal to ξ. The sectional curvature of aφ-section is called a φ-holomorphic sectional curvature. A Kenmotsu manifoldwith constant φ-holomorphic sectional curvature c is said to be a Kenmotsuspace form and it is denoted by M(c). The curvature tensor R of a M(c) isalso given by

R(X, Y)Z =

(c− 3


){g(Y, Z)X− g(X,Z)Y}+

(c+ 1



− η(Y)η(Z)X+ η(Y)g(X,Z)ξ− η(X)g(Y, Z)ξ+ g(X,φZ)φY

− g(Y,φZ)φX+ 2g(X,φY)φZ}, (3)

for any X, Y, Z ∈ Γ(TM) [1].Now, let M be an isometrically immersed submanifold in M. In the rest of

this paper, we assume the submanifold M of M is tangent to the structurevector field ξ. Then the formulas of Gauss and Weingarten for M in M aregiven, respectively, by

∇XY = ∇XY + h(X, Y) (4)

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∇XV = −AVX+∇⊥XV (5)

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM) and V ∈ Γ(T⊥M), where ∇ and ∇ denote the Rieman-nian connections on M andM, respectively, h is the second fundamental form,∇⊥ is the normal connection on the normal bundle T⊥M and AV is the shapeoperator of M in M. It is well known that the second fundamental form andthe shape operator are related by formulae

g(AVX, Y) = g((h(X, Y), V), (6)

where, g denotes the Riemannian metric on M as well asM. For any subman-ifold M of a Riemannian manifold M, the equation of Gauss is given by

R(X, Y)Z = R(X, Y)Z+Ah(X,Z)Y −Ah(Y,Z)X+ (∇Xh)(Y, Z)

− (∇Yh)(X,Z), (7)

for any X, Y, Z ∈ Γ(TM), where R and R denote the Riemannian curvaturetensors of M andM, respectively. The covariant derivative ∇h of h is definedby

(∇Xh)(Y, Z) = ∇⊥Xh(Y, Z) − h(∇XY, Z) − h(∇XZ, Y), (8)

and the covariant derivative ∇A is defined by

(∇XA)VY = ∇X(AVY) −A∇⊥XVY −AV∇XY, (9)

for any X, Y, Z ∈ Γ(TM) and V ∈ Γ(T⊥M).The normal component of (7) is said to be the Codazzi equation and it is

given by

(R(X, Y)Z)⊥ = (∇Xh)(Y, Z) − (∇Yh)(X,Z), (10)

where (R(X, Y)Z)⊥ denotes the normal part of R(X, Y)Z. If (R(X, Y)Z)⊥ = 0,then M is said to be curvature-invariant submanifold of M.The Ricci equation is given by

g(R(X, Y)V,U) = g(R⊥(X, Y)V,U) + g([AU, AV ]X, Y), (11)

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM) and U,V ∈ Γ(T⊥M), where R⊥ denotes the Riemanniancurvature tensor of the normal vector bundle T⊥M and if R⊥=0, then thenormal connection of M is called flat [6].

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Taking into account (3) and (11), we have

g(R⊥(X, Y)V,U) =

(c+ 1


){g(X,φV)g(U,φY) − g(Y,φV)g(φX,U)

+ 2g(X,φY)g(φV,U) + g([AV , AU]X, Y)}, (12)

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM) and U,V ∈ Γ(T⊥M).By using (3) and (7), the Riemannian curvature tensor R of an immersed

submanifold M of a Kenmotsu space form M(c) is given by

R(X, Y)Z =

(c− 3


){g(Y, Z)X− g(X,Z)Y}+

(c+ 1



− η(Y)η(Z)X+ η(Y)g(X,Z)ξ− η(X)g(Y, Z)ξ+ g(X,φZ)PY

− g(Y,φZ)PX+ 2g(X,φY)PZ}+Ah(Y,Z)X−Ah(X,Z)Y. (13)

From (3) and (10), for a submanifold, the Codazzi equation is given by

(∇Xh)(Y, Z) − (∇Yh)(X,Z) =

(c+ 1


){g(X,φZ)FY − g(Y,φZ)FX

+ 2g(X,φY)FZ}. (14)

3 Contact CR-submanifolds of a Kenmotsu mani-fold

Now, letM be an isometrically immersed submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifoldM. For any vector X tangent to M, we set

φX = PX+ FX, (15)

where PX and FX denote the tangent and normal parts of φX, respectively.Then P is an endomorphism of the TM and F is a normal-bundle valued 1-formof TM.The covariant derivatives of P and F are, respectively, defined by

(∇XP)Y = ∇XPY − P∇XY (16)

and(∇XF)Y = ∇⊥

X FY − F∇XY. (17)

In the same way, for any vector field V normal to M, φV can be written inthe following way;

φV = BV + CV, (18)

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where BV and CV denote the tangent and normal parts of φV, respectively.Also, B is an endomorphism of the normal bundle T⊥M of TM and C is anendomorphism of the subbundle of the normal bundle T⊥M.The covariant derivatives of B and C are also, respectively, defined by

(∇XB)V = ∇XBV − B∇⊥XV (19)

and(∇XC)V = ∇⊥

XCV − C∇⊥XV. (20)

Furthermore, for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM), we have g(PX, Y) = −g(X, PY) andU,V ∈ Γ(T⊥M), we get g(U,CV) = −g(CU,V). These show that P and Care also skew-symmetric tensor fields. Moreover, for any X ∈ Γ(TM) and V ∈Γ(T⊥M) we have

g(FX, V) = −g(X,BV), (21)

which gives the relation between F and B.

Definition 1 LetM be an isometrically immersed submanifold of a Kenmotsumanifold M. Then M is called a contact CR-submanifold of M if there is adifferentiable distribution D : p −→ Dp ⊆ Tp(M) onM satisfying the followingconditions:i) ξ ∈ D,ii) D is invariant with respect to φ, i.e., φDx ⊂ Tp(M) for each p ∈M,andiii) the orthogonal complementary distribution D⊥ : p −→ D⊥

p ⊆ Tp(M)

satisfies φD⊥p ⊆ T⊥p M for each p ∈M.

For a contact CR-submanifold M of a Kenmotsu manifold, for the structurevector field ξ ∈ Γ(D) ⊆ Γ(TM), from (1), we have

φξ = Pξ+ Fξ = 0,

which is equivalent toPξ = Fξ = 0. (22)

Furthermore, applying φ to (15), by using (1), (18), we conclude that

P2 + BF = −I+ η⊗ ξ and FP + CF = 0. (23)

Similarly, applying φ to (18), making use of (1), (15), we have

C2 + FB = −I and PB+ BC = 0. (24)

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Proposition 1 Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifoldM. Then the invariant distribution D has an almost contact metric structure(P, ξ, η, g) and so dim (Dp) = odd for each p ∈M.

Now, we denote the orthogonal distribution of φ(D⊥) in T⊥M by ν. Then wehave the direct decomposition

T⊥M = φ(D⊥)⊕ ν and φ(D⊥)⊥ν. (25)

Here we note that ν is an invariant subbundle with respect to φ and sodim(ν) = even.

Theorem 1 Let M be an isometrically immersed submanifold of a Kenmotsumanifold M. Then M is a contact CR-submanifold if and only if FP = 0.

Proof. We assume that M is a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu man-ifold M. We denote the orthogonal projections on D and D⊥ by R and S,respectively. Then we have

R+ S = I, R2 = R, S2 = S and RS = SR = 0. (26)

For any X ∈ Γ(TM), we can write

X = RX+ SX and φX = φRX+φSX = PRX+ FRX+ PSX+ FSX. (27)

Since D is invariant distribution, it is clear that

FR = 0 and SPR = 0. (28)

On the other hand, we can easily verify that

RP = P = PR.

From the second side of (23), we reach

FPR+ CFR = 0. (29)

Since FR = 0, (29) reduces toFP = 0. (30)

By virtue of (23) and (30), we arrive at

CF = 0. (31)

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Conversely, let M be a submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifold M such that(30) is satisfied. For any X ∈ Γ(TM) and V ∈ Γ(T⊥M), by direct calculations,we have

g(X,φ2V) = g(φ2X,V)

g(X,φBV) = g(φFX,V),

g(X, PBV) = g(CFX, V) = 0.

Thus we get

PB = 0. (32)

Making use of the equations (23), (24) and (32), we have P3 + P = 0 andC3 + C = 0 which show that P and C are f-structures on TM and T⊥M,respectively. Here if we put R = −P2 + η⊗ ξ and S = I+ P2 − η⊗ ξ, then wecan easily see that

R+ S = I, R2 = R, S2 = S and RS = SR = 0, (33)

that is, R and S are orthogonal projections and they define orthogonal comple-mentary distributions such as D and D⊥. Since R = −P2+η⊗ξ and P3+P = 0,we get PR = P and PS = 0. Taking account of P being skew-symmetric and Sbeing symmetric, we have

g(SPX, Y) = g(PX, SY)

= −g(X, PSY) = 0,

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM). Thus we have

SP = 0.

It implies that

SPR = 0.

Since R = −P2 + η⊗ ξ, Pξ = Fξ = 0 and from (30), it is clear that

FR = 0. (34)

(33) and (34) tell us that D and D⊥ are invariant and anti-invariant distri-butions on M, respectively. Furthermore, from the definitions of R and S, wehave

Rξ = ξ and Sξ = 0,

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that is, the distribution D contains ξ. On the other hand, setting

R = −P2 and S = I+ P2,

we can easily see that projections R and S define orthogonal distributions suchas D and D⊥, respectively. Thus we have

PR = P, SP = 0, FR = 0 and PS = 0,

that is, D is an invariant distribution, D⊥ is an anti-invariant distribution and

Rξ = 0 and Sξ = ξ.

This tell us that ξ belongs to D⊥. Hence the proof is complete. �Now, letM be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifold M. Then

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM), by using (2), (4), (5), (15) and (18), we have

(∇Xφ)Y = ∇XφY −φ∇XY

g(φX, Y)ξ− η(Y)φX = ∇XPY + ∇XFY −φ∇XY −φh(X, Y).

From the tangent and normal components of this last equations, respectively,we have

(∇XP)Y = AFYX+ Bh(X, Y) + g(φX, Y)ξ− η(Y)PX (35)

and(∇XF)Y = Ch(X, Y) − h(X, PY) − η(Y)FX. (36)

In the same way, for any X ∈ Γ(TM) and V ∈ Γ(T⊥M), we have

(∇Xφ)V = ∇XφV −φ∇XV

g(φX,V)ξ = (∇XB)V + (∇XC)V + h(X,BV) −ACVX+ PAVX

+ FAVX. (37)

From the normal and tangent components of (37), respectively, we have

(∇XC)V = −h(X,BV) − FAVX, (38)


(∇XB)V = g(FX, V)ξ+ACVX− PAVX. (39)

On the other hand, since M is tangent to ξ, making use of (2) and (6) weobtain

AVξ = h(X, ξ) = 0 (40)

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for all V ∈ Γ(T⊥M) and X ∈ Γ(TM). It is well-known that Bh = 0 plays animportant role in the geometry of submanifolds. This means that the inducedstructure P is a Kenmotsu structure on M. Then (35) reduces to

(∇XP)Y = g(PX, Y)ξ− η(Y)PX, (41)

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(D). This means that the induced structure P is a Kenmotsustructure on M. Moreover, for any Z,W ∈ Γ(D⊥) and U ∈ Γ(TM), also byusing (2) and (6), we have

g(AFZW −AFWZ,U) = g(h(W,U), FZ) − g(h(Z,U), FW)

= g(∇UW,φZ) − g(∇UZ,φW)

= g(φ∇UZ,W) − g(∇UφZ,W) = −g((∇Uφ)Z,W)

= g(φZ,U)η(W) − g(φW,U)η(Z) = 0.

It follows that

AFZW = AFWZ, (42)

for any Z,W ∈ Γ(D⊥).Hence we have the following theorem.

Theorem 2 Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifoldM. Then the anti-invariant distribution D⊥ is completely integrable and itsmaximal integral submanifold is an anti-invariant submanifold of M.

Proof. For any Z,W ∈ Γ(D⊥) and X ∈ Γ(D), by using (2) and (42) we have

g([Z,W], X) = g(∇ZW,X) − g(∇WZ,X)

= g(∇WX,Z) − g(∇ZX,W) = g(φ∇WX,φZ) − g(φ∇ZX,φW)

= g(∇WφX− (∇Wφ)X,φZ) − g(∇ZφX− (∇Zφ)X,φW)

= g(h(φX,W), φZ) − g(h(φX,Z), φW) − g(g(φW,X)ξ

− η(X)φW,φZ) + g(g(φZ,X)ξ− η(X)φZ,φW)

= g(AφZW −AφWZ,φX) = 0.

Thus [Z,W] ∈ Γ(D⊥) for any Z,W ∈ Γ(D⊥), that is, D⊥ is integrable. Thusthe proof is complete. �

Theorem 3 Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifoldM. Then the invariant distribution D is completely integrable and its maximal

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integral submanifold is an invariant submanifold of M if and only if the shapeoperator AV of M satisfies

AVP + PAV = 0, (43)

for any V ∈ Γ(T⊥M).

Proof. In [1], it was proved that D is integrable if and only if the secondfundamental form h of M satisfies the condition h(X, PY) = h(PX, Y), for anyX, Y ∈ Γ(D). We can easily verify that this condition is equivalent to (43). Sowe omit the proof. �

Theorem 4 LetM be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifold M.If the invariant distribution D is integrable, thenM is D-minimal submanifoldin M.

Proof. Let {e1, e2, . . . , ep, φe1, φe2, . . . , φep, ξ} be an orthonormal frame ofΓ(D) and we denote the second fundamental form of M in M by h. Then themean curvature tensor H of M can be written as

H =1

2p+ 1


{h(ei, ei) + h(φei, φei)}+ h(ξ, ξ)

}. (44)

By using (2) we mean that h(ξ, ξ) = 0. Since D is integrable, we have

H =1

2p+ 1


{h(ei, ei) + h(P2ei, ei)



2p+ 1


{h(ei, ei) + h(−ei + η(ei)ξ, ei)



2p+ 1


{h(ei, ei) − h(ei, ei)

}= 0.

This proves our assertion. �

Theorem 5 LetM be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifold M.If the second fundamental form of the contact CR-submanifold M is parallel,then M is a totally geodesic submanifold.

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Proof. If the second fundamental form h of M is parallel, then by using (8),we have

∇⊥Xh(Y, Z) − h(∇XY, Z) − h(∇XZ, Y) = 0,

for any X, Y, Z ∈ Γ(TM). Here, choosing Y = ξ and taking into account (2) and(40), we conclude that h(X,Z) = 0. This proves our assertion. �

Theorem 6 Let M be a submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifold M. Then Mis a contact CR-submanifold if and only if the endomorphism C defines anf-structure on ν, that is, C3 + C = 0.

Proof. If M is a contact CR-submanifold, then from Theorem 1, we knowthat C is an f-structure on ν.

Conversely, if C is an f-structure on ν, from (24) we can derive CFB = 0.So for any V ∈ Γ(T⊥M), by using (21), we have

g(BCV,BCV) = g(φCV,BCV) = −g(CV, FBCV)

= g(V,CFBCV) = 0.

This implies that BC = 0 which is equivalent to PB = 0. Also, from Theorem3.1 we conclude that M is a contact CR-submanifold. �

Theorem 7 Let M be a submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifold M. If the en-domorphism P on M is parallel, then M is anti-invariant submanifold in M.

Proof. If P is parallel, from (35) and (40), we have

0 = g(φX, Y) + g(AFYX, ξ) + g(Bh(X, Y), ξ)

= g(φX, Y) + g(h(X, ξ), FY)

= g(φX, Y),

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM). This implies that M is anti-invariant submanifold. �

Theorem 8 Let M be a submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifold M. If the en-domorphism F is parallel, then M is invariant submanifold in M.

Proof. If F is parallel, then from (36), we have

Ch(X, Y) − h(X, PY) − η(Y)FX = 0,

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM). Here, choosing Y = ξ and taking into account thath(X, ξ) = 0, we conclude that FX = 0. This proves our assertion. �

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Theorem 9 Let M be a submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifold M. Then thestructure F is parallel if and only if the structure B is parallel.

Proof. Making use of (36) and (39), we have

g((∇XF)Y, V) = g(Ch(X, Y), V) − g(h(X, PY), V) − η(Y)g(FX, V)

= −g(h(X, Y), CV) − g(AVX, PY) − g(FX, V)η(Y)

= −g(ACVY, X) + g(PAVX, Y) − g(FX, V)η(Y)

= −g((∇XB)V, Y),

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM) and V ∈ Γ(T⊥M). This proves our assertion. �From Theorem 8 and Theorem 9, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 1 LetM be a submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifold M. If the struc-ture B is parallel, then M is invariant submanifold.

For a contact CR-submanifold M, if the invariant distribution D and anti-invariant distribution D⊥ are totally geodesic in M, then M is called con-tact CR-product. The following theorems characterize contact CR-productsin Kenmotsu manifolds.

Theorem 10 Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifoldM. Then M is a contact CR-product if and only if the shape operator A of Msatisfies the condition

AφWφX+ η(X)W = 0, (45)

for all X ∈ Γ(D) and W ∈ (D⊥).

Proof. Let us assume that M is a contact CR-submanifold of M. Then byusing (2) and (4), we obtain

g(AφWφX+ η(X)W,Y) = g(h(φX, Y), φW) = g(∇YφX,φW)

= g((∇Yφ)X+φ∇YX,φW)

= g(g(φY,X)ξ− η(X)φY,φW) + g(∇YX,W)

= g(∇YX,W)


g(AφWφX+ η(X)W,Z) = g(h(φX,Z), φW) + η(X)g(Z,W)

= g(∇ZφX,φW) + η(X)g(Z,W)

= g((∇Zφ)X+φ∇ZX,φW)

= g(g(φZ,X)ξ− η(X)φZ,φW) + g(∇ZX,W)

+ η(X)g(Z,W) = −g(∇ZW,X),

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for all X, Y ∈ Γ(D) and Z,W ∈ Γ(D⊥). So ∇XY ∈ Γ(D) and ∇ZW ∈ Γ(D⊥) ifand only if (45) is satisfied. This proves our assertion. �

Theorem 11 Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifoldM. Then M is contact CR-product if and only if

Bh(X,U) = 0, (46)

for all U ∈ Γ(TM) and X ∈ Γ(D).

Proof. For a contact CR-productM in [1], it was proved that AφWX = 0, forall X ∈ Γ(D) and W ∈ Γ(D⊥). This condition implies (46).Conversely, we suppose that (46) is satisfied. Then we have

g(∇XY,W) = g(φ∇XY,φW) = g(∇XφY,φW) − g((∇Xφ)Y,φW)

= g(h(X, PY), φW) − g(g(φX, Y)ξ− η(Y)φX,φW)

= −g(Bh(X, PY),W)


g(∇ZW,φX) = −g(∇ZφX,W) = −g((∇Zφ)X+φ∇ZX,W)

= −g(g(φZ,X)ξ− η(X)φZ,W) + g(∇ZX,φW)

= −g(Bh(X,Z),W),

for all X, Y ∈ Γ(D) and Z,W ∈ Γ(D⊥). This proves our assertion �

Theorem 12 Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifoldM. The structure C is parallel if and only if the shape operator AV of Msatisfies the condition

AVBU = AUBV, (47)

for all U,V ∈ Γ(T⊥M).

Proof. From (21) and (38), we have

g((∇XC)V,U) = −g(h(X,BV), U) − g(FAVX,U) = −g(AUBV) + g(AVX,BU)


for all X ∈ Γ(TM). The proof is complete. �

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Theorem 13 Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu manifoldM. If C is parallel, then M is totally geodesic submanifold of M.

Proof. If C is parallel, from (38), we have

φAVX+ h(X,BV) = 0, (48)

for any X ∈ Γ(TM) and V ∈ Γ(T⊥M). Applying φ to (48) and taking intoaccount (2) and (40), we obtain

−AVX+ Bh(X,BV) = 0. (49)

On the other hand, also by using (24) and (47), we conclude that

g(Bh(X,BV), Z) = −g(h(X,BV), FZ) = −g(AFZBV,X) = −g(AVBFZ,X) = 0,

for all Z ∈ Γ(D⊥). So arrive at AV = 0, that is, M is totally geodesic in M. �

4 Contact CR-submanifolds in Kenmotsu spaceforms

Theorem 14 Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu space formM(c) such that c = −1. IfM is a curvature-invariant contact CR-submanifold,then M is invariant or anti-invariant submanifold.

Proof. We suppose that M is a curvature-invariant contact CR-submanifoldof a Kenmotsu space form M(c) such that c = −1. Then from (14) we have

g(X, PZ)FY − g(Y, PZ)FX+ 2g(X, PY)FZ = 0, (50)

for any X, Y, Z ∈ Γ(TM). Taking Z = X in equation (50), we have

3g(PY, X)FX = 0.

This implies that F = 0 or P = 0, that is, M is invariant or anti-invariantsubmanifold. Thus the proof is complete. �Thus we have the following corollary.

Corollary 2 There isn’t any curvature-invariant proper contact CR- subman-ifold of a Kenmotsu space form M(c) such that c = −1.

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Theorem 15 Let M be a contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu space formM(c) with flat normal connection such that c = −1. If PAV = AVP for anyvector V normal to M, then M is an anti-invariant or generic submanifold ofM(c).

Proof. If the normal connection of M is flat, then from (12) we have

g([AU, AV ]X, Y) =

(c+ 1


){g(X,φV)g(φY,U) − g(Y,φV)g(φX,U)

+ 2g(X,φY)g(φV,U)},

for any X, Y ∈ Γ(TM) and U,V ∈ Γ(T⊥M). Here, choosing X = PY and V =CU, by direct calculations, we conclude that

g(AUACUPY −ACUAUPY, Y) = (c+ 1

2){g(P2Y, Y)g(CU,CU)}.

If PAU = AUP, then we can easily see that (c+ 1)Tr(P2)g(CU,CU) = 0. Thistells us that P = 0 (that is, M is anti-invariant submanifold) or CU = 0(thatis, M is generic submanifold). �

Theorem 16 LetM be a proper contact CR-submanifold of a Kenmotsu spaceform M(c). If the invariant distribution D is integrable, then c < −1.

Proof. If the invariant distribution D is integrable, the from (43), we have

PAVY +AVPY = 0. (51)

It follows that

g(AVPY, BU) = 0, (52)

for any Y ∈ Γ(TM) and U,V ∈ Γ(T⊥M). By differentiating the covariantderivative in the direction of X ∈ Γ(TM) of (52), and by using (9), (19), weget

0 = g(∇XAVPY, BU) + g(AVPY, ∇XBU)

= g((∇XA)VPY +A∇⊥XVPY +AV(∇XPY), BU)

+ g((∇XB)U+ B∇⊥XU,AVPY).

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Again, by using (35), (39) and taking into account (51), we obtain

−((∇XA)VPY, BU) = −g((∇Xh)(PY, BU), V)

= g(AV {AFYX+ Bh(X, Y) + g(φX, Y)ξ− η(Y)PX}, BU)




−g((∇Xh)(PY, BU), V) = g(AFYX,AVBU) + g(AVBU,Bh(X, Y))



Here, if PX is taken instead of X in this last equation, we have

−g((∇PXh)(PY, BU), V) = g(AFYPX,AVBU) + g(AVBU,Bh(PX, Y))


Also, by using (51) and taking into account thatM is a contact CR-submanifoldin M(c), by direct calculations we have

g((∇PYh)(PX, BU) − (∇PXh)(PY, BU), V) = g(ACUAVPY, PX)


− g(AUY,AVP3X)


+ g(ACUPX,AVPY) − g(ACUPY,AVPX). (53)

Also, from (14), we get(c+ 1


)g(PY, X)g(BU,BV) = g((∇PYh)(PX, BU)

− (∇PXh)(PY, BU), V). (54)

Substituting (53) into (54), we obtain(c+ 1


)g(PY, X)g(BU,BV) = g(AUPX,AVY) + g(AUY,AVPX)


which implies that(c+ 1


)g(PY, PY)g(U,U) = −g(AUPY,AUPY).

This proves our assertion. �

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The authors are grateful to the referee(s) for the useful comments, whichimproved the presentation of the manuscript.


[1] M. Atc.eken, Contact CR-submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds, SerdicaMath. J., 37 (2011), 67–78.

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[3] A. Bejancu,Geometry of CR-submanifolds, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht,Holland, 1986.

[4] K. Kenmotsu, A class of almost contact Riemannian manifold, TohokuMath. J., 24 (1972), 93–103.

[5] V. A. Khan , K. A. Khan, Sirajuddin, Contact CR-warped product sub-manifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds, Thai J. Math., 6, 1 (2008), 139–154.

[6] Y. Kentaro, K. Masahiro, Contact CR-Submanifolds, Kodai Math. J., 5(1982), 238–252.

[7] S. Sibel, C. Ozgur, On Some Submanifolds of Kenmotsu Manifolds, Chaos,Solitons and Fractal , 42 (2009), 1990–1995.

Received: April 24, 2012

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Acta Univ. Sapientiae, Mathematica, 4, 2 (2012) 199–205

Improvement of some results concerning

starlikeness and convexity

Robert SzaszSapientia - Hungarian University of TransylvaniaDepartment of Mathematics and Informatics

Targu Mures, Romaniaemail: [email protected]

Abstract. We prove sharp versions of several inequalities dealing withunivalent functions. We use differential subordination theory and Her-glotz representations in our proofs.

1 Introduction

Let U = {z ∈ C :∣∣z∣∣ < 1} be the unit disk in the complex plane. Let An be the

class of analytic functions of the form

f(z) = z+ an+1zn+1 + an+2z

n+2 + · · ·

which are defined in the unit disk U, and let A1 = A. Evidently An+1 ⊂ An.The subclass of A, consisting of functions f for which the domain f(U) isstarlike with respect to 0, is denoted by S∗. It is well-known that f ∈ S∗ ⇔Re zf

′(z)f(z) > 0, z ∈ U. A function f ∈ A for which the domain f(U) is convex, is

called convex function. The class of convex functions is denoted by K.We have

f ∈ K⇔ Re(1+ zf ′′(z)

f ′(z)

)> 0, z ∈ U. Let µ ∈ [0, 1). If for some function f ∈ A we

have Re zf′(z)f(z) > µ, z ∈ U, Re

(1+ zf ′′(z)

f ′(z)

)> µ, z ∈ U,

∣∣∣arg zf ′(z)f(z)

∣∣∣ < µπ2 , z ∈ U,then we say that the function f is starlike of order µ, convex of order µ, andstrongly starlike of order µ, respectively. We introduce the notations:

V[λ, γ; f](z) ≡(zF ′(z)


)γ, (1)

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C45Key words and phrases: convex functions, starlike functions, differential subordination


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200 R. Szasz

W[λ, γ; f](z) ≡ γ F(z)

F ′(z)

(zF ′(z)


) ′, (2)


F(z) = (1− λ)f(z) + λzf ′(z), z ∈ U, γ ∈ C∗, λ ∈ [0, 1], f ∈ An.

The authors proved in a recent paper [3] the following results:

Theorem 1 If 0 < β ≤ 1, f ∈ A, then∣∣W[λ, γ; f](z)∣∣ < β, z ∈ U,⇒ ∣∣ argV[λ, γ; f](z)∣∣ < π

2β, z ∈ U.

Theorem 2 If M ≥ 1, z ∈ U, n ∈ N, f ∈ An, then

Re{W[λ, γ; f](z)} <nM

1+ nM, z ∈ U ⇒ ∣∣V[λ, γ; f](z)∣∣ < M, z ∈ U.

Theorem 3 If 0 ≤ µ < 1, z ∈ U, n ∈ N, f ∈ An, then

Re{W[λ, γ; f](z)} > ∆n(µ), z ∈ U ⇒ ReV[λ, γ; f](z) > µ, z ∈ U,


∆(µ) =

2(µ−1) , if ν ∈ [0, 12]


, if ν ∈ [12, 1).

The goal of this paper is to prove the sharp version of Theorem 1 and also thesharp version of Theorem 2 and Theorem 3 in case of n = 1. To do this weneed some preliminary results which will be exposed in the following section.

2 Preliminaries

Lemma 1 [2, p.24] Let f and g be two analytic functions in U such thatf(0) = g(0), and g is univalent. If f ⊀ g then there are two points, z0 ∈ U andζ0 ∈ ∂U, and a real number m ∈ [1,∞) such that:

1. f(z0) = g(ζ0), 2. z0f′(z0) = mζ0g


Lemma 2 [1, p.27] If p is an analytic function in U, with p(0) = 1 andRep(z) ≥ 0, z ∈ U, then there is a probability measure ν on the interval

[0, 2π], such that f(z) =∫2π0



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Lemma 3 If α ∈ [1, 2), then the following inequality holds:∣∣(1 + z)α − 1

∣∣ ≤2α − 1, z ∈ U.

Proof. According to the maximum modulus principle for analytic functions,we have to prove the inequality only in case if z = eiθ, θ ∈ [−π, π]. Theinequality

∣∣(1+ eiθ)α − 1∣∣ ≤ 2α − 1, θ ∈ [−π, π], α ∈ [1, 2) is equivalent to

2α−1(1− cos2α



)− 1+ cosα




2≥ 0, θ ∈ [−π, π], α ∈ [1, 2). (3)

Let f : [−π, π] → R be the function defined by f(θ) = 2α−1(1− cos2α θ


)− 1+

cosα θ2cos αθ

2. We have: f ′(θ) = α cosα−1 θ

2sin θ


[2α−1 cosα θ

2− 12



sin θ2


Let α ∈ (1, 2), and θ ∈ [0, 2πα+1) be two fixed real numbers. We define the

functions g1, g2 : [0, α] → R by g1(x) =(2 cos θ


)x, g2(x) =



sin θ2


It is simple to prove that g1 is a convex and g2 is a concave function. Thusthe graphs of the two functions have at most two common points . Sinceg1(0) = g2(0) and g1(1) = g2(1), it follows that the two graphs have exactlytwo common points, and g2(x) > g1(x), x ∈ (0, 1), and g1(x) > g2(x), x ∈(1, α]. Thus we have g1(α) > g2(α) in case of α ∈ (1, 2), and θ ∈ [0, 2π


The inequality g1(α) > g2(α) holds in case of α ∈ (1, 2) and θ ∈ [ 2πα+1 , π]

too, because in this case we have: g1(α) > 0 ≥ g2(α). This means that theinequality g1(α) > g2(α) holds for α ∈ (1, 2) and θ ∈ [0, π]. It is easily seen thatthe inequality g1(α) > g2(α) can be extended to α ∈ (1, 2) and θ ∈ [−π, π].

Consequently, 2α−1 cosα θ2− 12



sin θ2

≥ 0, (∀) α ∈ (1, 2), (∀) θ ∈ [−π, π];

f ′(θ) < 0, θ ∈ (−π, 0) and f ′(θ) > 0, θ ∈ (0, π).Thus it follows that minθ∈[−π,π] f(θ) = f(0) = 0, and the inequality (3) isproved. �

3 Main result

The following theorem is the sharp version of Theorem 1.

Theorem 4 If 0 < β ≤ 1, f ∈ A then we have:∣∣W[λ, γ; f](z)∣∣ < β, z ∈ U ⇒ ∣∣ argV[λ, γ; f](z)∣∣ < β, z ∈ U.

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202 R. Szasz

Proof. Let p(z) = V[λ, γ; f](z). We have zp ′(z)p(z) = W[λ, γ; f](z), and conse-

quently∣∣ zp ′(z)p(z)

∣∣ < β, z ∈ U. This inequality is equivalent to

zp ′(z)

p(z)≺ h(z) = βz, z ∈ U. (4)

We prove the subordination p(z) ≺ q(z) = eβz, z ∈ U. If this subordinationdoes not hold, then according to Lemma 1, there are two points z0 ∈ U,ζ0 ∈ ∂U and a real numberm ∈ [1,∞), such that p(z0) = q(ζ0), and z0p

′(z0) =

mζ0q(ζ0). Thusz0p


= mζ0q′(ζ0)

q(ζ0)= mh(ζ0) /∈ h(U).

This contradicts (4) and the contradiction implies p(z) ≺ q(z), z ∈ U. Theproved subordination implies

∣∣ arg p(z)∣∣ ≤ maxz∈U{arg(eβz)} = β, z ∈ U, and

the proof is done. �We present in the followings the sharp version of Theorem 2 and Theorem

3 in case of n = 1.

Theorem 5 If M ≥ 1, z ∈ U, , f ∈ A, then

Re{W[λ, γ; f](z)} <M

1+M, z ∈ U ⇒ ∣∣V[λ, γ; f](z)∣∣ < 2 2M

M+1 − 1, z ∈ U.

Proof. The condition of the theorem can be rewritten in the following way

Re{1 − M+1

MW[λ, γ; f](z)

}> 0, z ∈ U. The Herglotz formula implies that

there is a probability measure ν on [0, 2π] such that 1 − M+1M

W[λ, γ; f](z) =∫2π0


1−ze−itdν(t). This is equivalent to W[λ, γ; f](z) = − MM+1




On the other hand, if we denote 1 + p(z) = V[λ, γ; f](z), we get zp ′(z)1+p(z) =

W[λ, γ; f](z) and p ′(z)1+p(z) = − M




1−ze−itdν(t). This implies

log(1+ p(z)) =2M

M+ 1

∫ 2π0

log (1− ze−it)dν(t).

It is easily seen that g(z) = log(1+z) ∈ K. Thus it follows∫2π0

log (1− ze−it)dν(t) ∈g(U), ∀ z ∈ U, and this leads to the subordination


log (1− ze−it)dν(t) ≺g(z), z ∈ U. Consequently we have p(z) ≺ exp

{2MM+1 log(1 + z)

}− 1 =

(1+ z)2MM+1 − 1, z ∈ U. This subordination implies∣∣p(z)∣∣ ≤ max


∣∣(1+ z) 2MM+1 − 1

∣∣, z ∈ U.

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Improvement of some results concerning starlikeness and convexity 203

Now from Lemma 3 we obtain the inequality∣∣p(z)∣∣ ≤ 2 2M

M+1 − 1, z ∈ U. Thisinequality is equivalent to

∣∣V[λ, γ; f](z)∣∣ ≤ 2 2MM+1 − 1, z ∈ U. It is easy to show

that if M ≥ 1, then 22MM+1 − 1 ≤ M, so the proved result is an improvement

of Theorem 2 in case n = 1. Moreover the proof shows that this is the bestpossible result in this particular case. �

Theorem 6 Let 0 ≤ µ < 1, z ∈ U, f ∈ A. Then:

Re{W[λ, γ; f](z)} > ∆(µ), z ∈ U ⇒ ReV[λ, γ; f](z) > 22∆(µ), z ∈ U,


∆(µ) =

2(µ−1) , if µ ∈ [0, 12]

µ−12µ, if µ ∈ [ 1

2, 1).

Proof. We rewrite the condition Re{W[λ, γ; f](z)} > ∆(µ), z ∈ U in the

following form: Re∆(µ)−W[λ,γ;f](z)∆(µ) > 0, z ∈ U. We use the Herglotz formula

again and we get:

∆(µ) −W[λ, γ; f](z)


∫ 2π0

1+ ze−it

1− ze−itdν(t),

where ν is a probability measure on [0, 2π]. If we denote p(z) = V[λ, γ; f](z)then: zp

′(z)p(z) = W[λ, γ; f](z) and p ′(z)

p(z) = −∆(µ)∫2π0



This leads to: p(z) = exp{2∆(µ)


log(1− ze−it)dν(t)}.

Since g(z) = log(1+ z) ∈ K, it follows the inclusion:∫2π0

log(1− ze−it)dν(t) ∈g(U), z ∈ U, and this implies the subordination:∫2π0

log (1− ze−it)dν(t) ≺ g(z), z ∈ U. Thus we obtain: p(z) ≺ q(z) = (1 +

z)2∆(µ), z ∈ U, and consequently: Rep(z) ≥ Re(1+ z)2∆(µ), z ∈ U. Accordingto the definition of ∆(µ), we have −2∆(µ) ∈ (0, 1). This implies q ∈ K. Theequivalency f(z) ∈ R ⇔ z ∈ R, and the fact that the domain q(U) is convexand symmetric with respect to the real axis, imply the inequality: Req(z) ≥min{q(−1), q(1)} = 22∆(µ), z ∈ U. Thus it follows:

Rep(z) ≥ 22∆(µ), z ∈ U.

It is easily seen that 22∆(µ) ≥ µ, for every 0 ≤ µ < 1, and 22∆(µ) is the biggestvalue, for which the inequality

ReV[λ, γ; f](z) ≥ 22∆(µ), z ∈ U

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204 R. Szasz

holds. According to the minimum principle, inside the unit disk we have thestrict inequality: ReV[λ, γ; f](z) > 22∆(µ), z ∈ U. �By choosing suitable values of the parameters, we obtain sharp results con-

cerning starlikeness. Theorem 4 implies in case of γ = 1, λ = 0 the followingresult:

Corollary 1 If β ∈ (0, 1], f ∈ A, then:∣∣∣∣1+ z(f ′′(z)f ′(z)−f ′(z)


)∣∣∣∣ < β, z ∈ U ⇒ ∣∣∣∣ arg zf ′(z)f(z)

∣∣∣∣ < β.The result is sharp, the extremal function is: f(z) = z exp

( ∫z0eβt−1tdt).

If we take γ = 1, M = α+ 1, λ = 0 then Theorem 2 implies:

Corollary 2 If α ∈ [0, 1), f ∈ A, then:


(f ′′(z)

f ′(z)−f ′(z)




α+ 2, z ∈ U ⇒ ∣∣∣∣zf ′(z)f(z)

− 1

∣∣∣∣ < 2 2α+2α+3 − 1, z ∈ U,

and the result is sharp. The extremal function is:

f(z) = z exp( ∫z


(1+t)2α+2α+3 −1t

dt). Since 2

2α+2α+3 − 1 < 1, it follows that f is a

starlike function.

Finally, for γ = λ = 1 Theorem 6 implies:

Corollary 3 If µ ∈ [0, 1), f ∈ A, then:


[(zf ′(z)) ′′

(zf ′(z)) ′−

(zf ′(z)) ′

zf ′(z)

]}> ∆(µ) − 1⇒ Re


zf ′′(z)

f ′(z)

)> 22∆(µ), z ∈ U.

The result is sharp. The extremal function is:

f(z) =

∫ z0


(∫ v0

(1+ t)2∆(µ) − 1



Since 22∆(µ) > µ, µ ∈ [0, 1), it follows that f is a convex function of order µ.

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Improvement of some results concerning starlikeness and convexity 205


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Received: March 11, 2012

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Volume 4, 2012

M. Alp, N. Irmak, L. SzalayBalancing diophantine triples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

C. Barbu, L. I. PiscoranThe orthopole theorem in the Poincare disc model ofhyperbolic geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

A. BariczMills’ ratio: Reciprocal convexity and functional inequalities . . . .26

A. CapataExistence and generalized duality of strong vectorequilibrium problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

T. A. Chishti, U. SameeMark sequences in bipartite multidigraphs and constructions . . . 53

S. Kundu, J. SenguptaOn (κ, µ)-contact metric manifolds with certaincurvature restrictions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

A. Mohammed, M. DarusInclusion relations for multiplier transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

S. Pirzada, A. IvanyiMinimal digraphs with given imbalance sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86


Page 105: Mathematica Vol. 4, No. 2, 2012

J. GondaMetric on the hyper-octahedral group: the minimaldeviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

K. Raj, S. K. Sharma, A. GuptaSome multiplier lacunary sequence spaces defined by asequence of modulus functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

T. K. Samanta, S. MohintaCommon fixed point theorems for single and set-valuedmaps in non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

J. Sandor, R. Olah-GalOn Cusa-Huygens type trigonometric and hyperbolicinequalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145

G. S. Srivastava, A. SharmaSpaces of entire functions represented by vector valuedDirichlet series of slow growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154

A. B. Singh, V. N. DixitUnification of extensions of zip rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

M. Atc. eken, S. DırıkOn contact CR-submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds . . . . . . . . . .182

R. SzaszImprovement of some results concerning starlikenessand convexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199


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