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Matthew Rybak : Comprehensive Undergraduate Portfolio

Date post: 08-Apr-2016
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A comprehensive portfolio used to apply to the University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture Master Program. (Accepted)
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Matthew Rybak

CoMpRehensive poRtfolio

fall 2010 - winteR 2013UniveRsity of DetRoit MeRCy

sChool of aRChiteCtURe

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folDable shelteR

GReenway Café

CoRktown CoffeR CReDit Union

wolf point filM sChool

DetRoit City ConCeRt hall

CenteR foR the stUDy of faileD Utopias

oUtsiDe stUDio

a MoMent of intoRDUCtion













pRojeCt inDex 70

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this poRtfolio Contains a ColleCtion of My woRk in anD oUtsiDe of stUDio while attenDinG the UniveRsity of DetRoit MeRCy sChool of aRChiteCtURe. the pRojeCts ContaineD within this book RanGe fRoM the pRaCtiCal to the theoRetiCal. the sCale of eaCh pRojeCt also RanGes fRoM the sMallest peRsonal shelteR to a pRojeCt with a potentially infinite ReaCh. they aRe the ResUlt of CoUntless hoURs of thoUGht anD woRk. this ColleCtion of pRojeCts RepResents the CUlMination of Many hoURs spent at woRk in stUDio as well as CoUntless MoMents of exploRinG the woRlD anD what it has to offeR. Many iDeas anD Details aRe inspiReD by My tRavels aCRoss the UniteD states anD eURope whiCh have CUltivateD a GReateR UnDeRstanDinG of both the woRlD anD aRChiteCtURe as a whole.

a MoMent of intRoDUCtion


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the shaRD - lonDon, enGlanD

Renzo piano bUilDinG woRshop5

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folDable shelteR

eveRy City faCes the veRy Real issUe of hoMelessness. Many people aRoUnD the woRlD aRe foRCeD oUt of theiR hoMes foR one Reason oR anotheR eveRy Day. Many of the hoMeless aRe foUnD DeaD DUe to exposURe as they DiD not have aDeqUate shelteR to the eleMents. even a pieCe of CoRRUGateD CaRDboaRD Can pRove to be the baRRieR between life anD Death. the neeD foR poRtability anD ease of ConstRUCtion beCoMes iMpoRtant in pRoviDinG a peRson who has no hoMe oR lanD with an affoRDable shelteR aGainst the eleMents of natURe. foR UnDeR $10 a peRson May bUy a pieCe of wateRpRoof CoRRUGateD CaRDboaRD, that, when folDeD, CoUlD pRoviDe a poRtable anD affoRDable solUtion to the laCk of shelteR. siMpliCity in DesiGn anD the ability to not only be eRReCteD qUiCkly, bUt also DisasseMbleD qUiCkly, is an iMpoRtant qUality in any folDable hoMeless shelteR, bUt a DesiGn MUst also be able to aDapt to new sitUations anD enviRonMents easily.

the foCUs of CReatinG a folDable shelteR, is the iDea of poRtability anD ease of ConstRUCtion. with only one pieCe of 8’x4’ wateRpRoof CaRDboaRD, a flexible anD easily tRanspoRteD shelteR Can be CReateD. DesiGns weRe initially CReateD at a sMall sCale, as the beGinninG staGes of DesiGn weRe laRGely tRial anD eRRoR in finDinG the RiGht MethoD of both folDability anD ConstRUCtion. afteR these inital investiGations, the DesiGn beGan to take shape. it foCUseD on CReatinG a shelteR whiCh CoUlD be UseD with neaRly any benCh, as well as beinG able to stanD on its own. it has the ability to aDapt to the sitUation, anD allows foR GReat flexibility in loCation anD MoveMent. not only is the pRojeCt flexible in this way, bUt it takes UnDeR a MinUte to UnfolD anD set-Up. CReatinG a shelteR with only a sinGle pieCe of CoRRUGateD CaRDboaRD allows foR GReat affoRDability, while at the veRy least CReatinG a bloCk aGainst winD, Rain anD snow foR those withoUt a MoRe sUitable foRM of shelteR.

pRojeCt DesCRiption DesiGn appRoaCh


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GReenway Café

the histoRiC haRMonie paRk sits neaR the heaRt of Downtown DetRoit. it is one of the few paRks within the City that offeRs CoMfoRtable GReen spaCe. east of haRMonie paRk, aCRoss RanDolph stReet lies an UnDeRUtilizeD plot of lanD that was beinG UseD as paRkinG. it was DeCiDeD that the lot woUlD be ReDevelopeD. a seRies of live-woRk Units woUlD be plaCeD between the two “bookenD” bUilDinGs that boRDeR the site on the noRth anD soUth siDes, between two of the five Units, it was DeCiDeD that a Café woUlD be DesiGneD, whiCh woUlD both bRiDGe the Gap between the Units boRDeRinG it, as well as expanD Upon the existinG paRkway. the haRMonie paRk Café shoUlD be DesiGneD to ConneCt the live-woRk Units that neiGhboR it toGetheR, as well as CReate aDDitional GReen spaCe anD a CoMfoRtable Café foR the haRMonie paRk CoMMUnity. paRt of the pRoposeD Café MUst be DesiGneD to be below GRaDe.

the initial DesiGns foR the Cafe involveD a seRies of RepeateD GestURes DesiGnateD a pathway thRoUGh the site, while the Café itself ReMaineD was physiCally attaCheD to one of the neiGhboRs. in oRDeR to best Utilize the spaCe, the DeCision was MaDe to pUt the entiRe Cafe UnDeRGRoUnD in oRDeR to ConneCt MoRe appRopRiately to both neiGhboRs. the GReenway Café seRves as the ConneCtion between the CanDle-MakeR anD CaRpenteR that neiGhboR it. on the soUth siDe, the Unit that hoUses a CanDle-MakeR Utilizes two staiRwells that penetRate the GRoUnD anD ConneCt to the baseMent level. these staiRwells aRe lit by Dozens of CanDles whiCh pRoviDe liGht foR the staiRwell, as well as the sUbteRRanean Café whiCh is pResseD Up aGainst it. this pRoviDes the Café with an intiMate soURCe of liGht as well as allowinG foR the fRee aDveRtiseMent of the neiGhboRinG CanDle-MakeR. the Café itself sits beneath a seRies of URban hills that weRe DesiGneD to CReate pathways between the two stRUCtURes as well as expanD Upon the GReen spaCe of haRMonie paRk. the GReenway Café Utilizes MUCh of the MateRial eleMents of its neiGhboRs, foCUsinG on wooD anD Glass, to bRiDGe the Gap between these two pRojeCts anD CReate a CoMfoRtable ContinUation of haRMonie paRk.

pRojeCt DesCRiption DesiGn appRoaCh


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CoRktown CoffeR CReDit Union

CoRktown is a qUiCkly GRowinG CoMMUnity jUst oUtsiDe of the Downtown aRea of DetRoit. in ReCent yeaRs, the aRea has beCoMe known foR its qUiCk expansion, as well as beCoMinG an aRea foR aRtists anD sMall bUsiness owneRs. a pRevioUs MasteR plan was CReateD to ReDevelop the aRea aRoUnD the abanDoneD Roosevelt hotel to pRoviDe spaCe foR aDDitional bUsiness anD aRtists. the plan woUlD allow aRtists anD CReatoRs to Rent oUt affoRDable spaCes that sURRoUnDeD a laRGeR plaza, whiCh CoUlD be UseD foR open flea MaRkets on weekenDs. it was DeCiDeD that a finanCial institUtion woUlD be CReateD neiGhboRinG the existinG MeRCURy baR. this institUtion woUlD CReate neCessaRy infRastRUCtURe foR the CoMMUnity as well as CReate aDDitional ResiDential anD CoMMUnity spaCes. the CoRktown CoffeR CReDit Union shoUlD ConneCt the pRoposeD MasteR plan aRea to MiChiGan avenUe, whiCh RUns thRoUGh the heaRt of CoRktown.

an iMpoRtant CoMponent of the CCCU’s DesiGn was the inteGRation of the alley. this tiGht spaCe alloweD foR MoveMent fRoM CoRktown’s Main avenUe to the pRoposeD CoRRiDoR of shops that woUlD sURRoUnD the RenovateD Roosevelt hotel. the alleyway was DesiGneD with the iDea of “thRill” in MinD, CoMpRessinG those who pass thRoUGh it on both siDes with the heavy stone of the CCCU’s two stRUCtURes. the toweR on the west enD of the site seRves as the Main veRtiCal CiRCUlation hUb of the CCCU, while also pRoviDinG a CoMMUnity woRkshop on the GRoUnD level as well as an aRtist-in-ResiDent loft spaCe on the UppeR flooRs. the baseMent of the CCCU pRoviDes sUppoRt spaCe foR the CReDit Union, while also pRoviDinG stoRaGe loCkeRs foR the ResiDents of the bUilDinG. the GRoUnD flooR beCoMes the Main pUbliC aRea, while the flooRs above seRve as pRivate ResiDential spaCe.

pRojeCt DesCRiption DesiGn appRoaCh


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wolf point filM sChool

wolf point is sitUateD on a CRUCial point alonG the ChiCaGo RiveR. it sits at a jUnCtion wheRe the RiveR splits. the MajoRity of wolf point is on the loweR seCtion of ChiCaGo’s DUal layeR. it CURRently exists as a laRGe paRkinG lot that CoveRs Most of the aRea on the RiveRfRont. the aRea woUlD be ReDevelopeD to betteR sUit the neeDs of the aRea anD beCoMe hoMe to a seRies of eDUCational faCilities that woUlD foCUs on the aRts. eaCh of the faCilities woUlD be DesiGneD to ConneCt to one anotheR anD woUlD foCUs on a DiffeRent foRM of aRt. eaCh of the institUtions haD to DeDiCate paRt of theiR pRoGRaM to a pUbliC fUnCtion as well as allow foR Retail alonG the stReet level. ResiDential CoMponents CoUlD also be CReateD foR the stUDents anD GeneRal pUbliC, bUt the foCUs of the DesiGn shoUlD be CReatinG an enGaGinG spaCe foR stUDents, faCUlty anD the pUbliC at laRGe.

the wolf point filM sChool sits on the easteRn-Most plot of lanD, neiGhboRinG the pUbliC spaCe, whiCh was DesiGneD as a GRoUp between the DesiGneRs of eaCh institUtion, anD the DanCe sChool that sits on the westeRn siDe. the DesiGn foCUseD on the blenDinG of pUbliC anD pRivate spaCes to CReate an enGaGinG expeRienCe foR not only the stUDents, faCUlty anD ResiDents of the bUilDinG, bUt also the laRGeR CoMMUnity that the filM sChool is loCateD within. this was Done by oRGanizinG the bUilDinG in thRee DiffeRent levels whiCh RanGe fRoM pUbliC to pRivate. on the UppeR levels, the bUilDinG inCoRpoRates a DUal layeR, whiCh CoveRs the DaRk stone bUilDinG with a tReateD peRfoRateD steel. this layeR aiDs in fURtheR blenDinG the baRRieR between pUbliC in pRivate as it allows foR the ResiDents to ContRol theiR level of exposURe to the oUtsiDe, thRoUGh the Use of the opeRable façaDe.

pRojeCt DesCRiption DesiGn appRoaCh


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3838 fiRst flooR seConD flooR thiRD flooR

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foURth flooR fifth flooR sixth/seventh flooR

MassinG DiaGRaM







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DetRoit City ConCeRt hall

afteR the Death of the new jail pRojeCt, the aRea that is CURRently hoMe to a nUMbeR of CoRReCtions faCilities as well as a CoURthoUse, was DeCiDeD to be ReDevelopeD to betteR sUit the aRea. the faileD jail site on GRatiot avenUe is jUst one paRt of an aRea of DetRoit DevoteD to enteRtainMent. sittinG aMonG staDiUMs, Casinos anD a nUMbeR of baRs anD RestaURants, the site is a voiD that, in ReCent yeaRs, has seRveD little MoRe pURpose than an eMpty lot oR aRea foR paRkinG. the site woUlD be ReDevelopeD into a laRGe, MoDeRn ConCeRt hall as well as a sMalleR eDUCational faCility that foCUseD on the stUDy of MUsiC. the intenDeD aGe RanGe of the eDUCational CoMponent, as well as the type of ConCeRt hall was left Up to the DesiGneR, bUt ConsiDeRations haD to be MaDe in ConneCtinG the pRojeCt with the City anD the ReDevelopMent of GRatiot anD the Utilization of the existinG ConCRete jail stRUCtURe.

the DetRoit City ConCeRt hall sits atop the existinG slab stRUCtURe, RaisinG the baCk of the site into a seMi-pRivate soUnD GaRDen spaCe that sits between the DesiGneD ConCeRt hall anD eDUCational faCilities. the ConCeRt hall is left wiDely open, with a laRGeR CUltURal anD inteRMission spaCe sURRoUnDinG the Main ConCeRt hall, whiCh Rests atop a nUMbeR of seConDaRy halls. the Main ConCeRt hall is DesiGneD in the vineyaRD style, allowinG foR the GReatest expeRienCe of the spaCe’s oCCUpants. the eDUCational faCility is CenteReD on the iDea of CReatinG a welCoMinG spaCe foR yoUnGeR ChilDRen to beGin the stUDy of MUsiC, while also allowinG foR aDUlts to ContinUe theiR own eDUCation oR beGin a new one. the faCility allows foR the RentinG anD stoRinG of instRUMents as well as pRoviDinG aMple pRaCtiCe spaCe foR stUDents of all aGes to play alone oR aMonG otheR MUsiCians. the pRojeCt foCUses on the spReaD of CUltURe, CReatinG a new CUltURal hotspot within the City of DetRoit that will inspiRe foR yeaRs to CoMe.

pRojeCt DesCRiption DesiGn appRoaCh


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the ReDevelopMent of GRatiot avenUe foCUseD the stReet itself, ReMvoinG UnneCeessaRy paRkinG lots anD iMpRovinG the qUality of stReet paRkinG. in oRDeR to CReate an URban CoRRiDoR, the avenUe haD to be RewoRkeD, ReDUCinG the size of the MeDians while RetaininG the nUMbeR of lanes. this alloweD easieR MoveMent aCRoss stReets by peDestRains anD bikeRs while also MakinG RooM foR neCessaRy Retail anD ResiDential Units on both siDes of GRatiot. the Goal of this ReDevelopMent was to RewoRk the aRea that pRevioUsly existeD as a CRossRoaDs between GReektown anD foRD fielD into its own Destination. the pRoposeD ConCeRt hall woUlD seRve as a CentRal noDe foR this ReDevelopMent.

GRatiot ReDevelopMent


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fiRst flooR seConD flooR thiRD flooR

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event spaCe








foURth flooR fifth flooR

Main ConCeRt hall seatinG DiaGRaM

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CenteR foR the stUDy of faileD Utiopias

the 4500 GRanD RiveR avenUe site has not been UtilizeD foR Many yeaRs, it has been ReClaiMeD by natURe anD is oveRGRown with veGetation. it sits within a Relatively open aRea of DetRoit faR fRoM the Downtown, one of the Many aReas of spRawl that finD theMselves in DisUse in toDay’s DetRoit. this site woUlD beCoMe the foCUs of an aRChiteCtURal theoRetiCal stUDy behinD the iDea of Utopia anD the failinGs of Utopias. the pRoGRaM of the CenteR woUlD be an institUtion that woUlD inCoRpoRate an exploRation of Utopia in soMe way, leavinG MUCh of the pRoGRaM anD pRojeCt Up to the DesiGneR.

the pRojeCt beGan with an eiDetiC stUDy of the site. iMaGes weRe taken of both site veGetation anD DiffeRent views of DetRoit fRoM the boUnDaRies of the site. these iMaGes weRe then CollaGeD toGetheR in oRDeR to CReate a piCtURe that tolD of both the site, as well as its plaCe within DetRoit anD beGin to speak aboUt the ReClaMation of natURe that has taken plaCe on the site anD thRoUGhoUt the City as a whole. thRoUGh these iMaGes, alonG with the iDea of CollaGe anD MUltipliCity, a stUDy beGan on the iDea of Utopia. thRoUGh a nUMbeR of DiffeRent ReaDinGs anD lines of ReseaRCh, the iDea of a Utopia of MUltipliCity beGan to take shape. within eveRy Man’s MinD is his own iDea of the peRfeCt plaCe; CollaGeD toGetheR aRe the pieCes of a hUnDReD Cities anD MoMents he has known thRoUGhoUt his life. it is in this way that eveRy Man CReates his own Utopia within hiMself, anD how eaCh aRChiteCt pUlls fRoM this ReseRvoiR of intUition in oRDeR to CReate anD DesiGn. fRoM this iDea, a new seRies of eiDetiC iMaGes weRe CReateD, CollaGinG MUltiple Cities anD MoMents of natURe toGetheR in oRDeR to CReate a MUltipliCity of aRChiteCtURal anD natURal iDeas. it is fRoM this laRGeR iDea that the CenteR foR the stUDy of faileD Utopias beGan to take shape.

pRojeCt DesCRiption theoRetiCal anD DesiGn appRoaCh

it soon beCaMe appaRent that a Utopia CoUlD be CReateD in the Real woRlD by any one Man, at the Most it CoUlD only be a Utopia to its CReatoR anD no one else. in oRDeR foR a tRUe Utopia to be CReateD it MUst be RenDeReD Down fRoM the thoUGhts anD iDeals of Dozens of CReatoRs, thUs the iDea foR what to Do with the 4500 GRanD RiveR avenUe site beGan to take foRM. the CenteR woUlD foCUs on the CReation of Utopia thRoUGh the stUDy of what a Utopia is anD why they fail. the physiCal site woUlD be shapeD by the hanDs of Dozens of aRChiteCts anD planneRs, CReatinG an eveR ChanGinG CoMplex of bUilDinGs that woUlD be ReClaiMeD by DiffeRent fUnCtions anD foRMs. fRoM this initial foRM that i have DesiGneD, the seeD, the Utopia of MUltipliCity CoUlD GRow. the initial foRM of the CoMplex takes the shape of two inteRtwineD bUilDinGs whose pRoGRaM is left veRy flexible, with one CoMponent CateRinG to laRGeR neeDs sUCh as Convention anD exhibition spaCe, while the otheR foCUses on sMalleR neeDs sUCh as ClassRooM anD offiCe spaCe. the pRoGRaMMinG of these spaCes was left flexible so that they CoUlD be easily ReClaiMeD anD aDapteD as the CoMplex GRew aCRoss the site, anD potentially the Rest of DetRoit.


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oUtsiDe stUDiolonDon


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686820 Minute Speed paint

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pRojeCt inDex

folDable shelteRfall 2010, yeaR 1 paGes 6-13

GReenway CaféwinteR 2011, yeaR 1 paGes 14-23

alleGRa piteRa

alleGRa piteRa

CoRktown CoffeRfall 2011, yeaR 2 taDD heiDGeRken paGes 24-31

wolf point filM sChoolwinteR 2012, yeaR 2 taDD heiDGeRken paGes 32-41

DetRoit City ConCeRt hallfall 2013, yeaR 4 beCky nix paGes 42-51

CenteR foR the stUDy of faileD Utopiasfall 2012, yeaR 3 anthony MaRtiniCo paGes 52-59


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