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MAUDE ADAMS IS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o GOING BY … 24/Buffalo NY Review... ·...

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THE EUEEALO REVIEW, TUESDAY MORNING, -DINE 11, 1001. --------------------- ______ _____ :............. i , mi ' i 1 , " i ................. MAUDE ADAMS IS HIGHLY PRAISED Bernhardt Declares American Girl is One of World's Greatest Actors. Borneo and Juliet” Plans . .# •* Are Advancing, But Con tracts Delay Final Details. t© THE KKVIEIW.) LONDON, June lfc—Juat how the Idea of Maude Adame playing Juliet to Bemlxardt’s Romeo arose was told to the Journal correspondent today by a close friend of the French actress. Long before she thought of appear- ing In “Hamlet” Bernhardt conceived the thought of producing “Romeo and Juliet,” the talented aotresa herself taki r; the masculine role. It was to !be a Frotvok vereleh, but at that time Beruhardt fancied no one as Juliet, and the propoeal was temporarily dropped. Maude Adams’s splendid acting in “ L ’A l g l o n ” in America, accounts of which Bernhardt carefully perused, re- vived it, however, and Bernhardt be- lieved she had found a fitting Juliet. Immediately after she arrived in Eng- land the French actress sent for Charles Frohanan and confided to him her idea, which the American manager unhesitatingly pronounced a splendid one. Pralso For the American* At a dinner given by Bernhardt in , honor of Frohman a few nights ago at ( the Carlton Hotel, the subject was fully discussed. Bernhardt said to Frohman: “Maude Adams Is orie of the world’s leading actresses, and I can’t see any bne who could play Juliet better than her. I want to give an English pro- duction.” Frohman pointed out that Miss - Adams was at present in the South of France, resting after her heavy work la America, and that she was being Coached in the French language. He thought the American actress would be able to take part In a French produc- tion of “Romeo and Juliet,” and thus allow Madame Bernhardt to show her full powers In the part of Romeo, but French actress would not be shaken from her idea of srlving an English production with Maude Adams and an Jtthglish company, and sfhe un- dertook to learn her part to her own tisfactlan. She lias been provided with a copy of the riiAnueerlpt pf “Romeo and Ju- liet” as produced In America, The unique production cannot be seen be- fore two seasons as both Mme. Bern- hardt and Miss Adams have enraae- ipcms for the next season. Bernhardt i3 to play “Theodora” In her own thea- tres In Pane and Maude Adams is un- der contract with Frohman to take a leading role In New York in a new Play by J. M. Barrie, author of “The Xfittle ‘Minister,” next October. Details Dofsrvsd. rt arrangements as to date and de- tails of the company and of mounting have been deferred. It has been pro visJonally settled, however, that the Bernhardt-Adams combination will itrst be seen In New York for a hun- dred nights, after* which It will appear in London, should a run be considered. Although these leading actresses have never met Mme. Bernhardt shows the deepest, interest In Maude Adams’ Welfare". ^Through Mr. Frohman, the French' actress offered a place In her Paris tjheater entirely at the disposal of the American actress in order that she inflight produce “L'Aiglon.” Mr. Frohman conveyed Mme. Bern- hardt’s kind offer to Miss Adams, who, however While profuse In her thanks, pointed out that she had been ordered to rest and told that If she didn’t take It she would collapse. ooooooooooooooooo RAILROAD NEWS. New York Central JMfakes Over Its Train Sorvloo. Offtoiifi Answers CMticistas of Pan- American Officials, Through Sleeper to Montreal. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOING BY FREIGHT V One of the biggest changes ever made in the train service of the New York Central Railroad will go into effect Sunday, June 16. General Agent Parry has been at work for weefits ar- ranging the new schedule, and it is now almost complete. For the first time in the history of the road a through, sleeper will be run from Buf- falo to Montreal, leaving here at 6;&0 p. m. and arriving at Montreal at 8:10 the following morning. Returning, it will leave Montreal at 7:30 p. m. and arrive at 3:45 a. m. Something new is also found In the service to the'Adi- rondacks. There will be a parlor and sleeping car service between this, city and Loon Lake. These trains will be run tri- weekly. They will be run from here Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days, and returning to Buffalo, Tues- days, Thursdays and Sundays. The Pan-American SJxpres®, running between Buffalo and New York, will be run on a different schedule hereafter. It will leave at 7:36 p. m.< instead of 8 o’clock as heretofore. Between Buf- falo and New York there will be an ad- ditional train. Its leaving time will be 8:30 p; m., arriving at 6:30 the next morning. From New York it will leave at 0,80 a. m. And arrive here at 0:20 p. m,. The changes on the main line have not been completely arranged, but there will be a big improvement In the form of several new trains. It is not the intention, however, of the company to change the running time of the Empire State Express, but oth- er trains will necessarily be shifted to make room for the increased service. On the Falls line new trains are also to be added to the present schedule. The New York Central intends making the service between Buffalo and the suburban points suchva$ cannot bb ex- celled. The new trains will make fast time and will be equipped with the latest improved car service along all lines. How Twenty ,Young Men of Jersey City Will Get to Buffalo. Car Will be f itted Up in Com- fortable Manner and La- belled “ Hotel de Freight.” < > 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^ ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALONG Till: DOCKS. Owner of t^|e)^e:R W y For Another Raoo — Northland Makes Trip-Today— $3,000,- QOO Ship Holding Plant— Foreign BoSts in Port. 00'C><><><X^>^0<><C><X><><><> (Continued1 From Pago Eleven.) The Detroit Southern did not take over the Detroit & Lima Northern, as had been intended. What is more, un- less a speedy understanding and set- tlement is reached in the war between the Lima Northern bondholders, who are waging a fight for their money in preference to submitting to a deliber- ate freeze out, and the reorganizers of the Detroit &.Lima Northern, the men who have organized the Detroit South- ern, with Samuel Hunt as president, will have to wait a long time before they can carry their plans into effect. Likewise, the profits they have calcu- lated to reap from their operation, and the securities upon which they expect to realize later, will not soon reach their individual strong boxes. (Special to THE REVIEW.) Jersey, City, June JO. Although we haven’t an abundance of dust (Jo to the 'Pan-Amorl can we muwt; Arid to prove to you that this is no blow, W e’U “freight It” up to Buffalo.. These lines are on the wad In the rooms of St. Bridget’^ Lyceum, in Montgomery Street, Jersey City. Twen- ty members who style themselves the Unique Touring Club Intend to go to the Pan-American Exposition In a freight car, fitted out In hotel fashion. A committee has been charged with the purchase of a cookstove, a. refrig- erator in which to store supplies, twen- ty yards of matting, one waahtub, half a dozen hammocks. Such essentials as blankets, thread, irons and ironing boards, needles and a broom can be had for the asking at the homes of the Intrepid tourists. One member of the club, Philip Dunne, a sign painter, has agreed to paint two large glgns with the name “Hotel de Freight” in large characters. Music and entertainment will hot be lacking, for many of the club’s mem- bers are clever entertainers' as Well as experts on the mandolin, banjo, ac- cordion, jewsharp, harmonica, zither and trombone. James MeTiernan, who was considered one of the *best bagpipe players In his native town in Scotland, has agreed to take his pipes with him. W ill Take Things Easy. It is the club’s intention to go to Buf- falo “at an easy trot” and upon arrival there make arrangements to have the car side-tracked for two weeks while they see everything to be seen. It Is In opening1 the National Convention of the American Ticket Brokers’ Asso- ciation, which has just been held at St. Louis, the president said that “He had no complaint to make against the rail- roads so long as they attended to their own business and allowed the brokers to attend to theirs.” Tne same would be true of any other unlawful and Il- legitimate business. All the promoters of such affairs want is to be “let alone.” The fact that they do not pro- pose to treat the business of other peo- ple on the s b a s i s does not occur to them. The footpad would have no complaint if they would only let him alone and allow him to carry 6m his business uninterruptedly. -K N«w Play For Edna May. “The Girl from Up There” Is to bo withdrawn from the Duke of York's theater about the middle of July, when most of the London theaters close for the season. Continuance during the *hot weather would involve heavy loss, President lioree, of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, has entered upon the active discharge of his duties. H is first official act was to announce the fol- lowing appointments: General manager, George L. Potter; assistant general manager, Arthur Hale; assistants to the general mana- ger, L. C. Haas, J. T. Leary and T. J. Foley. All the appointees are from the Pennsylvania Railroad. also their intention to live In their im« pro vised home during their stay, in Buffalo. It was unanimously agreed at a meeting held last week that'every- body would wear shirt waists. As re- gards the cooking, sewing and other matters that will have to be attended to during the trip each member will take his turn. From up the lakes comes the rumor that there are s&v%*al boat line owners who are anxious -foqgiaee another bout b e t w e e n t h e Ci^t^c Erie xand some other speedy craft. At first it was said that such a race 'Would be out of the question, as the C.- & JB. line had no desire to put its ,boat up for another contest, but there still seems to be a lurking desirti on the part of that com- pany to force the line’s claims of hav- ing faster boats to demonstrate the fallacy of their argument. Manager Fisher was heard to say last night that the Christopher Columbus had not of- fered a sufficient sum to make it worth while to run off such a rfxce, but in the event of her doing so tfrere arhe would be given an answer which mljjfhC ne- cessitate her getting into a contest. He says that' since- race between the City of Erie and the Tashmoo of the White Star Line, the management of his company has been put In the way of strong temptation along the line of another race. He says, however, it Is not likely that, &py(,company will offer sufficient inducements, to bring about another race. ( Since th’e event VfcS'Closed there have been numerous interesting incidents related concerning the Toffair. One of the engineers of the Tashmoo, who lives In Detroit, mortgaged his house for $500 in order to cover a bet made by arx officer of the City of Erie. Of course he lost, and he is said to be one of the sorest of ,those who lost money on the race. wife at one of the stockholders of the Tashmoo had the courage to invite . 16 of- her nearest friends to participate in a dinner on the strength of the Tashmoo winning the race. Unfortunately tho Invita- tions were sent oiRf before the contest was run off and thfi result, is that the snareowher of the. White Star Line and his wife, are among;those who. are the most mortified as a result of the boat being beaten. 1 Capt. McLaughlin of the City of Erie related a gbod story when seen last night. The members of tho crew had, previous to the race, purchased a large red rooster. When the City of Erie arrived at port* here the follow lug night the bird was tethered to the landing a fevv feet from the gang- plank. Then the crew did Its best to make the rooster qx'ow, b u t its ef- forts were in Vain. It was taken aboard and went ,©n the boat to Cleve- land the next day. On entering the harbor members of the crew thought that he might have changed his mind, and thereupon put- him an deck. To their surprise and the edification of the many hundred people who were along the docks, the rooster crowed Committee on finance, commissary, entertainment and Itinerary have been appointed. The members are James MeTiernan, Thomas Kermode, Edward Phelan, John Coyne, Edward Donnelly, James Tumully, John MeTiernan, Philip Dunne, William Bambrick, Patrick J. Smith, Francis Donnelly, I>. Burns, Frank J. Smith, S. Cassidy, Thomas Murphy, Thomas Drake, James Copli- han, John McMuIlin and George Me* Guiness. MeTiernan, who is the pro- moter, says of this plan: * and 'Mr. B'rohman has decided to break up the company. Most of the members have engagements In New York In the autumn. Edna May, however, wUl re- main in London, and the Duke of YorK*s ha* been placed at her disposal. At- play is In1 course of preparation for'her, Which will be produced under thd jmanc#iuncnt of Charles Frohman ahd George Edwardes, of the Gaiety Theater. Miss May will have a company com- posed principally ©f English artists, numbering twenty-five. The piece will be ready by early autumn. Frohman is looking for another theater for his stock company during Miss May’s ten- ancy at tha Duke of York’s. ■w A noted London club man once kid a wager with a friend that the latter could not sell a $1 ran number Of gold guineas at a penny a piece. He won his wager. The people m used to buy. They thought be was offering too much for too little. It may be that the claims made for Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription seem almost too great to women who in years of suffering have found no help in doctors or medicines. But it i9 to be remembered that no claim is made for F a v o r ite Prescrip- tion ” which is not substantiated by thou- sands of women cured by its use, It9 effects are truly wonderful. It wipes out past years pf pain as a sponge wipes a slate. Favorite Prescription is the great medicine for women. It estab- lishes regularity, dries enfeebling drains, heals Inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It is the best prepara- tive for maternity, mak- ing the baby’s advent practically painless. •<When I wrote to you in March, risking advice as to what to do for myself,” says Mrs. Rlla Reynolds, of (Jufllc, McLean Co., Ky.,"I was Some concern is shown by railroad men in regard to the claims of Pan- American directors that they have been slow to reduce rates ind arrange spe- cial train service to and from Buffalo. Mr. Harry Parry of the New York Central takes exception to these sen- timents, saying: “The railroads have So far met every demand for passenger traffic by additional trains. It Is not our fault that up to this time the trav- el to Buffalo has been light. It is a well known faot that the month of May seldom sees much traffic in tho pas- senger business. Even June finds it light, and there is seldom much doing until the closo of the school year at least. “Relative to our rates which they complain of, I wish to say' that tho railroads have never before mad© such reasonable rates for any exposition as they have for tho Pan-American. 'Th© roads have nearly all made a . rate of what is practically on© fare,for the round trip. On tho New York Central wo have at the present time a rate of one fare and 18 cents for the round trip between Buffalo and Rochester. This Is in effect daily and is based on the 2-oent a mile rate. During the World's Fair at Chicago in 1803 the rato charged was one fare and a third by all roads.” Phil A. Auer, traveling passenger agent of the Rock Island, was in town yesterday afternoon. His headquarter* are at New York. I. M. Floesco, chief engineer of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Rail- road, with headquarters at Rochester, was in Buffalo yesterday looking over the work of Improvement which Is be- ing carried on by his company at South Buffalo. VIPER IS A FAST BOAT. (Special Cable to TUG REVIEW.) 'IX)NOGIN', J u n o 10. —T h e torpedo boat destroyer Viper, which is fitted) with Parsons turbine engines, has just com- pleted a series of tests which lasted three weeks. Tho maximum speed attained was 31 1-2 knots, with all her stores aboard and (town to her normal sea-going draught. Tho ex perl n ent was made of employing! tho stoicors in two watches, but it was found necessary to employ them all together In order to ensure the highest speed. The temporaturo of tho engine room was highest when tho boat was proceeding at low speed and lowest whon running at her highest rato of speed. This was owing: to her fan ventila- tion. Continuous, fine weather prevented a test of her sea keeping qualities. 'Throughout all her runs there was a complete absence of \ ibration. KxpessM Hast Bs Small. “It can be readily seen that voumr men who have to work for their living cannot well afford to pay the faresr de- manded by the railroads to points hun- dreds of miles from this city, But at the same time they are none the leas anxious to see things going on. Now it is understood by everytme that there are thousands of young men who are anxious to see the exhibition at Buffalo, but who lack funds. It Vbuld cost at the very lowest $18 to go up to Buffalo and return. A person must eat and meals would take another slice off the pile, and even at that there would be loss of sleep to be taken into considera- tion and tho fact that unless h* has money to pay for a roorn he must re- turn the same day he gets there. “People may laugh at the ' idea of traveling In a freight ear,' but in ail seriousness I believe by a little fitting up a freight car can be made ah com- fortablo as any parlor cah We will not carry hammocks for every Indi- vidual. So many must take turns at sleeping until we arrive at Buffalo, I believe that with about .twenty-five young men, and a few necessaries, as good enjoyment can be fyound ‘freight- ing it’ as any other way.* 'And it will not put any one of the twenty-five to any great expense.” lustily. It will bh b&pt by the crew as a remembrance of the great race. :i.i—L The steamer NofthkwdiOf tho North- ern Steamship ppmpany has been chartered for a trip.on Lake Erie. It Will leave this morning with a party of Pennsylvania; men and sail up the lake, returning this after- noon. nil Two foreign boatsarrived in Buf- falo harbor yesterday afternoon. They 'were the steamer Thjaamo of New Cas- tfcy England, with tons of iron* Her hailing port given as Mich- ipicoten River, and( the steamer John R. Noyes fro^pttr^ Bbund. J T SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. Tho forty-sixth annual convention of the New York Wtato Sunday 3 c1 k> oI As- sociation I t to -bo hold in Binghamton, Juno 11, 12 and 1*1, 1001. Besides wefi-knaiwn Prop I^'ta'go, c«n«nl(t Superior, vpe-alcors from bha Empire titate, tho eon- veivtion i« to bo fkvored 'yrtth, addrc<o<ios from* Marion LeGwrenoo, the Interna- tional iponvral seyfiitiWT, *tml otve. of tho foremost GuikU* flvhool men ,ln America. Charley Rlioiufttws, pfrovet&iy of tho Penn.- .vylvanta Jhn>dAy JstehiatoA AasrtMation, Will a ico bo prwwxvt. Tike- uousio It# tt> bo con - ducted by W. A. Southertan of Brooklyn. All railroad,* maka a rato of on* and ono- thir'd faro for tho roand trip. Entertain- ment may bo *©oui*ed at It per day in OhtrUtffm homes, otr iw,hotel# at |1.50 and $2 par day. Yh© “I^o^carwarma lim ited ,” tho magnffiowvl fivesr on the Delaware, Lackawanna A Wasters R. R., off June ll vrllt cxwy a ejxWai oar for dklegaiffw in which » “eoavNitltm o«» ■vrhoelo” is to bo held on rent®. Delegate* aro requested tot m a k e ypec*Hfil to r©aoh this train so that they nkay travel with the prurty ifrom Western New York. Daoh Sunday school should a delegate. For further inform a t’ion ad'ditos&a A, H. Crostf, general sedretary Eighth District, Room 8, Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. A compauji yvith ai dapital o£ at least $3*000,000 is' being organized at Phila- delphia to build a shlp-bulidlng plant on the Delaware Rfter."’ The promoters say $2,600,000 has been subscribed, and they have options on a plot'of ground tit Ph^sltcr >>• i One^bf the leading factors In the new concern, is State Senator W. C. Sproul, of Delaware County, a son-ln law of the late John Roach. Interested 'in the company is one of the officials of the Bath Iron Works, at Bath, Me. His name is withheld at this time. The, land consists or from 55 to 60 acres on the river front in the heart of Chester. It has a water front of about 2,400 feet, and is clear of obstructions. .Fbllc)wing are the arrivals and clear- ances of this port for tho past 24 hours: Arrivals— Prop Topeka* wheat, Milwaukee. fffc.Indl&na, mdse., Superior. Miami, light, New York. ►St<r J o h n D u n c a n , corn , C h ica g o . $tr Pennsylvania, pass., mdse., Erie. Otr City at Erie, Cleveland, tjtr W. IT. Wolf, <xnn, Milwaukee. ■J^-r iS<crftnton, fiour, Superior. 8>L‘r Madagascar, corn, Washington, frl-r Sliaughranit, light, Bay City. ■&tr R. IP. b’.Lwor, corn, Chicago. St r Hannon, . G l a d s to n e , v^tr Ira II. Owen, rye, Milwaukee, Sir Iroquois, iron ore, Esc a nub a* , Clearance?*— STRIKERS USE FIREARMS. Drove Back Flromcn From Bias© At Lehigh Valley Shops. (Special to THE REVIEW.) WIJJKLTSBARiltU, Pa., June 10.—N o n - union workmen aud private detectives at tho Lehigh Valley shops dvove back tho expecting to become a mother in June, and was sicic all of the time. Had been sick for several months. Could not get anything to stay in my stomach, not. even water. Had mishaps twice in six months, and threatening all the time with this one. Had female weakness for several years. My hij>3 , hack aud lower bOwels hurt me all the time. Had numbness from my hips down. Had several hard cramping fipells. and was not able to do any work at nil. I received your answer in a few duys, telling me to take Ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I took three bottles, and before I had taken it a week I was better,and before I bad takeh it a mouth I was able to help do iny work. On the 27 th of May my baby wag born, and I was only sick three hours, and hud an easy time* YVc praise Ur. Pierce’* medicine for it has anted itit." POSTMASTERS APPOINTED. WASHINGTON, June* 10. -The follow - ing Postmasters have been appointed by the President: NEW JEUtlEY—sW.orrist.own, George L. Clark: Woodbridgo, John Thompson. NEW VOUK Schoharie, Dawson Y, Wright. TIIUOCGH CA It TO PEORIA been nut on by tho Lakes Shovo & tl is Michigan Southern Railway on trsun. leaving Buffalo at 13 o'clock midnight, running si 1 Cleveland and Indianapolis. City Ticket Office :?!>? Main Street.. city firemen with revolvers during a tiro this aft or noon. One of tho building's way ignited by vparkn from an engine and) an alarm, was sent in. Tho city lire depart- ment roqMmded, but when tho firemen reached, the sewno they wore met by tho workmen and detectlvcw. An WYort to (li- ter brought a voJloy from tho revolvers. It way fired in the air und no one way In- jured. Chief Kline ordered the firemen to turn tho watir on the men on tho l'eireo, 'Phis caused them to flee. Other workmen fought the tiro a mil the firemen played, streams on it from a hill near by. The shooting causal muehi excitement. Otic Iroquois, ft&fit, Chicago i&w Indiana* &u.pciior. Sffir John Duncan, opal, jMllwawkoe, 4Str ft. iF. FtorWJg, c a lf, CUioa^ro. i&tr W. • II. OwcnV M&ht, CIiica«'o. £ftr .City of Erie, pass,,, CRrv<t»n<Y (I’eiu)*yivanliL, mifso,, I9rta, Tho following eonA/l boots cleeurevd lVont ‘tills ftart during tho past 21 hours; Capt. If?, TtKiiMg fiftht, Utica. Utr Kloyd ftwa, <xat.s, Utica. dYipxdia, vrhetvt, A lbany. Jsaihw&s, wheat, Albany. building, 25x80x8 feet high, to exhibit war pictures, No. 632 Main street. Georgo Boltz and on©—To ralso framo shed, 14x16x14 feet high, six feet., for coal and wood, reair of lot, No. 330 Mon roe street. Susie M. Campbell—To ralso frame dwelling four feet arul six foeit in length, to be 20x36x18 feet high, front of lot, also take roar part of house, 16xf?6, for ba.rn and move to rear, to bo 26x29x14 feet high, No. 51 Boyd OtrOet, John M-. D o n o v a n —T o erect frame dwelling, 20x32x18 feet high, for rooming house, In roar off No. 51 Henst Utica sltreot. F. G. Eberts—To erect frame kitchen, fffxtJOx!) foot high, on rear of dwelling, No. 167 Elm street. A. 16. G'Pttntier—To erect frame addition, 5x19x10 feet high, for, dwelling, front of lot, No. EDI Jeff arson street. John Glass—To erect framo woodshed1 , HxttbdliO feet high, No. 511 Broadway. O. Hold nvaarv—To erect frame wagon shod, 31x04x113 feet high, rear of lot., No. 678 OdVoseo street. liouiis* House!'—To erect frame addition, Uxflxda feet high, on klt-chen, front of lot, N o . 304 D o d g e *S)$reet. • \ Louisa M. Hatst—To ereat fra.me build- ing, 10x24x8 feet high., for confectionary s'tore, No. 1C98 Blmlwocki avenue. Martin J^vkowski—To orcot framo ad- dition* 22ie3axr2 feet high, front of lot, No, 46 Sobjeski street, F. Klrsch and one^-To erect frame re- freishemn't and check .stand, I&x2&x8 feet high, front of lot, northeast corner of Elmwood avenue bridge. M. Lapczcnski and one—To erect, frame stofie (temporary during the Pan-,Ameri - can), .18x70x11 feet high, front of lot, n#Pth side of Amherst street, 445.39 feet west ■of El miwood avenue. Henry W. L a tin —'To arkst frame ad- dition, 17x17x13 feet high, foir kitchen, front of 'lot; No. 356 Humboldt Parkway. Charles Lamy—1To erect frame addition, 16x34x15 Ret high, feir storing wagons, front of lot, No. 354 Ivoulsiana street. John Long--To erect frame addition', 20x 28x10 feet high, for dwelling, front of lot, No. 49 Camp street. Katie Lahneir—To erect frame shed, 23x 9x9 feet high, rear of lot, No. 295 Howard street. J, Meakins—To erect frame dwelling, 20 x28xilv2 feet high, rear of lot, No. 907 Iv>ve joy street. M. 'MiacUwirth—To erect frame dwelling, 27x^7x22 feet high, .front of lot, north side of I>ancaster avenue, 150 feet west of Pacific avenue. Mixer & Co.—To erect frame lumber shed, 50x140x20 feet high, in the lumber yaird, No. 287 Elk Street. Jehu Nielson.-—To erect frame photo gal - lery, 10x20x8 fe-ot high, front of tot, north side of Amherst stret, about ^86 feet east of street railway company's lot. Elia M. Nichelson—To erect five frame dwellings, thueo dwellings 22x88x16 feet high; one dwelling 26x34x18 feet h<tgh, and one dwelling 16x34x16 feet high; aleo brick barn 28x60x20 feet high, front of lot®, weet side of Greenwood Place, MX) feet south of Potomac avenue. N. Y. O. <fe H. R. R. R. Co.—To erect frame paint shop, 01x365x30 f e e t high, East Ifcuffalo car shop yard, northweM corner William street and Erio Railroad, about 215 feet book from William street. T. Stow art—To raise roof and repair frame dwelling, 09x46x12 feet high, to be 20- x#xl8 foot htgh, front of lot. N(>. 1177 Seneca street, 'Michael Werner—To erect frame addi- tion, USxJOxM high, to barn; for wagon room, rear of lot, No. 62)8 Dodge street. Nelli© Zipprich—To erect frame dwell- ing, 20x36x12 feet .High; ejast side of Lennox avenue, 233 foot soffth Mineral Spring itoad. '• ... X ’A id. Darmsbaditer moved the adoption PLAGUES AT CAPE TOWN. (Fronm tho Phm Corretopondcint.) CSpecial Cable to THE REVIEW.) GAPE TOWN, Juno lO.-The total num - ber orf phLgu© to date is 759. Fifty- eight European**, (a coionlste and 2b7 ool- otck I pwHOM have died fibm tho efi^oasa. 'Oku. Blood'e operations in tho Eastern Tranwya^I hare been eminently sncoossful in kcoplnjj Gcoy . Bodva’s force in a com- paratively amafi nwoa Th© bulk of IJtotha'a commarai, withi whom, ho is present, is stilt .south of the DeJ.tgoa Bay railway. 'HiOre are now only OOO Boors north of the Unci. Gen. Blood ha a denffdod the country of supplioo. CITY CLERK’S OFFICE, Room No. 4, City and'County Hall, Bqffhio Ju n o S, 1901. NOTICE mOF INTENTION—Notico la hereby given that at a regular session of tho Board of Aldermen of tho City of Buffalo, held. Monday, Julio 3, 1901, resolu- tions, of which tho following aro correct copies; were duly adopted and1 that said re,solutions wero duly approved by the Board of Councllmetj at a session thore- 37.60 32.50 24.10 31.25 3.00 22.50 tor, held Juno 5, 1901, viz. HE TIPPED OFF CANDIDATES. (Special to THE RUVTEIW.) COLUMBUS, (>.. Juno 10.—Clay M. Runyan, in tho Supremo Court, t<xiay pleaded guilty to the charge of offer- ing for sale questkms prepared for can- didates for tho Btato bar. He was sen- tenced to 10 days in jail and fined $250. GRAND ST. hAWIIKiXCK TRIPS To 'niouHand1 Islands, Montreal, Quebec. Ur. Pi«rce,» Pellets cure biliousness. Saguenay River, While Mountains and rfoa, Coast, f Ieadquurt» ts at Grund Trunk and 'Richelieu Ontario Nav. Co.’s of- fice. 28b Main Street. FAIR TORONTV) Quickly and- pleasantly n ached by Grand Trunk Ry. System, threo hour sw^rvice, seven, trains daily, via /Niagara Falla, from d<Kiot Washington and Scott streets. City Office, 2*16 Main 'Street. MORIN I NC, NOON A'ND NKHIT Trains leav'o fen* U atnlllon and ff’oront.o via 'Michigan Central. Five traffic, a day, making the run in three hours. City Ticket office, 209 Main SL Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Buffalo Intends to order tho rear yard and driveway to bo paved with brick at Police Station No. 5, located on tho con-nor of Del avail avopue and Green- w\>od' place, and tKe Board of Public Works is hereby directed to prepare plans und specifications, and to advertise for sealed proposals for doing said work; and tho City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this notico of such Intention to bo pub- lished. Resolved, That tho Common Council of tlic City of Buffalo Intends to cause a new 17-room school building, to bo erected in District No. 62, located on the northwest corner of Bird avenue 'and Barry place, and tho Board of Public Works is hen by directed to prepare* plans and specifica- tions and to advertise for sealed pro- posals for doing the said work; ami the City Clerk is hereby directed to eauso this notice of such Intention to be duly published. CIJAS. F. SUSDOllF, S-6t - 011)1 C lw k l of tho report. AW; Franklin moved that tho report gt(uniting Rei’mi^siOin to tho Broadway Drawing & M alting Co. to erect fram<e stores with m etal cowering 51 ft. 8 in.x47xl2 foot high So E. cor. of Scott and. W ash- ington streets be made a part of tho re- port. Carried. The Broadway Dr’Ctving & Molting Co.— To erect framo fvtoips, with metal cover- ing,, 51 ft. 8 in;x47ixji£ feet high, southeast corner of Scott and 'Washington streets. Aid. Firauklin moved tho adoption of tho report, I/Ost. Ayes—Aid. Avefy*, Barth, Busch, Butler, Collins', CwikMnsfkl, Dix, Gorman, ilaese, llo-mileif,,' Holmes, Huster, Kenniody, Klo- .sJlnger, JCnickenberg, Landshefb c'hos's, M a n n in g -, 'MPEachrcn, Roodel, S o li ne-11 bac h, Sul 1 *va n—22. INoes—AfJd'. Darms'tadter, Franklin, Scl live id or—3. A:M. Franklin moved that the last rot© taken bo rooefnsidered. Carr fed. . Aid, Franklin moved that tho whole re- port bo laid on the table. Carried. ■Aid. McEaehren from tho Commute© on Claims, ifieported In favor of aJJoWlng tho U p Mowing accounts and drawing's war ran In therefor: Tho’ Beil Tctlpphon© Co. of Buf- falo, Civil Se*rvico Commission Louis Broohtel, City Clerk’s __ Louisa Mrechtel, I>e*>artmient of Rublio Works ................................ James W. CRvatiruan, G. A. R. Relief Fund ................................... Fowler Mnn.t1. Co., Civil Servico Commls«4on ................................... .. W. E. Gaffneiy, Comptroller’s.. E. iM1 . Hager ASons, Buroau nf Streets, 2 vcmchors ................ .. In ter national Toilet Supply Co., Health, -I vouolters .................. .. Addison Johnson, agent and Warden, Bureau of Streets. ..„ Keller Bros., election expense.. Louis Marburg, Bureau of Engi- neering, 7 vouchors ..................... Nlederpruem & Co., Civil Ser- vice Commission ........................ Mary Olskey, Comptroller’s — Th© lim es. Department of Pub- lic Works, 10 v o u c h e r s ......... Otto Ulrich, Law Department., Otto Ul'biieh, Civil Service Coin mission, 3 vouchers .................. Ernest We-nde, Health .............. Weed & Oo1 ., Market ..................... Weed & Co., Bureau of Streets. Tho Wen bo m e-Stunner ('’o., JSlvll Service Commission., 5 vouchers .......................................... George F. Layer, Comptroller’s Buffalo Review Co, Comptrol- ler’s ........................................................ Adopted. Alderman Manning, from the Com milt tee on 'Paxes amj A.ssosisments, reports in favor of and the adoption of the following resolutions: That the prayeu* of tho petition of Jo- seph J. Sehreibcr, asking to compromise taxes for $200.00 on premises .'10x113 Mills, E., 315 N. Broadway, be a.memlod to read: ’Hiat upon tho payment of $225.00, on oir before. July :t0th, 1901, the Gomptmller be ar.id Is hereby authorized to cancel and discharge of record tax calcs of 1890, 1898 ar.A 1900, Non. 20075, M S and 27589, also ib.at a warrant for $75.69 be drawn on the erroneous tax fund in favor of the Comp- troller to cancel balanco of tax, Ayes—Ald. Avery, Barth, Busch, Butler, Collins, CwikHnskl. Darmstadtcr, m.So 173.32 37.00 67.56 346.51 16.80 M.9S 323.50 45.45 13.57 20.35 1.50 27.15 64.00 24.00 276.59 Franklin, Gorman, Haeso, Handler, Holmes, Ilustejf, ]£ennedy, Kissinger, Knickenbeirg,''ijapdift'hfeft, 'MaiSchoss, Maft nlng, McEacffren, Roedel, , Schneider, Sehmdlbach, Sullivan—25. ,, N o f - None. q'hat upon Jolm Fetzcr paying on or beforfe July .31, i901, th« sum of $300,00,‘the Comptroller be and is hereby authorized to cHince-1 aiwl ddfKHharge o f record ta x - sale corMlieates for thio sales of 1896 to 1900, Inoluslve, on premises 57 l ‘-2x229 C«n tral avenue, W., 675 S. Lovejoy, also that a warrant for $149.42 be drawn on the Erroneous Tax Fund; in favor of the Comptroller, to cancel .balance of tax. Adopted. Ayes—Ald. Avery, Barth, Busch, Butler, Collins, Cwiklinski, Darmstadter, Dix, Franklin, Gorman, Haese, Hendler, Holmes, Huster, Kennedy, Kissinger, K n4c ken berg, Landsheft, CMIaiscivoss, 'Man- ning, MoEachren, Roedel,. Schneider, Schncllbach, Sullivan—25. N o e s —N o n e . That t4te prayer of the petition, of E, H. Whitney, asking: to compromise taxes on premises 26x107 W, L., 61 E. L„ Leroy, S., 270 'E. Griddr, for $50.00, bei amended ho read: That upon the payment of $125,00, the Comptroller be and is hereby author- ized to canod’ arid discharge of record all tax sale oortisllcatea on1 said premises, also that a warrant for $162.64 bo dra/Wn on the Erroneous Tax Fund In favor of tHJb Comptroller to cancel balance of tax. Acibp^ed. - Ayes—Ald. Avery, Barth, Busch, Butler, Collins, Cwiklinski, Darmstadter, Dix, Franklin, Gorman, Haese, Hendler, Holmes, Huster, Kennedy, Kissinger, Knlokonberg, Lands>heft, 'Malschoss, ‘Man- ning, McEachrert, * Roedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, Sullivan—25. N o e s —N o n e . That tho prayer of tho petition of H. H. Voight, asking) to compromiso taxeis on premises, 100x9 1-2 Wilson, E., 4 » 3 N . Broadway, for $S5.00, be amended! to read: That upon the payment of $75.00 the Comptroller be and. is hereby authorized to cancel and discharge of record city tatx of 1896, s a l e o f and that a warrant for $188.36 be drawn on tho Erroneous Tax Fund*in favor of the Comptroller to can- cel balance of tax. Adopted. Ayes—Ald. Avery, Barth, Busch, Butlor. Collins, Cwiklinskip Darmstadter, Dix, Franklin, Gorman, Haese, Hendler, Holmes, Huster, Kennedy, Kissinger* Knlckonberg, Lands'heft, Maischose, Man- ning, MeEachren, Roedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, Sullivan—25. N o e s —N o n e . That a warrant for $102.64 be drawn on tho Erroneous Tax Funds in favor of the Comptroller, to cancel tax-sale certificate No, 22393, sale of 1068, and No. 31233 V2, sal© of 1892, on premises 35x330 'Michigan, E ,, 435 S. F e r r y , a n d €©■ JOOxdOO M ich ig a n , B., N. oor.. 'Wbodiawn, as said premises aro now a'part of WOodlawn avenue. This report made on recommendation of Cor- poration, Counsel. lAjdk>ptod* Ayes—Ald. Avery, Barth, Bu«Ch, Butler, Collins, Cwiklinski, Darmstadter, Dix, Franklin, Gorman, Haese, Hendler, Holmes, Huster, Kennedy, Kissinger, Knlokonberg, Landsheft, iM)ai«choss, Man- ning, MeEachren, Roedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, Sullivan—26. N o e s —N o n e . That upon Samuel JB. Simkins paying on or befloro July 36, 190tt, the faco of sales and all expenses adlfled thoreto, t'ho Comp- troller be and in hereby authorized to cancel and dlsohuange of record tax-aale certificate® 9*m, 36160, 3616$, 33801, 83892 and 36605, sales of 1868 and 3089, on premises 825x140 Oarl, W. 9W N , Ferry; 36X140 Carl, W. 810 N. Ferry-; 100x140 Carl, W. 9S9 N. Ferry, Adopted. . i! Ayes—Ald. Avory, Barth, Busch, Butler, Collins, Cwiklinski, Darmstadter, Dix, Franklin, Gorman, Haese, Hendler, Holmes, Huster, Kennedy, Kissinger, Knlokonberg, Landsheft, MaiochOss, 'Man- ning, . MeEachren, Roedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, Sullivan—25. N oes—Nono.* Adopted. That upon Elizabeth B. Eagan paying on or before July 31, 1901, the face of swi Icb and all ejppenses added thereto, the Comptroller be aivj is hereby authorized to cancel and discharge i>t record tax- sal© certificates for tlvo years of 1897, 1898 a nidi 1000, N o s. £0772, 62774, 64178, 61100, 66730, 67976, 67W72, 7'07V>2, o n premises Niagara, Tonawandai and Crowley streets. Adopted. Ayes—Ald. Avery, Barth, Busch, Butler; Collins, Cwiklinski, Darmstadter, Dix, Franklin, Gorman, Haese, Hendler, Holmes, Huster, Kennecly, Kissinger, Kivlckonberg, Ijandsheft, 'Maiechoss, Man- ning, MeEachren, Roedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, Sullivan—25. Noes- None. That upon W. E. Hazard, attorney, pay- ing on or befk>ro J'oly 31, 1961, tho face of sale© and intore»t -at 6 per cent., and all expoifsos added thereto, the Comptroller bo and is hereby authorized to panoel and discharge of record tax-sato certlflaato<8 26322, 2FJ34, an d 27841, sales of 1895 to 1808 li»cluslve, on. premises 30x104 StaniS'- laus N. 35 1-2-' W. Sweet. * Adopted. Ayes- Aid. Avery, Barth, Busch, Butler, Collins, Cwiklinski, Darmstadter, Dix, Franklin, Gorman, Haese, Hendler, Holmes, HuSter, Kennedy, Kissinger, Knickonbofg, Landsheft, M'aischoss, Man- ning, MeEachren, . Roedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, Sullivan—25. Noes—None. That upon Henry Koons paying on or before July 31, 1961, the faco of sales and interest at 6 per cent., and all ex- penses adxLc-d thereto, t’ho Comptroller be and is hereby authorized to cancel and dlschargo of record tax-ea.l© certificates 20598, 309S4, and 2Tt554^ saitos o f 1898-1899 an d 1900, on premises 39x107 Liddell W. 640 N. Broadway. Adopted. Ayes—Ald. Avery, Barth, Busch, Butler, Collins, Cwiklinski, Darmstadter, Dix, Franklin, Gorman, Hae.se, Hendler, Holmes, Huster, Kennedy, Kissinger, Koickeuberg, Landwheft, Mahichoss, Man- ning, McWaolvrCn, Roedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, Sullivan—25. Noes -None. That upo-n Arthur Nichols paying on or before July 31, 1961, tho face of sales and interest at 6 per ^pivt., and all expenses added* thereto, tho Comptroller be and is hereby authorized to cancel and dis- charge of record tax-.sale certificates 39177 an d 38C21, s a le s o f 1899 and 19C0, on premises 36x120 inter Parks S. 150 E. Hum- boldt. Adopted. Ayes—Ald. Avery, Barth, Busch, Butler, Collins, Cwiklinski, Darmstadter, Dix, Franklin, Gorman, Haese, Hendler, Holmes, Huster, Kennedy, Kissinger, Kuickenborg, Landsheft, Maischoss, Man- ning, MeEachren, Roedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, Sullivan—25. Noes- None. That upon B. D. Coiieland paying on or before July 31, 1901, the face of sales, the Comptroller bo and 1a authorized to can- cel und discharge of record tn.x-sa.lo cer - tificates' 27522, 28960, 29180, 30348, 31093, 32369, 32861, 33457, 33980, 3-1279, a n d 34729, on p r e m - ises 20x100 Purdy \V. 175 S. Ferry. Adopted. Ayes- Aid. Avery, Barth, Busch, Butler, Collins, Cwiklinski, Darmstadter, Dix, Franklin, Gorman, Haese, IJemller, Holmes, Huster, Kennedy, Kissinger, Knlckenborg, Jandsheft, Maischoss, Man- ning, MeEachren, Roedel, Schneider, Sehncllbf.ch, Sullivan—25. Noes- None. Aid. l: nncllbach, from th Fourt July Cbmmlttofe, presented tho following i Your‘Fourth Of July Com'mlltkto jTspebW fully that it has had unddr cOrv slderatlon, the matter of properly cele* side'ratlon the obs&rvanoe of Indei>endcnC€ Day, and recomimends' that tho same b« celebrated in a “good bld-ifHshlonod way,” and that tho City Clerk bo and he in hereby directed to request the various civic and military organizations to partici- pate In a parade, to take place In th« morning, and to aid in every possible way, to make the celebration a success. Adopted. Tho Chairman of the following com* mittees announced meetings to be held a« follows: FINANCE, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. , ORDINANCES, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. J SCHOOLS, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. STREETS, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. , SEWERS, Thursday, 7:30 P. M. FIRE, Thursday. 7:30 P. M, WATER, Thursday, 7.30 P. M. CLAIMS, Thursday,7:30 P. M. POOR DEPARTMENT, Thursday, 7 P. M. ' LAMPS, Thursday, 7:36,P. M. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, frrida* 2:80 P. M. SANITARY MEASURES, Thursday, 2:3( P M WHAJRVBS AND HARBORS, Thurso iiay, 7:30, P. M. FOURTH OF JULY, Thursday, 7:80 M. On motion of Alderman Butler at 3:51 o’clock p. m., the Board * adjourned. CHARLES F. SUSDORF, City Clerk. ..... ■■■ ........ . '■ " . ............... ... OFFICE OF j J The Park Commissioners. Room 5, City and County Hall* 1 Buffalo, June 10, 1901. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited foi furnishing vartbuo kinds of food to tho Zoological Garden, Delaware Park, fo« the fiscal year beginning Jfily 1, 1901, and Ending July 1, 1902, in accordance with specifications oni file in the office of tho Park Co>mm ission era, No. 5 City and County Hall. 'Bids will be received* at said office o« or before 12 m., Monday, June 24, lWL The right to reject any or all bids is re* served. •GEO. H. SELKIRK, . Secretary. ; June 10-12t. OFFICE OF The Park Commissioners. Room 5, City and County Hall* Buffalo, Juno 10, 1601. •SEALED PROPOSALS are Invited for repairing and* maintaining from July 1st, iSOl, to December 31, 1903, «. period of two and one half yeans, th© asphalt pave- ments on Front ^Avenue from Court Street to Porter Avenue and Niagara Square in accor'&anco with the specifications on fll© In the office of the Park Commissioners* * No. 6 City andi Countv Hall, Bids will be received at said office on or before 12 m., Monday, June 24, 10OL Th© right to reject any or all bids is re- served. \ GEO. «H. SEl^KIRK, .] Secretary* , June 10-12t. OFFICE OF i •» The Park Commissioners. Room 5, CHy and County Hull. Bufftalo, N. Y„ Jfihe 10, 1901, 6©ALKD PROPOSALS for constructing and repaving plank sidewalks according to siieciflcations on file in the office of tho Park Commissioners, No. 6 City and County I-fall, will be received at said of - fice on or before Monday, June 24th, lit m . A certified) check for ton per cent, of the amount must accompany bid. Th© right to reject any or all bids is reserved. G, H. SELKIRK, 1 i J* I . Secretary. June 10-12t. OFFICE OF The Park Commissioners. Room 5t City and County Hull* Buffalo, June 10, 1901. SEALED PROPOSALS aro invited for furnishing one thousand tons, more or less, of anthracite coul to tho Park De- partment for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1901, and ending July 1, 3902, in ac- cordance with specifications on filo in tho office of tho Park Commissioners, No. 6 City and Oouivty Hall. Bids will bo received at said office on or before 13 m., Monday, June 2i, 1901. Th© right to reject any oj1 all bids is reserved. •GEO. IT. BlILKljtiK, . , *,s , . (i Secretary. June 10-121. rrr it OFFICE OF The Park Commissioners, Room 5* City aud County Hall. Buffalo, June 6, 1901. SEALED PROPOSALS for constructing wooden apparatus for gymnastic purposes In the playground on tho Terraco, acoord- liig to plans and specifications on filo *ln the office of the Park Commissioners, No. 5 City and County Hall. Bids, which must be accompanied by a certified check fo>r ten per cent, of tha amount, must be presented at th© abovw mentioned office by 12 m. Tuesday, Juna 11, 1901. The right to reject any or all bids i* reserved. G. II. SELKIRK,, Secretary. OFFICE OF Tho Park Commissioners, Room 5, City aud County Hall. Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 7, 19W. ’ SEALED PROPOSALS aro invited for furnishing coal to the 'Park Department for th© fiscal year beginning July 1, J$K>1, and ending Juno 30, 1902, in aceordaiww with specifications cn file in tho office of tho Park Commissioners, No. 5 City and County Ilall. Bidy which must bo accompanied by a certified cheek for $400 will bo received at said ollleo on or before IB m. Tuesday, J u n e 18, 1901. The right to reject any or all bids la reserved. G. II. SELKIRK, Pcerotary. June 7-10t PROPOSALS FOR COAL BkU for f-upplyOn® ctal lo (ho Buffalo Stiito IIospHM. for one year from Oc- tober 1, 1961, will bo Kaoivtd until noon of July 2, 1901, at th© office of the TroaB- K. MvrMillan, 6fd Ellleott •atlon* can be obtained at urer, '.Morion S<(Uare. Hperil tho Hospital. I It you cannot .icouro mipics ot! THE REVIEW ut any news stand where o t 1»r:v rlftv motning pupev* Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: MAUDE ADAMS IS o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o GOING BY … 24/Buffalo NY Review... · 2017-01-14 · actress offered a place In her Paris tjheater entirely at the disposal of the

T H E E U E E A L O R E V I E W , T U E S D A Y M O R N I N G , - D I N E 1 1 , 1 0 0 1 .---------------------— ______ _____ :.............i , mi ' i 1 , " i .................


Bernhardt Declares American Girl is One of World's Greatest Actors.

Borneo and Juliet” Plans. .# •*

Are Advancing, But Con tracts Delay Final Details.

t© T H E KKVIEIW.)L O N D O N , J u n e lfc—J u a t h o w th e

Id ea o f M au d e A d a m e p la y in g J u lie t to B em lx a rd t’s R o m eo a r o se w a s to ld to th e J o u rn a l c o rr e sp o n d e n t to d a y b y a c lo se fr ie n d o f th e F r e n c h a c tr e s s .

L o n g b efo re sh e th o u g h t o f a p p e a r ­in g In “H a m le t” B er n h a rd t c o n c e iv e d th e th o u g h t o f p ro d u c in g “R o m eo a n dJ u lie t ,” th e ta le n te d a o tr e sa h e r se lf ta k i r; th e m a sc u lin e ro le . I t w a s to !be a Frotvok v e re le h , b u t a t th a t tim e B e r u h a r d t fa n c ie d n o o n e a s J u lie t , a n d th e p rop oea l w a s te m p o r a r ily d rop p ed .

M aude A d a m s’s sp le n d id a c t in g in “ L ’A lg lo n ” in A m er ica , a c c o u n ts o f w h ic h B er n h a rd t c a r e fu lly p eru sed , r e ­v iv e d it, h o w e v e r , a n d B e r n h a r d t b e ­lie v e d sh e h ad fo u n d a f it t in g J u lie t . Im m e d ia te ly a f t e r sh e a r r iv e d in E n g ­lan d th e F r e n c h a c tr e s s s e n t for C h a r le s Frohanan a n d co n fid ed to h im h e r id ea , w h ic h th e A m er ica n m a n a g er u n h e s ita t in g ly p ro n o u n ced a sp len d idon e .

P r a l s o F o r t h e A m e r ic a n *■ A t a d in n er g iv e n b y B er n h a rd t in

, h on or o f F r o h m a n a fe w n ig h ts a g o a t ( th e C arlton H o te l, th e s u b je c t w a s

fu lly d isc u sse d . B er n h a rd t sa id to F ro h m a n :

“M au d e A d a m s Is orie o f th e w o r ld ’s le a d in g a c tr e s se s , a n d I c a n ’t see a n y bne w h o cou ld p la y J u lie t b e tter th an h er. I w a n t to g iv e a n E n g lis h p r o ­d u c t io n .”

F r o h m a n p o in ted o u t th a t M iss - A d a m s w a s a t p r e se n t in th e S o u th o f

F r a n c e , r e s t in g a f te r h e r h e a v y w ork la A m er ica , an d th a t sh e w a s b e in g C oached in th e F r e n c h la n g u a g e . H e th o u g h t th e A m e r ica n a c tr e s s w o u ld be a b le to ta k e p a r t In a F r e n c h p r o d u c ­tio n o f “R o m eo a n d J u l ie t ,” a n d th u s a llo w M a d a m e B e r n h a r d t to sh o w her fu ll p o w e r s In th e p a r t o f R om eo , b u t

F r e n c h a c tr e s s w o u ld n o t be s h a k e n fro m h er id ea o f srlv ing an E n g lis h p ro d u ctio n w ith M au d e A d a m s a n d a n Jtthglish c o m p a n y , a n d sfhe u n ­d e r to o k to lea rn h er p a r t to h er o w n

t is fa c t la n .S h e l ia s b een p r o v id e d w ith a co p y

o f th e riiA nueerlpt p f “R o m eo a n d J u ­l i e t ” a s p ro d u ced In A m erica , T h e u n iq u e p ro d u ctio n c a n n o t be se e n b e ­fo r e tw o s e a s o n s a s b o th M m e. B e r n ­h a r d t a n d M iss A d a m s h a v e e n r a a e - ip c m s fo r th e n e x t se a so n . B er n h a rd t i3 to p la y “T h e o d o r a ” In h er o w n th e a ­tres In P a n e a n d M au d e A d a m s is u n ­d e r c o n tr a c t w ith F r o h m a n to ta k e a le a d in g ro le In N e w Y ork in a n ew P lay b y J . M. B a rr ie , a u th o r o f “T h e X fittle ‘M in is te r ,” n e x t O ctob er.

Details Dofsrvsd.rt a r r a n g e m e n ts a s to d a t e a n d d e ­

t a i l s o f th e c o m p a n y a n d o f m o u n tin g h a v e b een d eferred . I t h a s b een pro v isJ o n a lly s e t t le d , h o w e v e r , th a t th e B e r n h a r d t-A d a m s c o m b in a tio n w ill itr s t be se e n In N e w Y ork fo r a h u n ­d red n ig h ts , after* w h ic h It w ill a p p ea r in L o n d o n , sh o u ld a run be co n sid ered .

A lth o u g h th e se le a d in g a c tr e s s e s h a v e n e v e r m et M m e. B e r n h a r d t s h o w s th e d e e p e st , in te r e s t In M au d e A d a m s’ Welfare".

^ T h rou gh Mr. F ro h m a n , th e F rench ' a c t r e s s o ffered a p la c e In her P a r is tjheater e n t ir e ly a t th e d isp o sa l o f th e A m e r ica n a c tr e s s in ord er th a t sh e inflight p rod u ce “L 'A ig lo n .”

M r. F r o h m a n co n v e y ed M m e. B e r n ­h a r d t’s k in d offer to M iss A d a m s, w ho, h o w e v e r W hile p ro fu se In h er th a n k s , p o in te d o u t th a t sh e h ad b een ord ered to r e s t and told th a t If sh e d id n ’t ta k e It sh e w ou ld co lla p se .

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o oRAILROAD NEWS.

N e w Y o r k C e n t r a l JMfakes O v e r I t s T r a i n S o r v lo o . O ffto iifi A n s w e r s C M tic is t a s o f P a n - A m e r i c a n O f f ic ia ls , T h r o u g h S l e e p e r t o M o n t r e a l .



O ne o f th e b ig g e s t c h a n g e s e v e r m ad e in th e tra in s e r v ic e o f th e N e w Y ork C en tra l R a ilr o a d w ill g o in to e ffe c t S u n d a y , J u n e 16. G en era l A g e n t P a r r y h a s been a t w ork fo r weefits a r ­r a n g in g th e n e w sch ed u le , a n d it is n o w a lm o s t co m p le te . F o r th e fir st tim e in th e h is to r y o f th e road a th ro u g h , s le e p e r w ill be run fr o m B u f ­fa lo to M o n trea l, le a v in g h ere a t 6;&0 p. m. a n d a r r iv in g a t M o n trea l a t 8:10 th e fo llo w in g m o rn in g . R e tu r n in g , it w ill le a v e M on trea l a t 7:30 p. m. a n d a r r iv e a t 3:45 a. m. S o m e th in g n ew is a ls o fo u n d In th e s e r v ic e to th e 'A d i- ro n d a ck s . T h e r e w ill be a p a r lo r an d s le e p in g c a r s e r v ic e b e tw e e n th is, c i ty a n d L oon L a k e . T h e se tr a in s w ill be run tri- w e ek ly . T h e y w ill be ru n fr o m h ere M o n d a y s , W e d n e sd a y s a n d F r i ­d a y s , a n d r e tu r n in g to B u ffa lo , T u e s ­d a y s , T h u r sd a y s a n d S u n d a y s .

T h e P a n -A m e r ic a n SJxpres®, r u n n in g b e tw e e n B u ffa lo a n d N e w Y ork , w ill be ru n on a d ifferen t s c h e d u le h e r e a fte r . I t w ill le a v e a t 7:36 p. m.< in s te a d o f 8 o ’c lo ck a s h er e to fo re . B e tw e e n B u f ­fa lo an d N e w Y ork th ere w ill be a n a d ­d it io n a l tra in . I t s le a v in g tim e w ill be 8:30 p; m ., a r r iv in g a t 6:30 th e n e x t m o r n in g . F r o m N e w Y ork it w ill le a v e a t 0,80 a . m . And a r r iv e h ere a t 0:20 p. m ,. T h e c h a n g e s on th e m a in lin e h a v e n o t b een c o m p le te ly a rra n g ed , b u t th er e w ill be a b ig im p ro v e m e n t In th e fo rm o f s e v e r a l n e w tr a in s . I t is n o t th e in te n tio n , h o w ev er , o f th e c o m p a n y to c h a n g e th e r u n n in g tim e o f th e E m p ire S ta te E x p r e ss , b u t o th ­er tr a in s w ill n e c e s s a r ily be s h if te d to m a k e room fo r th e in c r ea se d ser v ic e .

On th e F a l ls lin e n ew tr a in s a r e a lso to be a d d ed to th e p r e se n t sch ed u le . T h e N e w Y ork C e n tr a l in te n d s m a k in g th e s e r v ic e b e tw e en B u ffa lo a n d th e su b u rb a n p o in ts s u c h va$ c a n n o t bb e x ­ce lled . T h e n ew tr a in s w ill m a k e f a s t t im e a n d w ill be eq u ip p ed w ith th e la t e s t im p ro v ed c a r s e r v ic e a lo n g a ll lin e s .

How Twenty ,Young Men of Jersey City Will Get to Buffalo.

Car Will be f itted Up in Com­fortable Manner and La­belled “ Hotel de Freight.”

< > 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^ ^ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ALONG Till: DOCKS.O w ner o f t ^ |e ) ^ e : R W y For

A n o th er Raoo — N orth lan d M akes T rip -T oday— $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,-QOO S h ip H o ld in g P la n t— F o re ig n B oS ts in P ort.

0 0 'C > < > < > < X ^ > ^ 0 < > < C > < X > < > < > < >

(Continued1 From Pago E leven .)

T h e D e tr o it S o u th ern d id n o t ta k e o v er th e D e tr o it & L im a N o r th ern , a s h ad b een in ten d ed . W h a t is m ore, u n ­le s s a sp e e d y u n d e r s ta n d in g a n d s e t ­t le m e n t is r ea ch ed in th e w a r b e tw e en th e L im a N o r th e r n b o n d h o ld ers , w h o a re w a g in g a f ig h t fo r th e ir m o n ey in p r e fe re n c e to s u b m it t in g to a d e lib e r ­a te fr e ez e o u t, a n d th e reo r g a n iz e rs o f th e D e tr o it & .L im a N o r th ern , th e m en w h o h a v e o r g a n iz ed th e D e tr o it S o u th ­ern , w ith S a m u e l H u n t a s p resid en t, w ill h a v e to w a it a lo n g t im e b efore th e y ca n c a rr y th e ir p la n s in to e ffec t . L ik e w ise , th e p ro fits th e y h a v e c a lc u ­la te d to rea p fro m th e ir o p era tio n , an d th e s e c u r it ie s up on w h ic h th e y e x p e c t to r ea lize la ter , w ill n o t so o n rea ch th e ir in d iv id u a l s tr o n g b o x es .

(Special to T H E R E V IE W .)J ersey , C ity , J u n e JO.

A lth ough w e h aven ’t an abundance o f dust (Jo to the 'Pan-Am orl ca n w e muwt;A rid to p r o v e to y o u t h a t t h i s i s no b lo w , W e ’U “ f r e i g h t I t ” u p to B u ffa lo ..

T h e se lin e s a re on th e w a d In th e room s o f St. B r id g e t’ L y ceu m , in M o n tg o m ery S tree t, J e r se y C ity . T w e n ­ty m em b ers w h o s ty le th e m se lv e s th e U n iq u e T o u r in g C lub In ten d to g o to th e P a n -A m e r ic a n E x p o s it io n In a fr e ig h t car, f it te d o u t In h o te l fa sh io n .

A c o m m itte e h a s b een ch a r g ed w ith th e p u rc h a se o f a c o o k sto v e , a . r e fr ig ­e ra to r in w h ic h to s to r e su p p lie s , tw e n ­ty y a r d s o f m a tt in g , on e w a a h tu b , h a lf a d ozen h a m m o ck s. S u ch e s s e n t ia ls a s b la n k e ts , th rea d , iro n s a n d iro n in g b oard s, n e e d le s a n d a b ro o m ca n be had fo r th e a s k in g a t th e h o m es o f th e In trep id to u r is ts .

O ne m em b er o f th e c lub , P h ilip D u n n e , a s ig n p a in ter , h a s a g r ee d to p a in t tw o la rg e g lg n s w ith th e n a m e “H o te l de F r e ig h t” in la r g e c h a r a c te r s . M u sic a n d e n te r ta in m e n t w ill h o t be la c k in g , fo r m a n y o f th e c lu b ’s m e m ­b ers are c le v e r e n te r ta in e r s ' a s Well a s e x p e r ts on th e m a n d o lin , b an jo , a c ­cord ion , je w sh a rp , h a rm o n ica , z ith e r a n d trom b o n e . J a m e s M eT iern a n , w ho w a s co n s id e re d on e o f th e * b e s t b a g p ip e p la y e r s In h is n a t iv e to w n in S co tla n d , h a s a g r ee d to ta k e h is p ip es w ith h im .

W i l l T a k e T h i n g s E a s y .

It is th e c lu b ’s in te n tio n to g o to B u f­fa lo “a t a n e a sy tr o t” a n d u p on a r r iv a l th ere m a k e a r r a n g e m e n ts to h a v e th ecar s id e -tr a c k e d for tw o w e e k s w h ile th ey see e v e r y th in g to be seen . I t Is

In o p en in g 1 th e N a tio n a l C o n v en tio no f th e A m e r ica n T ic k e t B r o k e r s ’ A ss o ­c ia t io n , w h ic h h a s ju s t b een h e ld a t St. L o u is , th e p r e s id en t sa id th a t “H e h ad no c o m p la in t to m a k e a g a in s t th e r a il­ro a d s so lo n g a s th ey a tte n d e d to th e ir o w n b u s in e s s a n d a llo w e d th e b rok ers to a t te n d to th e ir s .” T n e sa m e w o u ld be tru e o f a n y o th er u n la w fu l a n d Il­le g it im a te b u s in e ss . A ll th e p ro m o ters o f su c h a ffa ir s w a n t is to be “le t a lo n e .” T h e fa c t th a t th e y do n o t p ro­p o se to tr e a t th e b u s in e s s o f o th er p e o ­p le on th e s b a s i s d o e s n o t occu r to th em . T h e fo o tp a d w o u ld h a v e no c o m p la in t if th e y w o u ld o n ly le t h im a lo n e a n d a llo w h im to ca rr y 6m h is b u s in e s s u n in te r r u p te d ly . -K

N « w P l a y F o r E d n a M a y .

“T h e G irl from U p T h e r e ” Is to bo w ith d r a w n from th e D u k e o f Y ork 's th e a te r a b o u t th e m id d le o f J u ly , w h en m o s t o f th e L on d on th e a te r s c lo se for th e se a so n . C o n tin u a n ce d u r in g th e *hot w e a th e r w ou ld in v o lv e h e a v y lo ss,

P r e s id e n t lio r e e , o f th e B a lt im o r e & O hio R a ilro a d , h a s e n te r e d u p on th ea c t iv e d is c h a r g e o f h is d u tie s . H is fir st officia l a c t w a s to a n n o u n c e th e f o l ­lo w in g a p p o in tm e n ts :

G en era l m a n a g er , G eo rg e L. P o tte r ; a s s is t a n t g e n e r a l m a n a g er , A r th u r H a le ; a s s is t a n t s to th e g e n e r a l m a n a ­ger , L. C. H a a s , J. T. L ea r y a n d T. J. F o le y . A ll th e a p p o in te e s are fro m th e P e n n s y lv a n ia R a ilro a d .

a lso th e ir in te n t io n to l iv e In th e ir im« pro v ised h om e d u r in g th e ir stay, in B u ffa lo . I t w a s u n a n im o u s ly a g r ee d a t a m e e t in g h e ld la s t w e ek t h a t 'e v e r y ­b od y w o u ld w ea r sh ir t w a is ts . A s re ­g a r d s th e co o k in g , s e w in g a n d o th er m a tte r s th a t w ill h a v e to be a tte n d e d to d u r in g th e tr ip e a ch m em b er w ill ta k e h is tu rn .

F ro m up th e la k e s c o m e s th e ru m or th a t th ere a re s&v%*al b o a t lin e o w n ers w h o a r e a n x io u s -foqgiaee a n o th e r b ou t b e tw e en th e Ci t c E rie xa n d so m e o th er sp e e d y cra ft. A t first it w a s sa id th a t su ch a ra ce 'Would be o u t o f th e q u estio n , a s th e C.- & JB. lin e h ad no d esire to p u t i t s ,b o a t up fo r a n o th e r c o n te s t , b u t th ere s t i l l s e e m s to be a lu r k in g desirti on th e p a r t o f th a t c o m ­p a n y to fo r c e th e l in e ’s c la im s o f h a v ­in g fa s te r b o a ts to d e m o n str a te th e fa l la c y o f th e ir a rg u m en t. M a n a g er F ish e r w a s h ea rd to s a y la s t n ig h t th a t th e C h r isto p h er C o lu m b u s h a d n o t o f ­fered a su ffic ien t su m to m a k e i t w o rth w h ile to ru n off su c h a rfxce, b u t in th e e v e n t o f h er d o in g so tfrere arhe w ou ld be g iv e n an a n s w e r w h ich mljjfhC n e ­c e s s ita te h er g e t t in g in to a c o n te s t . H e s a y s th a t ' since- r a c e b e tw e e n th e C ity o f E r ie a n d th e T a sh m o o o f th e W h ite S ta r L in e , th e m a n a g e m e n t o f h is c o m p a n y h a s been p u t In the w a y o f s tr o n g te m p ta t io n a lo n g th e lin e o f a n o th e r race . H e s a y s , h o w ev er , it Is n o t lik e ly th a t , &py(,c o m p a n y w ill offer su ff ic ie n t in d u cem en ts , to b r in g a b o u t a n o th e r race. (

S in ce th ’e e v e n t VfcS'Closed th ere h a v e b een n u m ero u s in te r e s t in g in c id e n ts r e la ted c o n c er n in g th e Toffair. O ne o f th e e n g in e e r s o f th e T a sh m o o , w h o l iv e s In D e tro it , m o r tg a g e d h is h o u se fo r $500 in order to co v er a b e t m a d e b y arx officer o f th e C ity o f E rie . Of co u rse he lo st, a n d he is sa id to be one o f th e s o r e s t o f ,th o se w ho lo s t m o n ey on th e race . w ife a t one o f th es to c k h o ld e r s o f th e T a sh m o o h ad th e co u r a g e to in v ite . 16 of- h er n e a r e s t fr ie n d s to p a r t ic ip a te in a d in n er on th e s tr e n g th o f th e T a sh m o o w in n in g th e race . U n fo r tu n a te ly tho In v ita ­tio n s w ere s e n t o iR f b efore th e c o n te s t w a s ru n o ff a n d thfi r e su lt , is t h a t th e sn a r e o w h e r o f th e . W h ite S ta r L in e a n d h is w ife , are a m o n g ;th o s e w ho. a r e th e m o st m o rtified a s a resu lt o f th e b oat b e in g b ea ten . 1

C apt. M cL a u g h lin o f th e C ity o f E rie r e la te d a gbod s to r y w h en seen la s t n ig h t. T h e m em b ers o f th o crew had , p r e v io u s to th e race, p u rch a sed a la r g e red rooster . W h en th e C ity o f E rie a r r iv e d a t port* here th e fo llo w lu g n ig h t th e b ird w a s te th ered to th e la n d in g a fevv fe e t fro m th e g a n g ­p lan k . T h en th e crew did Its b e s t to m a k e th e ro o ster qx'ow, b u t it s e f ­fo r ts w ere in Vain. I t w a s ta k e n a b o a rd a n d w e n t ,©n th e b o a t to C le v e ­la n d th e n e x t d a y . On e n te r in g th e h arb o r m em b ers o f th e crew th o u g h t th a t h e m ig h t h a v e ch a n g ed h is m in d , a n d th ereu p o n put- h im an d eck . To th e ir su r p r ise a n d th e e d if ic a tio n o f th e m a n y h u n d red p eop le w h o w ere a lo n g th e d ock s, th e ro o ster cro w ed

C o m m ittee on fin a n ce , c o m m issa r y ,e n te r ta in m e n t a n d Itin era ry h a v e been a p p o in ted .

T h e m em b ers a re J a m e s M eT iern an , T h o m a s K erm o d e , E d w a rd P h e la n , J o h n C o y n e , E d w a r d D o n n e lly , J a m e s T u m u lly , J o h n M eT iern an , P h ilip D u n n e , W illia m B a m b rick , P a tr ic k J. S m ith , F r a n c is D o n n e lly , I>. B u rn s, F r a n k J. S m ith , S. C a ss id y , T h o m a s M u rp h y, T h o m a s D ra k e , J a m e s C opli- h an , J o h n M cM uIlin an d G eorge Me* G u in ess . M eT iern an , w h o is th e p ro ­m oter , s a y s o f th is p lan :

* an d 'Mr. B'rohm an h a s d ec id ed to b reak up th e co m p a n y . M ost o f th e m em b ers h a v e e n g a g e m e n ts In N e w Y ork In th e a u tu m n . E d n a M ay, h o w ev er , wUl r e ­m a in in L on d on , a n d th e D u k e of YorK*s ha* b een p la ced a t her d isp o sa l.

At- p la y is In1 co u rse o f p r e p a r a tio n f o r ' her, W hich w il l be prod u ced u n d er thd jm a n c# iu n c n t o f C h a r le s F r o h m a n a h d G eorge E d w a rd es, o f th e G a ie ty T h ea ter .

M iss M ay w ill h a v e a co m p a n y c o m ­p o se d p r in c ip a lly ©f E n g lis h a r t is ts , n u m b er in g tw e n ty - f iv e . T h e p iece w ill be rea d y by e a r ly a u tu m n . F r o h m a n is lo o k in g for a n o th e r th e a te r for h is s to c k c o m p a n y d u r in g M iss M a y ’s te n ­a n c y a t tha D u k e o f Y o rk ’s.


A n oted L ondon c lu b m an o n ce k id a w ager w ith a fr iend th a t th e la tter cou ld n o t se ll a $1 r a n num ber Of g o ld g u in ea s a t a p en n y a p iece. H e w on h is w ager. T h e p eop le m u s e d to b u y . T h ey th o u g h t b e w as offering too m u ch for to o little .

I t m ay be th a t th e c la im s m a d e for D r, P ierce 's F avorite P rescrip tion seem a lm ost to o great to w om en w h o in years o f su ffering h a v e found n o h e lp in d octors or m ed ic in es . But it i9 to b e rem em b ered th a t n o c la im is m ade for

F a v o r i t e Prescrip­t io n ” w h ich i s n o t su b stan tia ted by th o u ­san d s o f w om en cured b y its u se , It9 effects are tru ly w ond erfu l.I t w ip es ou t past years p f pain as a sp o n g e w ip es a slate .

F avorite P rescrip tion i s th e great m ed ic in e for w om en . It estab­lish e s regu larity , dries

e n fe e b lin g drains, h e a ls I n f la m m a t io n a n d u lceration a n d cu res fem ale w eak n ess.I t is th e best prepara­t iv e for m atern ity , m ak ­in g th e b ab y’s ad ven t p ra ctica lly p a in less.

•< When I wrote to you in March, risking advice as to what to do for m yself,” says Mrs. Rlla Reynolds, of (Jufllc, McLean Co., K y .," I was

S om e co n cern is sh o w n b y ra ilro a d m en in reg a rd to th e c la im s o f P a n - A m e r ica n d ir e c to rs th a t th e y h a v e been s lo w to red u ce r a te s in d a r ra n g e s p e ­c ia l tra in s e r v ic e to a n d fro m B u ffa lo . Mr. H a r r y P a r r y o f th e N e w Y ork C en tra l ta k e s e x c e p t io n to th ese s e n ­tim e n ts , s a y in g : “T h e r a ilr o a d s h a v e So fa r m et e v e r y d em a n d fo r p a s s e n g e r tra ffic by a d d it io n a l tr a in s . I t Is n o t our fa u lt th a t up to th is tim e th e t r a v ­e l to B u ffa lo h a s b een lig h t . I t is a w ell k n o w n fa o t th a t th e m o n th o f M ay se ld o m s e e s m u ch traffic in th o p a s ­s e n g e r b u s in e ss . E v e n J u n e fin d s it lig h t, a n d th e r e is se ld o m m u ch d o in g u n til th e c lo so o f th e sch o o l y e a r a t le a st .

“ R e la t iv e to o u r r a te s w h ic h th e y co m p la in of, I w ish to s a y ' th a t tho r a ilr o a d s h a v e n e v e r b e fo re mad© su c h r ea so n a b le r a te s for a n y e x p o s it io n a s th e y h a v e for tho P a n -A m e r ic a n . 'Th© roa d s h a v e n e a r ly a ll m a d e a . r a te o f w h a t is p r a c t ic a lly on© f a r e , f o r th e rou n d trip . On th o N e w Y ork C en tra l w o h a v e a t th e p r e se n t tim e a r a te o f on e fa r e a n d 18 c e n ts fo r th e rou n d tr ip b e tw e e n B u ffa lo a n d R o c h e ste r . T h is Is in e ffe c t d a ily a n d is b a se d on th e 2 -oen t a m ile ra te . D u r in g th e W o rld 's F a ir a t C h ic a g o in 1803 th e rato ch a rg ed w a s one fa re a n d a th ird by a ll r o a d s .”

P h il A. A u er, tr a v e lin g p a s se n g e ra g e n t o f the R o ck Isla n d , w a s in to w n y e s te r d a y a fter n o o n . H is h ea d q u a r ter* a re a t N e w Y ork .

I. M. F lo esco , c h ie f e n g in e e r o f th e B u ffa lo , R o c h e s te r & P it t s b u r g R a i l ­road , w ith h e a d q u a r te r s a t R o c h e s te r , w a s in B u ffa lo y e s te r d a y lo o k in g over th e w ork o f Im p ro v em en t w h ic h Is b e ­in g ca rr ied on by h is c o m p a n y a t S o u th B u ffa lo .

V I P E R I S A F A S T B O A T .

(Special Cable to TU G R E V IE W .)'IX)NOGIN', Juno 10. —T he torpedo boat

destroyer Viper, w hich is fitted) w ith P arson s turbine engines, h as ju st co m ­pleted a ser ie s o f te s ts w hich lasted three w eeks. T ho m axim um speed atta ined w as 31 1-2 knots, w ith all her s to r es aboard an d (town to her norm al sea -go in g draught. Tho ex perl n ent w as m ade of employing! tho stoicors in tw o w atches, but it w as found necessary to em ploy them all togeth er In order to ensure the h igh est speed. The tem poraturo of tho en gin e room w as h igh est when tho boat w as proceeding a t low speed and low est whon running at her h igh est rato of speed. T h is w as owing: to her fan v en tila ­tion. Continuous, fine w eather prevented a test o f her sea keeping qualities. 'Throughout all her runs there was a com plete ab sen ce o f \ ibration.

K x p e s s M H a s t B s S m a l l .“I t ca n be r e a d ily se e n th a t voum r

m en w h o h a v e to w o rk fo r th e ir liv in g c a n n o t w e ll a ffo rd to p a y th e faresr d e ­m a n d ed b y th e r a ilr o a d s to p o in ts h u n ­d red s o f m ile s fro m th is c ity , B u t a t th e sa m e tim e th e y a r e n o n e th e leas a n x io u s to se e th in g s g o in g on. N o w it is u n d e rs to o d b y ev ery tm e th a t th ere a re th o u sa n d s o f y o u n g m en w h o are a n x io u s to se e th e e x h ib it io n a t B u ffa lo , b u t w h o la ck fu n d s . I t V b u ld c o s t a t th e v e r y lo w e s t $18 to g o u p to B u ffa lo an d retu rn . A p erso n m u st e a t a n d m e a ls w o u ld ta k e a n o th e r s lic e off th e pile, a n d e v en a t th a t th ere w o u ld be lo s s o f s le e p to be ta k e n in t o c o n s id e r a ­tio n a n d th o fa c t th a t u n le s s h* h a s m o n ey to p a y fo r a roorn he m u st r e ­tu rn th e sa m e d a y he g e t s th ere .

“P e o p le m a y la u g h a t th e ' id e a o f tr a v e lin g In a fr e ig h t ear,' b u t in a il s e r io u s n e s s I b e lie v e b y a l i t t le fit t in g up a fr e ig h t c a r c a n be m a d e ah com- fo r ta b lo a s a n y p a r lo r c a h W e w ill n o t c a r r y h a m m o c k s fo r e v e r y In d i­v id u a l. S o m a n y m u st ta k e tu rn s a t s le e p in g u n til w e a r r iv e a t B u ffa lo , I b e lie v e th a t w ith a b o u t .tw e n ty -f iv e y o u n g m en , a n d a fe w n e c e s sa r ie s , a s g o o d e n jo y m e n t ca n be fyound ‘f r e ig h t ­in g i t ’ a s a n y o th er way.* 'And it w ill n o t p u t a n y o n e o f th e tw e n ty - f iv e to a n y g r e a t e x p e n s e .”

lu s t ily . I t w ill bh b&pt b y th e crew a sa rem em b ra n ce o f th e g r e a t race.

:i.i—LT h e s te a m e r N o fth k w d iO f th o N o r th ­

ern S te a m sh ip p p m p a n y h a s b een c h a r te re d fo r a t r ip .o n L a k e E r ie . I t Will le a v e th is m o rn in g w ith a p a r ty o f P e n n s y lv a n ia ; m en an ds a il up th e la k e , r e tu r n in g th is a f t e r ­noon . nil

T w o fo r e ig n b o a t s a r r i v e d in B u f ­fa lo h a rb o r y e s te r d a y a fter n o o n . T h ey 'were th e s te a m e r Thjaam o o f N e w C as- tfcy E n g la n d , w ith to n s o f iron* H er h a il in g p o rt g iv e n a s M ich - ip ic o te n R iv er , an d ( th e s te a m e r J o h n R. N o y e s f r o ^ p t t r ^ B bund. J


S U N D A Y SC H O O L C O N V E N T IO N .T h o f o r t y - s i x t h a n n u a l c o n v e n t io n o f

the N ew York Wtato Sunday 3 c1k>oI A s­so c ia tio n It to -bo hold in B ingh am ton ,J u n o 11, 12 a n d 1*1, 1001. B e s id e s w efi-k n a iw n P r o p I ^ 'ta 'g o , c « n « n l (t S u p e r io r ,vpe-alcors from bha E m pire titate, tho eon- veivtion i« to bo fkvored 'yrtth, addrc<o<iosfrom* M arion LeGwrenoo, th e Interna­tional iponvral seyfiitiWT, *tml otve. o f tho forem ost GuikU * flvhool m en ,ln Am erica. Charley Rlioiufttws, pfrovet&iy of tho Penn.- .vylvanta Jhn>dAy JstehiatoA AasrtMation, Will a ico bo prwwxvt. Tike- uousio It# tt> bo con­ducted by W. A. Southertan o f Brooklyn. All railroad,* m aka a ra to o f on* and ono- thir'd faro for tho roand trip. E n terta in ­m ent m ay bo *©oui*ed at It per day in OhtrUtffm hom es, otr iw ,h otel# a t |1.50 and $2 par day. Yh© “I^o^carwarma l im ite d ,” tho m agnffiowvl fivesr o n th e D elaw are, L ack aw an n a A W a sters R. R ., off June l l vrllt c x w y a ejxW ai oar fo r dklegaiffw in w hich » “eoavN itltm o«» ■vrhoelo” is to bo held on rent®. D elegate* aro requested tot m ake ypec*Hfil to r©aoh this trainso that th ey nkay travel w ith th e prurty ifrom W estern N ew York. Daoh Sunday school should a delegate.

For fu rther inform a t’ion ad'ditos&a A, H. Crostf, general sedretary E ighth District, Room 8, Y. M. C. A. B ld g ., Buffalo, N. Y.

A com p au ji yvith ai d a p ita l o £ a t le a s t $3*000,000 is' b e in g o r g a n iz ed a t P h i la ­d e lp h ia to bu ild a sh lp -b u lid ln g p la n ton th e D e la w a r e R fter ." ’ T h e p ro m o ters s a y $2,600,000 h a s b een su b scr ib ed , an d th e y h a v e o p tio n s on a p lo t 'o f g ro u n d tit Ph^sltcr >>• i ’

One^bf th e le a d in g fa c to r s In th e n ew concern, is S ta te S e n a to r W . C. Sp rou l, o f D e la w a r e C o u n ty , a s o n -ln la w o f th e la te J o h n R o a ch . In te r e s te d 'in th e c o m p a n y is o n e o f th e o ffic ia ls o f th e B a th Iro n W o rk s, a t B a th , M e. H is n a m e is w ith h e ld a t th is tim e.

The, la n d c o n s is t s or from 55 to 60 a c re s on th e r iv e r fr o n t in th e h e a r t o f C h ester . I t h a s a w a te r fr o n t o f a b o u t 2,400 fe e t , a n d is c lea r o f o b s tr u c tio n s .

.Fbllc)wing are the arrivals and c lear­an ces o f th is port for tho past 24 hours:

A rriva ls—Prop Topeka* w heat, M ilwaukee. fffc.Indl&na, m dse., Superior.

M iam i, light, N ew York.►St<r John D uncan, corn, Chicago.$ tr P en n sy lv a n ia , pass., m dse., Erie.Otr C ity a t Erie, C leveland,tjtr W. IT. W olf, <xnn, M ilwaukee.■J -r iS<crftnton, f io u r , S u p e r io r .8>L‘r M adagascar, corn, W ashington, frl-r S liaughranit, ligh t, B ay City.■&tr R. IP. b’.Lwor, corn, Chicago.S t r H a n n o n , . G la d s to n e ,v^tr I r a I I . O w e n , ry e , M ilw a u k e e ,S ir Iroquois, iron ore, E sc a nub a*, Clearance?*—


D r o v e B a c k F lr o m c n F r o m B ias© A t L e h ig h V a l le y S h o p s .( S p e c ia l to T H E R E V I E W .)

W IJJK L T S B A R iltU , P a ., J u n e 10.—N o n ­u n io n w o r k m e n a u d p r iv a t e d e te c t i v e s a t th o L e h ig h V a lle y s h o p s d v o v e b a c k th o

expecting to become a mother in June, and was sicic all o f the time. Had been sick for severalm onths. Could not get anything to stay in my stomach, not. even water. Had mishaps twice in six months, and threatening all the time with this one. Had female weakness for several years. My hij>3 , hack aud lower bOwels hurt m e all the time. Had num bness from my hips down. Had several hard cramping fipells. and w as not able to do any work at nil. I receivedyour answer in a few duys, telling me to take Ur. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. I took threebottles, and before I had taken it a week I was better,and before I bad takeh it a mouth I was able to help do iny work. On the 27th of May m y baby wag born, and I was only sick three hours, and hud an easy time*

YVc praise Ur. Pierce’* medicine for it has anted itit."

P O S T M A S T E R S A P P O I N T E D .W A S H IN G T O N , June* 10. -T h e fo llo w ­

in g P o s tm a s te r s h a v e been a p p o in ted by th e P r es id en t:

N E W J E U tlE Y —sW.orrist.own, G eorge L. C lark: W ood b rid go , Jo h n T h o m p so n .

N E W V O U K S ch o h a r ie , D a w so n Y, W rig h t.

TIIU O C G H CA It TO PEO R IA been nut on by tho Lakes Shovo &tl is

M ichigan Southern R a ilw a y on trsun. leav in g Buffalo at 13 o'clock m idnight, running si 1 C leveland and Indianapolis. City T icket Office :?!>? Main Street..

c ity firem en w ith revo lvers during a tiro this a ft or noon. O ne of tho building's way ignited by vparkn from an engine and) an alarm, w as sen t in. Tho c ity lire depart­ment roqMmded, but w hen tho firemen reached, the sewno th ey w ore m et by tho w orkm en and detectlvcw. An WYort to ( l i ­ter brought a voJloy from tho revolvers. It w ay fired in th e a ir und no one way In­jured.

C hief K line ordered th e firem en to turn tho w a tir on th e men on tho l'eireo, 'Phis caused them to flee. Other workm en fought th e tiro a mil the firem en played, stream s on it from a hill near by. The sh ootin g c a u sa l muehi excitem en t.

Otic Iroquois, ft&fit, Chicago i&w Indiana* &u.pciior.Sffir John D uncan, opal, jMllwawkoe,4Str ft. iF. FtorWJg, calf, CUioa^ro. i&tr W . • II. OwcnV M&ht, CIiica«'o.£ftr .City o f Erie, pass,,, CRrv<t»n<Y

(I’eiu)*yivanliL, mifso,, I9rta,Tho fo llow in g eonA/l boots cleeurevd lVont

‘tills ftart during tho past 21 hours;Capt. If?, TtKiiMg fiftht, Utica.Utr K loyd ftw a , <xat.s, Utica. dYipxdia, vrhetvt, A lbany.Jsaihw&s, w heat, A lbany.

building, 25x80x8 fee t high, to ex h ib it w ar pictures, No. 632 M ain street.

Georgo Boltz and on©—T o ra lso fram o shed, 14x16x14 feet high, s ix feet., for coal and wood, reair of lot, No. 330 Mon roe street.

S u sie M. Cam pbell—To ralso fram e dw ellin g four fe e t arul s ix foeit in length , to be 20x36x18 fe e t high, fron t o f lot, a lso ta k e roar p a rt of house, 16xf?6, for ba.rn and m ove to rear, to bo 26x29x14 fe e t high, No. 51 Boyd OtrOet,

John M-. D onovan—To erect fram edw elling, 20x32x18 fee t high, for room ing house, In roar off No. 51 Henst U tica sltreot.

F . G. E berts—To erect fram e kitchen, fffxtJOx!) foot high, on rear o f dw elling, No. 167 Elm street.

A. 16. G'Pttntier—To erect fram e addition, 5x19x10 fee t high , for, dw ellin g , fro n t o f lot, No. EDI Jeff arson street.

John G lass—T o erect fram o woodshed1, HxttbdliO feet high, No. 511 B roadw ay.

O. Hold nvaarv—To erect fram e w agon shod, 31x04x113 fee t high, rear of lot., N o. 678 OdVoseo street.

liouiis* H ouse!'—To erect fram e addition, Uxflxda feet high, o n klt-chen, front o f lot, No. 304 D odge *S)$reet. • \

L ouisa M . H atst—T o ereat fra.me bu ild ­ing, 10x24x8 feet high., for confectionary s'tore, No. 1C98 Blmlwocki avenue.

M artin J^vkowski—T o or cot fram o ad­dition* 22ie3axr2 fee t high, front o f lot, No, 46 Sobjeski street,

F. K lrsch and one^-To erect fram e re- freishemn't and check .stand, I&x2&x8 fee t high, front o f lot, north east corner of E lm w ood a v en u e bridge.

M. L ap czcn sk i and one—To erect, fram e stofie (tem porary during the Pan-,A m eri­can), .18x70x11 feet high, fron t o f lot, n#Pth sid e o f A m h erst stree t, 445.39 fee t w est ■of E l mi w ood avenue.

H en ry W . L atin—'To arkst fram e ad­dition, 17x17x13 feet h igh , foir k itchen , front of 'lot; No. 356 H um boldt P ark w ay .

C harles L am y—1To erect fram e addition, 16x34x15 R e t high, feir sto r in g w agons, front of lot, No. 354 Ivoulsiana street.

John L ong--T o erect fram e addition', 20x 28x10 feet high, for dw elling, front o f lot, No. 49 Camp street.

K atie Lahneir—T o erect fram e shed, 23x 9x9 fee t h igh , rear o f lot, No. 295 H ow ard street.

J, M eakins—To erect fram e dw elling, 20 x28xilv2 fee t high, rear o f lot, No. 907 Iv>ve jo y street.

M. 'MiacUwirth—T o erect fram e dw elling, 27x^7x22 fee t h igh , .front o f lot, north side of I>ancaster avenue, 150 fee t w est of P acific avenue.

M ixer & Co.—To erect fram e lum ber shed, 50x140x20 fe e t high, in the lum ber yaird, No. 287 E lk Street.

Jeh u Nielson.-—To erec t fram e photo ga l­lery, 10x20x8 fe-ot high, front of tot, north sid e o f A m h erst stret, about ^86 fe e t e a st o f street ra ilw ay com p an y's lot.

E lia M. N ich elson —T o erect five fram e dw ellin gs, thueo d w ellin gs 22x88x16 fee t high; one d w ellin g 26x34x18 fee t h<tgh, and one d w ellin g 16x34x16 fe e t h igh; aleo brick barn 28x60x20 fe e t high, front o f lot®, w eet sid e o f G reenwood P lace, MX) fee t south of P otom ac avenue.

N. Y. O. <fe H . R. R. R. Co.—To erect fram e p a in t shop, 01x365x30 fe e t h igh , E a st Ifcuffalo car shop yard, northweM corner W illiam stree t and Erio R ailroad, about 215 fe e t book from W illiam street.

T. Stow art—To raise roof a n d repair fram e dw elling, 09x46x12 feet high , to be 20- x # x l8 foot htgh, fro n t o f lot. N(>. 1177 Seneca street,

'Michael W erner—T o erect fram e addi­tion, USxJOxM high, to barn; forw agon room, rear of lot, No. 62)8 Dodge street.

Nelli© Zipprich—To erect fram e d w ell­ing, 20x36x12 fee t .High; ejast side o f L ennox avenue, 233 foot soffth M ineral Spring itoad. '• . . . X

’Aid. Darmsbaditer m oved th e adoption

P L A G U E S A T C A P E T O W N .

(Fronm th o Phm Corretopondcint.)CSpecial Cable to T H E R E V IE W .)

GAPE TO W N, Juno lO .-T he total num ­ber orf phLgu© to date is 759. F ifty -eight European**, (a co ion lste and 2b7 ool- otckI pwHOM have died fibm tho efi^oasa.

'Oku. Blood'e operations in th o E astern Tranwya^I h are been em inently sncoossfu l in kcoplnjj Gcoy. Bodva’s force in a com ­p aratively amafi nwoa Th© bulk of IJtotha'a commarai, withi whom, ho is present, is stilt .south o f th e DeJ.tgoa B ay railw ay. 'HiOre are n ow on ly OOO Boors north of the Unci. Gen. B lood ha a denffdod the country of supplioo.

CITY C L E R K ’S O FFICE,Room No. 4, C ity and'C ounty H all,

Bqffhio Juno S, 1901.NOTICE m OF IN T E N T IO N —N otico la

hereby g iven that a t a regular session of tho Board of A lderm en of tho C ity of Buffalo, held. M onday, Julio 3, 1901, reso lu ­tions, of w hich tho fo llow ing aro correct copies; w ere du ly adopted and1 th at said re,solutions w ero duly approved by the Board of Councllm etj a t a session thore-





tor, he ld J u n o 5, 1901, viz.

H E T IP P E D O F F C A N D ID A T E S .(Special to T H E RUVTEIW.)

C O L U M B U S , (>.. Ju n o 10.—C lay M . R u n y a n , in tho S u p rem o C ourt, t<xiay p lea d ed g u ilty to th e ch a r g e o f o ffer ­in g for sa le q u estk m s p rep ared for c a n ­d id a te s for th o B ta to bar. H e w a s s e n ­ten ced to 10 d a y s in ja il an d fined $250.

G R A N D ST. hAWIIKiXCK T R IP S To 'niouHand1 Islands, M ontreal, Quebec.

Ur. Pi«rce,» Pellets cure biliousness.

S agu en ay River, W hile M ountains and rfoa, C oast, f Ieadquurt»t s at Grund Trunk and 'Richelieu O ntario N av. Co.’s o f­fice. 28b Main Street.

F A IR TORONTV)Q uick ly and- p leasantly n ached by Grand Trunk Ry. System , threo hour sw^rvice, seven, tra in s daily, via /N iagara Falla, from d<Kiot W ash in gton and Scott streets . City Office, 2*16 Main 'Street.

MORIN I NC, NOON A'ND NK H ITT rains leav'o fen* U a tn lllo n and ff’oront.o via 'M ichigan Central. F ive traffic, a day, m aking the run in three hours. C ity T ick et office, 209 M ain SL

R esolved, T hat the Common Council of the City of B uffalo Intends to order tho rear yard and drivew ay to bo paved with brick at Police S tation No. 5, located on tho con-nor of Del avail avopue and Green- w\>od' place, and tKe Board of Public W orks is hereby directed to prepare plans und specifications, and to ad vertise for sealed proposals for doing said work; and tho City Clerk is hereby directed to cause this notico of such Intention to bo pub­lished.

R esolved, T h at tho Common Council of tlic City of Buffalo Intends to cau se a new 17-room school building, to bo erected in D istrict No. 62, located on the northw est corner of Bird avenue 'and B a r r y place, and tho Board o f Public W orks is hen by directed to prepare* plans and sp ecifica­tions and to advertise for sealed p r o ­posals for doing the said work; am i the City Clerk is hereby directed to eauso this notice o f such Intention to be duly published.

CIJAS. F. SU S D O llF ,

S-6t - 011)1 C lw kl

of tho report.A W ; F r a n k l i n m o v e d t h a t t h o r e p o r t

g t(u n itin g Rei’m i^siO in to t h o B r o a d w a y D r a w in g & M a l t in g C o . to e r e c t fram<e s t o r e s w i th m e t a l c o w e r in g 51 f t . 8 in .x 4 7 x l2 fo o t h ig h So E . c o r . o f S c o t t a n d . W a s h ­in g to n s t r e e t s b e m a d e a p a r t o f t h o r e ­p o r t .

Carried.T h e Broadw ay Dr’Ctving & M olting Co.—

To erect fram o fvtoips, w ith m eta l cover­ing,, 51 ft. 8 in ;x47ixji£ feet high, south east corner o f S cott and 'W ashington streets.

A id. Firauklin m oved tho adoption of thoreport,

I/O st.A y es—Aid. Avefy*, Barth, Busch, Butler,

Collins', CwikMnsfkl, D ix, Gorman, ila e se , llo-mileif,,' H olm es, H uster, Kenniody, Klo- .sJlnger, JCnickenberg, L andshefb c'hos's, M anning-, 'MPEachrcn, Roodel, Soli ne-11 bac h, Sul 1 *va n—22.

INoes—AfJd'. Darm s'tadter, Franklin , Scl live id or—3.

A:M. Franklin m oved th a t the la st rot© tak en bo rooefnsidered.

Carr fed. .Aid, F ran k lin m oved that tho w hole re­

port bo laid on the table.Carried.

■ Aid. M cE aehren from tho Commute© on Claim s, ifieported In fa v o r of aJJoWlng tho Up Mow ing accou n ts and drawing's w ar ran In therefor:Tho’ Beil Tctlpphon© Co. o f B u f­

falo, C ivil Se*rvico C om m issionL ouis Broohtel, C ity C lerk’s __L ouisa M rechtel, I>e*>artmient o f

R u b lio W orks ................................Jam es W. CRvatiruan, G. A. R.

R e lie f Fund ...................................F ow ler Mnn.t1. Co., C ivil Servico

Commls«4on ................................... ..W. E. Gaffneiy, C om ptroller’s . .E. iM1. H ager A Sons, B uroau n f

S treets, 2 vcmchors ..................In ter national T oilet Supply Co.,

H ealth , -I vouolters ....................A ddison Johnson, a g en t and

Warden, B ureau o f S tr e e ts . . .„K eller Bros., election e x p e n s e ..L ouis M arburg, B u reau of E n g i­

neering, 7 vou ch ors.....................N lederpruem & Co., Civil Ser­

vice C om m ission ........................M ary O lskey, C om ptroller’s —Th© l im e s . D epartm ent o f P u b­

lic W orks, 10 vouchers .........O tto U lrich, L aw D ep a rtm en t.,Otto Ul'biieh, Civil Service Coin

m ission, 3 vou ch ers ..................E rn est We-nde, H ea lth ..............W eed & Oo1., M arket.....................W eed & Co., Bureau of S treets.Tho W en bo m e-S tu n n er ('’o.,

JSlvll Service Commission., 5vou ch ers ..........................................

G eorge F. Layer, C om ptroller’s B uffalo R eview Co, C om ptrol­ler’s ........................................................

Adopted.A lderm an M anning, from the Com milt tee

on 'Paxes am j A.ssosisments, reports in favor o f and the adoption of the fo llow ing resolutions:

T h at the prayeu* of tho petition of Jo­seph J. Sehreibcr, a sk in g to com prom ise taxes for $200.00 on prem ises .'10x113 Mills, E., 315 N. B roadw ay, be a.memlod to read: ’Hiat upon tho paym ent of $225.00, on oir before. Ju ly :t0th, 1901, the G om ptm ller be ar.id Is hereby authorized to cancel and discharge of record tax ca lcs of 1890, 1898 ar.A 1900, Non. 20075, M S and 27589, also ib.at a w arrant for $75.69 be drawn on the erroneous tax fund in favor of the Comp­troller to cancel balanco of tax,

A y es—Ald. A very, B arth , B usch, B utler, C ollins, CwikHnskl. D arm stadtcr,

m .So


37.00 67.56








Franklin , Gorm an, H aeso , H andler, H olm es, Ilustejf, ]£ennedy, K issinger, Knickenbeirg,''ijapdift'hfeft, 'MaiSchoss, Maft nlng, M cEacffren, R oedel, , Schneider, Sehm dlbach, S u llivan —25.,, N o f - N one.

q'hat upon Jolm F etzcr p ay in g on or beforfe Ju ly .31, i901, th« sum of $300,00,‘the C om ptroller be and is hereby authorized to cHince-1 aiwl ddfKHharge of record tax - sa le corM lieates for thio sa les of 1896 to 1900, Inoluslve, on prem ises 57 l ‘-2x229 C«n tra l avenue, W., 675 S. L ovejoy, a lso that a w arrant for $149.42 be draw n on the E rroneous T a x Fund; in favor of the Com ptroller, to cancel .b a lan ce o f tax.

Adopted.A y es—Ald. A very, B arth , B usch , B utler,

C ollins, C w iklinsk i, D arm stadter, D ix, F rank lin , G orm an, H a ese , H endler, H olm es, H u ster, K ennedy, K issin ger, K n4c ken berg, L an d sh eft, CMIaiscivoss, 'Man­ning, M oEachren, R oedel,. Schneider, Schncllbach, S u llivan —25.

N oes—None.T h at t4te prayer o f th e petition, o f E , H.

W hitney, asking: to com prom ise ta x es on prem ises 26x107 W, L ., 61 E. L„ L eroy, S., 270 'E. Griddr, for $50.00, bei am ended ho read: T h a t upon th e p a y m en t o f $125,00, th e C om ptroller be and is hereby au th or­ized to ca n o d ’ arid d isch arge o f record a ll tax sa le oortisllcatea on1 sa id prem ises, also th at a w arrant for $162.64 bo dra/Wn on th e Erroneous T ax Fund In fa v o r of tHJb Com ptroller to cancel ba lan ce o f tax .

Acibp^ed. -A y es—Ald. A very, B arth, B usch , Butler,

Collins, C w iklinsk i, D arm stadter, D ix , F ranklin , G orm an, H aese , H endler, H olm es, H u ster, K ennedy, K issin ger, K nlokonberg, Lands>heft, 'M alschoss, ‘M an­ning, M cEachrert, * R oedel, Schneider, Schnellbach , S u llivan —25.

N o es—N one.T h a t tho prayer o f tho petition o f H . H.

Voight, asking) to com prom iso taxeis on prem ises, 100x9 1-2 W ilson, E ., 4 » 3 N . B roadw ay, for $S5.00, be amended! to read: T h a t upon the paym ent o f $75.00 the C om ptroller be and. is hereby au th orized to cancel and d ischarge of record c ity tatx of 1896, s a le of and th at a w arrant for $188.36 be drawn on tho E rroneous T ax Fund*in favor o f th e C om ptroller to ca n ­ce l b a lan ce o f ta x .

A dopted.A y e s—Ald. A very, B arth , B usch , Butlor.

C ollins, C w iklinsk ip D arm stad ter , D ix , F ranklin , G orm an, H a ese , H endler, H olm es, H u ster, K ennedy, K issinger*K nlckonberg, Lands'heft, M aischose, M an­ning, M eEachren, R oedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, S u llivan —25.

N oes—N one.T h at a w arran t for $102.64 be draw n on

th o E rroneous T ax Funds in favor o f th e Com ptroller, to can cel ta x -sa le certificate No, 22393, s a le o f 1068, and No. 31233 V2, sal© of 1892, on prem ises 35x330 'Michigan, E,, 435 S. Ferry, and €©■ JOOxdOO M ichigan, B., N . oor.. 'W bodiawn, a s sa id p rem ises aro now a 'p art o f W Oodlawn avenue. T his report m ade on recom m endation o f Cor­poration, Counsel.

lAjdk>ptod*A y es—Ald. A very, B arth, Bu«Ch, B utler,

C ollins, C w iklinski, D arm stadter, D ix, F rank lin , Gorman, H a ese , H endler,H olm es, H uster, K ennedy, K issinger, K nlokonberg, L andsheft, iM)ai«choss, Man­n ing, M eEachren, R oedel, Schneider, Schn ellbach , S u llivan —26.

N oes—N one.T h a t upon Sam uel JB. S im kins paying

on or befloro Ju ly 36, 190tt, th e faco o f sa les and a ll exp en ses adlfled thoreto, t'ho C om p­troller be and in hereby authorized to cancel and dlsohuange o f record tax-aa le certificate® 9*m , 36160, 3616$, 33801, 83892 and 36605, sa le s o f 1868 and 3089, on prem ises 825x140 Oarl, W . 9W N , Ferry; 36X140 Carl, W. 810 N. Ferry-; 100x140 Carl, W . 9S9 N. Ferry,

A dopted. . i!A y es—Ald. A vory, B arth , B usch , B utler,

C ollins, C w iklinski, D arm stadter, D ix , F rank lin , G orm an, H aese , H endler, H olm es, H u ster, K ennedy, K issinger, K nlokonberg, L andsheft, M aiochOss, 'Man­n ing, . M eE achren, R oedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, S u llivan —25.

N oes—Nono.*A dopted.T h a t upon E lizab eth B. E agan paying

on or before J u ly 31, 1901, th e face o f swiIcb and all ejppenses added th ereto , the C om ptroller be aivj is hereby authorized to ca n ce l and d ischarge i>t record ta x - sal© certifica tes for tlvo y ea rs o f 1897, 1898 a nidi 1000, N os. £0772, 62774, 64178, 61100, 66730, 67976, 67W72, 7'07V>2, on prem ises N iagara, Tonawandai and C row ley streets .

Adopted.A y es—Ald. A very, B arth , B usch , B utler;

Collins, C w iklinsk i, D arm stadter, D ix, F rank lin , G orm an, H aese , H endler, H olm es, H uster, Kennecly, K issinger, Kivlckonberg, Ijandsheft, 'M aiechoss, Man­ning, M eE achren, R oedel, Schneider, Schnellbach , S u llivan —25.

N oes- N one.T hat upon W. E. H azard, attorney, p ay­

ing on or befk>ro J'oly 31, 1961, tho fa ce o f sale© and intore»t -at 6 per cent., and all expoifsos added thereto , the Com ptroller bo and is hereby authorized to panoel and discharge of record tax-sato certlflaato<8 26322, 2FJ34, and 27841, sa les o f 1895to 1808 li»cluslve, on. prem ises 30x104 StaniS'- laus N. 35 1-2-' W. Sw eet. *

Adopted.A y e s- Aid. A very, B arth , B usch , B utler,

Collins, C w iklinsk i, D arm stadter, D ix, Franklin , Gorm an, H aese , H endler, H olm es, HuSter, K ennedy, K issinger, K nickonbofg, L an d sh eft, M'aischoss, M an­ning, M eEachren, . R oedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, S u llivan —25.

N oes—None.T h at upon H enry K oons p a y in g on or

before July 31, 1961, the fa co o f sa les and in terest at 6 per cent., and a ll e x ­penses adxLc-d thereto, t’ho C om ptroller be and is hereby authorized to cancel and dlschargo of record tax-ea.l© certificates 20598, 309S4, and 2Tt554 saitos o f 1898-1899 and 1900, on prem ises 39x107 L iddell W. 640 N. B roadw ay.

Adopted.A yes—Ald. A very, B arth , B usch , B utler,

Collins, C w iklinski, D arm stad ter , D ix , F ranklin , G orm an, Hae.se, H endler, H olm es, H u ster, K en n ed y , K issinger, K oickeuberg, Landwheft, M ahichoss, M an­ning, McWaolvrCn, R oedel, Schneider, Schnellbach, S u lliv a n —25.

N o e s -N one.T hat upo-n A rthur N ich o ls p ayin g on or

before July 31, 1961, tho fa ce of sa les and in terest at 6 per ^pivt., and all expenses added* thereto, tho Com ptroller be and is hereby authorized to cancel and d is­charge o f record tax-.sale certificates 39177 and 38C21, sa les of 1899 and 19C0, on prem ises 36x120 in ter P arks S. 150 E. H um ­boldt.

Adopted.A y e s—Ald. A very , B arth , B usch, Butler,

C ollins, C w iklinsk i, D arm stadter, Dix, F rank lin , Gorman, H aese, H endler, H olm es, H u ster, K ennedy, K issinger, K uickenborg, L andsheft, M aischoss, M an­ning, M eE achren, R oedel, Schneider, Schn ellbach , S u llivan —25.

N oes- None.T h a t upon B. D. Coiieland paying on or

before Ju ly 31, 1901, the face o f sales, the Com ptroller bo and 1a authorized to can ­cel und d ischarge of record tn.x-sa.lo cer­tificates' 27522, 28960, 29180, 30348, 31093, 32369, 32861, 33457, 33980, 3-1279, and 34729, on prem ­ises 20x100 Purdy \V. 175 S. Ferry.

Adopted.Ayes- Aid. A very, Barth, B usch, B utler,

C ollins, C w iklinski, D arm stadter, Dix, F rank lin , G orm an, H aese , IJemller, H olm es, H uster, K ennedy, K issin ger, K nlckenborg, Ja n d sh eft, M aischoss, M an­ning, M eE achren, R oedel, Schneider, Sehncllbf.ch, S u llivan —25.

Noes- None.Aid. l : nncllbach, from th Fourt

J u ly Cbmmlttofe, presented tho following

i Y ou r‘F ourth Of Ju ly Com'mlltkto jTspebW fu lly that it has had unddr cOrvslderatlon, the m atter o f properly cele* side'ratlon the obs&rvanoe o f Indei>endcnC€ Day, and recomimends' that tho sam e b« celebrated in a “good bld-ifHshlonod w a y ,” and th at tho C ity Clerk bo and he in hereby directed t o request the variou s civ ic and m ilitary organizations to partici­pate In a parade, to tak e p lace In th« m orning, and to aid in every possib le way, to m ake the celebration a su ccess.

Adopted.Tho C hairm an o f th e fo llow in g com*

m ittees announced m eetin gs to be held a« fo llow s:

F IN A N C E , T hursday, 7:30 P. M. ,O R D IN A N C E S, T hursday, 7:30 P. M. J SCHOOLS, T hursday, 7:30 P. M. ST R E E T S, T hursday, 7:30 P. M. , S E W E R S , T hursday, 7:30 P. M.F IR E , T hursday. 7:30 P. M,W A T E R , T hursday, 7.30 P . M.CLAIM S, T h u r s d a y ,7:30 P. M.POOR D E P A R T M E N T , T hursday, 7

P. M. 'LA M PS, T hursday, 7:36,P. M.TAXES A N D A SSE SSM E N T S, frrida*

2:80 P . M.S A N IT A R Y M E A SU R E S, T hursday, 2:3(


iiay, 7 :30, P . M.FO U R T H O F JU LY , T hursday, 7:80

M.On m otion o f A lderm an B u tler a t 3:51

o’clock p. m., th e Board * adjourned.C H A R L E S F . SU SD O R F,

C ity Clerk...... ■■■ ........ . '■ " . ..................


The Park Commissioners.Room 5, City and County Hall* 1

Buffalo, Jun e 10, 1901.S E A L E D PR O PO SA LS are invited fo i

fu rn ish ing vartbuo kinds of food to tho Zoological Garden, D elaw are Park, fo« th e fiscal year beginn ing Jfily 1, 1901, and Ending Ju ly 1, 1902, in accordance w ith specification s oni file in the office o f tho P ark Co>m m ission era, No. 5 City and C ounty H all.

'Bids w ill be received* a t said office o« or before 12 m., M onday, June 24, lWL T he right to reject any or a ll bids is re* served.

•GEO. H. SELKIRK, .Secretary . ;

June 10-12t.


The Park Commissioners.Room 5, City and County Hall*

Buffalo, Juno 10, 1601. •SEALED PR O PO SA LS are Invited for

repairing and* m ain ta in in g from July 1st, iSOl, to D ecem ber 31, 1903, «. period o f tw o and one h a lf yeans, th© asp h a lt pave­m en ts on Front ^Avenue from Court S treet to P orter A venue and N iagara Square in accor'&anco w ith th e specification s on fll© In th e office o f th e Park Com m issioners* * No. 6 C ity andi C ountv H all,

B id s w ill be received at said office on or before 12 m., M onday, Jun e 24, 10OL Th© right to reject any or a ll bids is re­served. \

GEO. «H. SE l^K IR K , .] Secretary* ,

June 10-12t. •


The Park Commissioners.Room 5, CHy and County Hull.

B ufftalo, N. Y„ Jfihe 10, 1901,6© A L K D PRO PO SALS for co n stru ctin g

and rep aving plank sid ew alk s according to siieciflcations on file in th e office of tho Park C om m issioners, No. 6 City and C ounty I-fall, w ill be received a t said o f ­fice on or before M onday, June 24th, lit m .

A certified) ch eck fo r ton per cent, o f th e am ou nt m ust accom pany bid. Th© righ t to reject any or a ll bids is reserved.

G, H . SE L K IR K ,1 ’ i J* I . Secretary.

June 10-12t.


The Park Commissioners.Room 5t City and County Hull*

Buffalo, Jun e 10, 1901.S E A L E D PR O PO SA LS aro invited for

fu rn ish ing one th ousand tons, more or less, of an th racite coul to tho Park D e­partm ent for th e fiscal year beginning July 1, 1901, and end in g Ju ly 1, 3902, in ac ­cordance w ith specifications on filo in tho office o f tho Park C om m issioners, No. 6 C ity and Oouivty H all.

B ids w ill bo received a t said office on or before 13 m., M onday, June 2i, 1901. Th© right to reject any oj1 all bids is reserved.

•GEO. IT. B lIL K ljtiK ,■. , *,s , . (i S ecretary .

June 10-121.rrritOFFICE OF

The Park Commissioners,Room 5* City aud County Hall.

Buffalo, June 6, 1901.S E A L E D PR O PO SA L S for con stru ctin g

wooden apparatus for gym n astic purposes In the playground on tho Terraco, acoord- liig to plans and specifications on filo *ln the office o f the Park Com m issioners, No. 5 C ity and County H all.

B ids, w hich m ust be accom panied by a certified check fo>r ten per cent, of tha am ount, m ust be presented a t th© abovw m entioned office by 12 m. T uesday, Juna 11, 1901.

The right to reject any or all bids i* reserved.

G. II. SE L K IR K ,, Secretary.


Tho Park Commissioners,Room 5, City aud County Hall.

Buffalo, N. Y., Juno 7, 19W. ’ SE A L E D PR O PO SA LS aro invited for

furn ish ing coal to th e 'Park D epartm ent for th© fiscal year beginn ing July 1, J$K>1, and ending Juno 30, 1902, in aceordaiww with specifications cn file in tho office o f tho Park C om m issioners, No. 5 C ity and County Ila ll.

Bidy w hich m u s t bo accom panied by a certified cheek for $400 w ill bo received a t sa id ollleo on or before IB m. T uesday, June 18, 1901.

The right to reject any or all bids lareserved.

G. II. SE L K IR K ,Pcerotary. ■

June 7 -10t

PROPOSALS FOR COALBkU for f-upplyOn® c ta l lo (ho Buffalo

Stiito IIospHM. for one year from Oc­tober 1, 1961, will bo K aoivtd until noon of July 2, 1901, at th© office of the TroaB-

K. MvrMillan, 6fd E llleo tt •atlon* can be obtained a t

urer, '.Morion S<(Uare. Hperil th o H o s p ita l .


I t y o u c a n n o t .ico u ro m ip ic s ot! T H E R E V I E W u t a n y n e w s s t a n d w h e r e o t 1»r:v r lftv m o t n i n g p u p e v *

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