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MAXSS, 1011. Money · Mary Connor's musical recital this aft-ernoon and evening, but the pictures...

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OCALA EVENING STAR, THURSDAY, MAXSS, 1011. I ELECTHIt' Sl XDAT SCHOOL PICSIQ AT FORT LINK TO SILVER .RI(i ASSlHED OCALA OCCURRENCES MeCOl Money to Burn 2 ! :z informed a Star re- - Mr :. T. I.. oner today : THATS WHAT YOU HAVE n.Iiately upon the 71110 -- jijcjp ji u UrJ; r tsja Mr. W. M. Smith of Inverness Is the Montezuma. Drink PLEZOL, the new drink. It i.s healthful and invigorating. Mr. J. C. Todd of Mclntyre. Ga., a recent arrival at the Montezuma. ; l omplt-tion of the Ooala Northern I Railroad to I'alatka. which will be jwithin nin-t- y day-- , h- - will commence the wtrk of laying tie and rail 4 the srade e':nir already completed) from 'Silver Sprinsi- - to o.ala. As joon a. j this rail is down in addition to op- - Af i !rfr t Vir. .. i-- 1 i r . T t ill the: HOUSE' The Diptlst and Methodist Sunday schools- - aitd any one else who wishes to go) have decided to have their an- nual Sunday school picnic at Fort Mc- Coy on Wednexlay. May 31st. A spe- cial fare of 50 cents for adults and 2Z cent? for children has been granted by t"he Oeala Northern Railway. The train will leave Ocala from the S. A. L. depot at S o'clock. Another train will leave at 3 o'clock. Returning one can come back, arriving here at 12 noon or 6:13 p. m. It is expected that more than 00 people will attend the picnic and a grand day is anticipated. There is no prettier "lace In the country than Fort McCoy for a picnic. Te beautiful clear lake supplies good. bathing, and Railway over its own track Fresh limes for limeade at the f oun- - tain of the Court Pharmacy. There were sixty arrivals at the Montezuma yesterday. I irom M!r Tr:nirs 10 aia. an eiec-jt- r- l it s rvlv w'.W be ;ut on. and a round trip mile between Ocala and i tl; Springs evi-r- ho'sr. vvith a very j l.nv passen-:-- r fare clamed. At last i :tla is to have an electric line to the Mr. W. J. Cooper of Dunnellon i.s at Sprinsr- - and tiiat Mr. Rentz the Montezuma. .1 man w:o lo-- s tiunirs ami tne pur- - i light there is ample shade and beautiful grounds. can rst assured that this work will n be done and th cars in operation. WANTED Two rooms for housekeeping. Box 273. city. WJf- - Agree With You sm t if Some people complain beer does not G fcfcree with, them. g Pabst S BIueRiboon Q ll Tkc Beer of Quality Jp dL will "arce" vitk anyone because Lottled only JLfJ frA:3L at tlie brewery m absolute clean- - M r linc'ss after it is fully aged Jjffflfr ' Keating A Co. IM TEMPLE WILL HAVE IXtl III.K VTTHVrTlOV AT THE IK DOME There were 4 5 arrivals at the Ocala House yesterday. A DO 1' II LK HEAD Kit TO MO It HOW o or 6 doses C4MJ will cure any case Air Dome had hard luck last Tin of Chills and Fever. Price, 23c. Inlsrht. It rained ju.-- t in time to shut . jup the how. Then it cleared and Mr. R. K. Wartmann of Citra is at.tnt.re was n;f.e weather all the re- - the Ocala House. m. under of the evening. There will be a double attraction at the popular open air theater this even- ing. Not only will the reels illustrat- ing "The Tale of Two Cities." be run. The Temple Theater had a good at- tendance last night. The pictures ran from heavy tragedy to light comedy, and all were fine. The Temple will be given to Miss Mary Connor's musical recital this aft- ernoon and evening, but the pictures will resume tomorrow with both a matinee and evening performance. There will be a similar program Sat- urday. The subjects tomorrow will be "Con- suming Fire." "When Women Strike" and A Seminole Sacrifice" the latter of peculiar interest to Floridlans. SaiuoMrt Chocolate ehlef of tbem all at Dewey' Cafe. but the Marshall, x couple of the 1 ! smartest fun makers in the South, will I Mr. W. Call Johnson of MIcanopy j a guet of the Montezuma. j be on th- - -- taae with a jjood. clean Jtomedy a.:. This - their first nlnht Cream ; in three, and they should have a eood t Two good leaders: Peroxide and Beck's Cold Cream at ths Court ; ri.wd If YOU put your money in our bank it cau't burn up; you don't speuil it foolishly: ou won't have it to lend to your fair-weath- er friends. YOU'VE (SOT. IT. Make OUU bank YOUK bank. Ocala National JtBank CAPITAL, $75,000. Ocala : : Florida. Pharmacy. Admission will bo 1.". and 10 cent-p- . m. - 4 " jand tiie doors will open at " Mr. II. II. I'etteway of Homosassa was in town yesterday and to.lay in Dl. J. W. IKMID s TELEIMIOXES his Cadillac auto. 8 E OUR E SR UPR9 Of fi-- ITO.l Iteitlenrr: MJS COWOIPS RECITAL N Miss Mary Connor's school of music will give its annual recital at the Temple Theater this afternoon and ev- ening. Miss Connor has a very large class and an elaborate program has been prepared. It is thought the the- ater will be filled and without ques- tion the pupils will amply repay those who hear them. A lot of popular new books just re- ceived at the Ocala Newsj Company. Cut prices on many of them. SIM IlltiiW N v ,11 nki:h of Arcadia, for I Messrs. T. P. Hiahtower and Thos Mr. S. II. Rroun MRS. TICKER RECOVEKI.M; M. Kelly of (jainesville are quests 01 j mHny years a merchant at Iroy. this the Montezuma. (county, is the president of the new it ommercial Rank of Arcadia, opened Vou'll eret It If you fall to attentl f,,r business in that city May 22nd. Is to deserve your bank Account. This moans that our first care is to safeguard your funds, and then to conduct the business of the bank so -- that it may be of real benefit to the community at large. the Mk Money Ralnlne Sale now fsolnt; on at The CJIobe. Mrs. Watterson Tucker was operat- ed on at the hospital this morning at '. o'clock. She recovered from the shock of the operation and Is now resting nicely. Mr. S. Feinbers formerly of Dunnel- lon, now merchandising at Dutton, is at the Montezuma. WATERMELON RECORD IIROKEX THE COMMERCIAL BAN If you smoke you win De interested in the best line of cigars In the city at the Court Pharmacy. CANDIDATES IN THE CONTEST Following Are the Names in the Piano Voting Contest as Far as Have Been Turned in to the Management. 11 You Are a Candidate, List Yonr Name at the Store of Hayes & Gaynu, and Ask for Votes. When Trading With the Following I irms. Get Yonr Friends to Support You. IlOIimTT CASH filtOCKKV, Fancy ami Staple Groceries. ANTI-.MOXOl'OL- Y 1HCUG-STOII- E. Ice Cream and Soda Water. S. C. YOXGK, Plumbing. 1IAYC11AFT & IeCAMI MILLIXEUY. 1IAYKS .V Gl'YXX, Dry Goods, Xt ion and Gents' Furnishings. THE DAILY AND WKKKLY STAK, .Votes Issued on Subscriptions, Advertising and Job Work Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Rullock of Me- ridian, Miss., are among last night's arrivals at the Ocala House. Mr. John Mathews of Candler was in town today. Mr. Mathews and his partner. Mr. McClane. loaded their sec- ond car of watermelons yesterday and will load the third tomorrow. Mr. Mathws brought to Dr. Roozer of the Commercial Rank a melon from yes- terday's car, which Is ripe and a beauty, weighing 40-- i pounds. As far as we know Mr. Mathews has broken the record this season on melon Use Violet Dulce Talcum Powder, sold in Ocala only at the Post Office Drug Stores. FirififiiFe mi louse Mr. M. A. Reich of Rockwell, man- ager of the Gulf Supply Company, is a guest of the Ocala House. (irit'K DETECTIVE WORK WHAT WE HANDLE j We handle everything i n Four NAM IS OF CONTESTANTS PURE Imported Olive Oil, to be had in original bottles or bulk at the Post Office Drug Stores. MRS. HARRY COLE MISS LEV MRS. A. M. RICHIE MISS RinY KXIGH1 MISS MYRTLE I1LALOCK MISS I1ELLE HODGE MISS MATTIE MOORE MISS DOVIE GATES MISS CEVIE ROBERTS MISS AME I1ENTO FULLER Messrs'. C. R. Thrasher and C. W. Hill of Gainesville are guests of the Ocala House. lumber, lath and shingles, mi?l work of all kinds, brick, lime, cement, plaster, sash, doors, blinds, roofing of all kinds, corrugated iron, paint, beaver bord. in fact every thing that goes into the con- struction of a building. We solicit vour inquiries. The ladies -- Of St. Phillip's Catholic church will hold a cake sale at Dewey's Cafe, Saturday morning, at ten o'clock. Early this morning Mr. B. Goldman missed; a pair of trousers from his store. He remembered two young white men. who had Just left the store, and that one of them had been trying to trade for the trousers. He told Mr. Herzenberg. the manager of the loan company next door, of the theft, and Mr. Herzenberg started out to do some of his old time detective work, as he was for a number of years one of the plain clothes men of the New York po- lice department. Mr. Herzenberg' lo- cated the men and told one of them he wanted the trousers. . The man saw he was in earnest and knew he had them, so admitted It. and went with Mr. Iler-zenze- rg to another store where he had left them. For the sake of the man's people Mr. Goldman and Mr. Herzen- berg will not push the case against the young man. , Judge William Gober of Dunnellon was in the city today on legal We have in our large stcre, almost every thing yoa coald wish for to furnish your home, office, farm, garden or work shop with. We have a complete line of furniture in ,med iam and high grades, with all of the furnish-ing- s that go with the line. Our stock of hardware is complete and the tools, materials, and implements are of the best grades. We carry the largest line of harness, wagons, carriages, etc, of any house in the city. We have a good lice of off fee supplies of all kinds. Complete furniture for the kitchen and dining room. We carry in stock every item the builder or contractor needs. SEE US DEFORF MAKING YOUR PURCHASES We have the best line of hair brush es, combs and other toilet articles in the-city- . The Court Pharmacy. OBAULUMBEH&SUPPLYGD Mini DM Mrs. E. J. Casque and Misses Lora Smith and Charlie Seig of Dade City. y are guests of the Montezuma. CALLED MEETING V. OF C. The prettiest line of cut glass, silver arid fine hand-painte- d china at A. E. Burnett's The Fannie R. Gary chapter. Child- ren of the Confederacy, are requested to meet at the home of their director tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. All tare urged to be present. Mr. M" 15. Craig, a well known drug salesman of Jacksonville is a uest of the Ocala House. . Rffldwer Mac May I Vou'll regret It if you full to attend It will probably be five or six weeks before Claude Haycraft can drive a car again. His trip here from Jack- sonville set him back somewhat, but he is recovering the lost ground, and feeling the benefit of being at home. the big Mouey Kllug Sale uotv going on at The tilobe. OCALA, FLORIDA. Mr. Ray B. Bullock arrived from Tallahassee this morning -- for a short visit to his family. Mr. Guy Toph. his little daughter. Dorothy, and brother. Raymond Toph. left this afternoon for White Springs, where they will spend a week. LET IS SERVE VOI7 TODAY FOR RENT A good seven-roo- m cottage with electric lights. Apply to Mrs. R. D. Fuller. South Third street. i r'T?wv and Lunmt Try In fop llr.ol Serlee rrlren Reel kiO-J- J -- i SOON- - Mr. S. W. Petteway. son and daugh- ter and Mr. Petteway's brother-in-la- w. Mr. T. II. Guess from Dunnellon. were guests of the Montezuma yesterday, coming up in Mr. Peteway's auto. Rev. C. C. Carroll, after a pleasant visit to his Ocala friends, left this morning for his home in Owensboro. Ky. FRESH AM) SLT FISH The best of the catch always the primest of on sea food. Why not 'phone your order. Mr. -- and Mrs. Claude Nelson and lit- tle son have returned from Columbia. S. C, where they pent ten days very pleasantly with Mr. Nelson's parents, at the old home place. V. P. EDWARDS New City Market Serve PLEZOL to your family. Serve PLEZOL to your friends. When you are down town drink PLEZOL. Phone los Mr. Edward Drake and a crew of lineman went to Sparr this morning. Mr. Troy Hall has returned from a week spent at Franklin, Va., where lie had a most enjoyable time visiting friends. where he will remain the balance of J If you will "tackle" oar fishing tackle. yotf'H land any fish that will tackle your bait. Out lines are new and tresh and strong; oar reels are not rusty. When the thought of Hardware enters yoar mind, al- so let in the thought that oar store ?s the place to bay re- liable hardware; Marion Hardware Co., OCALA. FLORIDA. We are giving coupons for voting in the Piano Contest on a basis of 10 votes for each 25c. Cash Purchase. B0SB1TT GASH GROCERY SO, The following firms alto issue coupons in this contest: HAYES & GUYNN, Dry Goods, Shoes, Etc. W. S. C. YONGE, Plumber, HAYCRAFT & DeCAMP, Millinery. THE STAR, Printing. THE ANTIMONOPOLY DRUG RTORE. the week, doing some surveying for Me-r- s. Stuckey and Kramer. Mr. Maflory Liddon. formerly of this city, now residing in Jacksonville, was in town today a guest of the Mon- tezuma. He is traveling for E. Beene v Son of that city. The big Money Raining Sale at the tilobe 1m mill In progreoM. and you'll regret It If you fail to take advantage of the bargain to be eeureil NOW. Mr. C. N. Patterson, representing a Baltimore crockery house. who has been selling the Ocala merchants for 23 years, is in town a guest of the Ocala House. Miss Adele Ilittinger. having finish- ed her examinations at Randolph-Maco- n College. Lynch burs, Va.. will arrive in Ocala early next week. She was to have visited schoolmates in the east for the next two months, but will come directly home on account of the illness of her father. Urn. J. SHERIDAN, llanager A. T. THOMAS. President A young lady, who has had consid- erable experience as a copyist, and in selling goods, wants a situation in an office or a store. Address. Box 180, city. ONE Hl'NDRED CENTS O.N TIIE DOLLAR Is the limit of value. No merchant can ever offer or give more than that, nor should he ever give less. It is the same with the trades and professions. Take rooting, for example. We claim that our rooriiiu work is Jast one hun- - Mrs. H. M. Hampton took a party of ladies to North Lake Weir this morn- ing in her automobile. They took a basket dinner with them and spent the day pleasantly far from mere man. Those in the party were Misses Pansy Woodmar Sand And Stone Company Mrs. W. A. Scott and her two daugh- ters of Quincy, sister and nieces of Mrs. H. G. Mac-David- , have been visit- - Shop I Oca!a arness sing her for the past few weeks, and will probably make their home here. dred per cent perfect. "We have the ! Souter. Mary Wilcox. Grace Hatchell materials and the workmanship to land Mrs. Louis Savarese. this. Give the opportunity. prove or 6 doses 6 will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price, 25c OCALA PLUMBING ELECTRIC COMPANY. Mrs. L. T. Izlar left yesterday for Blackville. S. C. where she will visit her daughter. Mrs. C. S. Buist for some time. Later on she will be joined by Major Izlar and they will visit other relatives in South Carolina. OPPOSITE TOMPKINS & COBB'S STABLES Ocala, Florida WE MAKEOLD HARNESSTAKETHE PLACEOF NEW We Make or Repair Anything in the Harness Line Give us a Trial, vVe Guarantee all Work. FOR SALE My tailor shop together with pressing and cleaning fixtures. A good paying business and well estab- lished. Good reason for selling. W. F. Marlowe. Manufacturers of ALL KINDS OF CEMENT AND ARTIFICIAL STONE WORK. Cement Mock. Octagon and II exafion Tile, Cement Bricks, Mantels, Posts, Fence Work of all Kinds. Close estimate made on Cement Side- walk Construction. Plans and Estimates furnished for the erection of Sick headache rults rrom a disor- dered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by the use of Chamber- lain's stomach and Liver Tablets. Try it. For sale by all dealers. Ren Borden, going to the bank tin-morni- with a cigar box under h: II. S. ; ALLOW V A. MOI LTON A young colored woman by the name of Cynthia Mclver was shot through the Jaw and in the neck a fw days auo at Hernando by a white man by name. Rubin Whittington. She was brought to the hospital and operated on today. Her Jaw was o badly frac- tured and the teeth so badly disar- ranged that the services of a dentist were required to assist the surgeons. : Residences. Hotels. Ru-in- e. Mocks. Warehouses, etc from Artificial Stone. Pure lake Weir Sand and Crushed Rock for sale in any quantity, j Hough Stone for Jetty Work or for Crushing supplied on large or small contracts. No joh too small for this plant to give its careful attention to GALLVVAY & MOILTON I arm. told a Star man that It hel l yes-- j t terday's receipts at the postofrUe j j$200. As a special favor. Ben opened! i the box and let the newspaper man! ! smell the money. ! and no contract too large for it to successfully liandle. Modern Machln-e- rr and Methods, and Skilled Men are employed. CONTRACTORS BUILDERS ! Office and Plant on A. C. L. Railroad with Track Facilities to all Otber in the operation. Railroads. Call on us or Write for Estimates on Your Work. WHITE STAR TRANSFER CO. COLLIER RROS., PROPRIETORS PHONE 21)0 Baggage. Freight. Pianos, Furniture ani Safes a Specialty. Careful and Prompt Attention Gien All Orders. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE PHVS.AM) KSTIM TF.s Ft ItMSHKU For soreness of tne muscles, wheth- er induced by violent exercise or inju- ry. Chamberlain's Liniment is excel- lent. This liniment is also highly es- teemed for the relief it affords in cases of rheumatism. Sold by all dealers. PHONES: 201. and 331. Foley Kidney Pills are a true medi- cine. They are healing, strengthening, antiseptic and tonic They act quickly. Sold In Ocala by the Court Pharmacy. FLORIDA OCALA P. O. UX 2T3 OCALA, -- LA.
Page 1: MAXSS, 1011. Money · Mary Connor's musical recital this aft-ernoon and evening, but the pictures will resume tomorrow with both a matinee and evening performance. There will be a




:z informed a Star re- -Mr :. T. I..oner today : THATS WHAT YOU HAVEn.Iiately upon the

71110 -- jijcjp ji u UrJ; r tsjaMr. W. M. Smith of Inverness Is

the Montezuma.

Drink PLEZOL, the new drink.It i.s healthful and invigorating.

Mr. J. C. Todd of Mclntyre. Ga.,a recent arrival at the Montezuma.

; l omplt-tion of the Ooala NorthernI Railroad to I'alatka. which will bejwithin nin-t- y day-- , h- - will commencethe wtrk of laying tie and rail 4 thesrade e':nir already completed) from

'Silver Sprinsi- - to o.ala. As joon a.j this rail is down in addition to op- -

Af i !rfr t Vir. . . i-- 1 i r . T t illthe: HOUSE'

The Diptlst and Methodist Sundayschools- - aitd any one else who wishesto go) have decided to have their an-nual Sunday school picnic at Fort Mc-

Coy on Wednexlay. May 31st. A spe-cial fare of 50 cents for adults and 2Z

cent? for children has been grantedby t"he Oeala Northern Railway. Thetrain will leave Ocala from the S. A.L. depot at S o'clock. Another trainwill leave at 3 o'clock. Returning onecan come back, arriving here at 12noon or 6:13 p. m.

It is expected that more than 00people will attend the picnic and agrand day is anticipated. There is noprettier "lace In the country thanFort McCoy for a picnic. Te beautifulclear lake supplies good. bathing, and

Railway over its own trackFresh limes for limeade at the foun- -tain of the Court Pharmacy.

There were sixty arrivals at theMontezuma yesterday.

I irom M!r Tr:nirs 10 aia. an eiec-jt- r-

l it s rvlv w'.W be ;ut on. and around trip mile between Ocala and

i tl; Springs evi-r- ho'sr. vvith a veryj l.nv passen-:-- r fare clamed. At lasti :tla is to have an electric line to theMr. W. J. Cooper of Dunnellon i.s atSprinsr- - and tiiat Mr. Rentzthe Montezuma.

.1 man w:o lo-- s tiunirs ami tne pur- -i

light there is ample shade and beautifulgrounds.

can rst assured that this work willn be done and th cars in operation.WANTED Two rooms for

housekeeping. Box 273. city.

WJf- - Agree With You smt if Some people complain beer does notG fcfcree with, them.

g Pabst SBIueRiboon Q

ll Tkc Beer of Quality JpdL will "arce" vitk anyone because Lottled only JLfJ

frA:3L at tlie brewery m absolute clean-- Mrlinc'ss after it is fully aged Jjffflfr


Keating A Co.IM


There were 4 5 arrivals at the OcalaHouse yesterday. A DO 1' II LK HEAD Kit TO MO It HOW

o or 6 doses C4MJ will cure any case Air Dome had hard luck lastTinof Chills and Fever. Price, 23c. Inlsrht. It rained ju.--t in time to shut

. jup the how. Then it cleared andMr. R. K. Wartmann of Citra is at.tnt.re was n;f.e weather all the re- -

the Ocala House. m. under of the evening.There will be a double attraction at

the popular open air theater this even-ing. Not only will the reels illustrat-ing "The Tale of Two Cities." be run.

The Temple Theater had a good at-tendance last night. The pictures ranfrom heavy tragedy to light comedy,and all were fine.

The Temple will be given to MissMary Connor's musical recital this aft-ernoon and evening, but the pictureswill resume tomorrow with both amatinee and evening performance.There will be a similar program Sat-urday.

The subjects tomorrow will be "Con-suming Fire." "When Women Strike"and A Seminole Sacrifice" the latterof peculiar interest to Floridlans.

SaiuoMrt Chocolateehlef of tbem all

at Dewey' Cafe.but the Marshall, x couple of the

1 ! smartest fun makers in the South, willI Mr. W. Call Johnson of MIcanopyj a guet of the Montezuma. j be on th- - -- taae with a jjood. clean

Jtomedy a.:. This - their first nlnhtCream ; in three, and they should have a eoodt Two good leaders: Peroxide

and Beck's Cold Cream at ths Court ; ri.wd

If YOU put your money in our bank it cau't burn up;you don't speuil it foolishly: ou won't have it to lend toyour fair-weath- er friends. YOU'VE (SOT. IT.

Make OUU bank YOUK bank.

Ocala National JtBankCAPITAL, $75,000.

Ocala : : Florida.

Pharmacy. Admission will bo 1.". and 10 cent-p- .

m.- 4" jand tiie doors will open at "

Mr. II. II. I'etteway of Homosassawas in town yesterday and to.lay in Dl. J. W. IKMID s TELEIMIOXEShis Cadillac auto.8 EOUR E SRUPR9 Of fi-- ITO.l



Miss Mary Connor's school of musicwill give its annual recital at theTemple Theater this afternoon and ev-ening. Miss Connor has a very largeclass and an elaborate program hasbeen prepared. It is thought the the-ater will be filled and without ques-tion the pupils will amply repay thosewho hear them.

A lot of popular new books just re-

ceived at the Ocala Newsj Company.Cut prices on many of them. SIM IlltiiW N v ,11 nki:h

of Arcadia, forI

Messrs. T. P. Hiahtower and Thos Mr. S. II. Rroun


M. Kelly of (jainesville are quests 01 j mHny years a merchant at Iroy. thisthe Montezuma. (county, is the president of the new

it ommercial Rank of Arcadia, openedVou'll eret It If you fall to attentl f,,r business in that city May 22nd.

Is to deserve your bank Account. Thismoans that our first care is to safeguardyour funds, and then to conduct thebusiness of the bank so -- that it may beof real benefit to the community at large.

the Mk Money Ralnlne Sale now fsolnt;on at The CJIobe.

Mrs. Watterson Tucker was operat-ed on at the hospital this morning at'. o'clock. She recovered from the shockof the operation and Is now restingnicely.Mr. S. Feinbers formerly of Dunnel-

lon, now merchandising at Dutton, isat the Montezuma. WATERMELON RECORD IIROKEX

THE COMMERCIAL BAN If you smoke you win De interestedin the best line of cigars In the cityat the Court Pharmacy.


CONTESTFollowing Are the Names in the Piano Voting Contest

as Far as Have Been Turned in to the Management. 11

You Are a Candidate, List Yonr Name at the Store of

Hayes & Gaynu, and Ask for Votes. When Trading With

the Following I irms. Get Yonr Friends to Support You.

IlOIimTT CASH filtOCKKV, Fancy ami Staple Groceries.ANTI-.MOXOl'OL- Y 1HCUG-STOII- E. Ice Cream and Soda Water.


1IAYKS .V Gl'YXX, Dry Goods, Xt ion and Gents' Furnishings.THE DAILY AND WKKKLY STAK,

.Votes Issued on Subscriptions, Advertising and Job Work

Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Rullock of Me-

ridian, Miss., are among last night'sarrivals at the Ocala House.

Mr. John Mathews of Candler was intown today. Mr. Mathews and hispartner. Mr. McClane. loaded their sec-ond car of watermelons yesterday andwill load the third tomorrow. Mr.Mathws brought to Dr. Roozer of theCommercial Rank a melon from yes-terday's car, which Is ripe and abeauty, weighing 40-- i pounds. As faras we know Mr. Mathews has brokenthe record this season on melon

Use Violet Dulce Talcum Powder,sold in Ocala only at the Post OfficeDrug Stores.FirififiiFe mi louse Mr. M. A. Reich of Rockwell, man-ager of the Gulf Supply Company, is aguest of the Ocala House.


j We handle everything i nFour NAM IS OF CONTESTANTSPURE Imported Olive Oil, to be had

in original bottles or bulk at the PostOffice Drug Stores.



Messrs'. C. R. Thrasher and C. W.Hill of Gainesville are guests of theOcala House.

lumber, lath and shingles,mi?l work of all kinds, brick,lime, cement, plaster, sash,doors, blinds, roofing of allkinds, corrugated iron, paint,beaver bord. in fact everything that goes into the con-struction of a building. Wesolicit vour inquiries.

The ladies --Of St. Phillip's Catholicchurch will hold a cake sale at Dewey'sCafe, Saturday morning, at ten o'clock.

Early this morning Mr. B. Goldmanmissed; a pair of trousers from hisstore. He remembered two youngwhite men. who had Just left the store,and that one of them had been tryingto trade for the trousers. He told Mr.Herzenberg. the manager of the loancompany next door, of the theft, andMr. Herzenberg started out to do someof his old time detective work, as hewas for a number of years one of theplain clothes men of the New York po-lice department. Mr. Herzenberg' lo-

cated the men and told one of them hewanted the trousers. . The man saw hewas in earnest and knew he had them,so admitted It. and went with Mr. Iler-zenze- rg

to another store where he hadleft them. For the sake of the man'speople Mr. Goldman and Mr. Herzen-berg will not push the case againstthe young man. ,

Judge William Gober of Dunnellonwas in the city today on legal

We have in our large stcre, almost everything yoa coald wish for to furnish yourhome, office, farm, garden or work shop with.We have a complete line of furniture in ,mediam and high grades, with all of the furnish-ing- s

that go with the line. Our stock ofhardware is complete and the tools, materials,and implements are of the best grades. Wecarry the largest line of harness, wagons,carriages, etc, of any house in the city. Wehave a good lice of offfee supplies of all kinds.Complete furniture for the kitchen and diningroom. We carry in stock every item thebuilder or contractor needs.SEE US DEFORF MAKING YOUR PURCHASES

We have the best line of hair brushes, combs and other toilet articles inthe-city- . The Court Pharmacy.

OBAULUMBEH&SUPPLYGD MiniDMMrs. E. J. Casque and Misses LoraSmith and Charlie Seig of Dade City.y are guests of the Montezuma. CALLED MEETING V. OF C.

The prettiest line of cut glass, silverarid fine hand-painte- d china at A. E.Burnett's

The Fannie R. Gary chapter. Child-ren of the Confederacy, are requestedto meet at the home of their directortomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. All

tare urged to be present.Mr. M" 15. Craig, a well known drugsalesman of Jacksonville is a uest ofthe Ocala House. .Rffldwer MacMay I

Vou'll regret It if you full to attend

It will probably be five or six weeksbefore Claude Haycraft can drive acar again. His trip here from Jack-sonville set him back somewhat, buthe is recovering the lost ground, andfeeling the benefit of being at home.

the big Mouey Kllug Sale uotv goingon at The tilobe.OCALA, FLORIDA.

Mr. Ray B. Bullock arrived fromTallahassee this morning -- for a shortvisit to his family.

Mr. Guy Toph. his little daughter.Dorothy, and brother. Raymond Toph.left this afternoon for White Springs,where they will spend a week.

LET I S SERVE VOI7 TODAYFOR RENT A good seven-roo- m

cottage with electric lights. Apply toMrs. R. D. Fuller. South Third street. i r'T?wvand LunmtTry In fop llr.ol Serlee

rrlren Reel kiO-J- J

-- i SOON- -Mr. S. W. Petteway. son and daugh-

ter and Mr. Petteway's brother-in-la- w.

Mr. T. II. Guess from Dunnellon. wereguests of the Montezuma yesterday,coming up in Mr. Peteway's auto.

Rev. C. C. Carroll, after a pleasantvisit to his Ocala friends, left thismorning for his home in Owensboro.Ky.

FRESH AM) SLT FISHThe best of the catch always theprimest of on sea food. Whynot 'phone your order. Mr. -- and Mrs. Claude Nelson and lit-

tle son have returned from Columbia.S. C, where they pent ten days verypleasantly with Mr. Nelson's parents,at the old home place.

V. P. EDWARDSNew City Market

Serve PLEZOL to your family.Serve PLEZOL to your friends.When you are down town drink

PLEZOL.Phone los

Mr. Edward Drake and a crew oflineman went to Sparr this morning.Mr. Troy Hall has returned from a

week spent at Franklin, Va., where liehad a most enjoyable time visitingfriends.

where he will remain the balance of J

If you will "tackle" oar fishing tackle. yotf'H land anyfish that will tackle your bait. Out lines are new andtresh and strong; oar reels are not rusty.

When the thought of Hardware enters yoar mind, al-

so let in the thought that oar store ?s the place to bay re-

liable hardware;

Marion Hardware Co.,OCALA. FLORIDA.

We are giving coupons for voting inthe Piano Contest on a basis of 10votes for each 25c. Cash Purchase.


The following firms alto issue coupons in this contest:

HAYES & GUYNN, Dry Goods, Shoes, Etc.W. S. C. YONGE, Plumber,

HAYCRAFT & DeCAMP, Millinery.THE STAR, Printing.


the week, doing some surveying forMe-r- s. Stuckey and Kramer.

Mr. Maflory Liddon. formerly of thiscity, now residing in Jacksonville,was in town today a guest of the Mon-tezuma. He is traveling for E. Beenev Son of that city.

The big Money Raining Sale at thetilobe 1m mill In progreoM. and you'llregret It If you fail to take advantageof the bargain to be eeureil NOW.

Mr. C. N. Patterson, representing aBaltimore crockery house. who hasbeen selling the Ocala merchants for23 years, is in town a guest of theOcala House.

Miss Adele Ilittinger. having finish-ed her examinations at Randolph-Maco- n

College. Lynch burs, Va.. willarrive in Ocala early next week. Shewas to have visited schoolmates in theeast for the next two months, but willcome directly home on account of theillness of her father.

Urn. J. SHERIDAN, llanagerA. T. THOMAS. PresidentA young lady, who has had consid-

erable experience as a copyist, and inselling goods, wants a situation in anoffice or a store. Address. Box 180,city.


Is the limit of value. No merchant canever offer or give more than that, norshould he ever give less. It is thesame with the trades and professions.Take rooting, for example. We claimthat our rooriiiu work is Jast one hun- -

Mrs. H. M. Hampton took a party ofladies to North Lake Weir this morn-ing in her automobile. They took abasket dinner with them and spent theday pleasantly far from mere man.Those in the party were Misses Pansy

Woodmar Sand AndStone Company

Mrs. W. A. Scott and her two daugh-ters of Quincy, sister and nieces ofMrs. H. G. Mac-David- , have been visit- -Shop IOca!a arness sing her for the past few weeks, andwill probably make their home here. dred per cent perfect. "We have the ! Souter. Mary Wilcox. Grace Hatchell

materials and the workmanship to land Mrs. Louis Savarese.this. Give the opportunity.prove

or 6 doses 6 will cure any caseof Chills and Fever. Price, 25cOCALA PLUMBING ELECTRIC


Mrs. L. T. Izlar left yesterday forBlackville. S. C. where she will visither daughter. Mrs. C. S. Buist for sometime. Later on she will be joined byMajor Izlar and they will visit otherrelatives in South Carolina.


Ocala, Florida


We Make or Repair Anything in the Harness Line

Give us a Trial, vVe Guarantee all Work.

FOR SALE My tailor shop togetherwith pressing and cleaning fixtures. Agood paying business and well estab-lished. Good reason for selling. W.F. Marlowe.

Manufacturers of


Cement Mock. Octagon and II exafion Tile, Cement Bricks, Mantels,Posts, Fence Work of all Kinds. Close estimate made on Cement Side-

walk Construction. Plans and Estimates furnished for the erection of

Sick headache rults rrom a disor-dered condition of the stomach, andcan be cured by the use of Chamber-lain's stomach and Liver Tablets. Tryit. For sale by all dealers.

Ren Borden, going to the bank tin-morni-

with a cigar box under h:II. S. ; ALLOW V A. MOI LTON

A young colored woman by the nameof Cynthia Mclver was shot throughthe Jaw and in the neck a fw daysauo at Hernando by a white man byname. Rubin Whittington. She wasbrought to the hospital and operatedon today. Her Jaw was o badly frac-tured and the teeth so badly disar-ranged that the services of a dentistwere required to assist the surgeons.

: Residences. Hotels. Ru-in- e. Mocks. Warehouses, etc from ArtificialStone. Pure lake Weir Sand and Crushed Rock for sale in any quantity,

j Hough Stone for Jetty Work or for Crushing supplied on large or smallcontracts. No joh too small for this plant to give its careful attention toGALLVVAY & MOILTON

I arm. told a Star man that It hel l yes-- jt terday's receipts at the postofrUe j

j$200. As a special favor. Ben opened!i the box and let the newspaper man!! smell the money. ! and no contract too large for it to successfully liandle. Modern Machln-e- rr

and Methods, and Skilled Men are employed.CONTRACTORS BUILDERS! Office and Plant on A. C. L. Railroad with Track Facilities to all Otberin the operation.

Railroads. Call on us or Write for Estimates on Your Work.



Baggage. Freight. Pianos, Furnitureani Safes a Specialty. Careful andPrompt Attention Gien All Orders.



For soreness of tne muscles, wheth-er induced by violent exercise or inju-ry. Chamberlain's Liniment is excel-lent. This liniment is also highly es-

teemed for the relief it affords in casesof rheumatism. Sold by all dealers.

PHONES: 201. and 331.Foley Kidney Pills are a true medi-

cine. They are healing, strengthening,antiseptic and tonic They act quickly.Sold In Ocala by the Court Pharmacy. FLORIDAOCALA

P. O. UX 2T3 OCALA, -- LA.
