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May 15 - 17, 2013 -

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1 Volume 6 Issue 2 Spring 2013 May 15 - 17, 2013 Sheraton in Arlington, Texas AAHAM Texas Bluebonnet Chapter First annual Texas Insurance Institute CIGNA • UNItedHeAltHCAre • AetNA BlUe Cross • NovItAs-MedICAre


Volume 6Issue 2

Spring 2013

May 15 - 17, 2013Sheraton in Arlington, Texas

AAHAM Texas Bluebonnet ChapterFirst annual Texas Insurance Institute

CIGNA • UNItedHeAltHCAre • AetNA BlUe Cross • NovItAs-MedICAre


President’s MessageBy Angie Box, President, Texas Bluebonnet Chapter

In Texas, it

is illegal to

fish from a

bridge. It is

also illegal

for children

in Texas to have unusual

haircuts. I bet you didn’t know

you are also breaking the law

if you spit on the sidewalk;

however, in Temple, Texas it is

still legal to ride your horse into

a saloon. Don’t shoot a buffalo

from the second story of a

hotel or milk someone else’s

cow because you will have

broken the law. If you drink

beer, then it is illegal for you to

take more than three sips while

you are standing.

I am sure you got quite a

chuckle over these crazy

Texas laws still on the books.

I am bringing this up because

sometime laws make sense

at the time. As our state

progresses, the laws become

outdated. That is the case

with the Telephone Consumer

Protection Act (TCPA). It is

currently a Federal regulation

prohibiting the use of dialers

when calling cell phones.

91% of Americans use cell

phones. Many of those

91% do not have a landline

phone, and that number is

increasing each day. When

a provider contacts a patient

for payment collection or even

for an appointment reminder

and uses a dialer or recorded

message, it is illegal under the

current wording of the TCPA.

At the National level, AAHAM

is fighting to have the wording

changed. In the event of

a violation of the TCPA, a

subscriber may sue for up to

$1,500 for each violation or

to recover actual monetary

loss, whichever is higher. In

addition, the subscriber may

seek an injunction. The cost

can add up quickly should

someone decide to file against

your organization.

Many providers think there is

an “implied” consent when the

patient provides a cell phone

number, but this is not the

case. You would have to have

written consent for EVERY

CALL or written consent that

they understand you will be

using a dialer or a recorded

message. It’s kind of like if

you want to attempt to change

the weather in Texas. To be

legal, you would first have to

get a permit. So when you are

wishing the Texas heat would

die down or it would rain, turn

yourself in because you have

broken the law!

Take some time to educate

yourself on the TCPA and

contact your senators and


We need all the support we

can get!

See you at the Insurance

Institute this May!

Contact Angie at


[email protected]

This IssuePresident’s Message ................p2

First Annual Texas Insurance

Institute .....................................p3

Houston DME

Owner Arrested ........................p3

AAHAM National News.............p4

Antirust Suit Dropped ...............p4

Denial Management Moves to

Front End Denial Avoidance ..p5-6

Calendar ..................................p6

2013 Legislative Day ................p7

Setting the Stage for

Legislative Day 2013 ................p7

Movers and Shakers ................p8

Update Your Member Info &

Renew Your Membership! ........p9

Are You A Victim of The Pike

Syndrome? .............................p10

AAHAM Certification ..............p12

Corporate Partners .................p13

New & Renewing


Deadlines & Advertising .........p16

Volunteers Welcome ..............p16

Officers and Chairs ................p17

2012-2013Corporate PartnersDIAMOND



Hollaway & Gumbert


Parrish Shaw

Penn CreditCorporation

ReceivableManagement, Inc.

SSI Group, Inc.

Visit us on:

sAve tHe dAteMay 15 - 17, 2013

Sheraton in Arlington, TexasAAHAM Texas Bluebonnet Chapter

First annual Texas Insurance Institute


How might your facilitybe affected by “Obamacare”?

Are you challenged by someof your payors processes?

Meet one-on-one with them to overcome some of your obstacles!

Find out about their up & coming changes!

Novitas-MedicareUnited Healthcare

Blue CrossCIGNAAetna

BreAkING NewsHouston DME Owner Arrested 21 Counts Health Care Fraud

The U.S. Attorney’s Office announced on March 22, 2013 that Andrea Michelle Tellison was arrested in Houston following the return of a 21-count indictment charging her with health care fraud and aggravated identity theft.

Tellison, of Houston, is one of the owners of Texas Du-rable Medical Company in Houston, according to the indictment. She is alleged to have submitted false and fraudulent claims to Medicare and Medicaid for durable medical equipment (DME), including enteral nutrition feeding kits that were not provided to Medicare beneficiaries, not ordered by physicians, and not medically necessary.

The indictment indicates that between March 29, 2008, and Novem-ber 30, 2009, Tellison submitted approximately $1,480,511.31 worth of claims for enteral nutrition and supplies and received approximately $786,222.11 as payment for those claims.

If convicted, she faces up to 10 years in prison and a possible $250,000 fine for each conviction of health care fraud. Aggravated identity theft further carries a mandatory two-year prison term that must be served consecutively to any sentence for the underlying offense and up to a $250,000 fine, upon conviction.

For more news on OIG enforcements, go to http://go.usa.gov/yWn

Membership for 2013By: Julie A. Shaw-Noel, Membership Chairperson

May 15 - 17, 2013Sheraton in Arlington, Texas

AAHAM Texas Bluebonnet ChapterFirst annual Texas Insurance Institute


2013 AAHAM National election datesVoting period open July 15

Voting period closes August 16

National CalendarOctober 16-18, 2013 ANI, SheratonNew Orleans, Louisiana

October 15-17, 2014 ANI, Manchester Grand HyattSan Diego, California

AAHAM National News

Save the date!

(with TAHFA)

May 15 - 17, 2013AAHAM Texas Bluebonnet Chapter

PresentsTexas Insurance Institute

BreAkING NewsAntitrust Suit Dropped AgainstBlue Cross Michigan

WASHINGTON – The Department of Justice filed a motion on March 25, 2013 to dismiss its antitrust lawsuit against Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) after the state of Michigan passed a law that prohibits health insurers from using most favored nation clauses (MFN) in contracts with health care providers. “The Department of Justice’s antitrust lawsuit alleged that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s MFN clauses likely raised health care costs, harmed consumers and prevented other health plans from entering local markets,” said Bill Baer, Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division. “The law just enacted by Michigan addresses the department’s concerns by eliminating MFNs and ensuring that Michigan consumers will benefit from enhanced health insurance competition.”

In the healthcare context, MFN provisions generally refer to contractual clauses between health insurance plans (buyers) and health-care providers (sellers) that essentially guarantee that no other plan can obtain a better rate than the plan wielding the MFN. Source: Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairshttp://www.justice.gov/ opa/pr/2013/March/13-at-345.html


Denial Management has long been identified as the central process to improve cash flow, as well as reduce accounts receivable and write offs, through the management of rejected claims. While this process has been a valuable endeavor over the years, it has been built on the premise that denials are inevitable, and re-work is simply an integral part of the work flow.

Now is the time to establish a more effective approach -- eliminate denials, or at least dramatically reduce them; the ultimate way to do this is at the beginning of the process: Pre-Access, and the front end of the Revenue Cycle.

To begin with, there must be recognition that the back end/patient accounting department is not accountable for denials.. While employees in this area re-process the claims, file the appeals, and generate the resulting cash flow, true accountability for a denial resides with the source of the information represented on the claim. Only when these data sources are scrutinized and improved can a denial avoidance program become truly effective. All claim information comes from other source-departments such as:

• admitting physician, • scheduling, • registration, • clinical documentation • and many others.

These departments, along with the systems that support their functions, are ultimately accountable for denials ;therefore, an analysis of their role in creating denials must be the cornerstone of any effective denial avoidance program.

To put things in full perspective, you must identify the true magnitude of the denials. That means measuring not only how many denials occur, but also the reasons behind the denials: identify the root cause.

To measure the true volume of denials, we must account for all claims that are rejected or fail to pass billing system edits. It is critical to avoid measuring only those denials that result in a write off. Denied claims that are re-processed and eventually get paid still need to be accounted for because they required some type of re-work and consume valuable personnel resources. The objective to capturing the true denial rate or volume is to monitor every claim that did not pass an edit, either within the provider’s billing system, or within the payer’s system, or was an actual claim rejection by the payer. This approach is called the “First Pass Denial” rate (FPD).

Measuring (for the most recent 90 day period) the number of claims that failed an edit or were rejected, then dividing that by the total number of billed claims during the 90 day period, yields the most effective way to capture all claims that require additional handling to get the claim paid.

When you measure this monthly, it provides you with a true FPD rate that can be assessed without being influenced by case mix or dollar-amount of the claim.

denial Management Movesto Front end denial AvoidanceBy: steve Chrapla, CHFP, director 3rd Party solutions, Avadyne Health

continued on page 6


First Pass denial rate Calculation# of denied claims in a 90 day period / # billed claims in same 90 day period = FPD Rate

Calculate and track FPD Rate monthly based on rolling 90 day period

Understanding the reasons behind the denials, the claims failing to pass billing edits, or payer rejections is also crucial. To get to the root causes, you need to track the specific reasons the claims are delayed or not getting paid. This analysis includes reviewing claim submission reports to identify edit failures as well as payer denial reports and claim EOB’s. In addition to EOB’s that are zero-pays you must also review underpayments, since they may represent a portion of a claim being denied.

Following the 80/20 rule, you now know where to focus your attention. The key is to design your solution to the root cause at the very beginning of the process and that is where your Front End applications need to be integrated into the solutions. Identify claims failing edits or payer rejections for reasons such as:

• Patientidentifierinformationisincorrect. • Patientcoveragenotavailable. • Authorizationorpre-certificationnotreceived. • Referralsrequiredfromprimarycarephysician. • CPT,ICD-9codesormodifiersnotproperlypopulatingtheclaim. • Payercontractrequirementsnotfollowed. • Non-coveredservices.

Once root causes are identified, the next step is to bring the area responsible for the data elements into the resolution process on a realtime basis (or as close to real-time as possible). This information can then be used to design process improvements, procedures, and work flows that will prevent future denials. It is critical that the re-design processes are structured to be flexible– flexibility allows for ongoing evaluations and solution maximization to compensate for events such as regulatory changes and new payer contract requirements.

The design of a Denial Avoidance Program must consider the following elements:

• Anapproachtoaddressbothcurrentandretrospectivedenialsfromboth Front-End and Back-End processes.• DataandRootCauseidentificationandanalysisofthedenials.• Dashboardsandongoingdetailedreportingneedtohaveatminimum: o Denial rates as well as dollars written off. o Denials per avoidance/service area. o Benchmarking of rates and dollars to goals.• Standardizedidentificationofdenialswithfeedbackateveryorganizationalleveland clear identification of responsibilities for resolution to include all departments. Access / Coding/UR/Contracting/Reimbursement /Clinical/etc.• PreandPointofServiceprocessre-designedthatisperpetuallyoptimizedtoprevent future denials.• Technologysupportandworkflowmanagementtodriveprocessesandimprovements to include: o Permanent Back-to-Front Feedback. o Work Flows that automatically adapt to changes in reimbursement patterns. o Automates entire work steps. o Work flow with checklists to ensure work is performed optimally on both Front-End and Back-End. o Pre-Service and Point of Service Workflow with alerts based on rules and actual denial outcomes. o Event-driven Denial Follow-up Work flow based on historical denial behavior.

This thorough and data-driven approach will move the management of the claim denials to the Front-End and allow for the transformation from Denial Management to Denial Avoidance.

Steve Chrapla is Director of 3rd Party Solutions for Avadyne Health and a member of the First Illinois HFMA Chapter. He can be reached at (847) 395-7655. [email protected]

Continued from page 5... denial Management Moves...

AAHAM Bluebonnet CalendarApril 22-27, 2013 Spring CPAM/CCAM examsQuestions? Jennifer Urlaub from PFs [email protected]

May 13-24, 2013 CPAT/CCAT/CCT exam period

May 15-17, 20132013 Annual State Institute (ASI)and vendor exhibitSheraton Arlington1500 Convention Center DriveArlington, Texas 76011

Questions? [email protected] 512-314-9177

June 3, 2013 registration deadline for August CPAT/CCAT/CCT exams

August 1, 2013 registration deadline for Fall CPAM/CCAM exams

August 12-23, 2013 CPAT/CCAT/CCT exam period

sAve tHe dAtes–

october 16-18, 2013 2013 ANIsheraton New orleansNew orleans, louisiana


Legislative Day 2013 was a huge success for the 7th year in a row! We had over 90 AAHAM members in attendance. I was honored to be selected to attend from our Chapter. Julie Shaw-Noel and I both represented our State. The day was filled with food, fun, education and true grass roots training.

DAY ONEWe arrived on Wednesday, April 3, in time for a special briefing on our topic Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), led by our man on the Hill, Paul Miller. Paul provided us with a lot of insight regarding do’s and don’ts in bringing our message to our Senators & Representatives. We also heard from Deborah Kelly, Executive Director MedMax Financial Solutions, who shared stories of how the TCPA has greatly and financially impacted her company and her vendors.

DAY TWODay two included updates from Matthew Barry and Loren Duggan from Bloomberg Government who discussed what sequestration means to healthcare, as well as updates from Erik Rasmusen from the American Hospital Association who presented their position regarding the TCPA. Afterwards we all ventured out to the Capital to meet with the legislators and discuss our position.

One of our biggest talking points was the fact that the White House is in support of Modernization of the TCPA. This would allow the White House to collect on IRS bills and outstanding schools loans bringing in much needed revenue. This is a non-partisan issue with support from both sides of the table. We all found the legislators to be familiar with our issue, and all were willing to support Modernization of the bill as long as someone else initiated it. Unfortunately, none of the Texas Legislators were willing to lead the effort at this point. But we didn’t walk away feeling defeated, we all exchanged information with our State Legislators and promised to follow-up and provide them with more information to support our stance!!

Great job was done by all who attended – one thing for sure AAHAM is becoming a familiar force on the Hill.

look what Happened at AAHAM’s 2013 legislative day By: Patricia lowe, director self-Pay and Charity, texas Health resource

Patricia (Patt) also

serves on the Board of

Directors as the Practice

& Standards Chairperson

for the Texas Bluebonnet

Chapter of AAHAM

FeAtUred Alert Setting the Stage for

Legislative Day 2013

Telephone Consumer

Protection Act (TCPA)

We urge Congress to pass a bi-partisan deficit reduction plan this year that includes language amending the Telephone Consumer Protection Act to provide parity in the protections and options accorded to landlines and wireless numbers and to allow healthcare providers and their agents to contact consumers at any number provided to them.TAKE ACTION.


Movers & shakers

The “Movers and Shakers”

column is used to report

important events in the

lives of our members….

new jobs, promotions,

academic achieves, new

babies, etc.

Please contact Publication

Chair, Carolyn Gay, if you

have some important news

to report:

[email protected]

Movers and shakersPhil lane recently joined HMI Financial Services as Director of Business Development in the Department of Receivables Management Solutions. Phil is settling in to his new responsibilities and reports that he is happy to be working in Dallas, Texas once again. Phil Lane also serves as the Corporate Partners Chair on the Board of Directors for the Texas Bluebonnet Chapter of AAHAM.


Update Your Member Info ANdrenew Your Membership today!By: Julie Shaw Noel, Principal, Parrish Shaw and Membership Chair, AAHAM Texas Bluebonnet Chapter

Each year, AAHAM asks you to verify your membership information, so that you do not miss out on any updates or announcements. It only takes a few minutes to update your information, by logging onto the website, www.txaaham.org. Your username is your email address and if you’ve forgotten your password, please contact us by email, [email protected], and we will be happy to assist you.

We hope you’ll take a few minutes and verify your information is correct and also to renew your membership if you have not already done so. The new membership year started on January 1st, but it is not too late to renew!

By renewing your membership, you will continue to have access to your membership benefits, which include:

• OnlineMembershipDirectory

• JobPostings

• Unlimitednetworkingandinformationexchangethroughourwebsite, seminars, and publications

• DiscountpricingtotheTexasBluebonnetChapter’sAnnualState Institute (ASI) and Professional Education Seminars

• Invitationtoanactivescholarshipandawardsprogram

• SubscriptiontoThe Texas Tumbleweed, the award-winning quarterly newsletter of the Texas Bluebonnet Chapter

The membership year runs January 1 – December 31.

You can renew online! https://www.logiforms.com/formdata/user_forms/16822_2754748/77363/.

Please note this is for Local membership ONLY. For AAHAM Dual membership please visit the AAHAM National website at www.aaham.org

Thank you for your participation, and we look forward to another exciting year! Please let me know if I can assist in this process.

800-872-1818 [email protected]


If you’re already a member, don’t forget to re-new your membership!

Texas Bluebonnet Chapter Membership Benefits and Application:http://www.txaaham.org/


National Membership Benefits and Application:http://www.aaham.org/



You may have heard of the famous research experiment where a northern pike (a fish) was placed in one-half of a large aquarium, with numerous minnows swimming freely (and visibly) in the other half of the glass divided tank. As the pike became hungrier, it made numerous unsuccessful efforts to eat the minnows, but only succeeded in battering its snout against the glass divider. Slowly the pike learned that reaching the minnows was an impossible task, and simply gave up. When the glass partition was removed, the pike surprisingly didn’t attack the minnows even though they swam freely around the tank. Why? The pike syndrome.

The pike syndrome is all too common in our everyday lives. We make assumptions or feel victimized by our environment, and fail to push past our self-imposed barriers of limitation.Are you a victim of the pike syndrome? Are you held back by an imaginary glass divider? What do you need to do to start swimming freely? For many of us, it’s simply coming to the realization that we are being held back by ourselves, not some imaginary force beyond our control.

I suspect we all fall victim to the pike syndrome in one way or another. Awareness is the first step. What have you wanted to do but have held back because you’ve believed it impossible?

Source: www.AcclivityPerformance.com (permission granted for reprint)

Are You a victim of the Pike syndrome?By: Anne Pritchard Grady, President, Acclivity Performance

receivable Management

Proud Sponsor ofAAHAM Texas Bluebonnet Chapter


BreAkING News

Decline in Uninsured

The U.S. Census Bureau re-ported in August 2012 that the percentage of people in the U.S. without health insurance decreased to 15.7% in 2011 from 16.3% in 2010.

For a copy of report, go to http://www.census.gov/did/www/sahie/data/2010/SAHIE_Highlights_2010.pdf


Click below to learn more about AAHAM certification

Texas Bluebonnet Chapterhttp://www.txaaham.org/pages/certification


CPAT online learningopportunities available with exciting newpartnership with BridgeFront. Need training? Need CEUS? Need to stay current with changes and regulations? Take educational courses from the comfort of your home or office.

Find out more athttp://www.bridgefront.com/clients_aaham_cpat.php

Certification CornerBy Jennifer Urlaub, CMPe, CPAM, Client relations director for PFs Group and Certification Committee Chair, AAHAM texas Bluebonnet Chapter

Important dates:April 22 – 27, 2013 spring CPAM/CCAM examsMay 13 – 24, 2013 CPAt/CCAt/CCt exam PeriodJune 3, 2013 registration deadline for August CPAt/CCAt/CCt examsAugust 1, 2013 registration deadline for Fall CPAM/CCAM exams

Questions…Jennifer Urlaub, CPAM, PFS Group7670 Woodway, Suite 250Houston, Texas [email protected]

AAHAM would like to extend its congratulations to the following professionals who passed the February 2013 Certification Exams. Your commitment towards professional development will provide lasting benefits throughout your healthcare career. Proudly display your certificates of achievement. Congratulations!!!

The next CPAT/CCAT/CCT exam period will be held May 13th – 24th, 2013. Please note the exam proctors may be a CPAM, CCAM or any person who holds a management position, excluding the examinee’s director supervisor or subordinate. Proctoring CPAM/CCAMs will earn valuable CEUs to maintain certification distinction.

The CPAM/CCAM exam period will be held during the week of Monday, April 22 – 27th, 2013. The National Office will remain open after hours on Thursday, April 25, 2013, to accommodate those on the west coast who may want to schedule a weekday exam. The National Office will remain open until 8 pm EDT (5 pm PDT). Should you need to postpone your exam for any reason, you may do so before April 5, 2013.

All registered test takers will receive additional information regarding exam confirmations as well as exam study guides. Proctors must be secured by April 5, 2013 and can be a CPAM/CCAM or any person holding a management position.

February 2013 CPAt/CCAt distinctions:Maria Bolanos - CPAT Joe Kader, CPATEbony Buckley, CPAT Cynthia Kanesaki, CPATStephanie Burnside, CPAT Meri Keith, CPATMia Coyle, CPAT Susan Latimer, CPATBrinda Delaney, CPAT Ashley Lopez, CPATPatricia Henderson, CPAT Rebecca Radvak, CPATAshley Huerta, CPAT Gauche Vang, CPATMargaret Jurkowski, CPAT TyAsia Wilson, CPAT


2012-2013 Corporate Partners


SILVEREmdeonHollaway & Gumbert MDSParrish ShawPenn Credit CorporationReceivable Management, Inc.SSI Group, Inc.

Apply / renewSponsorship

For a list of the benefitsand to apply for orrenew your sponsorshipplease visit us at www.txaaham.org/pages/partner. If you have anyquestions contact ourChapter Administrator,Tish Campbell,CMP Management,at [email protected].

thank You 2013 Corporate Partners!

We would very much like to thank our corporate sponsors for their continued partnership and financial support of our Texas Bluebonnet Chapter. As always, your commitment allows us to provide exceptional educational opportunities to our members free or for nominal fees through-out the year.

We appreciate all that you do for the Texas Bluebonnet Chapter of AAHAM and look forward to another year of partnership, education and good times at all of our events.

With sincere gratitude,

Phil Lane, Corporate Partners Committee Chair and Texas Bluebonnet Chapter of AAHAM

2013 AAHAM Annual State Institute (AsI) and vendor exhibit

May 15-17, 2013, Sheraton Arlington


Ken Allen Beaumont Health System

Crystal Appleton Carl T. Curtis Health Education CenterBrenda Bacon Lincoln Family Medicine CenterVivian Beaudette Phelps Memorial Health CenterLinda Benson Lincoln Surgical HospitalRandy Blue Self Employed

David Burd Nebraska Hospital Association

Beth Carstensen Alegent Creighton ClinicShelly Cassidy Mary Lanning Memorial HealthcareMaureen Cavanaugh Alegent HealthCharlie Cole The Hauge GroupKevin Conway Nebrska Hospital AssociationRobert Cox Accredited Collection Svcs.Dennis Dinslage St. Francis Memorial HospitalPeggy Dobish Kearney Clinic, P.C.Debra Douglas Chase County Community HospitalMelissa Eberspacher Memorial HospitalEllen Edmundson Community HospitalMark Ehnen The Cirius Group, Inc.Gerald Favors Carl T. Curtis Health Education CenterRose Fedt SMPKaren Gagnon Gagnon Consulting Corp.Katrina Gagnon Gagnon Consulting CorpLuke Gruber AAMSCindy Haas Nebraska Methodist Health SystemMargaret Harris Alegent Creighton ClinicVictoria Hawkins Alegent-Creighton ClinicBernie Hergott Columbus Community HospitalLouise Hoffmann Great Plains Regional Medical CenterAmy Holling Alegent-Immanuel Medical CenterJamie Hossle Shenandoah Medical CenterDebra Hovorka St Catherine HospitalLisamarie Hugo Creighton Pediatric TherapyLisa Jacobson The Hauge GroupHelen Kaven ProCare 3John Keady Tiburon Financial, LLCTanya Kisler Magnet SolutionsVince Koch CSI Financial ServicesKelly Konradt Partners Financial Services, Inc.Rosalie Kramer Regional West Medical Center

welcome New and renewing Members!

The Texas Bluebonnet Chapter of AAHAM would like to welcome it’s new members! Just a reminder, local Chapter membership benefits include: • Discountedregistrationstochaptermeetings • Staying up to date with chapter events and topics via our membership email distribution list.

Please let me know if I can assist in this process in any way and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Again, welcome new members!

Julie Shaw Noel, Membership Chairperson 800-872-1818 [email protected]


Heather Kreikemeier Franciscan Care ServicesKenneth Krieger CBAS/CDR AssociatesMisty Liss Columbus Community HospitalTyler Marsh Wakefield & AssociatesMaurice Mashek West CorporationJenni McConville Community HospitalSharon McGuire HMS, Inc.Troy Medina Wakefield and AssociatesTerri Melvin Madonna Rehabilitation HospitalLeigh Ann Miller Community HospitalDebra Millsap Nebraska Methodist Health SystemRichard Montest M. Leco & Associates Inc.Katie Moul New West Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic SurgeryDavid Mueller Carl T. Curtis Health Education CenterStephanie Myers Alegent Health Community Memorial HospitalAmanda Orton Alegent HealthLaurie Paulsen Crete Area Medical CenterRonald Pick West Asset ManagementEdward Polly Carl T. Curtis Health Education CenterArlen Rasmussen Bryan LGH Medical CenterHayley Ridder Chase County Community HospitalBrad Rising Bryan LGH Medical CenterRichard Rogers Magnet SolutionsGeri Schmid UNMC PhysiciansDonna Schuett Credit Managment Services, IncJenn Seckinger Community Memorial HospitalTyson Seehause AAMSKimberly Sevening HOPE Group LLCKeith Shanks Salucro HealthcareJason Smith West Asset ManagementClaire Smutz FAMCPenny Strand Chase County Community HospitalReta Studnicka Alegent HealthCarol Swanson New West Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic SurgerySuzanne Thompson Bryan LGH Medical CenterBrenda Tubbs Columbus Community HospitalBrad Uhlenhopp General Service Bureau, Inc./Early Out Services, Inc.Christopher Vairo MDSJennifer Verbeck New West Sports Medicine & Orthopeadic SurgeryCindy Vossler Nebraska Hospital AssociationRobert Wagner Nebraska Methodist Health SystemVelda Walker Nebraska Methodist Health SystemsPam Wilbur EmdeonShari Wilcoxon eReceivables, LLCTeresa Wilson Alegent Health

welcome New and renewing Members!


Publication Information

TheTexas Tumbleweed is published quarterly by the Texas Bluebonnet Chapter of American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management as a communication medium to Chap-ter members. Opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas Bluebonnet Chapter or its members.

Members are encouraged to submit articles and report news of interest to the membership. Contact the chapter editor to obtain deadlines for submitting articles. The editor reserves the right to edit any submission for clarity and length, and to accept or reject any submission. Please send all submissions (articles in MS Word, advertising in .jpg, .pdf, or .tif files) to:

Carolyn Gay, Publications Chair - [email protected]

submission deadlines:editions Publication date Advertising ArticlesWinter January 15 January 2 December 7Spring April 15 April 1 March 15Summer July 15 July 1 June 15Fall October 15 October 1 September 15

Advertising Guidelines•Advertising with sponsorship only.•Alladsandlogosshouldbein.eps,.tif,.jpg,or.pdfformatataminimumof300dpi.•Adscannotbe“re-sized”.•PleasedonotsendanygraphicsorlogosembeddedinMSWordorAcrobattextfiles.

Please submit ads to: Tish Campbell: [email protected]

diamondFull Page9 3/4” H x 5 1/8” W

PlatinumHalf Page4 7/8” H x 5 1/8” W

GoldQuarter Page2 1/2” H x 5 1/8” W

SilverBusiness Card2” H x 3 1/2” W

volUNteers welCoMe!

If you want to get more involved in our Chapter’s activities, please contact one of the following com-mittee chairpersons, regarding your areas of interest…


Jennifer Urlaub, Chair

[email protected]


Carolyn Swanson, Chair

[email protected]


Julie Shaw Noel, Chair

[email protected]


Carolyn Gay, Chair

[email protected]


Chapter leadershipPresidentAngie BoxHealthcare Recovery [email protected]

First Vice PresidentKarol HopkinsScott and [email protected]

Second Vice PresidentEmily GoertzTexas Children’s [email protected]

SecretaryCarolyn GayHollaway & [email protected]

TreasurerScott NoelMedical Data [email protected]

Chairman of the BoardChris MorganValarity, [email protected]

Scholarships & Awards ChairLynn Giddens-BranscumWise Regional Health [email protected]

Constitution & By-lawsGreg HightowerHealth Ware [email protected]

Publications ChairCarolyn GayHollaway & Gumbert [email protected]

Corporate Partners ChairPhilip Lane HMI Financial Services [email protected]

Practice & Standards ChairPatricia LoweTexas Health [email protected]

legislative ChairDean MittsConifer Health [email protected]

Membership Chair Julie Shaw [email protected]

Communications Chair Christopher SnyderAvadyne [email protected]

education ChairCarolyn SwansonMedical Data [email protected]

Certification ChairJennifer UrlaubPFS [email protected]

Chapter excellence ChairSheila WeberSt. Luke’s Episcopal [email protected]

Join AAHAM on:
