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May 2015 Newsletter - Western Hills Church

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The May Newsletter for Western Hills Church. Published April 30, 2015.
In This Issue Pastor Jerry Wells - Winning! Paul McKeithan - Update on the Deacon's Ministry Brandon Werner - Shout Outs for Some Jesus Followers! Britt Clay - Are You Ready? Jack Clay - CommunicationWestern Hills Church May, 2015
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In This Issue

Pastor Jerry Wells - “Winning!”

Paul McKeithan - “Update on the Deacon's Ministry”

Brandon Werner - “Shout Outs for Some Jesus Followers!”

Britt Clay - “Are You Ready?”

Jack Clay - “Communication”

Western Hills Church May, 2015

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Pastor Jerry - Winning! Jesus was adamant about it. He promised the church would win over the gates of

hell. (Matthew 16:18). He promised His followers would win over the devil.

(Revelation 12:11). The Apostle Paul said we should win over sin. (Romans 6:2).

The apostle John said whatever is born of God overcomes the world. (1 John 5:4).

Because of Jesus, death is even swallowed up in victory. (1 Cor. 15:54).

The apostle John said we should expect to win because Jesus is in us. (1 John

4:4). Contrary to some we are not just sinners saved by grace. Jesus is alive in

us and because the Victor is alive in us, Paul said we are more than conquerors!

(Romans 8:37). One translation of this verse says overwhelming victory is ours

through Christ who loved us. In other words, the game should not even be close.

We should win and our win should be a blowout. We should be overcomers!

Is that your experience as a Christian? At Western Hills we value transparency.

We don’t want to pretend that we are winning when in reality we are losing. We know life can be very difficult.

There are lots of difficult challenges and circumstances in our life that we cannot control. But we also believe the

promises of God are true and we want to always proclaim the truth of God’s Word. We want to examine ourselves

with what God says should be our experience and seek to live an authentic Christian life.

Beginning the first Sunday in May, we are beginning a new series of messages on Winning! We are going to study

the Word of God and learn what we need to believe and what we need to do to win. We are going to learn how to

win emotionally over feelings of disappointment, failure, fear, anger, rejection, loneliness, anxiety, and grief. We are

going to learn how to win in our finances, our marriage, and our mission as disciples of Jesus.

We hope you will join us each Sunday and join one of our groups as we discover what God’s Word says about


It’s a joy to serve you,

Pastor Jerry


1. Board of Trustees Meeting

May 6 in Pastor Jerry’s office

at 4:00pm

2. Mother’s Day

May 10—Brandon Werner &

Nathan Redman preaching

3. <— Missions Meeting

4. Wedding Shower for Nathan

Redman & Sarah Dellinger

May 23 at 5:30pm at Ben &

Linda Manis’ home.

5. Memorial Day

May 25, Office Closed

6. Mission Team Leadership

Cookout! May 30 from 1pm-

5pm. Location: TBA.

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Current Sermon Series…


in May, we are beginning a new

series of messages on Winning!

We are going to study the Word of

God and learn what we need to

believe and what we need to do to


We are going to learn how to win

emotionally over feelings of

disappointment, failure, fear, anger,

rejection, loneliness, anxiety, and

grief. We are going to learn how to

win in our finances, our marriage,

and our mission as disciples of


We hope you will join us each

Sunday and join one of our groups

as we use stories to discover what

God’s Word says about Winning!

Sermon audio is available online at


Paul McKeithan

Greg Werner has taken the responsibility for the over-sight of the “Family Center” (Building ‘B’).

Lauren Clay has accepted the responsibility for planning, serving and clean-up for the Wednesday evening meals. The purchasing of supplies for the meals and kitchen supplies has been divided between Lauren and Janie Martin. We appreciate the work that they do each week.

We are still waiting on our finances to improve so we can do some of the projects around our facilities. Pray with us about the priorities of these projects, and let us know of other things that you observe that need repairs. Thanks

For your Deacons, Paul McKeithan

From Stephen Ketola... The Board of Trustees meets monthly to discuss the business of the church. All members of the church are welcome to attend these meetings. The dates for the remainder of 2015 are below. Each meeting is currently scheduled to begin at 4:00pm in Pastor Jerry's office. May 6 June 17 July 15 August 12 September 16 October 14 November 11 December 9

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Brandon Werner- Shout Outs for Some Jesus Followers!

Rachael and I’s small group had an incredible time presenting the gospel during a Wednesday night FLOOD service and Sunday morning service during Mission Month! I am so grateful for the hard work each person put in to share their story or present the truth in some way.

Two people that our group is connected with were baptized the week our team presented! Marisa McClain has been a long time Christ follower who is always active in sharing her faith and making disciples. Marisa was baptized when she was young, but never after that point that she knew she had given her life to Jesus. Garret Dressler is connected to Nick Perkin’s Mission Team. Nick Perkins branched his group off of Nathan Redman’s small group, and Nathan’s group branched off of our small group. It is so awesome to watch the church reproduce intentional leaders who share Jesus’ love in a relational environment. So proud of Nathan and Nick for the work they are doing to make disciples!

Who are you reaching as a disciple of Jesus? Don’t overcomplicate this, church! Just be intentional to do your part in a relationship with someone who needs Jesus or needs to grow in Jesus. Live life with them, share your home with them, share your food with them, share your family with them, and share the Lord with them through your actions and words. Trust God to work through His Holy Spirit who dwells in you. As you do this, you will make disciples. Now go, and make disciples! (Matthew 28:16-20, Acts 1:8)

If you have any questions or if you want to get involved, please email me at [email protected] or call me at 405-634-1454

Pastor Brandon

Britt Clay - “Are You Ready?”

Currently the world is facing a lot of tragedy. With the riots that have been taking place in Baltimore, the earthquake in Nepal, and the legislation currently before our congress to legalize gay marriage; people all around us are suffering or they are doubting. People do not understand why these things are happening and many are asking where is God in the midst of all of this? The Lord brought to my mind 1 Peter 3:15, “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as Holy, always being prepared to make an defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect”. As I have been talking with guys that I work with one thing that I am learning is that it is important to always have an answer ready. Whether it be why I believe what I do or how we face tragedy, I want to be able to answer them from the word of God. Are you ready to answer the hard questions? In what ways can you better prepare to give an answer for the reason the hope is within you? I believe that for me I need to regularly be in the word, memorizing scripture and investing in the lives of other men. All of these things have proven in my life to better prepare me to give an answer. Will you join me and be faithful in these areas so that you can do the same?

Britt Clay

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Jack Clay - “Communication” One of the key ingredients to a successful marriage is that of communication. When I was

young, the terms “incompatible personalities” or “irreconcilable differences” were used to

describe the situation many found themselves in and words that resulted in divorce. Then

there was the “no fault” divorce where couples, because of no fault of their own, decided that

they just couldn’t live together anymore because they just didn’t care for each other anymore.

My thoughts as I have heard these terms through the years is that many of these situations, if

not all of them, were truly the result of a lack of communication by both parties.

Communication, which is tempered with compassion and understanding, is essential in any

marriage that is to last “till death do us part.” This type of communication is open, honest, and

transparent. It is the result of genuine, unconditional love on the part of both.

Some spouses are more communicative than others. Some are very quiet. That does not mean they don’t want to

communicate, it just means that some need that little extra encouragement to share what is really on their heart.

Sometimes it takes patient, loving questions to draw out what is really on the heart of your spouse. Listen with your heart,

ask the Lord for discernment on how you can become an effective communicator with your spouse. This takes time and

effort, but as you learn to communicate effectively with your spouse, God will strengthen your marriage and it will be a true

picture of Christ and His church.

Praying for our families,

Bro. Jack

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Contact Us

Western Hills Church

401 SW 44th Street

Oklahoma City, OK 73109

P: 405.634.1454

F: 405.634.1477

E: [email protected]

Visit us on the web at www.westernhillschurch.com

Western Hills Church

401 SW 44th St.

Oklahoma City, OK 73109

“Go into the world and make disciples…”
