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May 28, 2017 10:30 a.m. - gladechurch.org

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GLADE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST May 28, 2017 10:30 a.m.



May 28, 2017 10:30 a.m.



Welcome to a time of Sabbath, rest, and renewal

\May 28, 2017 Glade Matters

Shared moments of information and inspiration about our church family

Prelude “Elevation” Dom Paul Benoit

*Processional Hymn “De colores (Sing of Colors)” #402

*Call to Worship

L: We do not know the time or season of God’s visitation among us.

P: But we await God’s promise as we gather in this house of prayer.

L: Cast your anxieties on God, for he cares about you.

P: We long for support and comfort and for assurance of eternal life.

L: God will establish and strengthen you in times of suffering.

P: We humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand and are watchful, as we

stand firm in faith.

L: Christ intercedes on our behalf, that we may know God’s love and care.

P: We join Christ in praying that we may be one, as Christ is one with the


*Prayer of Invocation (Offered by All)

Your judgment begins with us, O God, for we have chosen to follow Jesus and

to identify ourselves as Christians. But, we have wandered from your ways,

dealt treacherously with others, broken your law, and we have also violated

the purity of spirit you expect from us. Forgive us, we pray, for the sake of

Jesus Christ, whom we intend to more closely follow and with renewed

commitment. Amen.

Time With The Children

Scripture Reading: Acts 1: 6-14; John 17: 1-11

L: The Word of God, for the people of God.

P: Thanks be to God!

Anthem “Laudamus Te” Natalie Sleeth


Sermon “One and the Same”

*Hymn “Eternal Christ, Who, Kneeling” #390

Sharing our Joys and Concerns

Leader : The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Leader: Let us pray…

Silent Prayer


The Prayer Jesus taught Us

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,

forever. Amen.


Offertory “America” David Lowe


* Recessional Hymn “In Christ There Is No East or West” #394

* Benediction

Postlude “Prelude in G Major” J.S. Bach

Worship Participants

Pastor: Rev. Philip Curran

Music Director: Dr. William Powell, III

Ushers: Ray & Joan Hummer

Greeters: Carol & Stuart Clark

Lay Reader: Ruth Ann Engle

Acolyte: Mason Saylor

Nursery: Carol & Blake Kreimer


The flowers on the altar today are given in memory of

all our service men and women who have given their

service and lives to help protect our United States.

God Bless America.

Given by: Patty & Paul Green

Summer Worship

Begins June 4th at 9:30 a.m.

We will enjoy fellowship

time with one another

after the Worship service.

The rose on the altar today is in honor of

Harper Bailey Keyser, born May 20, 2017.

She is the daughter of Ryan and Julie Keyser

and granddaughter of Ruth Keyser.


Food Bank Items for May

Let’s celebrate Cinco de Mayo all month long with food bank

donations of salsa, canned chili, tortillas (non refrigerated),

refried beans, rice, and other Mexican-style foods. The food

bank is always requesting canned pasta, peas, and fruit, boxed

potatoes & toilet tissue. As well as food donations, cash

donations are also accepted by the Glade Valley Community Services

at P.O. Box 655, Walkersville, MD 21793

Today is the last day of Sunday School.

Wishing our students and teachers a

wonderful summer, be safe! We will

see you for Sunday School in the fall!

Next Sunday June 4th, we will begin our worship

service at 9:30 a.m. We will also begin our fellowship

time after the worship service and continue during the

summer months. If you would like to host a Sunday

during the summer to provide the refreshments, please

visit the sign-up sheet in the back of the sanctuary.

The Second Mile Recipient for May

Homewood Retirement Center

Let us remember those older folks who have been living in a

retirement home so long that their financial resources are

exhausted by giving to the Homewood Benevolent Fund to

support them. The fund is used to help all those living at

Homewood to receive the same level of care regardless of their ability to pay.

Please place your check in the offering plate and designate “Homewood” to give

to this special offering.



Glade will again be staffing the GVCS Thrift Shop in the

basement of St. Paul’s Parish House in Walkersville during

the month of June. Volunteers are needed for Saturdays

from 10-2 to process new donations, assist customers and

cash out. There is a sign up sheet on the back table. Please

contact Adriane Wodey to help ([email protected]) or


This year Glade has committed to sponsoring 2

weeks of SOWAC at Creamery Park. Our

weeks are June 19 and June 26. The program

provides healthy lunches and activities for the

youth of Walkersville from 11:30 -1 weekday

afternoons. We are planning some special

programs this summer. We need volunteers to

make sandwiches and to come to Creamery

Park to help out.

The Walkersville Leos Club

In cooperation with the

Glade Valley Lions Club

Is sponsoring a


An event like you’ve never seen

To benefit Leader Dogs for the Blind

June 9, 2017 * 6:00 p.m. * Walkersville Fire Hall

A Unique dining experience, silent auction,

and memorable guest and speaker

To purchase tickets, donate silent auction items, sponsor

Email: [email protected]

Or call: Lion Jennifer Smith 301-788-0526/301-898-7112

Or Karla Wambach 301-845-2289






Sun., May 28 9:15 a.m. Last Day of Sunday School

10:30 a.m. Worship Service

2:30 p.m. LDM, (sanctuary, classrooms, nursery)


Wed., May 31 7:45 p.m. LDM, (classrooms, nursery)

Sat., June 3 5:00 p.m. LDM Music Practice

7:45 p.m. LDM Youth Service

Sun., June 4 9:30 a.m. Worship Service

10:30 a.m. Fellowship Time (SH)

2:30 p.m. LDM, sanctuary, classrooms, nursery
