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MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as...

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Page 1: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,
Page 2: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

This Theology of Work Bible Commentary is an in-depth Bible study tool put together by a group of biblical scholars, pastors, and workplace Christians to help you discover what the whole Bible says about work. Previously published separately, now the � ve separate volumes—from Genesis to Revelation—are compiled in this sturdy slipcase cover.

Business, education, law, service industries, medicine, government—wherever you work, in whatever capacity, the Scriptures have something to say about it.

“The Theology of Work Project is providing desperately needed resources to pastors and the entire church on what the Bible has to say about our work. I hope that every pastor will preach regularly on how the gospel changes the way we work and sometimes the work that we do. And I hope that every Christian will see the ways their work connects to God’s work!”—Tim Keller, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City, Author of Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work

“This series is a magni� cent contribution to one of the most neglected themes in Christian ethics. . . . The conversation about faith and work is deeper and richer thanks to the Theology of Work Project.”—Andy Crouch, Executive Editor, Christianity Today

“This commentary was written exactly for those of us who aim to integrate our faith and work on a daily basis and is an excellent reminder that God hasn’t called the world to go to church, but has called the Church to go to the world. . . . I only wish I had had access to the insights shared in the Theology of Work Bible Commentary many years ago.”—Bonnie Wurzbacher, Former Senior Vice President, The Coca Cola Company

Target audience: Both white-collar and blue-collar professionals; globally and gender diverse; pastors, professors, professionals and laypeople; anyone who works in any capacity.

Apprx. 1118 pages • 6 x 9 inches

Paperback Volumes in Heavy Board Slip Case978-1-61970-829-7 • Retail $99.95

Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL006050 RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / GeneralREL012090 RELIGION / Christian Life / Professional Growth

Also Available Individually:Vol. 1 Genesis through Deuteronomy • 9781619706606Vol. 2 Joshua through Song of Songs • 9781619707092Vol. 3 Isaiah through Malachi • 9781619707504Vol. 4 Matthew through Acts • 9781619705265Vol. 5 Romans through Revelation • 9781619705968




Page 3: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

Two previously unpublished works by a preeminent theologian of the twentieth century. The Paradox of Holiness and Faith in Search of Obedience are two books by Donald Bloesch that characterize American theology.

The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. “It is a venture into the theology of the spiritual life, which � ows out of a theology of the Word of God. We need to rediscover the paradox that only those who believe can become holy, but only those who make progress in holiness can believe in the giver and author of holiness—our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Faith in Search of Obedience: This is Donald Bloesch’s “spiritual autobiography” and his � nal work. “My theology is based on a faith in search of obedience,” he writes. “While we are justi� ed by faith alone, faith does not remain alone but drives us to obey the law of God in its unity with the gospel. We are converted when we are awakened to faith, but this conversion must continue as we labor to realize the demands of faith in daily life. As Christians we are called not only to articulate the faith but also to remain true to the faith on our earthly sojourn. The Christian life might be depicted as a pilgrimage of faith that is never completed while we are still in mortal � esh. Yet I contend that through the Spirit we can make real progress in the faith toward its transcendent goal—the perfection of love.”

Donald G. Bloesch (1928–2010) was a noted American evangelical theologian. From 1957 until his retirement in 1992, he was a professor of theology at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, where he continued as a professor emeritus. For more than forty years, he published scholarly yet accessible works that generally defend traditional Protestant beliefs and practices while seeking to remain in the mainstream of modern Protestant theological thought. He characterized himself a “progressive evangelical” or “Ecumenical orthodox,” criticizing the excesses of both the theological left and right. Bloesch’s pietistic background and personal spiritual life lay at the heart of understanding his theology.

Target audience: Scholars, pastors, and educated laity; seminary and graduate students; teachers. Anyone interested in Bloesch’s work, theology, history of 20th-century theology, holy living, and the work of the Spirit.

Apprx. 200 pages w/ photos • 6 x 9 inches

Stamped case w/ jacket978-1-61970-773-3 • Retail $39.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL067000 RELIGION / Christian Theology / GeneralREL012120 RELIGION / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth




Page 4: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

This remarkable autobiography is a journey from terror, violence, and despair into freedom, peace, and joy. Catching Ricebirds: A Story of Letting Vengeance Go is Marcus Doe’s true story as a Liberian refugee who lost his family and � ed his country, and ultimately learns to forgive and � nd peace again.

Marcus Doe was born in Liberia, West Africa, in 1979. In Doe’s earliest memory, his brother Molley taught him to catch birds in their yard, luring them into traps with grains of rice. When the country erupted in civil war, Molley took part in the chaos and violence that cost the life of their father and left Marcus an orphan and a refugee.

Reaching manhood, Marcus was held captive by a spirit of vengeance. Lured into bitterness and depression, his heart was imprisoned in plans to kill his father’s murderer. But God’s light reached him in this darkness. Where he had been � lled with hatred, Marcus slowly learned to forgive. Now his mission is to bring the hope and the peace of Christ to others.

Marcus’s life unfolds in four movements: � rst as a young boy living in Monrovia, the capital of Liberia, during a period of growing unrest; second as a refugee � eeing from rebel forces that would kill him and his family without a second thought; third as a wanderer in foreign countries—Ghana, the United States—unable to return to his childhood home; and � nally as an adult, coming to grips with the loss he experienced and longing to see his own healing extend to Molley and others still haunted by Liberia’s su� ering.

Fans of the New York Times bestseller Unbroken about Louis Zamperini will love this story as well, as it has similar themes of one man’s struggle to � nd redemption in the face of incredible hardship.

Target audience: This book is written for the lay Christian interested in stories that show God at work in troubled times and places. In particular, Doe’s story is written for the Liberian church, o� ering his story as an example to those who su� ered as he su� ered, and carry the heavy burden of Liberia’s recent past.

Apprx. 200-300 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-825-9 • Retail $16.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsBIO002000 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Cultural HeritageBIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / African American & Black

Available in an alternate size for AFRICA ONLY:Paperback • 4 1/2 x 7 inches978-1-61970-826-6 • Retail $6.95Discount code: GT Available only in Africa




Page 5: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

A millennial through and through, Nathan Robert’s book recounts his adventures in the new media jungle, blending personal experience with media theory, philosophy, literature, and theology to meditate on the question: How do we, and how should we, behave and believe in a media-saturated world?

“Nathan, what does a dog say?” “Woof.” “What does a cat say?” “Meow.” “What does a mouse say?” “Click.”

Nathan’s adventures span the American landscape. In a journey that moves from suburban California, to rural Texas, to downtown Manhattan and back again, his story explores the often maddening, sometimes heart-wrenching, power of today’s media to create simultaneous presence and absence, as it reproduces (increasingly) powerful art and the uncanny echoes of other lives.

With humor and insight, Robert’s story calls us to conceive of “media” not only as a tangled postmodern phenomenon, a media jungle of befuddling proportions, but as a digital architecture that creates real meeting space where we can become ourselves, commune with others, and meet the God who created a world immediate, sensual, and oblique all at once, a world of surfaces illuminated by his presence.

Nathan Roberts is a writer, � lm critic, and student working toward a PhD in Film and Visual Studies at Harvard University. His writing has been featured on TIME.com, Patheos.com, The High Calling, and Prague Wandering. He has lived in Southern California, Central Texas, Manhattan, and Prague. To learn more about him, visit his blog, Fade Into Focus, at nathandroberts.com or � nd him on Twitter @nathandroberts.

Target audience: Robert’s book is a memoir addressed to educated millennial Christians with a willingness to engage in thoughtful cultural scrutiny and self-examination; and to older, educated Christians with an interest in media and millennial life experiences

Apprx. 250 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-766-5 • Retail $19.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsBIO026000 BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs

AVAILABLE JULY 2016SURFACE TENSIONSSearching for Sacred Connection in a Media-Saturated World



Page 6: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

Popular author Kent Crockett has written yet another practical, relatable, and inspiring book— this time on prayer. If you’ve ever wondered how to pray or why we even need to, this book o� ers biblical instruction and shows us the heart of God in the process.

Kent Crockett wants to take the religion out of prayer. By “religion” he means methods and rituals that are a counterfeit to the true way of talking with God. In this accesible book, Kent Crockett answers common questions about prayer and helps readers develop a stronger prayer life.

Kent Crockett is a graduate of Texas A&M University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is president of Making Life Count Ministries www.makinglifecount.net. He is the author of 8 books including Slaying Your Giants, The Sure Cure for Worry, and Making Today Count for Eternity.

Target audience: Pastors and laypeople; new Christians; church goers; anyone who wants a handy and helpful resource on prayer.

Apprx. 250 pages • 6 x 9 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-737-5 • Retail $16.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL012080 RELIGION / Christian Life / PrayerINSPIRATIONAL / Christian Living

ALSO AVAILABLE BY THIS AUTHOR:Slaying Your Giants • 978-1-61970-063-5




“The author has an easy to read style that intersperses personal stories and experiences he has observed over his long career as a pastor along with biblical references that accurately pinpoint how God wants us to hurdle these problems.... Pastor Crockett has a tender heart for pastoral care of his � ock and it’s brillantly evident in his latest book.”— Online Customer Review for author’s previous work, Slaying your Giants

PART 1: HOW PRAYER WORKS1. What If We’ve Been Doing It All Wrong? 2. The Four Purposes of Prayer 3. Your Concept of God Determines Your Faith 4. Able + Willing = Answer 5. Not “How” But “Who” 6. The Natural Realm vs. the Spiritual Realm 7. The Object of Your Faith 8. Unclogging the Pipeline 9. When Will the Answer Come? 10. Knock, Knock 11. How Heaven Sees Prayers12. “In Jesus’ Name” Doesn’t Mean Sincerely Yours 13. God Wants to Speak to You 14. Why Prayers Aren’t Answered Like You Asked

PART 2: ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS15. If I pray for wisdom, how do I know when I get it? 16. Why does God want me to pray for my enemies? 17. If more people pray is it more likely to be answered? 18. If I pray without ceasing, when do I sleep? 19. How are we to pray in restaurants?

PART 3: PRAYING SPECIFIC REQUESTS20. Praying to be Saved 21. Praying for Provision22. Praying for Protection 23. Praying to Get Through Devastation 24. Praying for Healing25. Praying for Others


Page 7: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

This book o� ers practical advice on how to resolve con� ict and deal with crisis within the church.

In this hope-� lled and practical book, two church con� ict resolution experts take you through the Acts 15 model of approaching con� ict in order to provide a clear, godly way forward into redemptive reconciliation.

Every church will experience con� icts. If properly approached, church con� icts can be used for spiritual growth for both individuals and entire churches. Redeeming church con� icts—making something glorious out of something painful—provides evidence to a watching world that the gospel is real and powerful.

Tara Klena Barthel, a former attorney and Director of the Institute for Christian Conciliation, currently serves as a Christian mediator and homemaker, while writing, speaking, and attending seminary. Tara is the author of the Living the Gospel in Relationships video series and coauthor of Peacemaking Women.

David V. Edling is a retired attorney who, after seminary, served as a pastor and then as the Director of Church Relations at Peacemaker Ministries. As a Christian conciliator, Dave has extensive experience working with churches facing serious legal and relational con� icts, and he has assisted thousands of con� icted Christians from almost every denomination.

Target audience: Pastors, church congregations; anyone dealing with con� ict in their church or life

Apprx. 256 pages • 6 x 9 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-810-5 • Retail $16.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL108030 RELIGION / Christian Church / LeadershipREL108000 RELIGION / Christian Church / GeneralREL074000 REIGION / Christian Ministry / Pastoral Resources

AVAILABLE MAY 2016REDEEMING CHURCH CONFLICTSTurning Crisis into Compassion and Care



“I pray that you will study this book carefully and apply its principles in your church with the love and power of Christ. In doing so you can redeem church con� ict, turning it into an opportunity for growth, worship, and kingdom expansion.”— Ken Sande, president of Peacemaker Ministries, author of The Peacemaker

“Church con� ict hurts, divides, and besmirches the name of Christ. This volume does more than lament the problem. It digs deeply into the experience of the New Testament church to discover a model of forgiveness and redemption that can help the witness of the church to shine once again.”—Timothy George, Founding Dean of Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, General Editor of Reformation Commentary on Scripture

“Tara and David’s guiding concept of ‘responding redemptively’ deeply resonates with me. I’m encouraged and equipped, as I believe you will be, by their practical, scriptural wisdom, applicable to any church con� ict.”—Bob Kellemen, Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition, Author of Equipping Counselors for Your Church

Turning Crisis into Compassion & Care

Tara Klena Barthel& David V. Edling

Foreword by KEN SANDE, Founder, Peacemaker Ministries



Page 8: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

What does the Bible say about retirement? Is it part of God’s purpose for every Christian’s life?

The author doesn’t think retirement is a biblical concept – especially the way it’s practiced in today’s Western culture with a sense of entitlement. His aim in this book is to challenge readers to think about retirement and what the Bible has to say in relation to it. He encourages retirees to continue to be productive and contribute to the Kingdom, even though we might not work a “9-5” anymore. He is concerned that we have simply adopted our culture’s thinking about retirement without examining it to determine whether it � ts with our profession to acknowledge Jesus as our King—which he feels is dangerous. We’ve allowed the world to squeeze us into its shape and allowed the world to dictate to us all our dreams and goals and aspirations about this increasingly lengthy period of our lives. His aim in this book is to achieve a paradigm shift—to get us thinking that retirement does not need to mean the end of productivity completely. He challenges us to evaluate our current concept of “retirement” by exploring in detail what the Bible says about it.

Raised in a Christian home and an active church, since 1983 Rodney Macready has pastored several Australian churches. He has also taught in theological colleges in Australia, Papua New Guinea and Tanzania and dabbled in short-term missions in the Philippines and Indonesia. He now expands his ministry through writing.

Target audience: Both white-collar and blue-collar professionals; globally and gender diverse; pastors, professors, professionals and laypeople; anyone who works in any capacity.

Apprx. 200 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Stamped Case with Jacket978-1-61970-808-2 • Retail $24.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL012070 RELIGION / Christian Life / Personal Growth

OTHER BOOKS ON FAITH & WORK:The Accidental Executive • 9781619706217Where’s God on Monday? • 9781619707078Theology of Work Bible Commentary • 9781619708297



Chapters Include:1. Have you Thought about Retirement?2. My Cultural and Christian Heritage3. Elements of the Biblical Cultures4. Is Work a Four-Letter Word? 5. God’s Rest and Human Rest 6. A Sabbath Rest?7. Sabbaticals and Jubilees8. Retiring Levites?

9. Vows and Valuing People10. Putting Widows on the List11. Caring for Aged Parents12. The Elders at the Gate13. Ecclesiastes – Work and Pleasure14. Bits and Pieces15. Hints in the Other Direction16. Where to From Here?

Page 9: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

Elizabeth Goudge’s � rst novel is set in the Channel Islands during the late 1800s. It’s a story of one family’s struggle to connect with one another, heal, and persevere.

The year is 1888. Rachell and André du Frocq live on a run-down farm in the town of St. Pierre, on one of the Channel Islands (between England and the coast of Normandy). The proud parents of � ve high-spirited children, they have wrestled their happiness out of heartache: they’ve buried three babies and depleted Rachell’s inheritance to keep the farm alive.

When a shipwrecked man lands on the island, Rachell takes him in. The man, Ranulph, has spent his whole life refusing to be tied down to anyone or any place, yet he � nds the du Frocq family hard to resist. As the story unfolds he � nds healing for some of his past hurts and begins to � nd ways to support the family, the farm, and the island. Exploring the freedom found in commitment and perseverance, this story of family devotion was Elizabeth Goudge’s � rst novel and is not without its surprises!

Elizabeth Goudge was a British novelist (1900–1984) born into the home of an Anglican priest and theologian. She wrote children’s books as well as novels—her Green Dolphin Street was made into an Academy-Award winning � lm. In style and themes she parallels English writers such as the creator of the Miss Read series as well mirroring the spiritual depth found in George MacDonald’s Victorian novels. She won the Carnegie Award in 1947 for The Little White Horse, which is J. K. Rowling’s favorite children’s book.

Target audience: Readers who enjoy historical � ction; Christians and non-Christians; lovers of classic literature.

Apprx. 250 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-772-6 • Retail $14.95


Discount code: GTExclusive US and Canada, Non-Exclusive Rest of WorldFIC014000 FICTION / Historical

ALSO AVAILABLE BY ELIZABETH GOUDGE:Green Dolpin Street • 9781619706422Towers in the Mist • 9781619706323The Child from the Sea • 9781619707535 ...and more!



“I am so excited to see an Elizabeth Goudge book brought back into print. She is a wonderful author with depth of character and plot and a Christian world view that is so refreshing to get lost in and � nd ideas of eternal value.”— Online Customer Review for author’s other work

“Those who love the beauty of the English language and its ability to describe details until one can almost literally see the setting and characteristics of the people and setting will love this book. I like reading sections over and over. Those who like a good plot, a good story with redemptive quality will be satis� ed too, because the book also has all these qualities.” — Online Customer Review for author’s other work

Page 10: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

Morris Ashcraft provides a a brief biographical sketch and a reliable guide to Rudolf Bultmann’s system of thought and his continuing theological in� uence. It is part of the classic Makers of the Modern Theological Mind series, recently made available again with new paperback cover designs.

How can modern scienti� c humanity understand the strange religious language of the Bible? This is one of the questions Rudolf Bultmann (1884–1976) spent his life answering. As a devout Lutheran committed to the Christian faith, Bultmann’s concern was how to make Christianity intelligible in the twentieth century. His concept of demythologizing was part of his lifelong attempt to help people “hear” the Christian gospel and respond to it authentically. All of this originated out of a genuine pastoral concern to highlight the nature of New Testament faith. As Morris Ashcraft writes, “He stands alongside Karl Barth as a man who changed the direction of theology signi� cantly and perhaps permanently.”

In this book, along with a brief biographical sketch, Morris Ashcraft provides a concise and reliable guide to Bultmann’s system of thought and his continuing in� uence.

The Makers of the Modern Theological Mind series remains a must-read for anyone eager to understand these theologians and their impact on today’s church.

Dr. Bob E. Patterson is emeritus professor of religion at Baylor University.Morris Ashcraft (1923–2011) was dean of the faculty and professor of theology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Target audience: Scholars, pastors, and educated laity; seminary and graduate students; teachers.

Apprx. 124 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-813-6 • Retail $14.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL067080RELIGION / Christian Theology / History

ALSO AVAILABLE IN THIS SERIES:Soren Kierkegaard • 9781619708143Karl Barth • 9781619707351Dietrich Bonhoe� er • 9781619707542Emil Brunner • 9781619707368

AVAILABLE AUGUST 2016RUDOLF BULTMANNMakers of the Modern Theological Mind series



Page 11: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

In this overview of Søren Kierkegaard’s life and work, Elmer Duncan helps readers understand Kierkegaard’s principal philosophical and theological insights and their ongoing e� ect on current religious thought. It is part of the classic Makers of the Modern Theological Mind series, recently made available again with new paperback cover designs.

Generally acknowledged as one of the greatest thinkers of the nineteenth century, Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) has also often been named “the father of existentialism,” as twentieth-century Christian existentialism appropriated his insights for theology and ethics, stressing human experience, freedom, and the commitment of faith. Contemporary theology can hardly be understood without reading him.

In this overview of Kierkegaard’s life and work, Elmer Duncan helps readers understand Kierkegaard’s principal philosophical and theological insights and their ongoing e� ect on current religious thought. Most of all, Duncan unveils a vivid portrait of a sincere Christian “becomer” who believed Christianity is not a doctrine to be learned but a life to be lived—a man whose primary objective was to help others to be “becoming” Christians also.

The Makers of the Modern Theological Mind series remains a must-read for anyone eager to understand these theologians and their impact on today’s church.

Dr. Bob E. Patterson is emeritus professor of religion at Baylor University.Elmer H. Duncan served as professor of philosophy at Baylor University from 1962 until his retirement in 2005. He has edited a series of lectures on natural theology by the Scottish philosopher Thomas Reid, and has approximately 160 publications to his credit, including six books.

Target audience: Scholars, pastors, and educated laity; seminary and graduate students; teachers.

Apprx. 156 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-814-3 • Retail $14.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL067080RELIGION / Christian Theology / History

ALSO AVAILABLE IN THIS SERIES:Rudolf Bultmann • 9781619708136Karl Barth • 9781619707351Dietrich Bonhoe� er • 9781619707542Emil Brunner • 9781619707368

AVAILABLE AUGUST 2016SØREN KIERKEGAARDMakers of the Modern Theological Mind series



“I am absolutely convinced that this book is the best place to start if you want to know anything about this great philosopher who was a passionate spokesperson for Christian living. The book is written in a very non-technical way and can easily be read by anyone without philosophy or theological training. The best thing about this book is that in the process of learning about Kierkegaard, you learn about a host of other philosophers and theologians...Highly recommended!”— Online Customer Review of previous edition

Page 12: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

How should Christians react to environmental crisis? Historically, evanglicals have ignored this aspect of living for Christ, so this book aims to reinvigorate and empower Christians across the globe to care for creation.

This book collects the work of biblical scholars, theologians, biologists, environmental researchers, and community organizers who met at “The Global Consultation on Creation Care and the Gospel” in Jamaica in 2012. Participants from 23 countries as diverse as Argentina, Bangladesh, Benin, and Canada gathered for � ve days to pray, talk, and re� ect on the state of the planet—the home in which we live—and on the role and ministry of the church in caring for God’s creation.

The book contains biblical and theological a� rmations from well-respected scholars and teachers, reminding us that caring for creation is central to the evangelical faith. It is an integral part of our mission, an expression of our worship of God, and a matter of great joy and hope.

Target audience: Evangelicals; Environmentalists; Scholars, pastors, and educated laity; seminary and graduate students; teachers.

Apprx. 350 pages • 6 x 9 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-725-2 • Retail $29.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL012110 RELIGION / Christian Life / Social IssuesREL067070 RELIGION / Christian Theology / Ethics

AVAILABLE MAY 2016CREATION CARE AND THE GOSPELReconsidering the Mission of the Church



Page 13: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

The Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical & Post-Biblical Antiquity is a unique reference work that provides background cultural and technical information on the world of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament from 2000 BC to approximately AD 600.

This dictionary casts light on the culture, technology, history, and politics of the periods of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament.

Written and edited by a world-class historian and a highly respected biblical scholar, with contributions by many others, this unique reference work explains details of domestic life, technology, culture, laws, and religious practices, with extensive bibliographic material for further exploration. Articles range from 5-20 pages long. Scholars, pastors, and students (and their teachers) will � nd this to be a useful resource for biblical study, exegesis, and sermon preparation.


Target audience: Scholars, pastors, and educated laity; seminary and graduate students; teachers.

Apprx. 400-500 pages • 6 x 9 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-727-6 • Retail $24.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL006670 RELIGION / Biblical Reference / Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

ALSO AVAILABLE IN THIS SERIES:Volume 1, A-Da • 978-1-61970-460-2Volume 2, De-H • 978-1-16970-640-8




“This wonderful resource is much more than a dictionary. It is a compendium of substantive essays on numerous facets of daily life in the ancient world. I am frequently asked by pastors and students for recommendations on books that illuminate the manners, customs, and cultural practices of the biblical world. Now I have the ideal set of books to recommend.”— Clinton E. Arnold, Dean and Professor of New Testament, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University

“This is not your standard Bible dictionary, but one that focuses on aspects of daily life in Bible times, addressing interesting and sometimes puzzling topics that are often overlooked in other encyclopedias. I highly recommend the Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical & Post-Biblical Antiquity and will be giving it ‘shout-outs’ in my classes in the years to come.”— James K. Ho� meier, Professor of Old Testament and Near Eastern Archaeology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Page 14: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

Keith Warrington’s book paints a compelling picture of Jesus as miracle worker. It shows how miracles functioned as a strategy in his ministry, and explains why some miracles are recorded di� erently in di� erent Gospels.

In this magisterial study, Keith Warrington paints a rounded picture of Jesus as a miracle worker by exploring each of the miracles in the Gospels in their literary and historical setting. He demonstrates that, while the miracles are historically authentic, there are several reasons for their presence in the Gospels other than simply to identify Jesus as a miracle worker. They are also intended to function as vehicles of teaching: expressing aspects of the mission and person of Jesus, providing lessons for his would-be disciples and adding theological value for each Gospel’s original audience.

Keith Warrington is Reader in Pentecostal Studies at Regents Theological College, Malvern, UK. His recent books include Pentecostal Theology, The Message of the Holy Spirit, Discovering Jesus in the New Testament and Discovering the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. He is also co-editor of A Biblical Theology of the Holy Spirit.

Target audience: Scholars, pastors, and educated laity; seminary and graduate students; teachers.

Apprx. 320 pages • 6 1/8 x 9 1/4 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-832-7 • Retail $29.95


Discount code: GTNorth America OnlyREL0067100 RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Jesus, The Gospel & Acts




“Keith Warrington combines the best in biblical exegesis with his own Pentecostal experience. In this book he not only sees miracles in the ministry of Jesus as acts of power, but he explores their primary purpose in what they teach us about Jesus. It is meticulously referenced, and the reader will � nd this a treasure of both scholarship and inspiration.”— Allan H. Anderson, Professor of Mission and Pentecostal Studies, University of Birmingham

“Readers of this book are able to explore the identity and mission of Jesus through the clear lens of the miracle stories. Warrington does not question whether or not the miracles happened but shows what the stories meant for the Gospel writers, and reveals that the miracle stories are not peripheral to the gospel; they are the gospel.”—Graham H. Twelftree, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, Regent University

“Systematic and insightful, academic and inspiring, these studies on all the miracles of the Gospels will speak to a wide range of people, from young Christians to preachers and seasoned scholars. Keith Warrington has given us a rich and interesting book that I can thoroughly recommend.”—William K. Kay, Professor of Theology, Glyndwr University

Page 15: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

A keynote book for the Lausanne Movement, The Lausanne Legacy: Landmarks in Global Mission collects the three major documents of the movement into one volume. This collection includes The Lausanne Covenant, The Manila Manifesto, and The Cape Town Commitment.

The Lausanne Covenant from the movement’s � rst meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1974, the Manila Manifesto, from Manila, Philippines, 1989, and the Cape Town Commitment, from Lausanne’s 2010 meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, demonstrate the � rm foundation and the growing vision of the movement. Two signi� cant addresses from each meeting, from speakers including Billy Graham, John Stott, Lindsay Brown, and Chris Wright join these powerful statements of vision and belief that established and sustain the spirit of a global movement, a spirit of humility, friendship, prayer, study, partnership, and hope.

With a foreword by Leighton Ford, Honorary Life Chairman of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, and an afterword by Michael Oh, Executive Director/CEO of the Lausanne Movement, this collection stands as the de� nitive testament to the work that God has done through the Lausanne Movement in connecting ideas and in� uencers for world mission.

Target audience: Evangelicals; Missionaries; Scholars, pastors, and educated laity; seminary and graduate students; teachers.

Apprx. 150-200 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-830-3 • Retail $12.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL067130 RELIGION / Christian Theology / ProcessREL045000 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Missions




Page 16: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

The Third Force in Missions challenges readers to recognize the indispensable role of the Holy Spirit as power-for-mission. It confronts the Western mentality that ignores the miraculous in its missions strategy and the global Pentecostal movement. Paul Pomerville suggests that such activity—prompted and controlled by the Spirit—is key to fruitful biblical missions.

When The Third Force in Missions was � rst published in 1985, Paul Pomerville sought to draw attention to the Pentecostal contribution to missions. At that time, he argued there was an “information gap” regarding the size of this movement, in spite of “two waves” of worldwide Pentecostal renewal. He argued that this gap existed because of evangelical bias against Pentecostalism, bias against “charismatics” in mainline churches, ethnocentrism toward Pentecostals in the developing world, and faulty reporting.

Thirty years later, Pomerville once again argues the importance of the global Pentecostal movement, seeking to correct the ongoing tunnel vision of world missions programs, which since the Protestant Reformation have tended to ignore the Holy Spirit’s work in today’s missions. In this book, Pomerville exposes the serious methodological and theological � aws of such a one-sided position.

Paul A. Pomerville (PhD, Intercultural Studies, School of World Mission, Fuller Seminary) served as a missionary to Asia and Europe, and as graduate professor and department chair of Christian Missions and Cross-Cultural Communications at the Assemblies of God Seminary. He has also trained police o� cers in cultural diversity around the world.

Target audience: Scholars, pastors, and educated laity; seminary and graduate students; teachers. Anyone interested in the Pentecostal-Charismatic global movement and missions.

Apprx. 196 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-768-9 • Retail $19.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL079000 RELIGION / Christianity / Pentecostal & CharismaticREL045000 RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Missions

AVAILABLE JULY 2016THE THIRD FORCE IN MISSIONSA Pentecostal Contribution to Contemporary Mission Theology



Page 17: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

A topical study looking at Economics and Society through various biblical texts and Theology of Work articles. How does Christian faith relate to economic life in ways that can potentially advance a more abundant life for all?

This study brings a biblical perspective to work and economic life within the overarching mission of fullness of life worked out in the context of fallen individuals, institutions, and nations. Looking to fundamental principles established in the Old Testament, this study focuses on ways Christians can bring biblical perspective in their responses to the realities and responsibilities of economic life. This study also encourages engagement with economic realities without dictating speci� c answers, positions, politics, or solutions. Rather, it o� ers six engagement styles or approaches—prophetic, narrative, technical/ethical, policy, participational, and invitational—to enliven and structure conversation around the question:

In this abundant life, we as Christians are called to � ourish, not just survive. We are invited to enjoy a fullness of life in which there is dignity and purpose that is unconnected to � nancial state or social station. Called to live the abundant life in a fallen world, we face the reality of economic disparity and the many issues it presents. Jesus observed, “The poor you will always have with you” (Matt. 26:11), stating a fact we cannot escape. But we can make a di� erence. As workplace Christians, we are committed to God’s life-giving mission amid life-denying situations. We seek opportunities for active and constructive engagement with our world.

These Bible studies are part of The Bible and Your Work Study Series. Each book contains Scripture references, thought-provoking questions, and prayers to help you explore what the Bible says about work and apply it to your life in positive, practical ways. The lessons in each chapter are designed for thirty-minute lunch breaks, although they can be used in other formats as well.

Target audience: Both white-collar and blue-collar professionals; globally and gender diverse; pastors, professors, professionals and laypeople; anyone who works in any capacity.

Apprx. 96 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-806-8 • Retail $9.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL012090 RELIGION / Christian Life / Professional Growth

AVAILABLE JULY 2016ECONOMICS AND SOCIETYThe Bible and Your Work Study Series



Page 18: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

In the New Testament, we � nd women engaged in all kinds of work, and in many cases their issues are still issues for us today. Reading about women and their work in the Bible shows us how to honor God and � nd joy in the midst of our work now.

When we turn to the � rst chapter of the Bible, we watch God “at work” creating our cosmos and a world in which human beings can survive, even thrive. We may think of the Garden of Eden as some kind of leisure vacation setting, but God placed the � rst man and woman in that garden to work together, tilling it and caring for it (Gen. 2:15,18). Anyone who gardens knows that it takes constant work to maintain one, even in Eden. So from the beginning of time and throughout the Bible we see people at work, many simply to survive. Thus it comes as no surprise that women throughout the ages have always worked, often alongside men, sometimes alone but in harmony with the work that men were doing.

When we turn to the New Testament, there we also � nd women engaged in all kinds of work. For some it was the work of bearing and rearing children. For others it was bringing aid to folks in need. For still others it was as businesswomen engaged in pro� table enterprises. And for many it was in some form of ministry for Christ and his kingdom. As you work through these studies of women at work two thousand years ago in the Middle East, you’ll � nd that while our lives today are radically di� erent, some things never change. In many cases their issues are still issues for us today. How they handled their work life may give us help in managing ours in ways that bring honor to God and joy to us in the midst of our work.

This Bible Study is part of The Bible and Your Work Study Series. Each book contains Scripture references, thought-provoking questions, and prayers to help you explore what the Bible says about work and apply it to your life in positive, practical ways. The lessons in each chapter are designed for thirty-minute lunch breaks, although they can be used in other formats as well.

Target audience: Both white-collar and blue-collar professionals; globally and gender diverse; pastors, professors, professionals and laypeople; anyone who works in any capacity.

Apprx. 96 pages • 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-824-2 • Retail $9.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL012090 RELIGION / Christian Life / Professional Growth




Page 19: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

This book provides you with the timeless sermons of Charles Spurgeon, speci� cally those that focus on men in the New Testament.

Since the days he shook the pulpits of Victorian London with Christ-centered passion, Charles Spurgeon has a� ected each generation anew. Featuring stirring sermons on men of the New Testament, this collection o� ers homiletic gems from the “Prince of Preachers.” In sermons as timeless as their topics, Spurgeon combines keen intellect, scriptural truth, and a zeal for making God known to a world in darkness.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) served for 30 years at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. It is estimated that during his lifetime he spoke to 10 million people, and he became known as the “Prince of Preachers.” His works � lls over 60 volumes; and more than a century after his death, his sermons and devotional texts continue to challenge and touch Christians and non-Christians alike with their biblical grounding, eloquent text, and simple encouragement. Among his published books are Lectures to My Students (Hendrickson); The Treasury of David (Hendrickson), a devotional commentary on the Psalms; All of Grace, the � rst Christian pocket-paperback published in the United States; numerous volumes of topical sermon collections; and the best-selling Morning and Evening.

Target audience: Scholars, pastors, and educated laity; seminary and graduate students; teachers.

Apprx. 208 pages • 6 x 9 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-812-9 • Retail $14.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL058010 RELIGION / Sermons / Christian



Page 20: MAY-AUGUST NEW TITLES · 2016-05-26 · The Paradox of Holiness: “This is a book of devotion as well as theology,” writes Donald Bloesch. ... A millennial through and through,

This book provides you with the timeless sermons of Charles Spurgeon, speci� cally those that focus on women in the New Testament.

Since the days he shook the pulpits of Victorian London with Christ-centered passion, Charles Spurgeon has a� ected each generation anew. Featuring stirring sermons on women of the New Testament, this collection o� ers homiletic gems from the “Prince of Preachers.” In sermons as timeless as their topics, Spurgeon combines keen intellect, scriptural truth, and a zeal for making God known to a world in darkness.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) served for 30 years at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. It is estimated that during his lifetime he spoke to 10 million people, and he became known as the “Prince of Preachers.” His works � lls over 60 volumes; and more than a century after his death, his sermons and devotional texts continue to challenge and touch Christians and non-Christians alike with their biblical grounding, eloquent text, and simple encouragement. Among his published books are Lectures to My Students (Hendrickson); The Treasury of David (Hendrickson), a devotional commentary on the Psalms; All of Grace, the � rst Christian pocket-paperback published in the United States; numerous volumes of topical sermon collections; and the best-selling Morning and Evening.

Target audience: Scholars, pastors, and educated laity; seminary and graduate students; teachers.

Apprx. 192 pages • 6 x 9 inches

Paperback978-1-61970-811-2 • Retail $14.95


Discount code: GTWorld RightsREL058010 RELIGION / Sermons / Christian


