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Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight

Date post: 07-Jul-2018
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  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    "Maybe I can be your girlfriend tonight..."

    File (hide ): 141999670 6! . ng (#90. $ %&' $6#0 $$ $' 1#1!:1141' u9 ua* . ng )


    ▶ nony/ou 1$ #1 14 (2ed) 09:01:4 3o. !6 101# +2atch 5hread-

    I55 eal ince t torie

    ▶ bob 01 06 1! (5ue) 06:! :!7 3o. !96

    htt : .youtube.co/ atch 8 ;0Mdnl* 4

    ▶ nony/ou 01 07 1! (2ed) 0#:17:40 3o. 600

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    ▶ age 01 $6 1! (Mon) 0!:0 :$1 3o. 6#6 6!9

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    ▶ nony/ou 0$ $0 1! (Fri) 0$:1$:09 3o. 669

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  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    ▶ nony/ou 0$ $$ 1! (>un) 10:!$:07 3o. 679 6 #

    6702ouldnGt /ind the re t of the tory in la t i/age :)

    ▶ nony/ou 0$ $$ 1! (>un) 19:4$:11 3o. 6 #

    679orry didnGt realiHe art of it i /i ing. (i ha8enGt read /o t of the/ yet). I donGt ha8e theecond art. iGll ee a loo out though

    ▶ nony/ou 0! $1 1! (5hu) 10:40:$$ 3o. 9!0



    ▶ nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $1:! :06 3o. 970

    I donGt no hat to do about /y grand/other

    Kou do no if youGre a hot guy your grand/other ant to fuc you right

    ▶ nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $#:11:$0 3o. 97$


    &e 19

    ecently reconnected ith $nd cou in fro/ Florida 8ia the /agic of .

    *a8enGt een her ince e ere both 10 or o.

    5urn out heG a big >F and ani/e nerd.

    2e e/ail L IM a lot' tal about obert *einlein and ay &radbury and Aro=ect u//erti/e no ' IG/ ho/e fro/ college. My arent traditionally ho t the fa/ily reunion

    Bou inG i//ediate fa/ily ha nGt co/e to one of the reunion in year ' but he ant toco/e to hang out ith /e.

    I ic her u fro/ the air ort.


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    Are 9 11 < I can /eet her at the gate

    /otherofgod.= g

    >heG totally /y ty e. Aetite' athletic' lightly tanned' long bro n hair in a onytail' big oft

    bro n eye .

    >he run u and hug /e li e in a /o8ie.

    2e chat the hole ay ho/e' ha8e dinner ith arent ' then go to the ba e/ent to atchani/e.

    2atch o/e u/i o 5a ahah hi tuff < Mer/aidG >car' Firetri er.

    Alenty of roo/ on the couch' but he it right be ide /e' hi to hi .

    ean her head on /y houlder

    herbal e ence ha/ oo cent

    ▶ nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $#:1$:07 3o. 97# 974

    ">*? 2 35> 5*? E" 3o no' little /e' thatG ridiculou heG =u t being friendly.

    "2? I 2 35 5* 5 >>" Ke ' I no ' but heG our cou in. Bhill the fuc out. 2e canfa later.

    Jetting late and e get ready for bed.

    IGd already ho n her the are bedroo/ here heGll be lee ing and her tuff i there. >heco/e out a IG/ bru hing /y teeth.

    " non "

    "Ke "

    "I forgot to ac a=a/a . Ban I borro one of your hirt "

    > eatdro .gif

    go to clo et and ic out a oft button

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight



    ">o hey' non " >he tri e u con8er ation about o/ething

    I ha8e no /e/ory of the ub=ect

    ll /enory i i ed e ce t the ight of her' earing /y hirt. 5he to three button areo en and her oft' tanned clea8age tare at /e. 5he hirt hang belo her crotch. I canGt tellif heG earing antie .

    "F??E M? AN>>K@" n

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    5hi i ha ening

    /indblo n.= g

    >he o en her eye and lyly /ile

    ▶ nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $#:1 :06 3o. 976 977 97


    I fini h the fir t foot' do the other.

    >he bite her li .

    I feel I hould be aying o/ething but I canGt ea . IG/ too in hoc at hat i ha ening

    I a/ craHy ith lu t

    I a/ terrified

    I /u t ha8e chec ed to ee if /y bedroo/ door a hut t enty ti/e . Eid I hut it I donGtre/e/ber hutting it. Eid he h god hat doe it /atter

    5re/bling' I re/o8e her feet fro/ /y la and /o8e to it be ide her.

    I bru h a loc of oft dar bro n hair fro/ her face.

    "KouGre really retty."

    blu hofathou and un .= g

    >he /ile and lean her face to ard /ine


    *eart i doing tri le u//er ault ringboard di8e

    hot /elty feeling reading through /y che t

    ada/antiu/ coc

    e lie do n. >heG ato /e

    her tongue i dancing on /y nec

    ▶ nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $#:19:!4 3o. 977


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight



    My hirt i hanging do n fro/ her body and I can ee her ni le ' in . i e encil era er .

    I roll ato her and nibble her earlobe' her nec

    *er breath co/e in Ouic little ga and /oan

    I /o8e do n

    I try to unbutton her hirt ith /y teeth

    fail.= g

    he laugh and unbutton it

    I lide the hirt o en

    Jloriou .

    I de8our her ni le

    her hi are grinding again t /y thigh

    I i and lic do n her belly

    reach the ri/ of her antie

    >*? I> K N B N>I3@@@

    hut the fuc u brain

    IG/ loo ing at her and he ee /y hea itation

    he breathe a ingle ord

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    Jood or ' on. 3o letG get the lay of the land

    h eet /other of hea8en

    neatly tri//ed bu h' a narro triangle ointing to baby< /ooth li .

    >ubtle outie.

    gli tening' uc ered' longing to be i ed.

    I i the/.

    her cent fill /y con ciou ne . It i clean' heady' ecret.

    /y tongue dart bet een her li and he ga

    her finger eiHe /y hair

    I flutter /y tongue ide to ide' tea ing her li o en

    lic ith agoniHing lo ne fro/ the ba e u to her clit

    "oh fuc " he hi er bet een ha ing breath ' "oh fuc @"

    nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $#:$#:$1 3o. 979 9 0


    I a not a are it a o ible a arou ed a I a/ in thi 8ery /o/ent

    My ant are till on' /y dic training ainfully again t the/

    Boc i drooling in antici ation o /uch that a Ouarter< iHe ot of recu/ ha oa edthrough /y =ean

    I furiou ly cla the/ off a I grind /y face into her u y

    ic ing the/ and /y under ear off a I neel on the floor

    "Bo/e here@" he lead ' breathle ly

    I ho bac u on the bed and tri off /y hirt' he ri e to ull /y hirt the re t of the ayoff of her

    >he u he /e do n.

    >he i hungry


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    ▶ nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $#:$!:! 3o. 9 0 9 1


    >he rub her face again t /y coc . 3uHHling li e a cat. 8er her chee ' her li

    I a/ not terribly long' but hat I do ha8e i girth.

    *er hand canGt Ouite clo e entirely around /e.

    >he lic e8ery Ouare centi/eter of /e

    rubbing /y et coc on her face

    lunging her /outh on /e

    u/ ing her hand

    *er other hand OueeHing /y a

    B 3 3 A IM?E 3E ? EK >I

    *old your fire godda//it

    B N35E 23 B MM?3BI3J

    I aid hold,

    FI I3J I3 # $

    >he can en e it

    >he ant it

    *er eye loc on /ine a he grin ith a /outhful of coc

    ▶ nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $#:$7:#0 3o. 9 1

    9 0

    forceofathou and un

    ll of hu/anity i united in ong

    the uni8er e i lo8e


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    heG holding /e in her /outh a I t itch ith after hoc

    >he de er8e a re ard for thi .

    "5 ohe ga loudly

    Aarent are !0 feet a ay

    >he grab /y illo and hold it o8er her face

    I a en=oying atching her face' but o

    begin lifting her off the bed ith each u/ of /y finger

    her hand cla into the illo

    /uffled hout ' ra grunting' her hi thra h again t /e

    finally he co/e ' her thigh cla/ ing do n on /y hand o hard it hurt

    ha ing' tre/bling' u hing again t /e' her trength ur ri ing /e.

    then he cola e ' ulling the illo a ide

    *er face i flu hed' loc of hair tuc to her forehead ith eat. Aanting' a loo of =oyouonder on her face.

    ▶ nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $#:$ :$7 3o. 9 $ 9 #

    "IGM & B%' >I . JI;? M? 5 J?5@"

    Kou no da/n ell


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    5 J?5 BPNI ?E. B MM?3BI3J,

    "2ait@" he ga

    "I ha8e fuc @"

    he cra/ble fro/ the bed and goe to the door' till na ed

    o en lo ly' ee

    dart out

    di tant ru tling

    he return ' a hiny Ouare ac age in her hand

    deftly clo e the door

    "Kou lanned thi "

    2eGre neeling on the bed' facing each other. Ma ing out

    "3o but I thought /aybe "

    %i ing a he tear o en the ac age


    he or the condo/ on to /y dic

    "haha' youGre the one fuc ing your cou in."

    hand=ob /otion' rolling it do n

    ">o are you@"

    " haaat Kou =u t too ad8antage of /e@"

    ▶ nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $#:#0:## 3o. 9 # 9 4

    9 $

    laughing' I u h her do n

    ut her leg o8er /y houlder

    u y coc la .gif


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    or the head in

    ?8en ith the condo/' heG o ar/ and oft

    feeling her tightne ' I grind gently

    he blo out her breath and I feel her /u cle rela a bit

    one fluid /otion and /y ball are re ting again t her a .

    li e a glo8e

    i e a fuc ing glo8e

    I roll her bac farther' her a ointing u and lunge into her again and =u t tay there'grinding

    "oh /y god" in a high' tiny 8oice' "oh /y god"

    I /ay not be huge' but he i hort' and folded in half.

    I feel her cer8i on /y head

    2ith each grind /y coc flic o8er it

    "oh /ygod . /ygod . /ygod/ygod "

    ▶ nony/ou 0! $! 1! (Mon) $#:#$:#6 3o. 9 4 116$

    9 #

    I ull bac and lunge into her again


    fa ter

    *er /u cle t itching' gri ing /e

    the loo on her face

    that loo alone i going to /a e /e cu/

    I ha8e her ri t in /y hand ' inning the/ to her ide . *er body canGt /o8e a ay a Ithru t

    " non non non "


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    >he ee aying /y na/e

    "EonGt crea/." I ay' but I can barely control /y o n 8oice

    Fa ter

    ;? A ?>>N ? ? 5 I3 B* M&? > 3? 3E 52

    roc ing for ard and bac

    *er =uice i dri ing do n /y thigh

    & ? B* IMMI3?35

    her ri t truggle fiercely in /y hand

    I let go

    >he cla/ her hand o8er her /outh

    I grab her a for dear life

    ;olcanic e lo ion.gif

    >aturn ; launch. eb/

    canner head e lode./ 4

    ▶ nony/ou 0! #1 1! (>un) 19:1$:$0 3o. 101# 1014 101!

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  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    2ould anybody be intere ted in /y tory IG8e been GdatingG /y half i ter for ! year . ItG leof a fuc tory' /ore /e re/ini cing about the better ti/e in /y life.

    Aic related' her.

    ▶ nony/ou 0! #1 1! (>un) 19:16:49 3o. 1014


    h and IGd robably =u t tart another thread for it.

    ▶ nony/ou 0! #1 1! (>un) $0:!!:!4 3o. 101! 1017 106#


    Keah' o t it anon

    ▶ nony/ou 0! #1 1! (>un) $1:4$:1! 3o. 1017 1019


    Ji//ie a day or t o. I /o8ed recently and IG/ or ing off /y hone right no . 2hen I get/y c bac online' IGll o t it.

    ▶ nony/ou 06 01 1! (Mon) 0$:!9:#7 3o. 1019


    god eed

    ▶ nony/ou 06 01 1! (Mon) $#:##:#! 3o. 10$7

    File (hide ): 14##1 1 1!709.= g (9 1 &' #! 1$4' #!:1$4' .1.= g)


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    ▶ nony/ou 06 01 1! (Mon) $#:#4:0# 3o. 10$

    File (hide ): 14##1 1 4# 0$.= g (1.0 %&' #$ 1$!' #$:1$!' .$.= g)

    ▶ nony/ou 06 01 1! (Mon) $#:40:1$ 3o. 10$9

    File (hide ): 14##1 $$1$1$1. ng (409.9 %&' 1064 #77#' 1!$:!#9' .1. ng )

    ▶ nony/ou 06 01 1! (Mon) $#:40:$6 3o. 10#0

    File (hide ): 14##1 $$$6741. ng (417.#4 %&' 9$ #601' 9$ :#601' .$. ng )


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    ▶ nony/ou 06 0$ 1! (5ue) 00:01:0! 3o. 10#1

    File (hide ): 14##1 #46!67#. ng (#04.9 %&' $# $!#$' $#:$!#$' .#. ng )

    ▶ nony/ou 06 0$ 1! (5ue) 00:01:$4 3o. 10#$

    File (hide ): 14##1 #4 47$$. ng (1 6.#7 %&' 97 1#64' 4 9:6 $' .4. ng )


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    ▶ nony/ou 06 0$ 1! (5ue) 00:01:!0 3o. 10##

    File (hide ): 14##1 #!10# 4. ng ( !$.$9 %&' 1#$4 199!' 1#$4:199!' .!. ng )

    ▶ nony/ou 06 0$ 1! (5ue) 1#:11:07 3o. 10#6

    tf horny but too drun too read

    ▶ nony/ou 06 0$ 1! (5ue) 19:!#:! 3o. 106#


    htt : ch.net in re 10#7.ht/l

    ItG u . >orry about the ait' life ha been hectic for /e lately.


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    ▶ nony/ou 06 0! 1! (Fri) 10:$0:04 3o. 10

    File (hide ): 14##479 04##6. ng ($.!6 M&' 1## 76$7' 1## :76$7' .7. ng )

    ▶ nony/ou 06 0! 1! (Fri) 1$:00:17 3o. 10 9

    File (hide ): 14##4 ! 17#!9. ng (6#1.4 %&' 1 4 $9$1' 1 4 :$9$1' . . ng)

    ▶ nony/ou 06 $$ 1! (Mon) 0!:!1:!0 3o. 1161

    2here do you find all the e

    nony/ou 06 $$ 1! (Mon) 19:#0:## 3o. 116$


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    9 4

    I ca/e

    ▶ nony/ou 06 $# 1! (5ue) 00:$1:#1 3o. 116# 1164

    /e in high chool

    1! year old

    too inny

    no tit

    bad acne

    horny all the ti/e' /a turbate con tantly

    /o tly to girl cau e lololole bi

    guy are dic any ay

    no high chool relation hi becau e ugly too cared to a roach eo le

    Q traightedgeQ

    /ediocre at chool e ce t ?ngli h cla

    rote lot of hitty oetry but li ed reading

    dre in li e the a/e four outfit e8ery day

    ratty blac Q occer eat hirt ith hole cut out for thu/b

    oor fitting =ean

    didnGt no about deodorant until I a li e 1#

    in anely un o ular

    hung out ith a grou of 8idya guy ho only tal ed about =er ing off

    tried gro ing /e all the ti/e but too chic en hit to do anything

    ne8er hung out ith the/ after chool' ru hed ho/e to fa lay ni/al Bro ing *ar8e tMoon Ao e/on

    /y big bro


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    /o ed ot in the attic and retended li e he didnGt

    cleaned hou e con tantly li e an BE frea

    al ay laying the Eoor and hitty 0 lite =aHH fuc ing annoying but heGd get into it

    had a hitty aralegal =ob

    retty ure heGd cheat on /y dad ith her co or er

    ignored dad for the /o t art' o/eti/e heGd co/ lain about hi/ loo ing at other o/en

    al o ignored /e telling her about all the fuc ed u hit he did

    acted really hou e ifey ith hi/

    froHen tea and hit hile e got ha/burger

    too /e and big bro on hi e all the ti/e to the local re er8oir

    bird atching a hit

    he really fuc ing en=oyed it for o/e rea on

    heGd go hi ing alone ith big bro a lot too

    acted really o8er rotecti8e =ealou around hi/

    heGd laugh it off

    theyGd ay eird inti/ate thing to each other a lot

    thought it a nor/al until I got older

    any ay

    /o tly ignored /e told /e to tay a ay fro/ boy and relation hi until I a ready

    didnGt really teach /e girly tuff

    ho to co/b /y hair ba ically and told /e to ha8e /y leg

    no /a eu ' no clothe ' he didnGt ear /a eu either

    he ho ed at 2al/art for her hit any ay

    really fuc ing cool fa/ily

    onto the in tuff

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    1! year old

    big bro going through bad brea u

    letG call her 5iffany

    5iffany a ycho /ani ulati8e bitch

    hot but ear a hitton of /a eu

    ton of erfu/e /ell li e a horehou e

    a hay e8ery here a in glitterbutt =ean

    fuc ing hate her hen e /eet for the fir t ti/e

    bac handed co//ent about ho I loo then i e /y brother unco/fortable long

    i//ediate rage

    get in ide hi head early

    li e really in ide hi head

    cheat on hi/' big bro goe craHy

    loc hi/ elf in ide hi roo/ for t o day

    refu e to co/e out

    our dad get drun and laugh really loud about it to /o/

    /o/ orried but doe nGt ay anything

    finally he a /e to try to tal to hi/

    I /a e o/e a ta and auce for hi/

    try to thin about all the lo8e oetry IG8e read for ad8ice on ho to deal ith thi

    ▶ nony/ou 06 $# 1! (5ue) 00:$6:$1 3o. 116! 1166


    noc noc noc

    "Fuc off /o/' not right no "


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    "ItG /e' anon' I brought you o/e food are you hungry "

    "Fuc ' orry."

    *e unloc door' o en it

    earing bo er

    holy ab

    really fuc ing ri ed li e all heG been doing i or ing out and nothing eating anything fort o day


    cary fuc ing bag under hi dead eye

    feel really bad e/ athy for hi/

    li e /y heart i brea ing

    ant to hug hi/ but hand full of a ta

    "holy hit are you o "


    natche bo l out of /y hand

    begin to de8our

    "Bo/e in'" he in8ite /e

    it do n on bed' hole roo/ /ell li e tale cu/ and eat

    u y etter than a i//ing ool cau e IG/ young and ab dry e/en

    it ne t to hi/

    "uuuhhh/// ant to tal about anything " I a retardedly


    Fini he bo l of a ta' auce around hi li li e heG been eating ra fle h or o/ething/etal li e that

    Feel o8er hel/ing de ire to lic it off

    "N/' o you ant /ore a ta "

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight



    oo do n' a bit of hi dic i o ing through hi bo er

    eGredi cu ing eni e ouldyouli eto=oin. ng

    etter than the godda/ ocean

    grind leg together a bit and inhale

    "Nh 5iffany ca/e around" I lie

    "2hat EonGt tell /e that hit."

    *e fuc ing thro hi/ elf bac on hi bed

    hi dic half ay flo out

    literally =u t taring at it no

    heG loo ing u at the ceiling not loo ing at anything

    "I fuc ing hate that bitch'" he ay ' " he ne8er hut the fuc u about her elf and he ai ing + o/eone I canGt re/e/ber- at a arty la t night. Fuc ing hore"

    BanGt hel /y elf

    unge hand at dic

    grab flo y eni through bo er

    2e both freeHe

    Aull bac hand


    "u/ orry I donGt no hy I did that hatthefuc i rong ith/ei/fuc inglea8ingn

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    " oo ' I no youGre fuc ing eird. Kou ne8er ha8e any boyfriend ' you ee trying to bru h your teeth and hit hen IG/ in the ho er' and I caught you ee ing through the doora cou le ti/e hen I a =er ing off."

    IG/ literally fuc ing ha ing

    hand tart /o8ing uncon ciou acro /u culature

    "It eriou ly doe nGt bother /e."

    "2< < hat " hand /o8e u to ectoral

    "Du t go for it."

    3e t thing I no IG/ on to of hi/ i ing to/ato auce off /y brotherG li

    heG i ing /e bac ith inten ity

    ri off ratty blac eat hirt' IG/ not earing a bra cau e no tit

    he i//ediately tart to rub /y ni ith hi hand ' feel li e I could car8e ice ith the/

    grinding /y u y again t hi che t

    I ee /a ing the e oft little /oan refle i8ely

    feel hi dic harden

    rodding again t /y bony ale a

    noc noc noc

    furyofathou and un .= eg

    freeHe li e a rabbit in headlight

    "are you t o o "

    fuc fuc fuc fuc fuc fuc fuc

    "Keah /o/' anonG =u t tal ing to /e about 5iff."

    bro ound li e heG tal ing to a teacher or o/e hit

    erfectly cal/ 8oice

    " ' ho e you feel better."

    doe nGt o en door' can hear her al a ay

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    god I lo8e /y /o/

    heartbeat #00b /

    big bro gently u he /e off hi/

    "I donGt no hat the fuc I a thin ing'" he ay . "&ring /e /ore a ta."

    Aut eat hirt bac on

    e i t de ire to go chlic until I a out

    /a e /ore a ta

    dad cree into itchen and niff a bit

    " /ell really good in here' honey@"

    in ta

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    duc and blac berry bu he for /ile around

    a bunch of dirt road and crac ed a halt for a cou le hundred acre or o/e hit

    ind of a o ular ot' lot of ede trian de ite being a ee day

    eddle around trying to find o/e here off the /ain

    e8entually find an ani/al trail or o/ething

    lead to thi really retty ond area

    t o big illo tree ' a cou le boulder un in the /ud ne t to the ond

    relati8ely clean' a e al by the ater a bunch of frog =u/ in

    no /any bug

    e eat our and iche on the bigge t boulder

    inda unny and ar/

    IG/ really Ouiet' olf do n /y and ich

    he eat lo

    ">o' uh' did you anna tal /ore today " big bro a ' /outh full of tur ey and ich

    "Keah' u/ I donGt no hat I a thin ing."

    "2hen a the la t ti/e you had a boyfriend "

    I loo at hi/ for a bit. "IG/ not retty. &oy donGt tal to /e."

    he laugh and ray a bit of and ich out

    "KouGre not ugly' anon' you could get a boyfriend if you anted to."

    "Keah but IG/ /ore into girl ." IGd ne8er told anyone that.

    " eally 2ell' thatG fine'" he tell /e

    Feel a bit better about co/ing out le bi to /y bro

    "&ut you donGt li e guy at all "

    "3o' theyGre ugly for the /o t art. &ut "

    "&ut "

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    godda//it bro che fa ter

    dgaf i hi/ ith hi /outh full

    he cough ' ull bac a bit

    it out and ich

    i e /e bac

    I tart /a ing out ith /y brother

    a e o/eface.= g

    heG really aggre i8e' retty /uch i//ediately tart going for /y tit

    bite /y li and hit too

    get a little frea ed out and lo do n a bit

    he to

    ">o/ething rong " he get really rotecti8e all the udden

    "3o' =u t "

    "Eo you feel eird "

    thin about it

    no' not really at all

    "IG/ fine' itG =u t IG/ not 8ery good at i ing'" I tell hi/

    *e laugh

    "Keah' you arenGt. *ere'" he ull /e clo e to hi/ ith /e on to

    ro/antic a fuc

    tart teaching /e ho to i

    ind of thin ing about ho eird thi i the hole ti/e

    till really getting into it

    hornier than a cat in heat

    /a ing all ort of little /oan ' grinding /y bony a on hi la

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    e8entually read leg and =u t grind u y on hi ab dic

    can feel dia/ond< chlong in hi ant

    8agina literally aching

    hi i ing le on tarted retty gentle but get retty inten e

    thin he ha nGt had e in li e four day robably dying

    donGt no if ant to lo e 8irginity to bro

    he run hi hand u /y eat hirt

    laying /y ni li e a godda/n inball iHard

    I onder if I can cu/ fro/ ni ti/ulation alone

    /y hand all o8er hi tor o' tart laying ith hi =ean a bit

    he tic hi left hand do n /y hort

    feel hi hand lide o8er /y bony a

    he bru he hi hand o8er /y u y fro/ behind

    "2anna ee going he a "

    ▶ nony/ou 06 $# 1! (5ue) 00:#$:0 3o. 1167


    /oan and i hi/ harder

    he tart laying ith /y u y fro/ behind

    get hi finger really et' ull hi hand out and ta te it

    tic finger in /y /outh to re et the/

    goe to

    fingerfuc .e e

    cu/ after hat feel li e #0 econd

    hole body ha ing


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    to/ach al/o t feel nau eou

    fir t ti/e ith anyone but /y elf

    hi ant feel li e the alachian /ountain range

    gotta get that to the oc ie

    tart trying to ta e off hi belt

    hand feel retarded

    " e//e hel "

    he hi belt off in one /otion li e a fat blac ython' thro it in bu he

    IG/ already or ing on getting hi Hi er undone


    /y broG hard dic in /y hand

    "Kou no ho to gi8e a blo =ob " he a


    "hand=ob "

    "&ro you ere teaching /e ho to i "

    " h yeah" he ra hi hand around /ine and tart ho ing /e the ace to tro e hi/"li e thi "

    he tic hi other hand bac in /y hort and tart going the a/e te/ o and rhyth/

    fuc fuc fuc fuc fuc fuc fuc

    co/e hard again

    big bro till trong' ba ically =er ing hi/ elf off ith /y hand

    retty daHed' eeing tar fro/ a e o/e orga /

    bro ta e /y hand off hi dic

    u he /y head do n to a clo e u 8ie

    " uc it and ee if you li e it'" he tell /e


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    not good at it' canGt ee a rhyth/ cau e /y heart feel li e itG gonna e lode fro/ doubleorga /

    ee catching /y teeth on it cau e it doe nGt ea ily fit in /y /outh

    he doe nGt ee/ to care' tell /e heGll ta /y head hen heG gonna cu/ if I anna ull off

    ta /y head

    dgaf ee uc ing

    he e=aculate buc et

    ee ul ing for hat feel li e a /inute

    I ee uc ing li e a hoo8er

    holy hit doe it ta te bad

    till really hot

    allo e8ery bit

    he ull /e off "thatG enough"

    " a /e o/e co e I need a cha er'" I tell hi/

    he laugh and o enG a can for /e

    lie there on to of hi/ for a cou le /inute

    IG8e got no to on

    hi dic G hanging out again t /y to/ach coated in /y ali8a

    brain tarting to co/e bac online

    " re you o ith thi " he a /e

    thin about it for a /inute

    thin ince t i eird' but really feel good ith /y big bro

    decide itG retty good


    " re you a 8irgin " he a

    "2ell' yeah. f cour e."

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    "IG/ gonna be hard again in a /inute'" he ay . "I /ean' if you ant to ee learning o/ething "


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    "yeah hy " feel li e i achu are running all o8er /y body and nuHHling /e ith theirtatic fur' body te/ 100F

    "you =u t Ouirted or o/e hit"

    " ee going" I tell hi/

    e go bac to the rhyth/

    feel really light headed

    ine tingling again

    a out

    ▶ nony/ou 06 $# 1! (5ue) 00:##:!1 3o. 116 1170


    a e u to big bro drenching /y head in ater

    ">i are you o " he ound u er concerned and guilty

    "Keah IG/ fine hat the fuc a that "

    "Kou crea/ed or o/e hit' you blac ed out and I couldnGt a e you u ."

    "Fuc ' are you o "

    "Keah IG/ fine' anon' but you felt really really tight' IG8e ne8er een that before"

    /y u y feel li e itG glo ing

    "Alea e letG ha8e e li e thi again oon." I tell hi/

    5ear of relief in hi eye

    I offer to try uc ing hi/ off again if he ant to cu/

    he ay no and that e need to go ho/e

    head bac to hou e

    arent donGt u ect a thing

    IG/ acting fuc ing giddy all day

    8eg out on ni/al Bro ing and lant /ad orchard


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    bro =oin u at dinner that night

    heG Ouiet but at lea t heG eating ith u again

    canGt to thin ing about /y broG dic and ab hile dad eye ra e /e o8er hi late

    he fuc ing hoot dad thi /aliciou loo li e heG about to tear hi head off

    dad to cree ily taring

    lo8e you big bro

    felt eirdly territorial to ard /o/

    heG till really nice but ind of colder o/eho

    healthy lo8ing fa/ily

    *e forgot about 5iffany and ba ically e tarted fuc ing e8ery chance e got after that. Itarted utting on a bit /ore eight' and 8aginal orga / didnGt gi8e /e blac out any/ore. I

    ended u getting decent at e but till felt unco/fortable ith boy be ide /y bro' and hene8er encouraged /e to ha8e any other relation hi . 2e till acted nor/al at ho/e' I aota u and hit and he ent bac to being the o ular athlete' but he to ed hanging out ith

    eo le a /uch o e could go on hi e fornicate li e rabbit hen our arent ere out. IG8egot a cou le /ore torie if you ant' once e fuc ed in a ar and nearly got caught by

    eo le e ent to chool ith' another ti/e e thought our arent ere out and they nearly

    al ed in on u .

    ▶ nony/ou 06 $# 1! (5ue) 19:#4:17 3o. 1170 117$


    3ice tory@ Eefinitely intere ted in /ore.

    ▶ nony/ou 06 $4 1! (2ed) 0#:!4:$ 3o. 117$ 117#





    year later


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    fuc ing hi e not a freOuent

    eGre both a little /ore cautiou around our arent

    dad till a cree y er8ert

    bro ee hi/ in line around /e ith icy death glare

    IG/ bit /ore confident

    /ore outgoing at chool

    friend are a bit /ore re ectful after /y brother yell at the/ for /ole ting /e

    till ne8er hang out ith the/ out ide of chool

    IG/ eating better' coo ing /ore for /y elf fa/ily

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    offer to ha8e three o/e and do it for her cau e le bi and I ant to i/ ro8e /y oral ga/e before a girlfriend

    till ha8enGt been ith a girl yet cau e big bro ha /e co8ered' o eating her out i rettyintere ting to /e

    bro refu e offer

    ay no thatG eird' doe nGt ant ru/or getting around high chool

    tell /y elf da//it anon re/e/ber thi i eird

    finally %at refu e to fuc /y brother unle he eat her out

    he trie

    can hear her in the ne t roo/ o8er

    bitching and co/ laining

    heG hot but heG a /ean cunt hen heG e ually di ati fied

    he lea8e our hou e

    go 8i it big bro

    "not tonight i "

    loo li e heG about to cry ill o/ething

    canGt tell if heG i ed off or de re ed

    "2hatG rong "

    ">he told /e I uc at eating out"

    "2ell you hate it right "

    he tart telling /e all the rea on he thin itG gro

    girl donGt a h enough /ell li e canned tuna thin about all the dic re8iou ly thereetc etc etc

    ▶ nony/ou 06 $4 1! (2ed) 04:0#:#$ 3o. 117#


    li ten for a hile


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    in iration

    "bro youGre the only guy thatG been in ide of /e"

    gi8e /e a loo li e tf are you on about

    "I /ean e can ho er or o/ething hen dad and /o/ are out if you ant /ore ractice"

    "you ant /e to ractice eating u y on you "

    "yeah if you need it I ouldnGt /ind"

    ne t day

    dad decide he ant to go buy /ore u ele =un

    /o/ goe ith hi/

    oon a they hut the door I ha//er on /y brotherG door

    donGt bother aiting for an an er =u t run into the ho er

    get na ed

    tart fingering /y elf to ar/ u

    hear door o en

    "anon "

    ee head out ide of ho er curtain to atch hi/ undre

    ee fingering /y elf hile I atch

    he get in ho er and ta e o8er for /e

    li e going fro/ a eddle bi e to a Jyarado

    cu/ once

    heG olite and li e to get /e off before hi/

    "o IG/ going to try thi no "

    our hou e had a nor/al bathroo/ ho e8er co/bo ith a thic outer ri/' enough for /e toit do n

    he ha /e it do n on the bac and read /y leg

  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    fuc ingincredibleholy/otherofgod

    really retty good e8en though heG no here near /y later girlfriendG ere

    I cu/ hard

    really loud' hich i eird for /e

    totally different fro/ hi dic ' hich /a e /e Ouiet /oan a lot

    retty /uch a oon a IG/ done he tand u and /a e /e blo hi/

    do it for a bit but inda till daHed fro/ orga /

    he ull /e u and turn /e around

    e fuc doggy tyle for a bit

    /y u y fuc ing cra8ing dic at thi oint o IG/ =u t going ith it

    ince I ha8e a bit of an a no doggy actually feel better

    e fuc for a fe /inute ' he ull out and cu/ on /y bac

    ater he /entioned he ent do n on %atrina a cou le ti/e but e8ery ti/e he aid heGdne8er a h enough. *e a really loyal to hi girlfriend but he ended u lea8ing hi/ cau e

    he a a hore.

    *eGd only eat /e out in the ho er o I ne8er got enough of it becau e ho ering togethera difficult ith our arent around. I could tell he en=oyed b= fuc ing ay /ore than

    going do n on /e.

    2e ne8er u ed rotection' he aid he u ed condo/ ith other girl becau e he didnGt antdi ea e . *e al ay ulled out e ce t once hen our dad nearly al ed in and he had li e a

    ur ri e orga / in /e. It a really hot (and cary) but /y bro had /e on lan & li e $ hourlater and e ere ay /ore cautiou ' than chri t e ne8er had a high chool ince t babby

    ▶ nony/ou 06 #0 1! (5ue) 1!:0#:$ 3o. 1191


    if you ha8e any /ore lea e o t

    ▶ nony/ou 07 0# 1! (Fri) 01:$4:0$ 3o. 1197


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    5here a a erie of o t in one of halfchanG gif G ince t thread R e8entually anona/idecided to aggregate the/ into a tu/blr for u ectator .

    htt : babygirlanon.tu/blr.co/

    IGll =u t lea8e thi here for yaGll to en=oy.

    ▶ nony/ou 07 $1 1! (5ue) 1#:16:$0 3o. 1$4

    File (hide ): 14#74647 0#94. ng (!#1.!6 %&' 1#4# $770' 1#4#:$770' 14#746#19 # 7. ng )

    ( e/i)fre h fro/ halfchan

    ▶ nony/ou 07 $# 1! (5hu) 09:!0:07 3o. 1$!1 1$!$

    File (hide ): 14#76$!$07$4$. ng (9!$.44 %&' #$00 44!0' 64: 9' 14#7614!4074#. ng )


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    ▶ nony/ou 0 $1 1! (Fri) 09:#7:4$ 3o. 14#1

    File (hide ): 14401#006$944.= g (!9$.66 %&' 1600 1$00' 4:#' .#.= g)

    ▶ nony/ou 0 $1 1! (Fri) 09:# :44 3o. 14#$

    File (hide ): 14401#01$!07#. ng (#. 4 M&' !6#$ 77 4' 704:97#' .4. ng )


  • 8/18/2019 Maybe I Can Be Your Girlfriend Tonight


    ▶ nony/ou 0 $1 1! (Fri) 09:#9:14 3o. 14##

    File (hide ): 14401#01!4$91. ng (771.96 %&' 1#$# 4066' 1#$#:4066' .!. ng )

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    File (hide ): 14401#019# 00.= g (477.$ %&' $900 $000' $9:$0' .6.= g)

