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MB Angus OUtlook 2013 224213

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Fall Issue - November 2013 Manitoba Angus KEYSTONE KLASSIC celebrates 25 years
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Fall Issue - November 2013

Manitoba Angus

Keystone KlAssiccelebrates


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M a n a g e r : B a r b A i r e y - P h : 2 0 4 / 5 6 6 - 2 1 3 4C e l l : 2 0 4 / 7 6 1 - 1 8 51 o r c h e c k o n l i n e

a t w w w . h b h f a r m s . c o me m a i l : r b a i r e y @ h o t m a i l . c o m

H B H 3 0 3 A A b e r d e e n X U p w a r d B W 7 5 l b s S e p t 2 1 W T 9 3 8 l b sB W 1 . 7 W W 57 Y W 1 0 3 M i l k 3 6 T M 6 4

Bred to breed leading bul ls : Cactus Jack 87Y (Upward), HBH 16X (Her itage) , HBH 231Z (Dakota Gold) , TJF 14Y(Ambush) & AI s i res: Gr it , Revere, Rito

E x c i t e d t o a n n o u n c e 1 s t t i m e c o n s i g n o r t o

C a t t l e m a n ’ s C o n n e c t i o n B u l l S a l e M a r c h 7 / 2 014

T h e C a t t l e i n d u s t r y i s o n t h e m o v e a n d s o i s H B H C a l l o r s t o p b y t h e f a r m f o r a v i s i t a n d i n s p e c t i o n o f t h e c a t t l e .

FA R M S I N C . O a k R i v e r MB

H B H 3 1 0 A C a c t u s J a c k X G r a n d D e s i g n g r a n d d a u g h t e r B W 8 7 l b s S e p t 2 1 W T 8 8 1 l b sB W 3 . 3 W W 4 3 Y W 8 0 M i l k 1 5 T M 3 6

H B H 3 5 9 A A r m o r X B i s m a r k B W 8 4 l b s S e p t 2 1 W T 7 6 6 l b sB W 0 . 9 W W 5 4 Y W 9 2 M i l k 2 0 T M 4 6

HBH 301A Concensus X Upward BW 70LBS Sept 21 WT 752lbs

BW 2.6 WW 63 YW 112 Mi lk 21 TM 52Reserve Calf Champion at Manitoba Summer Gold Show

heifer calves headed to

the Keystone Klassic sale on Dec 7, 2013

HBH 356A Cactus Jack X MVF Extra BW 78lbs Sept 21 WT 685lbs

BW 2.5 WW 43 YW 83 Mi lk 21 TM 42

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Keystone Klassic celebrates 25 yearsManitoba Angus Board of Directors at the time of establishing the Keystone Klassic were:President -Grant Wilson,Secretary- Resby Coutts, Jack Hart, Mike Huska, Glen Campbell, Larry Walker, Ruby Simpson and Lois McRae.

Motion made at November 7th meeting 1988. Larry Walker seconded by Lois McRae that a female sale be scheduled in mid November Carried. That was the beginning of the Keystone Klassic Angus Sale, a valuable marketing tool for Angus Producers . See you at the Sale December 7, 2013

Comments from Auctioneeer Brent Carey: It’s hard to believe the good fortune I have been afforded, being able to serve as auctioneer for twenty five consecutive years at the Keystone Klassic. Over the years there has been two constants in the making of this event, great angus cattle, and some of the very best people our country has to offer. Congratulations to the Manitoba Angus Asssociation, as well as the Klassic sale committees’, over the years for your tireless

commitment to making the Keystone Klassic one of Canadas’ finest, and longest running Angus offerings.

One of the great attributes of this sale is the fact that the cattle that graduate from this sale, produce cattle that are of high enough quality to come back through the sale ring, at the Klassic, as well as other notable sales in the country. The dedication of the consignors to bring the best they can offer makes the Klassic a must attend Angus events in Canada. I humbly thank all those wonderful people I have had the opportunity to work with for the last twenty five years, and wish all the best of fortunes for this years Keystone Klassic and the many more to come.Sincerely: Brent Carey

M a n a g e r : B a r b A i r e y - P h : 2 0 4 / 5 6 6 - 2 1 3 4C e l l : 2 0 4 / 7 6 1 - 1 8 51 o r c h e c k o n l i n e

a t w w w . h b h f a r m s . c o me m a i l : r b a i r e y @ h o t m a i l . c o m

H B H 3 0 3 A A b e r d e e n X U p w a r d B W 7 5 l b s S e p t 2 1 W T 9 3 8 l b sB W 1 . 7 W W 57 Y W 1 0 3 M i l k 3 6 T M 6 4

Bred to breed leading bul ls : Cactus Jack 87Y (Upward), HBH 16X (Her itage) , HBH 231Z (Dakota Gold) , TJF 14Y(Ambush) & AI s i res: Gr it , Revere, Rito

E x c i t e d t o a n n o u n c e 1 s t t i m e c o n s i g n o r t o

C a t t l e m a n ’ s C o n n e c t i o n B u l l S a l e M a r c h 7 / 2 014

T h e C a t t l e i n d u s t r y i s o n t h e m o v e a n d s o i s H B H C a l l o r s t o p b y t h e f a r m f o r a v i s i t a n d i n s p e c t i o n o f t h e c a t t l e .

FA R M S I N C . O a k R i v e r MB

H B H 3 1 0 A C a c t u s J a c k X G r a n d D e s i g n g r a n d d a u g h t e r B W 8 7 l b s S e p t 2 1 W T 8 8 1 l b sB W 3 . 3 W W 4 3 Y W 8 0 M i l k 1 5 T M 3 6

H B H 3 5 9 A A r m o r X B i s m a r k B W 8 4 l b s S e p t 2 1 W T 7 6 6 l b sB W 0 . 9 W W 5 4 Y W 9 2 M i l k 2 0 T M 4 6

HBH 301A Concensus X Upward BW 70LBS Sept 21 WT 752lbs

BW 2.6 WW 63 YW 112 Mi lk 21 TM 52Reserve Calf Champion at Manitoba Summer Gold Show

heifer calves headed to

the Keystone Klassic sale on Dec 7, 2013

HBH 356A Cactus Jack X MVF Extra BW 78lbs Sept 21 WT 685lbs

BW 2.5 WW 43 YW 83 Mi lk 21 TM 42

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ADVERTISING RATESFull Page: $200 2/3 Page: $160 1/2 Page: $125 1/3 Page: $100 1/4 Page: $75

Business Cards: $125/yearRates as of Jan. 1, 2011

Please note: All accounts are due within 30 days of billing

with interest charged at a rate of 2% per month after 30 days. For those accounts that are not paid within 30 days, advertising will not be accepted until the account is paid in full.


MANITObA ANGUS “OUTlOOk”Canadian Publications Mail Product Registration #40045651

All inquiries, advertising and subscriptions to be addressed to:Mb Angus, box 25, Site 30, RR 2, brandon, Mb R7A 5Y2

The Manitoba Angus “Outlook” Newsletter is the official publication of the Manitoba Angus Association. It is published three times per year in the interest of all members of the Manitoba Angus Association and seeks to promote the growth and development of the Association and to print the news and educational material of use to them. There is no subscription fee for this newsletter and is distributed free of charge to all current paid members of the Manitoba Angus Association. The material produced is done so with the highest integrity, however we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible only for the value of the ad. All advertising accounts must be paid in full within 30 days of billing before any more advertising is accepted. All other pages are open to any breeder to purchase. Anyone wishing to have their name on the mailing list or anyone wishing to advertise or submit news articles, please contact the Editor. For page specs go to www.mbangus.ca/outlook.htm.

Deadline for next issue: JANUARY 10, 2014 - MAIlED EARlY FEbRUARY

Please send your ad copy and news in early as we want to keep the postage dates as close as possible to the deadlines.

Send all copy to: Arlene kirkpatrick • box 25, Site 30, RR 2 brandon, Mb R7A 5Y2 • Phone 1-888-622-6487 or [email protected]

-or-lois McRae • [email protected] • (204) 728-3058

Printed by Leech Printing Ltd., Brandon, MB (204) 728-3037 • Fax (204) 727-3338 E-mail: [email protected]

View outlook online at www.mb.angus.ca

Cover Photos - A Look Back at the Keystone Klassic Sales photos by

Lois McRae and Arlene Kirkpatrick.

Design by Prairie Pistol Designs (Melissa McRae)

2013 is going to be a year we will never forget an extremely late

spring, haying a nightmare as would never dry, but it ended off

with a tremendous harvest and top calf prices.

After all the disasters in the world, we need to all appreciate

the calf crop, harvest and good living we can make in Canada.

This issue will feature the 25th Anniversary of the Keystone Klassic

Angus Sale. Some times on an Association board you have to

make controversial decisions, that will make your breed move

forward. Congratulations to the Manitoba Angus board at the

time that had the incentive to get this sale up and going.

Thank you to all of the past and present consignors whose

dedication to bring top quality Angus Cattle to showcase our breed

has made our sale successful. Without a dedicated Sale Staff, the

Keystone Klassic would not have been so rewarding. Thanks to

Brent Carey who has been the auctioneer for the past 25 years, DJ

H Henderson and Associates for 19 years, Canadian Hall of Fame

and T Bar C Cattle Co. our present sales managers.

Plan to attend the sale and help us celebrate 25 years of the

Keystone Klassic Angus Sale.

Fall Feeder Sale Dates are in this issue, remember to tag your

calves with Angus Tags and consign to the Angus influence sales.

Manitoba livestock Expo Angus Fall Gold Show November 1,

2013, View the results on the website at ww.mbangus.ca.

NEW look for 2014. The cover, inside front, inside back and

back Page will be full color and they will be auctioned off at the

Annual Meetings Jan 4, 2014. Make sure to get your chance at

this unique advertising opportunity.

It is an exciting time in the Angus Breed, plan to attend some of

these events and be part of the #1 Breed in Canada, ANGUS.

See you down the Angus Trail.

“People succeed who have fun in what they are doing”

Lois McRae & Arlene Kirkpatrick

Editors Link

Lois Mcrae & Arlene kirkpatrick



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The fall harvest has sure dragged on here in Manitoba but for the most

part I think things are starting to get wrapped up. In our part of the province the yields have been fantastic. The early indications are that the calf prices are going to be strong this fall and here’s hoping that they are. Our next event here is the Manitoba Livestock Expo in Brandon, Manitoba with our Angus show on Friday November 1, 2013. Following that on December 7, 2013 also in Brandon at the Keystone Center will be the 25th version of the Keystone Klassic Red and Black Angus Sale. This sale is an excellent opportunity to purchase Red or Black Angus Females to add to your program.



Back L to R: Dallas Johnston, Allan Nykoliation, Ken Williams, Shawn Birmingham, Tim Baker, Bonnie Glasman & Naomi Best Front row: Barb Airey, Arlene Kirkpatrick, Larissa Hamilton and Lois McRae.

PRESIDENT Dallas Johnston 204-354-2011 * [email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT Allan Nykoliation 204-562-3508 * [email protected] SECRETARY-TREASURER Arlene Kirkpatrick Ph/Fax: (204)725-3597 ~ 1-888-622-6487 E-mail: [email protected] CANADIAN DIRECTOR Lois McRae 204-728-3058 * [email protected] DIRECTORS Shawn Birmingham 204-573-6377 * [email protected]

DIRECTORS Larissa Hamilton 204-827-2002 [email protected] Ken Williams 204-855-2275 *[email protected] Bonnie Glasman 204-773-3279 * [email protected] Tim Baker 204-966-3320 [email protected] Barb Airey 204-566-2134 * [email protected] JUNIOR DIRECTOR Naomi Best 204-838-2236 * [email protected]

CANADIAN ANGUS ASSOCIATION 142, 6715-8th St. NE Calgary, AB T2E 7H7

Ph(403) 571-3580 * Fax (403) 571-3599 Toll Free 1-888-571-3580 www.cdnangus.ca

With showdown in Virden, Manitoba next year this will also be a chance to purchase a heifer calf for that great event next year here. I hope everybody gets their crops in the bin and you receive top dollar for your calves this fall. Until next time. See you down the road. Dallas Johnston


Web site: www.mbangus.ca Toll Free: 1-888-622-6487

Please do not hesitate to contact any of these directors with questions or suggestions. They are always looking for new ways to better serve the membership.

Congratulations to all of the consignors and contributors to the Keytone Klassic Sale. 25 years of supplying the Angus industry with quality seed stock is an accomplishment to be proud of and one to build upon. Dan VanSteelandt—Triple V Ranch

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1ST Annual Harvest Classic Sale, Moose Jaw, SK• Consigning 4 Bred Cows and an exciting Junior Heifer calf prospect.

40TH Annual Masterpiece Sale, Regina, SK• We are very excited to offer two choices of our entire producing age females. • Females with proven records - the Rosebuds, Queen Ruths, Heroines and many more.• Reap the rewards of 60 years of a sound breeding program. The entire herd is a result of sound walking bulls, not influenced by popular AI fads.

Keystone Klassic Sale, Brandon, MB• 2 Heifer calves from our new Herd Sires, S Chisum 206 & Smart Farms Upper Deck 42Y.• These calves will make excellent Junior prospects.

16TH Annual On Farm Bull & Female Sale• This calf crop is shaping up to be one of the best!

Friday, October 25 - Harvest Classic SaleWednesday, November 13 - Masterpiece SaleSaturday, December 7 - Keystone Klassic SaleSaturday, April 5 - On Farm Bull & Female Sale

Wes & Kim Olynyk & family(306) 876-4420Irene Olynyk (306) 876-4400PO Box 192, Goodeve SK S0A [email protected]

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70 head of Red and Black Angus

Fancy HeiFer calF SHow ProSPectS & PowerFul Bred HeiFerS10% Junior incentive on all 2013 SHow HeiFerS

Keystone.indd 1 10/7/2013 4:55:19 PM

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CANADIAN ANGUS NATIONAL CONVENTION JUNE 5-10th , 2013 GUELPH , ONTARIO Highlights of the Annual Meeting

Canadian Angus Association members gathered in Guelph, Ontario, June 5–10 for the 2013 Canadian Angus National Convention. The Board of Directors affirmed Kevin Blair as president for 2013–2014. Corinne Gibson of Fir Mountain, Saskatchewan,was chosen as President Elect.

The Canadian Angus Foundation is pleased to congratulate the winner of the 2013Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador, Chad Lorenz of Markerville, Alberta

More than 140 Canadian Angus Association members joined industry leaders in Guelph, Ontario, for the second annual Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed day on Friday, June 7 as part of the Canadian Angus National Convention. The day began with an industry panel of speakers featuring Mike Beretta of Beretta Organic Farms, Steve Eby of JSE Farms, Dave Ropp of OntarioLivestock Exchange, Matt Heleniak of Norwich Packers and Dr. Rob Bell of Zoetis, previously Pfizer.Each sector brought a different viewpoint to the table and the panel was eager to share industrydemands from each perspective. Maximizing our profits and revenue at every level is key, said Heleniak.The afternoon included tours of the Elora Research Station, a division of the University of Guelph; BarryPletch’s Feedlot, a finishing operation utilizing Angus cattle; and Heatherlea Angus, a farm market.

The second Canadian Angus Foundation (CAF) Building the Legacy sale produced big money for the Canadian Angus Foundation last Saturday during the Canadian Angus National Convention in Guelph, Ontario. The sale was initiated last year to support the CAF in preserving and expanding the Angus breed for future generations through education,youth development, scientific and market research and historical restoration.Generous donors contributed 48 lots of Angus semen and embryos, an impressive heifer pickof the herd, and artwork to be auctioned off raising a grand total of $70,800. The highestselling item was lot 1, a pick of the 2013 heifer calves from LLB Angus, Erskine, Alberta,purchased for $10,250 by Remitall Farms, Olds, Alberta. There were nearly 150 supporters at the sale with more than 100 viewers online.view more Highlights at www.cdnangus.ca Special Thanks to Ontario Angus for the excellent hospitality and interesting tours.

Manitoba Breeders in Attendance were :L to R: Blair McRae, Dallas Johnston, Arlene Kirkpatrick, Marie Jameson, Lois McRae and Colin Kirkpatrick.

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MANITOBA YOUTH BEEF ROUNDUP 2013SIXTH ANNUAL MANITOBA YOUTH BEEF ROUNDUP along withhosting the Canadian Junior Limousin Weekend was the largest Roundup to date.Six years ago Bert McDonald, Blair McRae and Lois McRae had an idea to initiate an All Breeds Junior Show in Manitoba, due to the rising costs of hosting individual events. They gathered reps of the Breed associa-tions together to move forward. The response was very strong to try an All Breeds event that was not just a cattle show but emphasis on an educational weekend for all Young Cattle Producers. Enthusiasm has increased every year and in 2013, our largest event yet.

Seventy Seven of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta’s enthusiastic Junior Cattle Producers attended the 6th annual Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup August 2, 3, and 4th in Neepawa Manitoba. Excitement in the cattle industry brought out a top notch group of interested cattle producers and 111Head of cattle.The cattle industry is in continuing to prosper when 1/3 of the members for the weekend were new toRoundup which is encouraging to see.The weekend started off with a Work-shop Day on Friday consisting of workshops presented Hi Tensile Fencing (Grant House, Kane Vet Supplies), Artificial Insemination (Bert McDonald and Blair McRae)and Injections (Marshall McDonald).Saturday Members participated in the competitions along with the cattle show and educational Competitions both individual and Team events.One of the highlights of Saturday is the Cook off, where up to 5 Members on a team prepare a steak and create a theme. Judges Trevor Atchinson(President of Manitoba Beef Producers) , Limousin Reps- Wayne Burgess,AB: Jim Richmond, AB and new Canadian Limousin President Brian Lee, ON evaluated this copetition and were impressed with the taste of the steaks, presentation ,themes and costumes. Cattle Judges for the day were Darren Ippolito, Kisbey SK and Bill Campbell, MintoThe Juniors ages 5- 25 enjoyed Weiner roasts, Quiz Bowl and game mixers along with the weekend. It is a great way for Juniors of all Cattle Breeds to work together, learn new skills, and meet new people. Thanks to everyone who attended, Judged, and sponsored our 6th Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup to make it a success. See you next year, and visit our facebook page Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup . Show Pictures can be viewed on www.grantspix.com or on our face book page, along with the compelete list of results

Class 1 Angus Heifer Calves 1.Lane Nykoliation2.Naomi BestClass 2 Yearling Heifers 1 Cora Baker, ,2.Rachel Howatt,3.Nolan Glover,4.Ty Nykoliation,5.Naomi Best, Junior Champion- Cora BakerReserve Junior Champion- Rachel HowattClass 3 Two year old and Calf 1. Naomi Best,Class 4 Cow and Calf class 1. Levi Best, 2.Megan Kemp, Senior Champion- Levi BestReserve Senior Champion – Megan KempGrand Champion Angus Female- Levi BestTop PhotoReserve Grand Champion Angus- Megan Kemp Bottom PhotoGrand Champion Angus Bull – Levi Best Sunday, the members took part in Showman-ship in the morning with Champion Pee Wee Showman- Carson Baker, Champion Junior Showperson –Justin Carvey Champion Intermediate Showman- Dylan Oshanyk Reserve- Naomi Best Champion Sr Showperson- Braden Calvert,

Roundup Juniors pose in front of machinery from our Gold Sponsor- Rocky Mountain Equipment.

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POWERPOINT AND VIDEO Winner Honorable Mention Austin Porter Broddi Bjarnsson Cheyenne Porter Taylor Carvey Megan Kemp SCRAPBOOK Sieera Inglis Carson Baker Cheyenne Porter Wyatt Inglis Lindsay Verwey Cindy and Shania Jack Megan Kemp JUDGING Brooklyn Hedley Sierra Inglis Brice Verwey Angus Smyth Taylot Carvey Sydney de Koning Laura Tolton Rachael Verwey TEAM JUDGING -Jonathon Karin and Andria Bertram JR Cassidy Matthews and Brandon Hertz, INT. Dillon Hunter and Brodie Hunter, SR Herdsman Competition - Naomi & Levi Best

SALES TALK Division Winner Honorable Mention Pee Wee Justin McKee Emma Lee McLeod Junior Lauren McKee Jonathon Karsin IMPROMTU SPEECHES Intermediate Brandon Hertz Taylor Carvey Senior Megan Kemp Justin Kristjansson PHOTOGRAPHY Pee Wee Ty Nykoliation Austin Porter Junior Jonathan Karsin Angus Smyth Intermediate Shania Jack Samantha Rimke Senior Megan Kemp GRAPHIC DESIGN Junior Cheyenne Porter Nolan Glover Intermediate Naomi Best Levi Rimke Senior Jay Rimke Laura Tolton ART Pee Wee Austin Porter Brooklyn Hedley Junior Cheyenne Porter Angus Smyth Intermediate Linsday Verwey Naomi Best Senior Rachael Verwey For Other Winners go to Facebook page or www.mbangus.ca

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Manitoba Youth Beef Round Up is pleased to announce the two scholarship winners for 2013; Justin Kristjansson of Forrest and Laura Horner of Minnedosa. Justin has begun his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon, SK. He was raised on a commercial cow calf operation and purchased his first purebred shorthorn at age thirteen. Justin has participated in Round Up since 2011 and believes the coming together of purebred breeders and commercial producers is a great way to strengthen the bonds necessary to keep the beef industry successful in Manitoba and develop the next generation of cattle producers in a way that will ensure the longevity of our industry. Laura has entered into her first year at Brandon University taking a Bachelor of Science degree, in hopes of applying to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. She was raised on a commercial cow calf operation and enjoys showing cattle and volunteering at the local veterinary clinic. She has participated in Round Up since 2011 and states that Round Up has given her the opportunity to meet others that have the same interests as her. Laura enjoys working with the younger members to educate and encourage them to be part of the beef industry. The Manitoba Youth Beef Round Up Scholarship is funded by Manitoba breeders, producers and industry. Each year at the Annual Breed Meetings in January, we hold an auction to raise these funds for this scholarship. Tickets are auctioned off at $10 each to be drawn for the honours of having your farm or business name on the Round Up shirts the following year. Thank you to the supporters of last year’s auction to allow us to give these two very deserving young people each a $1000 scholarship. They are the future leaders of our industry!


L to R: Andrea Bertholet, Laura Horner, Justin Kristjansson and Ken Williams.

The Girls are going to the Anniversary Sale! Come & Check Them Out


JASS 47Z due mid Feb. JAS RED ANGUS

Doug & Jason McLaren 204-476-6248 204-476-6723

Watch for these beauties consigned to the 25th Keystone Klassic Red & Black Angus Sale in the Canada Room of the

Keystone Centre on December 7th, 2013. You won’t want to miss them.

Call us for details on our offering.

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Manitoba Angus Association hosts another successful Field Day & Gold Show!

On Saturday July 27th under sunny skies and moderate temperatures, over 80 head of cattle along with exhibitors and spectators gathered together for the day. The format was a pen show, so that even exhibitors could enjoy a relaxing visit with fellow breeders and spectators alike, as well as try their hand at judging the groups of cattle that were brought into the ring. The Calcutta made it fun & interesting for everyone. It was a very high quality group of cattle which is a testament to the great pure-bred Angus cattle we have in Manitoba. The day ended with a supper sponsored by the Manitoba Angus Asso-ciation. Thanks to all of the exhibitors who took the time to bring their cattle and to the spectators who attended and especially to the judges, Bruce Rosling, Richie Joynt and Wes Olynyk for taking the time out of their busy schedule to sort the cattle for us. The results of the day are listed below and a more detailed report of placings can be found on the MB Angus website at www.mbangus.ca Exhibitors participating were from all over Manitoba and south eastern SK. They were: N7 Stock Farm, Crandall, Naomi Best, Harding, AW Angus, Gainsborough, SK. Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, Laura Horner, Minnedosa, Maple Lake Stock Farm, Hartney, RamRod Cattle Co., Medora, HBH Farms, Rivers, Greenbush Angus, Neepawa, TSN Live-stock, Brandon, Topview Acres, Grandview, Edie Creek Angus, Dugald, Hamco Cattle Co., Glenboro, Airey Cattle Co., Rivers, Raina Syrnyk, Gilbert Plains, Levi Best, Harding, Megan Kemp, Pilot Mound, Triple J Farms, Whitewood, SK, Judy Hart, Brookdale, MB Show Results: Heifer Calf Champion: N7 Tibbie 10A exhibited by N7Stock Farm Reserve Heifer Calf Champion: HBH Tibbie 301A exhibited by HBH Farms Champion Jr. Female: TVA Lady Di 33Z exhibited by Topview Acres Reserve Champion Jr. Female: Red Mar Mac Lady Trooper 114Z exhibited by Mar Mac Farms Sr. Champion Female: Brookmore Aleta 73Y exhibited by Airey Cattle Co. Reserve Sr. Champion Female: MFI Trojan Erica 146T exhibited by TSN Livestock Grand Champion Female: Brookmore Aleta 73Y exhibited by Airey Cattle Co. Reserve Grand Champion Female: TVA Lady Di 33Z exhibited by Topview Acres

Bull Calf Champion: RamRod No Fear 302A exhibited by RamRod Cattle Co. Reserve Bull Calf Champion: N7’s Hound Dog exhibited by N7 Stock Farm Champion Junior Bull: Red Mar Mac Initiative 31Z exhibited by Mar Mac Farms Reserve Champion Junior Bull: RamRod Provider 214Z exhibited by RamRod Cattle Co. Sr. Champion & Grand Champion Bull: N7’s Elvis 9Y exhibited by N7 Stock Farm Reserve Grand Champion Bull: RamRod No Fear 302A exhibited by RamRod Cattle Co.

Commercial Show Results: Grand Champion Commercial Angus Female: exhibited by TSN Stock Farm Reserve Grand Champion Commercial Angus Female: exhibited by Judy Hart (See MB Junior Angus Show results on pg. 33)

Grand Champion Female -Airey Cattle Co. with judges Bruce Rosling, Richie Joynt and Wes Olynyk and MAA President Dallas Johnston.

Reserve Champion Female - Topview Acres with judges Bruce Rosling, Richie Joynt and Wes Olynyk and MAA President Dallas Johnston.

Grand Champion Bull - N7 Stock Farm with judges Bruce Rosling, Richie Joynt and Wes Olynyk and MAA President Dallas Johnston.

Reserve Champion Bull RamRod Cattle Co. with judges Bruce Rosling, Richie Joynt and Wes Olynyk and MAA President Dallas Johnston.

Summer Gold Pen Show & Field Day in Neepawa Photos by Prairie Pistol Designs.

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reenbush Angus , 25th Annual Keystone Klassic line-up……..

GreeNBUSH TiBBie 58Z Sire: S a V 004 DeNSiTY 4336 Breeding info.: S a V Bismarck 5682

GreeNBUSH aNNe 13Z Sire: H a r B WiNDY 702 J H Breeding info.: Basin excitement

GreeNBUSH PriDe laDY 32Z Sire: H a r B WiNDY 702 J H Breeding info.: Basin excitement

GreeNBUSH BalloT 72Z Sire: S CHiSUm 6175 Breeding info.: Connealy irish 0204

For more information contact: Tim, Wendy, Cora & Carson Baker Phone: (204) 966-3320 Cell: (204) 476-6040

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Canadian Angus Rancher Endorsed Feeder Sales in MANITOBA

Gladstone Auction Mart- March 4Grunthal Livestock Auction - October 15 and November 12Heartland Livestock Brandon - October 15 and November 5Heartland Livestock Virden - October 16, November 6 and November 20Interlake Cattleman’s Coop Association Ltd, Ashern - October 30Killarney Auction Mart Ltd.-October 21 and November 18Ste Rose Auction Mart Ltd.- November 7Winnipeg Livestock Sales Ltd- October 4 and 18 and November 8

Manitoba Roundup Youth Judging Team for Agribition 2013.Rachael Verwey, Laura Tolton, Jared Preston and Kolton McIntosh

Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup CommitteeRilla Hunter, KarenWilliams, Bert McDonald, Ken Williams, Travis Hunter, Wenda Best , Blair McRae,Dillon Hunter, Melissa McRae, Lois McRae, Candace Johnston, Vonda Hopcraft. Kneeling:Naomi Best andAndrea Bertholet

MANITOBA AG DAYSJANUARY 21 -23, 2014Keystone Centre,Brandon, Manitoba

Come out and see theManitoba Angus Booth and Purchase your Angus RancHERENDORSED TAGS.

Champion Pee Wee Showperson at Roundup2013 went to Carson Baker, pictured withBuzz Bradley, Rocky Mountain Equipment rep.

JUNIORS go to the Canadian Angus Web site for entry forms for Goal 2014 Feb 15-17 in Calgary. Bring a friend to Goal and have a chance at winning an I pad and a chance at a draw for a $ 3000 voucher to purchase an Angus heifer.

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Canadian Angus Youth Come Home as Champions

The Canadian Angus Association on behalf of the Canadian Angus Foundation is thrilled to announce the Canadian Angus youth chosen last spring to compete in the Youth Programme at the 2013 PGG Wrightson World Angus Forum have been awarded champion and reserve champion world titles! Canada sponsored three teams of four individuals (totaling 12) to compete at the prestigious inaugural event in New Zealand. The Canucks with team members Jared Hunter, Didsbury, AB (captain); Patrick Holland, Montague, PEI; Melissa McRae, Brandon, MB; and Michael Hargrave, Maxwell, ON., brought home the world champion title along with $10,000 NZ prize money! “I am so honored to have been selected to represent Canada on this prestigious trip and winning it is truly unbelievable!” said Melissa McRae, winning team mem-ber. “I want to thank all the sponsors, organizers and volunteers for making this my best trip ever! Also to congratulate all the other competitors for welcoming us Canadians and for all for their hard work!” The reserve champion world title was also awarded to a Canadian team, Team BsquarED, consisting of captain Erika Easton, Wawota, Saskatchewan; Ty Dietrich, Forestburg, Alberta; Kaitlynn Bolduc, Stavely, Alberta; and Matthew Bates, Cameron, Ontario. Bates was also announced the high individual for the entire contest, scoring highest in the most challenges as an individual. The third team of outstanding youth representing Canada was The Eh Team and included Sean Enright, Renfrew, ON, as captain; Stacey Domolewski, Taber, AB; Chad Lorenz, Markerville, AB; and Breanna Anderson, Swan River, MB. The Eh Team brought home honours for champion Team Presentation. Team members traveled to Rotorua, North Island, New Zealand, on October 9 for a five section contest including general knowledge, parading presentation, show-manship and sportsmanship with an Angus animal), stock judging, animal preparation (clip an animal for show) and agri-sports (hands-on team challenge involving day-to-day tasks). Team members also had the chance to visit Angus studs in the area and participate in an adrenaline tour with the 10 other teams from across the world. “I wish all of our [CAA] members could have been here [at the World Angus Forum] to experience this,” said Canadian Angus Association CEO Rob Smith. “Our 12 youth had pride and gratitude for representing us so well this past week. Countless individuals have told me how impressed they were by our capable, friendly, polite Canadian youth ambassadors. “Thanks to donors and supporters of the Canadian Angus Foundation’s Building the Legacy Sale along with the Canadian Angus Association and Canadian Angus Foundation Board of Directors,” said Smith. “Without your donation, dedication, leadership and vision, these

young folks would not have had this opportunity to bring home the world at the inaugural WAF Youth Programme as the top two champion teams on the globe as well as the top individual.”

These photos show our Manitoba girls at work with their CJAA teams in New Zealand.

Breanna Anderson is pictured on the very left with Sean Enright and Stacey Domolewski. The photo on the right

“The Canucks” L to R Michael Hargrave, Patrick Holland, Melissa McRae and Jared Hunter.

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It’s Been a Busy Year down in the South West Corner! As most of you know....There have been some changes....but one thing is the same -

we are bringing the best to the city in December! We have three outstanding heifer calves coming to the Keystone Klassic Sale!

Two sired by our new herdsire! Red Brylor Roughrider 214Y


RED FRASER QUEEN 109A BW -1.8 WW 56 YW 83 MM +18

Fraser Farms Jeff & Nancy

[email protected] Box 44

Melita, MB R0M 1L0 Ph. 204-522-5964

A Fancy Granddaughter of Sequoia 202 and an EXT Grand Daughter

RED FRASER MILMA 387A BW -1.7 WW 47 YW 72 MM +15


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Kembar Tibbie 52Z - Sells at the Keystone Klassic S: Soo Line Kodiak 8158 MGS: KMK Alliance 6595 187 AI’d to Cole Creek Cedar Ridge a calving ease bull.

Kembar Lucinda 87Z - sells at the Keystone Klassic S: Kodiak 8158 MGS: Sitz Alliance 6595 AI’d to the Cole Creek Cedar Ridge.

KEMBAR ANGUS Colin & Arlene Kirkpatrick

Kemnay, MB. Ph. (204)-725-3597 cell (204)-761-8526

[email protected]

Soo Line Kodiak 8158 - Kembar’s Senior Herdsire

Join us at the Keystone Centre in Brandon on

Saturday, December 7th


Thank You to all of our Bull Buyers over the past year, your support of our program is appreciated and to Colin Vogel from Stoughton, SK for purchasing a package of yearling

heifers, as well as XPorts International Inc.

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CEO Report from the Canadian Angus Association Good day, fellow Canadian cattleman and Angus booster! After a late summer for most of the West and a rather hot one for some of the East, Canada is pull-ing off a ‘bumper’ crop this fall. With record feed stores and almost record-high cattle prices, the fall ‘kicked off’ with an exciting start and hopefully our general optimism will maintain through the season! Your Board of Directors for both the Canadian Angus Foundation and the Canadian Angus Association met in late September and their highlights are found elsewhere in this publication. There were two key outcomes of these meetings: Your Canadian Angus Foundation determined an aggressive program plan aimed at creating value for the Canadian Angus membership experience including over $60,000 in new investment in our Canadian Angus fraternity coupled with an investment strategy for Canadian Angus stakeholders to ‘own’ a piece of your new national headquarters, Angus Central, through making a donation to the Foundation and achieving its three key objects: Education & Youth Development, Historical Preservation & Restoration and Scientific & Market Research;

Your Canadian Angus Association Board of Directors created a new Genetic Condition Policy to become effective for all Angus cattle born on or after September 22nd, 2013.

Again, greater detail about these items is contained elsewhere in this publication, or available by checking out the CAA website or contacting me directly. I am very proud of the hard work and dedication put forth by these outstanding, committed volunteer leaders and you should be, too. Through the middle of October, twelve outstanding young Canadian Angus breeders will be representing us at the inaugural World Angus Forum Youth Team Challenge in New Zealand. This is the culmination of two years of planning on the part of your CAA as well as almost a year since our contenders applied to be a member on one of our teams. I am so excited to chart the progress of these young folks and you can, too, via the Canadian Angus blog (http://cdnangus.blogspot.ca) Facebook (www.facebook.com/CanadianAngusAssociation) and Twitter (#WAFTeamCanada and #WorldAngusForum), and if you are reading this after their representation of our national skills and interests abroad, their blogs will make for interesting reading even then. You are being represented at the World Angus Secretariat meetings by CAA President Kevin Blair, Past President Gary Latimer and past and current Youth Ambassadors Stacey Domolewski and Chad Lorenz, as well as ‘yours truly’. We have a few topics we hope to bring resolution to, like an international strategy, or at least recognition of, genetic research and designations. There is limited structure to our international Angus organization and while we certainly don’t want to give them much in the way of authority, your CAA believes the Secretariat should provide some form of ‘clearing house’ for information and sharing of what the member nations are actually doing and how we are progressing. I will report back more upon our return. Among our most exciting news is that your member-owned national CAA headquarters, Angus Central, is very near completion. We are currently on budget and on schedule and are very proud to be so close to accomplishing both of these goals! I have been sharing progress reports with your Regional President and Secretary/Manager since construction started in earnest during our National Convention back in June and I’m sure they’d be thrilled to share pictures and information with you. Further, you can check out our Angus Central photo gallery on the CAA Facebook page online. During the Board and Foundation meetings, quite a few national Angus leaders were able to actually see Angus Central for themselves and reaction is almost universally positive. We would love for you to come and check out YOUR building yourself, so please plan a trip to Angus Central on Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 when we will host our membership and industry stakeholders with our annual Christmas Open House, ramped up this year to include our Official Opening. You really need to come for a visit… it’s pretty cool! And you should be part of YOUR celebration on December 11th! As part of the move, please take note of these two days because our office will be closed:

Friday, October 25th – at noon: Moving Day to Angus Central; Monday, October 28th – Preparation for reopening at Angus Central;

And, just so you know, effective the afternoon of Friday, October 25th, this will be our new mailing address:

Canadian Angus Association 292140 Wagon Wheel Blvd Rocky View County, AB T4A 0E2

All other contact information remains the same, but this important address WILL change! Please update!!! Continued on next page…..

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One of the aspects of Angus Central that will be unveiled during our Official Opening will be the Regional Showcase. There will be a feature wall at Angus Central including a banner representing all regions of Canada, 30-35 feet long and 30 inches in height. We are having a contest to gather pictures from each region, with October 25th as the submission deadline. We will work with regions to select the winners and ‘drop’ the banner at our Official Opening. Here is the link to the contest: http://www.cdnangus.ca/members/photo_contest.htm. Further, your opportunities to ‘own’ an even greater part of Angus Central and have your name immortalized within will be un-veiled at the Official Opening as well. For an affordable donation, you will have your name or operation included in the national headquarters and, in so doing, make a donation to achieving the three key objectives of the Canadian Angus Foundation. This is a donation that will look GREAT on you… and equally GREAT adorning Angus Central with your name and/or operation! There has been substantial ‘talk’ in recent weeks about EPDs, particularly the Milk EPD in our Red Angus evaluation. Let me say two things to you: 1) the Multi-Breed evaluation (led by the Red Angus Association of America and the American Simmental Association) that calculates our Red Angus EPDs is right; it is verified and cross-checked and referenced and, trust me, compared to any EPD calculation worldwide, IT… IS… RIGHT!!! 2) Perhaps, if you have concerns about what you believe to be ‘curve-bending’ly BAD EPDs… you need to look at the whole EPD profile and see where this is typically balanced by ‘curve-bending’ly GOOD EPDs that perhaps give you advantages and opportunities you didn’t even realize?! The thing about EPD criticisms? They are often based on a lack of understanding so please speak with our Director of Breed Development, Kajal Devani, whenever you have a question or your customers or friends do! We will be wrapping our 2013 Gold Show campaign up early this year and giving all the year-end awards out right at the final Gold Show of the season, Canadian Western Agribition in Regina. This will happen on Friday night at 6:00 p.m. when we unveil and announce the Red Angus and Black Angus All-Star Teams as well as the Runner-Up, Reserve and Champion Aggregate Females and Bulls just prior to the ‘Power & Perfection’ sale. There will be hospitality and the ability to see the best cattle in Canada and members who support the Gold Show marketing campaign so come out and peruse the excellence! There will be LOTS of announcements and unveilings and launches coming to you in the next few weeks and months, so please pay attention to our CAA social media avenues and communications touch points because you will learn about new scholarships for our youth and awards for our outstanding Canadian Angus (young) breeders. Further, January 5th will be the deadline for current college, university and technical school students to apply for our Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario Summer Marketing Internships. If you want more information on these, never hesitate to contact Cassie Dorran, our Director of Marketing & Branding. Regarding some specific aspects of trying to enhance your CAA membership value, please consider these recent price develop-ments. Until March 31st, 2014 the Zoetis panel is priced at $55 a panel, and Zoetis is offering Canadian Angus Association members a free test when you buy 9. Further, the CAA Board has modified the electronic registration discount. Any 2014-born calf registered online between January 1st, 2014 and December 31st, 2014 which is less than 6 months of age will be registered for the $15 electronic registration fee. Finally, with the ‘changing of the guard’ with staff movements, I am incredibly pleased to share with you that long-time Angus leader and service provider extraordinaire, Belinda Wagner, is assuming the role of Canadian Angus Foundation Executive Director. Belinda will continue raising Angus to new national heights with this elevated platform and working her organizational and motivational magic on a national group of adult volunteers to match her regional adult Saskatchewan Angus Association Board and national youth Canadian Junior Angus Association Board. Belinda is one of our nation’s most reputable individuals and we are fortunate to have her commit to another level of involvement. Thanks Belinda and good luck! I’m not traveling quite as much this fall, nor through next year, so we may see a bit less of one another. With a new national centre to pay for and operate, plus the fact that I don’t believe I’m so ‘new’ anymore, I’m going to stick around Angus Central more over the next 15 months and make sure it is what it needs to be for you as it increases member equity. I am, however, only ever a phone call away so please, if you have a concern, a suggestion, a question or even a bouquet for the Board of one of my incredibly talented and dedicated staff team, never hesitate to call. Best of luck through the fall, and may you remain festive and positive! Rob Smith Chief Executive Officer

“Angus Central” the new office of the Canadian Angus


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The Second Annual Princess of the Marsh Jackpot Heifer Calf Show was held Saturday September 28, 2013 at N7 Stock Farms, Douglas, MB. Forty 2013 heifer calves and 10 bred heifers from Manitoba and Saskatchewan were exhibited. Judges for the day were: Eric Boon, Lucky Lake, SK; Adam Knutson, Wapella, SK; and Jake Rawluk, Moosehorn, MB. Angus was well represented. The only Angus bred heifer was exhibited by N7 Stock Farm and went on to the championship class. There were 11 Angus heifer calves exhibited by N7 Stock Farms, Christopher Hillis, Section 7 Ranch, Raina Syrnyk, Come As U R Angus, and Maple Lake Stock Farm. Heifer calves from N7 Stock Farm, Raina Syrnyk (2), and Section 7 Ranch went on to represent the Angus breed in the Championship class. The Grand Champion heifer overall was S7R The Little Black Dress 56A exhibited by Section 7 Ranch and the Third place heifer overall was DMM Blackcap Essence 22A exhibited by Raina Syrnyk.


S7R The Little Black Dress 56A

DMM Blackcap Essence 22A

MLE Angus Gold Show Friday, Nov. 1, 2013 at the Westoba Centre of Excellence, Brandon, MB

Congratulations to our Junior Buyers on their successful 4-H shows, Summer fairs and

MB Youth Beef Round-up this summer! Laura Tolton, Laura & Sean Horner, Naomi & Levi Best.

Look for DJCC entries at the Keystone Klassic, Saturday Dec. 7th, 2013 at the

Keystone Centre in Brandon, MB.

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This is a special invitation to attend the Manitoba Angus Association Annual Meeting

January 4th, 2014 At Victoria Inn, Brandon

1:00 P.M.

There will be a Canadian Angus Association rep. in attendance to give an update on the latest happenings with the Canadian Angus Assoc. and answer any questions you may have. Lois McRae

your Canadian Director for Manitoba is finishing her term in June of 2014, therefore we will be nomi-nating people to run for the new Canadian Director at this meeting. The vote will then be held in Feb or March vial mail. We hope to have a guest speaker at the meeting. The topic and person speaking will be on the website at www.mbangus.ca and Facebook. We will be looking for new ideas and

direction from the membership as to how the Board of Directors can serve you better. The Angus Group will be joining the Limousin, Hereford, Charolais & Simmental Associations for

the Banquet. It is always a great time! If you plan on attending the Banquet, contact Arlene Kirkpatrick at 1-888-622-6487 by December 28th, 2013 as the meal must be pre-booked.

If you require a room at the Victoria Inn please contact the hotel by December 4th, 2013 at 1-800-852-2710 and ask for the Manitoba Beef Breeds block of rooms. Confirmation #216277

Room rates may increase after December 4th.

All Manitoba Angus Breeders are encouraged to attend.

The board needs your ideas, support and input!!


Nominations will be received by mail (Deadline Dec. 1st, 2013) and selection made by the board. The recipient will be notified of the

award and invited to attend the AGM and Banquet, where a presentation will be made. All purebred breeders who sell bulls, should think

about nominating a bull customer who has been dedicated to the breed.

Please provide a brief history on the individual with the nomination.


DEC. 1st., 2013 Mail to: MB Angus Association

Box 25, Site 30, RR#2 Brandon, MB R7A 5Y2


(In memory of Floyd VanDaele) Nominations will be received by mail and from the

floor at the Annual Meeting. Nominations will then be posted, and vote taken to determine the winner. Some general guidelines to keep in mind during the nomina-tions and voting. The recipient should be a person or

persons who: 1) Represents and promotes Angus Cattle in general, to the best of their ability; 2) Produces quality cattle that meet market demands. 3)Contributes to the affairs of the Association Please give consideration to both small and large operations both new and established.

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IT’S YOUR CHOICE... You can gamble on a fancy heifer calf or a highly fitted bred. Neither of which carry a proven production record. OR You can select from a pool of genetics that have already been ruthlessly sorted for fertility and function. Short serviced and heavily scrutinized for the economically important traits, these brood matrons carry a full resume. Documented inter-calving periods, nursing ratios, foot and udder evaluation/scoring and the proof of stayability! It's your choice... predictions OR proven production.

GBT Angus Mature Cow Herd Liquidation by Private Treaty Offering all 2007 and older females None held back!

Trevor, Cheryl, Brett &

Carter Branvold Wawota, Saskatchewan

306.739.2924 [email protected]


Watch for our 2014 Online

2 Yr Old Bull Sale -


Thank You to all visitors who were able to take in the Saskatchewan

Angus field tour.

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Canadian Angus Association 142, 6715 – 8th Street N.E. • Calgary, AB T2E 7H7 Toll Free:1-888-571-3580 • Phone: 403-571-3580

Fax:403-571-3599 • Email: [email protected] www.cdnangus.ca

Wednesday, September 25th, 2013 Dear fellow Canadian Angus Association member; Over the course of the past three days, your nationally elected Canadian Angus Association Board of Directors met one last time at our Calgary, Alberta headquarters before we move to our new home, Angus Central, just north of Calgary. We have discussed the substantial progress of our Canadian Angus Foundation and the future direction of our breed in light of tremendous prices and imminent expansion of our national cow herd. We are optimistic about what is in store for seedstock producers within Canada’s cattle industry. We spent considerable time creating a new Genetic Condition Policy which represents a natural evolution to the former Genetic Defect Policy and provides value for our membership, both now and through the future. Your CAA understands that genetic conditions occur in all living organisms, including our Angus breed. With the newfound genetic condition known as Developmental Duplication, or DD, affecting our Angus population, and subsequent scientific information, we, your Board, believe it is critical to review how we have responded to every genetic condition discovered to date and develop a strategy for future response, including adapting the Genetic Defect Policy to best serve the interests of our breed, membership and seedstock production economics. Over the past six weeks, we have consulted with hundreds of you and you have provided very meaningful input. In an article posted to the American Angus Association website on August 12th, 2013, Dr. Jonathan Beever of the University of Illinois clearly states that leading geneticists in the bovine academic community have increasingly observed that all breeds have hundreds of mutations in their genome and that an Association's approach to genetic conditions should be adapted to reflect the likelihood – indeed, the certainty – that the discovery of such conditions will continue in the future and at a pace accelerated by new scientific tools available at every turn. In light of this assertion, your CAA Board believes an evolution to our former policy is prudent and essential. In our Canadian Angus population, both purebred and crossbred, genetic conditions have rarely been confirmed. After considerable due diligence we have proven that many of the genetic conditions identified within our breed have very little impact on the economics of our own Canadian cattle industry since there are very few, if any, verified and proven losses resulting from such genetic conditions. With this in mind, we have developed a new Genetic Condition Policy that allows our Canadian Angus breeders to manage these conditions without hindering their ability to use the genetics they desire. Please find attached the new policy dated September 22nd, 2013. In summary, the key points of the policy are as follows:

Your CAA will monitor all known genetic conditions;

Testing for CAA-monitored genetic conditions is available and test results will be included on pedigrees should the CAA member voluntarily pursue such testing;

Upon determination of twenty-five (25) confirmed affected cases of a condition in Canada and the United States, we advance from ‘monitoring’ to where we now acknowledge and identify the condition in question, with mandated testing now required;

Animals subject to mandatory testing will ultimately be registered as either ‘FREE’ or ‘CARRIER’ of the condition in question. We are proud of our members and your ability to produce Angus genetics that are coveted around the world. Our members embrace the scientific information provided to you concerning genetic conditions and we believe that, as you learn through the strategic use of DNA testing, these conditions will be managed by the members without eliminating superior genetics from our gene pool. As your Board, we know our national Angus fraternity are leaders in determining for yourself how you wish to deal with genetic conditions and will work to assure that test-ing is done, information is transparent and communication is shared to raise reasonable awareness, not alarm and panic. If you have any questions about our new policy, or require clarification, please do not hesitate to contact any of your national CAA Directors or the dedicated staff of the Canadian Angus Association. Your understanding and education is of utmost importance to us. On behalf of your CAA national Board of Directors, please accept our best wishes for a productive and prosperous fall of 2013, ______________________________ ______________________________ Kevin Blair, President Corinne Gibson, President Elect CAA Board of Directors CAA Board of Directors

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I am extremely excited to include in this report that Manitoba will be hosting Showdown 2014 in Vir-den Manitoba from July 17th to 19th. Virden has a beautiful facility and is a vibrant growing community in South Western Manitoba.

Planning for the event has been going along smoothly with the help of Belinda Wagner and the Manitoba Angus Association. I am very thankful and appreciative to how supportive the Breeders in Mani-toba have been. Most of the event is already planned and vendors have been booked leaving only some smaller details to still work out.

There was a buzz in the air at Armstrong about Angus cattle and going to Showdown next year in Manitoba. Already people have spoken to me about bringing cattle from far and wide to showcase their best next July. With this I invite you to join us on July 17th in Friendly Manitoba for what is to be another great Showdown. -- report by Austen Anderson CJAA rep for Manitoba

MJAA Holds Successful Junior Show in Conjunction with the Angus Summer Gold Show & Field Day

The Manitoba Junior Angus members joined the MB Angus Assoc. Field Day & Gold Pen Show again this year. There were 13 energetic participants who had their animals looking good for Judge Melissa McRae to sort through. Heifer Calf Division: 1st—Naomi Best 2nd—Lane Nykoliation 3rd—Traci Henderson and 4th—Megan Kemp Yearling Heifer Division: Split A: 1st– Naomi Best 2nd—Ty Nykolia-tion 3rd—Taron Topham 4th—Rachel Howatt 5th—Kendra Topham Split B: 1st Terinda Holopina 2nd—Nikoda Holopina 3rd—Raina Syrnyk

Congratulations to any Manitoba Juniors Angus Members who have Graduated this past year and we

wish you every success in your future plans!

Raina Syrnyk graduated from Dauphin High School and is attending the University of Manitoba in the pre—vet program

Laura Horner graduated from Minnedosa High School has entered into her first year at Brandon University taking a Bachelor of Science degree, in hopes of applying to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine.

Austen Anderson Graduated from the University of Regina and is now teaching in Swan River High School and is farming with his parents at Anderson Cattle Co.

4th—Laura Horner 5th—Cora Baker 2 yr old female with calf at side: 1st Naomi Best & Champion Female: DJCC Rosebud 4Y exhibited by Nomi Best Reserve Grand Champion Female: Northern View Zara Lisa 92Z exhibited by Terinda Holopina NOTE: Both the Grand & Reserve Champion animals were purchased by Juniors through the Annual Keystone Klassic Sale in Brandon, MB

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Lead Conference Report This past August long weekend I was lucky enough to travel to New Orleans, Louisiana for the LEAD conference with Katie Olynyk. What a great experience! The weekend started out with ice breakers and a keynote speaker. Attending the conference were Katie and myself, close to 200 American Junior Angus members and a group of Juniors from Ecuador. Eddi Slowikowski was our first keynote speaker, a world class runner turned motivational speaker. He gave an interactive talk to get all of the Juniors excited about the weekend to come. Friday morning we headed out to the World War II museum and Mardis Gras World. In the afternoon we had free time in Jackson Square and the French quarter. Many of us enjoyed beignet (fried raised pieces of yeast dough) at the legendary Cafe du Monde and looked around at the many shops. The whole weekend was incredibly warm, especially for two Canadians, but luckily there was air conditioning everywhere. Friday evening we were treated to supper and a judging competition and games and the 7L Angus Farm. The Tanners treated us to quite the meal and gave us an excellent group of heifers to evaluate. Saturday morning we headed to Evergreen Plantation. It is one of the largest and most intact plantations in the South. It was a beautiful place rich with southern history, it most recently was the set for a few scenes in Django Unchained. Lunch was hosted by the Louisiana Angus association and we were given a talk on how sugar cane is farmed and processed; very interesting. That afternoon we went on Cajun Pride swamp tour, a highlight for many. We got to see many alliga-tors up close and got to hold a 4 year old alligator on the boat. The tour guide was a local full of a lot of great stories. Saturday evening we had a large team building workshop and games. To wrap up the conference we had dinner and a dance on the Steamboat Natchez on the Mississippi River. Sunday morning included a few educational and teambuild-ing workshops and another keynote speaker, Amy Gallimore. Amy gave a face paced speech on leadership. The week-end wrapped up all too quickly and Katie and I started the long treck home. I would encourage all juniors to apply for these great trips when they become eligible. You won’t regret it! Breanna Anderson

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Hartney, MB(204) 858-2086

Check out our website

Gerry(204) [email protected](204) [email protected]


The Bertholet’s

Manitoba Livestock expoYorkton Harvest ShowdownCanadian Western Agribition

Fall fun is here!

Showing at

Thursday, November 28th 2pm @ Grande Clairiere Hall

Maple Lake Female & Prospect Sale

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Look for MB Angus Gold Show Results at MLE on www.mbangus.ca

Attention 4-H members. Now is the perfect time to be choosing a heifer calf for your 4-H heifer project. If you choose purebred be sure to have her transferred to your name or family herd name. This animal can then be shown at any Junior Angus Show, including Showdown next July in Virden. You can choose your Angus heifer project by contact-ing any of the purebred breeders listed on the map on the www.mbangus.ca website or attending the Keystone Klassic Female Sale in Brandon on Dec. 7th, 2013.

South West Bull Development Centre will be celebrating it’s 20th Anniversary with a group of Red Angus, Black Angus & Hereford bulls to be sold April 12th , 2014. The centre was conceived by a group of Red Angus Breeders located in South Western Manitoba. The first sale was held at the Melita Auction Mart. Since then live sales have been held at the Bull Development Centre at Batho Farms, Oak Lake, MB and Heartland Livestock Sales in Virden, MB. The 19th sale in the spring of 2013 took on a little different flavor with a video sale held in the Community Hall in Oak Lake. After the first couple of years, Hereford & Black Angus bulls have accompanied the Red bulls in the 10 acre South West lot at Batho Farms Ltd. Bulls have come from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Ontario. At the start up of South West bulls were to be developed on a ration designed for the bulls to gain 3 lbs. per day on a ration consisting of 50% roughage. This ration was developed and used at Batho Farms prior to the conception of South West. This ration allows the bulls to grow and develop with lots of room to roam, developing muscle and sound confirmation without being burdened with extra fat, preparing them for the breeding season just ahead of them. Bulls will be arriving at South West at the end of October for the start of the 20th year. Supervised weighings will take place every 28 days. Bulls will be ultra sounded and semen tested in preparation for the 20th sale. If you wish to consign to South West please contact Ron at 204-855-2404 or Albert at 204-855-2534. Your visit or comments are always welcome. Submitted by Ron Batho

KEMBAR FARMS - on the KEYSTONE KLASSIC “ We have attended most of these sales & have sold animals in 16 of the them. In the sales that we didn’t consign to, we generally purchased a bred heifer or heifer calf. The majority of these females made great contributions to our herd. We continue to support the Keystone Klassic and appreciate the top quality animals that all of the consignors bring to the sale. Congratulations to the Manitoba Angus Association and all the consignors, on keeping such a great tradition going.”

South West Bull Development Centre Celebrates it’s 20th Anniversary

As Editors we are constantly looking for content and pictures to keep this magazine interesting for our membership. Our next three issues will have lots of promotion about the upcoming “Showdown” to be hosted here in Virden Manitoba in July of 2014. Therefore, we have decided to hold a photo contest amongst our MB Junior Angus membership. There will be prizes awarded to 1st , 2nd & 3rd place. The pictures must be taken by a MB Junior Angus member who will be aged 21 and under. Deadline for the contest is December 15th so Juniors get your cameras going during fall round-up and other activities with your cattle. The photos may be used in upcoming issues of the Outlook. Submit the pictures to Arlene at [email protected] or Lois at [email protected]

BOTANY ANGUS FARM - on the KEYSTONE KLASSIC SALE “I have consigned to a number of Keystone Klassic Sales. Cattle have sold to Manitoba., BC and Ontario. The most noteworthy being Botany Angus Ellen 14G who sold to MVF, was shown extensively with great success and then went into the embryo program for Remington Land & Cattle Co.” I have also purchased several bred heifers through the Keystone Klassic Sale which have worked well in the herd. Congratulations to the Manitoba Angus Association on hosting the 25th Anniversary Sale of the Keystone Klassic. - Lyall Edgerton.

MAR MAC FARMS - on the KEYSTONE KLASSIC For the past 25 years, Mar Mac Farms has consigned to every Keystone Klassic Sale. We feel it is a valuable marketing tool for Angus cattle in the province of Manitoba. Mar Mac has made many valuable friendships , marketed over 50 head of Angus cattle and feels very fortunate to be part of every edition of the Keystone Klassic. - Blair & Lois McRae

Outlook Holds Photo Contest for Manitoba Junior Angus Members

BROOKMORE ANGUS - on the KEYSTONE KLASSIC Congratulations to the Manitoba Angus Association and consignors on their 25th Keystone Klassic Sale, an event which we have always looked forward to participating in. We have sold breeding stock from this sale into 5 provinces successfully. We have also purchased quality females, which continue to enhance our herd. The Keystone Klassic has always been and will continue to be a place to showcase one’s herd and breeding program. - Jack & Barb Hart

Reminder!!! Performance deadline is Nov. 1st, 2013. Please send your weaning weights in to the CAA office. (Many countries

importing our Angus cattle , now require epd’s)

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Ted and Mina Serhienko are pleased to announce the sale of T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. and Today’s Publishing Inc. to Chris Poley as of June 1, 2013.Chris Poley was born and raised on a mixed farm in Weldon, Saskatchewan. He has worked as a professional auctioneer, marketing purebred and commercial livestock for nearly two decades. In 1999, he purchased and operated the Tisdale Auction Market and after its sale, purchased and operated a successful livestock insurance company until 2007. Having worked with T Bar C Cattle Company, marketing cattle nationally and internationally, the transition is a natural progression.

Ted and Mina will continue to be a part of the T Bar Team in a senior advisory capacity. T Bar C Cattle Company has been marketing purebred seed stock for over four decades and grown into a leader of full service, sale management.

Today’s Publishing is one of Canada’s leading livestock publishing companies. It has matured into a one stop service center for all livestock producers fulfilling their custom print marketing requirements.

Bryan Kostiuk remains as editor and publishes the Canadian Simmental Country, Limousin Voice, Today’s Angus Advantage and Hereford’s Today.

T Bar C Cattle Co. (2013) Ltd. is excited to announce the addition of Shane Michelson to its marketing team. Shane was born and raised on a large mixed farm in Lipton, SK. He, along with his wife Alaina, own and operate Michelson Land and Cattle and have raised and exhibited champions across Canada and the United States. Since 2009, Shane has actively marketed cattle across North America.

T BAR C Cattle Co. Ltd. Looks To The Future

Chris Poley306-220-5006

Ted Serhienko306-221-2711

Shane Michelson403-363-9973

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Business Directory


Brent CareyBox 27 • Stavely, AB • T0L 1Z0

Ph (403) 549-2478Cell (403) 650-9028

Check out this website for updated events, shows, sales and Angus

news from across Canada!

Purebred Red and Black AngusAllen & Merilyn Staheli

General DeliveryEddystone, Manitoba R0L 0S0

Phone: 204-448-2124email: [email protected]



Livestock Monitoring Implement CamFarm Yard Security2-Way RadiosCCTV EquipmentAlarms

545 Assiniboine Ave. Brandon, MB R7A 0G3


Chris SobchukTel.: 204.728.8878

Toll Free: [email protected]

WireleSSCoW CamS

Check your livestock from your house

Phone: 306-227-2992Fax: 306-373-3515

email: [email protected] Box 39075 Lakewood Common, Saskatoon, SK S7V 0A9

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40 Manitoba angus OutlOOk

Manitoba Beef Producers Annual General Meeting February 4-5 2014

Victoria Inn, Brandon, MB.

Plan to Attend the 2014 AGM! Beef producers and industry partners are invited to join MBP for its 35th annual general meeting February 4-5, 2014 at the Victoria Inn in Brandon, MB. Mani-toba Beef Producers looks forward to meeting with its members 35th Annual General Meeting. Whether you are a beef producer or in the feedlot sector, this event is geared to you. The meeting is an opportunity to engage with MBP directors and fellow producers, debate issues that affect your bottom line, and set policy which will impact the future of your industry. We encourage all producers and beef industry stakeholders to attend. Call 1-800-772-0458 or visit www.mbbeef.ca for more information.

Rolston Business cards Vertical

Leech has on file from May newsletter.

Congratulations to Amanda & Greg Woychyshyn on

their marriage July 20th, 2013 Amanda is the daughter of Colin & Arlene Kirkpatrick, Kembar Farms.

Get well wishes to Wendy Nykoliation & to Lyall Edgerton as they each recover from knee surgery. We would like to wish Jack Hart continued recovery from his surgery last May.

ADVERTISER’S INDEX Anderson Cattle Co. ………………17 Keystone Klassic………………….. 5 Bridgeway Red Angus…………….26 Kenray Angus……………………….4 Brookmore Angus ………………...13 M & J Farms………………………...11 CorVet Cattle Co………………..….23 Maple Lake Stock Farm…………..35 Crescent Creek Angus……………..4 Mar Mac Farms………………… ...IBC DJ Cattle Co……………………… 22 Masterpiece Sale…………………..25 Fraser Farms……………………… 18 N7 Stock Farm……………………..30 GBT Angus……………………… ..29 Northernview Angus………….…..37 Greenbush Angus………………...15 Topview Acres…………………… .34 Hamco Cattle Co………………… .BC Triple V Ranch………………..….. 27 HBH Farms Inc…………………… IFC TSN Livestock………………….….24 Jas Red Angus…………………….12 Wraz Red Angus……………….....10 Kembar Angus…………………… .19

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Nov. 1……………………….MB Angus Gold Show/ Brandon Nov. 13……………………...Masterpiece Sale/ Regina Nov.20th - 23rd………………Kenray online Sale Nov. 28th…………………….Maple Lake Female & Prospect Sale/Grand Clairiere Hall Dec. 7th …………………….25th Keystone Klassic Sale / Brandon, MB Jan.4/2014…………………..MB ANGUS AGM / Victoria Inn/Brandon Jan. 10/2014………………...Outlook deadline for Bull Sale Issue Jan. 21, 22,& 23……………...MB Ag Days / Brandon, MB Feb. 4 & 5 …………………..MB Beef Producer’s AGM/ Vic Inn/Brandon Feb. 13………………………..M & J Bull Sale/on farm/ Russell, MB Mar. 5………………………...Mar Mac & Guests Bull Sale/on farm/Brandon Mar. 7…………………………Cattleman’s Connection Bull Sale. Brandon, Mar. 12……………………….Triple V Bull Sale/on farm/ Melita Mar. 15 ……………………….Hamco Bull Sale/ on farm/ Glenboro Mar. 19 - 21………………….GBT on line Bull Sale Mar. 22………………………..Workin Stiff’s Bull Sale/ Moosomin, SK April 5………………………..Crescent Creek Bull Sale April 12 ………………………Blue Collar Bull Sale / Yorkton, SK

REMEMBER!!! MB ANGUS GOLD SHOW/ Fri. Nov. 1st at 10:30 am.

Export Update—from Rod Guilford of Xports International We have sourced about 300 Angus heifers in the last year from Manitoba. In total we have sourced about 800 Angus heifers for export orders. Obviously, we prefer to select local, Manitoba cattle, but we do run into a lot of breeders that aren’t performance reporting and unfortunately these cattle aren’t eligible for export to Kazakhstan.

Moffatt Business cards Vertical

Leech has on file from May newsletter.

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Blair, Lois, Brett & Melissa McRae Brandon, MB H: 204.728.3058 C: 204.729.5439

Mar Mac Farms & Guests Bull SaleMarch 5, 2014 - At the Farm

Ribeye sons sell!

RED MAR MAC RUBY 69ADetour daughter out of

a Ribeye female Sells at the Keystone Klassic

Watch for Mar Mac at November 1-3 - MLE, Brandon, MB

December 7 - Keystone Klassic, Brandon, MB

Red Angus - BlAck Angus - simmentAl


For SalePackages of Commercial and

Purebred Angus heifers bred to a calving ease Red Angus Bull.

Call for more details.


Check out this show heifer prospect & more!! New Mar Mac Junior Program

Juniors are our future and we feel very strongly about junior events. In 2014, at the National Junior Angus Show if you purchase a female from Mar Mac this Fall you could win!!

Class Winner = $100Division Winner = $250Grand Champion = $500

with a maximum of $500

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