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  • 8/13/2019 Mb0047 Unit 14-Slm


    Management Information System Unit 14

    Sikkim Manipal University Page No. 284

    Unit 14 Database Management Systems


    14.1 Introduction


    14.2 Types of Database Users

    Database administrator

    Database designers

    End users

    System analyst and application programmers

    DBMS system designers and implementers

    Tool developers

    Operators and maintenance personnel

    14.3 Types of Databases

    14.4 Database Management Systems (DBMS)




    14.5 Designing of DBMS

    Data, information and its structure

    Entity, instance and attributes

    Data and mapping

    Database architecture

    Database languages and interfaces

    14.6 Data Warehouse and Data Mining

    14.7 Summary

    14.8 Glossary

    14.9 Terminal Questions

    14.10 Answers

    14.11 Case Let

    14.1 Introduction

    In the previous unit, you have learnt about the evolution of the information

    systems function and the various roles and challenges faced by a CIO. In

    this unit you will learn about the Database Management Systems (DBMS)

    that are essential for the maintenance of information and that help in

    accessing the information for analysis purpose.

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    Table 14.1 depicts the concepts of DBMS.

    Table 14.1: Concepts of DBMS

    Data Data is a raw fact that can be recorded and has specificmeaning.


    Software programme which effectively controls thecreation, maintenance and use databases in the business.

    What does itconsist of?

    Collection of related data.

    Set of programmes to access those data.

    A complete definition or description of the databasestructures and constraints.

    Where is DBMS


    All areas where computers are used, including business,

    engineering, law, education, banking, hotel and airlinereservation.

    Examples ofDBMS

    Multimedia databases can store pictures, video clips andsound messages.

    Geographic information system can store and analysemaps, weather data and satellite images.


    After studying this unit, you should be able to:

    evaluate the types of database users

    explain database management systems

    describe the designing of DBMS describe data warehouse and data mining

    14.2 Types of Database Users

    Different persons involved in the design, use and maintenance of a large

    database are:

    Database Administrator (DBA)

    Database Designers (DBD)

    End users

    System analysts and application programmers

    DBMS designers and implementers

    Tool developers

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    14.2.1 Database Administrator (DBA)

    Database is one of the primary resources used by employees of a businessunit to make sense of the business. Since it is used by many, it has to be

    protected from unintentional deletion of data, non-authorised use and

    duplicate data. Database Administrator (DBA) is specialist who is employed

    to maintain, develop and secure the organisations database using standard


    Following are a few responsibilities of a DBA:

    DBA is authorised to monitor and access the databases.

    DBA is responsible for producing, executing changing and maintaining

    the database.

    DBA allows database to be utilised by the users.

    DBA defines the systematic procedure to recover lost data.

    14.2.2 Database designers (DBD)

    A DBD designs the database structure to meet the requirements of the


    14.2.3 End users

    End users are those who access the database, query and update the

    database and generate various reports. The database primarily exists for

    their use. End users are of two types:

    o Casual usersThey are the users accessing the DBMS with Structured

    Query language SQL queries.

    o Uninstructed usersThey are the users accessing the DBMS through


    14.2.4 System analysts and application programmers

    System analysts gather information regarding the requirements of the end

    users and make specifications for already worked out transactions.

    The specifications of the application programmes are developed by the

    system analyst. The system analysts are mainly responsible for debugging,

    testing, and maintaining the developed programmes.

    14.2.5 DBMS system designers and implementers

    Implementers implement the DBMS modules and interfaces as a software


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    System designers

    The system designers design the DBMS application programmes. Thedesigns are done according to the requirements of the organisation. The

    data are fed in the designed application program by the staff and it is

    retrieved by the management so as to take decision on the information

    obtained through the DBMS. If any new type of data has to be included the

    designers of DBMS will restructure it by a simply adding a column.

    14.2.6 Tool developers

    Tools are the optional packages of the software usually belonging to the

    third party. They include packages for design, monitoring the performance

    including the graphical interface of the database. The software tools are

    developed by the vendors and sold in the marketplace. The vendors areusually called as tool developers.

    14.2.7 Operators and maintenance personnel

    They are system administration personnel who are responsible for the

    actual running and maintenance of the hardware and software environment

    for the smooth working of the DB system.

    14.3 Types of Databases

    The following databases are commonly used in the organisation.

    Flat File

    Hierarchical database

    Relational database

    Operational database

    Distributed database

    External database

    Object oriented database

    Flat File

    Flat files consist of set ofstrings in one or more files that can be taken apart

    to get the information. The data can be separated by a simple comma for a

    small data store and or by a tab if the data is complex. The lockingmechanism can detect when a file is deleted or modified. For instance, a flat

    model database containing only zip codes. Within the database, there will

    only be one column and each new row will contain a new zip code.

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    Hierarchical database

    Hierarchical database resembles a tree structure. In this database, each linkis nested in order to keep the data organised in a particular order on a same

    level list. For instance, a hierarchal database of sales may list each days

    sales as a separate file. Within this nested file all of the sales for the day are


    Relational database

    The relational database represents the database as a collection of relations

    having a set of rows and columns, each of which is assigned a unique

    name. Relation consists of a relational schema (structure of table) and

    relational instance (data in a table at the particular time). There is a close

    correspondence between the concept of table and the mathematicalconcept of relation.

    In relational model we use certain conventions. For instance, a row is called

    a tuple and a column is termed as an attribute. The domain of a relational

    schema is a pool of legal values.

    Student (Register No, Name, Add, Phone, D.O.B, GPA)

    In this example, Student is a relation and the attributes (columns) are

    Register No, Name, Add, Phone and D.O.B. A possible tuple for the Student

    relation is (MBA02C1101', ' Nupur Rastogi, '440, 1 -main, 2nd cross, Airport

    Road, Kodenahalli, Bangalore-560008', 25256789, 11-Jan-1986).

    The domain of each attribute is as follows:

    Register no. : Alphanumeric characters

    Name : Characters

    Add : Alphanumeric characters

    Phone : Limit set to 13 digits

    D.O.B : Date, month, year

    Characteristics of relation are:

    An attribute structure containing many data in relation with them neednot be ordered.

    Each attribute in the relation is an entity.

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    Operational database

    As the name suggests it supports the business operations of theorganisation, by storing all the details of current business transactions. For

    example a customer data base contains all information pertaining to name,

    products purchased, address, date of purchase and loyalty programs

    enrolled to etc. Other examples are employee database, physical assets

    database and inventory database. These databases could be built using

    Microsoft Access DBMS or Oracle DBMS or MySql DBMS. The other names

    of this database are transaction database, production database and Subject

    Area Database (SADB).

    Distributed Database

    A distributed database allows parts of it to be duplicated and circulated tonetwork servers called nodes at different locations. The network servers

    could be on the extranet, intranet or the internet network. A distributed

    database could be an operational or a hypermedia database (explained


    The advantage of this distribution is that branches, or subsidiaries or

    workgroups can view and edit only those databases that pertain to their

    scope of operations. Also breaking the database into parts enables faster

    retrieval, lower storage requirements and update operations to the database

    of the node. The main advantage of this database is that if one of the nodes

    shut down the business remains unaffected and continues to provide

    services to stakeholders. Similarly when disasters occur due to natural or

    unnatural causes the data loss in the distributed database is minimised as

    data from multiple locations can be consolidated to build database.

    But the main challenge data accuracy. Changes made to one database

    must be updated to other locations wherever applicable to reflect the latest

    data. This issue can be solved by replication or duplication. In replication

    special software is used compare the various interrelated databases at

    different locations and find if any changes have been made. The changes

    are then updated into each related databases. The complexity and timetaken increases as the number and size of the distributed databases


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    In duplication, one database is considered as the master database. The

    contents of this database are periodically copied into other locations. Allchanges have to be made to the master database.

    External Databases

    External databases refer to the wealth of information available for free or for

    payment on the internet. It could be statistical information from government

    portals or newspapers, magazines, scholarly articles and full text databases.

    To search for information on these databases you use search engines like

    Google or Bing or Yahoo.

    Object oriented database (OODB)

    An object oriented database incorporates all objects. It is also referred to

    Object database management System (ODBMS).

    Objects consists the following:

    Attributes: These are the data that defines the objects characteristics.

    The data are very simple and may be numbers, strings, and integers

    etc. for referring an object.

    Methods: This defines the object behaviour and is also referred to as

    procedures. For example if you have created a Car Object with name,

    manufacturer and year of make. You can create a procedure to that

    requires you to make entry to all 3 characteristics of the object.

    o Hypermedia Database

    A hypermedia database is an OODB of hyperlinked multimedia

    content such as video, audio, photographs, text and graphics. For

    example a website is a hypermedia database as it contains

    interrelated content of webpages written in HTML, images, audio and

    video. The DBMS is webserver software which responds to your

    browser requests for files or webpages. Software such as

    ColdFusion can be used to create such a database

    Self Assessments Questions

    1. A _______ could be a relational or a hypermedia database.

    2. The ______________model represents the database as a collection of

    relations having a set of rows and columns, each of which is assigned

    a unique name.

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    Activity 1:

    Create an Excel sheet for accepting data for the following fields S. No.,

    Name, Address, Pin Code, and Phone No. Date of birth, Occupation,


    Enter your friends particulars for the above fields and find out as to how

    this simple exercise is useful in understanding the concept of a database.

    Hint:Open an Excel sheet types the headings in the cells of row1 column

    1 and type the related data in the respective cells according to the

    heading written. Continue feeding row 2 column 2 and under these type

    the details.

    14.4 Database Management System (DBMS)

    In the previous section, you learnt about various types of databases. You

    will now learn about DBMS.

    14.4.1 Functions

    The basic functions of DBMS in addition to centralised databases are:

    1. Distributed query processing: Distributed query processing is referred to

    the capability to access the remote sites and transmit queries and data

    between the other sites through the communication network.

    2. Data tracing: DBMS should have the capability to keep track of thedistribution of data, and replication by maintaining DBMS catalogue.

    3. Distributed transaction management: DBMS transactions access data

    from more than one site and synchronise the access to distributed data

    and maintain integrity of the overall database.

    4. Distributed database recovery: The capability to recover from other site

    crashes and from new failures.

    5. Security: Security must be in line with security policy that the

    management formulates.

    6. Distributed directory management: A directory contains information

    (metadata) about data in the database. The directory may be global for

    the entire DB or local for each site. These functions increase the

    complexity of a DBMS over a centralised DBMS.

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    14.5.1 Data, information and its structure

    MIS is an important resource required to execute the operations of thebusiness unit. Business decision to be taken by the managers depends on

    the valuable insight from companys data through MIS. The formats have

    been changed but the managers still rely on these systems to perform their

    day-to-day activities. MIS managers are in charge of the systems

    development within the firm.

    Data and information

    Usually people use data and information as a synonym of each other but

    they actually convey very distinct meaning. The following provides a brief

    explanation on data and information.

    Data is a raw fact which has been collected for a specific purpose. Data can

    be anything from binary digits to a combination of alphabets and numeric

    characters. Data can be any of these following forms:

    Linguistic expressions (e.g., name, age, address, date, ownership)

    Symbolic expressions (e.g., traffic signs)

    Mathematical expressions (e.g., E = mc2)

    Signals (e.g., electromagnetic waves)

    For example, the data name, age, address, date, ownership, traffic signs,

    equations (e.g., E=mc2), electromagnetic waves, etc. are collected for a

    specific purpose which may serve one or more activities of the same


    The fact describes the elements such as opinions, comments or description

    of an event or object. When this data is processed it becomes a meaningful

    piece of data which can be used for further action.

    Data that has been processed is referred to as information. Information

    helps in analysis and decision making. It is observed that information is

    obtained from the data but not all data produce useful information.

    Information is useful when it is relevant, reliable, accurate, up-to-date,

    timely, complete, intelligent, consistent and convenient to the recipient. Aninformation system is designed in a way to process data to a meaningful

    form, i.e., to accept input, manipulate it in some way and produce output.

    DBMS helps in gathering and providing reports. The set of data that is

    stored in row and columns to perform a specific task is referred to as DBMS.

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    The main function of the information systems is to convert data into

    information. Figure 14.1 depicts how data is converted into information usingthe intermediate processes.

    The information systems can perform its function only with the proper

    organisation and structure to convert data into information.

    Data represents a fact or statement of event without relation to other things.

    Fig. 14.1: The Process of Changing Data into Information(Organisation structure

    Source: http://Ih6.ggpht.com

    E.g.: It is raining.

    Here information embodies the understanding of a relationship of some sort,

    like cause and effect.

    E.g.: The temperature dropped 15 degrees and then it started raining.

    Knowledge represents a pattern that connects and provides a high level of

    predictability as to what is described or what will happen next.

    E.g.: If the humidity is very high and the temperature drops substantially, the

    atmosphere will hold the moisture so it rains.

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    Wisdom represents understanding of fundamental principles personified

    within the knowledge that is the basis for the knowledge being what it is.Wisdom is essentially systemic.

    E. g.: It rains because it rains. And this includes an understanding of all the

    interactions that happen between raining, evaporation, air currents,

    temperature gradients, changes and raining.

    Figure 14.2 depicts the diagrammatic representation of data to information,

    to knowledge and to wisdom.

    Fig. 14.2: Transition of Data to Information, Knowledge and Wisdom.


    14.5.2 Entity, instance and attributes


    An entity is something that has a distinct, separate existence, though it need

    not be of a material existence. (e.g., Employee record)


    Theproperty that describes an entity is an attribute.It is a characteristic or

    property of an object, such as weight, size, and colour.


    It describes the relationship between two or more entities.

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    The database description refers to defining the name, data type, size of acolumn in a table and database (actual data in the table) itself. The

    database description is called Meta data.The database description is

    specified during the designing stage of the database and is not frequently



    The collection of data stored in the database at a particular moment is a

    database instance or database state or snapshot. These changes occur

    very frequently due to addition, deletion and modification.

    14.5.3 Data and mapping

    Data mapping is also referred as database mapping. Data mapping is used

    as a first step for a wide variety of data integration tasks including data

    transformation between a data source and a destination.An attribute will

    map to zero or more columns in a relational database. You must also

    remember while mapping that all attributes are not persistent, some are

    used for temporary calculations. For example, a student object may have an

    averagemark attribute that is needed within your application but isnt saved

    to the database because it is calculated by the application. Because some

    attributes of an object are objects in their own right, a customer object has

    an address object as an attribute this really reflects an association

    between the two classes that would need to be mapped, and the attributes

    of the address class itself will have to be mapped. The important thing is

    that this process is repeated again and again. At some point the attribute will

    be mapped to zero or more columns.

    The easiest mapping among all is the property mapping of a single attribute

    to a single column. It is even simpler when each has the same basic types,

    for example, theyre both dates, the attribute is a string and the column is a

    char, or the attribute is a number and the column is a float.

    Data mapping is used as the first step for a wide variety of data integration

    tasks. That means data transformation, identification of data relationshipsand detection of hidden sensitive data and consolidation of multiple


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    14.5.4 Database architecture

    The architecture followed in the database design is three-tier-architecture.The three schema architecture has three levels of architecture, an internal

    level, a conceptual level and an external level. The three schema

    architecture is also referred as client server architecture. In this architecture,

    the major advantage is, the division of the architecture into levels that allows

    both developers and users to work on their own levels. They do not need to

    know the details of the other levels and they do not have to know anything

    about changes in the other levels. Figure 14.3 depicts the diagrammatic

    representation of three schema architecture. Note that each of these

    schemas represents only the data descriptions which are available in

    physical stage.

    1. Internal level

    This is a database with the physical storage structure. Operations

    performed here are translated into modifications of the contents and

    structure of the files.

    It has an internal schema.

    It describes the complete details of the stored records and access

    methods used to achieve efficient access to the data.

    2. Conceptual level

    This concentrates on the entities description and hides the details ofthe physical storage structures. This level is independent of both

    software and hardware.

    3. External level or view level

    This is the outermost layer.

    This layer is closest to the users.

    The data viewed by the individual users is called external level.

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    Fig. 14.3: The Three Schema Architecture

    Source: http://lh4.ggpht.com/

    14.5.5 Database languages and interfaces

    To support each and every user groups the DBMS should have interfaces

    and languages.

    DBMS Languages

    The Data Definition Language (DDL) is used by the Database administrator

    and the database designers and other users to define the conceptual and

    internal schemas. The DDL complier of DBMS processes the DDL statements to find the

    description of schema constructs and store the description in the DBMS


    DDL defines the conceptual (description of relations/tables in the

    database) and external schema (specification of views). The internal

    schema (how will data be stored and retrieved) is specified by

    combinations and specification related to storage

    Data Manipulation Languages (DMLs)

    DML is a used by database users to retrieve, insert, delete and updatedata in a database.

    DML and DDL are components of Structured Query Language (SQL)

    which is used to retrieve and manipulate data in a relational database.

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    DMLs have their functional capability organised by the initial word in a

    statement, which is almost always a verb. In the case of SQL, theseverbs are "select", "insert", "update" and "delete".

    DMLs tend to have many different "flavours" and capabilities between

    database vendors.

    There has been a standard established for SQL by American National

    Standard Institute (ANSI) but vendors still "exceed" the standard and

    provide their own extensions.

    There are two types of DML:

    High level

    High level can be used to specify complex database operations.

    DML statements can be entered through a graphical user interface or

    embedded a programming language.

    The statements are extracted through the pre compiler and processed by

    the DBMS.

    Referred to set-at- a-time as it can retrieve many rows of data from the


    Low level / Non- procedural

    Embedded in a general purpose programming language.

    This low level is also referred as recordat a time DMLS.As it retrieves

    one row at a time from the database.

    DBMS interfaces

    DBMS are provided to nave users of the database like general managers.

    Menu Interface

    Presents the users with menus to send queries to the database.

    Queries are composed in a step by step manner by choosing the right

    menu items from the menu

    Pull down menus are used for web based interface which allow the userto view the data in an exploratory and unstructured manner.

    Forms- based interfaces.

    It will display a form for every user.

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    In the form, the user can enter the data to form a new row in the table of

    the database or change particular rows or delete rows.Graphical user interfaces

    A schema will be displayed to the user in the form of a diagram in the

    graphical user interface. The queries specified by the user through

    manipulating the diagram.

    Natural language interfaces

    Natural language interfaces accept the requests in written English or any

    other language

    The natural language request will handled by the interface as it has the

    dictionary consisting of important words.

    Interfaces for parametric users:

    Allow repetitive operations to be performed by parametric users like bank

    tellers. Programmers specify a short cut key or function key to access

    menu items or buttons on the forms. This enables the parametric user to

    quickly perform operations like balance enquiries or deposit and


    Interfaces for the DBA

    Such interfaces allow the DBA staff to create new account/user, grants

    rights to users, set system parameters and change schema.

    Activity 2:

    Take two different samples of medical bills issued by two medical stores

    and find out the striking similarity in the fields and note down the

    difference if any in the data fields and structure.

    Self Assessment Questions

    6. The property that describes an entity is a ___________.

    7. An attribute will map to zero or more columns in a _____________.

    8. The three schema architecture is also referred as _______________.

    14.6 Data Warehouse and Data Mining

    In the previous section, you learnt about designing of DBMS. You will now

    learn about data warehouse and data mining.

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    Data Warehouse

    A data warehouse is a large data storehouse containing the historical dataof the organisation collected from various operational, external and other

    databases for the purpose of business analysis. All the data undergoes the

    process of extraction, transformation and loading (ETL) before being stored

    in the database. This is done to ensure that all the data integrity violations,

    data redundancy and other inconsistencies in the data remain at a minimum


    A data warehouse is different from an operational database in the following


    In the data warehouse historical data is stored whereas in a

    transactional database data pertaining to the current financial year is


    The data in the data warehouse is static (records are not updated) but in

    an operational database the data records can be updated.

    Data in the data warehouse can be aggregated on many dimensions.

    Whereas in the operational database the data is maintained at the

    atomic level as aggregation increases its size and consumes time in

    preparing reports.

    For the purpose of analysis specific data from the data warehouse can be

    stored in data marts or analytical data store. These are small in size whencompared to the data warehouse and easier to build. The subsets of the

    data warehouse pertaining to the needs of various functions like marketing,

    accounting and sales can be stored in the data mart or analytical


    To perform the analysis different analytical tools like querying, OLAP and

    data mining are used. The analysis can be performed through a desktop

    interface or through a web interface.

    Data Mining

    Data Mining is used to expose unseen relationships and trends in the datawarehouse. This aids the organisation in gaining competitive advantage and

    formulating strategy. A brute force approach (using recognition algorithms,

    mathematical and statistical techniques) is used in data mining to analyse all

    possible combinations of data to find patterns. The analyst then interprets

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    the result of this analysis. The patterns identified in data mining are:

    Associations: occur when one event connects with another event. Forexample, most men buy soft drinks and chips during the IPL cricket


    Sequences occur when one event leads to another. For example,

    purchase of tea is followed by purchase of sugar cubes.

    Classification patterns are found by categorising data. For example

    classify customers as most profitable, profitable and not profitable.

    Forecasting uncovers patterns to predict future trends. For example,

    predicting advertising campaign response rates.

    Clustering: Finding similar groups of customers or data or facts based on

    certain criteria. Finding documents that matches the search criteria.

    Self Assessment Questions

    9. A __________is a large data storehouse containing the historical data

    of the organisation collected from various operational, external and

    other databases for the purpose of business analysis.

    10. _________ is used to expose unseen relationships and trends in the

    data warehouse.

    14.7 Summary

    Let us recapitulate the important concepts discussed in this unit: Data represents a fact or statement of event without relation to other


    Information is a data that has been processed into a form that is

    meaningful to a recipient and helps in analysis and decision making.

    An entity is something that has a distinct and separate existence. The

    property that describes an entity is an attribute. It is a characteristic or

    property of an object, such as weight, size or colour.

    The data definition language is used by the database designers and

    database administrators in order to define the external and conceptual


    The three tier architecture has three levels, first one is an internal,

    second one is external and the last one is conceptual. The three schema

    architecture is also referred as client server architecture.

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    Nave users of the database can use various DBMS interfaces like form

    based interfaces, web based interfaces, interface for parametric usersand natural language interfaces.

    DML statements allow the entry of data into the database.

    A brute force approach (using recognition algorithms, mathematical and

    statistical techniques) is used in data mining to analyse all possible

    combinations of data to find patterns.

    A data warehouse is a large data storehouse containing the historical

    data of the organisation collected from various operational, external and

    other databases for the purpose of business analysis.

    14.8 GlossaryData Mapping: It is the process of constructing data element mappings,

    among two different models.

    Schema:logical view of the relationships between the data in the database.

    View:a way by which different users of the database to see portions of the

    database in different ways.

    14.9 Terminal Questions

    1. Explain different types of database users.

    2. Explain the three-tier architecture with a neat diagram.

    3. Explain database interfaces.

    14.10 Answers

    Self Assessment Questions

    1. Distributed

    2. Relational

    3. True

    4. False

    5. True

    6. Attribute

    7. Relational database

    8. Client Server Architecture

    9. Data warehouse

    10. Data mining

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    Terminal Questions

    1. There are many types of database users namely, DBA, DBD, end users.For more details refer 14.2.

    2. The client server model, entity, instance, attributes, etc. for more details

    refer 14.5.4.

    3. DDL, DML, DBMS, Data base language and interfaces.For more details

    refer 14.5.5.

    14.11 Case Let

    Collection and segregation:

    Some people are having this habit of collecting things. Let us consider that

    you are collect books, stamps, toys, coins, pictures, etc. You store each of

    these items in different boxes.

    Also since you are and IS professional you create a database to document

    your collection according to boxes and further segregate them item wise and

    category wise. As and when you get new items you add it into the

    appropriate box and update the database.

    Discussion Questions:

    How will you organise items of your collection into a database

    Hint:Think in terms of designing a DBMS

    Let us say a local museum wishing to procure your coin collection ask for

    the list of all items in it.

    Hint:Think in terms of database languages

    How will you find that you don`t have the other item collections?


    Josheph, S. J. and Mohapatra, Management Information System in

    Knowledge Economy,Prentice Hall.

    Ken, L. Jane, L. and Rajanish, D. Management Information System,

    Managing the Digital Firm, Pearson Education. Obrien, A, J, Management Information System, Galkotia Publications.

    New Delhi.

    Sadagopan, S. Management Information Systems, Prentice Hall.

  • 8/13/2019 Mb0047 Unit 14-Slm


    Management Information System Unit 14

    Sikkim Manipal University Page No. 305

    Robert, S, and Mary, S. Management Information Systems The

    Managers View,Tata McGraw Hill. Elmasri, R. (2008), Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson








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