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MBA Question Papers 2007

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  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    MBA Question PapersYear 2007

    Semester ISub. Code Subject Name May 2007

    101 O. B. & P. P M. May 2007 102 Management Accounting May 2007 103 Managerial Economics May 2007 104 Statistical & Quantitative Method May 2007 105 Legal Aspects of Business May 2007 106 Basic of Marketing May 2007

    Semester IISub. Code Subject Name May 2007

    201 Marketing Management May 2007 202 Financial Management May 2007 203 Human Resource Management May 2007 204 Manufacturing & Operation

    Management May 2007 205 Material & Logistics Management May 2007 206 Management Information System May 2007

    Semester IIISub. Code Subject Name May 2007 2007

    301 Business Policy & StrategicManagement May 2007 Oct 2007302 Management Control System May 2007 Oct 2007

    303A Marketing Research May 2007 Oct 2007303B Advance Financial Management May 2007 Oct 2007303C Software Engineering May 2007 Oct 2007303D Logistics And Supply chain

    Management May 2007 Oct 2007303E Labour Law May 2007 Oct 2007304A Integrated

    Marketing Communications May 2007 Oct 2007304B Direct Taxation May 2007 Oct 2007304CS Relational Database Management

    System May 2007 Oct 2007304D Quality Management May 2007 Oct 2007304E HRM Industrial Relation May 2007 Oct 2007305A Marketing Management

    Distribution ant RetailManagement

    May 2007 Oct 2007

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    305B Finance Merchant Banking andFinancial Services May 2007 Oct 2007

    305C Visual Basic and Oracle May 2007 Oct 2007305D Production & Material

    Production Planning and Control May 2007 Oct 2007305E H R - Personnel Administration-

    Application & Procedure May 2007 Oct 2007

    Semester IVSub. Code Subject Name May 2007 2007

    401 Entrepreneurship Development &Project Management May 2007 Oct 2007

    402 International BusinessManagement May 2007 Oct 2007

    403 Current Trends in Management May 2007 Oct 2007404A Services Marketing May 2007 Oct 2007404B Indirect Taxation May 2007 Oct 2007404C OOD CONCEPTS AND JAVA

    PROGRAMMING Oct 2007404D Inventory Management May 2007 Oct 2007404E Labour Welfare May 2007 Oct 2007407A Strategic Marketing and

    Relationship Management May 2007 Oct 2007407B International Finance May 2007 Oct 2007407C Project Management and IT

    Management May 2007 Oct 2007407D Production & Material MaterialsRequirements Planning May 2007 Oct 2007407E HRM Strategic Human Resource

    Management May 2007 Oct 2007408A Marketing Management Product

    and Brand Management May 2007 Oct 2007408B Strategic Financial Management May 2007 Oct 2007408C Computer Specialization May 2007 Oct 2007408D Production and Material

    Specialization May 2007 Oct 2007408E Labour and Other Laws May 2007 Oct 2007


    May 2007

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    Organizational Behavior & Principle &Practices of Management

    (2005 Pattern)Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks: 70Instructions:

    1) Question No.1 Compulsory.2) Solve any THREE questions out of the remaining.

    Q1) a) Define Planning. Explain the Strategies & planning premises. [10]b) Define leadership. Explain the style of leadership.

    Q2) Elaborate the SOBCmodel of O.B. Give Examples. [15]Q3) What are the various function of management? [15]Q4) Explain the concept of conflict management with its Process. [15]Q5) What is deparmentation? Explain its Nature & Purpose. [15]Q6) Elaborate A.H. Maslows Hierarchy theory of motivation, in details. [15]Q7) Write the short notes on: (Any three) [15]

    a) Concept of Management.b) Development of Personality.c) Team Work.d) Decentralization.e)

    Primary & Secondary motives.

    Semester I[3175]-102

    M.B.A.(Semester-I)May 2007


    Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70Instructions:

    1) Question No.1 Compulsory.2) Attempt any two question from the section I and section II each.3) Figures to tne right indicate marks.4) Use of simple calculators is allowed.

    Q1) Explain any five basic concepts in Financial Accounting. (GAAP) SECTION-I

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    Q2) Explain the importance of cost accounting as a managerial tool. How costs areclassified?

    [15]Q3) What is labour turnover? What are the causes of Labour turnover? How is itmeasured?

    [15]Q4) Define standard cost and standard costing. Write the advantages anddisadvantages of standardcosting. [15]Q5) Write short Notes on (Any three)

    a) Trial balance.b) Functional budgets.c) Cost Sheet.d) Bank Reconciliation Statement.e) LIFO.


    Q6) The budget production of Alfa ltd is 60000 units, the variable costs p.u. is Rs.16and

    fixed cost per unit is Rs. 4. Selling price is to be fixed to fetch a profit of 20% oncost.

    i) Calculate BEP and P/V ratio at budgeted Selling Price.ii)

    If the selling Price is reduced by 10% what will be BEP and P/V ratio?

    iii) Company desires 10% increase in budgeted Profit at revised selling price

    mentioned in (ii) above, calculate required sales volume in units andrupees.

    [15]Q7) For Manufacturing 15 kg of a product, the standard material required are :

    Materials A: 12 kg @ Rs.10B: 5 kg @ Rs.16C: 3 kg @ Rs.20

    In a Month, 1500kg of the product were produced. The actual material consumption

    was as follows:Materials A: 1100 Kg @ Rs.12

    B: 600 kg @ Rs.14C: 450 kg @ Rs.18

    Calculate material variances.[15]

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    Q8) Prepare Trading & Profit & Loss Account And the Balance sheet as on31.03.2005 of

    Mr.Ramesh.Balances as On 31.03.2005

    Rs.Capital of Mr. Ramesh 50,000Debtors 25,600

    Creditors 28,000Drawings 5,000General Expenses 1,500Printing 1,300Wages 7,500Royalty 2,500Purchases 35,000Sales 46,400Salaries 4,000Office Expenses 2,200Insurance 700Rent 1,900Opening Stock 12,000Building 12,000Machinery 20,000B/R 4,200Loans 10,000B/P 1,000

    Adjustments:1) Closing Stock Rs.250002)

    Depreciate fixed assets by 10%.

    3) Rs.450 due from a customer is no more recoverable.4) Provide for doubtful debts on debtors @


    Q9) A Company Has prepared the budget for production of the only productmanufactured by them as under:-Rs. In Lacs.

    Raw material 2.52Direct Labour .75Direct expenses .10Work Overheads(60%Fixed) 2.25Admn. Overheads(80% Fixed) .40

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    Selling Overheads (50% Fixed) .20The actual production during the period was only 60,000 units. Calculate the revisedbudget cost per unit.

    [15]Semester I[3175]-103

    M.B.A.-I (New)May 2007


    Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70Instructions:

    1) Question No.1 Compulsory which carries 10 marks.2) Attempt any four questions from the remaining that carry 15 marks

    each.3) Draw Suitable diagram whenever necessary.

    Q1) Define Managerial Economics. Discuss its nature and scope.OR

    Discuss the factors affecting Price elasticity of demand with the help of suitableexamples.

    Q2) Why is demand forecasting essential? Explain the different techniques of surveymethod.Q3) State and explain the theory of Law Of Variable Proportions.Q4) Distinguish between perfect competition and imperfect competition.Q5) What do you understand by cost Benefit Analysis? Discuss the steps involvedin it.Q6) Distinguish between GDP & NDP. Describe the various method of measuring

    National Income.Q7) Write Short Notes on (Any Three)

    a) Pricing in Public sector Undertaking(PSUs)b) Disinvestment.c) Innovation Theory of Profit.d) Long run average cost curve (LRAC).

    Semester I[3175]-104

    M.B.A.(Semester-I)May 2007


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    (NEW) (2005 Pattern)Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70Instructions:

    1) Question No.1 &4 are Compulsory.2) Solve any one question from Question no.2 and 3 and any

    one question from Question No. 5 And 63) Figures to the right indicate full marks.4) Use of electronic calculators is allowed.5) Graph Papers will be supplied on demand.

    SECTION-IQ1) a)The following table gives the distribution of out lay of the budget of a state

    under major head of development expenditure:Heads Expenditure

    (in Rs.Cr.)a) Agriculture and community developmentb) Irrigation and Powerc) Industry and miningd) Transport and communicatione) Miscellaneous


    Represent the information by a suitable diagram or chart [5]b) You are given variance of Y=16.The regression equation are 4x-5y+33=0 and 20x-9y=107.

    Find i) Average value of X and Y,ii) Correlation coefficient between x and Y, andiii) Standard deviation of X [5].

    c) There are 3 men aged 60, 65 and 70 years. The probability that to live 5 moreyears is 0.8 for a 60 years, 0.6 for 65 years old and 0.3 for a 70 years oldperson. Find the probability that at least two of the 3 person will live 5 yearsmore. [5]

    d) The mean and standard deviation of 100 items are calculated as 60 and 7

    respectively. Two of the items were found to be incorrect at the time ofchecking. 35 and 47 were wrongly copied as 53 and 74. Calculate correct meanand S.D.[5]

    Q2) a) Explain the meaning of partial and Multiple Correlation and regression givingillustration. [5]

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    b) Assuming that the probability of a fatal accident in a factory is 1/1200 in ayear. Calculate the probability that in a factory employing 300 workers,there will be at least two fatal accidents in a year. (Given e-0.25=0.7788) [5]

    c) Calculate Rank correlation coefficient between marks in statistics andEconomics as given below: [5]Marks in Statistics 45 70 65 40 80 40 50 70 85 60

    Marks in Economics 35 80 70 40 90 45 60 80 80 50Q3) a) State what are the different measures of dispersion and state their merits and

    demerits. [5]b) Given the following:

    Total Population of a locality - 240000Total literate in the Locality -40000Total illiterate in the locality -40000

    Total literate criminal in the Locality -5000Determine the coefficient of the association between literacy and criminalbehavior.

    c) Given [5]X Y

    AverageS.D. 205 254

    Correlation coefficient between X and Y = 0.6. Find the two regression equation andestimate X for Y = 20.

    Q4) a) A refinery makes 3 grades of petrol A,B and C from crude oil D,E and F. Crudeoil F can be used in any grade but the other must satisfy the followingspecifications. [6]

    Grade Selling Price per liter (Rs.) SpecificationsABC


    Not less than 50% crude D.Not less than 25% crude E.Not less than 25% crude D.Not more than 50% crude

    E.No specifications.

    There are capacity limitation on the amount of 3crude elements can be used

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    Crude Capacity (KL) Price per litreDEF



    Formulate LPP to maximize Profit.b) Find the optimal strategies for A and B in the following game. Also obtain

    the value of the game.As

    Strategies Bs StrategiesB1 B2 B3


    9 8 -73 -6 4

    6 7 -7

    c) Solve the following T.P. unit transportation cost (Rs.) [8]Factory Ware Houses Capacity

    D E FAB


    5 1 76 4 6

    3 2 5



    Requirement 75 20 50

    Q5) a) Solve by graphical method.Minimize z = 6x1 + 14 x2Subject to 5x1 + 4x2 >= 60,

    3x1 + 7 x2 >= 84,

    x1 + 2x2 >= 18,x1, x2 >=0.

    b) Market survey is made on two brands of breakfast foods A and B. Everydaya customer purchases; he may buy the same brand or switch to anotherbrand. The transition matrix is given below. [8]

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    From ToA B


    0.8 0.20.6 0.4

    At 60% of people buy brand A and 40% people buy brand B. determine Marketshare of Brand A and B in Steady State.

    Q6) a) Explain Queuing theory and its characteristics. [8]b) Solve the following assignment problem [7]

    Sales in thousandsSalesmen Districts

    D1 D2 D3 D4S1S2S3S4

    20 25 22 1825 24 19 2118 20 22 20

    25 20 17 22

    Semester I[3175]-105

    M.B.A.(Semester-I)May 2007


    Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70Instructions:

    1) All aquestion carry equal marks.2) Solve any FIVE questions.3) Answers in Illegible handwriting will not be checked.

    Q1) What are the essential elements of valid contract under the act? Explain indetails.

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    Q2) How & why breach of a valid contract happens? What are the remedies?Q3) What are the provisions related to transfer of property & titles under sale of

    goods Act 1930.Q4) What are the negotiable instruments you know? What is the utility explain in

    details?Q5) What are the different types of directors and share holders meetings you know

    under the Companies act 1956?Q6) What is prospectus by a company? Why and how it is made?Q7) What are the unfair and Restrictive Trade Practices under the Consumer

    Protection Act?Q8) Write short notes on any two:

    i) Electronic Records under IT Act.ii) Consumer Disputes Redress under Consumer Protection Act.iii) Conditions and warranty under Sale of good Act.iv) Quasi Contract under Contract Act.

    .Semester I[3175]-106

    M.B.A.(Semester-I)May 2007

    (106) BASICS OF MARKETING(2005 Pattern)

    Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70Instructions:

    1) All question carry equal marks.2) Solve any FIVE questions.

    Q1) The term selling & Marketing are frequently used in the inter changeablemanner. However, selling is merely a tip of the iceberg calling asmarketing. mbau7100Comment. Briefly explain the various function of

    marketing.Q2) What do you mean by marketing environments? Discuss the various types of

    marketing environmental forces influencing the marketing decision.Q3) What are the steps in buying decision Process? Imagine the process of buying

    thea) A Micro-wave oven.b) A life Insurance policy

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    Q4) Describe the stages of marketing planning process. What are the contents of a

    marketing plan.Q5) Assume that you are a marketing manager in a medium sized organization

    which manufactures various types of bakery products. Now the company

    intends to launch branded vegetable pizza to be sold as a bakery product allover India. Identify and analyze the nature and extent of competition in theIndian Pizza market. Which marketing strategies would you like to adopt dealwith competition?

    Q6) write a comprehensive note on Tools and Technique of Marketing Control with aspecial emphasis on marketing audit.

    Q7) Write Short Notes (Any Two):a) Marketing Process.b) Market Segmentation of Industrial Products.c) Customer satisfaction Vs. Customers delight.d) Hierarchy in Marketing Organization.

    Semester I[3175]-201

    M.B.A.(Semester-II)(C.No.201) MARKETING MANAGEMENT

    (2005 Pattern) (New)Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70Instructions:

    1) All question carry equal marks.2) Solve any FIVE questions.

    Q1) Marketing Mix is the instrument that can keep the organization Successful,thought its products may rise & decline in their respective life cycles. Discuss,quoting examples.

    Q2) Outline the new product decision process. Can it guarantee the successfulmarketing of a product under consideration? Explain.

    Q3) Disscuss the purpose, types and new trends in Packaging. Quote examples.Q4) Which internal and external factors influence factors influence the setting of the

    price of a product and eventual changes therein. Explain citing examples.Q5) Explain, giving examples, the utility of direct marketing and on-line marketing,

    as promotional tools.

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    Q6) Ware-Housing decision seems to become more important, every year. do Youagree? Present your view point.

    Q7) Write a critical note on the emerging role on the emerging role of a conventionalretailer, n the context of the rise of the Super markets and super malls.

    Q8) Write notes on any two:a) Brandingb) Media habits(of target segment)c) Inventory decision.d) Promotion to the Dealer : Its demerits.

    Semester II[3175]-202


    (New) (2005 Pattern)Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70Instructions:

    1) Question No.1 Compulsory.2) From Q2 to Q9 answer any two question from section I and any two

    questions section II.3) Figures to tne right indicate marks.4) Use of simple calculators is allowed.

    SECTION-IQ1) Explain the significance of net profit ratio and debt equity ratio. [10]Q2) What are the characteristics of various forms of business organization? [15]Q3) Explain Factoring, Hire purchase and venture capital? [15]Q4) Explainthe different methods of evaluating capital expenditure decision [15]Q5) Write Short Notes on (Any Three):-

    a) Time value of Money.b) Cash Budget.c) Bonus Shares.d) Commercial Papers.e) Current Ratio.

    Q6) Following information is given for two companies A ltd. and B Ltd. Particulars A Ltd. B ltd.

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    Current Ratio 1.25 1.01Liquid Ratio 0.96 0.69

    Gross Profit Ratio 26.7% 33.3%Debt Equity Ratio 0 0.33Net Profit Ratio 15% 10%

    Analyze the financial position of the two companies.

    Q7) Calculate Operating leverage, Financial Leverage, and Combined Leverage fromthe following:

    Particulars Amount(Rs)Sales 500000Variable cost 200000Contribution 300000Fixed Cost 150000Earning before interest &Tax 150000Interest 50000Earning before tax 100000

    [15]Q8) From the following Balance sheet of M/s AB for the year ended 31st Dec

    2000 and 2001 prepare fund flow statement.Liablities 2000 2001 Assets 2000 2001Share Capital 40000 57500 Plant 7500 10000Creditors 10600 7000 Stock 12100 13600P & L Co. 1400 3100 Debtors 18100 17000

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    Cash 14300 27000Total 52000 67600 Total 52000 67600

    [15]Q9) XY ltd had a capital structure of Rs. 10 Lakhs consisting of equity shares of Rs.

    10/- each. The company was into the business of manufacturing Automobilespare parts. The company is thinking of starting a new product line. For this itis gong to need Rs. 10 Lakhs more. The EBIT of the company is Rs.8 Lakhs andincome tax rate is 50%. Compute the following alternatives. a) To raise the entire amount of additional funds by floating equiy shares of Rs.

    10/- each.b) To raise 50% of the amount by way of equity shares capital of Rs. 10/- per

    share and 50% by way of term loan carrying interest of 10%. c) To raise the entire amount by way of term loan carrying interest of 10%

    [15].Semester II

    MAY 2007[3175]-203


    Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70Instructions:

    1) Attempt any five questions.2) All questions carry equal marks.

    Q1) What is human resourse management ? While discussing the difference between planning .

    Q2) Explain the objectives of Manpower planning and elaborate successionplanning.Q3) What is the need and objectives of training in the organization? Why trainingin

    the Organization ? Why training programs should be evaluated ?Q4) Discuss how the managerial effectiveness can be improved through time

    management and TQM .Q5) Explain the need and importance of Performance Appraisal System in the

    Organization and discuss the MBO method of performance appraisal.Q6) What is Industrial Relation ? How collective bargaining helps in improving

    industrial relations.

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    Q7) Write note on any two:

    a) Job enlargement and Job enrichmentb) Retention of man poewerc) Quality circlesd) Rating errors.

    Semester IIMAY 2007[3175]-204


    Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70Instructions:

    1) Attempt any five questions.2) All questions carry equal marks.

    Q1) Explain the nature and scope of manufacturing management from economicspoint

    of view .Q2) Explain various types of manufacturing methods , their basis of selection &

    characteristics.Q3) Discuss the merits and Demerits of locating manufacturing facilities

    a) Close to marketsb) Close to source of raw materials.

    Q4) Narrate the functions of production Planning and control. Explain their objectiveClearly .

    Q5) Explain how to prevent machinery breakdown ,which interrupt regular production And result in LOSESS.

    Q6) a) Differenciate between Inspection and Quality Control.b) Explain control charts and its importance .

    Q7) Define work study , state its objective and describe various techniques employed. Q8) Following table gives activities and relevant important of project .

    Activity optimistic duration in days Mostlikely pessmistic 1-2 30 44 54

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    1-3 8 12 16

    2-3 1 2 3


    4 2 3 53-

    4 8 10 124-

    5 14 22 254-

    6 3 7 115-

    6 6 9 18

    a) Draw a network diagram.b) Compute project completion time.c) Identify critical path.

    Semester IIMAY 2007[3175]-205


    (Semester-II) (2005 Pattern)Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70


    1) Attempt any five questions.2) All questions carry equal marks.

    Q1) Discuss the differences in traditional Materials Management and supply chain Management.

    Q2) Explain with example how does classification of materials help in better management of inventory?Q3) a) Explain the concept and role of Master Production schedule as an input toMRP.

    b) Describe in which types of businesses ,application of MRP system is highly beneficial .

    Q4) What actions a Purchase manager should take in following :

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    a) Delay in suppliesb) Excess quantity supplyc) Wrong supplies

    Q5) explain effects of high inventory on the following:a) Meeting delivery datesb) Profitabilityc) Quality of finished Goods

    Q6) State the limitations of EOQ model. Discuss the example EOQ model withdiscounts model.

    Q7) Explain the role of Material manager in standardization and codification ofmaterial.

    Q8) Write notes on any two of the following:a) Exponential smoothing methodb) Stock out costc) Importance of logisticsd) Bills of Material.

    Semester II[3175]-206


    (New) (2005 Pattern) (Sem - II)Time:3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70Instructions:

    1) Question No.1 Compulsory.2) Attempt any Four Questions from Question 2 to 6 numbers.3) State assumptions, if any and draw neat diagrams, wherever

    necessary.3) Figures to tne right indicate marks.

    Q1) Arya electronics. Ltd. appoints certain daily labors. They are in type of skilled,

    semiskilled and unskilled worker. The wages per day is given to the worker & itgenerally paid by cach. The company has decided standard rate for each type ofworker. The rateare as under:1) Skilled : Rs.250 per day.2) Unskilled : Rs.100 per day.3) Semiskilled : Rs.200 per day.

    The attendance is maintained by HR dept. Based on the attendance,Accounts dept makes the payment of each worker at the end of the month.

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    Addition to the daily working Hrs. (8hrs), if the workers has done extraduty then additional payment will be made on the basis of per houri.e. 8% forskilled, 6% for semiskilled and 10% for unskilled workers respectively.

    You are required to do the following:a) Design Normalized database.b) Design Report based on available data. [10]

    Q2) a) what are the different phases of decision making Process and explain with thehelp of Herberd Simon Model. [8]

    b) Explain the role of IT in the MIS department. [7]Q3) a) What are the importance of information security and control in MIS


    b) What do you mean by System analysis and design? [5]Q4) a) Define the important features of quality information. [8]

    b) explain human information Processor.Q5) a) Define EIS & EES [5]

    b) Elaborate the information required by the Top Management ofGlobal Education Network. [10]

    Q6) Write Short Notes on (any three): [15]a) GISb) Data warehousingc) CASE Toold) Waterfall Method.



    Total No. of Questions: 6] MAY.2007 [Total No. of Pages: 3



    Time: 3 Hours] [Max.Marks: 70Instructions to the candidates:I) Attempt any four questions.2) Question No.6 is compulsory & carries 22 marks.3) Remaining questions I - 5 carry 16 marks each.4) Support your answers with relevant examples.Ql) How corporate strategies are developed using analysis of environmental appraisal.

    Please explain.

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    Q2) Explain the significance of Business Level strategies and Product portfoliostrategies.Q3) Explain different types of Growth Strategies. Why many Indian companies are

    acquiring global companies? What are the issues involved in postacquisitionscenario?

    Q4) How IT enabled services & E Commerce can create competitive advantages?Q5) Comment on any three:

    a) Gap analysis and Benchmarking.b) Michel porter's five forces of competition in an industry.c) Social responsibilities vs profitability.d) Difference between strategic control and operations control. e) Business

    Definition.f) GE nine cell model.

    Q6)Case Study - answer the questions given at the end of the case."The Rise of NOKIA

    . The cellular telephone industry is one of the great growth stories of the 1990s. The number of cellular subscribers has been increasing rapidly. Threecompanies currently dominate the global market for cellular equipment (cell

    phones, base station equipments and digital switches) Motorola, Nokia and

    Ericsson. Of the three the dramatic rise of Nokia is perhaps most surprising. Nokia's roots are in Finland, not normally a country that jumps to mind

    when we talk about leading edge technology. Back in 1980s, Nokia was a

    rambling Finish Conglomerate with activities that embraced tire manufacturing,paper production, consumer electronics and telecommunication equipment.

    Today it is a focused $10 billion telecommunication equipment manufacturer

    with a global reach second only to that of Motorola and with sales and earnings

    that are growing in excess of 30% per annum. How has this former

    conglomerate emerged to take a global leadership in the cellular equipment

    industry? Much of the answerlies in the history, geography and political economy of Finland.

    The story starts in 1981, when the Nordic nations got together to create

    the world's first international cellular network. Sparingly populated andinhospitably cold, they had good reasons to become pioneers. It would have cost

    far too much to lay down a traditional wire line telephone service. Yet the same

    features, that made it difficult, make telecommunications all the more valuable

    there. People driving through Arctic winter and owners of remote northern

    houses need a telephone to summon help if things go

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    wrong. As a result Sweden, Norway and Finland became the first nations in the

    world to take cellular communications. Seriously. They found, for example, that

    while it cost up to $800 per subscriber to bring a traditional wire line service to

    remote locations in the far north, the same locations could be linked by cellular

    service for only $500 per person. As a result, in1994, 12% of the people in Scandinavia owned cell phones as compared to 6% in

    USA.Nokia as a long time telecom equipment manufacturer was well positioned

    to take advantage of this development. Other factors also helped Nokia.

    In Finland there has never been a national monopoly. Instead there. had been 50 odd telephone service providers, whose elected boards set prices 'by

    referendum (which results in lower prices.) This army of 50 telephone providers

    has never allowed Nokia to take anything for granted. The finish customer

    always buys from the lowest cost supplier, whether it was Nokia, Motorola,Ericsson or anyone else. Nokia has responded to this competitive pressure very

    well while driving down costs relentlessly and being always at the cutting edge of

    technology.Nokia is snapping at the heels of the number one firm in cellular equipment -

    Motorola. In digital cellular technology-supposed to be the wave of the future - it

    is Nokia and Motorola, which is the tech leader. The Scandinavian countries have

    started switching to digital cellular technology five years before the rest of the

    world. Nokia has now the lowest cost structure for any cellular equipment in theworld. The result is that it is more profitable than Motorola.

    Answer the following questions:a) What are the reasons for Nokia's success?b) What is the strategy adopted by Nokia?c) Suggest a suitable strategy for Motorola.

    Semester IIITotal No. of Questions: 6] [Total No. of Pages 2

    MAY 2007[3175]-302

    M.B.A. (Semester - III)302 : MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS (New)

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  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    b) Just in Time.c) Two Step Transfer Price.d) Value Chain as a Strategy Formulation Tool.e) TQM's role for development of non-financial performance measures.Q6) The Allison-Chambers Corporation, manufacturer of tractors and other heavy

    farm equipment, is organized along decentralized lines, with each manufacturingdivision operating as a separate profit center. Each division manager has beendelegated full authority on a11 decisions involving the sale of that division's outputboth to outsiders and to other divisions of Allison-Chambers. Division C has in thepast always purchased its requirement of a particular tractorengine component fromDivision A. However, when informed that Division A is increasing its selling price to$150, Division C' s manager decides to purchase the engine component from outsidesuppliers.Division C can purchase the component for $135 on the open market. Division Ainsists that, because of the recent installation of some highly specialized equipmentand the resulting high depreciation charges, it will not be able to earn an adequatereturn on its investment unless it raises its price. Division A's manager appeals to topmanagement of Allison-Chambers for support in the dispute with Division C andsupplies the following operating data:C's annual purchases of tractor-engine component 1,000 unitsA's variable costs per unit of tractor-engine component $120A's fixed costs per unit of tractor-engine component $20REQUIRED

    [16]I. Assume that there are no alternative uses for internal facilities. Determine

    whether the company as a whole will benefit if Division C purchases thecomponent from outside suppliers for $135 per unit.

    2. Assume that internal facilities of Division A would not otherwise be idle.

    By not producing the 1,000 units for Division C, Division A's equipment and other facilities would be used for other production operations thatwould result in annual cash-operating savings of$18,000. Should DivisionC purchase from outside suppliers?

    3) Assume that there are no alternative uses for Division A's internal facilities and that the price from outsiders drops $20. Should Division C purchase from outside suppliers?

    Semester IIITotal No. of Questions.: 6] MAY 2007 [Total No.

    of Pages: 2 [3175]-303M.B.A.


    (2005 Pattern) (Sem. - III)Time: 3Hours] [Max.Marks: 70

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    Instructions to the candidates:1) Attempt any Two questions from Q 1 - Q 4.2) Question $.. and Question Q are compulsory.3) Marks carried by each Question are indicated on the right side.

    Ql) What is 'Marketing Research'? How is it different from Marketing InformationSystem? How can it benefit the Marketing

    Management? [15]Q2) Enumerate and explain various steps involved in any Marketing ResearchProject. [15]Q3) What is Research Design? How do exploratory, descriptive and causal studies

    differ from eachother? [15]Q4) What is a questionnaire? What are different types of questionnaire used in

    Marketing Research? Explain the qualities of a goodquestionnaire? [15]Q5) Write short notes (Any 4): [4 x 5 = 20]

    a) Fundamentals of a Good Report.b) Non-probability sampling.c) Ethics in Marketing Research.d) Advertising Research.e) Web-based Marketing Research.f) Observation Method in Marketing Research.

    Q6) Read the case study and answer the questions that follow:Till only a few months ago "The Mayur" on the Oxford Street, London

    was a popular restaurant. A large portrait of an Indian lady with foldedhands, hung at the entrance greeted the customers. But with the doors of the restaurant closed for the past three months, she now appeared to be saying,

    "Thank you, we have had enough of you." Located at a site enviable to anyentrepreneur, The Mayur, was a popular restaurant on the Oxford Street.Thousands of shopper's from all over the world pass up and down theOxford Street. Britishers, in particular have a fancy for Indian food.Moreover, despite the prestigious location the burden of rent to the restaurantwas minimal, since the lease to the building was an old one. In the wake ofsuch favourable factors, the closure of the restaurant came as a great surpriseand its frequent customers were shocked that they could no longer relish the tasty Indian cuisine.

    The Mayur was managed jointly by the hotel corporation of India, theIndian Tea and Restaurants Ltd., the Tea Board and the Ministries ofCommerce and Civil Aviation. Started in 1984 it once attracted some 400 customers 3; day. However, during past 3 years, the number of customersstarted dwindling and losses as well as complaints about bad services began to mount. The decline set in three years ago but no revival package came from the management. Thus an establishment which could have been an

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    ideal show window for India with its food, tea, selected handicrafts andbooks had to be closed down.

    a) Can marketing research be helpful in the revival of 'The Mayur'? [10]b) Assuming that you have been approached for consultations to revive

    The Mayur, prepare a detailed proposal for your project including thefinancial estimates.

    [10]Semester III

    Total No. of Questions :9] MAY 2007 [Total No. of Pages: 6[3175]-304


    (303 B) : Advanced Financial Management(Paper - I) (New Course)

    Time: 3 Hours] [Max.Marks: 70Instructions to tile candidates:

    1) Question No.1 is compulsory.2) Attempt any two questions from section I and section II 3) Figures to tile right indicate full marks.4) Use of simple calculator is allowed

    Q l) From the following details prepare Balance Sheet of Bajaj Sewashram Ltd.as on 31 sl March 2007.

    Current Ratio 2Working Capital Rs4,OO,OOOCapital Block to Current Assets 3:2Fixed Assets to Turnover 1:3Sales Cash/Credit 1:2Debentures to Share Capital 1:2Stock Velocity , 2 MonthsCreditors Velocity 2 MonthsDebtors Velocity 2 Months.Gross Profit Ratio 25%

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    (10}SECTION - I

    Q2) a)What role Institute of Chartered Accountants of India plays in AccountingProfession? [5]

    b) Write not~ on Disclosure of Accounting Policies. [10]Q3) What are the different theories of Dividend? Discuss [15]

    .Q4) What is EVA? What causes EVA to increase? [15]Q5) Write short notes on : (Answer any three) [3 X 5 = 15]a) Capital Assets Pricing Moqel.b) Working Capital Management.c) Capital Budgeting decisions under risk and uncertainty. d) International AccountingStandards.e) Tandon Committee Recommendations.

    SECTION - IIQ6) Based on following information prepare. Cash Budget for Zenith Industries Ltd.~Particulars 1st

    Quarter 2nd.Quarter 3rdQuarter. 4thQuarterOpeningBalance of Cash 10000Collection.from Customers 125000 150000 160000 221000


    Purchasesof material 20000 35000 35000 54200Other Expenses 25000 20000 20000 17000Salary and wages 90000 95000 95000 109200

    Capital Block:Net Profit, 100/0 of turnoverReserve, 2.5% Of turnover

  • 7/31/2019 MBA Question Papers 2007


    Income Tax 5000 0 0 0Purchase ofMachinery 0 0 0 20000

    The company desires to maintain cash balance ofRs. 15000 at the end of each quarter.Cash can be borrowed or repaid in the multiples of Rs. 500 at an interest of 10 % peryear; Management does "not want to borrowed cash than what is necessary and wantsto repay it as early as possible. In any event loan can not be extended beyond 4quarters. Interest is computed and paid when principal is repaid. Assume thatborrowings takes place at the beginning and repayments are made at the end of thequarters. [15]Q 7) Directors of Chintamani Ltd., are alarmed at the deterioration of the financial

    operation of the company. They find that the bank overdraft is already at the limitallowed by the bank, and they have not sufficient funds to pay their creditors on due

    dates. Not being trained on Accounting cand Financial Management, they are at aloss to understand why their audited accounts revealed satisfactory profits when thetrade was bought, additional capital had also been introduced since then andborrowings made. Why should there be shortage of funds then?

    They present you with the Balance sheets as on 31 st march for .2 years and ask youto prepare a statement which will show then what has happened to the money whichhad come in to, the business during the year.

    Liabilities PreviousYear CurrentYear Assets PreviousYear CurrentYear

    Authorized sharecapital (15000 sharesof Rs. 100 each) 1500000 1500000 Goodwill 240000 220000

    Paid up share Capital1300000 1400000 Free holdbuilding 800000 1176000

    General Reserves
