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mba summer Training internship Report

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  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report



    MarketResearch &


    Su%itte' B:

    Mria" B#hraMBA IVTH


    MAT *+,-.*+,/

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    Durati# #0 the %arketi1 2 +/3+43*+,/t# ,/3+/3*+,/

    Su%issi# Date 2 ,53+63*+,/

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report









    De$art%et #0 Maa1e%et Stu'iesebelieve in honest and ethical

    business practices. >e deliver what we promise.

    Tea%>#rk:>e are motivated by achievement of our dedicated team

    and collaborate to build growth for our company and clients.

    Pr#'uct Ra1e

    Intruder Alarm Panels

    onventional ) Addressable Fire Alarm Panels 1' 'ideo #urveillance #ystems

    IP #urveillance #olutions

    >ireless #urveillance #olutions

    Access ontrol #ystems

    ustom $uilt @lectronic #ecurity #ystems

    #oftware for #ecurity #ecurity "etal etectors

    urrency 5andling "achines

    Integrated ustomi4ed Alarm #ystem

    'isitors "anagement #olution

    @lectro-"echanical #ecured *ocking #ystems

    uard "onitoring #ystems

    $aggage T-ay #canning "achine

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    @xplosive, $iological, hemical ) &arcotic 1racing @/uipment

    (nder #earch "irror 1rolley

    *ed #earch *ight

    1urnstile and evolving ates

    Foresight focuses its technology expertise on the intersection of

    high security biometric applications and the individual6s right to

    personal privacy.

    1he company6s hardware and software products apply the power

    and security of +ngerprint biometrics to everyday life.

    Foresight has designed and developed a family of key-fob si4ed,personal, mobile devices that authenticate an individual6s identity

    before interacting with their existing security systems used for granting

    access to buildings, oDces, and garages 9physical security, and

    computers, networks, and websites 9logical security, as well as with the

    latest 3wave and pay3 contactless point-of-sale terminals for

    biometrically authenticated credit card transactions.

    Foresight products are targeted for use by the average

    consumer, small businesses, corporate enterprises of all si4es, and

    federal, state and local governments.

    Foresight has established partnerships with security industry

    leaders such as: $roadcom 9semiconductor design and development

    and 5I 9world6s largest provider of FI hardware and security


    1he Internet era has shown that companies have risked damaging

    relationships in their physical chain to compete in the electronic channel.

    1he ubi/uity of the Internet the fact that cross-linkages are possible to

    any degree, has meant that companies have usurped the role of other

    value providers in the value chain to gain competitive advantage. >hen

    companies pirate the value chain of the industry they are essentially

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    eliminating layers of costs that are build into the current distribution

    system. 5owever pirating the value chain does not mean that the number

    of intermediaries in the whole process would necessarily decrease. 1he

    emerging economic structure of @lectronic ommerce would mean that

    pro+ts would lie in the intermediate transactions rather than in the +nal

    sale of the good. ompanies would aim at cutting down their traditional

    margins 9give up the cost plus pricing structure and aim at high

    inventory turnover. In retailing pro+tability is primarily.

    The cha""e1e >i"" "ie i %aa1i1 these %u"ti$"e chae"s #0


    It is likely that most companies will +nd that they will have to

    integrate several distribution channels to provide the customer with a

    seamless purchase process. 1he key challenge is thus to ensure that the

    personali4ed nature of the experience is not much di2erent across

    channels. an an Internet bookseller allow its customers to experiencethe same ambience on the net as it does in the bookstore or vice-versaU

    If it cannot then companies will face friction among the alternative

    distribution channels and the already established physical channel might

    complain about its pro+tability being a2ected by digital purchases. 1his

    may be typi+ed by friction between vehicle dealers and the company

    over orders trough an auto companyeb site. omplementary to the

    problem of managing multiple channels of distribution is the development

    of infrastructure needed to support such a distribution network. 1he

    billing system and pricing strategies have to be properly frames and


  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    7iue Se""i1 Pr#$#siti#


    >ith advanced intelligent videos threat detection, airports, seaports,

    government and high-security facilities can +nally counter many threats

    like terrorism and crime in unconventional ways. #imply preset rules and

    parameters into your surveillance system to help your security see what

    cannot be detected by human eyes, assist rapid response or even

    automate Ord party systems< responses to a breach or intrusion. 1he

    open architecture of video solutions allows easy integration with existing

    security systems like access control, intrusion detection and fence

    intrusion. "odular design also makes upgrading existing camera system

    extremely easy.

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report



    Portable +re extinguisher is useful for lass A, $ and +res. 1hese units

    can be used on wood, paper, cloth, trash, Nammable li/uids andenergi4ed electrical e/uipment. 1he dry chemical in the units is mono

    ammonium phosphate. 1he powder chemical works di2erently to

    extinguish the various +res. It chemically insulates a lass A +re,

    smothers and breaks the chain reaction for a lass $ +re and will not

    conduct electricity back to the operator in a lass +re..1he

    manufacturer recommends that dry chemical extinguishers be utili4ed in

    a variety of di2erent settings including:

    8."ass a' F."ass E?ti1uishersFP## understands the special

    needs of commercial and industrial kitchens. 1hey re/uire +re

    extinguishers speci+cally designed to +ght a +re that often contains a

    mixture of high heat and cooking oil andVor grease. >e recommend !-lass and F-lass +re extinguishers for commercial and industrial

    kitchens, depending on your situation.

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report



    Foresight o2ers an extensive range of Panel *ight. 1hese are manufactured

    using best /uality materials which are sourced from certi+ed vendors in themarket. lients can avail these in di2erent si4es, shapes and as per their

    own speci+cations. >e also o2er these to our clients at a2ordable prices.

    Panel *ight is widely used in oDces, showrooms, shops, homes and other

    applications. 1hese are available at reasonable prices. 5ighly experienced

    team of our organi4ation o2ers Panel *ights of +ne /uality. 1he modern

    design and uni/ueness of this light is highly appreciated by the customers.It is easy to install and is designed to meet international /uality standards.

    1hese lights are manufactured using premium /uality raw material that is

    sourced from known and veri+ed dealers. In addition to this, it is presented

    in the most reasonable rates.

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    S ustaiai"it

    At Foresight #erver ) #afety #ystems Pvt. *td. we are @=#"A1. 1hismeans that we are committed to improving the sustainability of our

    operations, our products, our communities, our suppliers and our

    customers. "oreover, it means that we are vigilant about our sustainability

    initiatives and that we place a priority on maintaining an open dialogue

    with all of our stakeholders. @=#"A1 emphasi4es our commitment to a

    sustainable future and aligns with the #tanley Ful+llment #ystem, ensuringthat our products with sustainable attributes maximi4e their business

    attributes, as well.

    e e%e' EOSMART thiki1 it# e!erthi1 that >e '#;

    =ur @=#"A1 advantage is advancing global stewardship principles

    across our entire value chain. In 78EM, for the fourth consecutive year, we

    were listed on the ow %ones #ustainability &orth American Index in the

    I@S "achinery and @lectrical @/uipment category. >e also achieved the

    highest attainable score on both the limate isclosure *eadership Index

    and the limate Performance *eadership Index of the arbon isclosure

    Pro0ect. 1he arbon isclosure Pro0ect 9P works with shareholders and

    corporations to disclose the greenhouse gas emissions of ma0or

    corporations. (sing @=#"A1 as our vehicle, we will reinforce our position

    as a sustainable business leader and increase our shareholder value by

    maximi4ing our revenues, minimi4ing our costs and business risks, and

    protecting our brands. "arketers know what a brand is in the physical

    world: the sum, in the consumer

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    manage the consumer

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    Foresight #ervices o2er customi4ed solutions in the market for business-to-

    business services and in employee business. >e are expanding our position

    as the preferred +nancial partner of Foresight and of external corporate

    clients. 1he expanded +eld services team focuses on bolstering design,

    application, installation and service processes enabling enhanced

    productivity through comprehensive pro0ect management, as well as sales

    and operations connectivity that more seamlessly integrates di2erentiated,

    +rst-class technologies, solutions and services in the dynamic retail sector.

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    Duri1 T he Traii1

    As part of the broader vertical market solutions division launched earlier

    this year, the '=P# team enables Foresight #erver ) #afety #ystems Pvt.

    *td to better serve its customers by o2ering optimi4ed, highly intuitive and

    integrated security solutions to its retail focused end-users. Along with its

    newly developed retail vertical market group, the '=P# team delivers

    superior service delivered through over branch locations throughout

    %odhpur and strengthened by a group of highly /uali+ed professionals

    o2ering broad customer support.

    1he expanded +eld services team focuses on bolstering design,

    application, installation and service processes enabling enhanced

    productivity through comprehensive pro0ect management, as well as sales

    and operations connectivity that more seamlessly integrates di2erentiated,

    +rst-class technologies, solutions and services in the dynamic retail sector.

    Foresight #erver ) #afety #ystems Pvt. *td #ecurity deploys a

    comprehensive and collaborative approach to identifying customers< needs

    in order to customi4e the best solution for each customer and maximi4e

    their return on investment. 1he 'ertical ) entrali4ed =perations team is

    an excellent opportunity for us to better partner with our customers by

    providing the vital support they need at all stages of their security

    pro0ects,B said Atal $ohra, irector, Foresight #erver ) #afety #ystems Pvt.

    *td #ecurity etail. Atal and his dedicated team are an exciting addition to

    Foresight #erver ) #afety #ystems Pvt. *td operations and will provide

    exceptional support to our highly valued retail customer base.B

    1he '=P# team provides operations support and scalable resources that

    drive results for customers and facilitate high /uality outcomes through

    the deployment of highly trained and certi+ed Application @ngineers,

    esign @ngineers, Account Program "anagers, Pro0ect "anagers andPartner evelopment associates. 1hese experts will be focused on driving

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    consistency, seamless integration and innovative implementation of large-

    scale pro0ects in retailers< locations.

    1he establishment and expansion of the '=P# team demonstrates

    Foresight #erver ) #afety #ystems Pvt. *td commitment to investing in

    +eld operations through resources, processes and systems to better

    partner and serve our customers. >e are dedicated to proactively

    anticipating our customers< needs by developing strategies that not only

    address current and future security re/uirements but more importantly are

    focused on improving their overall operations.

    9et>#rk O$erati#s eter

    In addition to cultivating supportive partnerships between customers and

    the dedicated members of the 'ertical ) entrali4ed =perations team,

    Foresight world-class &etwork =perations enter 9&= is designed to

    service retail end-users with numerous capabilities in order to bolster

    operational eDciencies and monitoring capabilities. As a key service

    o2ering for retail customers, the &= also o2ers support for o2-hours

    installations and operational pro0ects. 1he &= expands the end-user

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    about an occupation and get work experience at the same time.

    Internship enables a person to develop his skills and abilities that

    are directly applicable to his career. It gives an insight from a


  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    o (ntapped rural market

    o ising income levels, i.e. increase in purchasing

    power of consumers

    o *arge domestic market- a population of overone billion.

    @xport potential

    o 5igh consumer goods spending


    o emoval of import restrictions resulting in

    replacing of domestic brands

    o #lowdown in rural demand

    o 1ax and regulatory structure

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    Risk %aa1e%et

    1he ompany has a system for assessing and monitoring its potential

    business and +nancial risks. 1he components of this risk management

    system are designed to help enable us to anticipate risks and to manage

    them carefully in the pursuit of our business goals. 1he principles,

    guidelines, processes and responsibilities of our internal control system

    have been de+ned and established to help ensure prompt and accurate

    accounting of all business transactions and to continuously provide

    reliable information about the ompanye intend to rapidly ad0ust the risk management and

    monitoring procedures of all businesses ac/uired during the +scal year, so

    that they conform to Foresight< standards.

    E?ecuti!e #%%ittee

    1he @xecutive ommittee comprises of managing irector ) hief

    =Dcer, hief Financial =Dcer and all the @xecutive irectors.

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    1his committee meets on at least /uarterly basis to address issues in

    relation to the achievement of the company

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    Busiess #'uct Gui'e"ies a'

    #'e #0 Ethics

    Foresight is committed to conducting its business responsibly and incompliance with all relevant statutory and regulatory re/uirements. 1he

    "anaging $oard has established +rm guidelines to help ensure that this

    goal is achieved. 1he $usiness onduct uidelines comprise rules

    regarding compliance with applicable laws, conNicts of interest, the use of

    ompany assets and facilities, and insider trading.

    1hese rules are binding for all Foresight employees, the "anaging $oard

    and the #upervisory $oard. 1he uidelines also specify procedures for

    dealing with complaints. A compliance oDcer, who reports to the Audit

    ommittee, processes all complaints, including those submitted

    anonymously. In accordance with the re/uirements of the #=A, procedures

    for handling potential complaints related to accounting practices, and

    procedures for handling relevant complaints from speci+c attorneys

    9internal and external have been implemented during +scal 788M. In

    addition, the "anaging $oard and the #upervisory $oard have

    implemented a ode of @thics for Financial "atters, as re/uired by the #=A

    rules. =ur success depends on the success of our customers. >e provide

    our customers with our comprehensive experience and solutions so they

    can achieve their ob0ectives fast and e2ectively.

    Innovation is our lifeblood, around the globe and around the clock. >e turn

    our people6s imagination and best practices into successful technologies

    and products. reativity and experience keep us at the cutting edge.

    =ur employees are the key to our success. >e work together as a global

    network of knowledge and learning. =ur corporate culture is de+ned by

    diversity, by open dialogue and mutual respect, and by clear goals and

    decisive leadership.

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    =ur ideas, technologies and activities help create a better world. >e are

    committed to universal values, good corporate citi4enship and a healthy

    environment. Integrity guides our conduct toward our employees, business

    partners and shareholders.

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    Ser!ices 0#r the ust#%ers

    Foresight Plus is what we call our new company-wide strategy to improve

    market penetration and drive growth in new +elds by enhancing

    cooperation across our entire organi4ation. Few companies in the world

    can provide the range of products, systems and services that we do.

    Focused primarily on large-scale infrastructure pro0ects, Foresight Plus is

    enabling us to bundle our comprehensive expertise in order to create

    complete, customi4ed solutions for selected industries. Foresight Plus is a

    key part of our ustomer Focus Program, one of the main pillars of the new

    Foresight "anagement #ystem that is driving managerial eDciency

    everywhere in the ompany. 1here are now Foresight Plus organi4ations in

    over OQ countries. >e have also set up a Foresight plus 1eam at corporate

    head/uarters to help our vertically organi4ed businesses further leverage

    their hori4ontal synergies, to initiate cross-roup and cross-egion

    solutions in new and existing market segments, and to engage in sales

    activities where appropriate. 1he aim throughout is to optimi4e customer

    value by intensifying and expanding our current cross-selling activities.

    Foresight Plus scored its +rst successes in the (nited #tates. In 5ouston,

    1exas, for example, several Foresight roups pooled their know-how tohelp build the eliant Park stadium, enabling the city and the &ational

    Football *eague to host the 788M #uper $owl. Foresight provided the

    technology that allowed the championship game to happen C supplying

    building automation, +re safety and security systems, data and

    telecommunications technology, electronic switchgear, lighting controls

    and a light rail transit system from downtown 5ouston to the stadium.

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    #uccesses like eliant Park have since spawned a large number of other

    Foresight Plus pro0ects all around the world.

    Prices #0 s#%e $r#'ucts #0 F#resi1ht

    a%era M#'e"s PriceAOQ s.OQ88AQE s.7GRQAQ7 s.OM88AQQ s.QQ88

    A8 s.888A7 s.MM88AQ s.M88OQ s.MQ88QQ s.888

    Q s.Q88

    F7 s.788TQ s.G888"QQ s.E8888

    "Q s.E7O88"8 s.888#Q s.EOQ88#!Q s.78888

    #*Q s.EM888#1QQ s.EG888#TE s.EQQ88

    Foresights base their price on the customer

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    Pr#%#ti#a" Strate1

    Promotion is a key ingredient in marketing, consists of diverse collection

    of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate /uicker orgreater purchase of particular products or services by consumers or the


    Pur$#ses #0 $r#%#ti#:

    1o increase new tiers 1o reward loyal customers

    1o increase the purchase rate of occasional users

    ate1#r 3t$es3 e"e%ets #0 $r#%#ti# %i?

    #ales promotion


    #ales force

    Public relation

    irect marketing

    1ypes of advertising

    I%$#rtat 0eatures #0 $r#%#ti#1here are following important features of promotion E Suality

    7 (ser friendliness O urability

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    Pr#%#ti# strate1ies a'#$te' F#resi1ht

    1here are following tools of the Foresight promotion. Advertisement and publicity $illboards @lectronic media Print media #ale promotion "y Foresight cards =n line shopping Foresight market share 1elevision &ewspaper

    "aga4ines $anners @xhibition and international conference Foresight mobile sponsors fashion show @ducation and fun for partners.


    1hey also advertise through billboards which create more attraction and

    attention for the customers. 1hey believe in having few but huge, good

    and impressive billboards rather than having small and many Foresight

    billboards can be seen at important and most busy location of any city.

    E"ectr#ic %e'ia:

    Foresight mobile company advertises their mobile phones on all forms=f the electronic media. @lectronic media gives /uick and positive results

    on the sale of the Foresight mobiles. Foresight electronic media include Internet and cable channels etc. All events were covered electronic

    media. #atellite channels.

    Prit %e'ia:

    &ewspapers and maga4ines are forms of the print media .so they

    promote their mobile phones through international maga4inesnewspapers which give the awareness about the Foresight mobile phones

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    to the public.


    "ost of the ads of the Foresight mobile phone are published in



    >hen Foresight want to address the speci+c audience like business

    people who read their business maga4ine then special packages and

    #ervices ads are used in maga4ines.

    Sa"es $r#%#ti#:

    1hese are the activities other than advertising and publicity that

    can stimulate interest, trial or purchase by +nal customer.

    O"ie sh#$$i1

    It o2ers online shopping facility to its customers. 1hey

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    i2erent ways to contact the company are o2ered, for instance,

    @mail, Fax toll-free numbers, Postal Address, all back button and

    'oice over IP.

    L#ca" Search E1ie

    Allows the visitor to search on key words to /uickly locate speci+c

    answers on the website.


    1he visitor can re/uest a password. >ith this password he can

    continue sur+ng on password protected web pages within the


    Mai"i1 List

    1o receive more information, the visitor can add hisVher email

    address to a list to receive automated emails.


    I would like to make recommendations to F#resi1ht Ser!er & Sa0et

    Sste%s P!t;Lt'for their better improvement.

    A better coordination should be developed between the top

    management and lower level employees.

    Pay scale for lower level employees should increase as compare

    to competitors.

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


    Proper marketing should be given to employees.


  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report



    1he internship completed at "arketing epartment of F=#I51 was a

    great experience for me. I have gained a lot of knowledge, practice and

    opportunities from this internship. It has given me practical experience to

    apply all the theory I have learnt through my academics. It was my +rst

    experience in the professional world and I learnt a lot both on personal and

    professional basis.

    1he internship made it clear that I have all the capabilities in me to excel

    in my career, the positive remarks which were given to me by my

    supervisor are the result of the e2orts that were put in. It gave me a lot of

    con+dence and increased my moral. I thank Foresight #erver for giving me

    this opportunity.

    Further, I also concluded that E88 percent concentration, full care,

    analytical, descriptive and communication skills are the key prere/uisites

    for working in an industry. Anyhow, precisely speaking this internship of

    two months is memorable period for me during which I availed the

    opportunity to Nourish my communication skills, polish my capabilities and

    abilities, upgrade my knowledge about industrial sector and broaden my

    vision and exposure towards practical life.

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report



    Re0erece %ateria" use' 0#r c#%$i"i1 this re$#rt is 1athere'

    0r#% these S#urces:



    Siemens (Managing the digital rm) by Kenneth C. Laudon & ane !.

    Laudon. "enth edition.


    Mar#eting Management $ !hili% Kotler

    Mar#eting.Com $ i'ay Mu#hi

    *usiness ssentials Matt +aig


    *usiness "oday March,- // subscri%tion


    conomic "imes 0ecember 12- //1

    3ndian 4%ressSe%tember ,- ///


    Mr. i#ram Kumar- 0irector- M56 Softwares ( !ro'ect 7uide )

    Mr. eetu Chimnani- Chief 4ecutive 89cer- 3nfo








    "he information about brands used was ta#en from the com%anies;

    o9cial website.

  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report


  • 7/23/2019 mba summer Training internship Report



    1his is to certify that Mr; MRI9AL BOHRA student of ".$.A at

    epartment =f "anagement #tudies, %ai &arain 'yas

    (niversity, %odhpur has successfully completed his summer

    internship marketing on the pro0ect named JM!#$%& #%S%!#'(

    ) B*S+%SS -%%/0PM%&C at Foresight #erver ) #afety

    #ystems Pvt. *td.

    uring the period of his internship programme with us, he was

    found to be punctual, hardworking and in/uisitive. 1he duration of

    the marketing commenced was from +/3+43*+,/till,/3+/3*+,/;

    >e appreciate the /uality of work and the dedication shown by him

    with honesty, hard working and patience during the marketing


    >e wish him luck for the future goals.

    Authori4ed #ignature 9irectorForesight #erver ) safety #ystems Pvt. *td
