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(MBASkills.IN) How to Be More Confident?

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Your heart starts RACING

Do you know this feeling…

Your hands start SWEATING

Your knees get WEAK

You get BUTTERFLIES in stomach

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Have you ever wanted to DO something

but COULDN’T because you got nervous and anxious?

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Have you ever done something you were initially NERVOUS about?

Did you then feel that it was not as SCARY as you


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Is your answer to these questions YES?

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Do you want to become more CONFIDENT?Overcome social ANXIETIES?

Not be held back by FEAR?

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But,HOW to do it??

Of course you do!!

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Simple. Just lay down on a street for 30 seconds

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You think it is WEIRD?

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Let me tell you a small story…

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Once there was a boy who was



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However, some situations made

him reallyNERVOUS


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He felt shy in front of people superior to himHe was afraid of REJECTION and being exposed

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This invoked 2 types of


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1. AVOIDANCEHe wouldn’t go to a party where he knew none

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2. He looked for APPROVAL from those superior to him

He behaved in a way they approved of

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He started attending psychotherapy coachingout of


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There he heard about Comfort

Zone Challenges

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These challenges require you to put

yourself in an Uncomfortable


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Get yourself rejected 10 times as fast as possible…

So, if you are afraid of being rejected, go out…

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The idea behind it is…

…to do it over & over again

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And then at one point of time,

you would just stop caring what other people might think!!

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Why does it WORK?

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Over the years, your Nervous System has learnt to respond to a particular situation with FEAR

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When faced with this situation, your nervous system sends

FEAR responses

Even if the situation is

NOT dangerous

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So, how to get over it?

It’s simple…

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Over and over AGAIN.

EXPOSE yourself to that situation

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As your anxiety REDUCES,

your nervous system eventually LEARNS

that situation isnot scary

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And you become more CONFIDENT

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Now, the boy found this thought INTERESTING…

He decided to take up the challenge the NEXT day…

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Then the THOUGHT came to his mind…



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Two things happened simultaneously…

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His hands started getting


His heart started to RACE

His knees felt WEAK

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All those really good excuses popped up

Floor is dirty

Mom is waiting

What might people think

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Wanting to DO

He was torn between

Fear & Excuses

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It was then he had this AHA


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These fears and excuses will ALWAYS be there…

He realized –

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And this was what he thought...

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He LAID DOWN on the busy street bursting with people

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His heart was racing. MADLY.

He was NERVOUS as hell…

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But as time went by, he noticed 3 things…

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He got weird looks. A lot. But, these were NOT as SCARY as he thought!!

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Many people were really CONFUSED

They didn’t know what he was doing

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Majority of people DIDN’T

even CARE

They walked right past without looking at him

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The boy was Till H. Gross……founder of Comfort Zone Crusher

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Learn to go through discomfort

You’ll learn to ignore the irrational excuses

1. HABIT Practice comfort zone challenges over & over again

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It would still be present, but it won’t HOLD you back anymore


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You stop COMPARING yourself to others

You stop CARING what other people might think of you

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- Eleanor Roosevelt

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DISCLAIMER: These slides were created by Ashok Kumar Meena, IIM Lucknow, as part of a MBA course “Personal Branding” (www.MBASkills.IN) taught by Prof. Sameer Mathur

Link to tedx video:

Photo Credits:Google Images


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Prof. Sameer Mathur Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow Marketing Professor (August 2013 – Present) Marketing Professor (2009 –  2013)

Ph.D. and M.S. - Marketing (2003 – 2009)

Indian Institute of Management Lucknow

MBA Student (2014 – 2016)

Ashok Kumar Meena
