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MBB1 Winter 2016

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AUA College of Medicine Syllabus
7/21/2019 MBB1 Winter 2016 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/mbb1-winter-2016 1/23 COURSE: Mind, Brain & Behavior SEMESTER 1, WINTER 2016 THEME: FUNDAMENTALS OF NEUROSCIENCE Course Directors  Steven Glasser,  PhD, Professor, [email protected], Tel: 1-268-484-8900 x 1154 Office !urs: "!nda# $ %rida# 11:00 am $ 1:00 &m and '# a&&!intment  Danny Wedding , PhD, Professor,  d([email protected] , Tel: 1-286-484-8900 ) 158* Office !urs: "!nda# $ %rida# 11:00 am $ 12:00 &m and '# a&&!intment  Lorde-Baltimore Schmidt, Admiistr!ti"e Assist!t, Tel: 1-268-484-8900 ) 1584 THEME: FUNDAMENTALS OF NEUROSCIENCE Theme Director:  Steven Glasser,  PhD, Professor,  '[email protected], Tel: 1-268-484-8900 x 1154 Office !urs: "!nda# $ %rida# 11:00 am $ 1:00 &m and '# a&&!intment F!cu#t$: %o#!thur Shi"!r!&, PhD, Professor,  '[email protected], Tel: 1-268-484-8900 x 1052 E#i Tum'! Tshi'(!'(!, MD, Associ!te Professor etum'[email protected]. Tel: 1-268-484- 8900 ) 1101 THEME: NEUROLO)* Theme Director: M!de#ie Fr!ser, MD, Associ!te Professor[email protected]Tel: 1-268-484-8900 x 1085 THEME: MEDICAL STUDENT + PH*SICIAN ELL-%EIN), DOCTOR-PATIENT RELATIONSHIPS, + MEDICAL ETHICS Theme Director: 1
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COURSE: Mind, Brain & Behavior 



Course Directors

 Steven Glasser, PhD, Professor, [email protected], Tel: 1-268-484-8900 x 1154

Office !urs: "!nda# $ %rida# 11:00 am $ 1:00 &m and '# a&&!intment

 Danny Wedding , PhD, Professor, d([email protected], Tel: 1-286-484-8900 ) 158*

Office !urs: "!nda# $ %rida# 11:00 am $ 12:00 &m and '# a&&!intment

 Lorde-Baltimore Schmidt, Admiistr!ti"e Assist!t, Tel: 1-268-484-8900 ) 1584


Theme Director: Steven Glasser, PhD, Professor, '[email protected], Tel: 1-268-484-8900 x 1154

Office !urs: "!nda# $ %rida# 11:00 am $ 1:00 &m and '# a&&!intment


%o#!thur Shi"!r!&, PhD, Professor,  '[email protected], Tel: 1-268-484-8900 x 1052

E#i Tum'! Tshi'(!'(!, MD, Associ!te Professor, etum'[email protected]. Tel: 1-268-484-

8900 ) 1101


Theme Director:

M!de#ie Fr!ser, MD, Associ!te Professor, [email protected], Tel: 1-268-484-8900 x




Theme Director:


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 Danny Wedding , PhD, Professor, d([email protected], Tel: 1-286-484-8900 ) 158*

Office !urs: 11:00 am $ 12:00 &m and '# a&&!intment

F!cu#t$: Professor L$ Mc.i/ht, [email protected], Tel: 1-286-484-8900, /xt.



Theme Director:

Vasavi (Rakesh) Gorantla, PhD, Assist!t Professor, [email protected], Tel: 1-268-

484-8900 x 1588


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6 - 78







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T+is f!ur-semester multidisci&linar# c!urse is c!directed '# a deel!&mental

neur!&+#si!l!gist and a clinical &s#c+!l!gist (+! (ill 'e assisted '# seni!r facult# fr!m

alm!st eer# de&artment in t+e c+!!l !f "edicine T+eme 3irect!rs. T+e c!urse is

designed t! integrate (+at (e n!( a'!ut t+e +uman 'rain and its relati!ns+i& t! +uman 'e+ai!r, es&eciall# in t+e c!ntext !f medicine, disease and &s#c+!&at+!l!g#. T+e first

semester c!nsists &rimaril# !f &resentati!ns and discussi!ns !f 'rain structures and s#stems

including deel!&ment, micr!sc!&ic and gr!ss anat!m# !f eac+ c!m&!nent, t+eir

functi!nalit#, &at+!&+#si!l!g#, and t+eir releant clinical c!rrelati!ns. e als! (ill intr!duce

#!u t! clinical neur!imaging. 7n additi!n, t+e initial lectures in t+e first semester (ill

!erie( t+e ex&l!si!n !f n!(ledge t+at +as !ccurred in t+e neur!sciences during t+e &ast

t(! decades, discuss t+e &+il!s!&+ical dilemma !f mind and '!d#, em&+asie t+e &rimac#

and im&!rtance !f t+e d!ct!r-&atient relati!ns+i&, descri'e t+e t#&es !f et+ical dilemmas

c!nfr!nted '# &+#sicians, and illustrate t+e critical im&!rtance !f self-care f!r medical

students, &+#sicians and !t+er +ealt+ &r!fessi!nals. +eneer &!ssi'le, medical +umanities

(ill 'e used t! illustrate t+e clinical and scientific issues 'eing discussed. T+e c!urse isdesigned t! &r!gress seuentiall# and l!gicall# acr!ss f!ur semesters fr!m t+e stud# !f

neur!ns t! examinati!n !f t+e s!cietal issues c!nfr!nting medicine in t+e 21 st centur#.


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Re;uired Te<t %oo=s:

%#!c=, D> >, + Adrese!, N> C> ?8@70> Introdctory !e"t#ook o$ %sychiatry ?6th Ed>

!shi/to, DC: Americ! Ps$chi!tric Associ!tio>

eddi/, D>, + Stu'er, M> L> ?8@7@>  Behavior and &edicine ?3th Ed>> C!m'rid/e,

MD: Ho/refe>



dditi!nal readings aaila'le t! all students !n ;lac'!ard (ill 'e used t! su&&lement

t+ese lectures.


Re;uired Te<t %oo=s:

No#te, 4> 2008. The Human Brain:  An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy. <atestediti!n.

)u$to A> C>, + H!## 4> E> 2010. Textbook of Medical Physiology 12t+ /d. . ;.


H!ies, D> E. 2011.  Neuroanatomy An Atlas of !tructures" !ections and !ystems 8t+ /d..

=+iladel&+ia, =: <i&&inc!tt illiams > ilins.

%!$es, 4> >, + DomiicB!=, M> H> 2014. Medical Biochemistry 4t+ /d. aunders

/lseier, ?+a&ter 41.1, =ages 551 $ 56. T+is '!! is aaila'le in !ur li'rar#A it is als! !ne

!f t+e rec!mmended reference text '!!s f!r ;i!c+emistr#

T> > S!d#er <angmansBs Medical #mbryology, T(elft+ /diti!n, c+a&ter 18, &ages 28* $


Ross, M> H>, + P!(#i!, >  Histology $ith %orrelated %ell and Molecular Biology, c+a&ter 

12, =ages 52 $ 98.


dditi!nal readings aaila'le t! all students !n ;lac'!ard (ill 'e used t! su&&lement

t+ese lectures.


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)o!# 7: Areci!te the m!&est$ !d com#e<it$ of the hum! 'r!i, recet !d"!ces i

eurosciece, !d the ch!##e/es of uderst!di/ the #i=!/e 'et(ee 'r!i !d


Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3escri'e c!m&lex nature !f t+e 'rain

• 3escri'e recent adances in t+e field !f neur!science

• 3escri'e sense !f ast!nis+ment regarding t+e +uman 'rain and its r!le in 'e+ai!r

)o!# 8: Uderst!d the mech!isms for !rtic#e mo"emet throu/h semierme!'#e

mem'r!e !d the mech!isms resosi'#e for the est!'#ishmet of ! resti/mem'r!e oteti!#>

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3escri'e !sm!sis

• 3escri'e euili'rium '!t+ f!r c+arged and unc+arged &articles

• 3efine mec+anisms ass!ciated (it+ t+e &ermea'ilit# !f i!ns.

• 3escri'e difference 'et(een an euili'rium &!tential and a stead#- state &!tential

)o!# 9: Uderst!d the mech!ism uder#$i/ the de"e#omet of ! !ctio oteti!#>

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3escri'e driing f!rces in!led in t+e generating acti!n &!tential '# ari!us i!ns

• 3escri'e difference 'et(een c+emical and electrical gradients

• 3escri'e difference 'et(een lea c+annels and !ltage gated c+annels

• 3escri'e ari!us mec+anisms ass!ciated f!r &r!&agati!n !f t+e acti!n &!tential

3escri'e r!le m#elin t+e salutat!r# c!nducti!n• 3escri'e f!rmati!n !f m#elinati!n in t+e ?C and =C and clinical c!nseuences

ass!ciated due t! damage.

)o!# 0: Uderst!d the 'iochemistr$ of the 'r!i>

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3efine and classif# (it+ t+e 'i!c+emical nature !f t+e neur!transmitters

• /x&lain 'i!c+emical nature !f different neur!transmitters

• 3escri'e &at+(a#s f!r t+e 'i!s#nt+esis and degradati!n !f c!mm!n neur!transmitters


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• 3escri'e r!le !f neur!transmitters rece&t!rs in t+eir general m!de !f acti!n and t+e

c!nseuences ass!ciated (it+ derangement in t+eir meta'!lism

)o!# 3: Uderst!d the mech!isms i"o#"ed i s$!tic eurotr!smissio>

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een &res#na&tic and &!sts#na&tic functi!n

• 3escri'e r!le !f neur!transmitters and its classificati!n

• 3escri'e r!le !f ag!nists and antag!nists in s#na&tic functi!n

• 3escri'e mec+anisms in t+e generati!n !f excitat!r# and in+i'it!r# &!sts#na&tic


• 3escri'e and differentiate 'et(een tem&!ral and s&atial summati!n

• 3escri'e t#&es !f c!nducti!n

• 3escri'e different t#&es !f s#na&se and its functi!ns

)o!# 6: Uderst!d the mech!ism of s=e#et!# musc#e, c!rdi!c musc#e !d smooth

musc#e e<cit!tio !d cotr!ctio>

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3escri'e s&ecificities f!und at t+e neur!muscular uncti!n• 3iscuss r!les !f calcium, sarc!&lasmic reticulum, t+in filaments, and t+ic filaments

in muscle c!ntracti!n

• 3iscuss acti!n &!tentials seen in t+e seletal and cardiac muscles

• 3escri'e c!nducti!n s#stem in cardiac muscle and +!( it functi!ns

• 3escri'e mec+anisms in!led in sm!!t+ muscle c!ntracti!n

)o!# : Uderst!d er"e musc#e d$sfuctio re#!ted to c#iic!# dise!se>

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3escri'e +!( muscle (eaness can result fr!m d#sfuncti!n fr!m man# different sites

in t+e m!t!r s#stem

• 3iscuss t#&es !f (eaness resulting fr!m d#sfuncti!n at a s&ecific sites

• 3escri'e ari!us mec+anisms in!led in m!t!r d#sfuncti!n at s&ecific sites

)o!# : Uderst!d the or/!iB!tio !d fuctio of the !utoomic er"ous s$stem

Course o'&ecti"es:


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Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3iscuss difference 'et(een t+e s!matic and aut!n!mic ner!us s#stem

• 3iscuss c!m&!nents and functi!ns !f t+e &aras#m&at+etic ner!us s#stem

• 3iscuss c!m&!nents and functi!ns !f t+e s#m&at+etic ner!us s#stem

3iscuss neur!transmitters, ag!nists and antag!nists in!led in s!matic m!t!r, &aras#m&at+etic and s#m&at+etic functi!n

)o!# : Uderst!d the fuctio!# di"isios of the cetr!# er"ous s$stem>

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• /x&lain ari!us functi!nal c!m&!nents !f t+e ?C

• 3iscuss &arts !f t+e ner!us s#stem

• 3iscuss ari!us deriaties !f t+e 'rain esicles

• 3escri'e ari!us c!m&!nents !f t+e 'rain stem and its functi!ns

• <ist t+e cranial neres ass!ciated (it+ t+e ;rain stem and cere'rum

• 3escri'e &arts !f t+e cere'ellum and its functi!ns

• 3escri'e ari!us c!m&!nents !f t+e s&inal c!rd secti!n and its functi!ns

)o!# 7@: Uderst!d the Or/!iB!tio of the Neuro!<is %!sed o C#iic!# Corre#!tios

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

3escri'e and discuss t+e clinical c!nseuences ass!ciated in t+e lesi!ns ass!ciated at

different leels !f neur!axis

/aluate t+e &atient &resenting (it+ ari!us neur!l!gic signs and s#m&t!ms

)o!# 77:  Uderst!d the (!$s i (hich some 'r!is !re e<cetio!#, !d 'e !'#e to /i"e

e<!m#es of /eiuses, chi#d rodi/ies, s!"!ts, !d eo#e (ith e<tr!ordi!r$ memories>

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3escri'e different (a#s &e!&le ass!ciated (it+ intellectualit#

• 3escri'e c!m&!nents !f !(ard DardnerBs c!nce&t !f multi&le intelligences

• +!uld 'e a'le t! gie exam&les !f indiiduals (it+ exce&ti!nal mem!r# sills

• +!uld 'e a'le t! discuss t+e exce&ti!nal a'ilities ex+i'ited '# &e!&le (+! +ae


)o!# 78: Uderst!d the stress !d ressures !ssoci!ted (ith the r!ctice of medicie,

!d 'e !(!re of effecti"e methods for coi/ (ith these ressures

Course o'&ecti"es:


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Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3iscuss t#&es !f stress ass!ciated (it+ t+e &+#sicians

• 3iscuss sue side rate !f t+e &+#sicians c!m&ared t! !t+er &!&ulati!n

• 3iscus t#&es !f relati!ns+i&s t+at exists 'et(een &+#sical and mental +ealt+

3iscuss relati!ns+i& 'et(een t+e &ractice !f medicine and di!rce• 3iscuss effectie (a#s !f c!&ing u& (it+ stress in a medical sc+!!l and &ractice

Goal 13: )o!# 79: Demostr!te the !'i#it$ to critic!##$ e"!#u!te !d em#o$

medic!##$ ethic!# decisio-m!=i/ throu/h ! thorou/h uderst!di/ of the Ethic!#

St!d!rds of the Americ! Medic!# Associ!tio !d the Americ! Ps$chi!tric

Associ!tio, ic#udi/ the /uidi/ rici#es !d decisio-m!=i/ /uide#ies h$sici!s

use (he cofroted (ith ethic!# di#emm!s>

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

3ifferentiate (+ic+ et+ical &rinci&les (!uld 'e m!st &ertinent t! use as t+e

under&innings f!r et+ical decisi!n- maing in a ariet# !f et+ical case studies.


rticulate and defend +is !r +er et+ical stand-&!int utiliing a c!m&re+ensie

understanding !f " and = /t+ical tandards, Eitc+enerBs =rinci&les, and et+ical

decisi!n-maing guidelines.

• 3iscriminate 'et(een ari!us et+ical scenari!s and dem!nstrate t+e a'ilit# t!

c!nstruct t+e m!st et+ical !utc!mes (+ile taing int! acc!unt et+ical, legal, and

 &recedential !'stacles.

)o!# 70: Uderst!d the em'r$o#o/$ of the cetr!# er"ous s$stem

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

3escri'e stages !f deel!&ment !f t+e ?C


<ist structures deried fr!m t+e neural &late

<ist and discuss t+e ari!us structures deried fr!m t+e neural crest cells 

3iscuss ari!us clinical &r!'lems ass!ciated (it+ t+e deel!&ment !f t+e ?C

)o!# 73: Uderst!d the histo#o/$ of the cetr!# er"ous s$stem

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3escri'e structure !f a neur!n

• 3iscuss &arts !f a neur!n and its clinical im&!rtance

• 3iscuss different t#&es !f t+e glial tissue ass!ciated (it+ ?C• 3iscuss t#&es !f trans&!rt mec+anism ass!ciated (it+ t+e ?C


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)o!# 76: Uderst!d the euro!!tom$ of the cr!i!# c!"it$, for!mi! !d the

structure of the mei/es>

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 7dentif# t+e anat!mical diisi!ns !f t+e cranial cait# and t+e f!ramina ass!ciated

(it+ it.

• 3iscuss structures &resent in eac+ !f t+e cranial f!ramina and its clinical im&!rtance

• 3iscuss different t#&es !f t+e meninges and its m!dificati!ns (it+ its clinical


• 3iscuss clinical im&!rtance !f t+e ari!us s&aces ass!ciated (it+ t+e meninges

)o!# 7: Uderst!d the euro!!tom$ of the te#eceh!#o

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3iscuss ari!us g#ri and sulcus &resent in t+e cere'rum

• 3iscuss different functi!ns regi!ns !f t+e cere'rum

• <ist different l!'es &resent in t+e cere'rum and its su'diisi!ns

• 3iscuss structures c!ntri'uting in t+e f!rmati!n t+e &a&e circuit

• 7dentif# medial, su&er! lateral and inferi!r surface !f t+e 'rain and '!rders ass!ciated

(it+ it

)o!# 7: Uderst!d the euro!!tom$ of the '!s!# /!/#i!

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• 3iscuss ari!us anat!mical structures c!ntri'uting in t+e f!rmati!n !f t+e 'asal gangli!n

• 3iscuss functi!nal c!rrelati!n !f ari!us c!m&!nents !f t+e 'asal gangli!nic structures

• 3iscuss structures f!rming t+e striatum and &allidum !f t+e 'asal ganglia and its


)o!# 7: Uderst!d the euro!!tom$ of the dieceh!#o

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• <ist different c!m&!nents !f t+e dience&+al!n

• <ist nuclei &resent in t+e t+alamus and its functi!nal c!rrelati!n

• 3iscuss nuclei &resent dee& t! t+e +#&!t+alamus and its functi!ns c!rrelati!n

<ist different t#&es !f cells &resent in t+e anteri!r &ituitar# and t+e +!rm!nes secreted '# t+e anteri!r and &!steri!r &ituitar#


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)o!# 8@: Uderst!d the euro!!tom$ of the 'r!i stem

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• <ist anat!mical structure !f t+e 'rain stem

• <ist anat!mical structure !f t+e "id'rain, &!ns and medulla and t+e structures &resent

dee& t! t+em and its clinical im&!rtance

• <ist cranial neres related t! t+e 'rain stem and t+e nuclei &resent

)o!# 87: Areci!te the si/ific!ce of !rteri!# '#ood su#$ to the CNS

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• <ist ma!r arteries su&&l#ing t+e 'rain and s&inal c!rd

• <ist 'l!!d su&&l# t! different areas !f t+e 'rain and s&inal c!rd

)o!# 88: Areci!te the si/ific!ce of "eous dr!i!/e of the CNS

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• <ist dural en!us sinuses

• <ist f!rmati!n and drainage !f t+e cere'r!s&inal fluid and its clinical im&!rtance

)o!# 89: Idetif$ !d descri'e the 78 cr!i!# er"es

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• <ist cranial neres

• <ist !rigin, c!urse and distri'uti!n !f t+e cranial neres

• <ist structures &resent in t+e cranial f!ramina

)o!# 80: Uderst!d the structure of the si!# cord 

Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to• <ist structures &resent in t+e s&inal c!rd


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• <ist difference 'et(een t+e d!rsal r!!t, entral r!!t and a neur!mere

• <ist extent !f s&inal c!rd and its m!dificati!ns and enlargements

• <ist 'l!!d su&&l# !f t+e s&inal c!rd

• <ist structures seen in t+e cr!ss secti!n !f t+e s&inal c!rd and its clinical im&!rtance

)o!# 83: Uderst!d the m!&or methods !d methodo#o/ies used to "ie( the hum!


Course o'&ecti"es:

Uo com#etio of the course the studet shou#d 'e !'#e to

• <ist different met+!ds used t! isualie and ealuate t+e +uman 'rain

• <ist ari!us m!dalities used in t+e clinical situati!ns

• <ist adantages and disadantages !f different neur!imaging met+!d!l!g#


  %LOC. 7




EE. 7, Fe' 73 - 7

ED 7 7> O"er"ie(: h!t is the %r!iG h!t is the MidG Does it


0 - 3



THU 7 8> Resti/ Mem'r!e + Actio Poteti!#s I 0 -3m )LAS

FRI 7 9> Resti/ Mem'r!e + Actio Poteti!#s II0 -3



EE. 8, Fe' 88 - 86

MON 88 0> %iochemistr$ of Neurotr!smitters 0 - 3



ED 80 3> S$!ses I 0 - 3



FRI 86 6> S$!ses II 0 - 3



EE. 9, Fe' 8 M!r 0MON 8 > Ner"e + Musc#e I 0 - 3



TUE 7 > Ner"e + Musc#e II 0 - 3



ED 8 > Ner"e Musc#e Fuctios (ith C#iic!# A#ic!tios 0 - 3



THUR 9 7@> Fuctios of Autoomic Ner"ous S$stem I 0 - 3



EE. 0, M!r - 77

MON 77> Fuctios of Autoomic Ner"ous S$stem II 0 - 3m



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EE. 3, M!r 70 - 7

  %LOC. 7 E2AM ?edesd!$, M!rch 76

THUR 7 M%% %#oc= 7 Post E<!m Re"ie( 9 0 m )LAS

  %LOC. 8

EE. 6, M!r 87 - 83

EE. , M!r 8 Ar 7

ED 9@ 78> Fuctio!# O"er"ie( I: Cere'r!# Corte< 0 3



THU 97 79> Fuctio!# O"er"ie( II: %r!i Stem 0 3



FRI 7 70> Fuctio!# O"er"ie( III: Si!# Cord 0 3



EE. , Ar 0

MON 0 73> Fuctio!# O"er"ie( I5: Or/!iB!tio of the Neuro!<is

(ith C#iic!# Corre#!tios

0 3



ED 6 76> E<cetio!# %r!is 0 3



THU 7> Medic!# Studet !d Ph$sici! e## %ei/ 0 3



FRI 7> Medic!# Ethics 0 3



EE. , Ar 77 - 73

MON 77 7> Em'r$o#o/$ of CNS I 0 3



ED 79 8@> Em'r$o#o/$ of CNS II 0 3m


THU 70 87> Histo#o/$ of the Ner"ous S$stem 0 3



FRI 73 88> %!se of the Cr!i!# C!"it$, For!mi! !d Mei/es 9 0



EE. 7@, Ar 7 88 ?No M%% c#!sses

EE. 77, Ar 83 - 8

%LOC. 8 E2AM ?edesd!$, Ari# 8

THU 8 M%% %#oc= 8 Post E<!m Re"ie( 9 0 m )LA

  %LOC. 9

FRI 8 89> Te#eceh!#ic Structure 7 8



ED 0 80> %!s!# )!/#i! 8 - 9



FRI 6 83> Dieceh!#o 7 -8



EE. 79, M!$ - 79

MON 86> %r!i Stem 0 3




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ED 77 8> Arteri!# %#ood Su#$ of CNS 8 9



FRI 79 8> 5eous Dr!i!/e of CNS 9 0



EE. 70, M!$ 76 - 8@

ED 7 8> Cr!i!# Ner"es I8 -9



FRI 8@ 9@> Cr!i!# Ner"es II0 - 3



EE. 73, M!$ 89 - 8

MON 89 97> Si!# Cord I0 - 3



ED 83 98> Si!# Cord II8 9



FRI 8 99> Neuroim!/i/ of the %r!i

0 3



EE. 76, M!$ 9@ 4ue 9 ?No M%% c#!sses

EE. 7, 4ue 6 7@ ?No M%% c#!sses

EE. 7, 4ue 79 - 7

%LOC. 9 E2AM ?edesd!$, 4ue 73

Schedu#e of Acti"ities

Lecture Toic: h!t is the %r!iG h!t is the MidG Does it M!tterG

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3iscuss +!( t+e 'rain is a c!m&lex, multidimensi!nal !rgan

• &&reciate t+at t+ere +ae 'een tremend!us adances in neur!science in t+e &ast t(! decades

• cn!(ledge t+e fact t+at des&ite t+ese adances, t+ere is still muc+ t+at is unn!(n a'!ut t+e +um

• 3eel!& a sense !f a(e regarding t+e +uman 'rain

Assigned reading:

Danny Wedding and Margaret L.Stuber.Behavior & Medicine, ft editi!n. "a#ter 1,

Lecture Toic: Resti/ Mem'r!e + Actio Poteti!#s I

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• /x&lain t+e difference 'et(een 'ul fl!( and diffusi!n

• 3istinguis+ 'et(een t+e &r!cesses n!t reuiring energ# (it+ t+at reuiring T=

• 3efine !sm!sis

• /x&lain t+e c!nce&t !f euili'rium '!t+ f!r c+arged and unc+arged &articles

• 3efine &ermea'ilit# and t+e mec+anism t+at determines an i!nBs &ermea'ilit#

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een Cernst and D!ldman /uati!ns


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• 3ifferentiate 'et(een an euili'rium &!tential and a stead#- state &!tential

Assi/ed re!di/:

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 154-206

Lecture Toic: Resti/ Mem'r!e + Actio Poteti!#s II

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een s!dium, &!tassium and c+l!ride gradients and t+e driing f!rces in!led in t

t+ese i!ns

• /x&lain t+e difference 'et(een c+emical and electrical gradients

• /x&lain t+e difference 'et(een lea c+annels and !ltage gated c+annels

• /x&lain t+e r!les !f s!dium, &!tassium and t+e s!diumG&!tassium &um& in t+e generati!n !f t+e acti

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een t+e a's!lute and relatie refract!r# &eri!ds and t+eir r!le in acti!n &!tential &r 

• /x&lain t+e mec+anism f!r &r!&agati!n !f t+e acti!n &!tential

• 3efine salutat!r# c!nducti!n

• 3efine t+e r!le !f m#elin in c!nducti!n

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een ?C > =C dem#elinati!n and its c!nseuences

Assi/ed re!di/:

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 154-206

Lecture Toic: %iochemistr$ of Neurotr!smitters

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3efine neur!transmitters

• ?lassif# neur!transmitters (it+ (ell-n!(n exam&les

• /x&lain t+e 'i!c+emical nature !f different neur!transmitters

• Outline t+e &at+(a#s f!r t+e 'i!s#nt+esis and degradati!n !f c!mm!n neur!transmitters

• /x&lain t+e neur!transmitter rece&t!rs and t+eir general m!de !f acti!n

• /x&lain certain clinical c!nseuences arising due t! derangement in t+e meta'!lism !f neur!transmi

Assi/ed re!di/:

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 18-196, 606-60

Lecture Toic: S$!ses I

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een &res#na&tic and &!sts#na&tic functi!n

• 3efine neur!transmitters and t+eir classificati!n

• /x&lain t+e r!les !f de&!lariati!n and calcium &ermea'ilit# in

neur!transmitter release

• 3efine t+e r!le !f ag!nists and antag!nists in s#na&tic functi!n

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een !ltage and ligand de&endent res&!nses

• /x&lain t+e mec+anisms in t+e generati!n !f excitat!r# and in+i'it!r# &!sts#na&tic res&!nses

Lecture Toic: S$!ses II


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Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een tem&!ral and s&atial summati!n

• /x&lain t+e c!nseuences !f decemental s n!ndecremental c!nducti!n

/x&lain t+e r!le !f t+e ax!n +ill!c and initial segment in t+e generati!n !f a &!st s#na&tic res&!nse• 3ifferentiate 'et(een i!n!tr!&ic and meta'!t!&ic s#na&tic functi!n

• /x&lain t+e mec+anisms and c!nseuences !f ax!-ax!nic s#na&tic interacti!n

Assi/ed re!di/:

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 182-206

Lecture Toic: Ner"e + Musc#e I

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• /x&lain t+e s&ecificities f!und at t+e neur!muscular uncti!n

3ifferentiate 'et(een an end-&late &!tential and a seletal muscle acti!n &!tential• 7dentif# t+e sarc!&lasmic reticulum and ex&lain its r!le in muscle c!ntracti!n

• /x&lain t+e r!les !f calcium, t+in filaments, and t+ic filaments in muscle c!ntracti!n

• ?!m&are and c!ntrast selet!n muscle and cardiac muscle acti!n &!tentials and t+eir resu

Lecture Toic: Ner"e + Musc#e II

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• /x&lain t+e mec+anism f!r generating &re&!tentials in cardiac muscle

• 3iagram t+e c!nducti!n s#stem in cardiac muscle and ex&lain +!( it functi!ns

• 3iscuss t+e mec+anisms in!led in sm!!t+ muscle c!ntracti!n, and ex&lain +!( it differs fr!m stri


Assi/ed re!di/:

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 182-206

Lecture Toic: Ner"e Musc#e Fuctios (ith C#iic!# A#ic!tios

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• /x&lain +!( muscle (eaness can result fr!m d#sfuncti!n fr!m man# different sites in t+e m!t!r s#

• Die exam&les !f (eaness resulting fr!m d#sfuncti!n at a s&ecific sites

• 7dentif# and gie exam&les !f t+e mec+anisms in!led in m!t!r d#sfuncti!n at s&ecific sites

• 7dentif# s&ecific m!t!r dis!rders in &atients as s+!(n in 'rief ide! cli&s

Assi/ed re!di/:

Hic+ard ". t!ne. Harrisons &rinci&les of internal medicine, 1*t+ editi!n, c+a&ter 81 "#ast+enia Drais

"uscular d#str!&+ies.

as+it E. +a+.  Myasthenia 'ra(is" Practice essentials, +tt&:GGemedicine.medsca&e.c!mGarticleG11*1206-!

Lecture Toic: Fuctios of Autoomic Ner"ous S$stem I

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:• 3ifferentiate t+e functi!nal !rganiati!n !f t+e s!matic m!t!r and aut!n!mic m!t!r s#stems


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• 3escri'e t+e functi!nal !rganiati!n !f t+e &aras#m&at+etic m!t!r s#stem

• 3escri'e t+e functi!nal !rganiati!n !f t+e s#m&at+etic m!t!r s#stem

• <ist neur!transmitters, ag!nists and antag!nists in!led in s!matic m!t!r functi!n

Lecture Toic: Fuctios of Autoomic Ner"ous S$stem II

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• <ist neur!transmitters, ag!nists and antag!nists in!led in &aras#m&at+etic functi!n

• <ist neur!transmitters, ag!nists and antag!nists in!led in s#m&at+etic functi!n

• /x&lain +!( &aras#m&at+etic and s#m&at+etic neur!transmissi!ns m!dif# t+e functi!n !f t+e !rgan

(it+ t+e aut!n!mic ner!us s#stem

Assi/ed re!di/:

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 260-264, 290.

Lecture Toic: Fuctio!# O"er"ie( I: Cere'r!# Corte<

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3escri'e t+e functi!nal !rganiati!n !f t+e central ner!us s#stem

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een t+e central ner!us s#stem and t+e &eri&+eral ner!us s#stem and t+eir deria

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een &rimar# 'rain esicles and sec!ndar# 'rain esicles

• <ist t+e sec!ndar# 'rain esicles, t+eir &rinci&le deriaties and functi!ns

• /x&lain t+e functi!nal deel!&ment !f telence&+alic and dience&+alic structures

Assi/ed re!di/:

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 56-8, 541-5*8.

Lecture Toic: Fuctio!# O"er"ie( II: %r!i Stem

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3ra( t+e c!m&!nents !f t+e 'rain stem

• 7dentif# t+e c!m&!nents !f t+e mesence&+al!n and descri'e t+eir functi!n

• 3escri'e t+e functi!nal !rganiati!n !f t+e &!ns

• 3escri'e t+e functi!nal !rganiati!n !f t+e medulla

• 3escri'e t+e functi!ns !f t+e cere'ellum

• <ist t+e cranial neres ass!ciated (it+ eac+ regi!n !f t+e 'rain

Assi/ed re!di/: C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 56-8, 541-5*8.

Lecture Toic: Fuctio!# O"er"ie( III: Si!# Cord

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3ra( a cr!ss secti!n !f t+e s&inal c!rd and include all t+e ma!r c!m&!nents

• 3iscuss t+e functi!nal !rganiati!n !f t+e gre# matter !f t+e s&inal c!rd

• 3iscuss t+e functi!nal !rganiati!n !f s&inal (+ite matter 

• 3ra( t+e c!rtical s&inal tract fr!m its !rigin in t+e cere'ral c!rtex t+r!ug+ t+e 'rain stem, ending !n



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Assi/ed re!di/:

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 56-8, 541-5*8.

Lecture Toic: Fuctio!# O"er"ie( I5: Or/!iB!tio of the Neuro!<is (ith C#iic!# Corre#!t

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

3escri'e clinical d#sfuncti!n in &atients (it+ lesi!ns at ari!us leels !f t+e neur!axis


7dentif# t+e ma!r dis!rders ass!ciated (it+ damage t! t+e neur!axis t+at are liel# t! 'e enc!untere



/x&lain +!( a &+#sician (!uld ealuate a &atient &resenting (it+ neur!l!gic signs and s#m&t!ms

Assi/ed re!di/:

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy *t+ editi!n &ages: 182-206

Lecture Toic: E<cetio!# %r!is

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3escri'e t+e (a#s in (+ic+ &e!&le differ intellectuall#

• <ist t+e c!m&!nents !f !(ard DardnerBs c!nce&t !f multi&le intelligences

• Die exam&les !f indiiduals (it+ exce&ti!nal mem!r# sills


3escri'e s!me !f t+e exce&ti!nal a'ilities ex+i'ited '# &e!&le (+! +ae autism s&ectrum dis!rder 

Assi/ed re!di/:

3r.eddingBs =!(er&!int and selected ide! cli&s

Lecture Toic: Medic!# Studet !d Ph$sici! e## %ei/

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3escri'e t+e relati!ns+i& 'et(een &+#sician stress and su'stance a'use

• /x&lain (+at is n!(n a'!ut &+#sician suicide is-I-is !t+er &!&ulati!ns and acr!ss medical s&eci

• 3escri'e t+e relati!ns+i& t+at exists 'et(een &+#sical and mental +ealt+

• 3escri'e t+e relati!ns+i& 'et(een t+e &ractice !f medicine and di!rce

•7dentif# creatie and effectie (a#s !f c!&ing (it+ t+e stress !f medical sc+!!l and medical &ractice

Assi/ed re!di/:

3ann# edding and "argaret <.tu'er . Beha(ior ) Medicine, fift+ editi!n, ?+a&ter 1, =ages 16*-1*6.

Lecture Toic: Medic!# Ethics

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 7dentif# t+e &rinci&le /t+ical tandards !f t+e merican "edical ss!ciati!n and t+e merican =s#


• 3ifferentiate t+e ma!r et+ical &rinci&les in medicine e.g., n!nmaleficence, fidelit#, aut!n!m#, 'ene

• /x&lain t+e limits !f c!nfidentialit# including dut#-t!-(arn issues


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nal#e seeral et+ical dilemmas descri'ing releant et+ical &rinci&les and decisi!n maing strategi

gr!u&s c!nducted '# 7ntr!ducti!n t! ?linical "edicine facult#.

Assigned reading:

3!nald . ;lac and Canc# ?. ndersen. Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry , &i't editi!n,

Danny Wedding and Margaret L.Stuber. Behavior and Medicine, ft editi!n, "a#ter

Lecture Toic: Em'r$o#o/$ of CNS I

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3escri'e t+e f!rmati!n !f t+e neural &late and n!t!c+!rd

• 3escri'e t+e f!rmati!n !f t+e neural tu'e and neural crest cells

• 3escri'e t+e differentiati!n !f t+e neural tu'e, cl!sure !f t+e neur!&!res, neural flexures, cranial an

Lecture Toic: Em'r$o#o/$ of CNS II

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3escri'e t+e migrati!n !f neural crest cells and t+e cells and structures t+at differentiate fr!m neural

• 3escri'e t+e f!rmati!n !f t+e &rimar# 'rain esicles

• 3escri'e t+e f!rmati!n !f t+e sec!ndar# 'rain esicles

3escri'e t+e differentiati!n !f t+e sec!ndar# 'rain esicles int! adult 'rain structures

Assi/ed re!di/:

 *angmans+s Medical #mbryology" T(elft+ /diti!n, &ages: 28*-20

Lecture Toic: Histo#o/$ of the Ner"ous S$stem

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

3escri'e t+e structure and +ist!l!g# !f nere cell !r neur!n

7dentif# t+e dendrite, cell '!d#, H/H, ax!n +ill!c, ax!n (it+ m#elin and n!des


3escri'e t+e 'asic structure !f a neural s#na&se ax!-ax!nic, ax!-dendritic, ax!-s!matic and neur!


• 3escri'e t+e structure glial cells astr!c#te, !lig!dendr!c#te, micr!glia and c+(ann cells

• 3escri'e t+e +ist!l!g# !f a t#&ical m#elinated nere

Assi/ed re!di/:H!ss and =a(lina, Histology, sixt+ editi!n, &ages: 52-99

Lecture Toic: %!se of the Cr!i!# C!"it$, For!mi! !d Mei/es

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3escri'e t+e f!ssae !f t+e cranial cait# and t+e f!ramina t+at are l!cated in eac+ f!ssa anteri!r cra

middle cranial f!ssa, &!steri!r cranial f!ssa

• 3escri'e t+e structures l!cated in eac+ f!ssa and f!ramen nere, arter# and ein.

• 7dentif# t+e dura mater and dural reflecti!ns falx cere'riA dia&+ragma sellaA tent!rial cere'elliA tent!

• 3ifferentiate 'et(een an e&idural +emat!ma, su'dural +emat!ma a su'arac+n!id +emat!ma and t+e

• 7dentif# t+ese structures: rac+n!id mater. =ia mater. 3enticulate ligament. <um'ar cistern. %ilum


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aines Neuroanatomy in %linical %ontext  9t+ editi!n, &ages: 111-15

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 2*2-00

Lecture Toic: Arteri!# %#ood Su#$ of CNS

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:•  Came t+e arteries t+at su&&l# 'l!!d t! t+e 'rain

• 3escri'e t+e structure !f t+e ?ircle !f illis

• 7dentif# t+e main 'ranc+es !f t+e ?ircle !f illis

• 3escri'e t+e main 'ranc+es !f t+e erte'ral arteries

• 3escri'e t+e !rigins !f t+e arterial 'l!!d su&&l# t! t+e s&inal c!rd

Assi/ed re!di/:

aines Neuroanatomy in %linical %ontext  ,9t+ editi!n, &ages: 14-42, *2-*4

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 126-15

Lecture Toic: 5eous Dr!i!/e of CNS

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3escri'e t+e structure !f a en!us sinus in t+e cranial cait#

• 3escri'e t+e l!cati!ns !f t+e su&eri!r sagittal sinus, c!nfluence !f sinuses, transerse sinus and inter 

• 3escri'e t+e inferi!r sagittal sinus and straig+t sinus

• 3escri'e t+e l!cati!n !f t+e arac+n!id illi and granulati!ns

• 3escri'e n!n-c!mmunicating and c!mmunicating +#dr!ce&+alus

• 3escri'e t+e en!us drainage !f t+e erte'ral f!ramenAssi/ed re!di/:

aines Neuroanatomy in %linical %ontext" 9t+ editi!n, &ages: 14-42, *2-*4

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 126-15

Lecture Toic: Cr!i!# Ner"es I

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

•  Came t+e 12 &airs !f cranial neres

• 7dentif# t+e !rigin and l!cati!n !f eac+ cranial nere !f t+e 'rain

• 3escri'e t+e l!cati!n !f eac+ cranial nere in t+eir res&ectie f!ramen

Lecture Toic: Cr!i!# Ner"es II

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3escri'e t+e c!ntents !f t+e ugular f!ramen

• 3escri'e t+e c!ntents !f t+e f!ramen magnum

• 3escri'e t+e cranial f!ssa and indicate (+ic+ cranial neres are f!und in eac+ f!ssa

Assi/ed re!di/:

aines. Neuroanatomy in %linical %ontext" 9t+ editi!n, &ages: 4-56 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy" *t+ editi!n, &ages: 01-28


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Lecture Toic: Si!# Cord I

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 3escri'e t+e ma!r anat!mical structures l!cated !n t+e surface !f t+e s&inal c!rd

• 3escri'e t+e s&inal neres if t+e s&inal c!rd.

• 7dentif# t+e d!rsal r!!t and d!rsal r!!t gangli!n

• 3escri'e t+e entral r!!ts

• 3escri'e t+e f!rmati!n !f a s&inal nere and its 'ranc+es

• 7dentif# t+e d!rsal ramus and entral ramus

• 3escri'e t+e c!ntents !f t+e lum'ar cistern, c!nus medullaris, filum terminale and cauda euine

Lecture Toic: Si!# Cord II

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:• 3escri'e t+e arterial 'l!!d su&&l# t! t+e s&inal c!rd

• 7dentif# t+e &!steri!r and anteri!r s&inal arteries

• 3escri'e a t#&ical cr!ss secti!n !f t+e s&inal c!rd

• 3escri'e t+e l!cati!ns !f regi!ns !f t+e s&inal c!rd Jd!rsal &!steri!r funiculusA lateral funiculusA a


• 3escri'e t+e nuclei !f t+e d!rsal +!rnA lateral +!rn and entral +!rn

• 3escri'e t+e &!steri!r fissure and entral sulcus (it+ t+e anteri!r s&inal arter#

Assi/ed re!di/:

aines Neuroanatomy in %linical %ontext" 9t+ editi!n, &ages: 98-110

 C!lte, F. The Human Brain An Introduction to Its Functional Anatomy, *t+ editi!n, &ages: 2-2*1.

Lecture Toic: Neuroim!/i/ of the %r!i

Le!ri/ o'&ecti"es: o com#etio of the stud$ of this toic, studets shou#d 'e !'#e to:

• 7dentif# t+e ma!r met+!ds used t! isualie and ealuate t+e +uman 'rain

• 3escri'e (+ic+ m!dalit# s+!uld 'e used in different clinical situati!ns

•3escri'e t+e adantages and disadantages !f eac+ neur!imaging met+!d!l!g#

Assigned reading:Dr. ()i $!*er #!int &)ide& 


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Imort!t Notes:1. T+e students are adised t! deel!& t+e +a'it !f attending t+e classes regularl#.

2. Heading materials f!r different t!&ics (ill 'e u&l!aded int! %#!c='o!rd '# t+e facult# (+en reuire

9> tudents are adised t! g! t+r!ug+ t+e reuired text '!!sGreading materialsG!t+er reference

necessar# f!r eac+ t!&ic in adance 'ased !n t+e learning !'ecties 'efore !ttedi/ the #ectur


ll exams t+is semester (ill 'e gien in a ;l!c /xam f!rmat. "ind, ;rain > ;e+ai!r categ!ried and #!u (ill receie a letter grade 'ased !n #!ur &erf!rmance !n t+!se uesti!ns.

c!urses, #!u (ill 'e graded 'ased !n a %ailG=assGig+ =assG!n!rs grading s#stem:

M*0N %ail %

*0-*9N =ass =

80-89N ig+ =ass =

90N !n!rs

Formaive Eva!"aionThis examination will be a comprehensive examination that will be held once a week by the exami

This evaluation will be held every weekend on the blackboard. These score will not contribute to oof the semester. The aim of this evaluation is to help the students practice NBME format multiple

questions. This format is also used by academic departments for evaluation of students. The stud

receive a feedback to help them identify the areas of weakness in their studies.

#endan$eThe students are advised to develop the habit of attending the classes regularly

