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MC0069-System Analysis and Design Model Question Paper

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Model Question Paper Subject Code: MC0069 Subject Name: System Analysis and Design Credits: 4 Marks: 140 Part A (One mark questions) 1. _____ process business transactions such as orders, time cards, payments, and reservations. A) Transaction Processing Systems B) Management Information Systems C) Decision Support Systems D) Executive Information Systems 2. _____ use the transaction data to produce information needed by managers to run the business. A) Transaction Processing Systems B) Management Information Systems C) Decision Support Systems D) Executive Information Systems 3. _____ capture and reproduce the knowledge of an expert problem solver. A) Decision Support Systems
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Model Question Paper

Subject Code: MC0069

Subject Name: System Analysis and Design

Credits: 4 Marks: 140

Part A (One mark questions)

1. _____ process business transactions such as orders, time cards, payments, and


A) Transaction Processing Systems

B) Management Information Systems

C) Decision Support Systems

D) Executive Information Systems

2. _____ use the transaction data to produce information needed by managers to run the


A) Transaction Processing Systems

B) Management Information Systems

C) Decision Support Systems

D) Executive Information Systems

3. _____ capture and reproduce the knowledge of an expert problem solver.

A) Decision Support Systems

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B) Management Information Systems

C) Expert systems

D) Executive Information Systems

4. _____ construct the system according to the system designer’s specification.

A) System builders

B) System users

C) System analysts

D) None of the above

5. A _____ is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations,

relationships, and semantics.

A) Component

B) Interface

C) Node

D) Class

6. A/an _____ is a named property of a class that describes a range of values that instances of

the property may hold.

A) Operation

B) Attribute

C) Responsibility

D) Visibility

7. _____ is a collection of operations that are used to specify a service.

A) Class

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B) Interface

C) Node

D) Component

8. _____ is the specification of an asynchronous stimulus communicated between instances.

A) Signal

B) Interface

C) Node

D) Component

9. A/an _____ is a using relationship that states that a change in specification of one thing may

affect another thing that uses it.

A) Association

B) Generalization

C) Dependency

D) Role

10. A/an _____ is a relationship between a general thing (superclass) and a more specific kind

of that thing (subclass).

A) Dependency

B) Generalization

C) Role

D) Association

11. _____ is a connection among things.

A) Dependency

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B) Role

C) Association

D) Relationship

12. _____ is a form of aggregation, with strong ownership and coincident lifetime as part of the


A) Composition

B) Generalization

C) Association

D) Role

13. A _____ is a graphical symbol for rendering constraints or comments attached to an

element or a collection of elements.

A) Note

B) Stereotype

C) Tagged Value

D) Constraint

14. A _____ is an extension of the vocabulary of the UML, allowing you to create new kinds of

building blocks similar to existing ones but specific to your problem.

A) Note

B) Stereotype

C) Tagged Value

D) Constraint

15. _____ is rendered as a name enclosed by guillemots and placed above the name of another


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A) Note

B) Stereotype

C) Tagged Value

D) Constraint

16. _____ is rendered as a string enclosed by brackets and placed below the name of another


A) Note

B) Stereotype

C) Tagged Value

D) Constraint

17. A _____ is a collection of subsystems organized to accomplish a purpose and described by

a set of models, possibly from different viewpoints.

A) System

B) Subsystem

C) Model

D) View

18. A _____ is a grouping of elements, of which some constitute a specification of the behavior

offered by the other contained elements.

A) View

B) Subsystem

C) Model

D) System

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19. _____ shows a set of components and their relationships.

A) Class diagram

B) Object diagram

C) Component diagram

D) Deployment diagram

20. _____ shows a set of nodes and their relationships.

A) Class diagram

B) Object diagram

C) Component diagram

D) Deployment diagram

21. A _____ is a diagram that shows a set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their


A) Class diagram

B) Object diagram

C) Component diagram

D) Deployment diagram

22. A/An _____ is a diagram that shows a set of objects and their relationships at a point in


A) Deployment diagram

B) Object diagram

C) Component diagram

D) Class diagram

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23. _____ shows a set of use cases and actors and their relationships.

A) Class diagram

B) Object diagram

C) Use Case diagram

D) Deployment diagram

24. _____ is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time ordering of messages.

A) Class diagram

B) Object diagram

C) Component diagram

D) Sequence diagram

25. _____ is a behavior that comprises a set of messages exchanged among a set of objects

within a context to accomplish a purpose.

A) Interaction

B) Message

C) Link

D) Sequencing

26. _____ is a specification of a communication between objects that conveys information with

the expectation that activity will ensue.

A) Link

B) Message

C) Sequencing

D) Interaction

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27. _____ constraint specifies that the instance or link is created during execution of the

enclosing interaction.

A) New

B) Destroyed

C) Transient

D) Sequencing

28. _____ constraint specifies that the instance or link is created during execution of the

enclosing interaction but is destroyed before completion of execution.

A) New

B) Destroyed

C) Transient

D) Sequencing

29. _____ is the specification of a significant occurrence that has a location in time and space.

A) Event

B) Signal

C) Link

D) Sequencing

30. _____ is a kind of event that represents the specification of an asynchronous stimulus

communicated between instances.

A) Call event

B) Signal event

C) Time event

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D) Change event

31. _____ is a relationship between two states indicating that an object in the first state will

perform certain actions and enter the second state when a specified event occurs and specified

conditions are satisfied.

A) Transition

B) Transformation

C) Linking

D) Sequencing

32. _____ shows a state machine, emphasizing the flow of control from state to state.

A) Class diagram

B) Object diagram

C) Statechart diagram

D) Sequence diagram

33. _____ is a physical and replaceable part of systems that conforms to and provides the

realization of a set of interfaces.

A) Object

B) Name

C) Class

D) Component

34. _____ distinguishes one component from other.

A) Class

B) Name

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C) Attribute

D) Object

35. _____ is the component name prefixed by the name of the package in which that

component lives.

A) Class name

B) Object name

C) Path name

D) Node name

36. _____ is a collection of operations that are used to specify a service of a class or a


A) Path

B) Events

C) Activities

D) Interface

37. _____ is a graphical language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the

artifacts of a software intensive system.





38. _____ is an abstraction of a system treated in order to better understand the system.

A) Class

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B) Model

C) Prototype

D) Object

39. A system is decomposed into _____.

A) Modules

B) Classes

C) Sub-systems

D) Components

40. _____ is a projection of a model, which is seen from one perspective or vantage point and

omits entities that are not relevant to this perspective.

A) System

B) Sub-system

C) Component

D) View

Part B (Two mark questions)

41. _____ help various decision makers identify and choose between options or decisions.

A) Transaction Processing Systems

B) Executive Information Systems

C) Decision Support Systems

D) Management Information Systems

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42. _____ are tailored to the unique information needs of executives who plan for the business

and assess performance against those plans.

A) Decision Support Systems

B) Management Information Systems

C) Transaction Processing Systems

D) Executive Information Systems

43. A/an _____ is the implementation of a service that can be requested from any object of the

class to affect behavior.

A) Operation

B) Visibility

C) Attribute

D) Responsibility

44. A/an _____ is a contract or an obligation of a class.

A) Attribute

B) Visibility

C) Operation

D) Responsibility

45. A/an _____ is a structural relationship that specifies that objects of one thing are connected

to objects of another.

A) Generalization

B) Role

C) Association

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D) Dependency

46. A/an _____ is just the face the class at the near end of the association presents to the class

at the other end of the association.

A) Dependency

B) Role

C) Name

D) Generalization

47. A _____ is an extension of the properties of a UML element, allowing you to create new

information in that element’s specification.

A) Constraint

B) Stereotype

C) Tagged Value

D) Note

48. A _____ is an extension of the semantics of a UML element, allowing you to add new rules

or to modify existing ones.

A) Tagged Value

B) Note

C) Stereotype

D) Constraint

49. A _____ is a semantically closed abstraction of a system, meaning that it represents a

complete and self consistent simplification of reality, created in order to better understand the


A) Diagram

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B) View

C) Model

D) System

50. A _____ is a projection into the organization and structure of a system’s model, focused on

one aspect of that system.

A) View

B) Diagram

C) Model

D) Subsystem

51. The UML’s class diagrams are a superset of _____.

A) Object diagram

B) Deployment diagram

C) Entity relationship (E-R) diagrams

D) Component diagram

52. _____ is the process of transforming a model into code through a mapping to an

implementation language.

A) Reverse engineering

B) Front engineering

C) Back engineering

D) Forward engineering

53. _____ is a semantic connection among objects.

A) Sequencing

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B) Link

C) Interaction

D) Message

54. A stream of messages forms a _____.

A) Sequence

B) Link

C) Collaboration

D) Interaction

55. _____ event represents the dispatch of an operation.

A) Signal event

B) Time event

C) Call event

D) Change event

56. _____ event represents the passage of time.

A) Change event

B) Signal event

C) Call event

D) Time event

57. _____ interface is realized by a component and _____ interface is used by a component.

A) Export, Import

B) Import, Export

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C) Input, Output

D) Output, Input

58. State True or False.

1. A component is physical

2. A component is replaceable

A) 1-True, 2-True

B) 1-True, 2-False

C) 1-False, 2-True

D) 1-False, 2-False

59. A subsystem is both a kind of _____ and _____.

A) Package, Component

B) Package, Classifier

C) Component, Classifier

D) None of the above

60. State True or False.

1. A system is decomposed into a collection of subsystems

2. A subsystems is a grouping of elements

A) 1-False, 2-True

B) 1-True, 2-False

C) 1-True, 2-True

D) 1-False, 2-False

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Part C (Four mark questions)

61. Match the following:

Set A Set B

1. Customers a. decision makers

2. Clerical staff b. perform highly skilled and specialized work

3. Technical staff c. perform day-to-day transaction processing

4. Executive managers d. users of information systems

A) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

B) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d

C) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

62. _____ are technology specialists for information systems.

A) System users

B) System designers

C) Customers

D) Suppliers

63. A/an _____ is a mechanism that describes structural and behavioral features.

A) Object

B) Class

C) Classifier

D) Component

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64. Match the following:

Set A Set B

1. Subsystem a. specification of an asynchronous stimulus

communication between instances

2. Use case b. physical element that exists at run time

3. Node c. set of sequence of actions

4. Signal d. grouping of elements

A) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

B) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d

C) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

65. The idea that one can be built from other objects is called _____.

A) Aggregation

B) Association

C) Multiplicity

D) Dependency

66. Match the following:

Set A Set B

1. Realization a. solid line connecting the same or different


2. Dependency b. solid directed line with a large open arrowhead,

pointing to the parent

3. Generalization c. dashed directed line, directed to the thing being

depended on

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4. Association d. dashed directed line with a large open arrowhead

pointing to the classifier that specifies the contract

A) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d

B) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

C) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

67. _____ specifies a comment, description, or explanation of the element to which it is


A) Note

B) Stereotype

C) Documentation

D) Constraint

68. A _____ is the graphical presentation of a set of elements, most often rendered as a

connected graph of vertices (things) and arcs (relationships).

A) View

B) System

C) Model

D) Diagram

69. _____ is the process of transforming code into a model through a mapping from a specific

implementation language.

A) Reverse engineering

B) Forward engineering

C) Back engineering

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D) Front engineering

70. _____ diagram permits you to model the lifeline of an object.

A) Sequence

B) Collaboration

C) Class

D) Object

71. A _____ is a behavior that specifies the sequences of states an object goes through during

its lifetime in response to events.

A) Time machine

B) State machine

C) Class diagram

D) Object diagram

72. Match the following:

Set A Set B

1. Executable a. specifies source code or data

2. Library b. specifies a database table

3. Table c. specifies a static or dynamic object store

4. File d. specifies a component that may be run on a node

A) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

B) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d

C) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

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73. Match the following:

Set A Set B

1. Collaboration a. specifies exchange of messages among objects

2. Component diagram b. shows the configuration of run time processing


3. Deployment diagram c. shows a set of components and their


4. Interaction diagram d. a society of classes, interfaces and other

elements that work together to provide some

cooperative behavior

A) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d

B) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

C) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

74. Match the following:

Set A Set B

1. Use case view a. encompasses the components that are used to

assemble and release the physical system

2. Design view b. specifies the system’s concurrency and

synchronization mechanisms

3. Process view c. describes the vocabulary of the problem and its


4. Implementation view d. describes the behavior of the system

A) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

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B) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d

C) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

75. Match the following:

Set A Set B

1. System a. projection of a model

2. Subsystem b. an abstraction of a system

3. Model c. grouping of elements

4. View d. decomposed into a collection of subsystems

A) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d

B) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

C) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b

D) 1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b

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Answer Keys

Part - A Part - B Part - C

Q. No. Ans. Key Q. No. Ans. Key Q. No. Ans. Key Q. No. Ans. Key

1 A 21 A 41 C 61 A

2 B 22 B 42 D 62 B

3 C 23 C 43 A 63 C

4 A 24 D 44 D 64 A

5 D 25 A 45 C 65 A

6 B 26 B 46 B 66 B

7 B 27 A 47 C 67 C

8 A 28 C 48 D 68 D

9 C 29 A 49 C 69 A

10 B 30 B 50 A 70 A

11 D 31 A 51 C 71 B

12 A 32 C 52 D 72 C

13 A 33 D 53 B 73 B

14 B 34 B 54 A 74 A

15 B 35 C 55 C 75 B

16 C 36 D 56 D

17 A 37 A 57 A

18 B 38 B 58 A

19 C 39 C 59 B

20 D 40 D 60 C
