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McConnell Center Brochure - 15th Anniversary

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An overview view of the McConnell Center at the University of Louisville, 1991-2006.
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ForewordBy James Ramsey

President, University of Louisville

As the President of the University of Louisville, I am proud to contribute thisForeword. The McConnell Center has had a tremendously successful first fifteenyears, and with the Center’s move into its new headquarters in Ekstrom Library, itreally is an appropriate time for a word on moving forward.

Quite simply, the McConnell Center is one of the most exciting programs oncampus. It enriches all of our lives through the students it helps us recruit and itsprograms and publications that enlighten and entertain. With its new teachingand learning spaces, the Center is already helping the University move forwardwith richer partnerships in the community and adding in its own way to ourgrowing national prestige.

It is fitting that the University have a center of excellence on campus named after one of our mostprestigious alumni. Mitch McConnell has never forgotten his days as a student leader and nevershrinks from helping his alma mater. His service to our community is a model of how men and womenat the peak of their professional lives can still find time to touch other lives and leave their worlds alittle better than they found it.

The McConnell Center has given more than $1.7 million in scholarships over the last fifteen years andimpacted nearly every corner of our Commonwealth. McConnell Scholars have come from 66 countiesacross Kentucky and represent a diverse and talented group of young leaders. In our increasinglyshrinking world, the McConnell Center has helped our students travel to China, Scotland, Belize, SouthAfrica, Ghana, India, Germany, Italy, Japan, Ireland, Mexico, Portugal, and Venezuela. Among itsspeakers have been four Secretaries of State, a member of the United States Supreme Court, Pulitzer-prize winning authors, and various ambassadors, cabinet members, and even one Head of Government.

As the University of Louisville continues its march to national prominence, I am pleased the McConnellCenter will be helping to lead the way forward.

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A Letter From Mitch McConnellLouisville has been my home town since I was eight years old. It was not hard for me to decide that Iwanted to stay here through my college years and then to settle down and begin a career of publicservice.

Many people contributed to the education I received back when the University was a fraction of itscurrent size and was relatively unheralded nationally. After achieving my goal of serving Kentucky in theUnited States Senate, I wanted to give something back to help the University give even betteropportunities to the young people that began coming through their door thirty years after I left.

In those early days we had to raise money for nothing but a dream. Thanks to those early donors andthe leadership of the only two directors the program has known, Paul Weber and Gary Gregg, thatdream has been met and exceeded numerous times over. More than 100 students have now receivedscholarships to attend the University of Louisville. Many of them have gone on to prestigious graduate,medical, and law schools. Some have decided to work in government or non-profits and others arebeginning to have families and are becoming leaders in their communities.

I am as proud of the development of the McConnell Center as anything with which I have beeninvolved. With the continued strong support of President James Ramsey, Provost Shirley Willinghanz,and the University’s Board of Trustees, I know the Center will continue to grow as it holds fast to itsultimate mission of serving Kentucky by nurturing its next generation of leaders.

Senator McConnell and Secretary Chao tailgate with studentsprior to a Cardinal football game.

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A Letter FromGary L. Gregg II, Ph.D.

Mitch McConnell Chair in LeadershipDirector, McConnell Center

It has been a privilege to serve the Universityof Louisville as Director of its McConnellCenter these past six years. What impressedme most about the Center from the verybeginning was the commitment theUniversity and Senator McConnell have givento making it great.

I have traveled to other institutes on campuses across thenation, but I have yet to find the equal of the McConnellCenter. What makes our Center unique is the commitment ofits Founders that established it as a living and vibrant placefor nurturing young people. Many institutions across thenation are dedicated to serving professors or simply hostingguest speakers and conferences. The McConnell Center’smission from its earliest days has been to find and nurtureoutstanding young people. This is what makes the Centersuch a dynamic place of work and play.

Our growth over the past few years has made it necessarythat we open our new headquarters, and we are pleased it isto be in Ekstrom Library. Like a living library, the McConnellCenter has been bringing top authors and academics tocampus to add to our community’s intellectual and culturallandscape and mentor our young leaders. We look forward toan exciting new partnership with the University’s outstandinglibrary community.

Though our mission will continue to grow, our central goalwill always be the same: to find and encourage outstandingyoung people who show the potential of improving ourcommunity through leadership and service.

A Letter FromDavid HuberUnites States Attorney

Chairman, McConnell Center Board of Advisors

I graduated from the University of Louisvillemore than forty years ago and could not haveimagined the progress my alma mater wouldmake in just a few decades. In the fields ofmedicine, sports, scientific research, andengineering, U of L has made great stridestoward its goal of being recognized as one of

America’s greatest metropolitan research universities.

None of the many good developments at the University havegiven me more pleasure than watching the McConnell Centergrow from a simple idea for a scholarship program to thematurity it has achieved in recent years. From that first classof fifteen students, the Center now reaches thousandsannually through its various programs and publications.

Each year I look forward to participating in the Center’sannual interview day as it gives me the chance to interactdirectly with some of Kentucky’s most outstanding youngpeople. Its hard to look in those bright young eyes and notfeel sanguine about the future of our Commonwealth and ournation.

If more McConnell Centers existed across America, ournation and our world would be a better place.

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A New Beginningmcconnell center — a new beginning for a continuing mission


A New BeginningThe McConnell Center marks the beginning of a new era byrededicating itself to its core emphasis of providingoutstanding leadership and educational programs forMcConnell Scholars. This mission will expand and grow inthe years ahead as the Center works to reach its potential asone of the nation’s outstanding scholarship programs.

A New Home for our Programs and Students: In 2006 theMcConnell Center moves into its new home in Ekstrom

Library. The additional office,instructional, and libraryspace will increase theCenter’s ability to serve itsstudents and the public. Thisnew headquarters will includea library of great books, thePaul J. Weber Student Lounge,and areas for McConnellScholars to gather and learn.

New Logo: The McConnell Center will continue to use itstraditional “shaking hands” medallion (which is based on aclose-up of the Kentucky flag) as a mark ofdistinction for graduating scholars. TheCenter’s growing diversity of programs andstudent majors, however, has brought aboutthe opportunity to rethink the image of theCenter and its programming. The Center hasdeveloped a new logo that blends thepermanence and refinement of a Corinthian column with the

continuing vitality of the flame ofknowledge. The column is modeledafter those that adorn the originalSenate Chamber in Washington, D.C.and the logo announces the Center’sdedication to “Leadership,Scholarship, and Service.”

Historic Displays: In conjunction with its programming incivic education and leadership, the Center’s new home willfeature historic displays about leadership in Kentucky andwill educate students and the public who visit the West Wingof Ekstrom Library. The displays will include a replica of theSenate desk once used by Henry Clay and currently used bySenator Mitch McConnell and an original statute of Clay thatwas commissioned by the University of Louisville.






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Distinction &Diversitymcconnell center — a new beginning for a continuing mission


Distinction & DiversityThe McConnell Center’s Distinguished Lecture Series

Transcription of a letter dated Nov 23, 2001

Dear Dr. Gregg:

I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the invitation and opportunity to address the McConnellScholars on November 19. I particularly enjoyed the question-and-answer session and commend thestudents for their far-reaching and thoughtful questions. It is clear they are well informed on thematters of world affairs and foreign policy!

The center does such crucial work preparing today’s young people for positions of civic responsibility.I hope my visit encouraged some of your students to consider careers in foreign affairs and perhapsinternships with the Department of State. Regardless of the choices they make, I am certain yourstudents will reflect credibly on the State of Kentucky and the education they received at theMcConnell Center.

Again, thank you for the warm welcome. Please convey my thanks to the McConnell Scholars for theirhospitality and their generous gift. I wish you all the best in your upcoming endeavors.

Sincerely,Colin L. PowellSecretary of State

Former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ)

Former Ambassador to Paraquay andEl Salvador Robert White

Ambassador of Israel to the United StatesItamar Rabinovich

Former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott

Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egyptto the U.S. Ahmed Maher El Sayed

U.S. Senator William Bradley (D-NJ)

House of Lords Lord Graham of Edmonton

Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright

Former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker

U.S. Representative Ann Northup (R-KY)

Chinese Embassador to the U.S. Li Zhaoxing

Former U.S. Secretary of the Defense William J. Perry

U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd (D-CT)

Prime Minister of Belize the Honorable Said W. Musa

U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-WV)

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

British Ambassador to the U.S.Christopher Meyer, KCMG

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell

U.S. Senator Phil Gramm (R-TX)

U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT)

U.S. Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD)

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC)

Former U.S. Secretary of Defense William Cohen

Assistant to the President for National Security AffairsCondoleezza Rice

U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT)

U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX)

U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)

U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA)

Featured McConnell Center Speakers

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Select Conferences, Debates, Seminars and SocietiesIn its first fifteen years, the McConnell Center has hosted several conferences for scholars and studentsand conducted many seminars and colloquia as it has encouraged students to explore great ideas andrethink old assumptions.

Winston Churchill—Statesman of the 20th Century?George Washington and the American Political Tradition

The Publius Society The Burke-Paine Society

Considering the Bush PresidencyDefamation—An International Legal Perspective

Literature and Leadership of the British IslesIs the Electoral College Bad for America?

C.S. Lewis and the Modern WorldGulliver’s Travels and the Challenges of Politics

The Henry Clay SocietyPresidents Day Lecture Series

Presidential Moments—A Conference

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Civic Education & Leadership

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Civic Education &Leadershipmcconnell center — a new beginning for a continuing mission


Preparing LeadersCultivating Kentucky’s future leaders is the primary mission of the McConnell Center. Whether astudent’s interest is in government, business, medicine or some other field, the McConnell Scholarsprogram offers many opportunities to develop leadership skills and gain valuable experience. Fromstudying classical visions of leadership to getting practical experience in internships, McConnellScholars are ready to take on the challenges of the modern world.

One hundred alumni are now providing leadership in the fields of government, law, medicine, research,non-profits, theology and academia. They credit their time as McConnell Scholars at the University ofLouisville with the success they are now achieving.

On campus, McConnell Scholars have served as officers in more than two hundred recognized studentorganizations on campus. From heading various Greek organizations to serving in top studentgovernment positions to founding new organizations on campus, the McConnell Scholars provideleadership today as they prepare for the challenges of tomorrow.

“The McConnell Center exists to locate, encourage and nurture the young people ofKentucky who aspire to lead our great Commonwealth and our nation.”

—U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell

Pictured on opposite page: Scott Jennings (2000), Special Assistant to President George W. Bush. Transposed on the image is a listing of just a few of the groupsand organizations that McConnell Scholars have been part of and provided leadership for on the University of Louisville campus.

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Civic Education &Leadershipmcconnell center — a new beginning for a continuing mission


In 2005 the McConnell Center began a new series of initiatives designed to help our K-12 schoolteachers better prepare our young people for citizenship. Starting with a week-long program for 5th and8th grade teachers in Jefferson County which focused on the American Revolution, the 2005 programculminated in a series of programs introducing high school students in Jefferson County to the largerideas underlying contemporary debates in Washington. Future programs will have the McConnellCenter providing training and educational resources to teachers and students across theCommonwealth.

“The teachers and students of Jefferson County Public Schools are incredibly fortunate to have available theresources and support of the McConnell Center. They have helped us make American history come alive forour students and supported us in our efforts to help our youth understand the importance of our foundingdocuments, the significance of our democratic principles, and to recognize being an informed citizen is aresponsibility we all must assume.”

—Dr. Laura S. CliffordSocial Studies Specialist, Jefferson County Public Schools

“The McConnell Center has not only providedme with great materials to use in my classroom,but has also given me the background knowledgeand personal experience necessary to apply thematerials in the best possible manner.”

—Tim HolmanJefferson County Public School Teacher

Pictured on opposite page: Jefferson County Public School teachers on a McConnell Center trip to Washington, DC (2005).

Serving Teachers and Citizens

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ServiceThe McConnell Center is a service project inaugurated by Mitch McConnell and the University ofLouisville to have a positive impact on the future of the Commonwealth and the nation. McConnellScholars take the responsibility of service seriously and annually take part in programs in Louisvilleand across the state that are intended to benefit the community and their fellow Kentuckians. Recentservice projects have included Project Warm, Bernheim Forest Clean-up, Read to Lead, and theSalvation Army Soup Kitchen.

The Chris Mattingly AwardThe Chris Mattingly Award for Outstanding Leadership in Kentucky was established to honor thememory of Chris Mattingly, one of the first McConnell Scholars. Chris died as a result of a car accidenton November 1, 1996, when he was only 21 years old. Chris was a leader in the Scholars program andhad completed 104 hours toward a degree in Political Science.

The Chris Mattingly Award was first awarded in 1998 and is given annually by the McConnell Scholarsto a Kentuckian who has exhibited outstanding character and leadership benefiting theCommonwealth.

Past Recipients of the Mattingly Award:2006 Dr. Charlotte Beahan, Professor, Murray State University and faculty member, Kentucky

Institute for International Studies

2005 Dr. Dale Billingsley, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, University of Louisville

2004 Dr. John Kleber, Professor Emeritus, Morehead State University

2003 Ms. Carolyn Shelton, Guidance Counselor, Russell High School

2002 Mr. Joe Bringardner, Associate Executive Director, Kentucky YMCA Youth Association

2001 Ms. Jenny Sawyer, Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions, University of Louisville

2000 Mr. Rodney Williams, Jr., Former Director of Alumni Affairs, University of Louisville

1999 Mr. Robert “Mike” Duncan, CEO and Chairman of Inez Deposit Bank and First National Bank ofLouisa, Lawrence County

1998 Ms. Shirleen Sisney, Executive Director of the Governor’s Scholars Program

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“The McConnell Center allowed me to interact with great people from all over the state and fostered my desireto lead and give back to the community. My experiences with the Center and my classmates helped shape theperson I am today.”

—Lauren Morrison (Class of 2002)

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ScholarshipBeing a McConnell Scholar is about more than nurturing leadership skills and preparing for careersthat will serve our communities. It is also about exploring the life of the mind. At its best, highereducation helps students reach beyond themselves to other worlds and other modes of thinking. TheMcConnell Center takes the intellectual responsibilities of higher education very seriously and annuallydevelops programs that push students to think in new ways about perennial issues and contemporaryconcerns.

Faculty and administrators associated with the McConnell Center are all accomplished scholars whohave published many books and scholarly articles. The Center also reaches beyond the talent inLouisville by tapping into the nation’s top scholars by bringing them to campus for lectures, seminars,and conferences. In this environment, students have responded by enrolling in difficult honors courses,beginning self-study programs, and applying for top post-graduate programs and national scholarships.

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“The McConnell Program is one of a kind. I picked U of L because of it and feel much of my success today is aresult of the program. Dr. Weber was an awesome mentor and helped me realize that I would find happinessthinking beyond a career in traditional medicine. Today, I work in international health research and policyand could not be happier. Thank you for the memories, the friends, and for helping each of us find direction.”

—Christa Fischer Walker (Class of 1997)

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ScholarshipScholarshipBeyond Undergraduates—Top Graduate Programs

Attended by McConnell ScholarsMany McConnell Scholars have scholarly ambitions beyond the undergraduate degree and the Centerencourages their ambitions by helping them prepare for entrance exams and choosing the rightprograms for their interests. Though many scholars fall in love with Louisville and attend one of themany excellent graduate programs at their alma mater, others have gone on to attend such schools as:

Jonathan Ballard attends Cambridge Universitybefore entering Medical School

Jonathan Ballard (’04) has long known what he wanted to do in life. Growing up on a farm nearBardstown, Ballard saw first hand the cost skin cancer was bringing to his friends and family, andvowed he would become an oncologist and serve rural Kentucky. Ballard wasted no time, even as anundergraduate he was working at the Brown Cancer Center doing research with top research scientists.Medical school would have to wait, however, when Ballard won a scholarship to Cambridge Universityand decided he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to attend one of the world’s premier institutions ofhigher learning. A Masters of Philosophy in Epidemiology later, Jonathan is again pursuing his dreamas he attends medical school at the University of Louisville.

“My time as a McConnell Scholar was a period of immense growthin my academic and social development. The opportunities tointeract with great leaders of our day and then to emulate theirleadership on a smaller scale through the programs and activitiesof the Center fostered my self-confidence and ability to becomesuccessful beyond the University.”

—Jonathan Ballard (Class of 2004)

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Harvard Law School

Notre Dame School of Law

Cambridge University

Oxford University

George Washington University

Baylor University

The Johns Hopkins University

University of Kentucky

Louisiana State University

Wake Forest University

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ScholarshipElizabeth Sawyer Wins Truman Scholarship

In 2004, Elizabeth Sawyer (’04) became the first University of Louisvillestudent in more than a dozen years to win the prestigious TrumanScholarship. Sawyer, who balanced an activist’s life in local politics with herstudies while a McConnell Scholar, credits the Center with preparing her toachieve this nationally-recognized scholarship.

“I am grateful to the McConnell Center for helping me realize mypotential as a student and a citizen. Because of my experiences asa Scholar, I understand the world better and see my place in itmore clearly.”

—Elizabeth Sawyer (Class of 2004)

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“The McConnell Center is an excellent venue forexposing aspiring students interested in increasingtheir acumen about the functions, policies, andpersonnel of the legislative, judicial, and executivebranches of government at all levels. The experiencehelped prepare me for Law School at Howard Universityand my life as an attorney. I am truly grateful to havebeen a McConnell Scholar.”

—Jonathan Goins (Class of 1999)

“As a McConnell Scholar at the University of Louisville, I was afforded opportunities for learning, interaction,and community involvement not available to most college students. It is the lessons I took from theseexperiences that, even years later, continue to fuel my lifelong pursuits of scholarship, civic engagement, andpublic service.”

—Katie Grout Crenshaw (Class of 1996)

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Scholarshipmcconnell center — a new beginning for a continuing mission


Publications of the McConnell CenterThe vision of the McConnell Center as simply a small institute for serving a few undergraduates at theUniversity of Louisville has changed dramatically in the last few years. The Center has hosted

conferences and educational programs that have received national audienceson C-Span, network news, radio talk shows, and through its publications. Inthe years ahead, the Center will publish new works featuring primary sourcematerial and new scholarship that will be made available to teachers andstudents free of charge.

The Senate—Great Forum of Constitutional Liberty by U. S. Senator Robert C. ByrdElecting the President in the 21st Century

The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution—A Pocket EditionA Student’s Guide to American Political Thought by George W. Carey

George Washington—A Pictorial Story of a Life (Forthcoming)

Henry Clay Society is FormedTwo out of three McConnell Scholars came together in 2005 to form “The Henry Clay Society.” Underthe leadership of Drs. John Kleber and Gary Gregg, the society has been exploring the life and works ofKentucky’s greatest national political leader. In coming years, the members ofthe Society will be doing original research into the papers of Henry Clay withthe goal of creating educational instruments that will help other students andteachers in Kentucky and around the nation better understand this greatmember of Congress and come to grips with the essential decades that led tothe American Civil War.

Pictured at right: U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell currently has the privilege of using thesame desk on the floor of the Senate that Clay used more than 150 years ago. In honor ofthe McConnell Center’s dedication to encouraging outstanding leadership, SenatorMcConnell has personally donated a replica of the Clay desk that will be on display at theMcConnell Center.

“The scholarships offered by the McConnell Center are only the beginning. The Center offers opportunitiesand programs that build self confidence and prepare students to be vital contributors to society.”

—Roger Davis (Class of 2003)

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24Travel & Study Abroad

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Travel &Study Abroadmcconnell center — a new beginning for a continuing mission


Travel and Study AbroadSince its first trip to visit with President George H.W. Bush at the White House in 1992, the McConnellScholars Program has sent students around the world to study and intern. Every year, enteringfreshmen have their orientation experience in Washington, DC. Each August, all McConnell Scholarstake part in a retreat at various locations around Kentucky. During their junior summer, McConnellScholars spend more than a month traveling and studying in China.

Over the years, the McConnell Center has also helped its Scholars travel and intern around the worldfrom Ghana and Belize to France, Germany, and Scotland.

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Personnel & Scholarsmcconnell center — a new beginning for a continuing mission



Gary L. Gregg II, Ph.D. holds the Mitch McConnell Chair inLeadership. He is the author or editor of a half dozen booksincluding Thinking about the Presidency and Vital Remnants:America’s Founding and the Western Tradition. Gregg has appearedon national television and radio programs and serves onseveral editorial boards. He became director of theMcConnell Center in 2000.

Senior FellowsPaul J. Weber, Ph.D.† was the Founding Director of theMcConnell Center and began service as its first Senior Fellowwhen he stepped down as director in 2000. Dr. Weber was theauthor of numerous books and taught thousands of studentsduring his tenure at the University of Louisville. An award-winning teacher, his obituary was published in USA Today inOctober 2005.

John Kleber, Ph.D. is Professor Emeritus at Morehead StateUniversity. A veteran teacher and administrator, he is theeditor of six books including The Kentucky Encyclopedia and TheEncyclopedia of Louisville. Recognizing his continuingcontribution to Kentucky history, the McConnell Centernamed him it’s Commonwealth Fellow in 2005.

Thomas Mackey, Ph.D. is Professor of history at theUniversity of Louisville and is also an Adjunct Professor ofLaw at the Brandeis School of Law. Author of several booksand numerous scholarly articles, his expertise is UnitedStates Constitutional and Legal History while he alsofocuses on the era of the Civil War through the 1920's.

Shiping Hua, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of PoliticalScience and Associate Director of the Institute for Democracyand Development at the University of Louisville. He is theauthor or editor of several books including Scientism andHumanism: Two Cultures in Post-Mao China and Political Civilizationand Modernization in China.

Board of AdvisorsMr. David Huber, ChairUnited States Attorney

Ms. Bridget BushAttorney, Anchorage, Kentucky

Mr. David EnsignActing Dean, Brandies School of Law

Mr. Audwin HeltonCEO and President, Spatial Data Integrations, Inc.

Dr. J. Blaine HudsonDean, College of Arts and Sciences

Honorable Romano MazzoliUniversity of Louisville

Honorable Mitch McConnellUnited States Senate

Dr. Charles MoyerDean, College of Business and Public Administration

Ms. Rachel SchrepfermanCommonwealth Connections, LLC

StaffSherry Allen is the McConnell Center’s Unit BusinessManager. She has been with the Center since its inceptionin 1991.

Wanda Adams Taylor is Program Assistant Senior. She hasbeen with the Center since 2000 and is currently working on adoctorate in education.

Malana Salyer is Civic Education Coordinator. A graduate ofthe McConnell Scholars Program in 2004, Malana is pursuinga Masters Degree in American History at the University ofLouisville.

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Personnel & Scholars


William “Tom” FisherAttorneyCovington, KY

Mary “Katie” Grout CrenshawDirector, Samford After Sundown Samford UniversityBirmingham, AL

Kristin “Kristi” Johnson HazelwoodAttorney Nashville, TN

David MooreDirector of Federal Income TaxResearch and ComplianceLife Care Centers of America, Inc.Ringgold, GA

DeeAnn Patten FlahertyUniServ Director Jefferson County Teachers AssociationLouisville, KY

James “Jim” Reed IIPrincipal Owner, www.2weeksnotice.comWeb Development and Media StudioLouisville, KY

Kara Samuel WardMarketing and Public RelationsCoordinator Baptist Memorial Hospital Union City, TN

Misty Schlatter LeafersClaims/Litigation Manager Superior Claims Services, LLCSan Diego, CA

Matthew WebsterDean of Students Thomas More CollegeCrestview Hills, KY

Matthew “Matt” YoungSystems EngineerUPS Louisville, KY

class of 1996

Kevin AlexanderApplication Engineer Parametric Technology Corporation Bowling Green, KY

Jeri Barclay Poppe Attorney Louisville, KY

Rhonda Bertram RobertsTeacherAmerican History and PsychologyThe Academy for Individual Excellence Louisville, KY

Shawn CampbellAttorney

Shauna Cole Damin Community Outreach Coordinator Healthcare Corporation of America Nashville, TN

Adele CollinsSpecial Education Teacher LaGrange, KY

Christa Fischer WalkerResearch Associate Johns Hopkins Bloomfield School ofPublic Health Baltimore, MD

Sarah Markham LawrencePharmacy StudentUniversity of KentuckyIntern Pharmacist, KrogerLexington, KY

Christopher “Chris” Starks Mortgage Professional Louisville, KY

Rachelle Thomas NicholsHomemaker and Mother Louisville, KY

class of 1997

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Personnel & Scholars


Michael “Mike” AdamsDeputy General Counsel Office of Governor Ernie FletcherFrankfort, KY

Kathleen “Kathy” Annear CarnesDirector of Personnel Parks DepartmentFrankfort, KY

Erin Arnold DeHavenCountywide Gifted andTalented CoordinatorBreckinridge County Middle SchoolsHardinsburg, KY

Tina Broaddus GibsonMusic TeacherJefferson Community CollegeLouisville, KY

Vincent “Vince” GabbertAttorney Louisville, KY

Campbell “Brock” HarmonInternet Coordinator Yale School of DivinityNew Haven, CT

Paul MaglingerResident in Anesthesiology University Hospital Louisville, KY

Holli Norton ScantlandBusiness Planning Analyst-StrategicPlanning DepartmentLG&E Energy Louisville, KY

David RichesRestaurant ManagerLouisville, KY

Heather Roe MahoneyDeputy DirectorKentuckians for the CommonwealthLexington, KY

Bryan WilsonAttorney Mayfield, KY

class of 1998

Craig BinghamOwner, Bingham Law OfficesCorbin, KY

Kimberly “Kim” BlackfordIntervarsity Christian Fellowship/BlackCampus MinistryUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Christopher “Chris” DavenportAttorney Bowling Green, KY

Jonathan GoinsLitigation AssociateAtlanta, GA

Rachel Hoskins CeaseAttorney Louisville, KY

Matthew “Matt” LehmanChief Operating OfficerSPRI Clinical Trials Kiev, UKRAINE

Samekh MasdenDesign Assistant, Echo Designs Inc.Student Harrington College of Design

Crystal Meyer ShepherdOffice ManagerCrestwood Christian ChurchAttending Baptist Seminary of KentuckyLouisville, KY

Amy MinixMedical Student, University of KentuckyLexington, KY

Elizabeth “Liz” PopelkaMasters Student in EducationUniversity of Louisville Louisville, KY

April Shutts JonesEconomic Development Officer Metro LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Christopher “Chris” StephensSocial Studies TeacherEastern High School Louisville, KY

E. Christine “Christy” Trout LewisAttorneyPikeville, KY

Kelly Vest OvermanAttorney Washington, DC

class of 1999

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Personnel & ScholarsPersonnel & Scholars


Kristopher “Kris” AbelnMedical Residency Chicago, IL

Melinda “Mendy” Dorris-HobbsSocial Studies Teacher Monona Grove High SchoolMonona, WI

Melissa Farmer CalabreseAttorney Birmingham, AL

Benjamin “Ben” HumphriesAttorneyElizabethtown, KY

Jeffery “Scott” JenningsSpecial Assistant to the President andDeputy White House Political DirectorWashington, D.C.

John “Nathan” RobertsSoftware/ApplicationDeveloper/ProgrammerWeb Solutions ArchitectGE Power SystemsAtlanta, GA

Hollie Sawyer ColwickOB/GYN SonographerLouisville, KY

Rebecca Sim CowherdAttorney Louisville KY

Jonathan WestbrookMBA StudentSullivan UniversityConstruction ManagerLouisville, KY

class of 2000

David FloresGraduate StudentUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Melodie HumphreyDirector of Products and ServicesJefferson County PVALouisville, KY

Laura LeoneAttorney Louisville, KY

Samuel “Ryan” NewcombLaw ClerkChief Justice Joseph LambertKY Supreme CourtFrankfort, KY

Kenneth “Neil” SalyerAttorney Louisville, KY

Erin Simpson

Jerry SturgillTitle XVI Claims RepresentativeSocial Security AdministrationFrankfort, KY

Daniel “Dan” Utley1st LieutenantUnited States Army South Korea

Connie Wilkinson TobbeAttorney Louisville KY

class of 2001

Christopher “Chris” AtzingerOutcomes Research AnalystAbt Associates Bethesda, MD

Nakeisha Britton

Elizabeth “Shae” BryantPersonal Trainer/TeacherLouisville, KY

Michelle GrantAssistant Commonwealth Attorney30th Judicial CourtLouisville, KY

Erin Beth Moran HickersonDoctoral Student in Social WorkUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Lauren MorrisonStaff AttorneyLegal Aid of Greater CincinnatiCincinnati, OH

Shannon RickettDirection of CommercializationNat’l Institute for Hometown SecurityCorbin, KY

Charlton StubblefieldDivinity StudentSoutheastern BaptistTheologicalSeminaryWake Forest, NC

Mary Ann VetterNorth Regional DirectorKY YMCA Youth AssociationFrankfort, KY

class of 2002

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Personnel & Scholars


David “Eric” BakerSourcing Project ManagementGeneral Electric Louisville, KY

Rebekah BoothMedical StudentUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Kelly BucklesWomen’s Basketball Assistant Coachand Graduate StudentBelmont UniversityNashville, TN

Sarah CarterOffice of the MayorNew York City, NY

John DanielLaw StudentUniversity of KentuckyLexington, KY

Roger DavisPhysical Therapist Louisville, KY

Christopher “Chris” KennerGraduate Student in European andEuroasian StudiesGeorge Washington UniversityWashington, D.C.

Christopher “Todd” ShuemakerDental StudentUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Matthew “Matt” ThackerNursing StudentUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

class of 2003

Jonathan BallardMedical StudentUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Stacee BlackburnLaw StudentUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Kelly HanlonDirector of LecturesIntercollegiate Studies InstituteWilmington, DE

Malana Hartzog SalyerMcConnell Center Civics EducationCoordinatorUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Elizabeth SawyerRetail Manager Washington, DC

Gary “Brad” SteppPursuing PysDChicago School of PsychologyChicago, IL

Shelby “Coy” TravisStudentUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

April WeathermanTeacherElementary English LanguageJapan

class of 2004

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Personnel & Scholars

Bill BrammellGraduate StudentMS in Democracy and DemocratizationUniversity College LondonLondon, England

Laura ChaiGraduate StudentMasters of Public AdministrationUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Jordan GloverMBA ProgramBellarmine UniversityKY National GuardLouisville, KY

Dollie GreenwellGraduate StudentUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Ben MooreGraduate Student Masters of Urban Planning University of LouisvilleProgram and Leadership CoordinatorLeadership Louisville CenterLouisville, KY

Alicia PaezPlans to attend Law SchoolLouisville, KY

Jennifer O’ReillyLaw StudentMichigan State UniversityEast Lansing, MI

Ashley Renae SartaineArtistLouisville, KY

Jaqueline SmithLaw StudentUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Greg VirginProgram ManagerGreater Louisville, Inc.Metro Chamber of CommerceFuture Law StudentLouisville, KY

class of 2006

Sarah AlfordLaw StudentUniversity of CincinnatiCincinnati, OH

Laura BarclayGraduate StudentWake Forest School of DivinityWake Forest, NC

Mariya ChernyavskayaResearch AssistantCenter for Human Life and BioethicsWashington, DC

Jaeryl CovingtonGraduate Student, Urban PlanningUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Rick CurtsingerStaff Assistant for Senator McConnellWashington, DC

Natalie “Susan” GainesGraduate Student, Political ScienceLouisiana State UniversityBaton Rouge, LA

Casey RickardLaw StudentUniversity of Notre DameNotre Dame, IN

Mary Scott RobertsMedical StudentUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Becky SchneiderGraduate Student, Higher EducationUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Kelly WilliamsGraduate Student, HistoryUniversity of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

class of 2005


Page 35: McConnell Center Brochure - 15th Anniversary

“The McConnell Center not only gave me the credentials to be competitivein applying to Ivy League law schools, but gave me the self-confidence andanalytical skills to succeed once I arrived.”

—Mike Adams (Class of 1998)

The University of Louisville is an equal opportunity institution and does not discriminate against persons on the basis of race, age, religion, sex, disability, color,sexual orientation, national origin or veteran status.

This publication was prepared by the University of Louisville and printed with state funds KRS 57.375. 2/2006 – 15393

Page 36: McConnell Center Brochure - 15th Anniversary

McConnell CenterUniversity of Louisville

Louisville, Kentucky 40292(502)852-3323

