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McMaster University 2012 CIHR Information Session.

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McMaster University 2012 CIHR Information Session

McMaster University 2012 CIHR Information Session

CIHR Information Session Thursday, June 14, 2012

MDCL 3020 1-3 pm


1:00 pm Welcome—Introduction – Dr SM Collins, Assoc Dean Research, FHS

1:05 What we do—overview of HRS - Wendy Hollinshead, Manager HRS

1:15  What’s new at CIHR and e-Approval  and process for CIHR Operating Grants Competitions – Lisa  Hodge, Sr. Advisor, CIHR

1:35 Coffee Break – light snacks and refreshments

1:45 What’s New at CIHR – Lori Burrows, NEW CIHR University Delegate

2:05 Q&A - CIHR Panelists Open dialogue – past/present grantees &Peer Review Committee Members* Panelists: Joy MacDermid, Rehabilitation Science

Lisa Dolovich, Family MedicineJames Gillett, Health, Aging & SocietyKaren Mossman, Pathology & Molecular MedicineHarry Shannon, Clinical Epidemiology & BiostatisticsPatrick Bennett, Psychology, Neuroscience & BehaviourPeter Gross, MedicineBruce Newbold- Geography & Earth SciencesNorma MacIntyre, Rehabilitation Science

3:00 Closing Remarks—W. Hollinshead, Manager HRS

*Peer Review past and present --CIHR Peer Review Members at the CIHR website http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/40999.html


•Lisa Hodge, Sr. Grants Advisor, [email protected] ext 26367

•Highlights of Materials to be presented:

Zero Tolerance - eligibilityWhat’s NEW?!!-Updates-Admin, Policy, Processe-Approval-on Research NETWhat do you need to do?

-process changes-non-FHS faculty

What HRS/ROADS needs from applicant

Zero Tolerance

Incomplete applications will be withdrawn

Eligible institutions—HHSC has no signing authority

Eligible Applicants and CO-PI’s-staff/trainees

Missing signatures—sig’s still required; not sent in paper form by mail to CIHR—must upload pdf file

Updated “validated” Common CV** required

What we know so far:

Call Lisa Hodge ext 26367 for clarification

** As of June 19, 2012 a new CCV (Common CV) will be implemented

CIHR NEWS!!!- What’s happening at CIHR

Upcoming Changes:

Renewed suite of programs-project versus program

Overhauled Peer Review System-college of reviewers

Common CV changes-new types of CV to better match submission- Common CV will be unavailable from Sat. June 16 7:00 am ET to Tues. June 19 6:00

pm ET due to the data migration to the new CCV

MOU revisions-more responsibility for research and research

agreements owned by researcher

CIHR UPDATES- Administrative Changes

ADMIN Changes:

• ALL Research NET -application are ALL now submitted online-not all submissions

are “e-Approval”

• Signature pages -eliminated signatures for NPI(electronic signature is your

consent)-no institutional signatures for co-

app' s-signatures pages no longer sent to CIHR (must be uploaded as pdf to application)

• NEW 2011! Online Deadline change-ALL Research NET submissions DUE online by 8:00 PM


NOTE: e-Approval— online tool used for specific competitions--a yellow band with “internal deadline” will show for this type of submission

Common CV Renewed: What it looks like

New styling

Renewal information available on the CCV Website: http://www.commoncv.net/renewal_e.html

CCV: Canadian Directory of Researchers

• Can consent to be part of the Researcher Directory (public and/ or CCV subscriber view)

• To be used by:• Researchers looking for collaborators• Students looking for supervisors• Journalists looking for SME• Funding Organizations looking for peer reviewers, focus group participants, media


• Can locate researchers using the following criteria:– Country, name, type, language competencies, keywords. disciplines trained

in, research discipline, area research, methodology, contribution type




CIHR UPDATES-Policy Changes

CIHR Acceptable Attachment Format

Attachment format for all pdf files http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/29300.html

The following apply to all attachments (including those for the Common CV):Indicate your name, the project title and the section title (e.g., Summary of Research Proposal) at the top of each page. Indicate the page number clearly at the bottom of each page. For CV attachments, only your name (i.e., does not have to be nominated principal applicant name) and the section title (e.g., Patents and Intellectual Property Rights) are required in the header. • Insert a margin of 2 cm (3/4 inch) - minimum - around the page. • Observe page limitations, additional pages may NOT be added unless specified. • Use only letter size (21.25 X 27.5 cm / 8.5" X 11") white paper/background for all attachments. • Photo-reduce the supporting documents if the originals are larger than (21.25 X 27.5 cm / 8.5" X 11"). • Use a font size of 12 point, black type. Six lines per inch. No condensed type or spacing. • Attachments must be uploaded in PDF format. • The size of the attached document(s) cannot exceed 30 MB per document.

For more information about converting documents to PDF, please refer to Help with Accessibility page.

For all documents that need to be attached, please follow the instructions provided within Research NET on how to upload your document.

For further information, please direct your inquiries to [email protected] or telephone 1-888-603-4178.

Attachment format for all pdf files http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/29300.html

The following apply to all attachments (including those for the Common CV):Indicate your name, the project title and the section title (e.g., Summary of Research Proposal) at the top of each page. Indicate the page number clearly at the bottom of each page. For CV attachments, only your name (i.e., does not have to be nominated principal applicant name) and the section title (e.g., Patents and Intellectual Property Rights) are required in the header. • Insert a margin of 2 cm (3/4 inch) - minimum - around the page. • Observe page limitations, additional pages may NOT be added unless specified. • Use only letter size (21.25 X 27.5 cm / 8.5" X 11") white paper/background for all attachments. • Photo-reduce the supporting documents if the originals are larger than (21.25 X 27.5 cm / 8.5" X 11"). • Use a font size of 12 point, black type. Six lines per inch. No condensed type or spacing. • Attachments must be uploaded in PDF format. • The size of the attached document(s) cannot exceed 30 MB per document.

For more information about converting documents to PDF, please refer to Help with Accessibility page.

For all documents that need to be attached, please follow the instructions provided within Research NET on how to upload your document.

For further information, please direct your inquiries to [email protected] or telephone 1-888-603-4178.

Privacy Policy

As of November 17, 2011 Tri-council funding agencies have implemented a privacy policy http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/_doc/NSERC-CRSNG/governance-gouvernance/consent-consentement_eng.pdf

slight change to informed consent and the look of signature pages big change to what it means –related to Tri-Council Policy Statement: Integrity in Research and Scholarship http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/NSERC-CRSNG/Policies-Politiques/tpsintegrity-picintegritie_eng.asp

PROCESS Changes:

• RCT included in Operating grants competition-same deadlines but some differences in format

• e-Approval— online tool used for few, specific funding opportunities-Operating Grants is one of them

• NEW 2011! Online Deadline change-ALL Research NET submissions DUE online by 8:00 PM


CIHR UPDATES-Process Changes

RCT included in Operating grants

Since Fall 2009 Operating grants include RCT applicantshttp://www.cihr.ca/e/39473.html

-if the budget requested is ≥ $250,000 in any project year researchers must apply to the RCT peer review committee;

-if the budget requested is <$250,000 in every project year researchers may apply to the most relevant content peer review committee OR to the RCT peer review committee

-some specific Heading requirements for application if submitting to RCT

Since Fall 2009 Operating grants include RCT applicantshttp://www.cihr.ca/e/39473.html

-if the budget requested is ≥ $250,000 in any project year researchers must apply to the RCT peer review committee;

-if the budget requested is <$250,000 in every project year researchers may apply to the most relevant content peer review committee OR to the RCT peer review committee

-some specific Heading requirements for application if submitting to RCT

e-Approval and Research NET

What it is

How it works

Who you are “submitting” to

Changes to signature process via HRS

How it affects non-FHS faculty

What it is

How it works

Who you are “submitting” to

Changes to signature process via HRS

How it affects non-FHS faculty

ALL institutions are on e-Approval since Fall 2009 Operating grants competitionALL institutions are on e-Approval since Fall 2009 Operating grants competition

Registration on Research NET starts the e-Approval process

Yellow highlighting indicates where action or attention is requiredYellow highlighting indicates where action or attention is required

E-mail confirmation is also sent with each submission to institution

Registration on Research NET:http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/39633.html

Registration is mandatory if you are planning on submitting a full Application

-Registration requires a CIHR PIN; new applicants must request a PIN

-Registration signals the work flow process between institution and CIHR

All information provided to CIHR at registration can be revised in the full applicationExcept:

 Name of Nominated Principal Applicant •Project Title•Chosen Peer Review Committee –keep this in mind when you revise budgets as the $250,000 in any yr on a trial goes to RC1 committee

Step-by Step e-Approval: Registration to Application stage

NEW! CIHR Deadline time change

Effective January 2011 for ALL Research NET submissionsEffective January 2011 for ALL Research NET submissions

20:00 (8:00 PM) EST is the NEW GLOBAL CIHR submission deadline

Midnight is NO LONGER the FINAL deadline for CIHR online submissions

If you miss the CIHR 8:00 PM EST deadline, your application WILL NOT be submitted to the CIHR competition

16:00 PM EST is the HRS deadline time for administrative processing in order to allow processing and any last minute contact with faculty prior to end of business day

20:00 (8:00 PM) EST is the NEW GLOBAL CIHR submission deadline

Midnight is NO LONGER the FINAL deadline for CIHR online submissions

If you miss the CIHR 8:00 PM EST deadline, your application WILL NOT be submitted to the CIHR competition

16:00 PM EST is the HRS deadline time for administrative processing in order to allow processing and any last minute contact with faculty prior to end of business day

Timeline for CIHR 2012 Operating Grant

August 15, 2012 Registration* deadline for Research NET

August 16 or soonere-mail receipt informing applicant of INTERNAL review deadline

August 15 or soonerArrange Mandatory Peer Review

September 10HRS deadline for INTERNAL review; Hit ‘SUBMIT ’ PRF & Checklist due

September 14Last day for HRS to review online; return applications to current activities

September 17Hit ‘SUBMIT’ 4:00pm EST ; Sig. pg’s attached as pdf to electronic submission

January 31 CIHR Announcement of competition results

* If you do not Register, you can NOT submit a full Application

Allow 10-14 days to complete the Peer Review process

Allow 10-14 days to complete the Peer Review process

Mandatory Peer Review (FHS only)*:Mandatory Peer Review (FHS only)*:

Peer Review Feedback Form (PRF)

Peer Review Facilitator arranges Peer Review sign off IS required, by internal deadline, prior to HRS review institutional signature not possible without it

PRF and Health Research Services (HRS)

**receipt of PRF from researcher signals HRS online review of Application:-email, hand delivered, or faxed signed PRF

*Non-FHS are exempt but may arrange peer review through ROADS office-contact Catherine Ahern, Sr. Advisor, [email protected] or ext. 21581

Get started on Peer Review!

**review begins when signed PRF and signed HRS Checklist are received AND applicant CONCURRENTLY hits “SUBMIT” on Research NET

Peer Review Facilitator Contacts

For Faculty of Health Sciences Applicants ONLY

HRS Internal Review Deadline: Sept 10th

Represents the date and time ALL applicants must submit draft materials for review online via Research NET; both FHS and non-FHS

Hit ‘SUBMIT’ on Research NET to submit to HRS Research Office for INTERNAL review AND hand in required INTERNAL paperwork

Set by HRS (Health Research Services-formerly CSD)

FINAL deadline is set after applicant hits “SUBMIT” for INTERNAL deadline; application is returned online to Research NET after internal review is completed

Allows enough time to revise and “tweak” before FINAL submission deadline

Note: Review on Research NET does not allow for HRS comments or corrections to be made to the application online via Research NET; separate e-mail with comments/suggestions will be sent to the applicant

Represents the date and time ALL applicants must submit draft materials for review online via Research NET; both FHS and non-FHS

Hit ‘SUBMIT’ on Research NET to submit to HRS Research Office for INTERNAL review AND hand in required INTERNAL paperwork

Set by HRS (Health Research Services-formerly CSD)

FINAL deadline is set after applicant hits “SUBMIT” for INTERNAL deadline; application is returned online to Research NET after internal review is completed

Allows enough time to revise and “tweak” before FINAL submission deadline

Note: Review on Research NET does not allow for HRS comments or corrections to be made to the application online via Research NET; separate e-mail with comments/suggestions will be sent to the applicant

INTERNAL Review Deadline is set on Research NET by HRS

Internal Review: Common Issues (to Avoid)



Eligibility: Common CV descriptions

Signature pages-missing signature page

Missing the INTERNAL review deadline



Eligibility: Common CV descriptions

Signature pages-missing signature page

Missing the INTERNAL review deadline

SAMPLE: Format required for all attachments

Header has NPI name, section title, and grant title (yr 1 $ amt is optional)

Footer has successive numbering by pdf attachment, starting at 1 and ending at last page of each pdf file

Non-FHS Faculty requirements

For non-FHS applicants, please submit:•a draft of entire application (including budget and budget justification)•An application Approval Form (MILO Checklist or GAAP found at http://roads.mcmaster.ca/forms•the signature page and routing slip from your Research NET application to:

TO: Catherine Ahern, Senior Advisor, Research Office for Administration, Development & Support (ROADS), [email protected] or ext. 21581, by September10, 2012.

Please contact Catherine if you have any questions or concerns regarding the institutional signature process.

NOTE: ALL Faculty must hit “SUBMIT” online for the INTERNAL deadline of September 10, 2012 4:00 PM EST set on Research NET

--Internal review cannot proceed without paperwork received and signature pages cannot be returned prior to meeting the internal deadline submission requirement--

Please contact Lisa Hodge in HRS if you have any questions or concerns regarding program eligibility or application requirements.


REQUIRED PAPERWORK:  What HRS needs from ALL applicants by the INTERNAL DEADLINE

Hit “SUBMIT” on Research NET to submit your online application for INTERNAL review (not the same as Peer Review)

ANDPaperwork required for HRS/ROADS institutional sign off:

•Signed signature Form or HRS Checklist http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/healthresearch/administration_forms.html (depending on faculty; non-FHS require a MILO Checklist or GAAP)

•signed PRF Form (FHS Faculty only)*•Signature page 1 – Routing Slip•Signature page – TO BE SIGNED BY INSTITUTION (leave blank)•Biohazard or any other ethics clearances ready at time of application

Once all of these materials are received, e-Approval is possible

Hit “SUBMIT” on Research NET to submit your online application for INTERNAL review (not the same as Peer Review)

ANDPaperwork required for HRS/ROADS institutional sign off:

•Signed signature Form or HRS Checklist http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/healthresearch/administration_forms.html (depending on faculty; non-FHS require a MILO Checklist or GAAP)

•signed PRF Form (FHS Faculty only)*•Signature page 1 – Routing Slip•Signature page – TO BE SIGNED BY INSTITUTION (leave blank)•Biohazard or any other ethics clearances ready at time of application

Once all of these materials are received, e-Approval is possible

* PRF Form is not required for non-FHS faculty

WHAT Paperwork HRS Needs from FHS Applicants by the INTERNAL deadline

Required Approval Page for non-FHS applicants: MILO Checklist or GAAP (depending on faculty)

Current funding opportunities http://www.researchnet-recherchenet.ca/rnr16/search.do?


Grants and Awards Guide http://www.irsc.gc.ca/e/805.html

For further assistance contact Lisa Hodge [email protected] at ext. 26367

Helpful Links

These materials are available at http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/healthresearch/research_fundingsource_cihr.html

McMaster Inventory of Science http://ios.mcmaster.ca/
