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MCPA Fall Conference Professional Track Program Booklet

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Program Booklet
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Maryland College Personnel Associaon MCPA Fall Conference & ACPA East Coast Graduate Fair 2011 Friday, October 21st Loyola University Maryland Columbia Campus
Page 1: MCPA Fall Conference Professional Track Program Booklet

Maryland College

Personnel Associa�on

MCPA Fall Conference &

ACPA East Coast Graduate Fair 2011

Friday, October 21st

Loyola University Maryland

Columbia Campus

Page 2: MCPA Fall Conference Professional Track Program Booklet


Program Table of Contents

Conference Schedule ............................................................................................. 3

Keynote Speaker Biography ................................................................................... 4

Program Session One Descrip-ons ........................................................................ 5

Program Session Two Descrip-ons ........................................................................ 6

Graduate School Fair Informa-on .......................................................................... 7

Program Session Three Descrip-ons ...................................................................... 8

Conference Center Maps ....................................................................................... 9

MCPA Execu-ve Board Informa-on ....................................................................... 10

Notes ...................................................................................................................... 11

Special Thanks ........................................................................................................ 12

You can follow us @Maryland_MCPA. During today's conference, you can use #mcpa

to talk with other conference a:endees and share ideas gained through the sessions

you a:end. A;er the conference, we encourage you to keep the conversa-ons going

either through Twi:er or our Facebook page.

MCPA has joined the Twi erverse!

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2011 MCPA Fall Conference Schedule

9:00am—9:30am Registra-on and Con-nental Breakfast

Room 210/230

9:30am—9:40am Welcome and Opening Remarks

Room 210/230

9:40am—10:00am Keynote Address

Room 210/230

10:15am—11:15am Good Inten-ons

Are Not Enough:


"Diversity" in

Student Affairs

Room 270

GeDng YOUR Word



Opportuni-es from

Beginner to

Experienced Writer

Room 272


Students to


Room 302

11:30am—12:30pm Hook 'Em Early:

Planning a Parent

Preview Orienta-on


Room 270

Learning by

Example: Cul-va-ng

Academic Affairs

and Student Affairs


Room 272

License to Thrill:


Training, and

Reten-on in Student


Room 330

12:30pm—1:00pm Graduate School Fair

Rooms 259 and 261

12:30pm—1:30pm Lunch

Room 210/230

1:45pm—2:45pm Mission Possible:

Involving a

Student Affairs

Division in


Room 259

Tweet, Tag, &

Friend: Be a

Social Media

Rock Star

Room 272

They Are Just

Not That Into


Room 302

Peer Listening:


Students to

Support Each


Room 330


3:30pm—5:30pm Happy Hour Social at The Green Turtle

MCPA Business Mee-ng, Awards Ceremony,

Raffle & Closing Remarks

Room 210/230

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Keynote Speaker

Dr. Thomas C. Segar is currently the Vice President for Student

Affairs at Shepherd University, a premier public liberal arts

ins-tu-on in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. He has

overall responsibility for 17 departments and func-ons. He is one

of three faculty members in the Shepherd University College

Student Development and Administra-on graduate program and

holds the rank of assistant graduate faculty member. He teaches

courses on the higher educa-on student and student leadership development. He has

held previous posi-ons as a college administrator at other ins-tu-ons in the areas of

residence life, mul-cultural affairs, and disability services.

Dr. Segar is a past Doctoral Fellow and Research Assistant in the Department of

Counseling and Personnel Services at the University of Maryland. He has taught

undergraduate and graduate courses in intergroup dialogue and mul-cultural prac-ce

in student affairs at the University of Maryland, and is a former adjunct faculty

member in the Department of Counseling and Student Personnel at Shippensburg

University. He has served as a co-principal inves-gator for a study on service learning,

and is a past project manager for the Mul--Ins-tu-onal Study of Leadership. He has

published over a dozen ar-cles and delivered over thirty refereed na-onal and

regional conference presenta-ons.

Dr. Segar has been an independent consultant to colleges, public school systems, and

other educa-onal organiza-ons for 10 years. He speaks, writes, and researches on

leadership, diversity, and social jus-ce topics, and has created and evaluated

educa-onal programs for colleges and universi-es. He has delivered over a dozen

keynote addresses and 150 invited talks and presenta-ons at over 50 ins-tu-ons and

organiza-ons throughout the United States.

Dr. Segar is a three--me past faculty member of the Regional Entry Level Ins-tute for

housing professionals and most recently a faculty member for the 20th James C.

Grimm Na-onal Housing Training Ins-tute. He is also Lead Facilitator for the

LeaderShape Ins-tute, an alumnus of the Social Jus-ce Training Ins-tute, and an

instructor for the Shepherd University Junior High Washington Gateway Academy.

Dr. Segar earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology with a Cer-ficate in

African American Studies from the University of Maryland, and his Master of Science

degree in Counseling with a Specializa-on in College Student Personnel from

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree

from the College Student Personnel Program at the University of Maryland. His

concentra-on was teaching and social jus-ce in higher educa-on. His disserta-on

explored the rela-onship between socio-cultural issues discussions and social change

behaviors among undergraduate students.

Tom Segar, Ph.D.

Sponsored by the ACPA Speaker Grant

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Program Session One

Good Inten�ons Are Not Enough: Decolonizing "Diversity" in Student Affairs

Room 270

Paul C. Gorski, Ph. D

George Mason University; Humane Society University

Despite the good inten-ons of “diversity advocates” and “mul-cultural affairs” offices,

many diversity ini-a-ves accentuate exis-ng inequi-es. Drawing on the concept,

“decolonized mul-culturalism,” through interac-ve discussion and exercises,

par-cipants will explore how “diversity” is framed, o;en in ways that support

hegemonic condi-ons related to race, sexual orienta-on, gender, class, and so on. We

will discuss common ways these condi-ons are perpetuated through well-inten-oned

diversity ini-a-ves and how to challenge ourselves to transcend the dominant

discourse and push for social jus-ce.

Ge6ng YOUR Word Out: ACPA Publica�on Opportuni�es from Beginner to

Experienced Writer

Room 272

Alice A. Mitchell, Ph. D

University of Maryland College Park

As professionals in student affairs, we o;en have informa-on to share with others

that will assist them professionally. Instead of just walking down the hall and chaDng

with your neighbor, why not share your informa-on and exper-se more broadly?

This session will acquaint you with ACPA publica-ons and "what it takes" to write for

each one. Some publica-ons are great for those who are just beginning to write

professionally. Other publica-ons are a good choice if you have some publica-on

experience. Come learn how to get started in sharing your good ideas beyond chaDng

with your neighbor!

Encouraging Students to Intervene Room 330

Tim Cherney, Loyola University Maryland

Jennifer McCary, Ge:ysburg College

Everyday our students witness bias-related behaviors or other ac-ons that damage our

communi-es. This session will review factors that inhibit students from intervening in

these situa-ons. Furthermore, once students commit to intervening, many aren't

confident in their abili-es to make a posi-ve change. This presenta-on will provide

par-cipants with tools, techniques, and language they can use to empower their

students to step in when they witness nega-ve behaviors.

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Program Session Two

Hook 'Em Early, planning a Parent Preview Orienta�on Program Room 270 Michael Robbin, McDaniel College

McDaniel College introduced a new parent orienta-on program for Summer 2011

called Parent Preview. The program was aimed at making allies of the parents of the

incoming first year class parents early in the college experience, and to help be:er

orient them to the staff/offices so they could help serve as a resource to their

students. This session will walk through the major planning steps that Student Affairs

at McDaniel took in order to have this very successful program take place.

Learning by Example: Cul�va�ng Academic Affairs and Student Affairs

Connec�ons Room 272 Michael Puma, Loyola University Maryland

David S. Clurman, University of Maryland, Bal-more County

Research indicates that students who have informal contact with faculty outside of

the classroom are generally more sa-sfied with college life, exhibit higher levels of

achievement, and are more likely to graduate from college. Come find out how two

universi-es, one public and one private, have worked to create and maintain

successful connec-ons between academic affairs and residen-al life. Learn about how

you could develop and nurture programs on your campus while avoiding common

challenges and piSalls.

License to Thrill: Recruitment, Training, and Reten�on in Student

Organiza�ons Room 330 Ana Maia, University of Maryland - College Park

Damien Franze, University of Maryland - College Park

This interac-ve presenta-on examines effec-ve prac-ces and approaches in working

with student organiza-ons and leaders. The learning outcomes include a)

understanding the role of involvement with student organiza-ons as a vehicle for

leadership development and student success; b) gaining knowledge and understanding

of effec-ve strategies for recruitment, training, development and reten-on of student

organiza-on leaders; c) understanding the importance and effec-veness of

standardized and inten-onal recruitment and selec-on processes, peer-mentoring

experiences, and new-member training within a student organiza-on.

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ACPA East Coast Graduate Fair

Baylor University

Bowling Green State University

Canisius College

Colorado State University

Florida State University

George Washington University

Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Iowa State University

Kent State University

Marque:e University

Marywood University

Michigan State University

Nova Southeastern University

Ohio University

Oklahoma State University

Old Dominion University

Oregon State University

Penn State University

Rutgers University

Sheppard University

Shippensburg University

St. Cloud State University

Syracuse University

The Ohio State University

University of Arizona

University of Iowa

University of Maryland, College Park

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

University of Oklahoma

University of San Diego

University of the Pacific

University of Vermont

Virginia Tech

Are you thinking about a masters degree in College Student Personnel/Higher

Educa�on? Have you been toying with the idea of ge6ng your Ph.D.? Come to the

ACPA East Coast Graduate Fair to talk with representa�ves from a number of

different programs and pick up some valuable informa�on.

For a full list of student affairs graduate programs, please visit the ACPA website at

h p://www2.myacpa.org/profprep-program-directory/profprep-directory-home2

Early Registra-on: October 1, 2011—January 31, 2012


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Program Session Three

Mission Possible: Involving a Student Affairs Division in Assessment Room 259

Emily Perl, Ph. D., Goucher College

Maureen Marshall, Goucher College

Learn how we engaged staff across the student life division at Goucher in assessment

efforts through a process which included: 1) Adop-ng the CAS learning domains as a

common language; 2) A series of professional development workshops for all staff in

the division; 3) The establishment of a division-wide assessment commi:ee. Think

about the great things students are learning in your work with them, and come to this

session to explore how you might assess that learning!

Tweet, Tag, & Friend: Be a Social Media Rock Star Room 272

Michelle O'Donnell, Mount St. Mary's University

Murphy Alafoginis, Mount St. Mary's University

Social media is the fastest growing method of communica-on to date, and one of its

greatest popula-ons is the 18-25 year age bracket. This session will detail the steps

taken in the Admissions Office at Mount St. Mary’s University to create a social media

strategy and long-term plan to enhance recruitment efforts.

They Are Just Not That Into You

Room 302

Rachel Morales, MCPA Member at Large

Laura Arthur, Loyola University Maryland

Ashley McCartney, McDaniel College

Searching for the next career move that’s right for you can have many similari-es to

da-ng. In this session you will learn how to put your best foot forward, seek out your

best match, and accept rejec-on as an invita-on to be:er possibili-es. Presenters will

share their stories and strategies to assist you in this stressful yet exci-ng -me.

Peer Listening: Teaching Students to Support Each Other Room 330 Roshelle Kades, Goucher College

A new student support service called peer listening has now been launched at Goucher

College. This presenta-on will cover what peer listening is and the importance of the

philosophy of listening. Topics covered also include the need for peer listening, how

the program at Goucher gained support from the college, protocol of the program, and

the actual process of recrui-ng, training, and supervising peer listeners.

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Conference Center Map

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MCPA Execu�ve Board


Karol Mar-nez

Maryland Ins-tute College of Art

Past President

Lorrie Budd

Community College of Bal-more County

President Elect

Megan Rowe

Loyola University Maryland


Laura Arthur

Loyola University Maryland

Membership Coordinator

Tim Cherney

Loyola University Maryland

Communica�ons Coordinator

Edward Wright

Mount St. Mary’s University

Member at Large

Andrea Andrews

McDaniel College

Member at Large

Brian Beccue

Mount St. Mary’s University

Member at Large

Candace Doane

Goucher College

Member at Large

Sco: Eckhardt

Goucher College

Member at Large

Ashley McCartney

McDaniel College

Member at Large

Rachel Morales

Fill out the MCPA Board Nomina�on form found in your conference folder!

Nominate yourself or a colleague TODAY!

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Special Thanks To:

Dr. Tom Segar

Vice President for Student Affairs

Shepherd University

De’Von Brown

Maryland Ins-tute College of Art

ACPA College Student Educators Interna-onal

Maryland College Personnel Execu-ve Board

Loyola University Maryland Columbia Campus

Loyola University Maryland Office of Student Life

MCPA Fall Conference and Graduate Fair Planning Commi ee:

Conference Co-Chair: Candace Doane, Goucher College

Conference Co-Chair: Sco: Eckhardt, Goucher College

Graduate Fair Chair: Ashley McCartney, McDaniel College

Andrea Andrews, McDaniel College

Timothy Chin, Goucher College

Crystal Hollenbaugh, University of North Carolina Wilmington

Chris-ne Krieger, Goucher College

Karol Mar-nez, Maryland Ins-tute College of Art

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