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McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON; KANSAS, THURSDAY, OCT. …archive.mcpherson.edu › wp-content ›...

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r , VOL'. Xil NSW !fDDIKllS ELlilOTBD r 'l'<) ,.......,...._ . Arter ' the tryout.a tor The1plan Club lut Tbuncla1, It wu deelded that the followlns penon1 lhould b• McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON; KANSAS, THURSDAY, OCT. 10. 1935 NUMBER 5 MAIDS AJD IN llEPING YM-vW FOOJ'BAU. QuEEM TO BE_ MRS. MORGAN YISITS oN-' MEN'.S DORMITORY NEAT . . OIOSEH FOR...HOMF.cOMING COUEGE CAMPUS Daily Senace Prona Helpful to At blotto A .. oclatton and Men Student& A,,.., SpphllOriq Con.,..t admitted u new membera: .Yola.Dda The Inmates ' or Fabqeatoclt ball A root.ball quCGn to honor tho Clark. Vl. o)! arrl1, Virginia Loe aro now ralacd to a blgber JeyeJ or Homecoming gamo with tho Swodoa Men and Women Relationablpa and "Growjnc Up with People" Diacuaaecl Steen•, Fraace1 Perdue, Le Vena lire. Tbo main reaeon for ui1i greatl on Nov. l 111 to bo eloctod by tho PERSONAL CONFERENCE HELD Hl1b , Martha Roop. Marc Hale, PaU' promotion 11 the fact that tboy do 1 1tud ent body ln the near futuro. Tho Lack.le, Art.hie Van Nortwtek, and not ban to keep the ir rooms clean cl6cllon la to be •Ponaored by the l". M. and W. OrganhraUon1 Spoa• Harold lArMn. any · more .• Each mornln; '' 8 o'· · 0 Quadranglo for lUG with th o aid or JriOr Hc..-..Rhe h 11·omu•c· Kan· Dorothy Mat1on .and Volma Wat· . clock, e,Jcopt Sunday, a maid, wllb the athlottc u8oclallon and Conch HAH w. PralMcmt )tln1 form a commllteo lo arrange an Mn. yoran'• help, n1akoa tho rounds . Dlnrord. btlUatlon for tbo new members. or the rooma and leaves them In CJ:- ' A nominating commltlco wlll be Mrs. :Miidred Inskeep Mor1an of cellenl order. The mon a. re rooulred apoplnt.ed to aclocl a lf?'OUP or Ca Iowa Ch.>". ' town, waa on tho collose PERSONNFJ. COMMITl'F.£ to keep th eir cloihoa hu. ng up and dldatea; from thl• group tho .11tu· cnmpu8 l ut Tu c•dny under t.ho •POD• DISCUSSES WOMllfS WAGES tho tables clooncd 'oft and tho maldo ' donts wlll cloct their favorlt o. Tho sorohl11 or tho Y. M. nnd Y. W. Sbe clean th o room. make the bcda and ' winner will be croWned bo[oro tho f; t\\'O lhreo i.nlk it . one Il l 10 : 00, ODO Group Qrawa UR Uat of Sue· dust the furniture. gaflle""Wlth a 1ultablo ceremony, and t 3:30. and ono at S:OO. She alao , • seated Rate.a Therq 11 a decided Improvement thonfwlll bo ih'en a trophy. It 11 not nee• wll .h 1tu- .. Tb dlleropancl e1 In wagei paid to dltf!JreDt ypmen working th eir waj' tbroagb college waa the s ubject di cUaaed bY th o Personnel Commlttco at . meeting last Monday. ll wu dlKOYcred that some wo-- men do twice al much work for tho umO amount or money aa otbora. A ,.. .. worked out by the eom- mlllH. u a recommendation only, which -would glYCJ th e women atu- dent.I what they &ro worth, and al tho aamo time, gh'e the ladlea , or employers wbat th ey pay ror. · .Tti o •ucrestcd rates a ro aa ·fol· Iowa : tor one di.y'e work or eight houri , one dollar; for tour hours, 1l1t1·tlve centa: for leH than [our bourt, twenty cents per hour: tor aa enulns spent taking caro of chll· dren, twen,t.7-flH cents. · It may be noticed that Lhl1 ls a craduated acale: fbat- ts. tb9 mor- work that ta done, the lea la gl.,cn per bour: for a 1horter Ume, moro 11 11.,en per hour. ' ' The oommUlee bellen1 · that I.be Jobe ahould be dlatributed ac-- ,cof'dlAS to the neetJa or both the ..: •omen workln1\ and. tho ladle• fare dMlrlDI' hoJp, In Che appearance or tho rooms , rot. dorl'11t aly dlocldod .u.a i to just dfty. "1 tbl a procedure bu st.Artea and c&n' ' ...,.... , 'what tho trophy will be. Pr s ld ont St h'6'alnl m·at be noticed by any caau&l obaor'f'or Furth er --. · 111 be at tho Ha en conroronce held tn going: through th o' halls about 10 h 1 T d P made lat er as to th e olectlon. f. fl tcfl Au .guat. 1934, whero o'clock. Tho men or Fahneatock. hall t . r oo 1 mes ll CH ny. Mrs .• torgn.u , 11ho wnR 011 0 of tho uil\ln 1poakor1. greatly nvvroclatc thi s docroaso In "' 110 waa 10 thu t nmpus by NEW WEBSTER IN IJBRARY Hu 0 rN·om111 01ulod her vory highly to LhoJr dally labon and are grea tly In th o Y. M. O. A. ,und the Y. W. C. * the locnl Chrh1tlnn organllatlona. debt to those r,esponalble ror thl a ad-1 with men- -- . Mrs. Morgnn'a nddrcu al 10 0 •. dllJObal• aor'f'lcc. . tic\'Cntt UookH arc Olft,ti1 W . J , cloek wn a on t1c.e lnl relntlonablpa or · , ' Krehbi el -Othnr IJlooks u11 with poopl o." Sho OX• NEW· OF.BATERS SOUGHT NINE ENROUED IN PRACTICE aro Add0<I lo Shclv.. l >r •••d at llndlng 1 a many . 'TEACHING HERE AT PRESENT tudonll who ... worklD# tbolr WaJ' The llbrl\ry hH· a ver)' Import.ant thr ough co ll oi:;o with npparenlly no Schedule for Men'• and Wo- Two nm In f:Jc ·11 u·ntnr.r new addition lhlt1 woek. It Is ll now lntor oHL In coll og·o ' work or any de- men'a Tryouta Announced Sc\•cn aro In Junlur 1md M ocond odltlon or Wobistor '1 diction- 8 1ru Lo lcn rn. by Coach Heaa lllKh ary. Thl 1 la tho flnt tborou ih re- ldcns should chnngo Ju al aS the vi sion 1ln co 1909 . Th o vocalJu1ar)' world 11 continu a. II>• chans;lng, Mn. The auhJect chosen for debate thi a ?\lno st ud ont.8 nro enrolled .In tho ha.a ·bee n complotoly rcw lacd, runny Mor,tnn 1 mld. Emollonnl ouUook1 yenr Is "Resolved, tho.t congroas cour"o or prn eLlco lel'cl>lng undur l now wordK o.dded and obeoloto worde ullio 11hould ·grow. Somo adult. 1Un ohould liuvo po\.·er lo o\·errld f • tho, dlrccllon or Dr. J. W. nottnoll. drowed. Thora oro mnoy othor Im- hO\'O tho f throo. declalon of the auprome court de- th ll aemeater. Two or thelO a(udenll proTOmen t.a ovor tho old dlcttona.ry. year-olds. · . are' dOlng · prnctl co teaching In elo- Thrco hooks ·havo been received Another 11olnt alr ted Mn. th & rollowlog announcements con· mentary school• In ?tfcPhoraon1 and this na gift.a ot Mr&. Kr o'1blol. wa8 that womon need to men'• and Tryout.a ror ' men'• deba.to th o clauca th ey are to talne. Two othor book&, ''Applied "Mon nnd w<imon trl endablpm oa. .. are achodulod for 6:30 p. m. Wed- tench .and the regular teach .. EconomloB" and "Economic Prob- th o cnmpua" wa11 tho aubJeat tqr Mn. n.eaday, Nov. 6, In cha.pet; • ·omen's era. Lat er on, however, tho 1tudent1 loma" aro gift.a or Pror. Bohling. Morgan's d lJJCu11lon at l:IO. Ber tryouta at .. 1:30 p. m .. Tburada7. Noi; ; wlll •.siuaUr teach tho cluaes lh0:_Senral new novel• ., huo been main Idea wH that contact wltk ... 1. Men will meet In Room 9 at 1: 10 1et\.ea. purchued thla week. Among them opposite &ex 11 srttat17 .nMCled.. Ill• v. m ., Oct. 31 . Each de-1 . Tbo10 studontff who aro enrolled are ' 1 Tho Arrow of Gold" by Joaeph 11uga:o1tod that colloso1 1bou14 !' bater vi'lll prepare a fh'o-mlnuto con- ill th 1 courao afro : Jngoborg swiu· Conri.4· .. Humpr7 Ollnker" by 8. means ror 1tudoot1 to _.._ .._ _ _,=...,..-=--= ..... --- llrucu .. e apeoch and a. two-mlmtl . son. · oOkkeeplng, "' aenlor high. UD· the Obac ure' ' by HSr- wllhou t. 8)JCfid1ng .... IO ift'ti...-ma WJ. VASii YOlJNG OPENS LYCFJJM- rebuttal. Ord er or spca.kera wlll be dei- MI H Kuhn. Detty Ju of1. Lalin. dy : "A n oo m --.·Ith a View·• I.Jr For- Shu hl«hly oppro,•ed or the recrea.- ' DIANGE LATER. PROGRAM . dot@ rmlned by Jot. Begin now and 1 aonlor 1 hi gh, under Ml1u1 Wickeeto r; "E\•ellna" by Arhla)' ; and l-1011111 room thnl tho Student Coun· read. on both ai des of tho QUOll tiOJl I sham: Clarence Sink. United Stalo11 "'saallo or Otronto" by Wntpolb. 1 e ll or thlH coll ogo 1 11 vtannlo1. Tk. ktes to GO on Sale la Near Future unlll you draw ror atdea. Prellm- bl1ton'. acnlor high, under Mr. · Cl e. Fh·o books about vuloue Vh:ll! ca Marriage , wu touched upon by _:rr&ee .. 48 ' $1 for lnarr m•>-., be 0 ,bta lned l mont; Archie Van Nortwlck: ecnom· of mu 11 1c have beon add ed to the Mr•. Mors;an. Sh"o bolle•e1 that mar· fr om tho Un h cralt}' Debaters i lea, 11onlor high, under Mr : Kopelk'. 11hclna. Thoy ar c "Cnro and Trent.• rlngo t1hou td ho n part.nonhlp propo· . Tho lyceum course will begin this ala ot 1922·!:!3 and 19 23 24 and rrom 1 monch Ha rr l11, chornl work , Junior ment or l\luelc In a. Library" hy Wa.J .. 81Uon. that huHho nd and wire 1bquld fleHOn on NoT. 6_. with tho lecture a copy or Rerere nco Sheu. These l ·'"d senior high, under Mi sti Dahling· Jaco: "Artic ulation In Singing" by do t.hlng11 t oA;et her ond havo com· by V11h Youns. author of ''A For· bibliographies aro not to be taken or : Harold nelneckcr. train· Sir George Henschel: " Wha t. tho vo-- · mon lntcrca11. tune to Share." Ticket.a will go OD from tho library. Oebato mftlerln.l Jng, ..enlor hlJ;h, under Mr. Crum .. cal Student Should Know·• by J}eIn hur ove nln1t addrOlll!I , Mn. M:or- aale In the near future . lho prJco ot wlll be aeaoruble.d 111 lhe libra rian'• packer: Modena Kuurtmnn, English. 1y ; •jnow 10 S uccood In Slnglni:" by fUt ll 1woke on lho rolntlon1hlp or par- a eca1on ticket beln« U.00 , .. ·. omce. You may chock out a ronaon· 1mdor Ml sa tful1; hl , ao nl or hi gh; lta.· Duul-Poccla; and "Orcal Sln gor11 on cnt rtnd child And or rol 1. tlon1blp1 Ttio r. or . tho Dixie Melody able amount or It iu bJect to rorer- thet gra des. under MI H Singing" by cooko. 1 and 11rn rrl AKO of men 'a nd women. Muters. a Negro quartet. which wa.a enco regulations. Thomae, WR"hlnglon t1ehoo1. and Other no•· Tolumea I n c 1 u d o jl er nrnln td eM wna that In both ca• formorlr scheduled · tor Jan. 17, C&ndldRl e& ror tea m• should sub- A1 r1, Ooro1to S1rntly, i:::ru d1!ll, ut L in· " American Dlpl ommtlc lt ulotlon" c8 f lOrRon11 "hould work to1etbcr. U3C . ·• ·Ill have to bo changed owing mil tholr namea at once to tho d coin 11chool , und or MIKft Johnson. . ourlni::: w orld wo.r" by Sey- While tho yo uni oor11on acts bta' to other eontllct1. Thi• will be the bat e coaeh. Ir you aro Interested li:t _ mour: "SongH of rrnl ac" by Deur- own KOll l. tho old ur poraon mual laat program of tho course. Tbo l1eeum cou ne fa spont0red b7 council reProtentlng tho twO col· 1 egot In M:cPbenon, the city acbool1, and the Mlnl1torla-1 Union In a.n· at .. -.... tempt to bl"la1 aomelhlng: lnaph'a· l lonal , worth while, and or oduca· llonal •lenlrlcanco lO tho' home com- by maldng tho ticket.a within the reach of moat of tho peo- ple and ao huo made 1>0P"tble tba low nrtce or the tickets.. Profeuor Dell ropreae.nt1 .Mr Phor· Bon CoUege on the council. dobate and aro wllll bg to do a great CHURCH WOMEN GIVE TEA 'Iner; and "Zola and Illa Llro" by h.-·u ao mo .. ,. In how tho goal 11 deal or hard worlr; h• IP to 1 FOR GIRLS OF COLI.EGE J oaophao n. . uchlc•ed. Mra. Morgan atated. Th• the enviable r e:ord or ·McPherson · __ An lntorofltlng editorial In tho J)nronta 11ho uld rind poa1 lhUlllca In In for eQ1 lc1. New c1.rndldntca aro . ?'ltWllt• nl s(•lf•(•tlonH nm1 ReadlnJ<tt Chrfatlan Rc lonco Mbnllor ror Oct. 3 tholr childr en and develop .them. needed to rm In t oa ma, l"urnl.,;h •:ntcrt.a.lruu cnc. --. ·u written by Mi u Mory Jharnly, AKO a nd tout h mu .11t! work together. particularly tor wom en'• debate. For dau1tbtu or Dr. and Mra. H arnly or In tho Aarno connecLlon . Mn. Mor· further lnformntlon, call at Room Tho wom en dr i he church sn Ye a th hi c ity , The cdltorlal 1 1 cntltlcd J;lln lli ta1 cd Uml mon nnd woman !) nt conroro ,ncc hou r8, 9 : 00 n. m. toll to the colloi;c gi rls Snnduy utt.or .. "Oulldln«i 1111 OR.Ill• on tho DOK rt ." 11111Ht.. work ur id lhlnk toi;cothor to cxcoot Thuradaye and 1 : 30 lo 3:30 noon fr om throo 10 th·o o'clock. tl dcacrlbmt how tho tow n of Alli- 11 chl ovo t ho hot1t.. rea ullM. The ldc•I p. m.-Ma url ce A. H eu, debate Tho rre11h miin and Junior ance. Nebr .. with a population or ht OJU) I n which bolb pcr- coacb. wero e11tcr1nln1 1 d ror th o flNlt hour only 7,000, has carr ied out an excel- KOnK aharo rceponalbl11llca. Each nnd th e aoUlwmorc n11 d Kunlor gir l• lont. prmtrum or und heuutl· kno.wH how th o othur 1hu1de on all l"f.ANS FOR l"STEHSATIOSAf, tho llltlor hour. rt callon . 'fh la town belnir J ocotcd ld ca11. RF:LATIOSS llADH tho ortt! rnoon mualc•I &e- on th o cdi:;o or th o 10 called Oreat In cloalni;. Mr11. Moron uld that loctlonll woro 1: h·en hy MJIUI Mnttlo America n Dese rt ti •• endured man y! tho ll mc to ch•n.:o 11 In college wbllo The t utltute or lnt ornallona l Il Shay. Ml6ff Currlnn nowort1, ond Mrfl , hardflhlpa lncludlnK du 11 t 1nor m!f, ono '" do\•cJopl n(l . If ono takoa Umo lntlona •·Ill be hold Jun e 9 to Juno ll .ull h Jiollo't''UY 'fwo rcudlnga wero tloode, a nd 1;11zztirdIHJ'l thuy huvo I cuc h duy for poraonal modHaUoa, lROllOTION DA.f EXERCISES_ 10 , 1936, at Dct hel college. 11ccord- give n-one "h.umo roua reading, ''In never s;lven up. Now ln•ldo t}l olr tho proccu of " growlaa 11p" can bo AT ClllltOI OF BRE111REN I Ing to a repon. or a committee meet- Nlnot ee.n-?\in cty-Ehdtt." by M r •· city Jlml UI they b avo Ye rr be• ullful compl ctc<I In th o four coll ege yens. . __ Ing or th e lnaUtuto, held Sa.turd•>' Ru .sh. HollowMy, und the othor ,. n park with " 1 1wlmmlng J >ool and ,\1r• . Mori;.11 11 recclTod Bacho· PapJh1 or Sat;tda7 School at Jl;cv.· ton. · •• ilcul rendln R:, " Urenrn ln g In the Twl· p1ny J(round . Out"ld& tho oily aro lor of Sc lo11co dcgr oo tn homo cco-- . 'Aro Adn.nccd A central commllleo , who110 work light ," by MIH Della l ..ch man. MI U located a golr courHo. nn arnu11emcnl nornlu C rom Slate Cc¥le10 t! to help plan and roeter thl1 tnau 0 Loh h1an was accompanied by the pl · park and an ai rport. Thi NohrHka And her Muter l!J In roloua educ•· poplls or t.ho Suodar tute lo J<anqa, la composed or rep- ano RDd ,•folln, town ha• tr uly dono an oxcellcnt tlon t rom Tea.chore Collc«c. Colum· Scliool were adnnced In their eland· reao.nt.atlvet or many prominent .er- Tho church buacmc nl ..-ua ve;y nl( pl eco or wo rk In , Improving their _Illa tJnlveral ty. She alt0 coIns at ihe annual promotion day ex· • Ice or ra nl r.aUon1, nmong whlc.h tractlYely decorated with colorful cllr. pl otcd ftl tho latter ln1t1tutlon ret1I· e-:.tJaee at the: Church or tho Br Otb' .. are: the y..; w. C. A.. W. C. T. u. dra pe rl e1, .croon1, rl oweri . ot.e. Mr.. dunco tor her Doctor- ru Suadar. The program. with .!olr. and Y. M. c. ll erthey an d Mra. Petry were re- W•)'h Abru•ht tA:a<l# o. :. atc In the fl ofd.a of child dewelopmenl Leonard Crumpacker prc1ldlag-, con- A croup or collage prealdonta and apo n1lb j,t... for thl1. Mre. Paul Sugc nl -- . and parent oducallon. Sha bu alao elated of de.,ottona · tea by Es ther Other, prominent Ka naana wlll be and Mr•. Mohler po ured tho t ea'. , Waynu Albrftht WH J et1 dor or tho In P1trl 1, Huchar eat, •l!d Now SbertJ. c.rouP 1lqglng led br Ella•· Hked to act aa e:i>o n1ora In tho lna'U· · Chrllillan Endeavor Aunday ovonln g. I ) or k'. City. .. _beth •ohler. a YIOIID aolo. "Medlla· tote. · . Tho prosram de.alt with pcaco a nd At ono tlmo Mri . Morgan wu pro- lion" from •"Tbata." by Oiae Nlnlo- I , · _ . I con1l1ted or thr ee .. The after 1fdcnt or th o Kanue •v. W. org"""" I ...-mmeodatlon ° that I.be puplla "Open Ho"""" .ln -Pabn..,Wck !=ALENDAR FOR THE WEElt orte<:ts or Lh e Wor ld War '' bY Th o- .. uon . Al prollt\Dt her hu• band .:. 'rl?moted by Mr. Crumpa.eku, To De Held by Men Saturday reaa Strom. ' 'Tho .ertP..cl.3 or . war un t ouc: hOK rolhtloue cdu c.1uto n lo Iowa .. : 1 a'4 the PreeentaUon or promotion -- t October i l- Poetry Club h"amea and lnd}. vldual1," by La.Ma r SUit Unlverelty• .c..:.i.:;-Cl. ,!'41 to_°!• Tt.tfoa.a pupll1 by ReT, Tho m n or FabaC9lock Hall are meelll In Y. w. room at. 3: 30. Dollinger. and 'Tbe atti t ude or the c. Y. .;., ,. - ,., -...,- .-,- .. - ... - .• the Jeo.d .. ·Zook. · a:olag to ahow tho world b.ow Saturday, October U-Open Hou t1e United towa rdtho Halla ,,_ _ Mr. Crumpacker atatee lbat there 11ve. In othe r word't they ne going a't Pahn e.toek fhll rro na 8 o'clock Elh_ loplan affair ,'.' ·by .Pau.J Boot. are 11' recularly cluMI to h.a'f'e "open boa 1&" to 11 o'clock. Precedlnr thlt . a abort bu•fneu od Ute afl.ras- the ntabL.Oct . u . Ewerroae I.I la nodsy. Octobflr U -:-C. E. at Lb mee.Un«i waa held to !>Out the put moatb hu .,,_. 214 . Tbe to- to 'f'h1lt the In the.Ir room1 l>e-' Coll ege Cbureh. c:o p, m. purcbaal na: of IODC' book.I •"d tho tat Mlrdlment.. of lbe 8a!l4a1 Bcbool ' tweeq lbe boura ot 8 o'clock and Tuelitdar. October 16-Ruular "'/. Af . pre1entat1011 'O( o )lla'y on Oct. 9 Ill aad ' lUt JMr'• uerace at· 11 o'c.lock. A 1fgbt will I a,ad· Y. w. meell.ap, 10 a. m. 1fU lit. . !'II oonod. --- · ________ _,,_ A on e act nlay,. "Ou1t or the Rood." 1pontored by th e C. E. or- p nlu Uoo and dlr:eeted by Estelle Rallo 11, to l 'f() 1:t1en on October %7. . nehearaal1 ror th e produotJon hate alread7 1tartt4.
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,VOL'. Xil

NSW !fDDIKllS ELlilOTBD ~ r 'l'<) ~PIAN ~'B ,.......,...._ ~~ . .

Arter ' the tryout.a tor The1plan Club lut Tbuncla1, It wu deelded that the followlns penon1 lhould b•



Daily Senace Prona Helpful to At blotto A .. oclatton and Quadran~lo Men Student& A,,.., SpphllOriq Con.,..t

admitted u new membera: .Yola.Dda The Inmates ' or Fabqeatoclt ball A root.ball quCGn to honor tho

Clark. Vl.o)! arrl1, Virginia Loe aro now ralacd to a blgber JeyeJ or Homecoming gamo with tho Swodoa

Men and Women Relationablpa and "Growjnc Up with

People" Diacuaaecl

Steen•, Fraace1 Perdue, Le Vena lire. Tbo main reaeon for ui1i greatl on Nov. l 111 to bo eloctod by tho PERSONAL CONFERENCE HELD Hl1b, Martha Roop. Marc Hale, PaU' promotion 11 the fact that tboy do1 1tudent body ln the near futuro. Tho

Lack.le, Art.hie Van Nortwtek, and not ban to keep their rooms clean cl6cllon la to be •Ponaored by the l". M. and \~. W. OrganhraUon1 Spoa•

Harold lArMn. any ·more .• Each mornln; '' 8 o'·· 0

Quadranglo for lUG with tho aid or JriOr Hc..-..Rhe h 11·omu•c· Kan·

Dorothy Mat1on .and Volma Wat·. clock, e,Jcopt Sunday, a maid, wllb the athlottc u8oclallon and Conch HAH ~ • • w. PralMcmt

)tln1 form a commllteo lo arrange an Mn. yoran'• help , n1akoa tho rounds . Dlnrord.

btlUatlon for tbo new members. or the rooma and leaves them In CJ:- ' A nominating commltlco wlll be Mrs. :Miidred Inskeep Mor1an of

cellenl order . The mon a.re rooulred apoplnt.ed to aclocl a lf?'OUP or Can· Iowa Ch.>". ' town, waa on tho collose

PERSONNFJ. COMMITl'F.£ to keep their cloihoa hu.ng up and dldatea; from thl• group tho .11tu· cnmpu8 lut Tuc•dny under t.ho •POD•

DISCUSSES WOMllfS WAGES tho tables clooncd 'oft and tho maldo ' donts wlll cloct their favorlto. Tho sorohl11 or tho Y. M. nnd Y. W. Sbe

clean tho room. make the bcda and ' winner will be croWned bo[oro tho f; t\\'O lhreo i.nlk it . one Il l 10 : 00, ODO

Group Qrawa UR Uat of Sue· dust the furniture. gaflle""Wlth a 1ultablo ceremony, and t 3:30. a nd ono at S:OO. She alao •

, • seated Rate.a Therq 11 a decided Improvement thonfwlll bo ih'en a trophy. It 11 not dh0o111dt• "dc1r1 srolnngul11c10onr0~oy. nee• wll.h 1tu- ..

Tb e° dlleropancle1 In wagei paid to dltf!JreDt ypmen working their waj'

tbroagb college waa the s ubject dis· cUaaed bY tho Personnel Commlttco at . l~olr meeting last Monday.

ll wu dlKOYcred that some wo-­men do twice al much work for tho umO amount or money aa otbora. A ~le ,.. .. worked out by the eom­mlllH. u a recommendation only, which -would glYCJ the women atu­dent.I what they &ro worth , and al tho aamo time, gh'e the ladlea , or employers wbat they pay ror. ·

.Ttio •ucrestcd rates a ro aa ·fol· Iowa: tor one di.y'e work or eight houri, one dollar; for tour hours, 1l1t1·tlve centa : for leH than [our bourt, twenty cents per hour: tor aa enulns spent taking caro of chll· dren, twen,t.7-flH cents. ·

It may be noticed that Lhl1 ls a craduated acale: fbat- ts. tb9 mor­work that ta done, the lea la gl.,cn per bour: for a 1horter Ume, moro 11 11.,en per hour. ' '

The oommUlee also~ bellen1 · that

I.be Jobe ahould be dlatributed ac-­,cof'dlAS to the neetJa or both the ..:•omen workln1\ and. tho ladle• ~hQ. fare dMlrlDI' hoJp,

In Che appearance or tho rooms 1ln~o , r ot. dorl'11taly dlocldod .u.a ito just dfty."1

tbla procedure bu st.Artea and c&n' ' ...,.... , 'what tho trophy will be. Pr s ldont Sth'6'alnl m·at &irB~ Mor·

be noticed by any caau&l obaor'f'or 10=:•·C~~~dr1:~~~·~~: :t:~~anbc~!, Further a~nouheamcnll --.·111 be g~n a t tho Ha en conroronce held tn

going: through tho ' halls about 10 h 1

T d P ~ made later as to the olectlon. f. fl tcfl Pnrk ~ ln Au.guat. 1934, whero

o'clock. Tho men or Fahneatock. hall t . roo 1 mes ll CH ny. Mrs .• torgn.u , 11ho wnR 011 0 of tho uil\ln 1poakor1.

greatly nvv roclatc this docroaso In "'110 waa b~ouA:.hl 10 thu t nmpus by NEW WEBSTER IN IJBRARY H u 0 rN·om 111 01ulod her vory highly to

LhoJr dally labon and are grea tly In tho Y. M. O. A. , und the Y. W. C. ~- * the locnl Chrh1tlnn organllatlona.

debt to those r,esponalble ror thla ad-1 :~~:n°~:1~:::1~1~:~rned with men- • • -- . Mrs. Morgnn'a nddrcu al 10 0•.

dllJObal• aor'f'lcc. . tic\'Cntt UookH arc Olft,ti1 or. ~'""· W . J , cloek wna on t1c.e lnl relntlonablpa or

· , ' Krehbiel -Othnr IJlooks "~rowing u11 with pooplo." Sho OX•

NEW· OF.BATERS SOUGHT NINE ENROUED IN PRACTICE • aro Add0<I lo Shclv.. l>r •••d •u~ prl oo at llndlng 1a many

. 'TEACHING HERE AT PRESENT • tudonll who ... worklD# tbolr WaJ' The llbrl\ry hH· a ver)' Import.ant through co lloi:;o with npparenlly no

Schedule for Men'• and Wo- Two nm In f:Jc ·11 u·ntnr.r Srhoo~ new addition lhlt1 woek. It Is ll now lntoroH L In collog·o ' work or any de-

men'a Tryouta Announced Sc\•cn aro In Junlur 1md Mocond od ltlon or Wobistor '1 diction- 81ru Lo lcn rn.

by Coach Heaa ~nlor lllKh School~ ary. Thl1 la tho flnt tborouih re- ldcns should chnngo Jual aS the

vision 1lnco 1909 . Tho vocalJu1ar)' world 11 continu a. II>• chans;lng, Mn.

The auhJect chosen for debate thia ?\lno studont.8 nro enrolled .In tho ha.a ·been complotoly rcwlacd, runny Mor,tnn 1mld. Emollonnl ouUook1

yenr Is "Resolved, tho.t congroas cour"o or prneLlco lel'cl>lng und ur l now wordK o.dded and obeoloto worde ullio 11hould · grow. Somo adult. 1Un

ohould liuvo po\.·er lo o\·errldf • ~-G tho, dlrccllon or Dr. J. W. nottnoll. drowed. Thora oro mnoy othor Im- hO\'O tho t omporame~t f throo.

declalon of the auprome court de- th ll aemeater. Two or thelO a(udenll proTOmen t.a ovor tho old dlcttona.ry. year-olds. · .

~:;~~: ~~~~·~·~::r~c:c~~!l~l~::1~~~;: are' dOlng · prnctlco teaching In elo- Thrco hooks ·havo been received Another 11olnt alr ted b~ Mn.

th& rollowlog announcements con· mentary school• In ?tfcPhoraon1 and this ~eek na gift.a ot Mr&. Kro'1blol. Mor~n.n wa8 that womon need to

:;:~:~.~:~"::.:: men'• and w.o~ ~t: 1~~~~:::~:~;:~~~:~~~~~::~~~~ ~~=£r:~U'.?L;~::~::~E!;o~~ ::::~0ho;:0t~0:::~f; n~::~d::~ n:~ Tryout.a ror ' men'• deba.to t oam~ obaor~lns; tho clauca they are to talne. Two othor book&, ''Applied "Mon nnd w<imon trl endablpm oa. ..

are achodulod for 6:30 p. m. Wed- tench .and al~lns; the regular teach .. EconomloB" and "Economic Prob- th o cnmpua" wa11 tho aubJea t tqr Mn.

n.eaday, Nov. 6, In cha.pet; • ·omen's era. Later on, however, tho 1tudent1 loma" aro gift.a or Pror. Bohling. Morgan's d lJJC u11lon at l:IO. Ber

tryouta at .. 1:30 p. m .. Tburada7. Noi; ; wlll •.siuaUr teach tho cluaes lh0:_m· Senral new novel• ., huo been main Idea wH that contact wltk ...

1. Men will meet In Room 9 at 1 : 10 1et\.ea. purchued thla week. Among them opposite &ex 11 srttat17 .nMCled.. Ill•

v. m., Thur~~ay. Oct. 31 . Each de-1 . Tbo10 studontff who aro enrolled are ' 1Tho Arrow of Gold" by Joaeph 11uga:o1tod that colloso1 1bou14 !' bater vi'lll prepare a fh'o-mlnuto con- ill th 1 courao afro : Jngoborg swiu· Conri.4· .. Humpr7 Ollnker" by 8 . means ror 1tudoot1 to ' b&'f'e~

_.._.._ _ _,=...,..-=--= ..... --- llrucu .. e apeoch and a. two-mlmtl . son. · oOkkeeplng,"' aenlor high. UD· -~{ollehe: . iude the Obac ure'' by HSr- wllhou t. 8)JCfid1ng .... I O ift'ti...-ma WJ.

VASii YOlJNG OPENS LYCFJJM- rebuttal. Order or spca.kera wlll be dei- MIH Kuhn. Detty Juof1. Lalin. dy : "A noom --.·Ith a View·• I.Jr For- Shu hl«hly oppro,•ed or the recrea.­

'DIANGE ~IH. LATER. PROGRAM. dot@rmlned by Jot. Begin now and 1 aonlor 1 high, under Ml1u1 Wicker· eto r; "E\•ellna" by Arhla)' ; and l-1011111 room th nl tho Student Coun·

read. on both aides of tho QU OlltiOJl I sham: Clarence Sink. United Stalo11 "'saallo or Otronto" by Wntpolb. 1 e ll or thlH collogo 111 vtannlo1.

Tk.ktes to GO on Sale la Near Future unlll you draw ror atdea. Prellm- bl1ton'. acnlor high, under Mr. ·Cle. Fh·o books about vuloue Vh:ll! ca Marriage ,wu touched upon by

_:rr&ee .. 48 '$1 for Se.~n lnarr bl~llog:r.apbr m•>-., be 0,bta lned l mont; Archie Va n Nortwlck: ecnom· of mu111c have beon added to the Mr•. Mors;an. Sh"o bolle•e1 that mar·

from tho Unh cralt}' Debaters Annu~ i lea, 11onlor high , under Mr: Kopelk'. 11hclna. Thoy arc "Cnro and Trent.• rlngo t1hou td ho n part.nonhlp propo·.

Tho lyceum course will begin thi s ala ot 1922·!:!3 and 19 23•24 and rrom 1 monch Harr l11, chornl work , Junior ment or l\luelc In a. Library" hy Wa.J .. 81Uon. tha t huHho nd and wire 1bquld

fleHOn on NoT. 6_. with tho lecture a copy or Rererenco Sheu. These l ·'"d senior high, under Misti Dahling· Jaco: "Articulation In Singing" by do t.hlng11 toA;ether ond havo com·

by V11h Youns. author of ''A For· bibliographies aro not to be taken or : Harold n elneckcr. n~nual train· Sir George Henschel: " Wha t. tho vo-- · mon lntcrca11.

tune to Share." Ticket.a will go OD from tho library. Oebato mftlerln.l Jng, ..enlor hlJ;h, under Mr. Crum .. ca l Student Should Know·• by J}eu· ~ In hur ovenln1t addrOlll!I , Mn. M:or­

aale In the near future. lho prJco ot wlll be aeaoruble.d 111 lhe librarian'• packe r : Modena Kuurtmnn, English. 1y ; •jnow 10 Succood In Slnglni:" by fUt ll 1woke on lho rolnt lon1hlp or par­

a eca1on ticket beln« U.00, .. ·. omce. You may chock out a ronaon· 1mdor Mlsa tf ul1;hl , ao nlor high; lta.· Duul-Poccla; a nd "O rcal Slngor11 on cnt rtnd child And or rol 1.tlon1blp1

Ttio dat~ r.or .tho Dixie Melody able amount or It iubJect to rorer- thet Snowber~Cr. grades. under MIH Singing" by cooko. 1 and 11rnrrlAKO of men 'a nd women.

Muters. a Negro quartet. which wa.a enco regulations. Thomae, WR"hl nglon t1ehoo1. and Other no•· Tolumea I n c 1 u d o jler nrnln td eM wna that In both ca•

formorlr scheduled · tor Jan. 17, C&ndldRle& ror team• should sub- A1 r1, Ooro1to S1rntly, i:::ru d1!ll, ut L in· " American Dlplommtlc ltulotlon" c8 flOrRon11 "hould work to1etbcr.

U3C . ·• ·Ill have to bo changed owing mil tholr namea at once to tho d coin 11chool , undor MIKft J ohnson. . ourlni::: tt~o w orld wo.r" by Sey- While tho youni oor11on acts bta'

to other eontllct1. Thi• will be the bate coaeh. Ir you aro Interested li:t _ mour: "SongH of rrnlac" by Deur- own KOlll. tho oldur poraon mual

laat program of tho course. Tbo l1eeum coune fa spont0red b7

a · council reProtentlng tho twO col· 1egot In M:cPbenon, the city acbool1, and the Mlnl1torla-1 Union In a.n· at ..

-.... tempt to bl"la1 aomelhlng: lnaph'a· l lonal , worth while, and or oduca· llonal • lenlrlcanco lO tho' home com-

:~nl~~· 0~h:b:o::~:ttr~c1: ~:·~ht! ~mmunlly by maldng tho ticket.a within the reach of moat of tho peo­ple and ao huo made 1>0P"tble tba low nrtce or the tickets..

Profeuor Dell ropreae.nt1 .MrPhor· Bon CoUege on the council.

dobate and aro wllll bg to do a great CHURCH WOMEN GIVE TEA 'Iner; and " Zola and Illa Llro" by h.-·u aomo .. ,. In how tho goal 11

deal or hard worlr; h• IP to malntal~

1 FOR GIRLS OF COLI.EGE J oaophaon. . uchlc•ed. Mra. Morgan atated. Th•

the enviable re:ord or ·McPherson · __ An lntorofltlng editorial In tho J)nronta 11hould rind poa1 lhUlllca In

In foreQ1lc1. New c1.rndldntca aro. ?'ltWllt•nl s(•lf•(•tlonH nm1 ReadlnJ<tt Chrfatlan Rc lonco Mbnllor ror Oct. 3 tholr children and develop .them.

needed to rm vaca~clca In toama, • l"urnl.,;h •:ntcrt.a.lruucnc. --.·u written by Miu Mory Jharnly, AKO a nd touth mu .11t! work together.

particularly tor women'• deba te. For dau1tbtu or Dr. and Mra. H arnly or In tho Aarno connecLlon. Mn. Mor·

further lnformntlon , call a t Room Tho wom en dr ihe chu rch sn Ye a th hi c ity , The cdltorlal 11 cntltlcd J;lln lli ta1 cd Uml mon nnd woman

!) nt conroro,ncc hour8, 9 : 00 n. m. toll to the colloi;c gi rls S nnduy utt.or .. "Oulldln«i 1111 OR.Ill• on tho DOK rt ." 11111Ht.. work urid lhlnk toi;cothor to

cxcoot Thuradaye and 1 : 30 lo 3:30 noon from throo 10 th·o o'clock. t l dcacrlbmt how tho tow n of Alli- 11 chlovo t ho hot1t.. reaullM. The ldc•I

p . m.-Maurlce A . H eu, debate Tho rre11hmiin and Junior ~ l rla ance. Nebr .. with a population or rnarrla~c ht OJU) In which bolb pcr-

coacb. wero e11tcr1nln11d ror tho flNlt hour only 7,000, has carr ied out an excel- KOnK aharo rceponalbl11llca. Each

nnd the aoUlwmorc n11d Kunlor girl• lont. prmtrum or zonln~ und heuutl· kno.wH how tho othur 1hu1de on all

l"f.ANS FOR l"STEHSATIOSAf, tho llltlor hour. rtcallon. 'fh la town belnir Jocotcd ldca11.

RF:LATIOSS J"S~TITl.".Tl; llADH Ourln~ tho ortt! rnoon mualc•I &e- on tho cdi:;o or tho 10 called Oreat In cloalni;. Mr11. Moron uld that

loctlonll woro 1: h·en hy MJIUI Mnttlo America n Desert ti•• endured many! tho llmc to ch•n.:o 11 In college wbllo

The t utltute or lntornallona l Ile· Shay. Ml6ff Currlnn nowort1, ond Mrfl, hardflhlpa lncludlnK du 11 t 1norm!f, ono '" do\•cJopln(l. If ono takoa Umo

lntlona •·Ill be hold June 9 to Juno ll.ull h Jiollo't''UY 'fwo rcudlnga wero tloode, a nd 1;11zztird"· IHJ'l th uy huvo I cuch duy for poraonal modHaUoa,

lROllOTION DA.f EXERCISES_ 10 , 1936, a t Dcthel college. 11ccord- given-one "h.umoroua reading, ''In never s;lven up. Now ln•ldo t}lolr tho proccu of " growlaa 11p" can bo

AT ClllltOI OF BRE111REN I Ing to a repon. or a committee meet- Nlnotee.n-?\incty-Ehdtt." by M r •· city JlmlUI they b avo • Yerr be•ull ful complctc<I In tho four college yens.

. __ Ing or the lnaUtuto, held Sa.turd•>' Ru .sh. HollowMy, und the othor,. n mu~ park with " 11wlmmlng J>ool and ,\1r•. Mori;.11 11 recclTod h e~ Bacho·

Tbtrtr·~ PapJh1 or Sat;tda7 School at Jl;cv.·ton. · •• ilcu l rendln R:, " Urenrn lng In the Twl· p1ny J(round. Out"ld& t ho oily aro lor of Sclo11co dcgroo tn homo cco--

. 'Aro Adn.nccd A centra l commllleo, who110 work light ," by MIH Della l ..ch man. MIU loca ted a go lr courHo. nn arnu11emcnl nornlu Crom ~uhsa11 Slate Cc¥le10

t! to help plan and roeter thl1 tnau0 Loh h1an was accompanied by the pl · park and an ai rport. Thi• NohrHka And her Muter l!J In roU«loua educ•·

Thlrtr-lh~ poplls or t.ho Suodar tute lo J<anqa, la composed or rep- ano RDd ,•folln, town ha• truly dono an oxcellcnt tlon trom Tea.chore Collc«c. Colum·

Scliool were adnnced In their eland· reao.nt.atlvet or many prominent .er- Tho church buacmcnl ..-ua ve;y nl( pleco or work In , Improving their _Illa tJnlveral ty. She ~aa alt0 com·

Ins at ihe annual promotion day ex· • Ice orranlr.aUon1, nmong whlc.h tractlYely decorated with colorful cllr. plotcd ftl tho latte r ln1t1tutlon ret1I·

~ e-:.tJaee at the: Church or tho BrOtb' .. a re: the y..;w. C. A . . W. C. T. u. draperl e1, .croon1, rloweri . ot.e. Mr.. dunco rf!qul r~entll tor her Doctor-

ru Suadar. The program. with .!olr. and Y. M. c. A~ llerthey and Mra. Petry were re- W•)'h Abru•ht tA:a<l# o. •:. atc In the flofd.a of child dewelopmenl

Leonard Crumpacker prc1ldlag-, con- A croup or collage prealdonta and apon1lbj,t...for thl1. Mre. Paul Sugcnl -- • . and parent od ucallon. Sha bu alao

elated of de.,ottona · tea by Esther •Other, prominent Ka naana wlll be and Mr• . Mohler poured tho tea'. , Waynu Albrftht WH Jet1dor or tho ~!ud~e~ In P1trl1, Huchareat, •l!d Now

SbertJ. c.rouP 1lqglng led br Ella•· Hked to act aa e:i>o n1ora In tho lna'U· · Chrllillan Endeavor Aunday ovonlng. I ) ork'. City. .. •

_beth •ohler. a YIOIID aolo. "Medlla· tote. • · • . • • Tho prosram de.alt with pcaco a nd At ono tlmo Mri . Morgan wu pro-

lion" from •"Tbata." by Oiae Nlnlo- I , · _ . I con1l1ted or three t.atJC~ .. The after 1fdcnt or tho Kanue •v. W. org""""

I ~ #er • ...-mmeodatlon °that I.be puplla "Open Ho"""" .ln -Pabn..,Wck !=ALENDAR FOR THE WEElt orte<:ts or Lhe World War'' bY Tho- .. uon. Al prollt\Dt her hu• band

.:. ~ ~ ~ 'rl?moted by Mr. Crumpa.eku, To De Held by Men Saturday reaa Strom. ' 'Tho .ertP..c l.3 or .war un touc:hOK rolhtloue cduc.1uton lo Iowa

.. : 1 a'4 the PreeentaUon or promotion -- t • Frida~: October i l - Poet ry Club h"amea and lnd}.vldual1," by La.Mar SUit Unlverelty •

.c..:.i.:;-Cl.,!'41 to_°!• Tt.tfoa.a pupll1 by R eT, Tho m n or FabaC9lock Hall are meelll In Y. w. room at. 3 : 30. Dollinger. and 'Tbe atti tude or the c. Y..;., ,.-,.,-...,-.-,-.. -... -.• ~,-0-, the Jeo.d ..

·Zook. · a:olag to ahow tho world b.ow t~ey Saturday, October U-Open Hou t1e Uni ted Sta~ toward• tho Hallan· ,,_

~ _ Mr. Crumpacker atatee lbat there 11ve. In other word't they ne going a't Pahne.toek fhll rro na 8 o'clock Elh_loplan affair ,'.' ·by .Pau.J Boot.

are 11' recularly orsani~ cluMI to h.a'f'e "open boa1&" Satur~ to •11 o'clock. Precedln r thlt . a abort bu•fneu

od Ute afl.ras- ·~tor the ntabL.Oct. u . Ewerroae I.I la nodsy. Octobflr U -:-C. E. at Lb mee.Un«i waa held to ~ • !>Out the

put moatb hu .,,_. 214 . Tbe to- to 'f'h1lt the m~n In the.Ir room1 l>e-' College Cbureh. c :o p, m. purcbaalna: of IODC' book.I •"d tho

tat Mlrdlment.. of lbe 8a!l4a1 Bcbool 'tweeq lbe boura ot 8 o'clock and Tuelitdar. October 16-Ruular "'/. Af . pre1entat1011 'O( o )lla'y on Oct. ~7.

9 Ill aad ' lUt JMr'• uerace at· 11 o'c.lock. A 1fgbt rer~hment will I a,ad·Y. w. meell.ap, 10 a . m.

~ 1fU lit. . !'II oonod. • ---· ________ _,,_

A one act nlay,. "Ou1t or the Rood." 1pontored by the C. E. or­p nlu Uoo and dlr:eeted by Estelle Rallo 11, to l'f() 1:t1en on October %7. .nehearaal1 ror the produotJon hate alread7 1tartt4.

Page 2: McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON; KANSAS, THURSDAY, OCT. …archive.mcpherson.edu › wp-content › uploads › 2018 › 05 › v19-5r.pdf · hall t . r oo 1 mes ll CH ny. Mr s .•

uo.n.o'f . ~~ ,,_ tluli · 'co~ey 1.1~c1a

' · ·.Meal. L~e-&' ~- • ,t-:.

112 ~.Marlin

Page 3: McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON; KANSAS, THURSDAY, OCT. …archive.mcpherson.edu › wp-content › uploads › 2018 › 05 › v19-5r.pdf · hall t . r oo 1 mes ll CH ny. Mr s .•

i: · · · n .... """",.,.,...,...,._...., ...... :. Jn "1'111.l'A'I\ -6· ~WA~ lilil\. ~ 'Bmo~ TQ. A~ :nnD:l'R ~ u re b.U.~ more • ..., ""!ll!...dMtlt. ~ ~ 9p-~s, ~9te.., ;Advan~ge~ ;~~«-l:a"6~ ... JU~ n. D~U4J l1: J;U . '· • ll A's ~in:'lll·~Rr sot1T".''liwTE~11 -~•ll•r. . --,

1 •

, .Given. in 0ther Doi:ms ••••••••••••• 1900"-••_. .... . ~ Co'RSON;1N1lYk 'Dr anil <Mn. -~. D. Brlcilt plaa 10 A11 reaooolng t. retroopeet: II eJD.

-- •' · -- - .;. .. .. --· ·- · •I au nd 't.Jte eele'brallon ~pf tbe tJnl.ftb 1li'ta ID i he iPP}IN tlo1t Ot 'PrtnC!tplee

c-E.t. of .1'.m '""' ~rle W• hi~-.1~111 lbout bt tlnlt •1>- Mr. Brown Hir hly Recommend• ' 0;,.,,,0;..;:y ot iio~oJtbwiJ{.,. ·c&'I- · ~•louiftl- ~'o ... p. ·. '

~ Jl!oct.-O-.a.paied• &:t Cooeaa . i>eroluame!1, wero • UPl>OOed to .bo a : '<.'d~•a Ha:! 'V"de E''!'~ ]I lego •L. \~nil~11 · 11Aiiir~. 6; , • •• ' • -.. --' · .,.. . ;

"- .. . • --· - · ~ · , Uttle ·c rown \l'P, IL leut. It IM!teD'l fJ .. •p nenc•e Wi:iJ\~h 11rogrnm tor the day ta In connection 'fbe l>ttl:r wtry 'to 1hln 'e ~a frl tnd I•

Ttiere 11 a qtae.tloa In the ..n11nd•1 there are a te• · tnranUle-hdoded boy.a · --· - . • ,,.:Ith iho '!;buri\wMtc rn K111'aU.i &n· lO 1'be ~e. • · ·--

of .aome «f rl• who ~tly ¥1slt ~d on tblrd .floor or Fa bnN t9Ck who Rlch·nrd n . nro·wn of Oen,.er, nua l cont Mee · dt tb"e Stetbolt11tl• .......... ~.----.. ... -.-

tbe', lrl• ' dofrit ftorlH aJ Onawa Uni· iultt on tllrowln s water . I~ It were 'Co1o .• baa bet-n a)Jpolti(cd A'11f11an t 'EPIM:di>al 't!bu..:Cb . · "veT.ity aod "' C. ~ of E. whether t1"o Jtaat the. tnct that J>e<>p le aomeUmaa l!xecmUl'~ Dir~ or or t ho ~a llona 1 ·1 -'---~ ··~· m l«b't 1 noJ . offer mo19 comfort, ,Jet a lltlle da nlp IL ~ouldn't be 10 Yo t h Adm lu'l11lnttlon . It wns it'n.~ :\fit~·iiin 'ft~(.;~ Y,~iiJt 'Or~

l.11"" tit~ ,ordlnaey, w~J .. ~no•·a . <tou .. bad ,' hut theee 8"C nt lemeo (-?) aren't 'nouneed rCcentl y \iy Anhroy W. Wll - l"IJth - 1" \ 'c-rr AncJt-nc. iiPttlin."f!IA b te . .. dorm .. bed• on wh lcD the . re-. N ll1t led unlc11 tho victim•' clotbea llam8, 'txcruth•e 'Dlret: tor. Mr. · •· _ ._. _


UPSHAW L. "LI.{ ,.., '~: .'. m&Jo • • ·k nowt~g~ 1~k~n1" ot Mc-- a ro 1oaklng wet. When the • lctlm n roi- u ~21 n cceU1 )ohn J . Cor1u11 or T'ha heiad ;;~, ._. Cretiiceous '"rish . anp..

Pb! no• CoUe«e ap~d ,a te•t hours bu t reebl)· cleaned clotbe1 on. a nd Rl~h'mo'n'd',. ya .. who hn bee n reca ll- i>oM.d 10

be loMe 0;,

0 fot ib a'i-k , wat

' each ·Dl lS ht to aleep away the d rep eome b'- lrwlt t bro•·a •·ate( on him ed br 'Rlcb.mond Unlnrsttr "·he're he recently presen ted 10

ahe mu .. um by ~ . or s tudy 1and to renfn their beau ty. It surely makes bin~ feel good. We. ti 'J>roteaaor o r ero

1nomfC'1. 'lie . Is' Harold ne-'n~k e_r:, '}'ho na me ot tho ..... .. - ·· ·~•; ......... -"~ ·{,;_ k.. ~··- - ~

"', ~:>J,,- ,..(" 10,.

Ot coune there are t wo t ides to 1uge"t that Jheeo. loran t.11 e ither a llio .. ·s(a te Dlrtttor or the NnA.· IHW· rlih ha. not bee·n dotormlnad 811

y('t, "' ,

the qaot1Uon. ,10 tn or o r the tv.·111 «row 'UP or go bnck to k lnder1ra r ten 1nc11odn lba ned h» thot orJ nnl11l, 11bn riilt 'It hi limo'"'," 'dOrCn lte°ty ·that tho f K·.·~Jii1~9\fi ~Viti'

Uot d liturb her room ma te quite "° -- tlo'n. Mr. Conon re-s nmed hht con· 11 ot " t yp'"e " ' blc\i (1

n rr ra re, and ~ beds It may~ s:i.ld thf t· • ·« lrl " 'ould I whert'l t her bclonit. ~ 'to the 'Niitfon1t l rou111 Ah mhtlet r ll· .11'pectmen ·1a1

·v~~>', 'ili~c l ti'at •. a~d tbat It

mu~h When t h e. came ID late 1r _ 1t tr t wo o r the rerti...a le mem bers o r nectlon with the \" lr~lnl• oftl rc nt ot ·.-:htch re ... · .are1n u: ti te6<'e. I GoHege •Aigent .. were not neeff&ary tor her to cnL~I our tacultr teeni to be a ~UUe 1t1tr t he NRA on Oct. 1. • . •

intO tbe u me bed. Th o.re ..-ould bu niul Jerky in their rnoYem.e,Dt8, bl1me " Mr. Cor11ou hns ·hel'n n \'nhmhlt' L ..::::::::::::::::::::::::=;

no ..r18"k or i::l r l1 r eceh·lng 1erloua In· the horse@, or ah9uld l SAY, Pity the n 1118tafft ," tutl d Ol re.ctor \ \ 'll ll onui, !or

JllrY by being kick~ or cro" •ded out ho'r1tC1. Th e8e ladlfl • t raveled a 'hun· fn announch1 K ·his rc8ll; nn1 Ion. " He .'..,a' l''"e• ~ S ~-~· diO oC-1Jcd h7 Lbel r r oom ma te8. T hen. d red mllei" merely ror the Pleuuro l8 leD•1ng1' YA•Olcl:r becnl1.11 l' hecnn· .t't' 1 It T -i. .·ne·· T,.llllr.ltlt. ~.::..a.. .-.. --"4:.r" 100• t be m&tt! r o f la undry carr le1 (?) ot ,;olng horn·bnck r ld ln1t . not ollitl lJl ft lea ,·e o r :ib1enl'.e from • • h .b:u.iA."C \,,,;~~ ~ m'ucb well:'ht In tuor or twin beds. . R ichmond \J nh·e1'11IO· to con tin ue hJa PhOto"grap S A"ni-one woti°ld ren ll z.e that small , Otho «cem1 to be quit e abe.orbed 'Wor'k h ere. ! W e ore sorry 10 loose , ~ . . ._ ...... __ _ . ~ -··· ·- --· ...

•beel.IJ ._:h'lcb ti t s lns::Je bed1 wou ld hc l· In hl K wo rk; particu la rly tba l o r d.'6 .. hhf ter \"ICt'8, 11 e curr lel! wi t h h ht\ I ~· ~~E· E§·~· ~-~~~E~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~ inueh cn11er to ln1indc'r than tho \'t•IOll fns: proofll. We ttre told . In fa.ct, the ·11'e11t wl1t ht•1Lnr tlle N'nlfonnl \' crn l h · - · ··- .... · .. ~---- - ., ___ ·~· -l tt r,t;c ehceu. tluH ho became 10 ln te reit ted In 00 111 Admln fgfrn t lon." • , , • • , ,

Tb~ · ndvantage8 tor double beds JJrooc. 1hat he lot three othen J!u rr( ~rr. ""R ilow'~1 . who wl ll llBMumc hl 11 ffit.'<V~)r Bl~ ·a.n'd .... U'ty ·Shop a lso are Jrea t . It would be much up. Guess who! d~tl ee In \ \ •1hln1tton ret,~t1y hu • . •

aler lo ma ke one bed aacb morn· • J 1ad tnore. than tw? months expert- . ·Phofte '499 Ha'1tl9y f!ot•! ~ t1tau to nla.lr e two. Think. too. 1 ,:ue,s the s::l rht Just don t ra te e nce In NRtloun l ' ou~h Admtnh,1ra ·

ng h d ir.tlculty o f having chum un· ,th hc yoor, o r mo ybe they 1oom a hit tlon wo~k. Mc wns 011 ~ or 1he rln t l:~~~g~~~· E·~ .. !-~ .. ~~- ·~· ~?ia~~m~~~~~~~ ~r .t e ·bcde-tho g tr ls won ld ne,•er 1 <'1'1~ t1 l!it·111 trlclent than hct~re. Tho Stnto ' 'ouLh Dl r•!<:tore n1)1wt ut ud , tt.l· .~~. _ .. _

·~::;w~me to !tudy. Porha.ps the roct re.ma ins ther cn n•t be tr 111 ted tertfn~ Y OU l h Adml ul1(rn.t1011 ncll· ~re~t est ad \'D nlag:e Is tha t more g irls out o r to wn n l~ I "lt~e1:1::r;~!:~::d s~rc:1\.!"~:.~ 6born Ll\ WS'OM--SW££N£Y could hi d~ un:i n l a r.,;eb)'b~~e :~~h The tollov.·lng It em• were wrltl ttn a t Lltt1c1on, Colo .. In 1 90~. a 11l' lon ~ .

leu cb an~ or e n~h~~n d t • 'by our rrl end I..nrotnle. H e 11 1110 o r one ot tho 11loneer fnm lll <'" or the 'G·66d 'Shoe·S r«~t· -~n tron then could

0 un er wo CJ ri t o r n 21erle1 of s:: uoet WTIHlra who 11tu1c. Hewn• t•d1;<'n ted I n t he Aru u ~ • • :_.,..J. .

Mmoll 'hed;~r not t h o on ly obsen·n- ~· Ill cont i lhu te to thi s column In nn . ohue co(i'uo · ul.-mentnry 11t'lwoln n11 d · •• • • ···• · - · • .......... . . ............ _, . - ............ ,. " " :.: · -: .. _:···· ·: ': -· ...

T befto e d It 1 e frort to add ,·n rl Ny. We ta ke no (Ma nual Tn\ ln lnK hl~h achoo l In lle n. ---- ---

Liou ma de Jn . the twoftt o~:e:rt~: r~spo n albll lty ror wha t follows. 'J \'er . H e tau11:ht In the Oe uror 11chool l! ...



Tl8 ~l.~d. ~O.WC~~r. Jn ~ p _ . • for three ye11n G(lt' r i;: rodUllt lOn from ;s ed c" 1 '•~ J• k a_,.. ~·t~i'S room1 we.~ n ry Ja r -=o a nd a{n . At I r I d 0 b Cl k I I I I I II ' l11en culored the U e OUl &C e ... ... ...... ..................... ............ . .

c. or E .. • 1ood lea turr I• • • ludr n o~~; 1~:~k~·~;, 0 ;c:"w; th ~I: ol n~~.; J ~ .~1: •• ;:,:;" ;,, n'cn,·er anrl re,.ch ·ccl i · \ . ~ll. ' \ .' \ • . • ·j.;;, ·96 room on each floor ~·he ro n girt. p 11 r t1h n1Je or n cn r 11nr<lon m e. n I his ba che lor or nru1 do.ie: rue In I 9:!G. I Ah LeaUJer J&Ckeb ............................. ............. -.U• . migh t 10 to study · ~·b on her ~~o~ Model T F ord . · He tirnghl 111 the Do11artn11mt o C I . mate ~· J1bo1 to hnvc n room t u 0 __

1 Soc lolo~ or tho Un lverel ty nt Den·

company. :w hat YOUOJ: coed· receh·ed a let- \•er 111.'h ll c wCJrkl ng tor hi s M. A. d e.. L. h .ky. D. A~t..a..~ c~ .... Tbe Arnold Hall lte• ,bAYe a n nd· 'te~ 111.·lth 9 cen ts ... ·orth or 11'amp1 on ·c ree, ·••hkh hc.re<"ei \'e<l fu 19!7 . 'lt r., ISC es t..,, vOuui . ·.,.

Tan t.ag,e onr tbe c. or. E., gi rl s In It . I Brown e n tered the Denver pu bll (' ..,

the mft1t e~ ot trbn8. T her e th t>)' h aTe · __ flchool nyB1c 111 111 l h l' rn11 o t 19 2;, . •A S tep Above in 'Quanty ..

only h ·o Irons. tor tho t lrt y or lie\"• And l ~t 's h cn r more ntiout why (l ' huv l11 g IJoon 1q 111uhll ed IJO)'"' Ud\'I Her I A Step Bf. lo'\v ~ n 'Price .

'eoty-U\·~ ~l rl • who live to the doT- Kl Inc h rulieue blushdd Wb.en llome-' ll1 Oyors J11 1flor High School. ~~~~~~- ~-·~·g·~·- ~ .. ~-~ ... ~ .. ·~- ~~~EEi~~E~~!EiE~ • mJtor,.. Not on !_)· that, but these t w~ one mentioned "Jun ior and the PIJ ." I Mr. Dro••n hua long bot"n nct h·e In I

• lr~na a.re In · the basement ot the · boy•1 work , ~h lng 1pe<'lal nttentlon I

ha!~ aod ~ lrl• fro m ll rwt . 0oe<;ond and wn,t.~no Fi.Aiifh 'o NEW ' ?. the J uvenile ~oun In Den~·er. He I . "For Gooclfteaa Sake' ~ !hlrd floo rs"' ~u11 .. t go d~•:... .t.h er~ t.o F'ORF.'SHio C t .t ftl "Jfi.!A'n'"'hu dlrect'°d tnmpa for 1·ou11 11: l)eo· l "~11~ . . ,.. l Jl>I•'• orgo nl <n tlons nud. ror rh·c ycnro ; USE

1 kl l (tt the b°':s and :srtr1• wbo . Ive Tho ForcnSlc Club l1°eld its flrllt, "w a11 a pil rl · tl mo a'nnonnror tor a ' w · · ·- .. --R .on 11]• ca m'1>u1 eat In Ibo dln,'nK hu ll mooting 01 tho yea r 00 October 1, • radio • lntlon with cmphnslo o n n nm· " · •R." ~. 00 · ~~ · ~e .. baaement of tho r lr l1 do rml· "ftn d Plected nd111.• o tfl ee ra. Wiila rd 's; ram bull dlU K'. the wo rk ~o ho do ue

'torr •t~C. of E. Al Otta wa all of the Flnmln' " ;111 hcoa t'h e orgontutlon: by you th. Jn 1930 he nio cl ;• a tour ~A'Dl: 'BY l~ rla (-abou t th lr t r > a nd on ly four A"hln f.An<!J::Ten 11 nt-w Tlco preildont o r fo~u rope nnd oh1nlned ln"lght ln- 1 T"Le low '•at"t·D~i·I.~""' · 1>0n ~a t lo the din ing ha ll In tht iind wl11 a lso n(' I RR pfoi:Tnm chnlr- to youth ncth'l llct1 obrood. n \'Y' 1\.vsa •a7

'.-S ri .. dorml lor1-. >niin. 'Oilier mcmlicr. lnr tho 11ro- ; Mr. nr°''" • • ·ho h•• heon ronnC•·•, 'MilliWI' Co. ~ , 'g rom comm lttoo Aro Alberta Keller ed wh h te1u·l tt11 i: orgnnl?.n lt onK rur 1

5lnJDENT DJl!AMATISTS GIVEN ond Lamar llolllngor. I tho o••• cl e<:ncl e, I• a Ille mr mltrr or . • .. .'~h~~--~~·-· OPPolilJMITY fOit .siJC~ ProJ;rnms ror t he o r~na h:atlon In· t h& NatlnuA I P.d ucatlon A 11 1u><·,iu 1;n~ ~~§§§~~~~~~§g~~2~~~~§~~~

. -- elude deba t~ . D1uslca l numbers. and • ·u J;:enrral rhatrmAn oO•· •~ ,'. : r i

~-~ ·~tar%~!'!' fo ·om·~ ~too ror '.rcnd l n~8. and aho r t 11klu. F or the ~:~·~~~~t!~:/ c~1:'·e n~~~n 1for )'enr• ·F·R ... I. ~ft ·CHl,,..,EN

-.w 11'9ta)"8 llobln1ffM n"ar tu1ure hnYe hoon pl a nned ,n ........ · • Te 1

.1!.v \..~ · · . - - r lc1 nt "h1 fe r-cln1J1 debatel'I, ~· ltfl. pre! ldc n

1 or .'1 if" Clnss room

11" icni , · . ~ ••• o ........ rdeLrUE~·~". ~jiy .

Th.... ln le rceted In d ra mntlc1 wtll t enm• to be cho~n by t. he cl.llH prei-


AM1uc1a.t1on ut <:olorodo rN1l.-· 11 l n ~ ,-"""':a r..

h nd 'the followfo~ oiinduncemenl by t hnt POii whon ho acceplud •D1•olnl · COLLE.,..E H' . L L c'H • •Vr-onlfnent theatrlcftl magazine ldcn t!. ------ IQIQn t a.a S1ate '\'outh Jl lrector. l U

\nif6l'W'L fl e: IJ STlffi~v.osn.i'm-:sTSHA\" Jo: . Mr. DTo•·n m~r r~ed .MtH ;'~ar~:i ~ · ~==~~~~~~~=====~::a=~~~=; · Staie tn¥ lte1 the a ut'bon of olt~ CH . .\SCF. TO ST UD\" srFAl!Ml·~SS Armstrons of DeD\ er In 19.. . 1

iih pla)'Jll to 8°n'bm'lt their nrn nu· th y hue two ch ild ren, n hoy t"o !

8Cr#Pl9 tor publlca llon. Play1 Coun4 , F or ln!h)ocllon nnd s tudy br those )'U ra old nn1I n i; lr l tour >•onn nld .

ltcCe'PtAbtc Wnt .-bo . paJd .. tor . at th.!'1 8t udcnt" who "nro e1pecla lly tnto;c1L·, And whPri he 1,,, out or sight. ;

, ate of ttOO~upon ~he ir appearance *ec:t In b101ogy. 'a pr~ened nnatoml· Jn ~~e JU&Pslae.. ConalderaUoo wll cal ipeclmen 11 pit ied each week Qulck ly a lso lfl he out o f rnlnd.­

be'-i1Jn o · ontr t.o tboH plar• wblcb Juat oulJl lde tho bloloi;-y la bora tn ry Ke mpl.11.

~a.,.e "e!~hjr ~n 'PUl Ul bed nor .vro. on the third fl oor or Harnly hnll . Ip:::;;::;;::;;::;;;:-;;--;;--;;--;;--::;;-;;-;~~~-; ~isCed. 'fh<erence 1'~1 1>!. ~~!>v.-n. l~' \VJt h ench 11poc lmon I• placed a 1hoot I I ttlo1~ ~la'n ;"hf~b ~.an 'J;e aoted wlt .h~· Or no tes ~1 .,.1 ri11: l he na me. origin , and

In " mfiau~. and t~ thoee .. P,l•Yll ilm llo r tn ror maUon. Tbeee e:rhlblt1 \.tirdt are contemporary Jti theme. , are pre pared by Lloyd M0t>b lman.

Stage reMnea tau .. pubUcauo

~rc:~a~~r!-~::t~:u~1,:~•u· i lbna1n lieD41nc In illnuoortpt• . ~-·------ - ·

• ·1u,.. tO reti.:ln a carl>on co·py.

~e ·e11t.Or. ~'!t ~+> ent~r ln"to col,'. . rt11pndeedit eoncernl d'W lbe manu· ~. uor wtn Ue7 o.Upt TOOllOD·

l'tbnTtT .for Ute Teturil Or '1Daiau­

· ,J. E. CUSTAFSoN Dealer in

ibtntli 1inl•• ai:companled b7 101!1· 1L----'--...:.-......__..._ _ _, 11 etent~·· . .

F ine Watches and J ewe11:f

All pfay.- Whl bi ?U4 JJfpmpt11' F or P.eTtµ t La" nderl ng • ~dCPaeceoti!d or 'reledid H qu.fcklt Send your clothes

u Poalb1e. . - HERSOto N STEAM lh.amac• .:. t .. p~b< ;.,. McP

6.1.ti run ili'ol"':eu~ rl11ito, he ' ma7, r ::o 8

M f:AUNDRY Plto•e H

~1 'r:.. ~ u\'e bit lll&J prodac'.':'.li;...--·-•- •--"------'11 ~e~ 1il'oVwta die orlffaal 'inay 1uu ' ·· .

• 11e~:-:::;::;:,.•i::-.._, rn 'Welcome, "Student.1 7aar -~ -ptl7. u ~ • , · __ • __ . i1'10i 111/fi ....._ io po'btlab U.e Aak For · , mW,-~ ...... :r: UIODC .... ~- Silier ,a,__,._.., .

l ,/ot:Clpta oa'b1111tt8i1 Im tbe Nonmbilt' • , "7J11'1DB•

- ~•: :..a~ l.o\* to 'b"'• e'noa*1t Ice Cream . . ; - ;tHn to Pii1Jitli11 , oll9rt pla111 e\"V7 At Yoar Favorite Fountain

...... "' .. - - ,




will be glad

to as.qist you

in any

printing problem



Parents' Day A Weelt From


Will You? ·. va. w .. _,,.. P.•is..-. -· · SIL VER SPRINds

oeo'l'jO ...o.Ja 'lie .... t at - .A ~--·· -·-'""'RY co· .. - · · · .: ,,._.,.....,1im.~to: Sun,q:_~~~~:~· -~~tc.~~~·~:·_Jl!l ... ~~~-:-:::;:-:--i:--Jlli.,..~-:~:t:~~~:"'"~'""~.lllilliillilltolilllliiilillii~~-----:\{~ \. '--;.~'iotllt.,-Yo¢ •.rJ r

Page 4: McPHERSON COLLEGE, McPHERSON; KANSAS, THURSDAY, OCT. …archive.mcpherson.edu › wp-content › uploads › 2018 › 05 › v19-5r.pdf · hall t . r oo 1 mes ll CH ny. Mr s .•

TBURSDAY, OCT. 10, '1986.r P('-GBto/1&

I '

. · 1 f PO.-RI ·~1~· I w. A. A. Off.N TO wOIEM lc~DAii~t:~ ~ .....• ~::~:1:~ .. ~. ~11i::::o11::c: --' • . • 'IN'IERESIED IN SPORTS, (From "Ooar41•'' Oree11~ Dlar)'. ) u.me.

• ~ • · '•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sun. I . Tbe band concert wu of·

. 4~~~ L ' ·s~~...:#~ci~an· ch&~nU,I~ o;~11 .B1~; 7::1~.:.~ -~~1 c;.'! ~~~ !a~:.: awfal ,•lee

BIJLLDO~ BEAT BACONE I three for U 1: rd1. ~Fumbtee: Mc· to Wear Cape ahead and cot marrJect--=.made me •b~cb. I wonder ft Hcnrtetta ~re1 Pberion ab:, Bacone one. • · feet off el bome1tck for Hellrletta. for me Jet. Wby dont abe 'Wrl.te. '

INDIANS ON HOME GRID• Ortlcfala: Referee, Edmonds,. Ot· A call tor .. rnew member. for th• Bat 1 C'Ueal 111 HHe to be '!_Ddaunted ~on: ? . ~tler froi:n , Henrlet~ t~ ' tawa. Umpire, Auatln, Wichita. Women '• AtbleUc ~1oclallon waa by ctrcum1t.anao tn ma-Ins: thll ho-- daJ~ Sbe1 1Ull OK and Im ·1onn

' -- ReadHneedsan, Snell, Oklahoma Uni· the ke)"Dote of the recul&r W. A. A.· rolk u ckraflce u the dot 1a11. Au· be a loyal c ur . . Its 1are 'l'ell to ~klahoma Team la Held ~re· ve relty. meeting Monday ennlng. ADJ' fresh· how It wae a big me.alias. I looked hue a slrl a llJJ' can count on. Gil

leH Until Third Quarter- man girl or a ny othe'r woman afo· ·all day for em to pan the caadyban ·behind me Satan to r cant ae-. 7ou. Final Score is 14 to 6. . dent ' who 11 Jute.r .. ted Iii a year of but gueU nobody tbot aboa.t tt. Got sUre 1leep7 thla A.M. Mfued bre'k·

all-around •Port.I wtll want to Joli\ m1 pitcher took down at town to- fut, thoy had It on Umo tor once •. 71!• B'•cpne lndl~no were forc'ltl !o SP 0 RT LI G ff l S t~l o org1nlMtlon. One hundred day. Dldnt coat me nothlo yet an4 A bunehof gu711 are hula• big card

retreat rrom tho Rulldoi;a with the hrenty-rh·e point• are requi red tor IUI be In the quad. Glad now t got gamO' aCroat t.bo ball : Boy would 11 hort en<\, or u 14 -6 score a t tho cloao __ , membonhlp to the ori anl1aUon. ·one (quad) algned up ror. Thta paP., be mad If ho round out J played ot ll\l!lt Jo"rldn)''" gr id bn.tlle here. AV· After going Into the gamo with a Fitly Polnta wlll be counted tor go-- mornlnc I 1&w a lot of guya lookJni wltb them. AD'ybow I .. won some on proxlmatoll)· 1.600 11pectato1"1 aw tho crippled team the Bulldog-s pulle"d ; Ing out for aocce r an~ acnnty point.I up In tho 1k7 ..


The1 w&a wHlnc tbe world 1~eres. McPherson ton m fig.ht to a 1uecc1J11· J through nnd at Umca played aomo tor Intra mural toam In Tolley ball . there arm1 !J!d talklnc loud to ono Tue. s . Rad a talk by A woman Cul tl nlth , In 1plle. of the tac~ that l heads up football . I Beginning th ll week 1JOCcer that la i.nother. I l'OO°tod up but dldnt aee In y lC? A. )l. e 1~b1t lcenod on lnJurlc11 preYentod a number or flr1t .. __ • j>la7od In gym claeaea wm count a1 no a lrplano or nOlhlng. " Bout that the whatever you call It and told ua 11 t rlng mon trom playing-. Tho The ba,ckfleld can bo given credit w. A. A. point.a In that •__port. Vol· tlmo Joe yells 10 loud oYerbody 101t a rea l talk. It was rcaaonabl a nd •trongth ot tho backtleld wu out· ror aome excellent playing wbUe "tbo l ley ball pr&ctlce will atart next week. there 'Placea In the 1ky and had to well It seemed to ti t whore i ou lived •tandln~. · 1 lino d id aome good work with the For further detlolte. lnforma~lon HO look aglo "Their It l1f I ace it!" at. Couno I dont think 1ho knowed

McPhoraon pu tplayod the TndJan1 excoptlOn of . llomo plays wbeD. 1t . Luelle Cole and watch the bulletin Somebody aald It wu Venus but I bow growed up I am but J do see a during tho entire t;am& • ·Ith t he ex- leaked a great deal. I board In Sharp haU for noUcea con· couldot aee her . Then somebody tbeng or two J ouc~t to change. 1 co:,illoo or the boglnnlng or the 1oc· . __ , corning l'Olloy ball. J?Ol,t' to4 ao I could look rlg!tt up hie dont care lhough, t !il•h l could •~ ond . bait whon tho opponenu . f f th ' Iq the butlneu m~Ung tut night arm and>11lere wu a 1tar ablalng papa and mama. Wish t hey could marched 69 yards tor a touchdown The fl r1t con crenco game 0

1 he two new managertt wore elected for rJght ~t lb broad daillgbt. Some-- Write me- a *lotlor. Had taploka plo

bofor.o. tho BulldQga could gain po•· aenaon 19 boforo ua ~omo;row: 1 1 ~ baa.kotball a nd bul!iball, Mlldf.ed body must a got mixed up and thout for diner. seulon of the ba11. McPherson near- a nd thero I• no quea ~n ut ~ a: t Stu tsman waa choafin for the new It was night but It iure wu 1blnlng Wednesday, o i: tobor nine .. . Let· ly doubled t ho yarda ga l nod fr !t._m 11 going to bo ono hot t e toug e11 ° I basketball manager and Alberta Kol· I~ tho daytime. tor' from homo· today. Jtad flYo dol· M: rlmmago on Bacon& wbllo tirlt tho aoaaon If not t 0 toughest. )er was cbo11en for the bueball man· Frt. "· We 11ka lpped the Indian• Ian In iL Thate not mucb but guess do"wna wcro 16 tor McPherson and . -- agerab lp. Bukotball practice wtu be tonight. Started on Fri. IOll we could ttn hn.v8 to do .tlll i git thorn to 1end 12 tor tho lndlana. . Wo reali ze that the gi rls are. rath· I played 1oon aftor Thaok.agtvlos n- git donO ""without glttlns done on mo aome more. Otad to gtt It tho

in tho tore pa; t of' tbo 1eeond er handicapped when IL cornea to go- • ~lion and will end when the regu· Sun. Boy w&i thla dorm cold to- bor11 got about all tho p ony l bad . quulcr zuhara mado a 27 ynrd run In~ to Ottawa to 186 tho game, but . lar 1oa1on 11 onr. BaaebaU w ill b e day! Our radiator fa all palntod up Hopo tho DULDOOS floot Ottawa and adva nced tho ball to tho 12 "yard let 's do tho be.11 t wo can uod h&Y& all , played next apfl ng-. The polnta or nlco and OTCrth lng only It dldnt g it tbla Fri. tine. Jn tho noxt play Haun took tho .11t udenta at tho game who can ) Al1een Wine who attended Ottawa boL t.ho ball on n Jou. end run and mado poulbly attend. , Unlvenlty Ill.I t 1ear will bo trao1- Sat. 6. Doc Forny at last got Us o touchdown. Haun thou mado good -- ferrod to McPherson College 110 that aomo heel today about 1upper Ume. Boost the Bulldori! the attempt for the oi tra Point by The Bul1dop hue aomethlng ~o alie w UI ·bo a mom bu here. w811 I hunpry at noon after ho kicking a goal. Jn tho flnol quarter bol\ll of In that. they doteatod tho Jt. waa deflnlloly doclded by tho niado me work out In the cold all ~ Patronize Spcetn..tor Ad,•ertlaors.

tho n·ulldoc11 ilartcd a rush down Indlun1 fro m tho Soonor atato. W . A. A. member& that the fresh- day? Jt waa some glrl11 blrthd•7 at I:::::::::::::::::::::::;:~~==~~ tho field. Hatkoll , 1ub1t1tute for man gfrl11 should wear their green. noon today and' wo mado Wea.Yer go It Zuhara, • ·ho ha.d a sldo lnJ Ury, On th8 other hand · we find that caps until tho freahman-aophomoro throu a belt lino on account of It. , :Dra. v: N.·

~:!n~~ J~:oi~~d;::d a~::r~~adyo:::o~ ' ~ht~~~~e~~:1:~~:t:1:;r;o .~:o-:~ ~!a~ ~=tria~:1::::~.~h~a ::; ~:i~ito~:: ' .. ,;;;=:;=:;;;;=:;;;;=:;;;;=:;=:;;;;;I II ~ triple la loral pate, tho ball ending from Li berty, "Mo .• and woro only the practlco will continue. thle year. DR. GALEN R.. DEAN

;:r~~ ::;:r;:i:~~;a b;r~sjs :1'::t::: defeated eoT~n sitnt3. Thero la n!Yi'a)'s aafCt)· ln nJo·r .-~ Grand Dldg. ~ono

Doctor of Denrat Surteer)' Over En1bJ>rg'1 DruK Storo

Phonea--Offlco GS - Rea. t04 6·n.·------------. tbo ball waa put on tho 16 yard llne. 1 Lot 'll not forge t that we mu1t w in .,Emonoh. O!! a lino buck an advance of t t • tho game against Bakor on dodica .. ya.rd11 1\"81 made. With flrat and Soal · lion day. tt. suroly would be a i bame To apeuk a.a tho common pcoplo 11.----------.. ll to 10 Cnbb cbar~od the llne to crou tor ui to lote the ga.mo that wo play do. to think as wise men do.-Roger 1-----------..... 11 the goal Un 1> an4 acora. Haun'• too 00 Pa.rent'• Day. •. At1chnm.


CLARENCE SINK addod tho extra point, making tho __ total for McPherson 14 paint&. · I. Wo wl•h 10 give our Bancllon 10 Booat the Bulldo111l M. C. A.sent for \

• The ' Indiana too'lr: advantngo or a tho o~ltatlon for namJng . our new Okerlincl 8c A.tperren · 1!Mk McPheraoo llno In tho ear11 rle1d "Binford Field." Patronize Spectator Adn.rtlaers. Cleaners l)art or the th ird quarte.r and on • ! ;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::;:;::;::;::::;llL-:':'==--=;,;;;~:--~=..J 1traJa:hi 11110 plunges and a tow end The tean' wlll bo off to either win ruDI tho Dacono t.eam inarked up or loao tho cOntorence champlon1blp SafeWay Sto. re1 flTO flr1t down11 and marched G9 by eight o'clock •tomorrow night. Maker. of •


yard• before ..r..e llnqulablng lhD lia.11 Let's get behind them JOO per c"ent Distribution without ·waate. _SollDJ' !':{Brea'! . · -to blcPherM>n. Tbe 'ball wu not gtv~ und help them win tho ti tle. Let'• All KJ.nd1 of r u t.rlc9 . on_ up until the


Indlans had 11cQrotl go! · IL------'-------' I I 210 N. Main Pbono 341 their One and only touchdown. Rock· man, Iott halfbac)(; , carried tho ball · Truth novor ,,..119 indebted to n Il a. ttvo yarda tor the touchdown and - Young. then attempted to add the point b)'

kick ing hut tho ball fnl1ed to go ho· 1

Tq be ~lru 11 tcd 18 a groa.lcr compll· twoon tho bars, thus making the ment tha n to be loved.-MacDonald.


~hoe Store


McPherson & Citizen• · State Bank

aco~ read U to G. · '

ThorO 111 no question f>Ut who. t at How 1,roiio to ddubt . how cautloua l ~~~~~~~~~~~g1 I ttmoa the Bulldog• looked vory rag· are the ,t1ae_.-Homer . ~ L god. At other times they dl1played · - ' - MARY ANN .

of ?'tfcPbenJO~ Kansas

Capital ; nd Surplua $U!7,~.00 "

soma hrllllant blocking and tackling, t nm a parl or cttl tllal I ha.vo met. · CONFECT'IONERY but In genera l they d id not play th9 - TO) nny11on. The Problem of the Studeat. l• oar

ctt.o.co to apply the -'Golden Uule.... come ha. :;:~:at o~kot~~~~!la t~:~m tb:y w!~~ I..:==- :;:-;:-;:-;:--;:--;:--;:--;::::~/:=:=::=~ 11.._wo welcom~11n~:e ·~~:toll! at1 won

~ , ~~~

At ;tho vrcAOnt limo McPherAOri GlohE: Ga'.aoline ::: ~o•ctle:n~:!~ ~h!~a~:::Yb:,:;: Home Oil~ &: Tire Co. thepo next woek one of tho fl re t 819 S outh Main Pm."8 Oc tho conference which un.,. ___ _._ _______ _,

doubtftdly wll~ bo one ot the tough· J:.--'--''----------,

°'~~!~11:!~0~ i:~b·:~~~~lng Hne~p : Shulents Buain~s M.cPhoreon • nacono Appreciated Muoio ....... - ..... LE ............ Lowrey, Cities Seriice 'Co. Rodol1na~r .... .. li T ...... . : McLomotO Maple at Euclid I EPP• ................ LG ~ .......... Roeor4 L...--~------~' :Wlepnd ............ G : ....... Aloiandor .----..:;.... _____ _, Va1que1 .......... ' R G .......... :··· Vounr <lolwell ............ II T .......... Zu•doror Welcome, StUdental "

~~~:':~~.~:~: ~ ~ :::: ::'::"\\;~~=: WILBER'S BARBER Haun .... ............ L R ........ Rockman :AND BEAUTY SHPPP,E

:~=11 ·::::::.~:::. ; ~ .~~:::~_;-;=j ~:~IL------':.......:..-...----' 11 Subt tJtullona: McP&erao·n2:.seldel - ~ - J .:-- ·- - -

. for Epp1, Ramaciiy for Rodolandor, • HuJ<lllL ror Zuharo,, Boyer for R•m· CO'M'ERILL 4NDY AND

::~de~~::;:;:;u~~'::0~~;_,~~ ~ SP~IAL1Y CO:

F ootbal.l Q~eenf. -- • New FeatUre For Home Coming


• Queen to Rule Homecoming Cele­bration.

• Coro.nation Ceremony Opens Game

• Queen W~ll be Chosen by Student Body. . . ·

• First Footbail Queen in History of •M.C. ' ~

i hatil for Record, Lowrey for Sam· . Phone 1097 • marlppla,'Plerce forWa.nbam. An· •• I Watch for furthtr ·Amwuncements • dftri'on tor Juadoror, 1\!oaety tor f;. t .. l~§§§§§~~~~§~l.~=======' ===~'.~=-====··:·· :-:::::::-:·:r::: eu.nder: Sammarlppa to? Lowrei.' •· Ii ' ~

. Som'l!.aT)': Ya1'41 (roal acrlml\1,l&O: . ., McPhenon I t 7 ,~ Baco-.. 163. Yarde Iott by ac.rtmma1e: ~ ¥cPheraon 17, =:ts 1 ~'. =:~te=~~!:r•~:r a~ ,..,..\ Bacone atte.mpt.S tour. com­pleted <J1one. Pu'" 1.Dtercepted : Me-


l'llonoD •one. Bacone DO Punta: JAY.HA.· WK.MOTOR •cftenoa alx tor H t ,aT..,.. ... ~& 711rda; Dacono, n f JU SERVICE Jarta. a•o~ II 711nla. Ftnt­...,., 110~ n . Bacone .u. 819-328 N. )ifaln , Pbgne_23( Jteaaldia: Jldth...,. . aone. B&cone .• ._ •

r '

• Lak~ SuP.erior LumGer Co. · ~um~ .•.• Hanlware ••• Paint •• : Coal

30'1 !:'f· Maple St..

t · Farm.era Al;tance Btdc. Suite 201 ·omce. ?hone 371 Rea. Pho1;1i.e UI

Thurwd•J' - .Friday • Saturdat



"'Diamond Jim:• -With-


