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MDI: Design Thinking + Il Carrello

Date post: 18-Oct-2014
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• Masters of Design and Innovation (MDI), project outline. • First objective is that the students get an overall understanding of how the creative process of design thinking works so that they can put it to use for future projects. • Second main objective is to work on a real project/challenge with a client Ciszak Dalmas, the creators of Il Carrello, in order to develop new ideas from different perspectives: communication, strategy, conceptual and product. • This is a very practical, hands-on program. We will go through the different design thinking phases focusing on the challenge that a real client has. This approach not only puts the person at the center of our work, but it also taps into Creativity enabling us to develop 'out-of-the-box' solutions.
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ILL CARRELLO - An Introduction

Il Carrello serves as a stylish and adaptable way to display various things, such as books and magazines, fashion accessories, plants and flowers, glasses, kitchen utensils... It can be used as a display or auxiliary storage in restaurants, cafes, catering, shops, also as part of a window display.

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ILL CARRELLO - An Introduction

The cart has been designed to be very versatile and adaptable. Because of its versatility, Il Carrello is equally at home in domestic or commercial situations, and can be adapted over time to suit changing requirements.

Dimension:1200 mm L, 320 mm W, 1450 mm HMaterial: Birch Laminated Woodwith ice grey finish

Il Carrello has been designed to pack flat into a very small box. This means we can produce it locally, but still ship it to you anywhere in the world.

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The Methodology commonly referred to as Design Thinking is a proven and repeatable problem-solving protocol that any business or profession can employ to achieve extraordinary results.

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DESIGN THINKING - An Introduction

Although Design is most often used to describe an object or end result, Design in its most effective form is a process, an action, a verb not a noun. A protocol for solving problems and discovering new opportunities. Techni-ques and tools differ and their effectiveness are arguable but the core of the process stays the same. It’s taken years of slogging through Design = high style to bring us full circle to the simple truth about design thinking. That it is a most powerful tool and when used effectively, can be the foundation for driving a brand or business forward.

Basically Design thinking consists of four key elements.

1. Define the ProblemSounds simple but doing it right is perhaps the most important of all the four stages. Another way to say it is defining the right problem to solve. Design thinking requires a team or business to always question the brief, the problem to be solved. To participate in defining the opportunity and to revise the opportunity before embarking on its creation and execution. Participa-tion usually involves immersion and the intense cross examination of the filters that have been employed in defining a problem.

2. Create and Consider Many Options

Even the most talented teams and businesses sometimes fall into the trap of solving a problem the same way every time. Especially when success-ful results are produced and time is short. Design thinking requires that no matter how obvious the solution may seem, many solutions be created for consideration. And created in a way that allows them to be judged equally as possible answers. Looking at a problem from more than one perspective always yields richer results.

3. Refine Selected Directions

A handful of promising results need to be embrace and nurtured. Given a chance to grow protected from the evil idea-killers of previous experience.

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Even the strongest of new ideas can be fragile in their infancy. Design thin-king allows their potential to be realized by creating an environment con-ducive to growth and experimentation, and the making of mistakes in order to achieve out of the ordinary results. At this stage many times options will need to be combined and smaller ideas integrated into the selected sche-mes that make it through. Which brings us to stage 3.5.

3.5 Repeat (Optional)

Design thinking may require looping steps 2 and 3 until the right answers surface.

4. Pick the Winner, Execute

At this point enough road has been traveled to insure success. It’s the time to commit resources to achieve the early objectives. The byproduct of the process is often other unique ideas and strategies that are tangential to the initial objective as defined. Prototypes of solutions are created in earnest, and testing becomes more critical and intense. At the end of stage 4 the problem is solved or the opportunity is fully uncovered.

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TEACHERS: Andrea Caruso & Alberto Gobbino

At Ciszak Dalmas we experiment everyday to design new types of products, interactions, services and ways of communication. Co-founders Alberto Gobbino Ciszak and Andrea Caruso Dalmas graduated from the Politecnico of Turin in 2006 and fo-llowed joining different design firms as Inga Sempé in Paris, Brh+ and Pinin-farina in Turin, Artemide in Milan. They completed the European Design Labs Master and established the studio in Madrid in 2009 with outposts in Turin, Hong Kong and Sao Paulo. In the belief that changes are pos-sible with small design actions and collaborating with skilled people they launched ‘La Clinica Design’ brand in 2010, comprised of a self-produced collection of handcrafted furniture made by local artisans based in different parts of the world. In 2011 they were invited by the Italian firm Max&Co. to re-design the con-cept for its worldwide retail stores, developing a new display furniture and illumination system. In 2013 they launched ‘Il Carrello’ by La Clinica Design, a customizable display cart for use in both public and domestic situations and presented ‘Aura’, an essence diffuser produced by the Italian manufacturer Bosa. Ciszak Dalmas are currently teaching at the the Istituto Europeo di Design and at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria and have participated interna-tionally in exhibitions, workshops and conferences in prestigious institutions such as Biennale di Architettura di Venezia, Experimenta Biennale in Lisbon, design fairs in Milan, Valencia, Hong Kong and Sao Paulo.

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TEACHER: Tiago Miranda

Born in Portugal but raised in an international environment. Three continents and eleven countries later, adaptation skills, negotiating complex environments and broad-mindedness have become innate aptitudes.

Founder & facilitator/host at Design for Europe. Design for Europe is a network of laboratories in european universities in which students from different cultures and backgrounds solve local social problems through the interdisciplinary creative process of Design Thinking.

Member of Edgeryders. Edgeryders provides Open consulting: expert ad-

vice powered by ad hoc networks of citizen experts. We rally to your problem the brightest innovators, hackers and trailblazers, driving change at the edge of society. Think of us as a big red “Bring on the hackers” button.

Worked 2 years at Soulsight, a strategic design consultancy based in Madrid specialised in service and organisational design. As a strong believer in the of the integration of organisations and societies, he was responsible for the company’s social initiative: Soulmatters.

He is also the co-organiser of Creative Mornings Madrid, a free monthly breakfast lecture series for creative types. His greatest hobby is what he calls culture sharing and he literally incarnates the Cookie Monster in a human body. FYI: a social designer generates social development through products, services and organisational design.

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Il Carrello:The workshop is thought to be the second phase of the Il Carrello project where the research previously made is brought to a production state. The designers will have to start from their design research and propose a new design of a product, accessory or environment and physical prototype it. At the end each proposal has to be presented in terms of feasibility and cost efficiency.

Design Thinking:There are two main objectives. First is that the students get an overall understanding of how the creative process of design thinking works so that they can put it to use for future projects. The second main objective is to work on a real project/challenge with a client Ciszak Dalmas, the creators of Il Carrello, in order to develop new ideas from different perspectives: communication, strategy, conceptual and product.


Il Carrello:- Student presentation: each group previously formed during the Design Thinking classes will show their conclusion regarding the design opportunity on Il Carrello project and present the idea for a new product, accessory or improvement of an existing one to design and prototype during the workshop;- Collective brainstorming and definition of the design goals;- Separate group tutorials, list of materials and processes;- Design workshop and prototyping;- Presentation.

Design Thinking:This is a very practical, hands-on program. We will go through the different design thinking phases focusing on the challenge that a real client has. This approach not only puts the person at the center of our work, but it also taps into Creativity enabling us to develop different solutions.

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Workshop Contents

Il Carrello:1. Design research and critical approach;2. Product, material and processes description;3. Prototyping;4. Open Hardware, DIY vs DIFY, Digital Fabrication;5. Principles the good design in 2014;

Design Thinking:- First day (3h): Intro Design Thinking (Thoery) + Case StudyGlobal understanding of the DT processQuestions & Answers

- Second day (2h): Understanding & ObservationUnderstanding the challenge, deconstruction and framing itWhy Design Research is fundamental? How to do it? What are the tools?

- Third day (2h): Discovering + IdeationPresenting desktop research and in-field researchIdentifying patterns and insights. Creating a Persona. Formulating questions.Ideation session and organizing content.

- Fourth day (2h Com & Stra / 3h Euron & Prod): Prototype & ValidationStrengthening idea and visual storytelling Iteration and improvement after validating with users

- Last day (3h): Final presentationPitch & prototype

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Established Dated

Case Study II: “Il Carrello” - 4 Masters of Design and Innovation- Thursday 6th of March, 10:00 - 13:00

Design Thinking - Strategic Design Labs- Friday 14th of March, 10:00 - 12:00- Monday 24th of March, 10:00 - 12:00- Friday 28th of March, 10:00 - 12:00

Design Thinking - European Design Labs- Monday 17th of March, 10:00 - 12:00- Wednesday 19th of March, 10:00 - 12:00

Il Carrello - European Design Labs- Monday 28th of April, 10:00 - 13:00 (Prototype Development) - Monday 5th of May, 15:00 - 18:00 (Prototype Development)

Design Thinking - Product Design Labs- Wednesday 26th of March, 15:00 - 17:00- Wednesday, 2nd of April, 15:00 - 17:00

Il Carrello - Product Design Labs- Monday 28th of April, 10:00 - 13:00 (Prototype Development) - Monday 5th of May, 15:00 - 18:00 (Prototype Development)

Design Thinking - Communication Design Labs- Thursday 27th of March, 10:00 - 12:00- Monday 31st of March, 10:00 - 12:00- Wednesday 2nd of April, 10:00 - 12:00

Il Carrelo: Project Presentation - 4 Masters of Design and Innovation- Tuesday 6th of May, 10:00 - 13:00

* Please bear in mind that dates may change.

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Related Bibliography and Contents

Suggested by Tiago:- Books:Design Research: Methods and Perspective (Brenda Laurel – MIT Press)This is Service Design Thinking (Mark Stickdorn – Wiley) Change by Design (Tim Brown – Harper Business) Building Social Business (Muhammad Yunus – Perseus Distribuition)

- Articles: Design Thinking for social innovation (http://www.ideo.com/by-ideo/de-sign-thinking-for-social-innovation-in-stanford-social-innovation-review)Drop the Design-Thinking Crutches (http://dschool.stanford.edu/fellows-hips/2014/02/28/drop-the-design-thinking-crutches/)

- Websites:www.servicedesigntools.org

- Talks:Change by Design (http://www.ted.com/talks/tim_brown_on_creativity_and_play.html)Breakthrough designs for ultra-low-cost products (http://www.ted.com/talks/r_a_mashelkar_breakthrough_designs_for_ultra_low_cost_products.html)Simple designs to save a life (http://www.ted.com/talks/amy_smith_shares_simple_lifesaving_design.html)

Suggested by Andrea:- How To Build Modern Furniture, Mario Dal Fabbro- Autoprogettazione, Enzo Mari- Madera Focus- Makers - The New Industrial Revolution, Chris Anderson- Open Source Furnitures Mozilla- Open Design Focus- Design fai da te, Recession Design- The Long Tail, Chris Anderson

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Materials and Equipment

Il Carrello:Hand sketching Wood, metal components and workshop machinery

Design Thinking:Brains, motivated/curious indiduals, AND, flip-charts, murals, printed mate-rial, scissors, glue, pencils, crayons, markers...

Evaluation Criteria

Il Carrello:- Quality and coherency of the critical approach on first day presentation;- Prototyping skills;- Quality of result and public presentation;The overall evaluation will be made during the final presentation together with the rest of the Design Thinking subject.

Design Thinking:The evaluation will be done by the all the people attending the final presentation. Every person has 1 vote to be asigned by master. This means that there will be 4 winning teams, 1 from each master.

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Design ThinkingMasters of Design and Innovation

Cross-Curricular Workshop2014
