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Me 215 Ch 6 Fatigue 11310

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CHAPTER 6FATIGUE PROPERTIES OF MATERIALSME 215Machine parts are rarely loaded in simple manner as the specimensin a tensile or torsion test where load is usually constant or very slowly varyingThe machine parts in real life are often subjected to loads and stresses that varywith time either in magnitude or in direction.In tensile (or compressive) tests of materials, loading usually starts from zero and gradually goes up to a maimum value where material no longer can resist the internal stresses and fails !fractures around ultimate strength ("u) of material before the load is removed. This type of failure is called the static failure.In such tests, material is loaded only once but up to the ultimate limit ("u) of the strength. #ife of the material is therefore only half cycle of the loading.If we were to load the material up to a point half the elastic limit (or ultimate strength) and then remove the load material would not fail!fracture and a second, third or more (n cycle) loading$unloading would be possible. The life of the material then would be %n& cycle of the loading until it fractures!fails.In such type of loadings where the actual stresses are usually lower than ultimate strength of the material, failure will not happen in the first cycle of loading and will ta'e time. (fter a certain number of cycles of loading, material would fail and the number of cycles to thefailure would therefore be called the life of the part.This 'ind of failures with a certain number of life cycles is thencalled the %fatigue failure.The fatigue failure starts generally at stress levels below the elastic limit of the material and result in an unepected fracture of the component.Therefore, in engineering life it is important that we care more about fatigue failure than static failure since most of machine parts are re)uired to have a certain life with stress level well below the ultimate strength (even below elastic strength/limit) FATIGUE EXAMPLESA shaft fatigue failureA bolt fatigue failureWelded art fatigue failure!orward"bac#ward bendingA gear teeth fatigue failure $$$ A ship body fatigue failure*atigue failure account for about +, - of part failure in engineering and occurs in parts subjected to fluctuating loads.enerally, fatigue fractures occurs as a result of crac' which usually start at some discontinuity in the material, or at other stress concentration location, and then gradually grow under repeated application of load.(s the crac' grows, the stress on the load$bearing cross$section increase until it reaches a high enough level to cause catastrophic fracture of the part%rac# initiation%rac# growthsmooth areas!racturerough areas&each mar#s*racture surface which usually ehibits smooth areas which correspond to the gradual crac' growth stage, and rough areas, which correspond to the catastrophic fracture stage.The smooth parts of the fracture surface usually ehibit beach mar's which occurs as a result of changes in the magnitude of the fluctuating fatigue load.*atigue behavior of materials is usually described by means of a diagram called "$/ diagram which gives the number of cycles to failure (/ ) as a function of the ma applied alternating stress ("a)BASI !EFI"ITI#"SThe ti$e depe%de%t stresses causing fatigue failure &a% be &lassi'ed i%to t(o $ai% groups)oA) *a%do$ stresses+'g. b,.(no regular form or reetition e'ists)o&) o%sta%t a$plitude a%d o%sta%t fre-ue%&y stresses +'g. a,(a reeating form of the stress e'ists)BASI !EFI"ITI#"SA) *a%do$ stresses)The ti$e .ariatio% of su&h stresses does %ot follo( a de'%ite patter%. The a$plitude of the /u&tuati%g stress &ha%ges together (ith its fre-ue%&y.A ra%do$ stress is &hara&terised by a &o%ti%uous &ha%ge i% a$plitude a%d fre-ue%&y so that i%sta%ta%eous .alues ha.e %o $ea%i%g.BASI !EFI"ITI#"S&) o%sta%t a$plitude a%d &o%sta%t fre-ue%&y stresses These are spe&ial &ase of ra%do$ stresses (ith a si%usoid (a.e for$.oAlter%ati%g stresses +rotati%g shaft e0a$ple1,oFlu&tuati%gstresses +%o regular diagra$1,o*epeated stresses +bet(ee% 2ero a%d pea3 .alue1,BASI !EFI"ITI#"S(egarding reeating (non"random) stresses there are some basic arameters to #ee in mind)oS$a0 Ma0i$u$ stress) The stress ha.i%g the highest algebri& .alue i% the stress &y&le. Te%sile stress bei%g &o%sidered positi.e a%d &o$pressi.e stress %egati.e.oS$i%4 Mi%i$u$ stress) The stress ha.i%g the lo(est algebri& .alue i% the stress &y&le."m, Mean stress0 The average of "ma and "min."M0("M(12"MI/)!3"r , 4ange of stress0 The difference between the ma and min stresses in one cycle."r0"ma$"min"a , "tress amplitude0 5ne half of range of stress."a6("r!3)67("ma$"min)!38BASI !EFI"ITI#"S9hile the amplitude of a sinusoidal (non$random) stress is easily measured , the amplitude of a random stress can only be epressed and measured as the average of the instantaneous amplitudes over a certain time period.:lassic eamples of random stress producing loading conditions are sea waves, atmospheric disturbances and road induced vibrations in ground vehicles.FATIGUE P*#ESS STAGESFatigue failure pro&ess is basi&ally a $i&ros&opi& pro&ess. The i%itiatio% a%d progress of fatigue pro&ess depe%s upo% the $i&ros&opi& .ariables The fatigue pro&ess &o%sists of .arios stages asfollo(s)o*A5 I"ITIATI#"oSTAGE 6 *A5 G*#7T8oSTAGE 9 *A5 G*#7T8 oF*ATU*E123%rac# initiation%rac# growth*tage 1 + 2fracture123%rac# initiation%rac# growth*tage 1 + 2fractureFATIGUE P*#ESS STAGESra&3 i%itatio%)The progressi.e4 lo&ali2ed4 per$a%e%t stru&tural &ha%ge (hi&h i%itiates fatigue failure is the :microplasticity.Mi&roplasti&ity is the o%set of plasti&ity at $i&ros&opi& le.el (hile $aterial is still %o$i%ally elasti&;oThe usual $ethod of $i&roplasti& defor$atio% i% $etals is by slidi%g of blo&3s of &rystal grai% o.er o%ea%other4 li3e a de&3 of &ards. oThe e0te%t of the plasti& /o( is li$ited by the surrou%di%g elastic matrix. o7he% the load or stress is re$o.ed4 ba&3 stresses arisi%g fro$ the elasti& $atri0 for&e the plasti& defor$atio% to retur% to their orgi%al state. o#% high stresses, the elasti& $atri04 ho(e.er4 &a%%ot restore the plasti& /o( a%d a $i&roplasti& defor$atio% starts at &rystal grai% le.el.FATIGUE P*#ESS STAGESFATIGUE P*#ESS STAGESThis phenomenon of microplastic deformation is called ;deformation by slip and involves three important consideration0o"lip planeso4esolved shear stresso:ritical "hear "tressFATIGUE P*#ESS STAGESStage 6 &ra&3 gro(th)The persistent slip bands are embryonic fatigue crac's.( series of intrusions and etrusions are developed during load cyclingwhich are peculiar to the fatigue process. 5ne simple eplanation of crac' formation that suggests itself is that these etrusions and intrusions build up a notch FATIGUE P*#ESS STAGESThe initial crac's form along the slip planes and usually at clevage>planes from grain to grain and maintains a general direction perpendicular to the maimum tensile stressFATIGUE P*#ESS STAGESoGe%eral dire&tio% of &ra&3s is perpe%di&ular to the $a0i$u$ te%sile stress as see% i% a bifra&ture e0a$plesFATIGUE P*#ESS STAGES o%sideri%g the life of parts4 fatigue pro&ess $ay be di.ided i%to t(o $ai% &atogories o% the S
